Non-alcoholic cocktails: recipes, photos - In the evenings. Non-alcoholic cocktails - the best recipes

On a hot summer day, you want to try a refreshing, tonic drink that won’t make you fall asleep: of course, the most suitable ones are non-alcoholic cocktails. There are recipes for these drinks a large number of, because if desired, almost any alcoholic cocktail can be turned into a non-alcoholic one. Here are some ideas for inspiration.

Classic of the genre: summer non-alcoholic cocktail “Mojito”

Play familiar tastes famous cocktails at home and make them according to non-alcoholic recipe- much easier than it seems. If there is very little time, we choose the simplest option. Place a small slice of lime at the bottom of a chilled glass, or if you don’t have it, lemon. Add 2-3 mint leaves and a teaspoon of sugar. Grind all the ingredients together to release an intense aroma. Then pour in the chilled sprite and add ice cubes. Traditionally, Mojito is served with a mint leaf.

Recipe from Puerto Rico: Pina Colada Mocktail

This delicious non-alcoholic cocktail is prepared at home from the following ingredients:

  • 100 ml cream with fat content from 20%
  • coconut milk – 3 tablespoons
  • 1 pineapple or canned pieces(can be replaced with juice - 100 ml)
  • powdered sugar - half a teaspoon.

Make a mixture of cream (in extreme cases, you can use milk), powdered sugar and pineapple pulp or juice. Beat until a completely homogeneous consistency is obtained, and the tropical delicacy is ready! You can decorate with a slice of pineapple and a cherry, as well as coconut shavings.

Party hit: non-alcoholic cocktail “Blue Sky”

And this option can take part in the “Guess what it consists of” competition. The drink will not only perfectly refresh and quench your thirst on hot days summer days, but will also decorate the party table thanks to its unusual blue color.

For 1 serving the following ingredients are taken:

  • pineapple juice 50-60 ml
  • lemon juice 2 tablespoons
  • mint and sugar syrup 10 ml each
  • ice cream without additives 4-5 tablespoons

All components are mixed and thoroughly beaten in a blender for 5-7 minutes so that the consistency becomes uniform throughout the entire volume. Then the mixture is put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. It is appropriate to garnish such an exotic drink with coconut slices. If you follow the recipe for this non-alcoholic cocktail exactly, it will look exactly like in the photo.

For the whole family: summer non-alcoholic cocktail “Banana Paradise”

A refreshing, truly delicious non-alcoholic cocktail with delicate taste prepared according to simple recipe using milk, ice cream and bananas. It will take literally 15 minutes, and the whole family can enjoy it on a hot summer evening. Take 2 bananas, cut into small pieces and mix with a liter of milk and 1 briquette (or glass) of classic ice cream without additives.

The entire mixture must be thoroughly blended with a blender for 8-10 minutes. The result is a delicious non-alcoholic cocktail, the composition of which can be varied at home: for example, add strawberries, nectarines or peaches to the mixture - as the culinary imagination dictates.

Please everyone: non-alcoholic cocktails with syrups

A whole group of recipes is based on the use of syrups. The option is very successful, because you can achieve the impossible: please everyone at once.

For example, take the yolk, 2 tablespoons strawberry syrup, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 100 ml of currant juice. Everything is mixed in a blender for one minute. Decorate with a sprig of red currant or a strawberry cut in half. It is appropriate to serve with strawberry leaf. Currant syrup can be replaced with any other berry drink.

And here great option for lovers of kiwi aroma. Take 2 fruits, half a briquette of ice cream and a liter of milk. Everything is whipped in a blender for 4-5 minutes. Serve with kiwi pieces, cut into slices.

If your family is a big fan of watermelon or melon, you can make a drink using the same recipe. For a liter of milk, take a slice of melon or watermelon.

