Sauerkraut recipes are very tasty. Tender cabbage pickled with honey. Crispy delicious cabbage with vodka

Sauerkraut is known to all readers. The most delicious is the one made with your own hands at home. You can buy cabbage at the market or grow it in your garden. If in ancient Rus' it was cooked in barrels, then modern people Now they are storing it in jars for the winter.

Sauerkraut is a fairly common way of preparing everyone’s favorite cabbage for the winter. You can ferment by shredded method, pieces and large or small plates. The quality of the product depends on the amount of salt. Oversalting and undersalting impairs the quality of fermentation. Knowing the middle and being able to compare the mass (volume) of cabbage by eye with the amount of salt is the highest skill.

Very tasty sauerkraut, quick cooking for the winter, in jars

You are invited to view a simple recipe for sauerkraut, crispy cabbage, which always turns out.

You will need:

Preparing the recipe:

Shred fresh cabbage with a knife, as in the photo.

Sprinkle salt on the eye and a little sugar.

Mash the cabbage with your hands so that it becomes soft and releases its juice.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Mix with your hands and squeeze again between your palms. We also put the coarsely broken one here. Bay leaf and peppercorns. Mix.

Place the cabbage into clean jars with your hands and compact with your fist.

We put cabbage to the top of the jar and see

that the cabbage had already given enough juice and rubbing it with your hands gave a positive result.

Place the jars of cabbage in plates and leave them on the table for 36 hours. Then close the lids and put in a cool place. After 3 days, the cabbage is ready to eat.

Open the lid, put it on a plate, chop the onion, pour oil and enjoy the delicious and healthy salad from sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut is delicious! Try it!

Sauerkraut - a quick way to prepare it in 3 liter jars, for the winter


  • Fresh cabbage
  • 3 carrots per 3 liter jar
  • For the brine: 1 tbsp. spoon of table food ground rock salt(heaped), 1 tbsp sugar, 800 ml boiling water

Preparation of the recipe - Sauerkraut:

Please note that we chop the carrots, not grate them. When sliced, it looks original.

If you don't have a special cutting board, just use a knife to cut it into thin strips.

We cut the head of cabbage into quarters and then cut the quarter using a special board for cutting vegetables. It turns out a beautiful thin straw.

Cut the cabbage in batches: Cut the cabbage, put it in a bowl, add the carrots, mix and put it in a jar. This is the sequence.

Add carrots to your taste. Here's a bowl with ready-made chopped cabbage. Please note that there is no need to crush and rub the cabbage between your palms.

We put it in a jar and try to pack it tightly.

To do this, compact it with your fingers and fist.

This way we collected a full 3 liter jar of cabbage.

Now you need to prepare the cabbage filling in a jar. Place 1 tbsp in a measuring cup. a spoonful of salt and 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Pour 800 ml of boiling water and stir.

Carefully pour this volume of filling into the cabbage in the jar.

If this volume of filling is not enough for you, then we repeat the process of creating the filling in the same way as before: again add 1 tbsp. spoon of salt and sugar and

pour 800 ml of boiling water, stir.

And add a secondary batch of filling to the jar to the very top.

Place the jar of cabbage in a deep bowl so that during fermentation, water does not get on the table or floor. At room temperature The cabbage will ferment for 1 - 2 days. As a result of fermentation, gas will be released and it needs to be helped to come out.

During the fermentation process, you need to approach and squeeze the gas out of the cabbage by pressing deeply with a long object. After 2 - 3 days, put the cabbage with the lid closed in the refrigerator. or another cool place. Our sauerkraut is ready.

Cabbage for the winter - a classic way to make sauerkraut, video recipe

In the past, cabbage was fermented in barrels in this way, without adding water, but only adding salt.

Sauerkraut with vodka - and this is, indeed, a delicious recipe for the winter

What you will need for a 3 liter jar:

  • White cabbage
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Carrots and cumin - to taste
  • Vodka – 100 ml

Preparing the recipe:

Shred white cabbage, salt, add a little coarsely grated carrots and cumin. There is no need to rub it with your hands.

Place the cabbage and carrots in a 3-liter jar and press tightly without compacting.

Heat 2 plastic lids, one single-edged and one double-edged, in hot water. Bend the first lid in half and stick it into the neck, straighten the lid on the cabbage, it should fit tightly. Close the second lid. Place it in the cellar or on the balcony.

