Recipes for pickled plums for the winter. Preserving whole plums: aromatic preparation for the winter

Want to try canning fruit but don't know where to start? Try this with plums. They don't require any preliminary preparation or cleaning. Canning plums will allow you to prepare delicious and quick dessert or a snack, and they still look amazing.

Classic recipe

So how do you do this? You will need a large saucepan, jar tongs, jars and lids. You don't need to spend a lot of money on equipment. All this is very cheap. In order to preserve plums in syrup, you will need:

  • ripe plums;
  • white sugar;
  • cinnamon sticks and star anise (optional).

How to do it?

Wash the plums and remove stems, leaves and berries that are too soft or starting to rot.

Prepare the lids by pouring boiling water over them. Rinse the jars well. Place them in the oven and heat to 120 degrees. Do not place cold jars in hot oven, let them warm up with her.

The recipe for canning plums is as follows. Combine about 16 cups water and 4 cups sugar and bring to a boil to make syrup. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. A 4:1 ratio is classic, but you can make the syrup sweeter. However, a ratio of less than 3:1 should not be made. Otherwise, the workpiece may not be preserved.

Using gloves, remove one jar from the oven and place on a cooling rack. Fold the plums into it very tightly, but do not press too hard so as not to damage the skin of the berries. When the jar is about half full, add spices if desired (1 cinnamon stick and 2 star anise). Using a measuring cup, add boiling syrup. Leave some space at the top of the jar. Wipe the top of the container with a clean damp cloth, put on hot cap and wrap it up.

Repeat the above process until all jars are filled.

Fill the pan 3/4 full hot water. Carefully place the jars in it on a stand or thick towel. Bring to a boil. Sterilize for 20 minutes. Remove the jars, let them cool and check for leaks. To do this, once cooled, press down on the center of the lid. If the seal is not properly sealed, a dent will appear and a sound will be heard.

Wipe ready-made jars and store them in a cool place. This classic canning plums for the winter. Very tasty sweet berries can later be eaten as in pure form, and add them to desserts.

Canning plums - useful process, which allows you to preserve your summer harvest and enjoy it in winter. Select plump, freshly picked, fully ripe plums. Purple or violet fruits are the most popular for home canning. Still green and yellow plums are also suitable for this.

So, you will need:

  • ripe plums, whole or halved;
  • sugar;
  • water.

How to do it?

The recipe with a photo of canning plums is as follows. Prepare syrup by combining 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar and 5 1/2 cups water in a stainless steel saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Reduce the heat to low and keep the mixture warm until needed, being careful not to boil it.

Prepare the pan for sterilization. Rinse the jars in hot water until ready to use. Fill the lids with boiling water.

Pierce the whole plums in several places using a fork. In a large stainless steel saucepan, cook the plums in the hot syrup over medium heat for about 2 minutes. You should do this gradually, adding one layer of berries at a time. Using a slotted spoon, transfer each portion of plums to a bowl and keep warm. Once all the berries have been processed, remove the pan from the heat and return the plums to the syrup. Cover with a lid and let stand for 30 minutes. Re-boil before packing into jars.

Divide the hot berries between the jars using a slotted spoon, leaving some headspace at the top. Pour the hot syrup over the top to completely cover the plums, leaving about 1cm of headspace at the top. Remove any air bubbles and adjust headspace if necessary by adding hot syrup. Wipe the rims of the jars and close the lids. Place the jars in a pan of boiling water. Repeat until all jars are filled.

Sterilize jars in boiling water for 20 minutes for half-liter containers and 25 minutes for liter containers. Then take them out and cool them. Check the lids for leaks after 24 hours. They should not bend up and down when the center is pressed.

Canning wild plum

There are many varieties of wild plums that grow everywhere, but their taste and characteristics are quite similar. Many wild berries are able to grow and produce large yields even in unfavorable areas where most others fruit trees they are greatly inferior.

Wild plums, unlike garden crops, are small and tart, the size of large grapes. They tend to have drier flesh and usually don't fall apart in jam or sauce. The seeds are usually about a third the size of the berries, and the skins can be relatively thick. The fruits ripen in September and are easily blown away by the wind once they begin to soften.

Several are known good ways how to use wild plums in cooking, including how to preserve them in light syrup. Used this way, they can brighten up a cold winter day and add a pleasant surprise to any holiday table.

What you need to can can plums:

  • fresh wild plums (any variety);
  • boiling water bath;
  • clean jars (any size) with appropriate lids ( better capacity 0.5 or 1 liter);
  • syrup.

Wash and, if necessary, sterilize all jars and lids. Heat water in a large saucepan. Fill the lids with boiling water.

Canning plums: recipe step by step

For wild plums, a light or even ultra-light syrup is enough, that is, a pleasant sweetening. They will be stored due to the acid they contain. To make a light syrup, you should use about 30% sugar and 70% water.

Pour in about 5 glasses drinking water into a large saucepan, then add about 2 cups granulated sugar. Bring to a boil and cook until the mixture thickens somewhat. Remove from heat once the syrup reaches the desired consistency.

