Bread kvass. How to make delicious kvass at home. Bread kvass is useful. Stage II: preparing young kvass with sourdough

On hot days there is nothing better than cooling kvass. In addition to quenching thirst, it restores strength and gives vigor. Today's material is dedicated to those who want to know how to make real kvass from bread. As always, all actions are easily carried out at home and reinforced step by step instructions. Let's not delay, let's get started!

Homemade bread kvass for 3 liters: “classic”

  • filtered water - 3 l.
  • granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • dry yeast - 10 gr.
  • black bread crackers - 200 gr.

This recipe for bread kvass is considered a classic of the genre; anyone can easily make the drink at home.

1. Break the crackers into large pieces. If you have fresh bread on hand, you must first dry and break it.

2. Boil water in the amount according to the recipe, leave for 7 minutes to cool partially.

3. Prepare a 3 liter jar. Pour granulated sugar and breadcrumbs into it. Pour in water so that there is 5-7 cm left to the neck. Stir and let the contents cool.

4. When the solution reaches room temperature, add the yeast. Seal the container nylon cover. Wrap the bottle in an old sweatshirt or blanket. Time 12 hours (fermentation).

5. After a specified period of time, the drink will be ready. Pass it through gauze fabric folded in 4-5 layers. Cool and taste!

Now you know how to make kvass from bread that does not contain harmful substances. Agree, at home everything is as simple as shelling pears!

Alcoholic kvass from bread for 5 liters

  • bread crumbs - 300 gr.
  • filtered water - 5 l.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5-1 kg.
  • powdered yeast (dry) - 6 gr.
  • lemon - 3 gr.

1. Before making alcoholic bread kvass, you need to make sure you have crackers. They are easier to work with at home. But if there are no crackers, dry 0.5 kg. bread to get 0.3 kg. crackers.

3. Prepare a sieve or colander, lining it with 3-4 layers of gauze. Pass the composition with breadcrumbs through a filter, do not get rid of the cake. According to the recipe, you still have 2 liters left. water, they need to be boiled.

4. Place the soaked crackers from the colander back into the pan, add boiled water (2 liters). Cover and leave for a couple of hours. Pass the solution through cheesecloth again, this time discard the cake.

5. Read the instructions on the yeast to dissolve it. Usually they do this: pour the yeast into a bowl, add a small amount of water and leave for half an hour. During this time, the yeast is activated.

6. We will tell you further how to make kvass from bread. Now combine all the water (3 + 2 l.), enter activated yeast, lemon and granulated sugar in the amount of 500 g. Mix the ingredients, leave for 10-12 hours at home at room temperature. Do not cover the drink; just put several layers of gauze on the container.

7. After a couple of hours, check the drink; bubbles should form on its surface. This means that everything was done correctly. Next, wait for the final infusion and take a sample. If the strength is not enough, add another 300 grams. sugar and wait 6 hours.

8. Try again. If this time the kvass is weak, add the remaining 200 grams. sweetener and soak the kvass again for 5 hours. If desired, the amount of sand can be increased further, but this is not necessary.

9. If you are satisfied with everything, refrigerate the kvass for 7 hours to stop the fermentation process. After the specified time, the drink will be ready, all that remains is to filter it.

Kvass from bread without yeast

  • sugar - 0.3 kg.
  • unwashed raisins - 50 gr.
  • black bread - 0.5 kg.
  • water - 5 l.

Since making kvass from bread is quite simple, consider another recipe for making it at home.

1. Chop the bread into small pieces and dry in the oven. Make sure that the crackers do not burn. Otherwise, the drink will taste bitter.

2. After this, bring the water to a boil, add 250 g. granulated sugar and crackers. Stir. The finished wort needs to be cooled to 23-25 ​​degrees. Pour the mixture into a fermentation container.

3. The container should be approximately 85-90% full. Add raisins and mix everything well. Wrap the neck of the container with gauze. Store in a dark place at a temperature of no more than 23 degrees.

4. If raisins High Quality, then after 2 days the fermentation process will begin. After another 2 days, strain the drink through cheesecloth. Add the remaining sugar and stir.

5. Pour the drink into bottles, add 3 pieces to each. raisins Seal containers tightly with lids. Maintain the composition for about 10 hours in a dark room at room temperature.

6. After this, the drink should be kept refrigerated. After cooling, taste the bread kvass. Keep in mind that at home, the shelf life of a drink without yeast is only 4 days.

Bread kvass with yeast

  • pressed yeast - 20 gr.
  • water - 5 l.
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.
  • black bread - 0.5 kg.

Before making kvass from bread, it is worth noting that when preparing at home, the amount of sugar can be increased. Rely on your own taste.