After 10 days, remove the cabbage, remove the lids and pierce the center with a clean wooden stick. Let it stand for 2 hours, then remove the stick. Pour 2 tbsp into the cavity in the cabbage. spoons of sugar and pour in 100 ml of vodka. Close the jar with a lid and leave in the cellar for another 2 days.

The cabbage is ready. It turned out crispy and very tasty. In such a volume, the alcohol will be lost and unnoticeable, and during long-term storage it will completely disappear. There is no need to be afraid, after 3 - 5 days of sauerkraut, the cabbage will be harmless to everyone.

Sauerkraut with beets and horseradish

You will need for a 3 liter jar:

  • 2 - 2.5 kg - cabbage
  • 3 tbsp. spoons - salt
  • 3 - 5 pcs. - black peppercorns
  • 3 - 5 pcs. - allspice peas
  • 4 - 5 tbsp. spoon - sugar
  • 2 - 3 buds - carnations
  • 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons - grated horseradish
  • 1 PC. - small beets
  • Garlic, black ground pepper- taste

Preparing the recipe:

Place 3 on the bottom - liter cans peppercorns, cloves, grated horseradish. Place sliced ​​cabbage, sliced ​​beets in layers in a jar, adding salt and sugar and adding garlic and ground pepper. Compact each layer with a masher.

Place the jars in a warm place for 3 days. Place plates under the jars, as liquid may leak out during fermentation. Don't forget to pierce the contents with a wooden stick.

After fermentation is complete, remove the jars of cabbage to the cold.

Sauerkraut with rye bread


  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Beet
  • Bay leaf, cumin seeds
  • 1/4 loaf rye bread

Cooking method:

Chop cabbage, carrots, beets (you can do without them), add bay leaves, cumin seeds, and salt to taste. Mix everything.

Place 1/4 loaf of rye bread on the bottom of the container and place chopped vegetables on top. Prick several times with a wooden stick.

After 3 days, put it in the cold.

Sauerkraut with raisins

Required Products:

  • Cabbage, carrots, raisins - in any ratio

Method for preparing the recipe - Sauerkraut:

  1. Chop the prepared cabbage.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Rinse the raisins.
  4. Place everything in an enamel pan and stir. Cover the top with the whole cabbage leaf and place the load.
  5. After 3 days, the cabbage should be removed to a cool place.
  6. After 2 weeks, the cabbage is ready to eat.

Do you know how to make delicious sauerkraut? You need to prepare in advance for sauerkraut season. Therefore, I will show you a recipe for very tasty homemade sauerkraut. I got it from my grandmother, so there is no doubt about its correctness.

Homemade sauerkraut turns out very tasty, you'll just lick your fingers! The recipe has been tested for so many years!

Today you can find many various options her preparations. My method can be considered classic - it turns out tasty and crispy. A portion of sunflower oil and chopped onions will turn it into a divine dish.

Sauerkraut for the winter at home - how much salt

The main question that interests all housewives. This is really important. If you add salt, the dish will not be tasty. If you don’t report it, then everything will turn sour. The classic norm is 1 level tablespoon per 1 kilogram.

What you need to make sauerkraut

  1. Winter cabbage . Summer varieties not suitable for pickling. I choose flat, flattened “specimens” that look like cabbage rolls. They are exactly what you need for fermentation, they won’t let you down.
  2. Salt. Regular stone, but not sea or iodized. There is no need for unpleasant surprises in this matter.
  3. Carrot. Grated on a Korean grater, it will give the finished dish an appetizing appearance and pleasant taste.
  4. Black and allspice peppercorns . I definitely add it for taste and piquancy.
  5. Hot pepper in pods. Ingredient optional, for those who like it “spicier”.
  6. Bay leaf. A small amount of it will add its own touch of taste.
  7. Dill seeds. At will for an amateur. Some people can't imagine the taste without it.

When is the best time to salt cabbage in October 2017

The best time for pickling is when the Moon is waxing. You should not neglect this rule, so as not to look for the reason for the failure later. Therefore we arm ourselves lunar calendar and select dates. In October these days are October 1-3 and October 23-31.

