Wheat mash. Recipe for making moonshine from wheat without sugar and yeast at home

Only according to historical documents, moonshine has been brewing in Rus' for over 500 years, but there is every prerequisite to assert that it all began much earlier.

One of the first, along with fruit and corn, was wheat mash, since this grain was “mastered” by the Slavs for cultivation long before moonshine.

And since in those distant times artificially bred yeast had not yet been invented, they used wild grains living on the shell (see also:).

Going back to basics, try making your own wheat mash without using yeast to get a fragrant homemade moonshine with the taste of the cereal used.

The wort can only consist from wheat grain and water, and may also contain sugar (read:). Although gourmets prefer to do without it.

Attention. Adding sugar to the mash increases the yield of finished moonshine, with almost no effect on taste qualities product.

Here are several compositions of ingredients that are used to make mash on wheat without industrial yeast.

Composition 1, providing for preliminary dispersion of all grain:

  • Wheat premium with a germination rate of 95% - 6.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 5 kg.
  • Prepared water – 18 l.

Composition 2, in which first make sourdough, and then put the wort to ferment:

  • 5 kg of grain. Of this amount, 1 kg must be of the highest grade, the remaining 4 can be fodder;
  • 5 kg sugar;
  • 35-38 liters of water.

Ingredients 3, do not add sugar:

  • 5 kg of wheat or cereal;
  • 1 kg of green malt, prepared independently;
  • 400 ml of starter;
  • 24-25 liters of water.

Important. Do not take the given proportions as the ultimate truth.

There are many recipes where they are different. But we still advise you to start own production wheat moonshine without yeast from the most proven mash recipes.

Correct wort preparation and fermentation conditions

Different proportions and approaches to fermenting wort without yeast require a different approach to the process. But having chosen this or that recipe, follow general rules its practical implementation to get the best result.

Sprouting whole grains

If you use wheat mash with scattered grain (sprouted grain), in this case:

  • Rinse the grains thoroughly several times.
  • Fill them with lukewarm water (23-27 degrees) so that the level is 2 cm above the grain layer. If after a day the grains swell, having absorbed water, add to the same level.
  • Leave at room conditions, covering the container with gauze (cloth).
  • After 2-3 days, signs of fermentation will appear: a corresponding smell and foaming when shaking.
  • Add sugar, water according to the recipe and place under a water seal.

Advice. Experienced moonshiners say: it is better to make the dispersion in a wide container so that there is a greater flow of oxygen to it, and after signs of fermentation appear, transfer it to a bottle, make wort and place it under a water seal.


This starter is suitable for fermenting any mash - even. Moreover, 200-300 g of starter is enough for a 20-liter bottle, although you can put all of it.

Cooking is like messing around. Only when the wheat hatches (on the 2nd - 3rd day), half a kilo of sugar is added to 1 kg of wheat and left in the room for a week - 10 days, until pronounced fermentation. Then add the rest of the recipe ingredients.

On green malt

In order to get malt mash, you need to germinate the wheat and then grind it, for example, in a meat grinder:

  1. Rinse the wheat 3-4 times, removing any floating debris.
  2. Soak the grain for a day. Change the water every 8 hours.
  3. Drain off all the water so the grain is just damp.
  4. Place in a tray, making sure that the layer thickness does not exceed 8-10 cm. Cover with a damp cloth.
  5. Every day (preferably in the morning and evening), carefully stir the grain with your hands, releasing carbon dioxide and allowing oxygen to penetrate. If necessary, spray with a spray bottle if it dries out.
  6. When the sprouts/roots reach 2 cm and begin to intertwine with each other, the green malt is ready.
  7. Immediately grind it through a meat grinder with a fine mesh and add the wort. Green malt cannot be stored.

Reference. 1 kg of green malt can ferment 4-6 kg of dry grain that cannot be germinated.

Pros and cons of brewing with wild wheat yeast

The desire to prepare an absolutely natural alcoholic product of excellent quality is justified, because:

  • Wheat mash without using commercial yeast will produce moonshine that will have a wheaty smell and a malty aftertaste.
  • The smell of industrial yeast will not interfere with organoleptic properties (taste and aroma characteristics).
  • With the right double distillation moonshine is largely free of fusel oils, easy to drink, soft, does not cause severe hangover when used wisely.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • mash made with wild yeast sometimes behaves unpredictably and can turn sour;

Carefully. Do not place wheat mash without yeast under a lid (in a saucepan, milk flask, etc.). A water seal or a rubber glove with a punctured finger is a prerequisite for successful fermentation without souring.

