Cherry tincture with moonshine recipe. Classic cherry liqueur at home. What to use for tincture - vodka or alcohol

Cherry tincture with pits is probably the favorite alcoholic drink of many residents of our country. Homemade recipe Its preparation is not that difficult, you just need to be a little patient.


To prepare cherry liqueur, proceed as follows.

  1. Freshly picked or frozen cherries (1.5 kg, the pit is not removed) are laid out in a thin layer in a sunny place, where they will dry for several days, and the berries must be stirred periodically.
  2. If you don’t want to wait a long time, you can speed up the procedure by using the oven. In the oven we dry the cherries at temperature conditions equal to 80 degrees, approximately six hours. You can skip the procedure, but drying the berries allows you to get rid of excess moisture, which makes the tincture watery.
  3. At the next stage, we place the berries in 3 liter jar, add sugar (half a kilogram) and moonshine, and diluted alcohol (700 milliliters) is also suitable. The alcohol product must be at least two centimeters above the level of the berries.
  4. After this, the container is closed and placed in a dark place, where it should stand for a month. Don't forget to shake the future tincture every couple of days.
  5. A month later, the liqueur is filtered through multi-layer gauze. The remaining berries are squeezed out by hand, and the separated liquid is also filtered and combined with the rest of the product.

The tincture is almost ready, its strength will vary between 20-25 percent. Now all that remains is to pour the liqueur into bottles, seal it tightly and store it in a cool cellar, where it will last perfectly for as long as needed.

For cherry tincture with pits classic recipe, it is better to use sweetish varieties of berries; you can use freshly picked, dried, or frozen. Cherry liqueur will last for at least three years, the main thing is that it is cool.

Those who wish can make a tincture without using moonshine or alcohol, in this case it turns out weak alcoholic drink.

To make the product you will need the following components:

  • Cherries (dried will do) - two kilograms (the pit is not removed).
  • Sugar - about a kilogram.
  • Water - 250 ml.


The washed and slightly dried cherries are placed in a jar and sprinkled with sugar. Then water is added so that there is room for the foam to rise. Using a wooden spoon or rolling pin, you need to thoroughly mash the berries and then close the jar with a medical glove, making one or two punctures. After standing for some time, the drink will be ready. You can tell when the fermentation process is complete by a deflated glove.

Now you need to strain the liquid through cheesecloth and leave it to ripen for several days in a dark place. After this, the tasty low-alcohol drink is ready to drink.

For such an alcoholic drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • A kilogram of oranges.
  • One and a half kilograms of cherries with pits.
  • Two liters of diluted alcohol (vodka) or moonshine.
  • Two kilograms of sugar.
  • Half a liter of water.

Cooking steps:

  1. The cherries are carefully sorted and washed. After this, it is dried on a towel and placed in a preheated oven (80 degrees) to dry.
  2. At the next stage, the oranges are washed and cut into slices. After this, the cherries and oranges are placed in a jar. Put the water to boil, when it boils, add sugar and cook until you get a light caramel-colored syrup.
  3. Diluted alcohol is added to the cooled syrup and everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is poured into the contents of the jar. The tincture is placed in a dark, warm place where it should stand for about four weeks.
  4. After this, filter the tincture and leave until sediment appears. Now all that remains is to remove the drink from the sediment (using a hose) and you can drink it. If you put the liqueur in a dark place for another six months, it will acquire a beautiful cognac hue and a caramel flavor.

You can store the tincture in a cool cellar, where it will last for a very long time.

To prepare a strong liqueur using alcohol, you will need the following components:

  • One and a half liters of alcohol.
  • Cherry (the pit is not removed) - two hundred grams.
  • Five grains of cloves.
  • Nutmeg two pieces.
  • Two pieces of vanilla.
  • 50 grams of oak bark.
  • 150 grams of cherry tree leaves.
  • 10 coffee beans.
  • 300 grams of sugar.
  • Orange peels.


The spices are thoroughly ground into a powdery mass and sent to a glass container, and sugar and oak bark are added there. Then, alcohol diluted to 45 degrees or moonshine is poured into it, the container is tightly closed and placed in a dark place, where the tincture must stand for two weeks. After this, the tincture is filtered and poured dried cherries from which the pit has not been removed and cherry leaves. The container with the contents is again put away in a dark place where it should stand for two months

The finished liqueur is stored in a cool, dark place for at least three years.

