How to make kvass on black bread. Homemade kvass: recipes for a healthy drink made from rye bread

Revival of long-forgotten traditions and return to old recipes potions that were known in every home in the old days are now quite relevant. People are tired of chemical additives in food, from consumption genetically modified products, which cause irreversible consequences in the body, and also have a detrimental effect on the development of subsequent generations.

Today, every woman seeks salvation in the old recipes of her ancestors, and with each such recipe you can discover something new and useful for the whole family. I found a lot of good recipes on Cook and on this site. Of all, to summarize, the most interesting discovery for me was preparing bread kvass at home according to various ancient recipes! It's so cool! I share information.

What effect does kvass have on the body?

The time of the principality of Vladimir the Great is famous for the most frequent mentions of kvass. After the baptism of Kievan Rus, Vladimir organized a great feast, at which, by his decree, every resident was fed food, sweetened with honey and given kvass to drink.

In those days, kvass was made wherever people needed to recuperate: monasteries, hospitals, in the army and in every simple hut. Already in those days they noticed that in hot weather kvass quenches thirst for a long time, restores strength and gives energy. No one suffered from illness then gastrointestinal tract and obesity.

Kvass has the ability to restore intestinal microflora thanks to fermentation products. Kvass improves immune system and normalizes the body's metabolic processes. People with cardiovascular diseases, after regular use kvass felt a significant improvement in health. This is not surprising, because kvass is rich in microelements, vitamins, amino acids, 8 of which are essential, as well as free radicals and lactic acid.

One of the most popular recipes It is considered kvass without yeast. This product is incredibly useful for every family member, including children, and is also indispensable. dietary product for every mother. Yeast kvass is useful for athletes who need to regularly restore energy and build muscle mass, while yeast-free kvass does not cause obesity and gives you a feeling of fullness for the whole day.

To prepare kvass, prepare rye bread, you can use hop starter, sugar, raisins and boiled water.

Making kvass without yeast

  1. The bread is cut into cubes and toasted in the oven or microwave. The color and taste of kvass will depend on the degree of darkening of the resulting crackers. Black overcooked crackers will give kvass a burnt, bitter taste.
  2. Crackers are poured into three liter jar so that the jar is half full.
  3. Sugar is stirred in water (about 12 tablespoons) and the water is poured into a jar of crackers.

Important: no a large number of Sugar in kvass, less than 10 spoons, will cause the drink to sour and you will have to make the kvass again, and the amount of sugar more than 15 spoons will make the kvass too sharp. Add sugar to your liking, but without decreasing or increasing the specified amount.

  1. Add a handful of raisins, which will not only add piquancy to the kvass, but also make the fermentation process more intense.
  2. Cover the jar with a light towel or gauze pad and leave in a dark place for a day or two.

Important: the fermentation process can begin in a day or three - it depends on the temperature in the room; The lower it is, the longer the kvass will wait. Fermentation of kvass begins when a large number of small bubbles appear on its surface. Kvass without yeast can ferment for 4-5 days.

  1. As soon as the kvass is ready, it is drained, placed in a cool place and consumed at least three times a day.
  2. In a jar of crackers, take half of the used crackers and add fresh ones to the original quantity.
  3. This time add less sugar - from 3 to 5 spoons.
  4. The amount of raisins is also halved.
  5. This process can be repeated many times.

Important: if you are going to leave for the weekend and you will not have the opportunity to ferment the kvass a second time, you can leave the used crackers in a liter closed jar in the refrigerator and prepare kvass when you return.

Recipe for beet kvass without yeast at home

  1. Peel 1 kg of beets and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. The beets are placed in a three-liter jar and filled with water.
  3. Place a large piece in a jar black callous of bread.
  4. Add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  5. The jar is covered with a gauze cloth and left in a dark place for several days.
  6. If desired, add a clove of garlic to the finished kvass.

Recipe for kvass with yeast at home

This kvass will be a godsend for exhausted people who need to gain muscle mass, as well as for people suffering from chronic fatigue, because it invigorates and gives strength.