  • small yield of the finished product without the use of sugar.

But if you follow the rules for making mash on wheat without yeast, you will end up with a soft moonshine with a balanced taste, which is an order of magnitude higher than the rest homemade alcohol and store-bought vodka.

Moonshine prepared with yeast is obtained faster, but the taste and smell of the product suffers greatly. If you cook without yeast, the cooking process is delayed, but the moonshine turns out much better. You should approach the preparation of mash responsibly and carefully follow the cooking instructions. In this case, it will go through the fermentation stage no worse than yeast.

Wheat moonshine without yeast

To make moonshine without yeast, they should be replaced with some kind of substrate. Most often, its role is played by cereal malt. The mash turns out soft, with pleasant taste. The preparation time is usually about fifteen days.

First of all, you should choose high-quality grain. It must meet the following criteria:

Cooking water wheat mash take it clean. It can be spring water or store-bought water, without gas. It is not recommended to use tap water. Not even a large number of Chlorine in water can kill living microorganisms that will participate in the fermentation process. The ingredients for the mash are selected according to the following proportion: thirty-five liters of water will require ten kilograms of selected wheat grains and the same amount of sugar. To prepare moonshine from sprouted wheat, you must carefully follow the technology.

Moonshine from sprouted wheat without yeast

Recipe grain mash:

Surely many have heard about the benefits of sprouted wheat for the human body. Moonshine prepared in this way absorbs everything useful qualities grains He's much better and safer than vodka produced industrially.

In order for the wheat mash to ferment without yeast and result in alcohol, enough wheat malt, which is formed in sprouted wheat. There is absolutely no need to add additional components to activate the process.

There is another recipe for making mash with wild wheat yeast. In this case, it is ground into flour and poured into water in this form.

Wheat mash recipe for moonshine

Pre-sprouted grain is dried in the oven and ground. Then mix with sugar and add water . The wort will take about four days to prepare.. The temperature must be at least twenty-seven degrees.

As soon as the fermentation process is over, the alcohol is sent to the still for distillation. It is best to purify such moonshine with kefir.

In order to receive good mash from wild wheat yeast, should be one part of grain germinate. Thus, fermentation processes are activated in wheat. And already sprouted grains will affect the rest. Otherwise, sprouted grains are called malt. To prepare it, one kilogram of sugar per five kilograms of selected wheat is enough.

There are recipes that do not require sprouting, but in this case additional components are needed to activate fermentation.

How to make moonshine from wheat?

Grain mash on wheat

To make grain mash without yeast, you will need fifteen liters of purified water, three kilograms of wheat and three sugar.

The cooking recipe is as follows. The grains are prepared as follows: the rotted parts and husks are removed, sifted and washed. Half a kilogram of sugar is stirred in one liter of clean water and the wheat is poured with this syrup. To prepare mash from wheat, it is recommended to take a container with a wide outlet, otherwise the cooking process will be delayed.

After four days, foam appears on the surface. Add the remaining sugar to the mixture and close the container with a water seal. The fermentation period for this mash is about ten days.. During this time, the container is periodically opened and stirred, thus oxygen enters the liquid and activates the work of the fungi.

At optimal conditions from five kilograms of wheat you can get four and a half liters good moonshine. Moreover, its strength will not be lower than forty degrees.

Unfortunately, sometimes the result is worse than expected. The cause is often a small amount of starch in the grain.

In order to make light malt from wild wheat yeast, you will need clean water and sorted wheat. Recipe:

Braga prepared on wheat malt, cleaned with kefir or activated carbon. Fifty grams of coal per liter of drink is enough. At least two distillations will be required. If the strength exceeds forty degrees, add clean water. When a liquid contains too much alcohol, it will alcohol mashine may break. The best option is to lower the level to twenty degrees using water. This composition will be better purified from harmful impurities.

During the second distillation, fusel oils are separated, and moonshine is obtained with a strength of forty-five degrees.

