Recipe for making delicious beef stroganoff. Beef Stroganoff, recipes: classic, with mushrooms, in a slow cooker and with cream

Translated from French, “boeuf” literally means “beef”, and “beef Stroganoff” means “beef Stroganoff style”. Initially, the dish was prepared exclusively from beef pulp, cut into cubes and stewed in sour cream sauce. But with time authentic recipe beef stroganoff has undergone a number of changes and improvements. IN modern cooking it is prepared from pork, chicken and even seafood, and onions, mushrooms and tomato paste.

Today I will make pork stroganoff - the recipe includes making sour cream sauce. I will cut the tenderloin into cubes, fry it and simmer with onions and sour cream. You will get very tender and tasty Stroganoff-style meat in a thick sauce that goes well with any side dish from potatoes to pasta.

Total cooking time: 35 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 6 servings


  • pork tenderloin – 500 g
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • 21% sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • butter- 1 tbsp. l.
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tsp. incomplete
  • mixture of ground peppers - 1-2 chips.
  • ground nutmeg- 1 chip.
  • hot water or broth - 150-200 ml

How to cook pork stroganoff

I rinse the pork tenderloin and dry it with paper towels. I clean off surface white films.

I cut it into pieces about 2 cm thick. I lightly beat each medallion with a hammer on both sides - the tenderloin is very tender, so it’s important not to overdo it, beat it lightly, just to level the pieces to the same thickness.

Then the pork needs to be chopped into strips 0.5-1 cm thick - this is exactly the kind of cutting that is typical for classic beef stroganoff. To make slicing easier, I stack 3-4 chops on top of each other and then cut them at the same time with a wide-bladed knife. The results are long and thin strips.

Heat a mixture of vegetable oil and butter in a frying pan. I bread the meat in flour and place it on a hot frying pan. By rolling in flour, the meat cubes will set into a crust faster, and sour cream sauce It will turn out thick and silky. Fry at maximum heat, without a lid, for 2-3 minutes, so that the pork is covered with a crust and sealed inside as quickly as possible. meat juices. Please note that there is no need to add salt.

Peel a large onion and cut into thin quarter rings. I pour the onions into the frying pan with the meat. Reduce heat to medium and continue frying for 5 minutes, stirring, until the onion is soft and golden brown. The onion shouldn't be crunchy!

I add sour cream, salt and spices. Stir until the sour cream warms up a little.

Then I pour a glass hot water or broth (the amount depends on the desired thickness of the sauce). Reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid. Simmer pork stroganoff with sour cream for 15-20 minutes until full readiness pork and thicken the sauce.

The dish should be served hot, immediately after cooking. Traditionally, beef stroganoff in white sauce is garnished with potatoes, although it is no less tasty with rice or pasta. Bon appetit!

Perhaps everyone has heard about beef stroganoff. It's amazingly juicy and delicate dish made from beef, the preparation technology of which has not changed for decades. But it can be supplemented with the most various ingredients to get new gravy flavors and unexpected meat flavors.

Men especially love beef stroganoff, as they are true connoisseurs of hearty beef dishes.

Classic recipe for beef stroganoff

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

We never miss out on the classics, so we present you this ordinary and simple, but crazy delicious recipe. Be sure to try it as soon as possible.

How to cook:

Tip: you can use not only dill as greens, but any other favorite greens. It could be mint, rosemary, tarragon and more.

Of course, the main character in the dish is beef. Not only the taste of the dish, but even your health depends on its choice. For good beef stroganoff it is better to choose beef tenderloin, this is the part of the hind leg (inner and back). Fillet would also work. You can use not only beef, but also young veal.

Meat should be chosen very carefully. When buying it at the market or supermarket, be sure to ask to smell the meat. No foreign odors should be felt. Even if it feels pleasant aroma spices, this should alert you: manufacturers are trying to hide old meat with spices.

The piece should have a bright color in appearance. Beef Stroganoff is prepared without fat in the meat, so this is worth taking into account. You can simply look at other meat on the same counter, the fat of which should have White color, in no case yellow or gray. There should be neither a lot of blood at the bottom nor a completely dry pan. You should not buy meat that is packaged in film, otherwise you may end up with a spoiled piece.

If there is no loin or tenderloin, it is acceptable to use the kidney part or edge. And now many people use pork, chicken, and turkey, preparing them according to the same principle of finely cutting them into cubes. It turns out delicious too, although it’s not classic version.