For the little ones: children's non-alcoholic cocktails

All kids love lemonade, so you should learn how to make it at home. For 1.5 liters of cold sparkling water (you can also take it without gas), take the juice of 6 lemons and a glass of sugar. Lemon juice is poured into water and placed in the refrigerator. It is better to stir the sugar in small quantity boiling water and cool for 2 hours. Then mix everything and treat the children.

If you can’t finish eating the watermelon, you can take 4-5 large slices, discard the seeds and cut into pieces. Add finely chopped mint leaves, a glass apple juice and juice of 1 lemon. Blend everything in a blender and you will get the most refreshing drink for children and adults.

For those with a sweet tooth: chocolate milkshake

And of course it is impossible to ignore chocolate lovers. The drink is made from a tablespoon of cocoa, a glass of milk, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of boiling water. All components are mixed together and whipped with a blender. And for the cap to be foamy, it needs to be stirred with a stick. If you want a more intense flavor, add chocolate syrup to taste. And to make the drink more tender, add 3 tablespoons of ice cream.

Based on these popular recipes you can come up with your own: mix syrups, different fruits based on taste sensations. Non-alcoholic cocktails- This is a whole group of refreshing drinks that lift your spirits just as well as their alcoholic counterparts.

A person consumes a large amount of fluid per day, most of which is plain water. However, there are still many delicious drinks, which contain a lot useful substances, for example, non-alcoholic cocktails. It’s not at all difficult to prepare them at home. All adults and children will appreciate this homemade drink. There are a few in various ways how to make non-alcoholic cocktails at home. The most popular recipes are worth considering in detail.

First option: "Virgin Mary"

This cocktail option is perfect for a festive occasion. home party. To create it you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Up to half a liter of natural tomato juice.
  2. Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces.
  3. A quarter of a lemon.
  4. Fine salt and ground black pepper.

Such non-alcoholic cocktails are prepared at home using a shaker - a special container for mixing liquid ingredients. Fill a shaker with ice and add tomato juice. Add one drop of Tabasco sauce and a couple of drops of Worcestershire sauce. Close the shaker and shake the mixture several times. After this, squeeze out the lemon juice and shake again.

Pour the cocktail into a glass and sprinkle with salt and pepper. If desired, you can decorate with a sprig of greenery.

Option two: "Coca Colada"

This type of drink is perfect for a picnic in hot summer weather. To prepare it you need the following products:

  1. 200 milliliters of pineapple juice. It is advisable to use a natural product.
  2. 100 milliliters coconut milk.

Cool down liquid ingredients before making non-alcoholic cocktails at home. In a blender, mix the juice with coconut milk. After this, add a few ice cubes and whisk the liquid again. Pour into glasses and top up with a straw.

Third way: fruit drink

This type of cocktail has a thick consistency, this is its feature that distinguishes it from other drinks. To prepare it you need to take:

  1. A couple of sweet apples.
  2. 5-10 pieces of strawberries.
  3. One banana.

Using a juicer, squeeze the apple. Place the banana and strawberries cut into pieces in a blender and add the resulting juice. Whisk thoroughly fruit mixture. Pour small ice cubes into cocktail glasses to a height of about two centimeters from the bottom. After this, pour in the fruit mixture and place a wide straw. If desired, you can decorate the drink with your favorite berries by placing them on top.

What other non-alcoholic cocktails can you make at home?

Recipes for this drink may vary slightly. For its basis, you can use ordinary full fat milk or cream. You will also need the following additional products:

  1. Raw eggs in the amount of 4 pieces.
  2. 50 milliliters of sugar syrup (you can prepare it yourself by heating sugar with water).
  3. A packet of vanilla sugar.
  4. Seasonings: cloves, cinnamon and cardamom.

Using a whisk or mixer, beat the eggs until foamy. Add to egg mixture sugar syrup and vanilla sugar. Continuing to whisk, add half a teaspoon of the required seasonings and pour in half a liter of your preferred base in a thin stream. Pour the cocktail into glasses, garnish with a cinnamon stick and serve with a straw.