  1. Rye bread is toasted until a light brown crust forms.
  2. Place the crackers in a three-liter jar until it is half full.
  3. Dissolve 5 tablespoons of sugar in boiled water and pour into a jar.
  4. When the water becomes warm, pour some sweet water from the jar, dilute half a packet of dry yeast in it and pour it back into the jar.
  5. The jar is covered with a gauze cloth and left to ferment for a day or two.
  6. To make the fermentation process go faster, you can add a spoonful of raisins to the jar.
  7. After foam appears in the kvass and it is ready, it is filtered and poured into glass bottles and put in the refrigerator for several hours. After cooling, kvass can be consumed.
  8. IN old leaven can add fresh crackers and a little sugar with raisins. The starter is topped up with water without yeast and the kvass is put back into fermentation.

Recipe for spicy yeast kvass at home

  1. Rye crackers posted in enamel dishes and pour four liters of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 3 hours.
  3. Strain.
  4. Enter diluted sweet water yeast and leave for another 7 hours.
  5. Then add half a glass of grated horseradish.
  6. Add half a glass of honey.
  7. They bottle it and add a few twists to each one.
  8. Place in the refrigerator for several hours and consume.

Cossacks prepared spicy kvass and drank it from special wooden ladles. A huge ladle was placed in the middle of the table, instead of handles there were horse heads carved on both sides. On this ladle were attached six more small ladles for each guest. Now such ladles can again be found in shops with wooden utensils at fairs.

Kvass is very easy to prepare at home. By consuming kvass regularly, prepared at home with your own hands, you will ensure health, vigor and good mood yourself and your entire family.

Video about making bread kvass at home.

Home bread kvass- This is perhaps the only drink that can not only quench thirst, but also satiate a person. The first black bread appeared several centuries ago. The refreshing drink, unique in taste, gained incredible popularity among ordinary Russian people and the nobility.

The value of homemade kvass

Homemade kvass made from black bread crackers is not just a refreshing drink. Even our distant ancestors knew about it beneficial properties. He was credited with the ability to heal abdominal pain and eliminate constipation, relieve muscle pain and restore strength after a protracted illness. Modern nutritionists and doctors confirm this. The drink contains many nutrients and vitamins.

It helps strengthen the immune system, especially if the recipe for homemade kvass from black bread includes various components: either mint, viburnum or Birch juice, honey, cinnamon or even horseradish. Real bread kvass, prepared at home without all kinds of chemical additives, - the best remedy for headaches that occur after heavy libations.

Both children and adults can drink this refreshing drink. It is also used to prepare the well-known and beloved okroshka. For this dish experienced chefs It is advised to use black kvass, then its taste will be mild, and unpleasant consequences in the form of mild intoxication will not occur. By the way, among the many types of bread kvass, there are those that are comparable in many characteristics to beer, since they contain alcohol. It goes without saying that children should not drink kvass prepared according to such recipes. But many adults may like it.

It's time to take a closer look at how to make kvass from black bread. The first thing worth mentioning is the choice of cookware. Once upon a time, this refreshing drink was prepared exclusively in hardwood barrels. Now, in this century modern technologies when plastic, metal and glass reign in kitchens, the best container to create a refreshing drink are glass jars volume 3 liters or more, as well as enamel-coated metal pans. Aluminum cookware It is strictly forbidden to use it, just like most types of plastic. The fact is that they can release various substances into kvass, changing its characteristics: taste, color and aroma, content useful substances. Before preparing the drink, it is better to sterilize the container or rinse it well with soda.

Almost every recipe for homemade kvass made from black bread contains instructions to cover the dishes with a cloth. Calico or linen napkins are best suited for these purposes. Before use, they must be boiled in salted water and dried without rinsing. During fermentation of kvass, it is not recommended to move, shake the container or stir the drink being prepared, as the fermentation processes in it may stop and it will turn out tasteless.

These are, perhaps, the main tips on how to make kvass from black bread without mistakes. Next, we offer you several recipes for a foamy, refreshing drink that every housewife can master.

Classic kvass made from rye bread

This drink option is the basis for others. Almost all recipes for kvass from black bread are based on these proportions of components. So, to prepare 3 liters of drink you will need 1 kg of stale rye bread, 300 g granulated sugar and 20 g of yeast. The bread should be cut into small slices and dried in the oven, browning until golden color. Rusks are poured into three liters hot water and stir occasionally for 2-3 hours. As a result, about 3 liters of wort will be obtained - the basis of kvass. To prepare classic black kvass, add sugar to the wort cooled to 20 degrees and diluted in small quantity yeast from the same bread infusion. Next, leave the container with the drink in a warm place for at least 12 hours, covering it with a clean cloth.

