Dumplings with mineral water. Dough for dumplings in mineral water with vegetable oil - my best recipe

How to speed up the process of preparing homemade dumplings so that the quality of the finished dish does not suffer. Dumpling dough for this purpose is excellent. mineral water. Simple and complicated recipes dumpling dough with sour cream, tomato paste, milk. Features of preparing dough in a bread machine.

You don’t have to knead the soda dough for dumplings for a long time. Salt and sugar instantly react with gas bubbles and dissolve. This means saving time on cooking.

Classic dough recipe

The presented recipe for dumpling dough with mineral water is good because the mass is kneaded very quickly. In addition, you won’t need a lot of flour for modeling, hence the kitchen will remain clean.

You will need:

  • sparkling mineral water - 250 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • flour - 4 cups.

  1. Beat sugar, salt and egg.
  2. Pour mineral water into egg mixture.
  3. Add flour in portions and knead the dough.
  4. After kneading the mixture, it is important to stand for about twenty minutes. Only after this can you start sculpting.
The dough rolls out perfectly without requiring additional flour when modeling. The edges of the dumplings are glued together very firmly. In addition, these homemade dumplings can be cooked longer, they will not fall apart in the pan.

Variations of dumpling dough in mineral water

With vegetable oil

The oil in the dough for dumplings made with sparkling water adds strength and elasticity to it when rolling. In addition, such a mass will not stick to your hands. This means that the sculpting process will be quick and enjoyable.

You will need:
  • sparkling mineral water - 1 glass;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 4 cups.
  1. Mix the egg with sugar and salt.
  2. Add oil and mineral water to it.
  3. Add flour last, stirring constantly. After kneading, you should get a shiny bun.
  4. Let the mixture ripen for 20 minutes and you can roll it out.

This recipe is suitable for those who like to roll out a thin layer when modeling. The dough does not tear, the dumplings do not get soggy when cooked.

Traditionally, dumplings are made round shape with a smooth seam. Dumplings are made a little larger in size, oblong. And the seam on them is made with a beautiful pigtail.

With sour cream

The mineral water dough for dumplings with the addition of sour cream comes out tender and airy. It also works great when making dumplings. The mass does not break during cooking, and it also tolerates freezing very well.

You will need:
  • sparkling mineral water - 100 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • flour - 800 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  1. Mix salt with egg and sour cream.
  2. Pour sparkling water into the mixture.
  3. Add flour to the mixture and knead a soft dough. It will be quite soft and not overly tight.
  4. Set the mixture aside for 15 minutes to allow the gluten to swell. Then you can start rolling and sculpting.
The sour cream in the composition can be of any fat content. The dish turns out airy and tender. Such dumplings cook quite quickly, while remaining whole, preserving juicy filling inside.

With tomato paste

This recipe cannot be called standard. Nevertheless, you will be pleased with the result. Tomato paste will add flavor to the finished dish. In addition, this dough is prepared without eggs. Therefore, it turns out to be less dense and more plastic.

You will need:
  • sparkling mineral water - 1 glass;
  • tomato paste- 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 3 cups.
  1. Mix liquid ingredients with salt.
  2. Add flour to the mixture.
  3. Knead the mixture for 15 minutes. Then let the bun stand aside for half an hour. Then you can start sculpting.
Tomato paste will give the dumplings a pleasant golden hue. Since it already contains salt, you can add less salt to the broth. And here spices will not interfere. They will add flavor to the dish.

With mineral water and milk

For dumplings with sparkling water, the recipe is usually accessible and simple. But, besides flour and eggs, it may also include other ingredients. The option with milk is very good. It makes the mass soft and elastic.

You will need:

  • milk - a third of a glass;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • mineral water - two thirds of a glass;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  1. Pour milk and sparkling water into the beaten egg.
  2. Add salt to the sifted flour.
  3. Pour milk, mineral water and egg into flour.
  4. Add the butter last when kneading the dough.
The bun should be smooth and quite tight. If the mass is too dense, add a little mineral water and let the dough rest in a warm place for 20 minutes.

Using this recipe, you can also make dumplings. They will not fall apart in the pan; the dough made with mineral water and milk is strong.

Without salt and sugar

This recipe contains no spices. It can be considered an option for a quick fix. It is good because the resulting mass does not stick to the table and is easily rolled out into a thin layer.

You will need:
  • flour - 500 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • mineral water - 300 ml.
  1. Using a fork, stir the egg in a deep bowl.
  2. Pour highly carbonated mineral water into it.
  3. Add flour in portions and knead the dough. The mass should come out smooth and elastic, no more flour will be needed.
You can roll out after a quarter of an hour, this is enough for the dough to ripen. Cooking dumplings made according to this recipe only takes 5 minutes. And you can serve it by watering butter.

