Cherry juice. Benefit and harm. Cherry juice is a source of valuable vitamins

Cherry juice has an intense tart taste and is widely used in the production of nectars. Taste qualities are not the only advantage of this drink. Scientific research in different countries around the world, proved why cherry juice is good for health.

Cherry juice for hypertension

Currently benefits and harms cherry juice studied well enough. The beneficial properties of this juice are explained by its unique composition: it is rich in flavonoids, chlorogenic acids, folates, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and other trace elements. This juice is especially useful for hypertension, a widespread disease that provokes many other health problems, including the development cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease and even senile dementia.

Studies conducted by scientists from Northumbria University (UK) have shown that drinking cherry juice helps lower blood pressure and has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels. The studies involved men with early stage hypertension, who were divided into two groups. The first group took one glass of reconstituted cherry juice, while the control group took a placebo. Blood pressure and other indicators of the organism of the participants in the experiment were measured 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 hours after drinking the drink. The results showed that during the first two hours after drinking this juice, an increase in the concentration of polyphenols was observed in the blood, and three hours after drinking the drink, the pressure of patients decreased by an average of 7 mm. rt. Art.

Experts explain this by the fact that the antioxidant properties of polyphenols (including catechins and quercetin) and anthocyanins, which are rich in cherry juice, have a positive effect on cardiovascular health. vascular system and contribute to the improvement of the condition of patients with early stage hypertension.

cherry juice for insomnia

Cherry juice helps fight insomnia and improves the quality of sleep. This was proved by studies conducted by scientists at the University of Rochester (USA). Experts explain the positive effect of cherry juice on the quality of sleep by the fact that flavonoids, anthocyanins and other phytonutrients that it contains are involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms and normalize the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Cherry Juice and Inflammation

Cherry juice contains a number of phytonutrients, including phenolic acids (chlorogenic, caffeic, ellagic), flavonoids (isoramnetin, quercetin, catechin, epicatechin), procyanidins and anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory effects. The concentration of anti-inflammatory substances in this drink is quite high: 225 ml of juice contains about 60 mg of anthocyanins and 500 mg of phenolic compounds. Thanks to this concentration useful substances the effect of this juice is comparable to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Cherry Juice for Osteoarthritis

Due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, cherry juice helps to reduce the pain symptom of osteoarthritis. This conclusion was made by scientists from the Oregon Health University (USA). They conducted studies in which patients with osteoarthritis (women aged 40 to 70 years) took 300 ml of bottled cherry juice twice a day for 21 days. All participants confirmed a marked reduction in pain symptoms. Blood tests taken before and after the experiment also confirmed a decrease in the concentration of inflammatory biomarkers in the blood serum.

cherry juice after workout

Cherry juice helps to recover faster after intense sports training.

Scientists from the University of Vermont (USA) published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine the results of experiments that proved that drinking juice from these berries before and after intense physical exertion or performing eccentric exercises associated with muscle contraction (for example, when lifting and lowering the load), significantly reduces the symptom of muscle damage. With high physical exertion in the muscles, microtraumas of muscle fibers occur, which lead to the development of a pain symptom. And this is where it starts to work. wide range antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce inflammation.

Scientists believe that due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the phytonutrients found in cherry juice, drinking this drink inhibits the breakdown of muscle fibers caused by high physical exertion. Research has shown that daily use 340 ml of cherry juice markedly reduces muscle damage in healthy men and women experiencing high physical exercise. Studies conducted on athletes have shown that after 4 days of eccentric exercise, the decline in strength is 22% in those athletes who took placebo, and only 4% in athletes who drank juice.

Cherry juice for marathon athletes

Scientists from Northumbria University (Great Britain) proved that the use of cherry juice by marathon athletes twice a day, 225 ml each, for five days before the marathon race, on the day of the marathon and within two days after the race, significantly reduces such negative phenomena as muscle damage, muscle pain, delayed muscle soreness syndrome, which occurs 24-48 hours after the race, and also reduces inflammation in the body and the process of protein breakdown, which negatively affect the health of the athlete.

cherry juice for stress

Cherry juice reduces oxidative stress levels in healthy women and men.