After this time, the kvass is carefully poured into clean bottles, so as not to raise any turbidity from the bottom of the container, sealed tightly and transferred to a cool room for 2-3 days. After this, the drink is considered ready for consumption.

Homemade kvass with raisins

Many recipes for kvass made from black bread involve the use of raisins. At the same time, dried grapes cannot be washed before preparing the drink, since the substances on their surface are necessary for initiation chemical processes in the brewing drink. Thanks to this, kvass made from black bread with raisins acquires a completely new, bright taste.

The basis of this drink is the classic bread kvass mentioned above. The only difference is that when bottling the drink, you need to add 4-5 raisins to each bottle. The kvass prepared in this way is left for about a day, after which it is tightly sealed and placed in the refrigerator for at least 4 days.

Golden kvass

Like other recipes for kvass from black bread, this one contains a method of preparation kvass wort, which includes rye crackers (1 kg), water (5-6 l), sugar (5 tbsp.), 2 tbsp. l. dry baker's yeast and a handful of raisins. Preparation of the base for this type of kvass is the same as in previous recipes. Its peculiarity is that raisins are added to the wort at the same time as half the sugar and yeast. The drink is infused in a warm place for 3-4 days, after which it must be carefully poured into another container, where the remaining sugar is also added. Next, you should pour the kvass into dark bottles. You need to add 2-3 raisins to each and seal tightly. Kvass should ripen for at least 2 days in a cold place.

Bread kvass without yeast

If you want to make kvass from black bread at home for the whole family, including children, you will definitely like this recipe, because the drink is guaranteed to be non-alcoholic. So, to prepare it you will need rye or regular black bread, 10 liters of water and a glass of sugar. Sliced ​​bread should be toasted on open fire until a noticeable crust appears. If it gets a little charred in places, that's okay. Next, you need to fill it with boiled water, add sugar and leave in a warm sunny place to ferment for at least 2 days. After this, the drink can be poured into bottles and refrigerated. This kvass is especially tasty when cold; it is great for making okroshka.

Kvass with mint

This type of drink is prepared in the same way as classic kvass, with the only difference being that a glass of mint infusion is added to the wort. This will require 2-3 tbsp. l. dried mint for 5 liters of wort. The greens should be poured with boiling water and left to infuse for several hours, after which the resulting infusion is poured into the finished wort. Kvass with mint is very different subtle aroma and a refreshing effect on the body. It is especially good to drink on hot days, when other drinks are not able to quench your thirst.

Another version of bread kvass with mint is prepared as follows: a handful of rye flour is brewed with boiling water and left for a couple of hours. Meanwhile, a classic wort is prepared from black bread toasted in the oven. Sugar (1 cup per 5 liters of wort), a bunch of fresh mint and rye flour starter are added to the finished base. The drink infuses for only a day, after which it can be bottled and cooled.

Bread kvass with hemp grains

Any housewife should know unusual recipes for bread kvass made from black bread, which includes hemp kvass. They will help diversify the taste of soft drinks. homemade. In addition, kvass with hemp grains has a relaxing and calming effect. To prepare it you will need about a kilogram of hemp seeds, 300 g of hop cones, 150 g of caraway seeds, 700 g of 1300 g of honey and 5 liters of water. All ingredients, except bread, are placed in a saucepan with water and heated slowly, without bringing to a boil. Then bread is added to the broth and quickly cooled. After this, the kvass is heated again to 40 degrees and immediately bottled. The drink is infused for at least 5 days, after which it can be drunk.

Bread kvass with currant leaf

Homemade currant kvass has an exquisite aroma and spicy taste. It should not be used to prepare okroshka - it is good on its own. To prepare it you will need 4 liters of wort made from 500 g of rye crackers and 200 g of sugar, 40 g of yeast and 7-10 blackcurrant leaves. The drink is infused in an apartment day or night, after which it is filtered into bottles. You need to put some zest into each one. Tightly sealed bottles are placed in a cold place for 3 days.