If you need more syrup, increase the amount of water and sugar, following the above proportions.

Place freshly picked plums in a sink filled with cool water and rinse them to remove dirt, leaves, sap and other foreign matter. Place them in a colander for a few minutes and rinse.

Prick each plum with a fork or knife to prevent them from bursting when heated. Pack them tightly into jars. Pour in the hot syrup until the drains are completely covered, leaving 1cm of head space at the top. Wipe the jars with a clean, damp cloth, then screw the lids on tightly.

Place filled jars in boiling water water bath. Beware of splashes and burns from boiling water! Cover the pan with a lid. Wait until the water starts to boil before you start timing. Floor- liter jars are sterilized within 20 minutes, liter - 25 minutes. Once this time is up, carefully remove the jars from the pan using tongs.

Place the containers on a towel or board, cover them from drafts and leave to cool. Once the jars have cooled, check them for seals and recycle any unsealed jars. Store in a cool, dark place.

Salted and pickled berries

As a rule, canning plums for the winter involves harvesting them in sugar syrup. However, only soft, ripe berries can be used for this. What to do with sour green plums that have very hard flesh? Unripe berries are actively used in cooking in the Middle East. They are usually eaten raw, salted or pickled. If not everyone likes eating raw, then canning in a marinade will allow you to get savory snack, which will appeal to most.

This recipe transforms unripe plums into crunchy, salty-sour berries that can be served with meat dishes. To prepare them, you will need (for one jar):

  • 200-250 grams of unripe sour green plums;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 1 star anise;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of coriander seeds;
  • boiled water.

How to do it?

Wash the plums. Using a sharp knife, cut each berry lengthwise.

Sterilize the jar with boiling water. Pack the prepared plums into it. Add salt, anise seeds and coriander seeds, then pour in the boiled (but slightly cooled) water, filling the jar completely. Screw the lid on tightly.

Once the water has cooled completely, place the jar in the refrigerator and let sit for at least a week. Store the pickled plums in the refrigerator after opening the jar.

Second option

Recipes for canning pickled plums may vary. You can also prepare this preserve from ripe but still hard berries. It is advisable to place them in smaller jars. They will keep for a year if unopened, but once opened they should be refrigerated and eaten within a month. You can replace or omit spices as you wish. The full list of ingredients looks like this:

  • 600 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 0.5 tablespoons of tea salt;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 1 piece of ginger about 2.5 cm in size;
  • 12 black peppercorns;
  • 1 star anise;
  • 900 grams of plums;
  • 700 grams of sugar.

How to make pickled plums?

In a large saucepan, bring the vinegar, salt and spices to a boil. Remove from heat, wait until cool, and then remove spices. Pour the marinade back into the pan, add the plums and simmer for 10 minutes until the berries are soft. Place the hot plums in warm sterilized jars, reserving the vinegar in the pan to make the syrup.

Then add sugar to the marinade and bring to a boil. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes to form a light syrup and pour over the plums. Seal the jars with lids and store in a cool, dry place for at least a month before opening.

In the month of August, juicy and bright plums appear on garden plots and store shelves. And there are all kinds: white, pink, purple and even black. With thick elastic skin or thin, like parchment, you just need to press a little - and the sweetest flavored juice. No, not juice, but real fruit nectar! Both adults and children are always happy to enjoy such a tasty treat. And how many vitamins there are in plums! It’s simply a sin not to save such a gift from autumn for the winter. Plum will be good everywhere, it is an excellent filling for pies and buns, and the jelly will turn out excellent, and it can also be served with meat and added to sauces. Preserving plums is not a difficult task, but you can enjoy them in winter bright taste summer and significantly replenish the lack of vitamins.

Plum subtleties

You've probably already noticed that they differ not only in appearance and size, but also in taste. It can be pronounced or delicate, plums can be elastic and dense or juicy, with thin skin, sweet or downright sour. All these factors must be taken into account. Thus, preservation of sweet varieties of plums can be done without adding sugar at all. Using this recipe, you can prepare, for example, plums in own juice. This option will not only please those who watch their shape, but is also perfect for diabetics.

But sour varieties are best prepared with the addition of honey or sugar syrup. If you want to preserve a plum intact, and the skin of the fruit is dense, then there is a high probability that it will crack during heat treatment, And appearance will suffer significantly. To prevent this from happening, the plums must first be blanched for about 3-5 minutes in hot water (80 degrees), and then cooled in cool water. Now let's move on to the most interesting part - these are recipes with photos and descriptions for your family.

Plum compote

Wash the plums and jars well. For compote, you can use either whole fruits with or without pits (halved). Place the prepared plums tightly in a container, now all that remains is to fill them with syrup and sterilize them. The syrup is prepared based on the sweetness of the fruit. Typically, one liter of water requires 250-450 g of sugar, and the pouring itself should be at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. The jars are sterilized as follows: cover the top with lids and place them in a container (pan) with water heated to 50 degrees, and then bring to a boil. Time to sterilize containers: 1 l - 15 min, 2 l - 20 min, 3 l - 25-30 min. After this, the jars are sealed and placed upside down for air cooling. Remember that syrup with pits should be stored for no longer than 5 years.

