Chicken gizzard salad with Korean carrots. Korean chicken gizzards recipe

Very often I prepare Korean salads, replacing ingredients and experimenting with the composition. Today I prepared Korean chicken gizzards with carrots. We really liked the salad, it’s easy to prepare, from quite available ingredients. Seasonings for Korean carrots may vary, so I used the bag that is designed for 1 kilogram of Korean carrots.


To prepare a salad with chicken stomachs in Korean we will need:
chicken gizzards - 500 g;

carrots - 500 g;
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
vinegar 9% - 4-5 tbsp. l.;
garlic - 1 head;
seasoning for Korean carrots - 1 sachet (20 g).

Cooking steps

Grate the peeled carrots using a Korean carrot grater and add to the chicken gizzards.

Pour vegetable oil and vinegar into a saucepan, add Korean carrot seasoning, pressed garlic, mix well, bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Appetizing, delicious Korean-style chicken gizzards with carrots can be served. This salad perfectly diversifies the menu.

Whatever you say, it’s sharp and spicy snacks originally from the East - perhaps the most favorite treats for the modern gourmet. “Your Cook” invites food lovers to try the best option both for a snack on weekdays and as a snack for festive table— salad from chicken stomachs in Korean.

Believe me, if you care about Asian cuisine, then, having tried such a treat just once, you will cook it almost every day!

Korean chicken gizzard salad: a simple and delicious recipe


  • — 0.5 kg + -
  • - 1-2 root vegetables + -
  • - 2 heads + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - a third of a glass + -
  • - 1.5 tbsp. l. + -
  • Ground coriander- 1 tsp. incomplete + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 4.5 tbsp. l. + -
  • Red chili pepper- incomplete tsp. + -

How to make Korean chicken stomach salad at home with your own hands

The main highlight of Korean cuisine is spicy aroma and pungency of taste. Of course, if for some reason you avoid spicy dishes, then you can easily make the salad less peppery. This certainly won't make it taste any worse.

Boil the cleaned poultry stomachs until tender.

  • First, let's deal with the main ingredient for our spicy salad in Korean - chicken gizzards. We clean them thoroughly, and then rinse them thoroughly under running water. cold water.
  • Place a small saucepan on the stove and pour water into it. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce to medium. We put our washed chicken stomachs into the saucepan.
  • We also send them a little black pepper for taste, which we put in the form of whole peas. Place a couple of fragrant bay leaves.
  • We cook our stomachs for spicy salad before full readiness, which can be checked using a fork or toothpick. However, keep in mind that you cannot overcook the stomachs - they will turn rubbery.
  • We remove the boiled stomachs from the boiling water and transfer them to a plate, where we cool them. Then cut the ingredient into small slices.

Marinate onions in vinegar for a spicy salad

  • Now let's take care of the heads onions. We peel it, then, cutting each vegetable into two parts so that the onion does not burn your eyes, you can lower it into cold water for a couple of seconds.
  • Chop each half of the onion into half rings so that they are not too thick. We send the vegetable to a separate bowl, where we also pour our table vinegar.
  • Marinate the onion for 15-20 minutes. When the time allotted for pickling the onions has expired, drain all the brine from the vegetable.

Grate raw carrots on a special grater

  • Peel the carrots and rinse under cold water. We take out a special grater for preparing Korean dishes and grate the orange vegetable with its help.

Let's start with the step-by-step assembly of a spicy appetizer salad

  • We assemble our spicy Korean salad by putting shredded chicken stomachs, pickled onions and grated carrots into a bowl.
  • Add a little soy sauce to the salad bowl. To give the dish unique aroma Sprinkle the ingredients with chopped coriander. And for spicy notes add chili pepper. After this, add salt to the dish.
  • For dressing we use vegetable refined oil, which we preheat in a frying pan. After that, pour it into the salad bowl, stirring the appetizer.

  • We remove korean dish into the refrigerator for 5-7 hours, covering the salad bowl. When the dish is thoroughly infused and soaked spiced oil, we serve it to the table.

This appetizer is ideal for second courses of pasta, as well as meat dishes.

Korean chicken giblet appetizer: original step-by-step recipe


  • Carrots – 1 large root vegetable;
  • Chicken gizzards – 400 g;
  • Vegetable oil without aroma – 50-60 ml;
  • Salted soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Celery - a couple of stalks;
  • Green apple – 1 pc.;
  • Seasoning for Korean dishes – 1 tsp;
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • White granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.