Bread kvass with birch sap

Unlike the classic version of this drink, birch sap is used instead of water. It is impossible to heat it while preparing the wort, as this will cause the destruction of beneficial substances. This was carried out mainly in the spring; the reserves of kvass from it were a real treasure. Such drinks were usually served at festive table, they were given to seriously ill people and women during the postpartum period. It tastes not much different from classic kvass. It can be prepared in different variations: with mint, currants and raisins.

Whatever kvass you prepare, remember that you need to do it with soul. Only in this case the drink will turn out tasty and truly healthy. Please note that almost all types of homemade bread kvass contain yeast and undergo fermentation. This is why it is not recommended to drink soft drink before you get behind the wheel. Kvass most likely will not affect your condition, but there will be alcohol in your blood, albeit in small quantities.

Homemade kvass from rye bread without yeast

I suggest excellent recipe kvass from black rye bread, which can be prepared with or without yeast. I serve the recipe without yeast. You should know that kvass not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also restores strength, balances fluid and salt in the body, improves digestion, and also has a number of other benefits, which I will discuss below. Without wasting any time, let’s start making homemade kvass. The main ingredient of kvass is rye bread, specifically rye bread, which does not contain yeast or any additives such as caraway seeds or dill. Fermentation in such kvass occurs due to lactic acid bacteria, not yeast. Let's try and enjoy!

Recipe for kvass from rye bread without yeast:

250 g black bread

180 g sugar (about 6 full tablespoons)

How to make kvass from rye bread without yeast:

1. Cut the bread into small pieces and dry it well in the oven so that you get crackers, but do not burn, otherwise the kvass will taste bitter and burnt.

2. Pour the crackers halfway into a three-liter jar.

3. Boil water, add 5 tablespoons of sugar, stir thoroughly, cool to 24 -30 degrees. Fill the crackers with this sweet water almost to the very top, leaving room for carbon dioxide. Let's also add raisins.

Leave the jar in a dark place at room temperature, covering it tightly with a thin cloth or gauze in two layers. You can secure the fabric with an elastic band around the neck. You can also cover the jar metal lid(without rolling it up, of course).

4.After 1-2 days, depending on the temperature in the room, the fermentation process will begin, the crackers will begin to move, moving up and down. The kvass will be ready in 3-4 days, you need to taste it to avoid peroxide. This process may also depend on the quality of the raisins.

5. Drain the homemade kvass, strain through layers of gauze, and place in the refrigerator.

6. You don’t have to throw away the crackers, leave half for the next sourdough. Then add a handful of fresh raisins, 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Fill with water, cover with gauze, and it will be ready in the morning!

If you do not prepare the kvass right away, place the softened crackers in the refrigerator. then take it out, keep it in the room, add sugar, water and a new kvass will be ready again.

  • To prepare kvass, use only glass, stainless steel or enamel containers.
  • Fry crackers without oil or additives.
  • Add sugar to taste. Add more to the first portion to start the fermentation process.
  • If there are no raisins, add more sugar. But raisins are desirable because they saturate the kvass with carbon dioxide and give the kvass a playful taste.
  • The richness and color of kvass depends on the color of the crackers and the degree of frying.
  • The readiness of kvass depends on the temperature in the room

Homemade kvass made from rye bread has excellent taste and beneficial properties.

Prepare and enjoy!

How to prepare kvass

homemade kvass from rye bread

2 l

30 minutes

45 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

How to find a drink that can relieve your thirst in a matter of seconds on a hot summer day? Choose kvass! Following a recipe proven over centuries, you can easily prepare this delicious, natural drink. Let's pamper our family together with fragrant and refreshing kvass. Join us as we begin a culinary lesson on making kvass from bread at home. I will tell you and show you in photos and videos how to make real homemade kvass from black bread according to an old recipe that has been passed down from mouth to mouth for decades in our family.

Did you know?
What are the benefits of homemade bread kvass? Firstly, this magical drink helps normalize metabolism and improve food absorption. Secondly, kvass quickly saturates and invigorates the body, providing you with energy for the whole day, reduces fatigue and increases performance. Moreover, this wonderful elixir has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, and also helps strengthen tooth enamel, and is indispensable for weight loss. However, in addition to its benefits, bread kvass can also cause harm to the body. First of all, people suffering from gastritis or cirrhosis of the liver are strictly forbidden to drink homemade bread kvass.


