Coconut oil use internally: benefits and harms. Coconut oil: harmful for those losing weight. Special beneficial properties

Everyone agrees that it is good for the skin and hair, but when the topic of food benefits is raised coconut oil when ingested, a lot of questions and discussions immediately arise.
And it’s not surprising: the skin can be assessed after the first use by tactile sensations, but determining the effect of the oil on the body as a whole is much more difficult.

The most common comments to an article about the benefits of coconut oil contain an objection to the benefits of saturated fatty acids. We will talk about the properties of oil, biochemistry and whether all saturated fatty acids are equally harmful in this article.

A small disclaimer: this article is about the properties of virgin, cold-pressed, unrefined edible coconut oil (virdgin).

Before we move on to translating information about coconut oil from reputable sources on the Thai Internet, let's talk about the main stumbling block, saturated fatty acids.

Biochemistry or harm of coconut oil

If we consider fatty acids as a class, of course most of them are not very useful. Saturated fatty acids are found mainly in animal fats. Most of them are solids that have high temperature melting. They can be absorbed by the body without the participation of bile acids, this determines their high nutritional value. However, excesses of many saturated fatty acids are inevitably stored.
But they come with different chain lengths, as well as replaceable and irreplaceable.

A person needs fats because vitamins and microelements are easily dissolved in them (and therefore easily absorbed), but long-chain saturated fatty acids are difficult to digest. To digest them, the body has to secrete bile and digestive enzymes, sometimes overloading the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines. People who have diabetes, liver disease, or who have had gallbladder removal have particular problems with this.

However, due to the easy digestibility of medium-chain fatty acids (of which edible coconut oil is made), it does not cause such problems and begins to be absorbed in the stomach. Medium chain saturated fatty acids are very easily broken down by enzymes and absorbed without clogging blood vessels. They are then converted into energy that improves liver function. This oil also contains important normal operation immunity, essential saturated lauric and myristic acid.

Most saturated fatty acids have a high melting point, and if it is higher than the human body, they are poorly absorbed, clogging the stomach and intestines, and if they are absorbed, they are deposited in the blood vessels. The melting point of coconut oil is 25 degrees. I don’t know anyone with a lower body temperature, what about you?

Now let's move on to information from the Thai Internet. Here's what they write there:
Based on materials from the Department of Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol Research University

Edible coconut oil is more than 90% saturated fat, the majority of which is medium chain triglycerides. Most of all, it contains the essential lauric acid, which is well absorbed by the body.

Medium chain fatty acids do not accumulate in adipose tissue. Their molecular weight is lower than that of long-chain fatty acids such as lenoleic acid (a polyunsaturated fatty acid obtained, for example, from soybean oil)

Conclusion: everything is good in moderation. If coconut oil is taken according to recommended dosages, it will only benefit your body.

Now let's move on to other sources:

Edible coconut oil, in addition to essential medium-chain saturated fatty acids, also contains important minerals and some fat-soluble vitamins such as calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, D, E, K, which are instantly absorbed. This is what makes coconut oil a healthy product in every way.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

1.Speeds up metabolism
The calorie content of coconut oil is 8.6 kcal per gram, while other oils contain at least 9 kcal per gram. Consumption of the saturated fatty acids contained in the oil does not lead to the formation of free radicals, and the oil itself does not contain trans fats. Containing lauric, caproic and caprylic acids, coconut oil speeds up metabolism for up to 24 hours, improving food absorption and calorie burning.

2. Stimulates intestinal function.
Coconut oil should be consumed in moderation. Due to its high saturated fat content, it stimulates the colon, which is why diarrhea may occur when you first start using this oil. This is a normal reaction. However, if diarrhea occurs when consuming small amounts of oil, it is better to stop taking it so as not to remove trace elements from the body.

3. Tones.
Edible coconut oil is easily absorbed by the body and does not lead to weight gain. It has no side effects, so it is often recommended for athletes and older people.

4. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Coconut oil reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL), thereby reducing the risk of degenerative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease.

5. Protection of the skeletal system.
Coconut oil is rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining strong bones, so it can protect bones from deterioration.

6. Use during pregnancy.
Coconut oil is beneficial to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It nourishes the body of mother and child, helps give the baby good immunity and significantly increases the usefulness breast milk, because it contains lauric acid, calcium and magnesium. This is an excellent remedy for strengthening bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis and preventing calcium loss during pregnancy.

7. Improves sleep.
Coconut oil contains substances that help you relax. Consuming coconut oil daily small quantities improves sleep quality, relieves chronic fatigue, reduces stress.