Compared to younger people, older people are more susceptible to negative impact oxidative stress - cell damage caused by free radicals. Oxidative stress accelerates the aging process of the body and provokes the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and many others. Scientists from the University of Nashville (USA) proved that thanks to high concentration antioxidants cherry juice reduces the damaging effects of oxidative stress. Studies involving men and women aged 61 to 75 years have shown that drinking 240 ml of cherry juice twice a day for 14 days significantly increases the body's resistance to oxidative stress and reduces the degree of oxidative damage to nucleic acids. The anthocyanins contained in the juice activate the body's antioxidant response to gene level. This makes the body more resistant to oxidative damage even after acute stress. This effect provides a reduction in morbidity and mortality among the elderly.

Cherry juice for cancer

Cherry juice is rich in flavonoids, including anthocyanins, whose anticancer activity has been proven by numerous studies. Carcinogens and others harmful substances come into our body from air, water and food, and many of them have a devastating effect on the cells of the body. Anthocyanins reduce the process of proliferation (reproduction by division) of cancer cells and inhibit the formation of a tumor. Scientists believe that cherry juice in the amount of 2-3 servings of 225 ml per day will be especially useful for patients with different stages oncological diseases.

cherry juice and cholesterol

Cherry juice is very beneficial for of cardio-vascular system.

The benefits of this drink for the cardiovascular system are due to the fact that it contains a large amount of quercetin, one of the most powerful antioxidants. Studies have shown that quercetin protects the cells of the body from damage by free radicals of "bad" cholesterol and thus prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and stroke. Numerous studies have also proven that quercetin has anticoagulant and vasodilating properties, reduces arterial pressure and positively affects the state of the body as a whole. In addition, regular use a large number quercetin reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Restrictions on the use of cherry juice

  • Juice as a laxative

Scientists from the Oregon Health University (USA) found that cherry juice contains a relatively large amount of sorbitol, which has a laxative effect. Because of this, possible side effects when drinking a large amount of cherry juice, there may be discomfort in the intestines and diarrhea.

  • cherry juice for weight loss

The calorie content of one glass of juice is about 110 kcal. For those who are trying to lose weight or are low calorie diet, it is recommended to limit its use to half a glass a day.

  • High acidity

Cherry juice has a very high acidity - 100 ml of cherry juice contains an average of 1.6 g of organic acids. Therefore, cherry nectars are usually found on the market. The content of cherry juice in them is 30-35%. This allows you to make the product less acidic.

This one is very tasty Cherry juice. In addition, it has many useful properties for us. A person, using this aromatic drink, usually does not think about what kind of juice this particular benefit and is there from him harm body? Now we will talk about harm and benefit of cherry juice.

Cherry juice- one of the most useful fruit juices. Cherries contain a lot of useful human body substances: vitamins of groups C and B, carotene, natural acids (malic, quinic and tartaric), glucose, fructose, as well as inositol - a very valuable substance for humans that regulates metabolism in the body. Cherries also contain a lot of the iodine, iron, potassium and calcium we need.

Regular use juice from cherries helps to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, remove bile from the body. Such juice is useful for atherosclerosis, febrile conditions. Traditional healers say that cherry juice strengthens the nervous system, relieves melancholy and depression, raises vitality, creates good mood for the whole working day.

In the summer heat, cherry juice quickly quenches thirst, unlike all sorts of lemonades that you drink in liters, but you still want to drink. Cherry juice exterminates streptococci and staphylococci, destroys pathogens of such dangerous disease like dysentery.

If you drink at least a glass of cherry juice every day, then soon you will improve your appetite, strengthen your memory, and significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes or cancer. This juice has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It is very useful for older people suffering from inflammation of the joints. This drink helps to lose a few unnecessary pounds. But with severe obesity, such juice is contraindicated! This juice is useful for heart patients. After all, it contains substances that strengthen the vascular system, prevent the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels, and improve blood clotting. The risk of heart or brain hemorrhage is significantly reduced if one glass of this is drunk every day before meals. delicious drink. Cherry juice is also useful for people suffering from stones in the gallbladder or in the kidneys.

It is recommended that novice athletes drink cherry juice regularly. The use of this juice allows you to avoid severe muscle pain after prolonged exhausting workouts. One glass of this juice twenty-five minutes before the start of a workout will help get rid of the unpleasant effects of heavy physical exercise.

The antioxidants contained in cherry juice significantly reduce the effect of free radicals. But free radicals are the cause of early aging. Cherries contain P-type vitamin compounds. These compounds help to avoid the development of all kinds of heart diseases. Cherry juice also contains coumarins. They have a sedative property. Therefore, cherry juice will be useful for nervous, irritable people.