In addition to alcoholic ones, for parties you can prepare non-alcoholic cocktails at home - for children. basis of this drink There will be regular fat milk, which is beneficial for the growth and development of the child. So, you need to take:

  1. Half a liter of milk.
  2. 200 grams of ice cream.
  3. Three tablespoons of your favorite syrup (can be replaced with a glass of juice if desired).

These non-alcoholic cocktails are prepared at home using a blender. It is advisable to have a special nozzle for cocktails. Pour the base into a bowl and add the ice cream cut into pieces. Beat the liquid mixture for about three minutes, then add the syrup or juice. Continue stirring the drink for another two minutes. Pour into tall glasses and serve with a straw.

Non-alcoholic cocktails at home with strawberries

This type of drink is called a smoothie. You can prepare it either from fresh berries in the midst summer season, and from frozen fruits in winter. You will need:

  1. 100 grams of strawberries. Remember that when frozen, the weight of the berries increases slightly. Therefore, first you need to defrost the product.
  2. Half a liter of kefir or homemade liquid yogurt.
  3. Sugar in the amount of two tablespoons (if desired).

Pour fermented milk product into the blender jar and add required amount berries Beat the product for five minutes, then add sugar if necessary and mix again. Pour the cocktail into tall glasses and garnish with sliced ​​strawberries. You can serve with a wide straw or spoon.

You can make smoothies from other types of fruits in the same way. This drink will appeal to all adults and children.


Before preparing non-alcoholic cocktails at home, you need to consider for whom and for what occasion they will be served.

Try each cooking option and choose the one you like.

Cook with pleasure and pamper your loved ones and guests with delicious drinks.

The New Year's table may well be non-alcoholic, especially if many children and teenagers gather around it. Delicious and natural non-alcoholic cocktails will create a pleasant atmosphere and decorate festive table.

To prepare such drinks, you will need a shaker or blender, and, of course, necessary products. The success of the New Year's party is in your hands!

Yogurt cocktail


mango – 2 pcs.

yogurt – 2 cups

sugar – 2 tablespoons

cardamom - a pinch

cinnamon - a pinch

Preparation: Peel the mango (it is better to use very ripe fruits). The pulp of the fruit must be beaten together with yogurt. Natural yogurt is preferable; in general, it’s good if you make it yourself. Add sugar to the cocktail, add a pinch of cardamom and cinnamon. If desired, you can put an ice cube in each glass.

Cocktail “Snow Maiden”


ice cream – 200g

milk – 0.5 cups

yogurt – 0.5 cups

kiwi – 1 pc.

chopped nuts - for decoration

Preparation: Beat any ice cream with 0.5 cups of milk and 0.5 cups of yogurt. First throw sliced ​​kiwi into each glass (as many as you like), pour in whipped yogurt and sprinkle chopped nuts on top.

Cocktail “Chocolate”


vanilla ice cream – 100g

milk – 0.5 cups

orange juice – 5 tablespoons

chocolate syrup – 5 tablespoons

grated dark chocolate- For decoration

Preparation: Beat ice cream with 0.5 cups of milk, 5 tablespoons orange juice and the same amount chocolate syrup. Pour this cocktail into tall glasses and sprinkle grated dark chocolate on top.

Cocktail “Refreshing”


ice cream – 200g

milk – 200 ml

mint syrup – 40 ml

whipped cream

mint sprig - for decoration

Preparation: Beat 200 ml of milk and any ice cream, 40 ml mint syrup. Pour into glasses, garnish with a dollop of whipped cream and a small sprig of mint.

Non-alcoholic champagne


lemon – 6 pcs.

sugar – 75g

mineral water (carbonated) – 1l

apple juice – 2l

apples (red) – 2 pcs.

Preparation: Dissolve 75 g of sugar in the heated juice of 6 lemons. Mix this syrup with 1 liter of carbonated mineral water and 2 liters of apple juice. Slice small pieces Place 2 ripe apples (preferably red) in a large bowl and pour over the resulting drink. Cool, pour into glasses, garnish with mint sprigs and add ice cubes.