As for sour cream, it can have any percentage of fat content, it doesn’t matter. Tomato paste can be used either store-bought or home production, just interrupting fresh tomatoes in puree.

Meat with mushrooms is practically a classic. Any restaurant serves beef/chicken/pork or other types of meat with mushrooms and it is always incredibly tasty!

What is the calorie content - 158 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, start peeling the onion, then wash and chop it;
  2. Pour the onion into the frying pan, add oil and place on the stove;
  3. Cook the root vegetable until golden brown;
  4. Peel the caps and stems of the mushrooms, cut them into slices;
  5. Add them to the onion and cook until the liquid from them evaporates;
  6. During this time, wash the beef, dry it and cut it into short strips along the fibers;
  7. When everything is ready in the pan, increase the heat and add the meat there;
  8. Fry, stirring, until the shell becomes opaque;
  9. The contents of the dishes must be constantly stirred so that nothing sticks to the bottom of the pan over high heat;
  10. When the result is achieved, add flour and mix everything well;
  11. Pour in the cream and add bay leaves;
  12. Season to taste, stir and close the lid;
  13. Do not touch the dish until the meat is cooked and tender;
  14. After this, the beef stroganoff can be served as a side dish.

Tip: you can use any other types of mushrooms: porcini mushrooms, russula, chanterelles, aspen mushrooms, etc.

For lovers of piquancy or Mexican cuisine we offer this classic recipe with mustard, and it will definitely be spicy. Ready to try?

How much time - 55 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 175 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pulp thoroughly, cut off all unnecessary films;
  2. Dry the beef and cut it into strips along the grain;
  3. Season the meat with spices and knead with your hands;
  4. Peel the onion, rinse it and cut into any shape;
  5. Place butter in a frying pan and let it become liquid;
  6. Add flour and quickly break up any lumps using a whisk;
  7. Stirring, fry the flour for 5-7 minutes;
  8. Pour in the broth, bring the mixture until smooth and let it simmer a little;
  9. After this, add mustard and black peas;
  10. Boil again, but this time strain the future sauce;
  11. Then add sour cream, tomato paste and bring the mass to a uniform color;
  12. At this time, pour oil into another frying pan and add onion;
  13. Fry it until soft and add meat;
  14. Fry until golden brown for about a quarter of an hour, stirring;
  15. Pour the beef into the sauce, stir and cook for fifteen minutes until done.

Tip: if you add grainy mustard, then you can then not strain the sauce, but leave the grains for a special taste. But in this case, the black peas will still have to be removed.

Simple homemade beef stroganoff made from beef

The simplest recipe you could come up with to taste real beef Stroganoff. It's more home recipe, which is suitable for any housewife.

How long is it - 1 hour and 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 148 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the beef, dry it and remove fat;
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut into strips along the grain;
  3. Place margarine in a frying pan and melt it;
  4. During this time, roll the meat in flour, then transfer it to a frying pan;
  5. Fry, stirring, for five minutes;
  6. During this time, peel and wash the onion, chop and add to the beef;
  7. Fry for about ten more minutes, stirring constantly;
  8. After this, add the ingredients with sour cream, tomato paste, spices (including black peas and Bay leaf), also pour in a little water;
  9. Stir and cover with a lid;
  10. Cook for one hour, stirring the dish occasionally.

Tip: instead of tomato paste, you can use fresh tomatoes, crushed until smooth, but peeled.

The meat must be cut along the grain. If you cut crosswise, the meat will lose its juiciness, and this is a really big mistake not only when preparing beef stroganoff, but also other dishes.

When using champignons, there is no need to wash them. It's enough to just clean it off. These products already consist of most of the water, excess moisture will simply destroy them and they will fall apart. In addition to champignons, you can use chanterelles, honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, etc.

In a recipe with mushrooms, you should use cream with a low fat content. They replace in in this case bouillon. If you take a high percentage of fat content, during cooking the cream will thicken very much, and you won’t get gravy with meat, but just a thick meat mass. In addition, this does not affect the taste for the better.

You can safely experiment with beef stroganoff, complementing it various vegetables and spices. It will still remain the same classic dish, because the main thing in it is fine cutting and gravy, and the vegetables will simply refresh and add color. For example, you can use tomatoes, peppers, leeks, beans, corn, peas, chickpeas, etc. Some even add potatoes to create a beef stroganoff. And it's very tasty!