8. Reduces inflammation and helps fight infections.
Edible cold-pressed coconut oil eases the flow various diseases caused by infection. The reason again is lauric acid, which improves immunity, fights bacteria and is natural antibiotic, due to which it relieves the symptoms of infections such as influenza, sore throat, herpes, and mumps.

9. Oral care.
Coconut oil inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which leads to plaque and problems such as gingivitis, gum disease, swelling and bleeding gums. In addition, it helps treat throat diseases.

This oil can be used for gargling and mouthwash.

To do this, take 1-2 tbsp. spoons per day and rinse the mouth for at least 15 minutes. The butter will become white and foamy. It must be spat out as it will absorb pathogens and toxins. This procedure also helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and reduce bad smell from mouth.
You can apply coconut oil to your toothbrush and brush your teeth. Half a teaspoon is enough. The oil gradually reduces plaque on teeth, soothes and strengthens gums.

10. Reduces the risk of cancer.
High content of saturated fatty acids (up to 92%) helps strengthen immune system body. Many of the vitamins that coconut oil contains are antioxidants. This is due to the reduction in the risk of such oncological diseases, like colon cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer.

11. Cold-pressed coconut oil stimulates the thyroid gland and speeds up metabolism, thereby improving the condition of diabetic patients. Consuming coconut oil increases insulin production, thereby speeding up the breakdown of sugar and reducing the burden on the pancreas. In some cases, the pancreas can completely restore its functions.

About the quality of coconut oil and types unrefined oil you can read in the article

And I will tell you how to properly use coconut oil internally, as well as about storage features and precautions that should be taken into account when using coconut oil.

Today we will find out how beneficial or harmful coconut oil is. Coconut oil is becoming increasingly popular due to its use in culinary products, in addition to this, the oil confirmed its useful application also in cosmetology and medicine. Like coconut oil, coconut oil is obtained in two ways - hot or cold pressing.

Health benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is 90% fatty acids.

  • Lauric acid
  • Oleic acid
  • Stearic acid
  • Capric acid
  • Gallic acid
  • Vitamins E, K

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Since ancient times, coconut oil has been actively used in the field of cosmetology: for the production of creams, soaps, shampoos, hair masks, balms and conditioners. The oil is used to improve the condition of the nail plate, hair structure, body and facial skin.

Due to the high content of lauric acid, coconut oil has antibacterial properties and protects the skin from sun rays, air pollution, eliminates fine wrinkles, saturates and moisturizes the skin.

Oleic acid, which is found in coconut oil, helps fast weight loss. When oleic acid enters the human body, instant fat saturation occurs. The body uses healthy fats in vital processes, accelerates the digestion process, thereby consuming calories.

Harm of coconut oil

The high amount of saturated fat in coconut oil may cause distress gastrointestinal tract Therefore, coconut oil should be consumed in moderation - no more than three teaspoons per day.

How to make butter at home

  1. First you need to drain coconut water In a separate container, peel the coconut.
  2. We grate the peeled coconut pieces or pass them through a vegetable cutter.
  3. Heat coconut water and pour the resulting pulp into it to coconut flakes extracted the oil (if desired, you can add a little boiled water).
  4. Beat everything with a blender.
  5. Place coconut gruel on cheesecloth and squeeze.
  6. The resulting oil can be stored either in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil has the effect of a conditioner and balm, so it is used to nourish and smooth damaged hair.

IN Lately coconut oil is used as moisturizing mask. For achievement better effect moisturizing, coconut oil can be used in conjunction with other oils. Most often used in conjunction with castor and burdock oil. To prepare the mask, you need to mix the oils in equal proportions, heat them in a water bath and apply to dry hair. For the best effect, cover your hair with a towel. This mask should be applied to the hair for a period of 1 hour to 12 hours.

Hair growth mask. Mustard powder diluted warm water, mix until a paste forms, and add a teaspoon of warm coconut oil. The mask should be applied to the hair roots, covered with a towel for 30-60 minutes. This mask causes a burning sensation, but don’t be afraid - this is normal, mustard affects the hair follicles, improving blood supply to the scalp.


Coconut oil can be stored in two states: liquid or solid. At above-zero temperatures, the oil takes on a liquid appearance and a slightly yellowish tint. At minus or close to 0 temperatures, the oil becomes solid and has a white natural coconut color. Different physical states of the oil do not harm the quality and beneficial properties of the oil.