This low-alcohol drink can be used for baking or consumed at festive feast. For production you will need:

  • Cherries (the pit is not removed, you can use dried ones) - two kilograms.
  • One liter of cognac.
  • Two glasses of sugar.

The berries are thoroughly sorted and washed, after which they need to be dried a little by spreading them on a clean sheet. At the next stage, the cherries are poured into a container and filled with cognac. Then the bottle is placed in a cool place where it will last for three months.

After the specified period, the liqueur should be filtered and poured into small bottles. Store the drink in a cool place, tightly sealed.

As you can see, making a homemade alcoholic drink is the most different ways It's not difficult at all. With a little work you will get wonderful drink suitable for any holiday table.

Cherry- Very rich in vitamins berry with a sour-velvety taste. Whatever dish it is used in, it captures most of the bouquet and saturates and ennobles other ingredients. This berry is especially popular in combination with alcoholic drinks. In them, she truly reveals her taste, fitting perfectly into the intoxicating strong notes. Cherry tincture is one of the most simple options preparing this berry with alcohol.

This drink has a beautiful ruby-burgundy color and a pleasant enveloping taste. Cherry perfectly softens the harshness of alcohol, making high-proof drinks soft and pleasant to drink. Cherry tincture is simple and quick to prepare, but it is not inferior in quality to any other recipe. The recipe does not require any additional equipment, which is another plus. Also require special attention beneficial features and contraindications of tincture. Cherry has many qualities. Among them ability to relieve inflammation, normalize work gastrointestinal tract and improvement circulatory system body. And thanks to the technology of preparing the drink, all these properties are transferred to alcohol. Contraindications to the use of cherry are individual allergies to the components and any prohibitions on drinking alcoholic beverages.

Considering general principles When preparing cherries, you should start with the main ingredients. The first is, of course, the berry. The tincture can be prepared from either fresh or frozen cherries, or from dried berries. In addition to cherries, the use of cherries is acceptable. It can be either an additional component or the main one. Its taste is sweeter and more delicate, therefore, depending on its content in the drink, the taste of the tincture will also change.

The cherries need to be prepared before infusion. Depending on the choice of fruits, the preliminary procedure will vary. Fresh ones only need to be washed thoroughly. Frozen berries thaw at room temperature without being exposed to heat. After this they are washed and dried. Dry berries are soaked. Also important point are bones. They can either be left or removed from the fruit.

Before preparing the drink, the alcohol is also selected. Cherry tincture with vodka is the most popular option at home. It became a favorite due to its availability vodka products and the fact that it does not require additional manipulations. It is enough to purchase quality drink in the shop. A cherry tincture with alcohol is also possible. This type of liqueur turns out to be sharper and rougher, but softens additional ingredients such as sugar, honey and spices. Another possible variant base – cognac. It has a rich bouquet and in combination with cherries will create a very complex, but at the same time tasty and interesting.

It is possible to prepare it without using alcohol. In this case, the berries ferment together with sugar in a warm place until the process is complete. With this technology, the drink turns out to be low-alcohol, but at the same time no less tasty.

Recipe delicious liqueur passed down from generation to generation, but everyone’s cooking technology is approximately the same. First the berries are prepared. It is washed, sorted and placed in prepared containers. Then sprinkle with sugar, if present in the recipe. The final mixing stage is adding alcohol. After this, the mixture is sent for aging. The drink is infused in a cool place, protected from direct sun rays. The holding time takes from 1 to 4 months, which is divided into 2 stages.

First, the drink is aged for a couple of weeks in the cold. Then it is filtered and, if present in the recipe, mixed with additional ingredients. Ready drink is poured into bottles for storage and is now aged until full readiness about 3 months. After this, the cherry tincture will be ready for use.

Recipes at home

The recipe for cherry tincture depends on the selected ingredients. The use of different alcohol radically changes the drink. Therefore, when choosing a recipe, you definitely need to pay attention to this. Three main options: tincture with vodka, alcohol or cognac. The last option is the most expensive.

In addition, cherry tincture can be with or without pits. Many believe that they need to be extracted, since the kernels contain a large amount harmful substances. In fact, this is not so; the harmful elements in them are not enough to harm the body. Removing or leaving the seeds is due to a change in the taste of the drink. In addition, sometimes in recipes there is a recommendation to boil the berries. This will not make the taste any worse, but all the beneficial properties will be lost. heat treatment. Therefore, it is better to use the classical method, which includes only infusion.