But cherry juice also has some harmful properties . In no case should you drink juice from cherries to ulcers, people suffering from diseases of the pulmonary tract. adherents traditional medicine It is recommended to drink cherry juice for the prevention of diabetes, but people who already have diabetes should not use this juice in any case!

We found out that this delicious and fragrant drink incomparably more than harmful. It just so happened that for some people it is contraindicated.

Cherry juice is the healthiest drink bestowed by nature itself. It contains all those valuable substances with which it is rich fresh cherry. With its healing potential, it leaves juices from other berries and fruits far behind.

Characteristics of cherry juice

Chemical composition

The chemical content of the juice is represented by the following beneficial substances:

  • potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper and iron;
  • vitamins of groups A, B2, C, P, PP;
  • folic acid;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • tannins, pectin substances;
  • organic acids;
  • enzymes;
  • anthocyanins;
  • coumarin.


Cherry juice is characterized by a sour taste and rich dark red color. The calorie content of the drink is low - 47 kcal / 100 ml.

Nutritional value of cherry nectar:

  • surpasses juices of citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit) and vegetables (tomato, carrot);
  • below grape, pomegranate, plum and peach juice.

Attention! Cherry juice is often included in diet diets. In addition to weight loss, it speeds up metabolic processes and saturates the body with valuable substances.

Healing qualities

So, what is the benefit of cherry juice? He is the champion in the amount of antioxidants (anthocyanins) contained in it. Thanks to this, the drink has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, prevents and heals cardiological and oncological diseases, heals diabetes, arthritis, and atherosclerosis. The juice relieves and fights muscle pain, which makes it indispensable for athletes. According to American scientists, cherry juice is able to have an antioxidant effect on the body for 12 hours.

Attention! According to studies, the number of anthocyanins contained in one glass of cherry juice is identical to 23 servings of banana, tomato, peas and carrots.

Against cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases

In addition to anthocyanins, cherry juice contains quercetin, one of the strongest antioxidants. It breaks down free radicals and removes excess cholesterol, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

In addition, quercetin has anti-edema, antispasmodic, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties, heals diseases. respiratory tract, relieves headaches, improves vision. Regular consumption of the drink serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis, and, consequently, strokes with heart attacks.

To improve sleep

The beneficial effect of cherry juice on the quality of sleep has been noticed by people for a long time, and soon this fact was officially confirmed by scientists. In their opinion, nectar produces the hormone melatonin, which normalizes circadian rhythms and has a soporific effect. Therefore, with insomnia and sleep disorders, it is recommended to drink 30 g of the drink three times a day. Sleep normalizes already in 7 days, daytime sleepiness will also disappear.

Cancer prevention

Natural cherry juice contains 3 powerful anti-cancer substances: limonene, ellagic acid, perillyl alcohol. And if citrus zest contains a large amount of limonene, and berries contain ellagic acid, then cherry nectar has collected all three microelements that crush cancer. That is why it prevents and heals (in the initial stages) cancer of the liver, skin, lungs, breast.

For athletes

For athletes and people involved in sports non-professionally. It blocks pain in the muscles, restores lost strength, strengthens muscle tissue, slows down inflammatory and oxidative processes.

To get the full power of the nutrients contained in the juice, you should drink 350 ml of the drink twice a day during the week before the upcoming competition. It can also be consumed regularly.

Natural cherry juice will also be beneficial if taken after strenuous workouts. It will restore strength, relieve inflammation and improve the antioxidant defense of the body.

Against diabetes

Long-term studies by American scientists have confirmed the fact that cherry nectar reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood and monitors the level of insulin. Thanks to this vigilant observation, the risk of diabetes mellitus is reduced.

Attention! cherry drink able to cure type 2 diabetes.

From gout and joint diseases

Fresh cherry nectar reduces the amount of uric acid in the body, which often provokes the onset of gout. In addition, its concentration creates a favorable basis for the formation of kidney stones. Cherry juice also helps with arthritis and other joint ailments. In the case of such a diagnosis, it is drunk in combination with milk.

In a duet with hot milk, the drink is taken as an expectorant for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

As a biostimulant

Cherry juice is especially necessary for the body in summer, when hot weather takes away a large amount of valuable trace elements. It is an active biostimulant and is highly recommended for people aged 40+ to prevent atherosclerosis. The drink should be drunk three times a year for 3 weeks.