Plums in their own juice

For this preparation, it is convenient to use overripe plums for making juice, but dense ones are suitable for the base. The ratio is approximately 30/70, but everything, of course, will depend on the juiciness of the fruits themselves. Preserving plums entirely in their natural juice does not require adding sugar if the fruits are sweet. To prepare the juice, ripe plums are peeled and put into a juicer. You can use a meat grinder, then the juice is left to settle and the grounds are squeezed out. The fruits are placed in prepared jars and poured with juice heated to a boil. Then they cover them with lids and send them to sterilize: 3 liter jars - for half an hour, 2 liter jars - 20-25 minutes, and liter jars - for 15 minutes. After closing the lid, turn the jars upside down and cool.

Plums without sterilization

Canning plums without sterilization is suitable for recipes with or without sugar. The prepared fruits are placed in containers, and then poured with hot syrup in three stages. The syrup is prepared from water and sugar in the ratio: per liter of water - 400-200 g of granulated sugar. Plums placed in jars are poured with boiling syrup for 3 minutes. Afterwards it is drained, brought to a boil and re-poured into jars. After the third time, the syrup is not drained. The jars are sealed, turned over and left to cool. For pouring, you can use simple boiling water rather than syrup. In this case, your plums will have more natural taste and are suitable for people on a low sugar diet.

Peeled halves

Such preservation of plums makes it possible to obtain not only delicious dessert, it is also great for baking. It is better to choose fruits that are firm or slightly greenish. The plums are immersed in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, and then removed and peeled and pitted. The prepared pulp is placed in jars and filled with syrup. It is prepared in the same way as for regular compote from plums The containers are covered with lids and sent to be sterilized: liter jars for half an hour, two-liter jars for 35 minutes, and 3-liter jars for 40 minutes. Now the preservation needs to be rolled up. Turn the jars upside down and leave until completely cooled.

Pickled plums

But such preserved plums will certainly conquer any man and will not go unnoticed on the holiday table. This is a treat - great alternative overseas olives, and most importantly - completely natural and without strange store-bought additives. It will serve as an independent snack and will ideally highlight the taste of meat dishes.

It is better to take dark varieties of plums. They are thoroughly washed and pierced with a toothpick in several places. Place 3-4 cloves, a piece of cinnamon and a few peas in clean, dry half-liter jars. allspice, on top - plums. Prepare the filling: take 1 kg of granulated sugar for 1.5 liters of water. It is boiled until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, and then carefully introduced acetic acid(80%) - 20 ml, or one glass (250 ml) 6% vinegar. Cool the marinade to 60 degrees, pour it over the plums, cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes. The water should not boil during sterilization; the appropriate temperature is 80-90 degrees. Then the jars are taken out and immediately sealed and turned over. Cooling - air. This amount of marinade is enough for 10 half-liter jars.

Well, we hope these simple recipes will be of great help to you during this period. autumn preparations. Bon appetit you and your loved ones!

In the second half of summer, the harvest in gardens and orchards ripens at an accelerated pace, so housewives always have a lot of work to do at this time. In almost every home, vegetables and fruits are preserved, pickled, and fermented every day. Plums are not left without attention: they are pickled, boiled, ground into jam, and added to compotes. This aromatic fruit We are used to canning with halves, chopped halves, and pureed, but they are no less tasty and aromatic if they are prepared whole with seeds.

Pickling with cinnamon

Gourmets find it difficult to determine what it tastes like unique taste plums marinated with cinnamon. This dish is served as a dessert; these plums also go well with meat dishes; they are also suitable as an appetizer.

For the pickled delicacy you should prepare:

  • 2 kg of dense, slightly unripe plums;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 320 g sugar;
  • several pieces of allspice;
  • 2 g cinnamon;
  • carnation umbrellas – 10 pcs.;
  • table vinegar – 150 ml.

To prepare pickled plums, follow the sequence of steps:

  1. The plums are carefully sorted, sorting out the overripe and wormy ones, washed and dried.
  2. Add cinnamon, pepper, sugar, cloves to the water and mix. The marinade is brought to a boil and boiled for three minutes, remembering to remove the foam periodically.
  3. Sterilized liter jars are filled tightly with plums and poured with boiling marinade.
  4. Cover the jars with lids and leave for 12 minutes, after which the marinade is drained and brought to a boil again. Refill the plums.
  5. Add 50 ml to each jar table vinegar and immediately roll up the cans.
  6. The jars are turned over and covered with a warm cloth to cool.

In winter, such plums can be used as a side dish for meat and as an addition to salads. They go well with a glass of red wine.

Recipe for canned plums with pits without sugar

Natural sugar-free plums are suitable for those who are watching their weight and controlling their blood sugar levels. The taste of such canned food remains natural, they retain plums and a light summer aroma. To prepare these canned foods, fruits that are strong and elastic are selected; you can also take slightly unripe ones.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. The fruits are carefully sorted, washed, and placed in a colander.
  2. Blanch in boiling water for a few seconds, then cool in cold water a few minutes.
  3. Place the fruits in clean and sterile containers and fill them with boiling water up to the neck.
  4. Filled containers are placed in a container for sterilization.
  5. Sterilize for about 20 minutes, then roll up, turn over and cool.