Bread machine recipe

There is an easy recipe for dumpling dough in mineral water for kneading in a bread machine. The technique will save time and effort, and even the most demanding housewife will be happy with the results. The mass turns out white and smooth, pleasant for further work.

You will need:
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • mineral water - 200 ml;
  • flour - 4 cups;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Pour vegetable oil into the bread machine bucket, add the egg, sugar and salt.
  2. Add mineral water there.
  3. Sprinkle flour into mixture.
  4. Carry out kneading by selecting the function “ Yeast-free dough».
  5. When the program ends, cover the bun with a bag and wait half an hour. You can roll it out.
Mineral water is an excellent ingredient for dumpling dough. It helps the ingredients react faster and forms an elastic, pliable mass.

Additives allow you to experiment with flavors and choose a recipe that will suit everyone at home. Kneading will become easy and enjoyable, all that remains is to stick the dumplings and call the family to the table.

Dumpling dough is traditionally prepared using a simple cold water. But, if you knead it with mineral water, it will differ from the traditional one in its extraordinary elasticity and elasticity. In addition, when rolling out, it does not stick to the work surface, and there is no need to sprinkle the table and dough with flour at all. Making homemade dumplings from dough in mineral water is a real pleasure, and even more so when enjoying them.

Pay attention to this important point: water for mixing should be not just mineral, but carbonated. You can even use so-called highly carbonated water. The more gas there is in it, the airier and softer the dumpling dough will be.



Preparation. Stir the egg with a fork, pour in mineral water, stir.

Then start adding sifted flour in portions.

Knead the mixture until you get an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for half an hour.

Mix both types of minced meat if cooking fresh minced meat, then grind the onion in a meat grinder along with the meat, if you are already using ready minced meat, then the onion can be finely chopped. Season the minced meat to your taste.

Roll out a piece of dough to a thickness of 2-3 mm and use a mug or mold to cut out round pieces for future dumplings.

Place a teaspoon of minced meat on each piece.

First, fold the dumpling in half, pinching the edges.

And then connect both corners together. Do the same with the rest of the dough. If there are a lot of dumplings, then you can freeze them directly on the board, and after a few hours put them in a plastic bag.

Cook for 5 minutes in salted boiling water, serve with butter or sour cream.

We also recommend reading the articles:
Dumplings with minced chicken
Homemade dumplings in a dumpling maker - step by step lesson
Dumpling casserole “Lazy Wife”

So, for the test we need:
1. flour - 3 cups
2. chicken egg - 2 pcs.
3. mineral water - 2/3 glasses.
4. sunflower oil - 6-8 tablespoons.
5. table salt - half a teaspoon

First, knead the dough. I do it with my hands. You can also knead in a food processor.

For minced meat: To your taste!!!
I do it differently: Sometimes pork + lamb, sometimes beef + pork. I add a little lard.
The main thing in minced meat is a lot of onions. Then the minced meat turns out very juicy.
I will write approximately: For 400-500g of meat, add 3-4 medium onions.
Add salt, pepper to taste and chopped herbs (parsley, dill) to the minced meat.

Roll out the dough as usual. 1 mm thick.

Yes, here is the mineral water that I add to the dough. 1.5 l. plastic bottle. In our stores it costs an average of 30 rubles.

Next, cut out the circles. I do this either with a glass or a cup. Depending on what kind of dumplings you want - small or large. We put a little minced meat in each circle and sculpt.... REMINDER: we do not add flour when rolling and sculpting. The dough doesn't stick to your hands anyway.

I sculpt with my hands. You can make dumplings of a different shape if you wish. I spread the finished dumplings on cutting board and put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then I put it in a bag and put it back in the freezer. That's all the tricks. We can start dinner!
Bon appetit.

Well, who doesn't love it? Maybe, of course, there are such people, but among my circle of friends there are definitely none. Although, as they say, there is no arguing about tastes, it is quite possible that some people simply have not tried real delicious dumplings!
But they can be prepared with various fillingschicken meat, pork, veal, fish and even mushrooms! But, in addition to the filling, it is also important to prepare the dough correctly so that it is thin, elastic and tasty - that’s when the dumplings turn out simply magical and very beautiful.
There are several recipes for making dumpling dough, but if you move away from the classics, you can make something interesting and even more soft dough. And the whole trick is in the successful selection of ingredients: egg together with vegetable or olive oil mix with sparkling mineral water and add wheat flour. When kneading, the dough is first viscous and then soft, from which you can make both dumplings and dumplings. The finished dumplings turn out delicious, their dough is thin and just melts in your mouth.
This kind of dough for dumplings made with mineral water, the recipe for which I propose, can be made in advance and put in the refrigerator for several hours, during which time the flour will give it all the gluten and it will become even more elastic. If you don’t like making dumplings with your hands, then buy special device- a dumpling maker, with its help the preparation of these delicacies will turn into an exciting activity.