Use in food

Those who want to lose weight replace vegetable oil coconut when frying meat. It's good to start the day with delicious porridge for tomorrow with the addition of a teaspoon of coconut oil.

softens the skin. Some people know that it strengthens hair. Even fewer people know that if you apply coconut oil to the skin before sunbathing, the tan will lie evenly, and the skin will acquire a beautiful chocolate shade for a long time. But this is only a small part of what coconut oil can do. I really wonder how else it can be used and what will it give? Then read on carefully!

Everything that will be written below will be said only about natural cold-pressed coconut oil!

The “correct” coconut oil should solidify at an air temperature below 24 degrees. If you have frozen oil, heat it in a water bath to 37°C before use, since the hardened mass is not absorbed by the skin.

If your oil does not harden, then there is not much of the coconut component we need in it, and everything else is additional ingredients: maybe oil grape seed or almond oil, V best case scenario. And most often petroleum products: white oil, mineral oil, liquid paraffin. I would not recommend applying this composition to your hair, much less taking it orally!

Many tourists see half-liter bottles with a coconut design for ridiculous money and are happy, like children, that they found what they were looking for so cheaply, but there is only a smell from coconut oil. Natural cold pressed coconut oil and good quality can't be cheap! The presence of the GMP badge inspires me confidence (“ Good Manufacturing Practice», "proper Internship» ), and for oral administration I would recommend oil with this quality standard symbol.

There are several companies in Thailand that produce coconut oil with the GMP label. I'm not saying that other oils are bad, I just wouldn't use them internally for ideological reasons.

It’s even better if the jar of oil bears the Halal, USDA organic and bioagri cert certificate symbols, in which case even GMP is not required. On the right you see a photo the right oil, which can be safely taken orally. You can read more about the quality of coconut oil in the article

If the area of ​​application is indicated on the oil, for example, pulling oil (oil for rinsing the mouth), this oil should also not be drunk, it is of lower quality.

Briefly, what are the benefits of coconut oil:

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Helps cope with viruses and bacteria that cause influenza or hepatitis.
  • Effective against cytomegalovirus and HIV.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Reduces the risk of disease of cardio-vascular system and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Protects against sudden heart attack or stroke.
  • Has anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • Balances blood sugar levels.
  • Helps reduce weight. Fats contained in oil coconut, are easily burned and are not retained in the body. The oil also speeds up metabolism, making the body stronger and more resilient.
  • Strengthens gums and teeth.
  • Helps cope with colds and flu.
  • Heals the prostate gland and heals psoriasis.
  • Prevents cancer and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Normalizes the production of hormones that stop the aging of the body.
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle and helps with hypoglycemia.
  • Cleanses blood vessels.
  • Massaging your scalp with coconut oil helps relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Thanks to its antioxidant properties, the oil helps prevent premature aging and degenerative diseases.
  • Improves digestion and prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Promotes better digestibility nutrients, including calcium and magnesium minerals.
  • Strengthens teeth and bones.
  • Helps prevent liver, kidney and bladder diseases.
  • Helps with gastrointestinal oncology and Crohn's disease

Further information is taken from the English-language medical manual; I will try to translate it as clearly as possible. The pictures are also from there.

The Effect of Coconut Oil on Cholesterol Levels and Cardiovascular Disease

Let's look at our body schematically:

Long chains of fatty acids. Any type of oil contains long chain fatty acids (LCFAs). The only exception is coconut oil. LCFAs are difficult for the body to absorb; they are not broken down by enzymes and are not destroyed when chewing food, and the body cannot fully absorb them. As a result, he suffers vascular system: The vessels harden and cracks form, which are filled with cholesterol plaques. Blood vessels become blocked, leading to high levels of low-density lipoprotein and high blood pressure. This can result in heart disease and stroke. These same fatty acids envelop the cells of the body and settle in the internal organs, which leads to obesity and thyroid diseases, causing diabetes and other diseases.

Medium chain fatty acids (SCJK). Coconut oil contains a large number of MCFA (63%) and lauric acid, which neutralizes LCFA. These fatty acids are very easily broken down by enzymes and absorbed without clogging the blood vessels. They are then converted into energy that improves liver function. A bunch of useful substances, contained in coconut oil, promote weight loss and the production of high-density lipoproteins. Its use cleanses blood vessels and makes them more elastic.

All fats and oils of plant and animal origin contain 3 types of fatty acids:

1) Saturated fatty acids have a dense molecule that does not have gaps or gaps that would allow air or heat to pass through.