1. Slice the bread and toast in the oven, do not let it burn. At the same time, boil water, then cool to room temperature. Pour the liquid into a fermentation container.

2. Add crackers to the container, cover with gauze and leave for 2 days in a dark place. Dissolve the yeast in a cup according to the instructions on the package. Pass the wort through cheesecloth and squeeze out the crackers.

3. Pour the prepared wort into a fermentation container. Add 200 gr. granulated sugar and yeast. Mix thoroughly. Cover the container with a loose lid. The gas should gradually come out.

4. Leave the workpiece in a dark room for a day. After this, the kvass can be bottled. Distribute the remaining sugar evenly. Seal the container hermetically and keep it in the dark for several hours.

5. Cool the drink to 10 degrees. After a few hours you can try. Recipe homemade kvass pretty simple. The drink made from black bread has a standard preparation technology.

There is nothing complicated in preparing such a drink. Now you can easily quench your thirst on hot days. Since making kvass from bread is easy, it’s worth experimenting with various recipes at home.

Homemade kvass made from rye black bread is an excellent and inexpensive alternative to carbonated sweet drinks during the hot season. The recipe for making homemade kvass is very easy and simple.

To make homemade kvass, you can use any type of bread, but the most delicious drink comes from black rye bread. The secret is that black rye bread, as a rule, is baked not with yeast, but with sourdough from rye flour, salt and water, as a result of which it contains more quantity lactic acid bacteria, which take an active part in the fermentation of kvass, saturating it with carbon dioxide (the kvass turns out slightly carbonated) and ethyl acetate, which helps improve the taste and aroma of kvass.

If you buy dry yeast and add it to the starter, the fermentation will be alcoholic rather than lactic acid, as a result of which the kvass can easily become low alcohol drink with alcohol content up to 3-6%.

Ingredients for making homemade kvass:

  • Water 3 l
  • Black rye bread (for example, Borodinsky) 300 g
  • Sugar 5-8 tbsp.
  • Raisins 10-15 pcs.
  • Yeast (optional) 1 tsp.

Recipe for making kvass from rye bread:

1. Cut the bread into pieces 3-5 centimeters in size, place on a baking sheet and dry in the oven. Bread can also be dried simply on the windowsill, spread out on a towel.

2. Boil water and leave it to cool. When the water temperature drops to 60-70˚C, pour crackers into the bottom of a three-liter jar and fill them with this water.

3. Add 5-6 tablespoons of sugar to the jar. When the kvass is ready, you can add more sugar to it if you want to make it sweeter.

4. If you are preparing kvass for the first time and you do not have ready-made starter, then you can add a teaspoon of yeast to speed up fermentation.

5. For more intense fermentation of kvass, you can add 10-15 raisins, which will make the drink slightly carbonated.

6. Stir the contents of the jar well, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for one to two days.

7. When the kvass is ready, strain the drink; if desired, you can add sugar burnt in a frying pan to give it a caramel aroma and a darker color. rich color.

The bread remaining at the bottom of the jar is now your sourdough starter, which can be used for a new cycle of making homemade kvass (and shared with friends). Now you just need to add 5-8 tablespoons of sugar, 100-200 grams of black bread crackers and fill it all with new cold water. If you want to get low-alcohol kvass, then add a teaspoon of yeast.
Now you know how to prepare kvass at home and quench your thirst summer heat!

Almost every country has its own popular national drinks, and housewives often exchange their secrets with neighbors and friends. Our national drink- kvass, and we will be happy to share with you how to make bread kvass at home - to quench your thirst and health. Thanks to its special composition, this life-giving drink increases our performance, improves digestion and saturates the body with nutrients.

Kvass – ancient drink, known back in Ancient Egypt 3 millennia BC. AND Slavic peoples Kvass was brewed when Kievan Rus did not yet exist. Kvass became a ubiquitous and daily drink in Rus' starting from the 12th-13th centuries, and by the 15th century there were more than 500 varieties of kvass! In Russia, the profession of “kvass-maker” was a very honorable profession, and its bearers were highly specialized in the preparation of certain varieties of kvass.

And to this day, in the villages where they have been preserved national traditions in the consumption of kvass drinks, they talk about how to “brew” kvass, and not cook it, which speaks very eloquently about the deep roots of the people’s love for this amazing drink.

Homemade kvass from black bread can be brewed with or without the addition of yeast. Yeast accelerates the ripening of the drink, and therefore this method is very popular among chefs.

But kvass drinks made with yeast have serious contraindications - children and pregnant women should not drink them, since, one way or another, the yeast makes the drink low in alcohol. But drinking it is very beneficial for all other people, so let’s consider popular recipe preparing bread kvass with yeast.