As for spices, traditional version There are not many of them, only standard pepper. This can also be changed using and spices, And different kinds peppers, including their mixture, and chili powder, and dried garlic, and ginger. From fresh herbs, you can add sprigs of thyme or rosemary, two of them will be enough. Of course, you can serve with various fresh herbs: onions, cilantro, dill, parsley, basil, etc.

In a recipe with mustard, you can use not only its spicy version. You can use American for a sweeter taste, granular to update the consistency of the gravy, Dijon, etc. Sometimes the use of any type of mustard excludes the addition of spices, since it already has enough pepper, spiciness, and even color from turmeric.

Cooking beef stroganoff is an opportunity to feel like a real chef. This dish, even at home, seems like a restaurant dish, unusual, expensive, so it can also be served during feasts. Proper cooking technique and the desire to please your family juicy dish- that’s the whole secret of success have a delicious dinner. It’s worth trying it once to fall in love forever!

Delicious, tender classic beef stroganoff from beef - great solution for those who don't know what to cook for lunch or dinner. This meat dish turns out simply excellent: it perfectly combines veal with exquisite thick sauce. The recipe, invented several decades ago, is still relevant today. What is his secret? Of course, in ease of preparation and consistently obtaining unsurpassed results. This dish can be made either in a frying pan or using a modern household appliances- in a slow cooker. However, the classic version still involves frying meat and then stewing it on the stove.

Cooking time – 40 minutes.

Number of servings – 5.


To make a classic beef stroganoff, you will need to use the following set of ingredients:

  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • beef tenderloin – 400 g;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • pepper and salt - to taste.

How to cook classic beef stroganoff

The recipe for classic beef stroganoff is not difficult to prepare even for novice cooks. If you use the suggested instructions with step by step photos, then as a result you will get the most tender meat dish that goes well with any side dish.

  1. The first step is to prepare all the components of this hot dish with a delicate and thick sauce.

  1. When all the ingredients are prepared, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the beef. The meat needs to be blotted with napkins, after which it is cut into steaks. The optimal thickness of one piece is 5 mm.

  1. Then you will need to lay cling film on the work surface. Sliced ​​meats are laid out on it, which is covered with another layer on top. cling film. You can simply put the pieces of beef in a bag. Slicing is easy and thin. There is no need to hit the meat with all your might!

  1. Next, the resulting chops should be cut into thin strips. It is recommended to do this across the grain.

  1. Then it’s worth doing the onions. The fruits must be peeled, rinsed under the tap and lightly blotted with a paper towel. The onions should be cut into quarters of thin rings. Then you will need to pour 2 large tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan. 30 g of butter is added to it. When the resulting mixture is heated, pour the onion slices into it. The vegetable should be sprinkled with black pepper, which has just been ground, and salt. The onion must be fried until it becomes soft. It is recommended to maintain medium heat and stir the cuttings systematically.

  1. IN onion frying flour is poured in. Everything is stirred.

  1. The ingredients in the pan are diluted with tomato paste and sour cream. The composition will need to be thoroughly mixed.

  1. The mixture must be brought to a boil, after which it is diluted with clean drinking water. The mass is thoroughly mixed again.

On a note! Be careful when adding water. Do not pour in too much liquid at once. Make sure that the sauce is not too thin, but not too thick.

  1. The filling should be slightly boiled with continuous stirring. You need to adjust it to taste by adding pepper and salt.

  1. In a separate frying pan, melt 20 g of butter, diluted with 1 big spoon plant product. Sliced ​​beef for future beef stroganoff is placed into the resulting heated mixture.

Note! You can fry the beef in small portions.

  1. Fry cold cuts You need a maximum of 4 minutes. Usually during this time it is ready. It should be lightly sprinkled with pepper and diluted with salt.

  1. Now the fried beef is laid out in a pre-prepared thick sour cream sauce with the addition of tomato paste.

  1. Simmer the mixture over low heat for a couple more minutes. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly.

Before serving, classic beef stroganoff with sour cream and tomato paste is sprinkled with chopped parsley. You can use rice as a side dish, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta.

Video recipes

If you have never tried cooking a classic version of beef stroganoff from... beef meat, then be sure to watch the proposed video recipes:

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

Beef Stroganoff or, as it is also called, “beef Stroganoff” is wonderful hearty dish Russian cuisine. Although it is not nationally Russian. This dish is so popular that it is served in simple cafes and chic restaurants.