Classic vodka liqueur

The classic recipe for cherry liqueur with vodka is the most popular. Its taste is as harmonious and soft as possible. It's great for first tasting and very easy to prepare. The classic cherry liqueur with vodka contains 3 main ingredients:

  • Vodka – 1 liter.
  • Granulated sugar – 700 grams.
  • Cherry berries – 1.7 kilograms.

Fresh berries are sorted and washed with running water using a colander. After this, the fruits are dried in the sun. This process takes several days. It is not recommended to use an oven for these purposes, as you can overdo it with the temperature. It is not necessary to dry the berries, but this method removes excess water, which makes the drink bland and watery.

The prepared berries are mixed with sugar and poured with vodka in a clean, prepared container. The mixture is sealed and stored in a cool, dark place. The cherries are aged in vodka for a month. In this case, the bottle is shaken every three days so that the sugar is evenly distributed throughout the drink without settling at the bottom.

After time, the liquid is filtered and separated from the berries. The finished tincture is bottled into clean bottles and stored refrigerated. A refrigerator or cellar in a private home is suitable for this.

Vodka-free liqueur

Vodka-free liqueur is prepared using the wine method. The fruits are fermented naturally until alcohol is formed. To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • Cherry – 1 kilogram.
  • Water – 100 milliliters.
  • Granulated sugar – 400 grams.

The berries are placed in layers along with granulated sugar in a container prepared and cleaned by boiling and crushed a little. After this, water is added. It is important to leave 3 - 4 centimeters to the top of the jar free. This is necessary so that the foam formed during the fermentation process does not climb over the edge of the vessel.

The jar is closed with a special water seal or a medical glove with a finger pierced with a needle. The container is placed in a warm place with a constant room temperature of around 25 degrees. The mash should be protected from direct sunlight. The wort is infused until fermentation is complete. This can be seen by stopping gas formation and a characteristic odor.

After this, the drink is filtered through thick cheesecloth and aged for a couple of days. After brewing, the drink is filtered again. Only after double cleansing can you pour the finished tincture into bottles. This drink is stored cool and remains usable for 3 years.

Cherry liqueur with moonshine

Cherry on moonshine is a tincture, similar in technology to a vodka recipe. Main ingredients:

  • Cherry berries – 1.7 kilograms.
  • Alcohol – 1 liter.
  • Granulated sugar – 700 grams.

The peeled berries are placed in a container and sprinkled with granulated sugar. The mixture is filled with alcohol and kept cool. The holding time is 1 month. After this, the drink is carefully filtered. A fine sieve is used for this. Pure tincture is ready for use.

On alcohol

Cherry tincture in alcohol is prepared with the addition of spices. They allow you to soften and highlight the taste of alcohol. This alcohol tincture consists of:

  • Cherry berries – 1.5 kilograms.
  • Granulated sugar – 500 grams.
  • Alcohol – 1 liter.
  • Cinnamon sticks – 1 piece.
  • Cloves – 7 – 10 buds.

Alcohol tincture of cherry is made in 2 stages. First, the berries are mixed with granulated sugar and left in a jar covered with a cloth for a week. As soon as the characteristic formation of gas appears, you need to add alcohol with cinnamon and cloves, and keep the drink for 2 weeks. After aging is completed, the tincture is filtered, bottled and aged for another month.

Polish strong cherry liqueur

How to make cherry liqueur even more interesting? Try to cook it according to Polish recipe. To do this you will need:

  • Vodka – 500 milliliters.
  • Alcohol – 500 milliliters.
  • Cherry – 1.5 kilograms.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kilogram.

The cherries are sprinkled with sugar and kept to form juice. It is drained, boiled and, once cooled, mixed with alcohol. The berries are separately poured with vodka and infused for 2 weeks. After this, the vodka infusion is filtered and combined with alcohol. The mixture is infused for 1 month until it is completely ready.

Spicy cherry liqueur

It is believed that when cherries are infused with spices, a drink is obtained that has a beneficial effect on digestion. To prepare it you need:

  • Vodka – 1 liter.
  • Cherry – 1 kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar – 500 grams.
  • Cloves – 5 buds.
  • Vanilla – 5 grams.
  • Cinnamon – 1 stick
  • Cardamom – 5 grams.