  • First, let's prepare the spicy one. knife and wooden or plastic board for slicing bread.
  • Next we need liter glass jar for sourdough.
  • Small bowl useful for infusing yeast.
  • Regular fork will be needed to knead some components.
  • Need to prepare later three liter glass jar for making kvass.
  • To strain the kvass we need gauze, sieve and deep bowl.
  • Also prepare a clean container for ready-made kvass.
  • Don't forget about the spacious nasty.

General list of required ingredients

Ingredients quantity
To prepare sourdough
fresh yeast 10 g
granulated sugar 45-50 g
Rye bread 2 handfuls
water 400 ml
To prepare kvass
crackers 3 handfuls
granulated sugar 45-50 g
raisin optional
water boiling water 1 l
water at room temperature 1-1.5 l

Step-by-step preparation of kvass

Let's prepare the starter

Let's prepare kvass

Final stage

Video recipe for making bread kvass at home

This video tells in detail how to properly prepare bread sourdough at home. aromatic kvass. Also, after watching this video, you will learn about some tricks that will be useful to you in the process of making homemade bread kvass.

HOMEMADE KVASS - well, very tasty!

Real homemade kvass according to the Family Kitchen recipe. Delicious bread kvass on rye bread and yeast sourdough. Best summer drink homemade kvass to quench your thirst and prepare okroshka. Aromatic, rich kvass is a natural drink. How to make kvass. How to prepare sourdough for kvass.
OUR SITE FAMILY KITCHEN with detailed description recipe and photos


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  • Fresh yeast can be safely replaced with three grams of dry yeast. However, the most delicious kvass It is made from fresh yeast.
  • To make kvass, you can use absolutely any type of bread, however best kvass It is made from black rye bread without any additives, such as caraway seeds or dill.
  • Remember that the higher quality the rye bread, the tastier the kvass will be. I recommend using several types of rye bread for bread kvass and a pleasant, unique rich taste you will be provided.
  • It is not necessary to cut the bread into cubes; you can break it with your hands into pieces of any shape.
  • Rye crackers must be baked until golden brown. If they are slightly burnt in the oven, do not use them in the process of making kvass. Such crackers will give the drink an unpleasant bitter taste.
  • I recommend adding raisins to kvass, as they promote active fermentation.
  • I advise you to use water that has been previously boiled and cooled to room temperature for the recipe.
  • To prepare kvass, choose glass or enamel containers.
  • In order for the starter to turn out to be of high quality and prepared as quickly as possible, the jar with it must be placed in a warm, bright place so that Sun rays fell on her. For example, a windowsill is a great place for sourdough.
  • Make sure that the kvass does not ferment. Otherwise, it will turn sour and all your efforts will be in vain.
  • The finished drink can be flavored with blackcurrant leaves, mint, as well as horseradish, honey and any spices, depending on the preferences and tastes of your household.
  • The resulting kvass can be used in cooking to prepare dough for saltine crackers, and also as a base. sour cabbage soup or okroshka.
  • If you want to increase the shelf life of kvass, store it in a dark, cool place.

Other options for making kvass

  • You already know how to quickly make bread kvass at home. Try now this wonderful, very tasty and aromatic one.
  • I also advise you to pay attention to, it is not only healthy and tasty, but also has pronounced healing properties. Besides, oat kvass It is very easy to prepare and does not require culinary experience from the hostess.
  • I suggest you try it too. The main advantage of this magic drink– complete absence of the characteristic yeast smell inherent in kvass made with yeast. At the same time, the drink turns out to be inimitably tasty and very satisfying.
  • In addition, be sure to take a closer look at the very unusual, but incredible aromatic drink. This option Kvass is relevant for any time of year, since for its preparation you can use not only fresh, but also canned birch sap.

Eat healthy and never get sick!

Write in the comments about your impressions regarding the above recipe. Also be sure to share yours own recipes kvass and tell us what ingredients you use to prepare this refreshing drink yourself. I look forward to your feedback, as well as new and interesting recipes!

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Kvass has been famous in Rus' since ancient times: it quenches thirst, increases appetite, and has a tonic effect.
Homemade kvass with sweet and sour taste and the aroma of fresh rye bread. They give it a unique “bouquet” aromatic seasonings and spices - mint, cinnamon, honey, horseradish, rowan berries, a sprig of black currant...


