Is there any harm in moderate alcohol consumption? Why alcohol is bad for health

Those of us who enjoy the occasional "missed" glass of beer or glass of wine may be doing everything right. Maybe. Scientists have repeatedly questioned the fact that alcohol is harmful. And it has been confirmed time and time again.

Scientific research and media

Mass media and the general public with might and main argue that a couple of glasses a day of this or that alcohol can even be good for the body. But in fact, it is not so easy to find out whether the “enemy” of health is harmful or not in moderation. And what, in general, is considered a moderate amount.

Early research

The great Archie Cochrane is one of the first to draw a link between alcohol consumption and health. This happened in 1979, when he and two colleagues tried to figure out what exactly was responsible for the ever-increasing number of deaths from cardiovascular disease. The godfather of evidence-based medicine approached the issue in detail: after analyzing the statistical data and conducting his own research, he came to the conclusion that the benefits of alcohol are not in itself, but in the antioxidants it contains. But still, in view of the fact that such experiments required expenditure and long-term, the absolute truth about alcohol was not disclosed.

Eighties: new attempts

In 1986, researchers surveyed a group of more than 50,000 male doctors in the US, learning about their food and drink, their medical history, and health status over a two-year period. They found that the more alcohol consumed, the lower the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD), despite food habits individual test subjects.

2000s: the influence of alcohol in a Y-shaped relationship

Another large study published in 2000 showed a Y-shaped relationship ("U") between moderate alcohol consumption and - in this case- death, not coronary artery disease. Subjects who drank one standard drink per day were less likely to die over the 5.5-year study than those who drank less than one drink per week, or those who drank more.
This suggested that alcohol is beneficial only when consumed in a strictly prescribed amount.

Are there really benefits?

In 2005, another study of medical professionals (this time 32,000 women and 18,000 men) tried to answer the question of how not only the risk of a heart attack, but also physiology depends on alcohol. People who drank one to two glasses of alcohol three to four times a week had a lower risk of heart attack. The researchers labeled this as a beneficial effect of alcohol on HDL cholesterol (called good cholesterol), as well as hemoglobin A1c (a marker for diabetes risk) and fibrinogen, which helps blood clot. These three factors play an important role in the "metabolic syndrome" (a cluster of abnormalities that often portends cardiovascular disease and diabetes). Other studies have shown that alcohol can change the balance of these factors for the better.

Does this mean that abstainers' health is at risk?

Everything is not as simple as it looks. In 2006, a team of experimental scientists took a close look at how the early studies had been designed. Their meta-analysis showed a significant flaw in the classification: teetotalers were chosen to be people who stopped drinking alcohol due to poor health or age. That is, these subjects could be in worse condition than the general study group. In connection with this amendment, the results were revised, and no proportional relationship between alcohol and CHD was found.

The bad news

Whether or not alcohol contributes to death from cardiovascular disease, it is still harmful for a number of other reasons. The World Health Organization has reported that alcohol can increase the risk of depression and anxiety, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, suicidal tendencies, violence, and increases the risk of accidental injury.

In total, there are over 200 diseases and injuries that can be associated with alcohol use, including 30 that are associated with alcohol alone.

But the idea that moderate drinking can be beneficial hasn't quite gone away, and even organizations dedicated to fighting the alcohol problem are reluctant to say that small amounts of alcohol can have a protective effect against heart disease and certain types of stroke.

Many people know that alcohol is harmful to the whole organism and the human psyche. Harm from alcohol begins with memory impairment and ends with serious diseases that may not respond to treatment, and in some cases lead to death. According to recent studies, even small doses of alcohol can lead to some changes in the human brain and other body systems. The harm of alcohol is caused not only to the drinker, but also to the people around him, to the whole society as a whole.

In 2009, more than 12,000 accidents were recorded in the Russian Federation due to drivers who were driving in a state of alcohol intoxication.