All ingredients specified in the recipe are mixed in one container and covered with a lid. The resulting mixture is aged for six months. After this, the spicy tincture is ready for use.

Homemade ruby ​​liqueur

This liqueur is very sweet, since the recipe is based on large quantities Sahara. To prepare you need:

  • Vodka – 1 liter.
  • Cherry – 1 kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kilogram.

Sugar is mixed with cherries and poured with vodka. The mixture is infused in a cool place for 3 months. After this, the drink must be filtered, bottled and stored refrigerated.

Cherry leaf liqueur

In order to prepare this cherry tincture you will need:

  • Cherry – 700 grams.
  • Cherry leaves – 200 grams.
  • Vodka – 1 liter.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.3 kilograms.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Citric acid – 1 teaspoon.

Cook the berries with leaves for about 20 minutes over low heat. The broth is filtered, mixed with sugar and citric acid and boiled until the ingredients dissolve. The resulting syrup is mixed with vodka and infused for 2 - 3 weeks. The finished tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Cherry and currant liqueur

To prepare you need:

  • Cherry – 100 grams.
  • Currants – 100 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 200 grams.
  • Vodka – 1 liter.

The berries are mixed with sugar and vodka. The mixture is sealed and infused for 1.5 - 2 months. After this, the liqueur must be filtered and stored cool.

Cherry liqueur with cognac

Cherry tincture is also often prepared using cognac. At home, a simple recipe contains:

  • Cherry – 1 kilogram.
  • Cognac – 500 milliliters.
  • Granulated sugar – 500 grams.
  • Cherry leaves – 5 – 10 pieces.
  • Cloves in buds – 5 grams.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a jar and filled with cognac. The workpiece is shaken and exposed to the sun. In this form it is aged for 1 – 2 months. The finished drink is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

  • It is better to soften cherries infused with alcohol or moonshine, complementing the spices. This way the drink will remain strong, but at the same time it will taste softer and be easier to drink.
  • The berries left after cooking should not be thrown away. They are served as a dessert for the same drink or as independent dish and are called drunken cherries. It has a sweet taste with a slight hint of alcohol.
  • The recipe for cherry liqueur with vodka is the simplest and most popular. If you have never tried this drink before, then you should start with it. After this, you can and definitely should experiment, because this drink is very tasty in all its variations.

Topic: Cherry tincture with vodka at home

Among homemade alcoholic drinks, homemade cherry tincture with vodka, popularly called “cherry”, is highly valued. The berry quickly neutralizes the sharp vodka taste, making the tincture aromatic and easy to drink. It can be recommended as a women's or dessert drink.

I will tell you about the three best, proven recipes below.

For infusions, it is better to take sweet varieties of cherries. Fresh, dried and frozen berries sold in supermarkets are suitable. all year round. In the latter case, the cherries must first be thawed, allowed to drain, and only then proceed to cooking.

You can change the proportions of sugar at your discretion, focusing on your taste and the sweetness of the selected variety. In the case of sweet berries, I advise you to make cherry liqueur without sugar according to the first or second recipe. The result is a drink with a pronounced aroma of raw materials.

The alcoholic base can be vodka, purified, odorless moonshine, alcohol diluted with water to 40-45%, or cheap cognac (suitable for recipes 1 and 2). Cherry tincture in cognac differs from vodka analogues in its original flavor.

A lot of controversy arises around the bones. It is believed that they contain tannins and harmful hydrocyanic acid, so they must be removed. Although the concentration of harmful impurities in the seeds is minimal, and their absence has a bad effect on the taste, as in the case of cherry liqueurs, I invite each reader to decide this issue for himself. We will consider both options.

Classic cherry liqueur

Cherry berries – 1.5 kg; vodka (moonshine, cognac, alcohol 45%) – 0.7 liters; sugar – 0.5 kg.

1. Dry fresh or frozen cherries in the sun, laying them out in an even layer and leaving them in direct sunlight for several days. Alternative option– Bake the berries for 4-6 hours in an oven heated to 60-80°C.

This step is optional, but drying removes excess moisture from the cherries, which makes the tincture watery.

2. Mix in three liter jar vodka, sugar and berries, close the lid tightly and leave for 30 days in a dark place at room temperature. Once every 2-3 days, the contents of the jar should be shaken.