We offer you 23 recipes for a wide variety of kvass - some will definitely suit your taste, and in the summer they will become a regular guest on your table!


Recipe for traditional rusk kvass

1. Rye crackers (1 kg) are fried in the oven until golden crust. Place in a saucepan, add warm water and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally.

2. The infusion is drained. The remaining crackers are poured again with water, left for 1-2 hours and poured into the infusion that was obtained earlier.

3. The resulting wort is cooled to 20 degrees.

4. Add sugar (per 3 liters of water - 1.5 cups of sugar) and yeast (40 g), diluted with the same wort.

5. Leave in a warm place for 12 hours.

6. Ready kvass is poured into jars or bottles and stored in a cool place.


Lemon-mint kvass



Water - 3l


250 g rhubarb,


Sugar 3 tbsp.


Honey 7-8 tbsp.


Two lemons


Mint and currant leaves

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You need to boil 3-4 liters of water, put 250 grams of rhubarb stems cut into pieces into it. Cool the infusion to a temperature of 60-70°C, add three tablespoons of sugar, 7-8 tablespoons of honey, chopped zest and juice of two lemons, add mint and currant leaves. This whole mixture must be stirred well to completely dissolve the sugar and honey, and left to infuse for 24 hours. After this, the drink must be strained through a thick cloth, poured into containers with tight-fitting lids and placed in a cool place. After one to a week and a half, the aromatic soft drink is ready.


Kvass "Boyarsky"



1 kg stale rye bread,



1.3 sugars,


60g yeast,


1 tbsp wheat flour,


Mint to taste

Prepare the starter. To do this, dilute the yeast with a glass of warm water and place in a warm place. Pour boiling water over the dried mint and leave to steep. Cut the bread into slices, pour boiling water over it and cool to 30-40 degrees. Add the starter, mint infusion and leave for a day, then strain, add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour the kvass into bottles, seal them well and store in the cold.


Kvass "Vegetable"

Kvass can also be made from vegetables. I make beet and carrot kvass. To do this, grate carrots (beets) on a coarse grater, which I add to water with sugar and sourdough, or yeast (for the first time). For 6l raw water- 0.5..1 kg of carrots, a glass of sugar, 6-10 g of yeast (a tenth of a small pack). Infuse, depending on the ambient temperature, for 1-3 days. Strain. Pour into bottles, add a few raisins, seal, place in the refrigerator... Be healthy!


Kvass "Bread"

On the 1st day - add half of the black bread, toasted until black in the oven, to 5 liters of warm, boiled water (preferably black bread crackers prepared in advance over the winter).

Add 3 cups of granulated sugar to warm water. Mix half a glass of warm water with granulated sugar and half a briquette of yeast.

1.5 - 2 days after fermentation, pour the kvass into bottles and put it in the refrigerator. A day later we drink KVAS!


Kvass "Russian"









Water-6 liters (5 liters for soaking crackers and 1 liter for diluting yeast),



Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven. Crush the crackers into pieces and pour boiling water over them. After 6 - 8 hours, strain the liquid (it should be transparent, with a brown tint), add sugar and diluted yeast. Cover the dishes, after 12 hours pour the infusion into bottles, putting 2-3 raisins in each. Seal the bottles tightly. Keep the kvass in a warm place for the first day, and then put it in the cold. The most delicious kvass is 4-day aged.


Simple bread



4 slices of black bread, Borodino,


5-6 raisins,


1.5 cups granulated sugar,


1 teaspoon of yeast.

Fry the bread in the oven, put it in a 3-liter container, add 1.5 cups of granulated sugar, raisins and yeast and pour raw cold water, stir, cover loosely with a lid and let it brew for a day. Cool. Kvass is ready!


Kvass "Birch"

Ingredients: birch sap, raisins.

The Belarusian neighbors treated us and shared the recipe: Take fresh birch sap, pour it into a 1.5-liter plastic bottle, throw in 5-10 raisins, screw the lid on tightly and put it in the cellar until summer. It turns out delicious.

P.S. Open very carefully!


Kvass "Apple"

Cook 4 liters of dried fruit compote (apples 200 grams), taste sugar, let cool to 30 degrees, then add 5 grams of yeast (diluted in a plate until foam appears), leave overnight, strain and bottle, add a couple of raisins, put in the refrigerator.



malt extract, crackers, water, yeast, sugar.