2) Monounsaturated fatty acids - have free double molecules, their effect on the body leads to the accumulation of trans fats in the body.

3) Polyunsaturated fatty acids - have entire groups of double molecules. They provoke the appearance of free radicals and trans fats in the body.

Free radicals destroy molecular bonds and provoke the appearance of wrinkles. They subsequently become the cause of a whole bunch of chronic diseases - from coronary heart disease and increased blood pressure to cataracts and Alzheimer's disease. In some cases, they can lead to diabetes and cancer or cause a number of other diseases.

Trans fats very difficult to break down and assimilate, they accumulate in blood vessels and are deposited in various parts of the body. This leads to the formation of free radicals. Such fats are a major risk factor cardiovascular diseases. They are found primarily in fast food - hamburgers or French fries, as well as in seemingly harmless coffee creamer and margarine, and in the now common daily use baking powder and chips.

Coconut oil does not contain cholesterol. This is the only oil that contains 92% saturated fatty acids, which means it does not allow the formation of free radicals and trans fats. Coconut oil is resistant to degradation and has a long shelf life. It does not lose its beneficial properties from the action of light or air, or during heat treatment. Moreover, it contains a large amount of antioxidants. This best oil to maintain and restore health.

MCFA and lauric acid preserve youth, prolonging life. Coconut oil contains the same type of lauric acid found in breast milk. This acid protects babies up to 6 months, when the baby's immune system has not yet formed. It kills viruses and harmful bacteria, neutralizes fungi and protozoa. Coconut oil increases the level of lauric acid in breast milk from 3% to 18%.

Treatment with oil pulling. Almost every type of disease originates in the oral cavity, because there ideal conditions for the reproduction and development of bacteria and microbes. They enter the bloodstream through the gums, penetrate the teeth, destroying them, or, together with saliva and food, enter the stomach. Viruses and bacteria also attack our body through the mouth. Brushing your teeth only helps get rid of 10% of viruses and bacteria (if you brush your teeth with regular toothpaste). If you rinse your teeth at night and in the morning with coconut oil (this procedure is also called “oil sucking,” and those who are familiar with yoga and Indian culture have probably heard about this technique), you will not only clean oral cavity from any “joy”, but also increase your immune properties by strengthening the protective membrane. Coconut oil strengthens not only your gums, but also your teeth.

By regularly rinsing your mouth with coconut oil, you can strengthen your immune system and solve skin problems (acne and allergies), get rid of sinusitis and migraines, forget about insomnia, and recover from bronchitis and hypoglycemia. You will no longer be bothered by problems associated with diseases of the oral cavity and unpleasant smell from the mouth, any ulcers on the mucous membrane and inflammation of the gums will go away. Over time, you will forget about going to the dentist: regular use of coconut oil prevents the formation of tartar and the development of dental diseases, and also reduces their hypersensitivity and reliably protects against scurvy and oral candidiasis.

Effect on the skin. Coconut oil kills fungi and treats ringworm, eliminates chloasma (hyperpigmentation) and dermatitis. Helps with herpes and others skin diseases. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin and protects against harmful effects sun rays. Smoothes wrinkles and brightens freckles and blemishes. Helps with scleroderma and psoriasis, softens rough skin on the feet and legs. Eliminates dandruff and strengthens hair. In general, this is a complete comprehensive skin and hair care.

How to lose weight with coconut oil. After swishing coconut oil in your mouth, drink 1 glass of warm water with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. You can drink coconut oil before every meal to aid digestion, convert fats into energy and help you lose weight.

"Women's secrets". Some women experience problems with thrush, which is caused by the rapid development of fungi and microorganisms leading to dysbacteriosis. Douching with coconut oil will help normalize microflora and relieve inflammation and discomfort. Can be used as a lubricant during sexual intercourse. In addition, coconut oil helps cope with heat rash and abrasions in intimate areas and, unlike gynecological antibiotics, has no side effects.

How to use coconut oil

  • When you wake up, without eating or drinking water or brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil for 15-20 minutes. After spitting the oil, brush your teeth and tongue.
  • Drink 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil mixed with warm water or drink a glass of warm water to improve digestion and cleanse the intestines.
  • If you want to lose weight, take coconut oil 20 minutes before each meal, but no more than 3-3.5 tablespoons per day.
  • If you are drinking oil for the first time, you should start taking it with half a teaspoon and gradually increase it. For older adults, it is recommended to take no more than 1 tablespoon of coconut oil per day.
  • After brushing your teeth before going to bed, rinse your mouth again for 15-20 minutes.
  • You can rub coconut oil on your body to nourish and moisturize your skin.
  • To nourish and restore hair, apply coconut oil to the scalp and all hair to ends for 30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

Coconut oil is not a medicine, but a healing food. By adding it to your daily ration and using it as cosmetic product, you can prevent the need to use any medical chemicals in the future.