How to make Asian spicy salad from chicken stomachs with apple at home

  • First of all, you need to clean the poultry (chicken) giblets, and then wash them under running water.
  • Place a saucepan on the fire and add water. Bring to a boil and lower our offal into it - stomachs, which we cook until tender, having previously salted the broth.
  • Remove the finished stomachs from the pan and place them on a plate to cool completely.
  • We wash the green ripe apple under the tap, cut it into two halves and remove the hard middle part of the fruit along with the seeds.
  • Next, chop the apple into thin but long strips so that the fruit retains its shape well and does not fall apart in the salad.
  • Wash and dry the celery stalk. Then we also crumble green vegetable thin strips, like an apple.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper wash, cut into two parts. Remove the core of the fruit. Chop the pepper into strips, like the previous ingredients.

About how to cut correctly and beautifully bell pepper, look in step-by-step master class below.

  • We peel the onion head, chop it into two parts, which we then carefully chop into half rings.
  • We wash the carrots, peel them, and then grate them on a special grater for preparing Korean vegetables.
  • Mix all our chopped vegetables in a salad bowl, adding to them white sugar. We wait for the ingredients to release their juice, which we carefully pour out of the bowl.
  • We will also chop the stomachs into strips when they have cooled completely and put them in a salad bowl with the vegetables.
  • Place a frying pan or saucepan on the fire, heat the dishes and pour in vegetable oil to season our appetizer.
  • When the oil is warm enough, pour it into it. soy sauce, and also add seasonings and spices.
  • Mix the dressing and pour it from the frying pan into the salad bowl. Mix the dish and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

We offer the treat to the home after it has completely cooled down and the vegetables have been thoroughly marinated in aromatic hot oil.

As you can see, it's done delicious salad from chicken stomachs in Korean is very simple and quick. This version of a cold appetizer could even be called a recipe for a quick fix, if only it didn’t need to be left in the refrigerator before serving.

Bon appetit!

I think you will like Korean chicken gizzards. Although many housewives are prejudiced against offal. Some people think they are harmful. Others arrogantly refuse to cook them. And still others unfairly claim that it is not tasty. And, I want to tell you, it’s completely in vain. It’s just that skeptical cooks have not yet tried to cook spicy chicken gizzards in korean style. Of course, this dish is unlikely to be directly related to Korea. As, indeed, is the well-known one. But to be honest, the origin of the recipe is the least of my worries. The main thing is that it is tasty and unusual, and the preparation does not take half a day and does not require culinary “somersaults” and “juggling” kitchen appliances. And if you are of the same opinion, then we are on the same path. Let `s start? Then write down or remember the ingredients from which Korean chicken gizzards are prepared.

Korean chicken gizzards are prepared from such products

How to prepare chicken gizzards in Korean (step-by-step recipe with photos):

Don't be fooled appearance ventricles. This “horrible-looking” product will become velvety soft and very tasty if you prepare and boil it as written in this recipe photo. Rinse the chicken gizzards. Dry with a paper towel. Cut off the fat, all veins and hard films. Then place the offal filled with water on the stove. After bringing it to a boil, turn the heat down. Add salt and cook for about 1.5 hours. Keep a slotted spoon at the ready and skim off the foam periodically. Discard the boiled stomachs in a colander. Cool completely. Cut into thin slices.

The main ingredient is ready. Now you can do it with a clear conscience magical transformation boiled offal into Korean chicken gizzards. For this we need spices, spices and more spices. Well, and a little apple or light balsamic vinegar. First up is garlic. Grind it and add to the chopped ventricles.

Then add 3 types of pepper and ground coriander. If desired, you can add a little salt to the dish. Mix well, distributing the seasoning evenly.

There were 4 more ingredients left unused - onion, vinegar, sugar and butter. Moreover, the first three will be needed simultaneously. Peel the onion and cut into thin, thin half rings. Marinate in a mixture of vinegar and sugar. So that the onions lose their bitterness and become saturated with piquant sweet and sour taste, a quarter of an hour will be enough. Then squeeze the onion well. Add it to the rest of the Korean chicken gizzard ingredients.

And the last (but not least) active stage of preparation Korean salad from chicken stomachs - this means filling it with hot vegetable oil. As you probably already guessed, to do this you need to pour oil into the frying pan. Heat it up high. And then pour it into the salad. After stirring the dish and thoroughly enjoying the appetite-stimulating aroma, let it cool completely. Cover and place in a cool place for 3-4 hours. If possible, overnight.

And while the ingredients share their smells and tastes, you can come up with ideas for what to serve along with Korean-style spicy chicken gizzards. Of course, the choice is yours. But I’ll put in my 2 cents here too and advise you to cook potatoes (in any form). You can also boil rice or pasta. You can also put the appetizer in tartlets on fresh bread. Or on golden toast, having “built” delicious sandwiches. But I guarantee that in any interpretation it turns out to be as appetizing, piquant and unusual as possible.