3 loaves of crackers for 12 liters clean cold water. After 6 hours, when the crackers have settled and given the taste of rye bread, the wort is ready. Pass through cheesecloth. Add dry yeast (for 12 liters - at the tip of a tablespoon) and sugar (for 12 liters 500 g). mixing ingredients after 0.5 hours

Mix 0.5 tablespoon of malt extract. leave the composition for a day or two for fermentation. After a day and passing through gauze, pour 3 liters into jars and put in the refrigerator until cool, the result will be dark medicinal kvass. Bon appetit!


Kvass "Bread Gold"



Black bread 1 loaf,


Water 6 liters,


Sugar 5 tbsp. false,


Dry yeast for baking 2 tbsp. spoons,


Raisins 50 gr.

1. Prepare the starter:

Cut the black bread into slices and fry in the oven until dark brown, after the crackers have cooled (you can do it the next day), take two 3-liter containers and add the crackers equally, you get half a loaf per container. Pour 1 tbsp there. spoons (not heaped) of yeast and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Pour 15 pcs onto each balloon. unwashed black raisins and fill it all with water at room temperature (but not cold or boiling water). Place the cylinders (without covering them with a lid) in a dark, dry place and place a cloth or tray under them, as during fermentation water may spill on the floor. After three days, you can strain the kvass through a fine sieve (do not throw away the bread from the cans; it will go into sourdough) into a saucepan and add 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar or to taste. Stir the kvass and pour into dark one-and-a-half-barrels, into which add three raisins in advance. Close the lid, keep the half-and-half with kvass at room temperature for 3 hours, then put it in the refrigerator in a supine position. Kvass can be consumed immediately after it has cooled, but I recommend keeping it for another 2 days.

2. If you like the kvass, then a second time we do without yeast.

We do everything the same as the first time, but instead of yeast we put two tablespoons of starter per 3 liters. balon (the bread that was left from the first time) and kept it for two days. Bon appetit!



Simple homemade bread kvass without yeast

Ingredients: Brown bread, sugar water

We take pieces of bread (one loaf), fry them on gas over an open fire, so that the bread burns a little, fill it with water (10 liters) and sugar (a little, to taste, I sprinkle a glass). We put it in a warm place (in the sun, in the kitchen...), after three days the first one is ready, then we drain it, add one more toasted bread to the planting, a little sugar, again water, and let it sit. This can be done several times. Every next time It turns out tastier, it really relieves thirst, especially cold.

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Kvass "Russian"

Ingredients: Rye flour, rye bread, mint leaves, sugar and water.

Brew rye flour boiling water, let rise for 3-4 hours. Boil water, add rye bread slices, mint leaves, sugar (to taste) into the water. Let it cool to room temperature and add the rye flour starter there.

Kvass is infused for 24 hours. This kvass perfectly quenches thirst in the summer, as wonderful drink, it can also be used to prepare okroshka in summer heat. BON APPETIT!


Kvass from seaweed with Eleutherococcus

Ingredients: Distilled or spring water, canned seaweed, Eleuthero tincture, sugar, hibiscus, lemon.

Add 1 tablespoon of hibiscus (dry) to spring water at room temperature (3 liters) and leave, shaking occasionally, for 2 hours. Add 1/2 can of canned seaweed (kelp) and 150 grams of sugar. Leave in a dark place at room temperature for 2 days. Strain. Pour into bottles (1.5 liter) In each bottle add 1 slice of lemon and 2 tablespoons of Eleutherococcus tincture with alcohol and a whisper of salt (preferably sea). Place in the refrigerator for a day. The taste will surprise you!


Kvass "Dark"

Ingredients: Sugar - 1 kg, citric acid - 10 g, yeast (preferably regular bread) - 20 g, water - 10 liters, vanillin to taste (a teaspoon or less), a tablespoon of rice.

Sugar 250 gr. it is overcooked in a frying pan (it would be better if it burns) and is poured along with the rest of the ingredients (750 grams of sugar, citric acid, yeast dissolved in warm water, vanillin, rice) with 10 liters of warm water. All this is fermented for 12 - 15 hours. Due to the caffeine content in the drink, it is WELL invigorating:).



Ingredients: honey, water, sugar, hops, kefir, raisins.