Just the other day I read a stunning report from the American Heart Association (AHA), which advised against consuming coconut oil. Like most authoritative experts in the field of health and medicine in the West, this first caused me shock, and then a desire to comment on such a categorical statement, because coconut oil has long been revered by the expert community as valuable source.

One of the main messages in this report is: “Coconut oil is as unhealthy as butter and beef fat." It is based on what coconut oil contains high level saturated fats, which increase levels of “bad cholesterol” and, as a result, lead to heart disease. To be precise, coconut oil contains 82% saturated fat, butter fat contains 63%, and beef tallow contains 50%. This is why the AKA has listed coconut oil as a food that is dangerous for heart health.

On the other hand, the vast majority of healthy lifestyle enthusiasts have a very positive attitude towards coconut oil. Among other beneficial properties, it strengthens the immune system, having strong antimicrobial properties, improves memory and cognitive function, accelerates metabolism, helps maintain beauty and youth, and is also effective in losing weight. I talk about the benefits of coconut oil in more detail. .

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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Coconut oil contains short- and medium-term chain saturated fatty acids, which are the "healthy" form of saturated fat when compared to trans fat.

This is a whole set of fatty acids (lauric (50%), myristic (20%), palmitic (9%), capric (5%), caprylic (5%), stearic (3%), etc.).

This is a very important fact!

2. Coconut oil is good for your heart

Consumption of fatty acids is the best prevention of heart problems.

Our body easily metabolizes these fats through the liver and immediately converts them into energy (fuel for the brain and muscles) rather than storing them as fat in our body.

We recently included chocolate as such a fuel, and we realized - . The same can be said about avocado and its beneficial properties for the body.

5. Coconut oil for weight loss

Many healthy fats, including coconut oil, are known to be easily digestible and also protect the body from insulin resistance.

According to the website CoconutDiet, a spokesperson for the US Department of Health and Human Services stated ten years ago:

Over the past two decades, the number of obese people has doubled and these are serious figures indicating a deterioration in the health of the nation. And obesity, in turn, increases the risk of a number of serious diseases: diabetes, heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure and some types of cancer.

Ten years later, the situation has not gotten better, and even worse:

Many people talk about low-fat diets. But they don't help Americans lose weight at all. So today, almost 2/3 of the adult population of the United States are overweight.

We've been told for years that we should avoid fatty foods. So some people went on terrible low-fat diets. They tried to avoid absolutely all fatty foods.

So don't try to avoid healthy fatty foods.

6. Coconut oil improves digestion

If you suffer from poor digestion or frequent bloating, try adding coconut oil to your diet.

Coconut oil improves digestion, including relieving irritable bowel syndrome and fighting other germs associated with abdominal pain. And all thanks to its antimicrobial properties...

7. Has antimicrobial properties

And all thanks to the content in it the most useful acids, which may even reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes...

8. Coconut oil reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

A recent study conducted by the Institute of Medical Research in the United States found that coconut oil protects against insulin resistance, thereby reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

These coconut fats do not have time to be absorbed into the cells of our body, they are quickly converted into energy. Remember this? ...

In confirmation, I found data on PharmaMed:

Coconut oil protects against the accumulation of fats in the body and improves cell sensitivity to insulin. Both of these facts are among the main reasons why type 2 diabetes develops.

Eating foods that contain coconut oil improves the oxidative capacity of cells. Meanwhile, the body burns the fat received from food without accumulating it. Coconut oil also stabilizes the cells' response to insulin, protecting them from resistance.

A diet with coconut oil helps prevent the development of diabetes and even helps treat it.

According to some data, diabetes is one of the most common diseases endocrine system. It is easier to treat in the early stages. Therefore, coconut oil can be considered an excellent prevention.

But did you know that consuming coconut oil can help combat damaging reactions in your kidneys?

I was simply shocked by this!

Coconut oil is made up of healthy fats: lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid.

They all have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. They are the ones who can quickly and easily boost the immune system.

Lauric acid is especially strong on this list.

It contains fatty acids that are converted to monolaurin. It can help heal various viruses:

  • herpes
  • flu
  • even fight such serious enemies as Helicobacter pylori.