By the way, you can also “bring into play” soy sauce, which will make an even more obvious emphasis on the oriental character chicken ventricles in Asian style.

Commitment national cuisine- this is always commendable, but how much It’s interesting to understand the culture of other peoples by studying culinary traditions! Just imagine: standing in the kitchen, you can virtually visit almost all countries of the world, and even take with you your relatives, who have already hurriedly occupied their seats behind dining table. So, today's destination is Korea. And for a successful trip we will need: minimum set culinary skills, good mood and a recipe for chicken gizzards in Korean!

Korean marinated chicken gizzards: an affordable recipe at home

Kitchen tools: pan, knife, marinating container, garlic press, cutting board, metal dishes for heating oil, cling film.


Chicken gizzards1 kg
Vegetable oil100 ml
Black pepper½ tsp.
Ground Bell pepper(paprika)1-2 tsp.
Dried coriander1-2 tsp.
Garlic1 head
Vinegar1-2 tbsp. l.
Bulb1 PC.
Dill1 bunch
Sweet bell pepper1 PC.
Soy sauce (dark)1 tbsp. l.
Sugar½ tsp.
Clean water for boiling stomachs1.5 l

  • It is better to take refined sunflower oil, without a specific odor.
  • The freshness of the ventricles can be determined by their elasticity: If they are soft and flabby, avoid them.
  • Try to buy chilled, not frozen gizzards - dishes from them always turn out tastier.

Cooking video recipe

Even preparing such a simple snack has its own subtleties. The author of this video will tell you how to make the dish as flavorful as possible. Take this secret into your arsenal and delight yourself and your loved ones with new culinary achievements!

Cooking time: 1 hour + 2 hours in the refrigerator.
Number of servings: 3-4.
Kitchen tools: saucepan, knife, frying pan, cutting board, deep dish for marinating.


Chicken stomachs 500 g
Bulb½ pcs.
Garlic4 cloves
Cilantro4-5 branches
Fresh ginger40 g
Star anise1 star
Sugar1-2 tsp.
Salt½ tsp.
Ground coriander½ tsp.
Black pepper (ground)1 pinch
Sesame (seeds)1 tbsp. l.
Chili pepper flakes2-3 tsp.
Soy sauce (dark)2-3 tbsp. l.
Rice cooking wine2 tbsp. l.
Vinegar1 tbsp. l.
Sunflower oil3-4 tbsp. l.
Water for boiling stomachs1.5 l

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Rice cooking wine can be substituted regular table wine.
  • For the authenticity of the recipe, it is also better to use rice vinegar, but if you don’t have it, you can get by with regular vinegar.
  • Spices can be varied to suit your taste, however, coriander must remain an unchanged component, because without it korean cuisine unthinkable.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cooking video recipe

There is no doubt that every housewife will turn out to be special with their spicy ventricles thanks to a unique set of spices. Look for your own unique combinations, and if you still can’t decide on such an experiment, take a look at what the author of this video adds to the snack.

This aromatic, spicy dish is most often used as cold appetizer. In this case it just put it in a beautiful salad bowl and garnish with sesame seeds and sprigs of cilantro or any other herbs. You can also serve ventricle salad with boiled rice or potatoes, it turns out to be a very tasty combination.

For festive serving The appetizer can be placed in tartlets or on toast. By the way, a salad of boiled chicken stomachs in Korean is perfectly prepared with the addition of Korean carrots - it will turn out even piquant!

Ventricular secretions

  • If you are making an appetizer using frozen gizzards, defrost them in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours. This method, although very time-consuming, has a gentle effect on taste qualities product.
  • If you have time, soak the gizzards for 2-3 hours before boiling.

  • Add to the pan in which the stomachs are boiled bay leaves and peas allspice, And any dish will turn out even more flavorful from them.
  • You need to boil the chicken gizzards for quite a long time, but still be careful not to overcook them.

Other Korean dishes

It is not known whether all “Korean-style” dishes are directly related to Korea, but who cares if it’s just incredibly tasty!

  • For lovers fish salads You will definitely like them - tender and spicy.
  • has become so firmly established in our culinary everyday life that we can no longer imagine many of our favorite dishes without it. So why buy it in supermarkets when you can make it yourself?
  • By the way, if you are already tired of our traditional sauerkraut, try replacing it. And if you are a fan Chinese cabbage prepared in all sorts of ways, be sure to add it to your culinary piggy bank recipe .
  • Do you want to surprise your friends? Invite them to dinner and promise to cook: let them wonder what kind of gastronomic miracle awaits them!

Cook with pleasure, discover new recipes and share your wishes and suggestions in the comments!