Number of products

  • Shredded cabbage mass – 1 kg
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Rock salt – 1 tbsp. without top
  • A few peas of black and allspice
  • Bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.
  • Dill seeds and hot pepper (optional)

Grandma's way of pickling crispy cabbage

Tip: At this stage, if desired, you can add cranberries, thinly sliced ​​apples or bell peppers.

  • Add pepper, bay leaf and dill seeds.
  • Transfer to glass or enamel dishes. This could be a glass jar, an enamel pan. Aluminum cookware not suitable for these purposes.
  • Now the main thing is to compact the vegetable mixture very tightly into the bowl. Help yourself with your fist or a pusher, as you wish. Place the mixture as tightly as possible; when pressed, juice should appear.

Advice: hands and work utensils must be clean, otherwise bacteria and microorganisms may enter.

  • Cover the top with a saucer or plate and cover with gauze to prevent debris or midges from getting in. Place something heavy on top as a weight. This could be a jar of water, cereal, or a special clean stone for such purposes (oppression).
  • Leave in a warm place for two to three days. The dishes need to be placed in a bowl, because the fermentation process will begin and the juice may overflow. If foam appears, it means you did everything right. It must be removed with a clean spoon and the contents of the dish pierced thin stick twice a day. Don't let it scare you bad smell fermentation, that's how it should be.

Advice: be sure to pierce, otherwise everything will be ruined.

As you can see, nothing complicated. You just need to know some of the subtleties that I talked about. It will work out excellent dish, it can be added to vinaigrette, cabbage soup, cabbage solyanka, salads. Try it, cook with us, and you will succeed in at its best! See you soon, I look forward to your visit!

Discussion: 5 comments

    Sauerkraut is very healthy; I always prepare a couple of three-liter jars for the winter. This year I bought a wooden tub of 10 liters, I will experiment, they say it tastes better in wood.


    1. Post your results, Alevtina. Let everything work out perfectly!


    Your recipe turned out wonderful cabbage! That’s how I felt that the waxing moon and it was time to ferment the cabbage)))) But it was like this: I was standing there, chopping the cabbage “to stew,” and then I really tasted it sauerkraut felt it, and seasoned with homemade aromatic sunflower oil... mmm.. I wanted it so bad! I remembered that I saw your recipe, and went to look at it) And for new cabbage At the same time, I stewed the chopped one) And bought some fresh butter at the market. And today, after three days, our crispy cabbage is ready! Cheers cheers! I went with boiled potatoes, no, I just flew away) But there’s also something left to hide in the refrigerator)))) Thanks for the details and subtleties, it seems like there’s nothing complicated, but useful tips You gave. And everything worked out as it should) And last season I proper cabbage The fermented one came out only a couple of times, and the rest of the times it was either too soft or over-salted. And this one is just right! I hope it will always work out now ;)


    1. It's always nice when a recipe turns out well. Come visit :)


    The most important thing in salting cabbage is absolutely not to salt it during the full moon.


Many housewives make all kinds of preparations for the winter. And how can you do without sauerkraut? After all, it is not only incredibly healthy, but also delicious. There are many recipes for its preparation, but every time the question arises: “How to make sauerkraut?” In our article we will present the most best recipes.

Which recipe should I choose?

Perhaps one of universal blanks is sauerkraut. Recipes for a 3-liter jar are the most popular, since it is most convenient to ferment in such a container.

Currently, there are a lot of recipes, but among them you need to choose the option you like best. After all, every housewife dreams that as a result of her labors she will get the most delicious sauerkraut. Recipes for a 3-liter jar allow you to prepare enough for a small family. Nowadays it is no longer customary to ferment in barrels or buckets, as our grandmothers did. Modern housewives prefer to make another batch of fresh cabbage rather than store it in the pantry. Moreover, there are no conditions for this in the apartment.

Of course, classic sauerkraut is the most common, but there are many other options for its preparation. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Classic recipe in brine

How to prepare sauerkraut correctly? Recipes for a 3-liter jar allow you to accurately maintain all proportions. So, to prepare classic version we need:

  1. Two kilograms of cabbage.
  2. Several medium-sized carrots.
  3. Water - 1.5 liters.
  4. Two spoons of salt.
  5. Black pepper (peas).
  6. Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.