Plum compote for the winter (with pits)

Everyone has known this aromatic drink made from fresh plums since childhood. Few people refused such a compote made from fresh fruit; it is also considered tasty in canned form. For this dessert, plums are used whole; the pits are not removed. This makes the drink more rich, and the plums themselves retain their special aroma and taste.

For winter drink should be prepared:

  • 1 kg of unripe and dense plums;
  • 700 ml water;
  • half a kilogram of sugar.

  1. The plums are carefully sorted, washed, and kept in boiling water for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Place the fruits tightly in clean and sterile jars.
  3. Syrup is made from sugar and water.
  4. Pour boiling syrup over the plums and cover the jars with lids.
  5. Place in a sterilization container and carry out the procedure for about 15 minutes.
  6. Roll up, turn over, and leave until cool.

Many housewives prefer to add an umbrella of cloves to the syrup - this adds flavor ready-made dish a special note and unusual aroma.

Stewed dessert

Plums prepared using the “simmering” method are unusual and special. This method helps the fruit remain fragrant and juicy, while maintaining maximum vitamins.

  1. Ripe and loose plums are sorted out, washed thoroughly in cold water, and dried a little.
  2. Each plum is pricked on one side and placed in an enamel container.
  3. The syrup is cooked at the rate of 600 g of sugar and 600 ml of water. Mix, heat to a boil and pour in the fruits. Set aside for 12 hours.
  4. Strain the syrup using a colander and allow it to drain. The plums are transferred into prepared sterile containers for preservation, with a bay leaf placed on the bottom of each.
  5. When transferring the plums, they are sprinkled with sugar in layers, the remaining syrup is also placed in jars and covered with lids.
  6. The jars are sterilized for about a quarter of an hour, after which they are sealed and turned over.

These plums are also suitable as filling for pies and decorating cakes in the winter. The plum pit can be removed immediately before using the fruit for desserts.

Fruit jam with pits

The most popular delicacy among many is plum jam with pits. Preserving such a dessert does not take much time and is not considered a troublesome or expensive task. This jam is also stored well, without additional cooling conditions.

For this sweet dessert you should prepare the following ingredients:

  1. The fruits are sorted, washed thoroughly, blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes, and immersed in cold water.
  2. Each plum is pricked on one side and placed in enamel dishes.
  3. Syrup is made from water and 610 g of granulated sugar, the plums are poured with boiling syrup, and the fruits are kept for 8 hours.
  4. A kilogram and 200 g of granulated sugar are divided into 4 parts, the jam is boiled four times, adding a portion of sugar each time.
  5. After the last cooking, the jam is transferred to prepared sterile jars and sealed until cool.

Those who store jam in cool cellars do not need to seal the jars hermetically. It will be preserved well under a nylon cover.

Marinated platter

Surprise your guests in winter and pamper your family unusual taste You can use pickled fruits by preparing a pickled assortment of plums and grapes. For such a marinade, dense and whole plums and strong grapes are selected in clusters; the ingredients are taken in equal quantities.

  1. Carefully filtered and washed plums and grapes are placed in layers in a jar; first, a couple of peppercorns, an umbrella of cloves, and a little cinnamon are placed at the bottom of each jar.
  2. Prepare syrup at the rate of 120 g of sugar per 320 ml of water. Heat the mixture and bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. After this, filter and bring to a boil again.
  3. Pour 60 g of 6% vinegar into the syrup, then pour the syrup over the fruit in the jar and cover with lids.
  4. Place in a container for sterilization, sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, roll up, seal for cooling.

Canned plums have long been considered a decoration for any festive table, evening tea. The popularity of these simple canned food does not decrease, almost every housewife strives to please her family and guests with an exquisite plum dessert.

Preserving whole plums: a recipe for the winter, with a pit for compote

People tend to preserve aromatic plums in halves, chopped halves, and puree, but they are no less tasty and aromatic if they are prepared whole with pits.

The best recipes for preserving plums for the winter

There is an opinion that only compotes and preserves can be made from plums in winter. Not many people know that plums can be preserved pickled and served with meat. A famous Georgian sauce Tkemali, the classic recipe of which we will definitely share, is also made from these amazing and such diverse fruits. Very easy to make at home plum liqueur and wine. Shall we get started?

Dessert pickled plum with cinnamon

Pickled plums with cinnamon are good as an independent dish, as well as great addition for desserts, filling for baked goods and component for salads. In any case, there will always be a use for it. For two liter jars In addition to plums, you will need:

The plums are thoroughly washed and the tails are removed. To prevent the skin of the fruit from cracking during the cooking process, blanch the plums in hot water (not boiling water) for a couple of minutes and cool under running cold water. Spices are placed at the bottom of the container, and plums are placed tightly on top.