3. Strain the finished tincture through several layers of gauze and cotton wool.

4. Pour into bottles and cap tightly. Store in the refrigerator or basement, shelf life is more than 3 years.

Cherry liqueur without seeds

Cherry berries – 1 kg; sugar – 3 kg; vodka – 1 liter.

1. Remove the pits from washed cherries.

2. Place the pulp in a jar, cover with sugar and leave for 2-3 hours until the cherries release juice.

3. Add vodka (moonshine), close the jar with a lid, shake well several times and place in a dark, warm (16-25°C) place for 14-18 days.

4. Filter homemade cherry tincture through gauze and cotton wool until it becomes transparent. Multiple filtering may be required.

5. Pour the drink into bottles. When stored in a dark, cool place, the shelf life of the tincture is up to 3 years.

Tincture with cherry leaves

Berries – 50 pieces; cherry leaves – 200 pieces; sugar – 1.5 kg; vodka – 1 liter; water – 1 liter; citric acid – 1.5 teaspoons.

1. Pour washed berries with leaves (remove seeds if desired) with water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat, then strain through cheesecloth.

2. Add sugar to the resulting broth and citric acid, mix well, then simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes.

3. Ready cherry syrup cool to room temperature, add vodka, pour into bottles (jars), seal tightly. To enhance the aroma, you can put a few fresh leaves in the container.

4. Before use, leave at room temperature for 15-20 days. If the tincture turns out cloudy, filter through cotton wool. Store in a cool, dark place; shelf life is up to 2 years.

Cherry... old Russian, because the recipe, although very old, does not age at all. Because the cherry season is approaching, and in some places has already begun. This season is not long. Therefore, you need to have time to stock up on this wonderful drink, which will really warm you up and delight you with its summer taste all year long... until the next cherry season. If, of course, you prepare enough of it.

Ingredients for “Cherry liqueur”:

Recipe for “Cherry liqueur”:

Of course, this story, whatever one may say, is still an interpretation of an old Russian recipe. Remember the scene in the new film based on Pushkin’s “The Young Lady – a Peasant Woman”. This scene was brilliantly played by Lanov and Kuravlev. They sit at the table and help themselves to liqueurs... This is from those times. BUT!!! Of course, it is somewhat tailored to modern affairs.
But one thing remains the same - those in a hurry are better off simply diluting the vodka with cherry synthetic syrup and drinking it. Our liqueur is a leisurely affair. Designed for six weeks.
The cherry is ripe. We select the most delicious, most ripened.

Of course, we wash it and sort it out - we don’t need rotten berries. We are going to drink the tincture ourselves and treat our friends. So we approach it responsibly.

Place the berries in jars. That’s it, or rather that’s how much – for the “ladies’” consistency.

And this is a “half-and-half”. The result will be a “male” version. Not very strong, but it will definitely be about thirty degrees.

And then we fill it with ... either good vodka, or alcohol diluted in half with well or spring water. Just don't need tap water. Don't spoil the product.
This bottle contains this very good vodka. “Absolute”, which we now produce in this very Chernogolovka.
Yes…. Do not use under any circumstances pure alcohol. To put it simply and roughly, you will burn this delicious berry. You will burn out all the enzymes. Generally speaking, this is exactly what you need (already tested) good quality moonshine. Strength - thirty-eight degrees.

Pour in so that the berries are covered by a finger and a half with liquid.
Here I’ll add a couple more words. This photo shows a version of the ladies' liqueur. More berries, less vodka.

And this is already a “half-and-half”. That is, there are fewer berries, and more fuel. And the result will be a little stronger, I repeat. Tougher. Although the taste is excellent.

And we remove it for two weeks. All these jars. Can be kept at room temperature, or taken to the cellar. Don't forget to attach the stickers. With bookmark date. It won't be redundant.
It won't change the results.

And now - two weeks later.

As you can see, in addition to the color, the liquid level has already decreased. The berries absorbed and released the juice. And they themselves swollen, filled with life-giving moisture. We will still need this moisture.

Using this device, we drain the resulting product and set it aside. To the same cellar.

The berries will turn pale after a two-week vodka bath. Still would! Two weeks of continuous drinking...

And here’s the half-and-half.