The harm of alcohol on the body can be enormous. The alcohol molecule is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body. The absorption process begins in the oral mucosa, the gastric mucosa absorbs about 20% of alcohol, and the main part falls on the small intestine. Alcohol easily penetrates the cell membranes of any tissues, but its content depends on the amount of water in the cell. Therefore, most ethanol is absorbed in the brain tissue: 1.5 - 2 times more than in the tissues of other organs. Also observed in the liver high content alcohol, as it serves as a filter for the body and neutralizes substances that are harmful to it.

Parkhomenko Oleg Viktorovich, narcologist
Drinking alcoholic beverages is harmful, regardless of the frequency of consumption and age. The positive impact is incredibly negligible compared to the harm caused to the human body by drinks containing ethanol ( ethanol). Particularly noticeable Negative influence alcohol at a young age, when drinking distorts the inner picture of the world for life.

Other organs and systems of the body can suffer from drinking alcohol:

  1. vessels and heart;
  2. urinary system;
  3. stomach and intestines;
  4. reproductive system;
  5. nervous system.

After the first intake of alcohol, its molecule is oxidized at a rate of 85-100 mg / kg per hour. If alcohol is consumed frequently, the rate of oxidation increases, resulting in resistance to large doses of alcoholic beverages. The first consequence of harm from alcohol is memory impairment even after a small amount of alcohol. The higher the dose of alcohol, the more often a person suffers from memory lapses. According to the facts about the dangers of alcohol, one glass of alcohol can kill 1000-2000 cells in the brain. 95% of alcoholics and 85% moderately drinking people this number is observed.

The harm of alcohol on the central nervous system is manifested primarily by the fact that alcohol molecules on initial stage enter the nerve cells. This is due high property alcohol to dissolve fats, which are most found in the shell of the nerve cell and is more than 60%. Alcohol penetrates into the neuron and lingers in it, since its cytoplasm contains an increased level of water. Alcoholic drinks quickly excite the nervous system, because of which a person becomes cheerful and relaxes. Over time, alcohol accumulates in nerve cells and begins to slow down their functioning.

Liver cells suffer significantly from alcohol, as they are forced to process its molecules, although they are not adapted for this. As alcoholism develops, the liver wears out, and its cells begin to regenerate. In place of the affected liver cells, fragments of adipose tissue appear. As a result, the working liver decreases in size and is unable to process harmful toxins. Liver disease can affect the state of the brain, causing irreversible damage.

Harm from taking alcohol with certain drugs.

Alcohol + Effect
1 aspirin stomach ulcer
2 caffeine, coldact, coldrex, eferdine or theofedrine hypertensive crisis
3 diuretics, antihypertensive drugs severe drop in blood pressure
4 panadol, paracetamol, efferalgan liver toxicity
5 insulin and other drugs that lower blood sugar sudden drop in blood sugar, coma
6 painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, sleeping pills intoxication of the body, cerebral coma
7 sulfonamides, antibiotics absence therapeutic effect, drug intolerance
8 antihistamines, nitroglycerin allergic reaction, increased pain

The harm of alcohol to the body is manifested in the lack of thiamine, which plays an important role in the activity of the body. Thiamine or vitamin B1 is extremely important for many processes, its deficiency leads to various pathological conditions and diseases. With a lack of thiamine, the activity of the brain and nerve cells decreases, which leads to various disorders of the nervous system. Vitamin B1 deficiency is due to malnutrition, violations of metabolic processes in the body, since a large amount of alcohol is consumed and a person eats poorly.

Alcohol and smoking

Alcoholic beverages and cigarettes in themselves are harmful to the body. Tobacco smoking in combination with alcohol causes Double punch on the body. Alcohol molecules and nicotine are absorbed into the blood, interact with red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and carbon dioxide back from the tissues. Ethanol dissolves the protective layer from the outer surface of red blood cells, removing electrical stress from them, which is why the red blood cells stick together and form large balls. With an increase in the dose of drunk and smoked cigarettes, their sizes increase. This leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels, the blood supply to some parts of the brain and other human systems is disrupted.