Now let's prepare the marinade. To accurately calculate the amount of liquid, pour water into jars filled with fruits and pour into a saucepan. Bring to a boil, add sugar and vinegar. After a couple of minutes, marinade. Pour it into jars with fruits and sterilize: a half-liter jar for 15 minutes, a liter jar for 20 minutes, and a bottle for half an hour. Seal and place the lid down until completely cooled.

Advice. Plums are good for pickling durum varieties or slightly unripe fruits.

Yellow plum jam

This jam takes longer to prepare than usual, but its taste and stunning appearance are worth the time and hassle of preparation. For 2 kilograms of yellow fruits you will need 3 kg of sugar and 4 glasses of water.

In order for the fruits to remain intact, you need to take plums that have not yet reached technical ripeness. They are washed well and pierced with a needle in several places. The plums are placed in an enamel basin and poured with hot sugar syrup. After a day, the syrup is decanted, boiled and the plums are covered with it again. On the third day, the jam is boiled until full readiness. Seal and place under a blanket with the lid down until completely cooled. With this method, the fruits will remain intact, and the syrup will be transparent and very tasty.

Fragrant compote for winter from whole plums

If your family prefers not only compote, but also whole plums from it, and only the seeds go to waste, then this recipe is just what you need. The compote can be made with or without sugar. For a sweet drink, add about 2 cups of sugar to the bottle. In general, a kilogram of plums yields about 5 liters of compote. So, all we need is water, plums and sugar. The preparation scheme is as follows.

  1. Plums need to be thoroughly washed, stems and spoiled specimens removed.
  2. We sterilize the jars and fill about half the container with plums.
  3. Fill the jars with boiling water and pour into a saucepan after 15 minutes, when the plums have warmed up.
  4. Pour sugar into the pan and, when it is completely dissolved, fill the jars with syrup and seal.
  5. Turn it upside down and cover it with a blanket so that the compote cools in a warm place.

Plum compote without seeds

The preservation process itself takes little time; it will take much longer to remove the seeds from the fruits. But the compote will turn out very rich and aromatic. For 6 liters of water you will need a kilogram of plums and 2 tablespoons of sugar for each liter of liquid. The cooking process is as follows.

  1. The fruits are washed, the pit and stem are removed.
  2. The fruits are placed in a jar, skin side up, filling each bottle approximately halfway.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Fill the jars with boiling water and leave for fifteen minutes to warm the fruits.
  5. Drain the liquid into a saucepan and add sugar at the rate of one glass per bottle, and 2 tablespoons per liter container.
  6. When the water boils and the sugar dissolves, pour the syrup back into the plums and seal.
  7. Place the jars in a warm place upside down until completely cooled.

Tkemali is prepared from sour varieties drain The birthplace of this sauce sunny Georgia. Here tkemali is served meat dishes and fish, potatoes and pasta. There are modifications of tkemali made from gooseberries and red currants, but we will prepare the sauce according to the classic recipe. You will need the following ingredients:

  • red hot peppers– 2 pods;
  • dill umbrellas – 200 g;
  • cilantro greens – 250 g;
  • head of garlic;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons and salt.

The cooking process is simple. You need to do the following.

  1. Sort and wash the plums.
  2. Place in a saucepan and cook for about 30 minutes.
  3. Rub together with water through a sieve. Remove bones and skins.
  4. Boil over low heat plum puree until thick as sour cream. Add ground spices. And simmer for another ten minutes.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars and wrap until completely cool.

Pickled plums “for a glass”

We are used to seeing cucumbers or tomatoes on the table as a snack; it turns out that plums can also be pickled with spices. Such winter preparation will not leave anyone indifferent. For 1 kg of plums you will need the following ingredients:

  • allspice – 10 pcs;
  • black pepper – 10 pcs;
  • apple cider vinegar – 12 tbsp. spoon;
  • bay leaf – 9 pcs;
  • cloves – 10 pcs;
  • sugar - 500 gr;
  • water - 900 ml;
  • cognac 7 tbsp. spoon;
  • anise – 3 pcs.

The plums are washed and dried. Place them in an enamel bowl, sprinkling the layers with cloves and bay leaves. Pour hot marinade over everything and leave covered for three hours. It’s okay if the marinade doesn’t cover all the plums. The steam under the lid will do its job. When the marinade becomes warm, drain it and pour it boiling back into the plum. This needs to be done three times, about once an hour.

Each time you heat the brine, skim off the foam from the surface, as you would with jam. After three hours, boil the marinade again, place the whole fruits in jars, which must be sterilized. It is better to remove plums that have lost their integrity and eat them in the evening. Pour in boiling brine and seal. Place it upside down under the blanket.

The marinade is prepared as follows.

  1. The water is brought to a boil.
  2. Turn on the fire.
  3. Add sugar. We wait for it to completely dissolve and add vinegar.
  4. We throw all the spices here.
  5. Cook until the brine is slightly viscous and has a brownish tint.
  6. Add cognac. It will prevent the plums from losing their shape and add piquancy to the marinade.
  7. Remove from heat and pour into plum.

Advice. For pickling, choose fresh fruits that are firm and undamaged. An overripe plum will not hold its shape.