We couldn't resist. We tried it. There is already taste and aroma. Of course, you can stop. BUT!!! Firstly, we strive for the authenticity of the recipe, and secondly, we make it “for the ladies” too, and the resulting product is still quite strong and not very sweet. That is, even a bit sour. Although it is saturated.
And the half-and-half process is... close to the original product.

Now let's take granulated sugar. Based on approximately four hundred grams per jar. Do you want something sweeter? Then take more. In general, adjust to your own taste.

And they put it in jars with berries. There is an opinion that you should leave sugar on top. It will sort of dissolve and settle on its own. But! I went a different route. I took it and shook it so that the sugar mixed with the berries.

You need to add less sugar to the half-and-half mixture. There is no need for excessive sweetness here.

We leave these jars filled with berries with sugar alone... also for two weeks.

And in two weeks. We took the jars into which we had poured sugar out of the basement.
By the way, I went and shook them every two or three days. Without fanaticism, but carefully. It may not have been necessary. But what is done is already past.
And this syrup was poured through a strainer.
That's what he is like. We tried it too. Sweet, dog. But the taste of alcohol is also felt. Sugar drew out the vodka juices from the cherries...

Mix what was poured into last time and what happened this time.
Let's try. It tastes sweet. In my opinion - even too much. Although the ladies said - strong!!!
BUT!!! I wouldn't say that.
So I decided to do this. The half-and-half was considered ready for use and set aside, and with the “ladies’ one” we finished the recipe according to the instructions.

Which means the cherry, which..., you see after sweet life, the cherry darkened again. The taste... acquired such a concentrated-bright... sweet-alcoholic shade.

So, fill the berries with water.
There is no need to take any, Creator forbid, boiled water. You need to take, best of all, a fresh one from a well. Tastier.
This is how we fill it. And don’t forget to turn the jars over from time to time. While they will remain in the cellar for another two weeks.

And here it is - the final act.
We take out the jars into which we added water. They stood for two weeks, as was said, with periodic shaking.

Drain and strain. And then we mix it with what has accumulated in the bins. From the “ladies’ stock”, of course. There was no more suitable cookware than this pan. The whole product must be mixed, for purity, so to speak, to comply with technology.

Here I... in general, decided to measure the strength. While I found an alcohol meter in pharmacies, I sweated ten times. And the weight is so proud that the strength does not exceed ten degrees.
And then one of my acquaintances, a chemist, very tactfully explained to me that an alcoholometer is essentially a hydrometer and it correctly measures the density of a pure water-alcohol mixture. And in my liqueur there is cherry juice and sugar added. And there won’t be any, not just the correct value, but even one more or less close to the true one.
So, there is a photograph, but the strength of the drink has not been determined.

Pour into decanters, then into glasses... (this is “half-and-half”).

And here it is!!! "Half-and-half." And so it turned out, as I said. It feels like about thirty degrees. But it has a delicate sour taste. With a slight sweet note. You know, as if a not quite ripe cherry was consumed as a snack. And no vodka taste. It’s also clear with color. Cherry is unsaturated, so to speak.

Ladies'. Here the picture is different. The taste... although there is sourness, it has a strong bias towards sweetness. That is, just very rich taste well-ripened cherries. Even a little overripe. And the strength... is still about ten degrees. Plus or minus two. Not more. And it's very easy to drink. BUT!!!
What's the "but"? More on this later.

But all the same, comrades, it turned out to be pure ambrosia!!!

Now let me summarize.
1. “Stoneness.” A lot of discussion this recipe it was said that the seeds should be removed, because they contain all kinds of harmful stuff, and this shit will poison the drink. Don't know. I've been making this liqueur for three years now. Ten buckets have definitely already been consumed, and no one has ever complained about any negative factors.
I tried making some seedless this year. I do not advise. It seems beautiful, but if you compare it, the taste is absolutely nothing. So... a pathetic semblance.
2. "Lady's". Be careful. Behind the apparent lightness is quite heavy, like any other “liqueur” after... This ladies' version! Therefore, the format of use should be the same. Ladies'
And don’t try to add pure vodka, it comes out stronger, but it’s not the same. It turns out surrogately.
3. “Half-and-half.” The resulting liqueur is really quite appetizing, aromatic and tasty. And it feels very acceptable “for men”.
If someone suddenly wants to have a product that is, as they say, stronger, then simply reduce the amount of cherries in the first tab, as well as sugar in the second. The result will be a less sweet and stronger liqueur.
4. " drunk cherry" We tried it. It, of course, can be used for, say, eating (even without bread), as we would have done in the years of unforgettable youth, or, for example, baking a cake. But!!! I do not advise. In general, I didn't like it. And... the owner is a gentleman. Maybe it will be just right for someone.