From infections and viruses

Cherry juice has established itself as an antiseptic and bactericidal agent, as an ardent fighter against provocateurs of serious infectious diseases - streptococci and staphylococci. It is this drink that eliminates acute intestinal infections (for example, viral gastroenteritis) that cause inflammation. gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! Glass taken on an empty stomach concentrated juice cherries instantly deal with dysentery and Escherichia coli. For this purpose, any high-quality nectar is suitable: both homemade and from the store.

From a cold

The drink is effective in combating the first symptoms of flu, colds and SARS. In these cases, it should be bred boiled water and drink in large volumes: the malaise will pass quickly and painlessly. For the treatment of cough, pneumonia, bronchitis and inflammation of the nasopharynx, it must be mixed with honey. The healing duet will have an expectorant effect and restore health to the respiratory organs.

For constipation

The duet of kefir and juice dampens the feeling of hunger, cleanses the body of carcinogens. For chronic constipation, 500 ml of the product should be consumed, diluted with water and divided into 3 servings. In order to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, take 200 ml of cherry nectar 60 minutes before each meal.

natural aphrodisiac

Cherry nectar has long been known as a natural aphrodisiac, a drink that awakens passion. It increases sexual activity, eliminates impotence and frigidity, heals male diseases, in particular adenoma and prostatitis.

For teeth and gums

Juice is also useful for the oral cavity. It destroys fungi and bacteria, relieves inflammation, whitens teeth, increases blood circulation, and strengthens gums.

Attention! Rinse after drinking cherry juice oral cavity warm water, otherwise the acids included in its composition will destroy tooth enamel.

What else is useful cherry juice?

  • Strengthens the immune system and restores strength after illness and beriberi.
  • Heals fever, knocks down fever. In these cases, you need to drink a pasteurized or freshly squeezed drink.
  • Helps with nervous and mental disorders, relieves stress, heals nervous exhaustion, convulsions, migraine, relieves severe headaches.
  • It has a choleretic effect, improves digestion.
  • Treats anemia.
  • Improves memory and vision.

Application in cosmetology

The drink has proven itself in cosmetology. Ladies actively use it for hair and facial skin care. Masks based on it make the skin supple and elastic, nourish and moisturize it, improve complexion. Rubbing cherry juice into the hair roots an hour before shampooing, you will accelerate the growth of hair and strengthen its structure.

Attention! Cherry juice hair masks should not be done by owners of light strands - the color will deteriorate.

Cherry nectar is also used for the skin of the legs - in the form of compresses and wraps. This action strengthens the skin and makes the vessels invisible.

How to use

To provide the body necessary set antioxidants and other beneficial substances, you should consume one glass of drink daily. If the juice is not sweet enough for you, you can dilute it with water or drink it in cocktails. Nectar is often used in cooking, creating on its basis various syrups, sauces, marinades for meat and fish dishes.


Cherry juice has extensive healing potential. However, the benefits and harms of taking it go side by side. The drink can harm the body if the consumer has chronic diseases and serious illnesses.

The use of juice is prohibited when:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diarrhea
  • acute form of diabetes;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • individual intolerance and allergy to cherries.

Now you know what cherry juice is good for and what is harmful. In order not to cause even more damage to your health, before drinking the drink, make sure that you do not have the above ailments.

Cherry is one of the lowest calorie fruits, rich in various nutrients, Vitamin A and minerals. One hundred milliliters of cherry juice contains the following compounds necessary for wellness(the first number refers to sweet cherry juice, the second to sour): - 7/10 mg of vitamin C; - 640/1280 IU of vitamin A; - 0.07 mg of vitamin E; - 2.1 micrograms of vitamin K; - 1.154 / 0.4 mg of nicotinic acid; - 0.199 / 0.143 mg of pantothenic acid; - 0.049/0.044 pyridoxine; - 0.033/0.4 riboflavin; - 0.027 mg / 0.3 mg thiamine.

In 100 ml of sweet cherry juice there are only 63 kcal, the calorie content of the same serving of sour juice is 50 kcal.

Vitamin C

Cherry juice is a rich source of vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. This vitamin is water-soluble, that is, the body is not able to accumulate it in reserve. In addition, the body, needing this vitamin every day, is unable to produce it on its own. That is why it is so important to have vitamin C in the human diet.