The harm of alcohol and smoking is expressed in the effect of mutual reinforcement. According to information about the dangers of alcohol, the risk of developing cancerous tumors in the lungs, larynx, in drinking smokers is 7-9 times higher than in those who do not smoke; in alcoholics - 5-6 times higher than in non-drinking people. When two bad habits are combined, malignant tumors can occur in 40% of cases. Eliminating at least one factor, the risk is significantly reduced.

Alcohol and drugs

Drugs in combination with alcohol cause tremendous harm to the body and can lead to frequent deaths. Addicts can dilute drugs in liquor to get double the pleasure. Either similar in action or opposite are used to reduce the effect of one of them. Most often, cocaine is combined with alcohol. After such a cocktail, the nerve cells of the brain are instantly affected, since two types of substances act on the body: restraining and exciting, absolutely opposite to each other.

Restraining substances calm and relax the nervous system, stimulating substances make it active. Alcohol in this case is a deterrent, suppressing the nervous system, and cocaine is a stimulant, stimulating and activating nerve cells. This combination often ends in the death of a person.

Combining alcohol with drugs, a person suppresses the simplest reflexes and important functions in the body. Even with small doses of alcohol and drugs, respiratory functions can be impaired. In a state of intoxication, a person is not able to control the dose of the drug taken, and alcohol enhances the effect of even a small dose of a narcotic substance. Therefore, the harm of alcohol and drugs develops into a mortal threat to life.

Harm of alcohol for women

Researchers have found that the harm of alcohol on a woman's body is much higher than on a man's. This is due to the structure and features female body. Alcohol tolerance in women is much lower than in men, therefore female alcoholism develops faster and is much more difficult to treat. In women with alcohol addiction, liver cells are more quickly affected, the heart muscle is weakened, blood vessels are destroyed, and the nervous system is depleted. The harm of alcohol for women is manifested in skin aging, rapid withering of the whole organism, changes in voice and appearance. A woman becomes ugly, aggressive and unable to control herself.

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy leads to negative consequences for the brain of the fetus, later they are expressed in the poor development of the organs, psyche and behavior of the child. If the mother systematically drank during pregnancy, the child develops (fetal alcohol syndrome). In children with this syndrome, malformations of external organs are often observed, the arms and legs are small, the head is disproportionate compared to the body. They grow and develop slowly compared to their peers. Such children are not able to adequately perceive information, do not remember well and adapt to the outside world more difficult.

In a child with fetal syndrome the volume of the brain is less than normal, while the number of brain cells and neurons is much lower than normal. Neuronal brain cells in such children are not able to function normally, which leads to behavioral and psychological disorders. The child may be aggressive, the ability to think logically and abstractly is reduced. It is more difficult for him to get used to communicating with other children, to be socially active. Such a child often becomes an alcoholic himself, since addiction is inherited.

The harm of alcohol for teenagers is higher than for an adult organism, since the child is at the stage of formation. The harm of alcohol for adolescents is manifested in growth inhibition, delayed development of mental and sexual functions, muscles, affects appearance person. The young body perceives alcohol worse and is not able to resist its influence. 100 grams of wine or vodka is enough to make a teenager drunk. Teenage alcoholism develops 5-10 times faster than in adults. Particular attention should be paid to the harm alcoholic energy drinks that seem harmless. However, this is not the case, they contain ethanol and can pose a threat to the life of the child.

The harm of alcohol on the body of a child and adolescent is expressed in the following:

  • violation chemical processes in the brain and nervous system child, causing developmental delay, memory impairment;
  • the ability of a teenager to study and other areas of science and creativity is reduced;
  • the ability to logical and abstract thinking decreases;
  • manifestation of psychoses and depressions;
  • children and adolescents emotionally degrade, the real perception of the world around them decreases.

very important in the family educational institutions talk about the dangers of alcohol for teenagers and schoolchildren. Regular preventive conversation about the dangers of alcohol will help protect children from addiction and further alcoholism.