There are several stories about the origin of this wonderful dish, but they are all connected with the name of Count Alexander Grigorievich Stroganov. The first version says that the count had an “open table” in Odessa for rich people who could come to him and eat. The dish was invented precisely on the basis that it could be quickly prepared, conveniently divided into portions, and it had impeccable taste. Another version says that a cook named Andre Dupont, who served the count, invented the dish especially for him when he lost his teeth in old age, because beef stroganoff is a dish that is tender, soft meat, cut into small pieces.

This recipe was first mentioned by Elena Molokhovets in the book “A gift for young mothers or a means to reduce expenses in household" Although the famous researcher of culinary history V. Pokhlebkin claims that beef Stroganoff appeared in the second half of the 90s of the 19th century.

Regardless, this is a delicious dish. The classic recipe for beef stroganoff with sour cream is very simple - the main thing is to use high-quality young beef, and also follow the rules when cutting and cooking meat.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Remove film and tendons from the meat.

Cut into thin slices, no more than 5 mm thick. Be sure to cut across the grain. Some chefs beat each slice with a hammer at this stage. But the books don't say this. If you are sure that you have tender meat from a young animal, this is not necessary.

Cut the slices into thin strips (although the old book by Elena Molokhovets says that the meat should be cut into small squares). The thinner you cut the pieces, the faster they will fry and the juicier they will be.

Put butter in a frying pan (half an ounce, writes E. Molokhovets), wait until it melts, and add finely chopped onion. Fry until golden.

Add the meat and fry over high heat until lightly browned; the surface of the pieces should look as if they were varnished.

Do not reduce the heat, because during heavy frying the juice remains inside, which makes the meat tender and juicy, and if you lower the heat, the meat will release all the juice and begin to stew in it, resulting in dry and tough meat.

Add salt and black to taste ground pepper. Add sour cream.

Immediately follow with tomato paste.

To stir thoroughly. Add chopped herbs. Stir again, cover with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat until cooked through. The time will depend on the type of meat, or rather, on the age of the animal. If the meat is a young animal, then it will take 5 minutes to stew the beef stroganoff. If, after tasting the meat, you decide that it is a little tough, continue to simmer with the lid closed until soft. If the sauce thickens too much, add a little water or broth, and you can also add more sour cream. E. Molokhovets writes in his book: “The meat must be covered tightly with a lid, placed on the edge of the stove for 1/4 hour, boiled, and served.”

According to the classic recipe for beef stroganoff with sour cream, it must be served hot, since the cooled dish loses both taste and consistency. Can be served as a side dish fried potatoes, puree, boiled pasta or any porridge.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

The name of this dish suggests a kind of syndicate of Russian and French cuisine. As history testifies, it really took place, since the executor of the will of the Russian count, who was Mr. Stroganov, was known as a French cook. Bringing to life the ideas of local cuisine, he gave them an appropriate Parisian charm. By combining fried meat with gravy, he not only discovered a new delicious product, but created the prerequisites for its creative addition through the inclusion of new components. In the countries of the European continent, beef stroganoff is prepared with mushrooms; in distant Britain, instead of broth, it is added to the sauce dry wine, and when used as a side dish boiled rice– additional salsa sauce is served. In America it is only served with egg noodles. Perhaps it's time to go back to the original and master the art of making beef stroganoff with gravy. This doesn’t require much effort, but delicious success seasoned with the gratitude of loved ones, you are guaranteed. Will help you cook this tasty dish my detailed recipe with photos step by step. Be sure to check it out.


- 250 grams of fresh beef tenderloin,
- 1 small onion,
- 1 tablespoon of flour,
- 20 grams of tomato paste,
- 25 grams of cream,
- 1/3 teaspoon coarse table salt,
- spices to taste,
- refined sunflower oil for frying.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Dry the washed tenderloin and lightly pound it to make it soft. Cut the meat into plates 1 centimeter wide, then each into strips across the grain in accordance with the classics of the culinary genre.

Cut the peeled onion in half and wash under running water. cold water and cut into half rings.

Fry over hot sunflower oil until lightly golden. Add flour, stir and after 1-2 minutes add tomato paste. Simmer the dressing for a few more minutes and complete the heat treatment.

Prepared meat pieces fry on vegetable oil or margarine for several minutes, maintaining the temperature above medium.

As soon as they acquire Brown color, connect with tomato sauce and pour in the cream.

Add spices table salt, cover with a lid and simmer until tender, 25-40 minutes, reducing heat to low. Serve hot with any side dish. Look again