* Advice from the Cook
The basic rule for obtaining high-quality bread kvass at home is clean and soft water. Therefore, before using tap water in a home recipe, it must be boiled. You can also use filtered water or spring (forest) water. Well water is often characterized by increased hardness and is also recommended to be boiled.

How to make kvass from bread at home using baker's yeast, but so that the smell of yeast is not detected? This is possible if you have patience and do everything according to technology. The technology is three-stage, but as a result you will get homemade kvass of the highest quality!

Stage I: preparing sourdough with bread and yeast

Dry small pieces of black bread with crusts in the oven until lightly black. The color of the final product depends on the degree of toastiness of the crackers.

We begin to prepare the starter: pour 100-150 g of crackers, 3-4 tbsp into a clean 3-liter jar. sugar and fill three-quarters of the jar with boiling water. Leave to cool to 30-35 degrees. It is better to fill the crackers overnight, covering the jar with a terry towel to retain heat for maximum time.

Dissolve 15 g of pressed yeast in half a glass of warm water, pour it into a jar of breadcrumbs, stir and cover the container with a towel or gauze. Place in a warm corner for fermentation. You will have to wait a day or a little more for the starter to be ready. During fermentation, softened crackers rise to the top, and the leaven remains at the bottom.

After a day, remove the top layer of crackers with a spoon and pour the liquid into the sink, since it smells strongly of yeast and is unpleasant to drink. What remains at the bottom of the jar is the yeast starter. We put it in a clean 3-liter jar and proceed to the second stage of preparing a drink from bread.

* Advice from the Cook
The most popular home recipe kvass - from Borodino bread, which gives the folk elixir a piquant sourness and aroma. Try it too!

Stage II: preparing young kvass with sourdough

A young leaven with fresh sourdough will have light yeast smell, but with each new portion of the drink the smell of yeast will become weaker and will soon disappear completely!

To the freshly prepared sourdough add 150 g of Borodino bread crackers, a third of a glass of sugar ( finished product you can sweeten it more later) and pour it warm (30-35 degrees) boiled water, without adding 5 cm to the neck. Cover with a towel and set to ferment.

In about a day, the kvass is ready. Pour the finished infusion into a clean container through a layer of gauze so that the drink is pleasing to the eye and there are no suspended particles of bread floating in it. Before putting it to cool, pour it into bottles, throw a few raisins into each, close tightly and put in the refrigerator to carbonate.

Stage III: use of the starter for the next portions of leavened drinks

Before preparing a new portion, we select all large pieces of bread from the remaining grounds, and put the remaining sourdough fresh kvass OK. Thus, you will always have an invigorating drink at home that is very beneficial for digestion - a real elixir of health!

The amount of starter will continue to increase, it will become stronger and more effective, and the smell of yeast will completely disappear. Of course, you don’t need so much, and therefore you either give it away to acquaintances, relatives and friends or throw it away.

The starter will not spoil if you store it in the refrigerator. Before storing, do not add anything to it (especially sugar), dilute it a little with boiled water, close tightly and place in the upper section, closer to freezer. Sourdough can be stored for more than 2-3 weeks.

To prepare fresh kvass infusion from bread, all you have to do is take out the treasured jar from the refrigerator and put in a new portion! Remember that you need to cook it not only in the summer heat, but also in winter it will give you strength and health, support your immune system and normalize metabolism. Bread kvass at home - a guarantee of high quality and safety of the product!

The unique-tasting drink called kvass has long been known for its taste qualities. It was served instead of carbonated drinks at festive table V Soviet years. It’s not for nothing that the recipe for making kvass at home from bread without yeast is still popular in our times. It is very useful for digestion, has a beneficial effect on the entire body, saturates it with vitamins, enzymes and microelements.

Step-by-step execution

Some people cannot digest the smell of the yeast mass, which is clearly felt in the first portion of the finished consistency. Therefore, how Alternative option, you can make a drink from rye black bread or hop starter.

  1. Cut the bread with crusts into small pieces and dry a little in the oven.
  2. Pour into three-liter jar(for the very first portion, fill the container halfway).
  3. Add 12–15 tbsp to boiling water. l. sugar (so that the drink does not turn sour).
  4. When the liquid has cooled, add the crackers.
  5. To make fermentation more intense, you can add future kvass a handful of raisins.
  6. Cover the container with a towel or gauze and place in a warm corner (preferably in the sun).
  7. Depending on the temperature, after a day or two, the fermentation process will begin to occur. Every day the crackers will move down (up) more and more intensively.
  8. After 3-4 days, the first portion of the drink is ready. This can be determined by its recognizable color, smell and sourness.
  9. The finished elixir must be poured from the jar into a plastic container, filtered through cheesecloth.
  10. If desired, you can add 1 tbsp. l. honey or 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  11. Let the drink stand at room conditions so that it releases carbon dioxide.
  12. When the bottle becomes hard, place the drink in the refrigerator.
  13. Once cooled, it is ready to eat.