Harm of alcohol to others

Experts say that alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs, because it depresses the body, causes attacks of aggression in a person, makes him unable to control his actions, prone to violence and even murder. The harm of alcohol is manifested not only for the person himself, but also for others. In a state of extreme intoxication, a person can attack another person, start a fight for no reason.

About 80% of cases of domestic violence occur under the influence of alcohol, about 60% of all crimes are committed in a state of strong intoxication. A person is not able to control his actions and deeds. Approximately 50% of all road traffic accidents are caused by alcohol exposure on the body of the driver. A drunk person driving can harm other drivers and pedestrians.

The harm and benefits of alcohol

Many researchers and modern scientists argue about the dangers and benefits of alcohol. Recent studies have shown that drinking wine several times a week can significantly reduce the risk of heart and vascular disease, and protect against diabetes. Red wine contains a large amount of antioxidants that slow down the aging process and kill cancer cells. The number of blood clots is reduced, which means that the risk of blood clots is prevented. But is it really so?

Alcoholics don't need coding

After coding, they drink even more, health problems appear. In men, there are violations of potency.

Man literally ceases to be himself.

Russian scientists have developed that discourages even an experienced alcoholic from drinking alcohol ...

Alcohol, even in small doses, causes emotional dependence. Academician Pavlov found that after drinking a small dose of alcoholic beverages, reflexes disappear and return to normal after 7 to 11 days. Gradually, the amount of alcohol consumed may increase. According to data in people who drink moderately alcoholic beverages, after 4 years, the probability of shrinkage of brain cells is 85%. Alcoholic drinks in low doses are harmful to the liver, blood vessels and human skin. Increased risk diabetes, hypertension, pancreatitis and cancer. Whether you get harm or benefit from alcohol is up to you, but it is better to protect yourself from addiction.

In short: Even in small amounts, alcohol harms the liver, brain, and other organs. It can cause allergies and provoke an attack of an existing disease. Alcohol is incompatible with certain medications. It is necessary to know the possible risks when drinking alcohol and try to minimize them by observing your norm.

How alcohol damages the liver

The main blow is taken by the liver, because it processes 90% of the alcohol that enters the body. At the same time, the liver also needs to perform about a dozen other vital functions, any of which can be disrupted due to excessive drinking.

Alcohol and its decay products have a toxic effect on liver cells, destroying their membrane. In addition, bile flow is disturbed, and most bile acids are capable of destroying liver cells. Also the immune system a person begins to take dilapidated cells for alien ones and destroy them with special zeal - thus, drinking starts the mechanism of self-destruction of the liver. You can read more about the work of the liver and how to protect it in the article "Hepatoprotectors", dedicated to the benefits of drugs for the liver and their diversity.

Does drinking harm the pancreas?

Stagnation of bile in the liver leads to complications from the pancreas. From this, harmful microorganisms multiply in the intestines, and a large amount of toxic bile acids enters the blood from the intestines.

Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to pancreatic disease - pancreatitis. In combination with a heavy snack, pancreatic necrosis can also be earned - an extremely painful and dangerous condition. To learn how to restore the pancreas after drinking, and how you can protect it in advance, read the special article “Pancreas and alcohol. Alcohol in pancreatitis. Also read the article “Alcohol and the gut” to find out how to maintain bowel function before and after drinking, what to do with intestinal upset during a hangover and after binge, as well as many other interesting and useful information on this topic.

What damage can alcohol do to the brain and psyche

When an erection gets better after drinking, and when it gets worse

How alcohol harms the heart and blood vessels

There is such a disease as cardiomyopathy - a disease of the heart muscle leading to heart failure. It is not treated, the disease can only be slowed down, but not cured. From frequent drinking, a variation of this disease occurs, which is called “alcoholic cardiomyopathy”.

Also, the ability of alcohol, being in the aquatic environment, to dissolve fats, ultimately causes an increased deposition of fat at the organ level between intensive intakes of alcoholic beverages, which leads to the formation of such pathological conditions as fatty degeneration of the liver and fatty degeneration of the heart (myocardium).