Moonshiner Timofey: mash on wheat

Hops are brewed and dry malt is added to it. How to prepare malt from sprouted wheat is described above. For two liters of clean water you will need two glasses of dried hops and a glass of flour. Instead of sugar, add chopped pears and apples. This mash ferments for at least ten days.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many true connoisseurs strong alcohol special respect uses moonshine on wheat grains, manufactured by traditional recipe. A true amateur knows how to properly prepare yeast-free mash and clean it already finished product. This process is not quite simple and will require a lot of attention and effort, but it is definitely worth it.


Wheat mash without yeast

Currently used for making moonshine regular yeast various types, with the help of which carbon dioxide and ethanol are produced, this is how mash is obtained. But in the old days, acquiring yeast was very difficult and expensive, and people began to use wild yeast, including from the surface of grain crops.

Many connoisseurs of alcohol prepared at home, often called cereal yeast-free moonshine bread wine, because even after distillation it retains the aroma of fresh grain, is easy to drink and does not cause a hangover when moderate consumption, and mash has its own preparation technology, it is necessary to study it in detail and thoroughly, because any mistake will ruin the whole thing.

Cooking technology, composition and proportions

Since yeast is excluded from the recipe, the technology itself differs from the usual. The process is divided into three parts to obtain quality drink they must be reproduced accurately and consistently.

  • The first stage is the preparation of raw materials, i.e. grains;
  • The second stage is fermentation (or fermentation);
  • The third stage is setting up the mash and caring for it during fermentation;

The beginning of the process, which consists in selecting raw materials for the mash, is the most critical stage, because it is the wort that determines how the drink will turn out in the end and what its smell and taste will be.

Any type of wheat is suitable for making yeast-free grain mash, but It’s still better to choose winter; its main advantage is the longer germination period. The grain should not be treated with pesticides; purely wheat is used to prepare moonshine food purposes. In addition, only fresh raw materials will suit you, optimal time its aging period will be from two months to one year.

The grains begin to be prepared for fermentation several days before, for this they need to be mixed and dried at a temperature of thirty degrees C. In the summer months, it is best to dry the raw materials in the sun. Then you need to clean, sort and wash the grains. They should not be washed too thoroughly so as not to wash away wild yeast, and sort through better with your hands, simultaneously removing any weeds, debris and small stones.

To obtain the desired fermentation, carefully observe the proportions, remember that if in a conventional recipe the process activators are fungal cultures, then with yeast-free version you'll have to rely on luck.


Amount of grain = amount of sugar, for 1 kg of sugar you will need 1 kg of wheat and 3.5 liters of water. Out of every kilogram of sugar (or grain) in the end you will get from 750 to 900 grams of pure moonshine strength of forty degrees. It is strongly not recommended to take more, otherwise the resulting liquid will be cloudy and the moonshine will become bad smell.

Moonshine recipe without yeast: ferment

Braga is prepared as follows: 5 kilograms of prepared wheat grains and one and a half kilograms of sugar placed in a container and filled with water, which should completely cover the filled grain.

The final composition of the grain mash will include:

  • Zabrod;
  • 10 liters of clean, but not boiled water;
  • 3.5 kilograms of granulated sugar.

Together with fermentation, the recipe for yeast-free grain mash involves using approximately 17.5 liters, so if there is a shortage of liquid, you can and should take more. If there is too much syrup, do not rush to get rid of it; with its help you can “rejuvenate” the mash by adding it to the container over the course of a week. small quantities. It will keep well in glass containers, just don’t pour it into plastic canisters.

Preparation of fermented wheat

Preparing mash from grains without the use of yeast is an activity that requires orientation in the processes occurring inside the fermented wort, because the starch contained in the grain is not capable of becoming food for yeast fungi; sugar is needed to feed them. Most often, the conversion of starch into sugar occurs under the influence of “malting”, i.e. at the moment of sprouting from the grains.

When making a wade, you should use only clean water, standing (if it is tap water) for at least one day and ceramic, or glassware, if you don’t have it, use enamel bowls or pans. Wash the dishes thoroughly; it would be a good idea to sterilize them or at least pour boiling water over them.