After preparing the first portion, you do not need to throw away all the crackers, but only half. Add to them a handful of dried fresh crackers, a few raisins and 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Cover again and move to a warm room for fermentation. The portion prepared in the evening will be ready by morning.
It is recommended to store the drink in a cool place for no more than 3 days. Otherwise it will lose its taste and become sour.

Cooking features

There are several nuances that will be interesting to know for both novice cooks and experienced housewives.

  • The drink is prepared only with boiled, cooled water;
  • The dishes used are glass or enamel. Aluminum containers oxidize.
  • The color of the drink is affected by the type of bread, as well as the level of roasting of the crackers. You should not overcook them so that the kvass does not have the taste and smell of burnt bread.
  • Raisins feed kvass with carbon dioxide, give the drink sparkling and cause fermentation.
  • The most popular Borodinsky variety has good taste. Fermentation is accomplished by lactic bacteria, not yeast.

The remaining soaked crackers (after preparing the drink) can be put in a jar and refrigerated. Use as a starter for subsequent portions, which must be warmed at room temperature before cooking.

How is sourdough prepared?

Place 0.5 slices of black bread (crushed), a glass of cooled water and 1 tbsp of sugar in a half-liter jar. Cover the container with a towel and place in a warm sunny place (for a day or two). The finished sourdough has a strong taste. The color is cloudy.

IN two liter jar pour out the starter, add a spoonful of sugar and 2 pieces of crushed rye bread. Pour cooled boiled water to the edge of the container. Leave for a day, closing the lid.
If you add dried crackers to the jar, the kvass will immediately acquire a golden hue, but in this case you should increase the cooking time.

After a day (two), pour 2/3 of the liquid into a separate container. And add to the remaining chilled water. Add a couple of slices of rye fresh bread. Cover with a lid and place in a warm place to infuse again.

The benefits of bread malt

Refreshing cold drink quenches thirst well and also has special healing properties. This applies to a homemade fresh drink that cannot be pasteurized or preserved. In the first case, they are lost useful qualities, in the second - harmful ones are acquired.

  • Drinking fluids has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Kills harmful microflora and maintains optimal microflora for life. Life-giving drink improves appetite, activates digestive tract processes.
  • In ancient times, kvass was used as a medicine for general exhaustion of the body, as well as a drug for vitamin deficiency and scurvy.
  • Strengthens tooth enamel. Contains high amounts of calcium.
  • Positively affects the cardiovascular system.
  • Stabilizes metabolism in the body - useful for obesity, used as therapeutic diet. Well satiates, but contains few calories.
  • Before making kvass from yeast without bread at home, you should take into account a person’s chronic diseases. Drinking the drink is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gallbladder and liver, gastritis, hypertension and oncology.

Homemade fresh kvass is one of the healthiest and nutritious drinks, which is actively used for the prevention and treatment of many ailments.

The fermentation process of malt and bread crumbs gives us an amazing drink called “kvass”. It is traditional among the Slavic peoples, but over time it has spread throughout the world and gained popularity, and this is due to its unique ability to quench not only thirst, but also hunger.
In Rus', honey and fragrant herbs were often added to kvass; there was no better way to find it soft drink. Numerous cold stews were also prepared on its basis. And quite a long time ago, strong kvass was the main intoxicating drink at weddings and holidays. This is where the expression comes from: when someone drinks a lot of alcohol, they say about him - sourdough.
Homemade kvass is much healthier than any store-bought drinks. Even modern medicine confirms that he is able to restore strength after illness and cope with many ailments. Unique drink you can cook at home, without using absolutely any chemical additives.
Previously, only wooden barrels, now you can make good bread kvass at home in glass jars or enamel pans. Plastic and aluminum cookware absolutely do not take it, it may change color, taste and beneficial features drink
To get real delicious kvass You will need a properly prepared starter; with its help, fermentation is started. It has the unique ability to ferment bread products and do not turn water and sugar into alcohol. If your starter is not correct, you risk getting either a simple one instead of kvass. sweet water, or sour mash.
So let's take a closer look at the recipe for kvass made from bread at home.

Taste Info Drinks


  • rye bread – 250 g;
  • pressed yeast – 15 g;
  • bottled water – 2.5 l;
  • sugar – 60 g.