The cardio school for doctors also points to hypertension (arterial hypertension). Studies led by scientists Pearce and Furdberg (Pearce K.A., Furberg C.D., 1994) showed that alcohol consumption itself is a risk factor for developing hypertension. Starting from a dose of 60 ml pure alcohol in a day, arterial pressure increases in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol. And, again, the more you drink, the worse the consequences.

About what to do if the pressure jumped after drinking, and also look at this diagram:

How other organs suffer from alcohol

Also, because of drunkenness, the kidneys, stomach, lungs, and retina of the eye suffer (in the retina, ethanol reduces the sensitivity of light pigments, as well as trophism from the optic nerve; moreover, the retina begins to suffer first, with the smallest doses alcohol). However, the effect of alcohol on these organs is reversible, and in order to damage these organs precisely with alcohol, you need to drink a lot and very often - more than 170 grams of pure ethanol weekly.

If you are especially concerned about the condition of your heart, or kidneys, or pancreas, or anything else, read the advice of a toxicologist in the article "How to restore the body after alcohol", and you will learn how to improve your health with a hangover and how to prevent damage. problem organs next time.

How harmful is alcohol to children?

It is extremely undesirable for children and adolescents to drink alcohol. The use of alcoholic beverages before the growth of the organs and tissues of a young person stops can adversely affect his physical development.

At the same time, the age here is a fuzzy indicator, since the growth and development rates are individual for each: someone can grow up to 25 years old, and someone stops at 16 (this can be determined from x-rays of articular cartilage). About how to bring up the right attitude towards alcohol in a child and how heredity plays a role here,. Also read the article “ Why Children and Teenagers Shouldn’t Drink Alcohol” to find out if children can drink kvass and non-alcoholic beer, if it’s possible to rub a child with vodka for a cold, as well as answers to other questions of concern to parents.

Can alcohol cause allergies?

AT recent times more and more people are allergic to alcohol. An allergic reaction to a drink can range from mild and local (eg rash) to deadly (bronchospasm syndrome, Quincke's edema).

To be precise, then allergic reaction It is not alcohol itself that causes an allergy, because an allergy can only be to protein, but it happens that it all starts with alcoholic beverages.

Undesirable reactions can be caused by impurities and additives that are present in the composition of wine, beer, cognac, liquor. “Pure” alcoholic drinks (vodka or diluted alcohol) can also cause allergies, but for a different reason: alcohol increases the percentage of toxins and underdigested proteins from the intestines entering the blood, and these are classic allergens.

For more information about the causes and symptoms of alcohol allergy, as well as what to do when it appears, read the article "". About alcoholic beverages, most often causing allergies, and about the most harmless drinks for allergy sufferers, as well as anti-hangover drugs and hepatoprotectors, with which allergy sufferers should be more careful, read the article “Alcohol for Allergies”. For information on how to recognize an allergic reaction and what to do about it, see this illustration:

Does alcohol interfere with the action of drugs?

If you have taken any medication and are about to drink alcohol, first check the package leaflet for your medication to rule out the following:

  • the medicine is incompatible with alcohol and gives very serious side effects, even deadly;
  • the medicine is poorly compatible with alcohol. For example, the damage to the body that alcohol usually causes can be significantly increased due to the drug. Or vice versa, alcohol will increase the risk of unwanted side effects medicines;
  • even if the combination of medicine and alcohol does not bring special harm, then in the presence of alcohol, the drug may not show its useful properties, that is, you can remain without treatment.

Other options are also possible. For more details, read the articles:

How drinking and chronic disease are related

Drinking can contribute to the development of chronic diseases, and here's why:

  1. alcohol can provoke an acute attack of an already existing chronic disease;
  2. it also happens that a state that has not manifested itself for the first time worries a person precisely during a feast.

After drinking alcohol, complications from:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • pancreas;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • respiratory organs;
  • hearts;
  • and other vital organs.

Read the article “When to call ambulance hangover."

Why should alcoholics have their mercury levels checked?