The grains are laid out in an even layer and filled with water so that it is approximately 4-6 cm above the level of the grains. Then place the dishes in a dark, cool place, with air temperature not higher than 12-17 C, and cover with gauze. After the allotted time has passed (some recommend keeping the grains for 36 hours rather than 24), sprinkle the grains evenly with sugar and mix thoroughly.

Next, the container with fermentation should be left for one week in a warm place, after covering it with gauze. During this time, a new yeast culture will grow in the wheat grains, but mash on sprouted wheat without yeast at this stage is just beginning.

Preparation of wort and re-fermentation

To complete the process of creating mash, you will need a large container; you will need to transfer the ferment obtained over seven days into it. Dissolve sugar in water heated to 25-30 C in the proportions specified above and add to the main container, then mix thoroughly. Do not forget - the mash should take up no more than 3/4 of the total volume of the dishes, because during active fermentation it can spill onto the floor.

The mixture will need to be shaken vigorously and sealed with a water seal., in order to avoid its active souring. If you don't have a water seal, use a rubber glove after making a small hole in either finger. Every day, starting from the third, check the mash for bitterness, its appearance will mean that the mash is ready for distillation; it is then that the grains will sink to the bottom of the container and the formation of foam will stop.

Before starting distillation, drain the mash from the sediment and from the grains, but do not remove all the liquid. The substance remaining after removing the water is called stillage, and you can use it as material for a new starter.


A considerable number of moonshine manufacturers believe that the second and third runs ultimately yield more soft drink, and this is not at all difficult to do - you just need to repeat all the previous steps, excluding only the preparation of the ferd, the place of which will be taken by the stillage.

Although preparing mash using wheat grains is not too complex process, beginners can still reach a dead end when faced with certain nuances. Therefore, it makes sense to voice a few useful recommendations from experienced moonshiners.

  • If the fermented grain does not germinate within three or more days, there is no point in waiting for any continuation - the taken raw materials turned out to be of poor quality. Just throw it away or give it to your pets.
  • If, when adding sugar, you observe clear signs of fermentation, there is no reason to worry even if there are no sprouts - the process is happening normally.
  • If fermentation stops and does not resume within two days, you can safely throw away the starter; it will no longer be of any use.
  • Due to the high starch content, the mash can have a consistency similar to jelly. There is nothing wrong with this; with daily shaking and stirring, the process will go as expected.
  • Some manufacturers prefer to use honey (or jam) instead of sugar, this gives special taste and the smell already ready-made moonshine. But we should not forget that in this case the proportions will change - for 1 kg of honey you will need not 3.5, but 7 liters of water.

Summarizing all of the above, we note that preparing mash using grain without yeast is a rather serious matter that will require a considerable amount of time, as well as constant monitoring, which is clearly seen in the video above. Therefore, before starting the process, you will need to carefully study the nuances and subtleties of the upcoming matter, because only with the right approach everything will work out as it should.

We invite you to surprise your guests with wheat moonshine prepared by you personally - a drink that harmoniously combines natural taste, quality and strength. Let's take a closer look at how to make mash using wheat without yeast at home.

It has become popular to distill moonshine without the use of yeast; to do this, they are replaced with cereal malt obtained from sprouted wheat; also, in order for the fermentation process to proceed, the main thing is to approach the preparation of ingredients responsibly.

For germination it is necessary to select wheat grains good quality so that they are free of wormholes, signs of diaper rash, and unpleasant odor, that is, wheat should be High Quality, then the wheat mash without yeast for moonshine will have an excellent taste.

It is important that at this stage we prepare high-quality raw materials. Then the wheat mash for moonshine will be of high quality.

The old-fashioned method of making mash

A recipe that is used by several generations of moonshiners and allows you to get a good product:

  1. Rinse 10 kg of wheat with water several times;
  2. Pour into the tank;
  3. Fill with water five centimeters above the level of the raw material.

The technology by which wheat swells takes 2-3 days. Then, dilute 3 kg of sugar in warm water with a volume of 15 liters, be sure to mix thoroughly so that the sugar dissolves, pour the resulting mixture into a container, and leave under the water seal. Please note that the fermentation temperature should be from 22 to 24 degrees. As soon as the fermentation process is over, dilute another 3 kg of sugar in 5 liters of warm water and pour into the mash, leave under the water seal. After fermentation, the mash has golden color, it smells like bread, but it itself tastes bitter, and the grain settles to the bottom. That’s it, the fermentation process is over, pour it through a mesh (so that the grain remains in the tank) and distill.