Homemade liqueur

For cooking homemade drink overripe fruits are suitable, better dark varieties. The technology is much simpler than making wine. We will need plums - 2 kg, sugar - 400 g, alcohol or vodka - 0.5 l. and a bottle.

The fruits are washed thoroughly and the pits are removed. Fill the jar with fruits. A syrup is prepared from water and sugar: the water is brought to a boil and dissolved granulated sugar. Cold syrup is poured over the plums. Vodka is poured in.

Infuse in a dark, warm place for 2 months. After this period, the liqueur is filtered until completely transparent. You can use cotton wool as a filter. Bottled. After three months, the liqueur is ready for consumption. The drink is stored for two years.

IN winter period when vitamins are so urgently needed, plum preparations will be very useful. Magic taste and the aroma will remind you of summer, just open a jar of jam. A wide variety of preparations will delight your household and expand your culinary potential.

Preserving plums for the winter: compote, pickled plums, plum tkemali (classic simple recipe), wine at home

There is an opinion that only compotes and jams can be made from plums. But they can be preserved marinated and served with meat. Let's share recipes.

Preserving plums for the winter: pickling, compote, wine and tkemali sauce

It is generally accepted that plums are ideal for dessert, and only sweets can be made from them. However, plums make excellent sour, piquant, sharp workpieces for sauces, especially if you store fruit for the winter. You can preserve plums in the form of compotes, pickled snacks, classic tkemali. A simple recipe for wine prepared at home will surprise even experienced cooks.

Plum preparations

When the trees are bursting with dark blue fruits, and shops, markets and supermarkets offer dozens of varieties of plums, from yellow to blue-black, it’s time to think about harvesting for future use.

Fragrant, sweet plum- a godsend for canning. The fruit is quite juicy, elastic and contains acids that ensure the safety of the preparations during a long cold period.

Advice. If you plan to cook compote, then it is better to buy ripe, fleshy plums with a small pit. Sour plum varieties are suitable for tkemali. Fruits may be greenish and different sizes. Fruit worse quality will be left for jams, marmalade, plum marmalade.

In addition to pies, fruit drinks, juices, fruit soups, marmalades and marshmallows for seasonal use, you can create real ones from plums culinary masterpieces for use in winter frosts. We offer a rating simple recipes preparations of blue fruit.

Compote of plums for the winter with pits

Before you begin preserving plums, you need to decide what your family prefers. Do you quickly drink compote, but the fruit itself goes into the trash bin? Or are plums also eaten with pleasure? The list of recipes is headed by a method for preparing fruit compote with seeds. This drink is suitable for lovers of whole, juicy plums in compote.

To get started, you need to stock up on the following products:

  1. Sort through blue fruits, remove cuttings, rinse well under running water.
  2. After preparing and sterilizing 3 liter jars. You can put plums in them. They should occupy about half the capacity.
  3. Pour boiling water over all jars and wait 15 minutes. Then pour the water back into the pan.
  4. It's time to cook the sugar syrup. To do this, you need to add sugar to our boiling water.
  5. When the sugar has dissolved, pour the liquid over the fruit again. This time they can be rolled up with lids and, after cooling, stored.

Making compote from pitted plums

If plum compote brewed from seedless fruits, the drink turns out rich. Preserving such a compote does not take long; most of the time will be spent preparing the plums.

  • 1 kg. large, slightly firm plums.
  • sugar at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 l. water.
  • 6 l. water.

  1. Wash the fruits and remove the seeds.
  2. Prepare and sterilize jars.
  3. Place half of delicious fruit halves in each jar.
  4. Cover the plums with sugar. For a jar with a capacity of 3 liters. – 1 tbsp., for a 1 liter jar. – 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Pour boiling water into the jars directly from the heat. Cover metal lids, and wrap for 10-15 minutes. Now you can roll up the lids and, after cooling, put the jars in the cellar or any other room for storage.

Pickled plum – a celebration of taste

Spicy, piquant pickled plums are suitable for meat, game and other main courses. The peculiarity of the recipe is that the plums are cooked in a “dry” marinade, and they release their juice. For cooking, the “Hungarian” variety or any other dense plums are better suited.

Advice. Fruits are pickled simply, but for a long time. To prepare you need to find 15 minutes. morning and evening for 3-4 days. Plums are considered ready when they have shriveled and shrunk.

  • 1 kg. plums - about 4 handfuls;
  • 550 ml. vinegar;
  • a pack of peppercorns;
  • a lot of bay leaf(8 gr.) and cloves;
  • 1700 gr. Sahara.

  1. Place clean plums in a large saucepan.
  2. Separately combine vinegar, sugar and all spices. Bring the mixture to a boil and quickly turn off.
  3. Pour the hot marinade over the plums and leave for 12 hours with the lid closed.
  4. Then pour out the marinade, bring to a boil and pour back again for 12 hours. This step must be repeated 5-6 times in 3-4 days. Each time the liquid will become more and more, because... plums will give juice.
  5. Before the last filling, you need to put the fruit in jars, fill them with liquid and roll up the lids.