The cabbage is finely chopped, and the carrots are peeled and grated. Mix the chopped vegetables and transfer them to a three-liter jar. Now you need to prepare the brine. To do this, mix sugar and salt, add black pepper. If you wish, you can add some more spices. Pour in the resulting mixture warm water and stir until the components are completely dissolved. Pour the finished brine into a three-liter jar. We tie the neck with a piece of gauze folded several times. Simple sauerkraut takes two to three days to prepare. During this time, it is advisable to open the jar several times and try to mix its contents. This will allow the resulting gases to escape. If this is not done in time, the cabbage may simply go rotten. When using this recipe, the product turns out soft with a slight sourness.

Traditional option

Thinking about how to do sauerkraut, it is worth remembering that it can be prepared without using brine. Moreover, the result obtained is no worse than when using the first recipe. However taste qualities will be different. Which option you prefer depends on your preferences.


  1. Two kilograms of cabbage.
  2. Five spoons (tablespoons) of salt.
  3. A few carrots.

Finely chop the cabbage, peel and grate the carrots. Mix the crushed ingredients thoroughly and transfer to a bowl. After adding salt, we begin to knead the products with our hands or using a mortar. As soon as the first juice appears, you need to transfer the vegetables into a three-liter jar. Due to the fact that we have thoroughly mashed the cabbage and carrots, we will end up with a far from full jar. To make the cabbage tasty and aromatic, you can add your favorite spices. Cover the jar with gauze and wait a couple of days. For several days, it is necessary to mix the ingredients, ridding them of gases. Only in this case will you get delicious sauerkraut. The recipes for a 3-liter jar given in our article allow you to accurately follow the proportions to obtain best result. Cabbage prepared in this way turns out crispy and does not give off sourness.

Sauerkraut with sugar and salt

How to prepare sauerkraut with sugar and salt. The recipe is quite simple. To prepare we will need:

  1. A large head of cabbage.
  2. Salt and spices to taste.
  3. A tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Several medium carrots.

For cooking we need a large bowl. The cabbage should be chopped into very thin strips. Then add sugar, salt and knead it thoroughly with your hands. Grate the carrots and place them in a bowl. Mix the ingredients and add dry dill and cumin. Then we transfer the products into a three-liter jar and compact it firmly.

Then close the container nylon cover and send it to a warm place for three days. You need to place a plate under the jar. For three days, it is necessary to pierce the cabbage with a wooden splinter, freeing it from gases. After the specified time has passed, the jar can be stored in a cool place, for example, in a basement.

Cabbage with honey

When wondering how to make sauerkraut, do not neglect original recipes. Very tasty and at the same time useful preparation obtained by using honey. The resulting brine can even be drunk by people suffering from gastritis.

To prepare, take:

  1. Two kilograms of cabbage.
  2. Liter of water.
  3. One carrot.
  4. Honey - 2.5 tablespoons (tablespoons).
  5. Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  6. Allspice.

Finely chop the cabbage and chop the carrots on a Korean grater. Mix the vegetables and lightly crush with your hands. Now you can transfer them to a three-liter jar and compact them thoroughly. Next, prepare the marinade. IN hot water add salt and honey, let the solution cool slightly and pour it into the bowl with the cabbage. We place the jar in a deep plate, since during the fermentation process excess liquid will overflow the edges of the vessel. We leave the jar in a warm place in the kitchen for several days, not forgetting to pierce the cabbage daily with a sharp knife (to remove gases). After a day, the workpiece can be put in the refrigerator.

Spicy cabbage with honey

Delicious sauerkraut is obtained by using additional spices or products. If you love spices, you can prepare a spicy preparation with the addition of honey. Before fermenting cabbage, you need to prepare the brine. To do this, add one and a half tablespoons of salt and the same amount of honey to a liter of hot water. In addition, add ½ teaspoon each of dill, caraway and anise seeds. Stir the ingredients until completely dissolved and let the solution cool slightly. Meanwhile, let's prepare the vegetables. Shred cabbage (a two-kilogram head) and several medium carrots. We crush the chopped vegetables with our hands and transfer them to a jar.

After this, you can pour the marinade over the cabbage. We leave the jar in the kitchen for one day. After 24 hours the workpiece is ready. A quick sauerkraut recipe allows you to get finished product in a day. Now the snack can be put in the refrigerator and used as needed. This recipe allows you to add rowan berries, grapes or green apples, cranberries to obtain a wide variety of flavors.