- Wheat flour premium- 3.5 tbsp.,
- oil (olive or vegetable deodorized) - 3 tbsp.,
- granulated sugar- 0.5 tsp,
- table chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- mineral water (with gases) - 200 ml.

Recipe with photos step by step:

The preparation of the dough is divided into several stages. First mix in a bowl liquid ingredients– beat in a chicken egg, pour in oil, a glass of mineral water and add granulated sugar. Stir the mixture with a whisk until smooth.

Next, add the sifted flour into the bowl in small batches.

And we begin to knead the dough.

Now it is important to knead the dumpling dough well so that it is soft, homogeneous and sticky. You can do this with your hands, or you can trust the kitchen machine, whichever is more convenient for you.

The last stage is to let the dough “rest”; to do this, wrap it in film and put it either in the cold (if the filling is not ready yet and we won’t be making dumplings soon), or simply leave it on the table. From this dough you can make dumplings with meat, vegetables or

Dough for dumplings made with mineral water turns out to be unusually elastic. And the stronger it is, the more amazing the cooking turns out. Every housewife wants the dough not to fall apart when cooking a dish, and the filling not to have to be scooped out from the bottom of the pan. The kneading recipe is extremely simple, which we will tell you about now.

Mineral water dough for dumplings: what is the advantage of this method?

Since ancient times, cooks have traditionally kneaded it in cold spring water. Over time, small changes were made to the cooking technology, but the quality of water has always been the key to the success of the finished dish. Chefs love to experiment, and during one of the experiments it was noticed that the dough in mineral water for dumplings acquires extraordinary elasticity and pliability. In addition, the problem of flour base sticking to hands has disappeared, which causes discomfort to many housewives.

The more bubbles the better

We found out that for our elastic dough you need to take only highly carbonated water, because the more bubbles, the airier, softer, and, therefore, tastier it turns out finished product. Here is a complete list of required ingredients:

  • premium wheat flour - 700 g;
  • fresh chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • mineral water with high content gases - 1 glass;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and sugar - 0.5 teaspoon each. spoons.

Before you start kneading the dough for dumplings in mineral water, pay attention to the amount of flour. Typically, recipes recommend using 3 cups of the product. However, keeping a small supply on hand will still be appropriate. Based on the quality and grade, you can never predict how the flour will behave and how much of it is needed in grams for the final formation of an elastic unleavened lump.

First stage: kneading in a bowl

First, in a deep bowl, combine all the liquid ingredients (sparkling water, egg and vegetable oil) and add salt and sugar to them. Mix the mixture thoroughly and begin adding sifted flour in small portions. It is enough to add one heaped tablespoon of flour into the kneading container, and after each introduced portion, gently grind the flour with the liquid mass. The dough for dumplings in mineral water, the recipe for which we give you, should not stick to your hands. Having introduced as much flour as we think is sufficient, we check the condition of the mass by touch.

Second stage: put the dough on the table

If it seems that the composition is quite elastic, you can lay it out on the board and start kneading it with both hands at the same time. We knead for 15 minutes. This long time However, the components must adhere to each other as much as possible. Then in cutting the dough into portioned pieces and there will be no problems in rolling out the dumpling base. By the way, this dough can also be successfully used for dumplings, unleavened pies and pasties.

We will not immediately form ropes and cut the dough into pieces; we will let the formed lump stand for at least 20 minutes, covering it with cellophane. To prevent the finished lump from drying out in places, you can cover it over the cellophane with a kitchen towel. And only after the dough for dumplings in mineral water has finally come together, you can begin the stage of forming portioned pieces.

Forming the Foundation

Our recipe will be incomplete if we don’t tell you how to properly roll out the base for dumplings. Let's start with the fact that it is better to cook dumplings with 4 hands, because together you can complete the monotonous process of rolling and sculpting much faster. In this case, you can also alternate actions if necessary.

First, cut off or pinch off a piece of dough from the formed lump of such a size that it fits comfortably in both hands. Then we form a thin long rope, place it on the table and cut it into small portions using a knife. When the entire dough sausage has been cut, sprinkle each lump with flour and lightly squeeze with the inside of your palm. We lay out the pieces on the table in a chaotic order, and a little flour will prevent the particles from sticking together later.

Making dumplings

We begin to roll out thin flat cakes from the resulting flattened pieces of dough using a large rolling pin. Now place pre-prepared minced meat in the center of each flatbread; use a teaspoon to determine the portion of filling. Then we pinch the edges and place each formed dumpling on a lightly floured surface. If you don’t plan to cook dumplings right now, put the board with semi-finished products in the freezer.


Why are they so popular? Because they are preparing from natural products with love and warmth. If you don’t often prepare such a dish, take our recipe and prepare the dough for dumplings in mineral water. Reviews from those who have already used this advice are very enthusiastic.