Ascorbic acid is needed for immunity, protecting a person from infections and helping to heal wounds, fighting infections, viruses, bacteria, acting as an antihistamine. The vitamin C in cherry juice helps with colds, including nasal congestion, inflammation, and pain. The child will drink with great pleasure medicinal juice, which, among other benefits, is especially useful for children living in urban areas, where the air is saturated with lead, which affects mental abilities. Vitamin C reduces the toxicity of lead, which is important for adults, because even in small doses it can increase blood pressure and adversely affect the kidneys.

Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants found in cherry juice that helps protect our bodies from free radicals that cause oxidative stress. This stress leads to such serious diseases as stroke, atherosclerosis, it is associated with many types of cancer.

The daily dose of vitamin C depends on age, workload and health status. An adult man needs 90 mg of vitamin C daily, a lactating woman needs 120 mg. Vitamin C contained in cherry juice promotes iron absorption and acts as an antihistamine, useful in combating allergies.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A found in cherry juice is also important for immunity. The health of the skin and mucous membranes, which act as the first barrier to external infections, depends on it. A healthy mucosa is moist, its environment inhibits bacteria and viruses. By maintaining proper skin moisture, vitamin A protects the skin not only from dryness, but also from keratinization, psoriasis, as well as acne and even wrinkles.

Vitamin A is one of essential elements for good vision. With its help, the eyes effectively distinguish between light and darkness, it improves night vision. In addition, scientists believe that vitamin A effectively fights cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and other age-related eye diseases. Vitamin A is an antioxidant just like vitamin C.

Vitamins E and K

Another antioxidant found in cherry juice is vitamin E. It also supports health nervous system protecting the myelin sheaths of nerves from destruction. Cherry juice due to the content of antioxidants, including vitamin E, becomes especially useful for athletes, because during aerobic exercise a large amount of free radicals are released. The benefit of vitamin E for those involved in sports is also that it is great at coping with pain in the calf muscles caused by training.

Vitamin E is especially useful for women, as it prevents complications at the end of pregnancy caused by high blood pressure(preeclampsia), relieves premenstrual syndrome (PMS), useful for painful menstruation, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in blood clotting. Vitamin K is a heart protector and bone builder. It prevents hardening of the arteries, leading to coronary disease and heart failure. This vitamin is a kind of glue that helps calcium and other minerals stick to the bones.

Choose natural cherry juice, no sweeteners. Sweet cherry juice is already high in glucose, which can contribute to weight gain.

B vitamins in cherry juice

Nicotinic acid, or niacin (vitamin PP, vitamin B3), increases the benefits of cherry juice for the prevention of heart disease, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and increases “good”, helps cells produce energy. Another B vitamin, pyrodoxine, or B6, helps the body produce several neurotransmitters, chemical substances that carry signals from one nerve cell to another. It is essential for normal brain development and function and affects the production of hormones – serotonin and norepinephrine, which boost mood, and melatonin, which helps regulate your body clock. Vitamin B2, riboflavin, is essential for converting carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. Thiamine (B1) is involved in numerous functions of the body, including the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, in the processes of fermentation, carbohydrate metabolism, and also in the production of hydrochloric acid (which is necessary for proper digestion).

Key Benefits of Consuming Cherry Juice

If we compare the benefits of vitamins contained in cherry juice with the benefits of minerals and other substances present in it, then the main benefits of drinking cherry juice are: - healthy heart; - healthy sleep; - healthy skin and hair; - the fight against cancer; - rapid muscle recovery; - Stable blood sugar levels.

Some moms don't really like to give healthy juice children, considering it to be easily soiled, but if you wash it immediately, even with simple home remedies, it does not leave stains, but the very substances that give it a rich shade, anthocyanins, fight colds and reduce harm from free radicals.

Greetings, friends! The benefits of juices are talked about everywhere. Apple, carrot, orange, peach won popular love. But I want to talk about cherry juice, the benefits and harms of which were known to our ancestors. Not everyone likes a juicy red berry, I can’t eat it because of too sour taste. I came across an article about useful properties cherry juice and I want to share with you my discoveries.

Few people know the drink thanks to its unique qualities can replace 20 servings of any other vegetable or fruit juice. In the heat, it perfectly quenches thirst, I was convinced of this from my own experience. You can drink a liter of water and not get drunk, while a glass of cherry "nectar", I'm not afraid of this word, helps to get rid of the "drought" in the body.