In 2l warm water put 10 - 20 tablespoons of honey, pour in a decoction of hop cones (unstrained) - half a glass, put half a glass of sugar and a teaspoon of kefir. Sprinkle in some washed raisins and leave. When the raisins float to the surface, they are filtered and the mead is ready.

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Kvass "Light"

Ingredients: Rye bread, dry yeast, sugar, water.

Pour rye crackers or rye bread crusts (1/5 of the container volume) with clean cold water. Add dry yeast (per 1 liter - on the tip of a knife) and sugar (5 pieces per 1 liter). Close the container and turn over several times, mixing the ingredients. Then, without closing the lid tightly, so as not to impede the access of air, leave the composition for a day or two to ferment.

Strain the fermented mixture and bottle it, adding 2 pieces of sugar for every 0.5 liter (or to taste). Place the bottles in the refrigerator to cool. All. Drink and enjoy.


Kvass "Petrovsky"



1 liter of bread kvass,


25 g horseradish,


2h. spoons of honey,


4-5 cubes of edible ice.

Dissolve honey in bread kvass. In order for it to dissolve better, the kvass must be slightly heated. Then chop the pre-peeled and washed horseradish root into it into small shavings. Seal the kvass well and keep it in the cold for 10-12 hours. After this period has passed, strain it through cheesecloth. Serve kvass with edible ice cubes.


Kvass "Hemp"

Ingredients: Dry hemp, hop cones, hemp inflorescences, honey, caraway seeds. "Borodsky" bread.

Place dry hemp in a saucepan with water (1 kilogram of hemp per 5 liters of water), heat the water, add 1300 gr. honey 150 gr. caraway seeds, 300 grams of hop cones and hemp inflorescences. warm it all up, but do not boil, then remove from the heat, remove the hemp and add 700 grams of sliced ​​bread. cool in the cold, then heat again to about 45 - 50 degrees Celsius, remove from heat and bottle through cheesecloth, let steep for about 5 days. Kvass is ready.


Kvass "Banana"

Ingredients: bananas, yeast, water.

Stir 2-3 kg of very soft (overripe) bananas in 5 liters of warm water, add yeast and leave in a warm place for a day. Skim off the foam and strain carefully. Let it sit and strain again. (And if you have enough patience, then a third time.) Pour into bottles, seal well, put in a cold place, and after 1 - 2 days it is ready.


Kvass "Bread with beets"

Ingredients: bread crumbs, baked beets, sugar, yeast.

Dry bread crumbs (1 kg) until dark, bake beets (2 pieces) in the oven until they become crackers, a handful of raisins and pour boiling water (10 l) over everything, leave for 12 hours (you can do it for a day). Strain kvass through cheesecloth, add 5g. yeast, 2 cups sugar and leave in a warm place for 8 hours. Pour into bottles and refrigerate.


Homemade bread kvass



Rye crackers 500g;


Yeast 40g;


Granulated sugar 200g;


Raisins 50 gr;


Fresh mint shoots 5-10;


Black currant 3-4 leaves;


Water 4 l.

Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven until dark brown. Pour boiling water over the crackers and let sit warm for 3-4 hours. Strain the wort through several layers of gauze, add sugar, yeast diluted in a glass of wort, mint, currant leaves and, covering the dishes with a clean cloth, let the kvass brew in a warm place for 10-12 hours.

When the wort has fermented well, it should be strained again and bottled, with several raisins placed in each bottle. Seal the bottles well and put them in the refrigerator. After 3 days, the kvass is ready.


Fruit kvass from juices

To 10 liters of boiled hot water add 1 liter of any fruit juice and 1 kg of sugar. When the water has cooled enough, sprinkle the yeast on top. Then put the kvass in a warm place to ferment. After active fermentation begins, pour the kvass into bottles and seal tightly. After 2-3 days, the kvass will be ready for use.


Kvass "Orange"

Cut 500 g of oranges into thin slices and lightly crush with 500 g of sugar, then pour them into 10 l boiled water, add the juice of one lemon (or 1 g diluted in 100 ml of water citric acid and another 400 g of sugar. Pour in the yeast. After a few hours, strain through cheesecloth, bottle and seal tightly. Leave for a day at room temperature, then place in a cool place. After 1 - 2 days, kvass can be consumed.

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