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It's no secret that alcoholic drinks made from berries, which are prepared independently, differ pleasant aroma, unique taste and color. Cherries are especially suitable for homemade alcoholic drinks.

Cherry tincture high-quality moonshine It has tart taste ripe berries, retains beneficial properties.

It can be taken in medicinal purposes, consume in reasonable quantities to increase appetite; a well-prepared drink will brighten any holiday.

Subtleties when preparing cherry drink

You can make an alcoholic drink with cherries from any berries. They can be freshly picked from the tree, withered, dried or frozen. If the tincture is prepared from frozen cherries, they must first be thawed and excess liquid allowed to drain.

The amount of sugar can be reduced or increased. It all depends on taste preferences and the sweetness of the cherry itself. If sweet varieties of berries are used, then sugar may not be needed at all.

The cherry drink is made using moonshine, alcohol, vodka or cognac. When using moonshine, it is better to use it double distillation, qualitative.

Some people prefer a drink made with pitted cherries, believing that they contain hydrocyanic acid. But you don’t have to delete them. The acid content is not so significant, but infusions of cherries with pits acquire a special tartness and richness.

Classic preparation of cherry infusion

Manufacturing famous drink on cherry is not complex, but it is different exquisite taste, tartness and has a great color. To make it you need to prepare:

  1. Cherry berries in the amount of 1.5 kg;
  2. Moonshine – 0.7 l;
  3. Sugar 0.5 kg or it can be added according to individual taste.

To prepare the drink, it is better to dry the berries a little in the open air. You can dry cherries in the oven. To do this, lay it out on a baking sheet and place it in the oven for 3-4 hours at 60-70 degrees. It is possible not to dry the berries, but in this case the tincture will not be so concentrated, but a little watery. However, this will not affect the taste of the cherry drink.

All of the listed ingredients are placed in a 3-liter jar, tightly closed. nylon cover. The container is placed in a dark, dry place for a month. Shake the contents of the container twice every 7 days.

After the allotted time, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze.

Finally, the cherry moonshine is bottled. The tincture can be stored for a long time in a cool room or in refrigerator. The longer the drink is kept on the cherry, the better and richer its taste will be..

Cherry liqueur (tincture) takes longer to prepare long time, but on taste qualities and the fortress is not inferior classic version. For the drink you will need:

  1. About 1 kg of cherries;
  2. Granulated sugar – 0.3 kg;
  3. Moonshine with high degree cleansing – 1.5 l.

The berries are thoroughly washed and dried. There is no need to remove the seeds. Cherry berry pour into a 3 liter jar. The container must be filled halfway. Pour moonshine into it, close it tightly and place it in a dark, cool room for 14 days. During this time, the contents of the container must be shaken regularly.

Then, what is in the jar is filtered through cheesecloth and 150 g of sugar is added to the liquid. Leftovers are added to the berries. granulated sugar. Both containers are closed with lids, shaken thoroughly and placed in a dark room for another 14 days. The contents of both jars are shaken periodically.

After the required aging, the contents of the container with cherries are cleaned through gauze and poured into the container where the moonshine was. The tincture is again thoroughly stirred and bottled. Cherry moonshine liqueur is ready for use.

If the cherry drink seems too strong, then you can pour a little water into the container with the berries and leave it again in a dark room for 14 days. After this time, the contents of the jar are filtered and added to the liqueur. The tincture will become less strong, but the quality and taste will not become worse.

Useful qualities of the drink

An infusion of cherry moonshine not only tastes good and can brighten up any holiday, but also has some medicinal properties:

  1. The tincture accelerates metabolism, which promotes complete absorption of products;
  2. A drink made with cherries affects the hemoglobin content in the blood and brings it back to normal;
  3. Cherry liqueurs and drinks improve the quality of gastric juice and increase appetite.

For medicinal purposes, a drink made from berries with alcohol should be consumed before meals, no more than 50 ml at a time.

Video recipe