Hot and sour tkemali. Seasoning that can decorate any dish

The recipe for tkemali, a seasoning made from cherry plum or sour plum, originated in Georgia. It is there that every housewife does not leave the kitchen during the harvest season until she has prepared a dozen jars of sour seasoning for the winter. If you decide to cook this delicious sauce, then you need to stock up big amount spices

  • 3 kg. plums of the most sour varieties;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 2 pods of dried hot red pepper;
  • 250 gr. umbrellas of overripe dill;
  • the same amount of fresh mint;
  • 300 gr. young cilantro;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • salt.

Method for preparing sauce from Western Georgia:

  1. Place the washed sour fruit in a cauldron and let it cook.
  2. As soon as the plums are cooked, drain the water, cool the mixture and puree it using a colander or sieve. Discard the bones.
  3. Add all the spices to the sauce.
  4. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes.
  5. Grind herbs and garlic in a blender. Only hot peppers should be dry, everything else should be fresh.
  6. Add to the sauce and keep on fire for another 15 minutes.
  7. When cold, pour the seasoning into sterilized jars, drip a little on top sunflower oil and roll up with sterile lids.

Homemade plum wine

Homemade plum wine has a fragrant bouquet and pleasant taste. It can be served with meat dishes and dessert. Amount of sugar in low alcohol drink can be adjusted during cooking.

  • 10 kg. drain;
  • 1 liter each water per 1 kg. pulp;
  • 100-350 gr. sugar per 1 liter. plum juice.

  1. Dark varieties of plums are suitable for wine. You need to remove the seeds from the fruit, then crush the plums into a homogeneous puree. Dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio and leave for 2 days. Stir with a wooden spoon 2 r. in a day.
  2. After two days, when active fermentation begins, strain the mixture and leave only the plum juice.
  3. At this point you need to add sugar. For a dry drink, 100 g is enough. sugar, and for sweets - 350 gr. It is better to add granulated sugar in parts. First - half the required volume. Then 25% every 4-5 days.
  4. At the fermentation stage, the liquid should be in a large container, because foam and carbon dioxide need a lot of space. Instead of a lid, you need to make a water seal. For example, a rubber glove with a puncture made by a needle.
  5. After 50 - 60 days, fermentation should be completed. In this case, a precipitate will appear and gas will cease to be released. Now it's time to remove the sediment by transferring the young wine to another container for maturation.
  6. Maturing homemade plum drink must be in a cold room. When a precipitate forms, the lighter part of the liquid must be periodically separated from it.

The wine will be ready in 3-6 months. It’s troublesome, but ten times better than store-bought artificial options.

The recipes given here will help you diversify your diet, improve your culinary skills and please others. Delightful, original dishes from plums will be especially relevant in the winter cold.

Preserving plums for the winter: a simple recipe for plum tkemali, compote and wine at home, pickled plums ( classic way) - eGreenhouse

You can preserve plums in the form of compotes, pickled snacks, and classic tkemali. A simple recipe for wine prepared at home will surprise even experienced cooks

Not many people know that plums can be preserved pickled and served with meat. And the famous Georgian tkemali sauce, the classic recipe of which we will definitely share, is also made from these amazing and such diverse fruits. Plum liqueur and wine are very easy to make at home. Shall we get started?

Dessert pickled plum with cinnamon

Pickled plums with cinnamon are good as an independent dish, as well as an excellent addition to desserts, a filling for baked goods and a component for salads. In any case, there will always be a use for it. For two liter jars, in addition to plums, you will need:

  • vinegar - 80 ml;
  • cloves – 10 pcs;
  • allspice – 10 pcs;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • water.

Pickled plum

The plums are thoroughly washed and the tails are removed. To prevent the skin of the fruit from cracking during the cooking process, blanch the plums in hot water (not boiling water) for a couple of minutes and cool under running cold water. Spices are placed at the bottom of the container, and plums are placed tightly on top.

Now let's prepare the marinade. To accurately calculate the amount of liquid, pour water into jars filled with fruits and pour into a saucepan. Bring to a boil, add sugar and vinegar. After a couple of minutes, marinade. Pour it into jars with fruits and sterilize: a half-liter jar for 15 minutes, a liter jar for 20 minutes, and a bottle for half an hour. Seal and place the lid down until completely cooled.

Advice. Durum plums or slightly unripe fruits are well suited for pickling.

Yellow plum jam

This jam takes longer to prepare than usual, but its taste and stunning appearance are worth the time and hassle of preparation. For 2 kilograms of yellow fruits you will need 3 kg of sugar and 4 glasses of water.

In order for the fruits to remain intact, you need to take plums that have not yet reached technical ripeness. They are washed well and pierced with a needle in several places. The plums are placed in an enamel basin and poured with hot sugar syrup. After a day, the syrup is decanted, boiled and the plums are covered with it again. On the third day, the jam is boiled until fully cooked. Seal and place under a blanket with the lid down until completely cooled. With this method, the fruits will remain intact, and the syrup will be transparent and very tasty.

Fragrant compote for winter from whole plums

If your family prefers not only compote, but also whole plums from it, and only the seeds go to waste, then this recipe is just what you need. The compote can be made with or without sugar. For a sweet drink, add about 2 cups of sugar to the bottle. In general, a kilogram of plums yields about 5 liters of compote. So, all we need is water, plums and sugar. The preparation scheme is as follows.