Country-style sauerkraut

Delicious sauerkraut is obtained using an old village recipe.


  1. Large cabbage for two to three kilograms.
  2. Cold water - 700 ml.
  3. One carrot.
  4. A tablespoon of honey.
  5. Salt to taste.
  6. Allspice.
  7. Bay leaf.

Shred the cabbage and chop the carrots on a grater (you can use a grater to Korean carrots). Place the prepared vegetables in a saucepan or bowl, add salt, bay leaf, pepper and knead the ingredients with your hands. Next, transfer the cabbage into a three-liter jar, compact it thoroughly and pour cold water. It must be left to ferment for two days in a warm place. After the specified time, all the brine is drained.

Place the cabbage in a bowl and allow it to drain; before doing this, you can squeeze it slightly to remove the liquid. Place the workpiece in a three-liter jar, and add honey to the brine. The mixture must be stirred until the honey is completely dissolved. After this, pour the marinade over the cabbage and leave it warm for another day. After 24 hours, the jar can be placed in the refrigerator or other cool place. After three days, the dish can be served.

Express recipe

If you are planning a holiday or feast, then crispy cabbage can become perfect snack. Yes, the only trouble is to get ready dish it won't happen quickly. It will take several days for the leaven to ferment.

In such cases, a recipe for quick sauerkraut is very helpful. It is very simple, and the result will certainly please you.


  1. Large head of cabbage (2.5-3 kg).
  2. Two carrots.
  3. Two tablespoons of salt.

To prepare the marinade:

  1. Glass of water.
  2. Sugar - 100 g.
  3. Sunflower oil - ½ cup.
  4. Vinegar - ½ cup.
  5. 10 black peppercorns.
  6. Bay leaf - 10 pcs.

Shred the cabbage and chop the carrots. Then, in a deep bowl, mash the workpiece with the addition of salt until the juice appears. Prepare the marinade in a small saucepan. To do this, mix all the above ingredients and bring them to a boil. Pour the hot solution over the vegetables and let cool slightly.

After this, carefully compact the cabbage, cover it with a plate on top, placing pressure on it (this can be the floor liter jar water). We put the jar in the refrigerator, and within a day your snack is ready. Cabbage prepared according to this recipe is incredibly tasty. But it is not recommended for use by people for whom acetic acid is contraindicated.

Cabbage with beets: ingredients

Bright and tasty sauerkraut with beets claims to be a table decoration. Amazing quick recipe will help busy housewives cook good snack, having spent minimal amount time.


  1. Cabbage - 5 kg.
  2. Beetroot - 2 pcs.
  3. Garlic - 2 heads.
  4. Hot pepper - 2 pcs.

For brine (based on three liters of water):

  1. Sugar - 110 g.
  2. Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  4. Allspice - 10 pcs.
  5. 1/3 cup vinegar.

Recipe for sauerkraut with beets

Chop the peeled pepper and garlic. Raw beets cut into thin strips. Cut the cabbage into squares (for example, 3 by 3 centimeters in size). Place all ingredients in layers in any bowl: cabbage, peppers with garlic, beets and repeat layers. Next, prepare the brine.

Add sugar and salt to boiling water, let the solution cool and only then pour in acetic acid. Fill the vegetables with the solution so that it completely covers the workpiece. We put pressure on top, otherwise the cabbage will start to float. After four days, the snack is ready. Beautiful colour attracts housewives the very next day, but it is believed that the dish will acquire its full aroma and taste on the fourth day.

Cooking secrets

Crispy sauerkraut is every housewife's dream. Despite the fact that everyone uses the same recipes, in some unknown way the results are different. What is the reason? Probably every housewife has her own little secrets that she doesn’t reveal to anyone.

As you know, sauerkraut is a traditional Russian dish. Previously, cabbage was harvested in huge quantities so that there would be enough big family until spring. At present, we do not need such a quantity of blanks. For modern housewives enough small quantity. After all, you can always prepare a fresh portion. For this reason, all recipes are designed for using three-liter jars. These dishes are very convenient and do not take up much space in the refrigerator.