For those who regularly and for many years drink beer or spirits from grain alcohol, doctors recommend monitoring the level of mercury in the body. These drinks are made from cereals, and to grow them, mercury-containing pesticides are often used to control pests and plant diseases. Pesticides are also used in the cultivation of other cereals, so pesticide residues enter our body also with bread and porridge. Non-drinking people will not be harmed by them, but mercury is easily restored from these low-active compounds with the help of biogenic amines, aldehydes and ketones, the content of which in the blood of alcoholics is always increased.

For the same reason, it is better for drinkers not to lean on sea ​​fish and seafood, as well as river fish, which hunts near the coast (for example, pike). In marine coastal areas and in shallow rivers, more mercury accumulates in fish. And if mercury accumulates in the human body because of this, such a development of events threatens with mercury poisoning.

Can alcohol cause cancer

The World Health Organization notes that the main risk factors for cancer worldwide are alcohol and tobacco use, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. People who drink regularly have a markedly increased risk of cancer in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, 22% all cancer oral cavity in men (and 9% - in women) are due to alcohol, that is, in these cases sober image life would help to avoid illness.

The results of several Japanese studies have shown that people who consumed alcohol in a dose equivalent to 100 g pure alcohol (in terms of vodka, this is 316 ml) per day, the risk of developing esophageal cancer increases with 11.71 times compared to people who have never consumed alcohol.

The risk of developing cancer is directly related to the amount of alcohol consumed. The risk of developing certain types of cancer (eg, mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus) in people who drink heavily is significantly increased if they are also heavy smokers.

Drinking can contribute to the development of cancer not only directly, but also indirectly. For example, alcohol can cause hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), and hepatitis in some cases leads to liver cancer. In women who abuse alcohol, the level of estrogen in the blood rises, as a result of which the risk of breast cancer increases.

Is it bad to not drink at all?

Paradoxically, being a total teetotaler may not be as undeniably beneficial as it might seem. Texas researchers observed more than 1,500 people over 20 years and concluded that non-drinkers, on average, die earlier than drinkers. Perhaps this is due to the fact that most people who do not drink are obviously unhealthy people who are afraid to drink.

Perhaps lifestyle plays a role, as drinkers often have more friends and lower stress levels. In any case, remember: at the table you need to know and observe your measure, because the harm from excessive drinking very quickly and irrevocably outweighs all its possible benefits.

The article was last updated: 2018-10-31

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The topic of the dangers of alcohol is not new and is known to everyone. But the main thing that alcohol is harmful for is the ease with which a person connects his fate with him. A person after drinking does not become irresistible and self-confident, as it seems to him. The difference between a drunk person's perception of himself and the reaction of others to his behavior is exactly the opposite. This fact is obvious and indisputable. This is evidenced by the dismissal of an inadequate person from work, divorces with scandals, fatal illnesses and the lion's share of accidents. Alcohol is very harmful.

The physical effects of alcohol on a person

When a person abuses alcohol, his nerve cells begin to be destroyed. This is felt by a clouding of consciousness, a violation of the links of interaction between organs. All this causes inadequate behavior with unpredictable consequences, not only in contacts with other people, but also the destruction of the body. Blood on contact with alcohol becomes thicker, as a result, blood pressure rises, hypertension develops, blood clots may appear in the vessels. You should be aware that this is fraught with blockage of the system and death.

How harmful alcohol is when used systematically is clearly visible on the state of the drinker's liver.

The liver is an organ that filters toxins.

In order to reliably remove toxins from the body, the liver needs time to recover. If the body is systematically poisoned with toxins, the liver is not fully restored, resulting in fatty degeneration. The next step to the destruction of the liver is. The next stage of liver disease is cirrhosis, leading a person to death.

One of the most detrimental consequences of systematic drunkenness is the destructive effect on the structural tissues of the brain. Due to clogging of the capillaries, these tissues experience oxygen starvation. The cerebral cortex functions with disorders. First of all, the node that controls the vestibular apparatus is damaged. Coordination of movements noticeably worsens. Damage also affects memory function. Such damage can be so deep that a person the next day cannot remember what happened to him. With frequent failures of memory, the thinking ability changes, the character of a person, his psyche is gradually transformed. As a result, personality degradation can occur. If a person does not find in himself an incentive and strength to stop drinking, irreversible changes will occur.