Creamy cherry drink


ice cream – 200g

milk (cold) – 1 glass

cherry syrup – 3-4 tablespoons

Preparation: Mix 200 g of ice cream, 1 glass of cold milk and 3-4 tablespoons of cherry syrup. Whisk everything thoroughly to form a fluffy foam and pour into tall glasses.

Cocktail "Strawberry"


strong sweet coffee (cooled) – 1 small cup

ice cream – 100g

strawberries – 100g

Preparation: Mix coffee (pre-brewed and cooled) with ice cream and strawberries; frozen strawberries will do if you don’t have fresh ones. Shake, pour into beautiful glasses, you can decorate each glass with a small strawberry.

Orange cocktail


oranges – 4 pcs.

water – 1 glass

sugar – 2 tablespoons

cloves – 3 pcs.

cinnamon – 2 cm sticks

nutmeg - a pinch

Preparation: Mix the juice of 4 oranges, 1 glass of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Boil with 3 pcs. cloves and 2 cm cinnamon sticks. Strain, cool, pour into glasses and sprinkle grated nutmeg on top.

Cocktail "Mojito"


mineral water (sparkling)

honey (liquid)

mint sprigs - for decoration

Preparation: Throw 2 pieces of ginger and a slice of lemon into the bottom of each glass, add a few sprigs of mint and pour in a little tarragon. Now pour 50 g of mineral water, stir, crush the lemon and ginger with a spoon. Put 0.5 tablespoon of liquid honey, pour in soda, garnish with mint sprigs and put a straw in each glass.

These non-alcoholic cocktails, bright and colorful, will definitely decorate your holiday table and not only on New Year's Eve!

Olga Moiseeva for Women's magazine"Lovely"

A party without cocktails or drinks is not a party. And if for some people the presence of alcohol is simply necessary, then many people (yes, believe it or not, there are still many) prefer non-alcoholic options. In addition to preferences, we cannot forget about the presence of circumstances, such as driving, the need to work after a party, pregnancy, illness... But let’s not talk about sad things. What can we offer in such cases? Actually not that little. These are virgin versions (non-alcoholic) popular cocktails, and a variety of drinks on ice (lemonade, frappe, aqua fresco), and fruit punches, and so-called Spritzers (drinks with carbonation).

√ Alternative option

And that's when next time If you're planning a stunning party for the whole weekend, take care of a couple of possible non-alcoholic alternatives.

There are several strategies you can choose:

  • make 1 non-alcoholic cocktail. It is important to use a proven recipe and, if possible, choose one that will appeal to the majority.
  • make 1-2 cocktails where alcohol is an option; those who want to add rum or vodka, others not.
  • provide a complete replacement for the cocktail. For example, treat friends with high-quality freshly squeezed juice, or offer original brand coffee/tea, or finally buy non-alcoholic beer.

√ Subtle taste

If people with a mind fogged after alcohol in the 10th serving of a cocktail are unlikely to feel the notes of super expensive liqueur or syrup from exotic plant, this will not work for abstainers. Therefore, you need to prepare non-alcoholic cocktails very carefully, choosing the most delicious ripe fruits and not sparing money on the purchased ingredients.

√ Little tricks

It turns out that the taste of alcoholic drinks can be faked with non-alcoholic mixes. Of course, you can’t fool advanced gourmets, but still. For example:

  • Replace beer non-alcoholic beer, ginger ale, white grapefruit juice.
  • Cognac: peach, pear or apricot nectar.
  • Sake: rice vinegar.
  • Tequila: nectar/drink from cactus or agave.
  • Vodka: white grapefruit juice with lime added.

It is better to select the proportions of such substitutes yourself, taking into account the recipe and your taste.

√ Presentation is important

I think everyone is literally as happy as children when they are brought a bright and unusually designed drink. When there are fireworks in the glass, you somehow forget about the taste. Multi-colored straws, mint sprigs, citrus twists, and figuratively cut fruits will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.