And into the tank (we have grain left in the container) we re-fill the diluted sugar in water (6 kg of sugar per 20 liters of water). And this can be done 4 times, but each time the fermentation period increases by 3 days. Also, during the second distillation, the bready smell disappears.

The yield of moonshine if this proportion is observed is 7 liters, strength 50 degrees.

Homemade drink recipe

The recipe for wheat mash for moonshine contains the following ingredients:

  • 5 kg. wheat grains;
  • 7 kg. Sahara;
  • The required volume of water is 15 liters.

Mix the ingredients, add water, mix everything thoroughly, pour into glass jars and move it to a warm place for 4 days. If possible, it is convenient to use special containers with a water seal, which you can purchase or make yourself. If glass jars are used, good remedy A rubber glove that allows you to effectively observe fermentation is pulled over the jar, having previously made a puncture in the place of the finger.

We are waiting for the mash to come up and ripen, it will take us 4 days. We have discussed how to prepare mash from wheat for moonshine, now you can move on to distilling the moonshine.

Recipe using wheat sourdough

How to make mash from wheat for moonshine with the step-by-step addition of ingredients will be discussed in this recipe. First, let's prepare the starter:

  1. We wash 1 kilogram of grains and fill it with water so that it is 5 cm above the level of wheat.
  2. We do not disturb during the day;
  3. Then add 0.5 kg. sugar, mix;
  4. We send the raw materials to a warm place for 10 days.

The resulting starter can be poured into a bottle or another container, add another 3 kg. sugar and 3 kg. wheat, fill everything warm water, leave for 7 days, after which you can brew moonshine.

Recipe for a drink made from dried wheat grains

Wheat mash is also prepared using the following recipe:

  • the grains are dried in the oven;
  • grind to the consistency of flour;
  • add sugar;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • fill with water.

Composition ratio for mash:

  1. 5 kg. wheat grains;
  2. 7 kg. Sahara;
  3. required volume of water – 15 l;
  4. The fermentation technology takes 4 days; the raw materials for this are also placed in a warm place.

The formed mash is distilled in the same way as when preparing moonshine, in the classical way.

To achieve maximum results: improving quality, eliminating taste, improving transparency, it is recommended to use, or.

There are several types of activated carbon cleaning technologies:

In the first case, crush 12 grams (the proportion is valid for one liter of liquid) of activated carbon and pour it onto gauze, laid several times. Pass our liquid through this homemade filter a couple of times.

In the second, place the coal in a container with moonshine (the proportion is the same as in the first case). This method is quite long, since it takes 12 days to wait (shake every 2 days), then be sure to pass it through gauze and cotton wool. You need to let it sit for a few more days and pass the infused drink through our homemade gauze filter. This type cleaning is long, but allows you to achieve the best result

Some tips for choosing wheat grain: the wheat should be of the highest grade, not last year’s, because... may be at the initial stage of the debate, although, depending on the conditions under which it was kept. The grain should not be treated with chemicals, which is often done by agricultural producers, because there is a high probability that the wheat will sour; to avoid this, wash the grains well.

Thus, we learned that preparing mash from wheat is not a complicated process, but rather labor-intensive, but it allows self-cooking alcoholic beverage of high natural quality, without impurities or any additives. This means that the risk of exposure to preservatives and chemical additives into an alcoholic drink.

Methods of preparing mash without yeast are becoming increasingly popular, because it allows you to produce a natural, pure product that is distinguished not only by quality, but also by taste. But which recipe to choose is up to you!

Our ancestors brewed moonshine from grain ingredients (wheat was more often used), since sugar and yeast were unaffordable for the majority of the population.

Wheat moonshine at home was of excellent quality: strong, almost without fusel smell, transparent and soft. Today, recipes are rarely used without adding sugar, which accelerates fermentation, increasing the yield of moonshine.

The basis of wheat moonshine is sprouted grain - malt, which contains natural enzymes that convert wheat starch into sugar. Exit pure product strength 38-40° is 900 ml per kilogram of grain.