How to make bread kvass at home

Cut the bread into small cubes (3x4 cm in size, no larger).

Place the bread cubes on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. We need rye crackers, which we will receive by taking out the baking sheet after 15 minutes.

Pour sugar into a clean three-liter jar.

Place the crackers there.

Required volume Bring the water to a boil and immediately pour the boiling water into the jar with sugar and breadcrumbs. Leave to cool.

Dissolve a portion of yeast in 100 ml of warm water.

When the contents of the jar have cooled to room temperature, pour the warm yeast mixture into it. To allow the future kvass to breathe, cover it on top with a piece of gauze. The drink needs to infuse for 36 hours.

Strain the finished kvass through a sieve or cheesecloth and take a sample.

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Homemade kvass from rye bread without yeast

Yeast-free kvass has one small advantage: it does not have the specific taste of yeast. The technology is not much different from the previous recipe. So let's try to make bread kvass, but now without yeast.
IN classic recipe rye bread crusts are used, but if you like the taste of cumin, you can use Borodino bread (only it is not fried in the oven at all, or just a little).


  • rye bread – 300 g;
  • bottled water – 2.0 l;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • raisins – 25 g.


  1. Cut the bread pieces and fry in the oven, as in the previous recipe.
  2. Place the crackers into a saucepan. Bring the water to a boil and immediately pour it into the same container, add sugar and stir.
  3. Give kvass wort cool to room temperature.
  4. Place raisins into the cooled mixture. On its surface there are microorganisms necessary for fermentation, because raisins, in fact, are natural wild yeast. Therefore, do not wash it before use.
  5. Pour the entire resulting mass into a clean jar, cover with gauze and place in a dark place to ferment. After 10-20 hours, you can observe the first signs of fermentation, a hissing sound will be heard from the jar, and foam will begin to collect on the surface.
  6. From this moment, you need to infuse the kvass for another 2-3 days and strain through several layers of gauze. Taste and add more sugar to suit your taste.

Useful tips for making kvass

  • Like jelly. When preparing kvass, it is very important to take quality bread, with minimal addition of any chemicals. The more chemical additives there are in the bread, the more likely it is that the kvass will not ferment and will turn out tasteless. Especially often, incorrect crackers become the reason that the drink turns out viscous, like jelly. A thick state of kvass can still be obtained if the container with the drink was under straight lines during fermentation. sun rays. Do not neglect the advice to place kvass in a dark place during the fermentation period.
  • Bitter. Sometimes kvass comes out with a bitter aftertaste, which means you over-cooked it in the oven. bread crumbs. They should only brown slightly, but under no circumstances burn.
  • I want it sharp. If you want to get a sharper and more carbonated drink, then pour the strained kvass into clean plastic bottles, leaving 3-5 cm to the neck, and close it tightly. Leave them in a dark place at room temperature for 5-7 hours. As soon as the bottles become hard under the influence of carbon dioxide, move them to the cellar or refrigerator. The fermentation process will stop and the taste will stabilize. Wait another 4 hours and you can drink your carbonated soft drink.
  • Doesn't wander. Sometimes it happens that everything was done correctly, but for some reason the kvass does not ferment. This means you used stale yeast. There is an easy way to check the freshness of your yeast. Dissolve a small amount of them in warm water and then add a little sugar. If hissing appears soon, it means good yeast, you can safely make kvass with them. Be sure to monitor the proportions of sugar and yeast; make no mistake, if you put less, the kvass will ferment poorly.
  • How to understand that kvass is ready?You can taste or smell a little. Kvass that is still in the fermentation process will be odorless. The finished drink smells slightly sour. While the kvass is fermenting, pieces of bread run up and down. IN ready-made drink they will settle to the bottom of the jar.
  • Prepared for okroshka and summer cold soups white kvass, it is made on the basis of rye flour.
  • Diversify. Regular kvass You can diversify it with any flavors you like, and it’s impossible to list everything that is added to it. From whole berries and fruits, or from their juices and fruit drinks, fruit and berry kvass are prepared. To make the taste even more piquant, you can add aromatic spices - oregano and cardamom, cinnamon and ginger, cloves and mint. You won’t be able to imagine until you try how delicious rowan, currant, gooseberry or strawberry kvass turns out. And also in such fruit drinks It is good to marinate boiled pork, meat for kebabs, fish and vegetables for grilling.
  • Hop cones? And if, along with crackers, you also put hops, or rather their cones, into the jar, you will end up with an “adult” drink. For 300 g rye crackers add a handful of dry hop inflorescences.
  • Do not use containers in which milk was previously stored to prepare kvass.

Previously we told you how to cook