The effect of alcohol on the psyche

After drinking alcohol, a person perceives the actions of others as deliberate. Therefore, in various feasts, accompanied by significant libations, quarrels and conflicts occur with grave consequences. The participants themselves later note that they would not have done this without drinking alcohol.

Alcohol is an excellent solvent. This property can cause damage to the gastric mucosa and form an ulcer. The load on the pancreas increases, which can cause severe and dangerous disease- pancreatitis. Alcohol abuse develops impotence. Why is alcohol dangerous for future parents? Consequences for future offspring conceived in alcoholic state, are unpredictable.

Family alcoholism has an extremely negative effect on children. Babies take alcohol so easily that penetration can even occur through the skin. There have been cases where a child has received alcohol poisoning after a compress and wiping with alcohol. Alcoholism is transmitted through mother's milk. At older, school age, sleep disorders occur. These disturbances are interspersed with night terrors. In the afternoon there is a syndrome of bad mood. All together, these phenomena can cause dementia. There are situations when children are ashamed of their drinking parents. They are forced to lie and hide something. The psyche becomes unstable.

Adults are role models

In families where parents regularly drink, children often remain left to themselves, that is, self-education without proper guidelines. They are brought up by the street and acquire not best habits, study worse than their abilities, receive insufficient positive experience in life, do not determine their life goal and cannot be realized correctly, constantly losing their potential.

Whatever we touch, we see that alcohol is harmful. If in small doses it can be some kind of medicine, then there are practically no people who competently use such medicine for good. In most families, there are traditions that accompany holidays and various kinds of celebrations with a feast with alcohol. There are people who know how to think independently, to determine a life goal. They feel free in any feast, they know the insidiousness of alcohol and, despite any temptations that come from drinking alcohol, they go their own way.

Most great harm alcohol lies in its cunning, causing imitation and preservation of the traditions of drinking alcohol. All people, including young people, are aware of the dangers of alcohol, but rarely anyone at a young age can correctly develop a healthy attitude towards alcoholic beverages. In connection with this state of affairs, it is useless and even harmful to prohibit alcohol, remembering that the forbidden fruit is sweet.

Independent adults should show an example of their attitude towards alcohol with all their behavior at feasts. This attitude should reflect restraint close to indifference. Do not elevate drinking to the rank of admiration and subtly emphasize a position that shows awareness. A self-confident, decent person, admirable by others, will always serve as an example for a person of any age.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    What only folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

    Ekaterina a week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaf(she said that it was good for the heart), so after an hour he left with the peasants to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods ...

    Maria 5 days ago

Currently, you can meet a large number of people who are addicted to alcoholic beverages. And you can notice them in different age categories. Unfortunately, almost all of them are unaware that alcoholic products inflicts irreparable harm health, greatly aggravating the work of many organs. There are many cases of drunkards trying to recover from alcohol addiction and restore the body, but it was impossible. That is why doctors advise not to drink strong drinks in in large numbers so that later you do not have to resort to serious and expensive methods of treatment.

The question - is alcohol harmful, is considered today one of the most common. You can answer it without hesitation, harmful !

Any, even low-alcohol product, can harm human health, especially if it is taken in large quantities.

The most offensive is that today, who have not reached the age of majority. At this age, alcohol is most dangerous to health, which is almost impossible to restore. Therefore, each person should know whether it is possible to drink strong drinks in large quantities, and what negative and harmful effect they bring to the body?

Why alcohol can improve your mood

When people experience joy or pleasure, a large amount of dopamine is produced in the brain - this is a certain type of neurotransmitter that can cause satisfaction in a person.

Quantity this component depends on the general condition of the body: with an excess level of protein, it breaks down and turns into acid. However, he can not always do this - if a person drinks alcohol, it blocks this substance, which as a result leads to its rapid accumulation in the body. This introduces a person into a state of joy while drinking alcohol, which ends only with the development of a hangover symptom.