Raw materials should be taken of the highest quality, for food purposes, with high content gluten The feed product used to feed livestock is not suitable. The yield of moonshine in this case is reduced by 3 times.

It is recommended to prepare a vessel with a wide top and low sides (up to 10-15 cm). The grain must be thoroughly washed, debris and hollow seeds must be separated. Soaking raw materials accelerates their germination and activates biochemical processes.

Sprouting wheat for moonshine:

  • spread the wheat layer in a layer of 5-7 cm and fill with water 2 cm above;
  • in summer it is recommended to change the water 2 or 3 times a day, and in winter - mix the grain by hand;
  • Every day, drain the water, rinse the grain and set it to germinate, covering the top with a wet cloth. You can regularly spray the raw materials with water;
  • wheat should be stirred frequently so that it “breathes” air;
  • When roots and sprouts 5-7 mm long appear, germination is considered complete.

It is recommended to soak the sprouted grain in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 1.5-2 hours to destroy bacteria and fungi on its surface. Then the raw materials need to be slightly dried and ground in a blender or meat grinder, if green malt is needed within 1-2 days.

For more long-term storage The product with sprouts is dried in the oven with the door open. The temperature should be maintained no more than 40° C; at higher temperatures, the enzymes will die. Continue drying until the grain becomes completely hard (white malt).

Stages and rules of production

To prepare wheat moonshine, it is necessary to follow the technological process:

  1. Produce enzymes that break down starch into sugar by sprouting wheat for moonshine.
  2. Make mash on the resulting malt with the addition of wheat raw materials (sugar and yeast are added as desired to speed up the process).
  3. Distill the workpiece in a moonshine still.
  4. Clean grain moonshine thoroughly if you need to double distill the raw materials.
  5. Dilute the alcohol to the required strength and refine the drink.

Adding sugar increases the amount of finished alcohol, accelerates the fermentation process, and softens the taste. The amount of sweet product added to moonshine made from wheat without yeast must be equal in weight to the main raw material.

High-quality wheat moonshine is obtained by using grain that has not been treated with chemicals to protect against insects and resist spoilage, rot, and mold.

How to make wheat moonshine without yeast?

Lovers organic products prefer to drink real moonshine made from wheat without yeast and sugar, prepared according to old Russian recipes.

To prepare it, you need to convert the starchy contents into sugar using malt enzymes. How to make it correctly wheat malt:

  • crushed grain or Wheat flour placed in a container and filled with hot (50-55°C) water taken in a ratio of 4:1;
  • the raw materials are thoroughly mixed so that there are no lumps;
  • It is better to heat with a steam generator (hot steam) so that the product does not burn;
  • It is recommended to heat the mixture gradually, increasing the temperature by 5 degrees and taking a break for 10-15 minutes;
  • bring the mixture to a boil and boil the wheat for 1.5-2 hours with slow heating and simmering;
  • fully boiled wort should be quickly cooled to 65 degrees;
  • add a solution of malt with water, calculating 1 kg of green malt - 5 kg of wheat. If mixed with white malt, it should be taken 20% more;
  • the vessel should be insulated, but it is recommended to stir the contents every half hour to speed up the reaction;
  • readiness is determined by taste after a two-hour period;
  • The mass must be quickly cooled to 28-32 °C and the yeast must be added. You can use dry (3 g per 1 kg of base), pressed (50 g per 3-4 kg), homemade, for example, from hops (0.5 l per 1 kg of wheat);
  • The mash container should be filled three-quarters full to provide room for foaming.

The fermentation process lasts from 4-5 days to 2 months, depending on the ambient temperature, the properties of the yeast, and the quality of the raw materials. The amount of alcohol in the mash ranges from 5 to 12%.

Insisting on oak bark, dried fruits, aromatic plants improves homemade alcohol.

The product is purified using the method double distillation, using a steamer, filtering through a carbon filter. You can use activated carbon tablets, the amount of which is 15 g per liter of product (pour the crushed raw material into a jar of ready-made alcohol and strain the liquid after 2-4 days).

Wheat moonshine has a decent strength, a mild pleasant taste, and a bready aroma. By adhering to the technology of preparing alcohol, you can improve the proposed recipes, improving the taste and quality of your homemade strong drink.