Despite the changed realities, you can still use old grandmother's tricks when cooking. It has long been believed that housewives should ferment cabbage only on “women’s” days - Saturday and Wednesday (Wednesday was considered the best day). If a man takes charge of the preparation, then the business should only be started on a “men’s” day.

Crispy sauerkraut is obtained if you buy white heads of cabbage, without dry leaves. It's good when the stalk is a little cracked. This indicates the juiciness of the cabbage.

The workpiece is considered ready when the brine becomes transparent. After this, the sauerkraut must be put in a cool place. For cooking, you can use pressure, but it should not be metal. Also, pay attention to the liquid level in the jar. If the top layer of cabbage is not covered with brine, it can disappear and ruin the entire preparation.

How much salt should you put in?

Very often, novice housewives have a number of questions regarding how sauerkraut is prepared. How much salt per kg of cabbage should be put, for example? It all depends on the recipe. As a rule, the proportions for preparation are calculated for a three-liter jar, which can hold from 2 to 2.5 kilograms of cabbage. This means there is less than a tablespoon of salt per kilogram of vegetables. Experienced experts recommend not to get carried away with it. Over time, you will decide on your taste preferences through experience.

Instead of an afterword

In general, it is worth noting that sauerkraut is a dish that even the most inexperienced housewives. To prepare it you do not need colossal knowledge and skills. And compliance exact proportions will allow you to get a good result.

Take a large WHITE head of cabbage. Young green cabbage no good! Shred into thin, long strips. The smaller, the better. We don’t chop the stalk =) Many housewives have special shredders, but I use a sharp Japanese knife to cut cutting board. We put all this in a bowl or pan. Then add a couple of juicy carrots on a coarse grater and mix with your hands, pressing lightly.

We take a three-liter glass jar- I thought for a long time where to dig it up and... bought Tikhvinsky Apple Juice at Lenta for 89 rubles, which, moreover, turned out to be tastier than its analogues from cardboard bags. The juice was partially drunk with the family, and partially poured into a smaller container. I washed the jar and dried the inside thoroughly. Now you can put our cabbage-carrot mixture into it. We lay it as tightly as possible, constantly compacting it during the laying process. I used the most primitive puree masher for this. The final idea is to have a minimum of air and a maximum of cabbage in the jar. I deviated from the classics and added raw beets grated on a coarse grater to the mixture.

Time to prepare the brine. Attention, the recipe is very complicated! Take 1 liter of cold filtered water and dissolve 2 tbsp in it. l. coarse salt and 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Under no circumstances take newfangled salts (iodized and low sodium). Also avoid salt that contains an anti-caking agent (it won’t hurt overnight!). Slowly pour the brine into a three-liter jar. If you filled the jar tightly, the brine will seep out slowly, and this is correct. The liquid should rise to the edge of the jar. If there is not enough, pour more filtered water into a glass, add a teaspoon of salt, stir and fill the jar to the top! Voila! Now we put the three-liter jar in some bowl or plate with high edges, and place it solemnly in the kitchen or in another warm place for several days. Do not place on drafts or window sills!

Next is the most important thing! The next day, or even earlier, the cabbage will begin to ferment. “Air” bubbles will begin to form in the jar, and the brine will begin to pour out of the jar (remember, we put the jar in a bowl?). Your task is to pierce the cabbage, releasing air from the jar, and pour back the escaped brine. It is convenient to pierce with a knitting needle, I don’t have one and I sharpened the tip of a bamboo needle with a knife Chinese stick from the sushi bar. Try to pierce the cabbage mass to the very bottom, enjoying the rapid release of bubbles to the surface! =) Without fanaticism! Do this as often as possible.

The fermentation process will take 3-4 days, and keep in mind - this is accompanied by characteristic odor=) As soon as air stops forming in the jar, the cabbage is ready! That is, you poke with a knitting needle, but there are no bubbles. I recommend transferring the treats into smaller jars, closing the lid and putting them in the refrigerator. The brine remains with the cabbage, do not throw it away! After cooling, place in a salad bowl, add thinly sliced ​​onion, aromatic, yellow sunflower oil and generously sprinkle with black pepper from the mill... a fork in one hand, a piece of Borodino bread in the other and... HOW TASTY IT IS!!!
By the way, sauerkraut contains great amount vitamins and minerals. Personally, my grandmother was saved from hepatitis in 1943 ONLY thanks to sauerkraut! And in Rus' it replaced any multivitamin complex all winter =) Bon appetit and be healthy!
P.S. And another interesting point! People suffering from gastritis and high acidity, fresh cabbage contraindicated. But sauerkraut goes without problems in any quantities =) Tested personally! The exception is buying cabbage from grandmothers or in supermarkets. In order not to wait 3-4 days, add to the brine vinegar essence, and this is already - “Hello, heartburn!” =)