Frequent alcohol intake leads to the fact that people begin to believe that their life is boring, "gray" and completely unhappy.

In this regard, they resort to taking alcoholic beverages in order to somehow cheer themselves up and cheer them up. However, such a move will only aggravate health, and add joy only for a while. It is known that almost all holidays are not complete without strong drinks. People put them on the table without thinking, is this alcohol harmful and is it possible not to drink it at all, thereby maintaining their own health?

How alcohol affects the human body

Frequent alcohol intake negatively affects many organs,. Due to the negative effect of alcohol, active damage and death of the cells of this organ occurs. How can strong drinks be called useful in this case?

Alcohol is also harmful to the liver, since it is it that neutralizes its decay and removes poison from the body. Therefore, the body suffers to a greater extent. Also alcoholic products is harmful to the digestive tract, since immediately after entering the body, it causes severe damage to the walls of the esophagus and leads to a burn of the mucous membrane that covers the stomach and intestines. This leads to cell death, and, as a result, the development of a large number of diseases.

Penetrating into the blood, ethanol destroys and completely destroys red blood cells, which as a result form clots that clog blood vessels. This leads to the rapid development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, namely:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • fragility and violation of the integrity of blood vessels;
  • heart attack;
  • heart failure.

Alcohol, drunk in large quantities - especially in this case, the brain suffers, because the consequences of the intake are irreversible. Alcoholic drinks even in a small amount can destroy the neurons with which a person can think and remember. What can we say about drinking a large dose? In this case, after 6-8 months, the drunkard will develop dementia and memory loss. Therefore, it is not in vain that doctors say that alcohol is harmful to a person, causing a lot of diseases and negatively affecting consciousness.

Important: with the constant intake of beer or other drinks in the body, the production of protein stops, which allows you to create new brain cells.

And if in this case ethanol will negatively affect already existing cells, most of them will quickly die and will not be able to recover. Therefore, if a person drank a lot, in the morning he will be accompanied by a strong thirst, since damaged cells leave the body with urine.

What other harm does alcohol do to health? With frequent use, the following occurs:

  • lack of coordination;
  • development of a sense of fear;
  • shame blocking (the alcoholic is no longer afraid of embarrassment and does whatever he wants);
  • speech disorder;
  • inadequacy;
  • lack of control over one's own actions;
  • (the appearance of antennae, bags under the eyes, yellowing of the skin and teeth);
  • "shrinkage" of the body.

All this develops in an alcoholic quite quickly, and this, despite the fact that the drunkard quickly loses interest in the environment and he does not care about the course of his own life. What could be worse when a person only wants to drink alcohol, and not lead a familiar lifestyle and do what he loves?

Is it worth not drinking at all? This question is of interest to many - in fact, a small dose of alcohol can be beneficial to health. Therefore, doctors advise taking any kind of strong drinks 2-3 times a week - the main thing is to do this in small quantities and not too often. Otherwise, you will have to take anti-alcohol drugs. They will allow you to quickly normalize the state of the body and cleanse it of ethanol. Some of them can be purchased online.

In just six months of daily alcohol intake, the state of the body can change significantly. Therefore, you need to control yourself, do not allow to exceed, and also do not drink alcohol related to strong drinks, because it causes a quick addiction - in this case, you will be able to relax and not harm your own health.

The first signs of the development of alcoholism

If a person still exceeds the prescribed dose, he will soon notice the first symptoms of addiction development, which are also harmful to health.

Dependency can be identified by:

  • strong craving for strong drinks;
  • lack of vomiting after drinking a large dose;
  • loss of control over oneself;
  • constant drinking in complete solitude.

In addition, alcoholics are not able to admit that they have an addiction to alcohol, so they do not agree to treatment.

It is easiest to treat addiction in the first stage, so the patient needs to see a doctor in time so as not to aggravate the course of the disease, but to quickly normalize health.

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