Why is this berry product so good?

I was surprised a lot when I found out that in the old days warriors were soldered to them after the battle, since the drink restores strength well. Cherry juice is useful for children and the elderly, as well as people weakened after illness. I think that the strengthening of the body occurs due to a large number of vitamins - group B, carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, folic acid. Microelements were found in its composition - magnesium, calcium, iron, aluminum, phosphorus, etc.

The juice also contains tannins, fiber and pectins. It is known that pectins are excreted from the body harmful products and normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora. Pectins are used to make medicines that are designed to detoxify the body. I also advise you to read about, and.

However, the secret of the drink lies not only in vitamin composition. Inulin was found in it. I was wondering what it is? I want to warn you right away that inulin has nothing to do with insulin, they are completely different substances. Inulin normalizes metabolic processes and helps prevent diabetes. The substance stimulates immune system Helps with the absorption of calcium and thus helps to strengthen the bones. Inulin also has a good effect on liver function.

I advise drinking cherry juice to all those who are just starting to train or are already actively involved in sports. Fresh, drunk half an hour before the start of classes, gives strength and warns muscle pain, which are often the companion of athletes.

The results of the experiment have been published. The first group of marathon runners were given juice before and after the race, the others did not receive as much healthy drink. It turned out that the athletes from the first group recovered much faster and after a few hours they said that they were able to run further.

Daily consumption of the drink will help without any diet. However, drinking it in liters is still not worth it: it contains enough sugars. Abuse will backfire. It may happen that instead of losing weight, you gain excess weight.

Attention! I give useful information for men. Fresh Juice cherries are a wonderful aphrodisiac, so I advise you to drink them to your beloved woman before the “night of love”. Fresh also has a positive effect on sexual activity and helps prevent prostatitis.

After reading all the information about the benefits of the drink, I advised my parents to drink it, especially since doctors advise it.

The drink normalizes fat metabolism. As you know, with age, the amount of "bad" cholesterol increases. So, cherry fresh helps to remove excess cholesterol and improve fat metabolism.

It has a rejuvenating effect on the body due to the presence of antioxidants - substances that neutralize free radicals and slow down aging.

P-type vitamin-like compounds found in the product strengthen the walls of blood vessels, help prevent the appearance of petechial hemorrhages and spider veins on the legs. These compounds are also called bioflavonoids.

But the most important thing is that a glass of bright red drink a day helps to get rid of heart disease, hypertension, is the prevention of heart attack and stroke. The basis of these diseases is the formation of blood clots that clog blood vessels that feed the heart muscle and brain. So, cherry juice improves the processes of blood clotting and stops the processes of thrombosis.

Fresh cherry also has healing properties with joint pathology. Arthritis, arthrosis, gout are quite common diseases, and their number is constantly growing. Just one glass a day relieves pain and inflammation in the joints.

Diabetes, arthrosis, hypertension, thrombosis in modern world are frequent companions of the elderly. Cherry juice is used as a prophylactic against these ailments. Due to its qualities, it is recommended to be taken by people over 40 years old.

If replenishment is expected in the family, cherry "nectar" will undeniable benefit. One glass of juice helps prevent the development of congenital pathology in the baby. In addition, cherry fresh contains, which increases hemoglobin and increases the production of red blood cells. Such qualities are especially important for ladies in a position for the prevention of anemia.

Cherry juice and gastritis

My friend used to complain of discomfort in the stomach after eating, heaviness, he often had intestinal upset. I went for an examination and found out the diagnosis - gastritis with low acidity. The doctor said that it is quite difficult to treat the disease, it is better to immediately resort to replacement therapy. That is, you should drink hydrochloric acid or gastric juice sold in a pharmacy.

I advised cherry fresh as a stimulant for the secretion of glands in the stomach. Incredibly, his digestive health has improved a lot. The disturbing symptoms are gone, now he drinks it daily and advises his friends.

How to make a healthy drink?

Let me tell you, much more benefit bring juice made at home. We prepare it in the following way. First, squeeze out the bones (for this, stores sell special tool), skip the berries through a juicer.

However, in pure drinking juice is still not worth it, so I advise you to dilute it with boiled water. To avoid adding sugar, take sweet cherry. It is not worth diluting the drink with other juices, it is better to drink it separately and before meals.


Do not use the product for diabetes, stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. It is also contraindicated in obesity and chronic lung diseases.

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Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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