Sauerkraut is very healthy. Almost everyone loves her. But not everyone ferments it themselves. Some people buy it at the market, others pass it on to others from their relatives. Today I will write a recipe for very tasty sauerkraut homemade. There is no difficulty in preparation; you don’t need a lot of ingredients either.

I sauerkraut in a three-liter jar. When it runs out, I do more. You can ferment in any glass container, wooden or enamel. If it is an enamel pan, then there should be no chips in it. You cannot ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket or stainless steel.

For sauerkraut, you need to use coarse salt that is NOT iodized. Iodized salt will make the cabbage soft and not crispy.

If desired, you can add various spices to the cabbage: black pepper, cumin, cloves, dill seeds. You can also add sour berries: cranberries, lingonberries and even sour fruits: apples, plums. But this is a matter of taste for every housewife. IN classic recipe Sauerkraut contains only cabbage, carrots, salt, and sugar.

Recipe for sauerkraut without brine.

For three-liter jar you need to take about 3.2 kg of cabbage. And one large carrots. Salt - 3 tbsp, sugar - 2 tbsp.

As for salt, the classic proportion is 20 grams. salt per 1 kg of cabbage. If you do not plan to store cabbage for a long time, then you can add less salt.

The cabbage should be firm, not loose, so that there is no bitterness in it.

The cabbage needs to be chopped.

Peel one carrot and grate on a coarse grater.

Place carrots in cabbage, add salt and sugar. Mix with your hands, while mashing the cabbage so that it releases the juice. But don't overdo it to keep the cabbage crispy. If you have a large basin, then you can mix all the cabbage and carrots in it, you can mix and knead in a bowl or right on the table.

Place all the prepared cabbage in a jar (or other container of your choice). When laying cabbage, it must be compacted tightly either by hand or with a wooden masher. No brine or water is needed, the cabbage will release its juice, which will be plenty.

Cover the filled jar with a dust cover or gauze. Place the jar in any container, because during fermentation the cabbage will release a lot of juice, which will flow out of the jar.

Leave the cabbage to ferment at room temperature for 3 days. After three days, close the jar with a lid and place it in the refrigerator or other cold place.

Twice a day during fermentation, the cabbage needs to be pierced with a stick until the very day (you can use a peeled birch twig) to release carbon dioxide. In this case, the juice level will drop.

Sauerkraut salad is delicious made with onions, seaweed. They make pies with it, vinaigrette, cabbage soup It is also stewed and fried. Bon appetit!

Recipe for delicious sauerkraut with brine.


  • water - 1.5 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc. large


This recipe for sauerkraut with brine. Due to the fact that the cabbage will be filled with brine, there is no need to mash it, as in the previous version.

First we prepare the brine. To do this, take one and a half liters of water, boil it, put 2 tbsp in the water. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Stir the brine until the sugar and salt dissolve. You need to put spices in hot water: bay leaf, black peppercorns (5-6 pcs.).

That's it, the brine is ready. Let it cool down.

Chop the cabbage, peel and grate the carrots. You can even use a Korean carrot grater, in which case the carrots will look beautiful. Mix the vegetables, but do not mash them. Vegetable mixture put it in a jar. There is no need to compact it strongly, as in the case of sourdough without brine. You need to leave room for the brine. Therefore, less cabbage is used for this option.

Cabbage is poured with cooled brine.

Important: do not fill hot water. Otherwise, the bacteria that ferment the cabbage will die. And cabbage can become moldy.

Next, place the jar in a bowl, because the brine will spill out during fermentation. You need to keep the cabbage warm for three days, piercing it with a wooden stick in the morning and evening to the very bottom to release carbon dioxide.

After three days, close the jar with a lid and refrigerate.

Bon appetit!

If you want to cook delicious pickled cabbage with beets, read.

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