The compote can be closed with or without a pit

  1. Plums need to be thoroughly washed, stems and spoiled specimens removed.
  2. We sterilize the jars and fill about half the container with plums.
  3. Fill the jars with boiling water and pour into a saucepan after 15 minutes, when the plums have warmed up.
  4. Pour sugar into the pan and, when it is completely dissolved, fill the jars with syrup and seal.
  5. Turn it upside down and cover it with a blanket so that the compote cools in a warm place.

Plum compote without seeds

The preservation process itself takes little time; it will take much longer to remove the seeds from the fruits. But the compote will turn out very rich and aromatic. For 6 liters of water you will need a kilogram of plums and 2 tablespoons of sugar for each liter of liquid. The cooking process is as follows.

  1. The fruits are washed, the pit and stem are removed.
  2. The fruits are placed in a jar, skin side up, filling each bottle approximately halfway.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Fill the jars with boiling water and leave for fifteen minutes to warm the fruits.
  5. Drain the liquid into a saucepan and add sugar at the rate of one glass per bottle, and 2 tablespoons per liter container.
  6. When the water boils and the sugar dissolves, pour the syrup back into the plums and seal.
  7. Place the jars in a warm place upside down until completely cooled.


Tkemali is prepared from sour varieties of plums. The homeland of this sauce is sunny Georgia. Here tkemali is served with meat dishes and fish, potatoes and pasta. There are modifications of tkemali from and, but we will prepare the sauce according to the classic recipe. You will need the following ingredients:

  • sour plum – 3 kg;
  • water – 0.5 l;

Tkemali is prepared from sour varieties of plums

  • red hot pepper – 2 pods;
  • dill umbrellas – 200 g;
  • cilantro greens – 250 g;
  • head of garlic;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons and salt.

The cooking process is simple. You need to do the following.

  1. Sort and wash the plums.
  2. Place in a saucepan and cook for about 30 minutes.
  3. Rub together with water through a sieve. Remove bones and skins.
  4. Boil the plum puree over low heat until it becomes thick with sour cream. Add ground spices. And simmer for another ten minutes.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars and wrap until completely cool.

Advice. Classic recipe tkemali involves adding a special seasoning - ombalo, this spice prevents the fermentation process of the sauce during the cooking process. If you find such weed on sale, be sure to add it.

Pickled plums “for a glass”

We are used to seeing cucumbers or tomatoes on the table as a snack; it turns out that plums can also be pickled with spices. This winter preparation will not leave anyone indifferent. For 1 kg of plums you will need the following ingredients:

  • allspice – 10 pcs;
  • black pepper – 10 pcs;
  • apple cider vinegar – 12 tbsp. spoon;
  • bay leaf – 9 pcs;
  • cloves – 10 pcs;
  • sugar - 500 gr;
  • water - 900 ml;
  • cognac 7 tbsp. spoon;
  • anise – 3 pcs.

The plums are washed and dried. Place them in an enamel bowl, sprinkling the layers with cloves and bay leaves. Pour hot marinade over everything and leave covered for three hours. It’s okay if the marinade doesn’t cover all the plums. The steam under the lid will do its job. When the marinade becomes warm, drain it and pour it boiling back into the plum. This needs to be done three times, about once an hour.

Plums can be pickled with spices

Each time you heat the brine, skim off the foam from the surface, as you would with jam. After three hours, boil the marinade again, place the whole fruits in jars, which must be sterilized. It is better to remove plums that have lost their integrity and eat them in the evening. Pour in boiling brine and seal. Place it upside down under the blanket.

The marinade is prepared as follows.

  1. The water is brought to a boil.
  2. Turn on the fire.
  3. Add sugar. We wait for it to completely dissolve and add vinegar.
  4. We throw all the spices here.
  5. Cook until the brine is slightly viscous and has a brownish tint.
  6. Add cognac. It will prevent the plums from losing their shape and add piquancy to the marinade.
  7. Remove from heat and pour into plum.

Advice. For pickling, choose fresh fruits that are firm and undamaged. An overripe plum will not hold its shape.

Homemade liqueur

Overripe fruits are suitable for preparing a homemade drink, preferably dark varieties. The technology is much simpler than making wine. We will need plums - 2 kg, sugar - 400 g, alcohol or vodka - 0.5 l. and a bottle.

The fruits are washed thoroughly and the pits are removed. Fill the jar with fruits. Syrup is prepared from water and sugar: water is brought to a boil and granulated sugar is dissolved. Cold syrup is poured over the plums. Vodka is poured in.

Homemade plum liqueur is very fragrant

Infuse in a dark, warm place for 2 months. After this period, the liqueur is filtered until completely transparent. You can use cotton wool as a filter. Bottled. After three months, the liqueur is ready for consumption. The drink is stored for two years.

In winter, when vitamins are so urgently needed, plum preparations will come in handy. The magical taste and aroma will remind you of summer, just open a jar of jam. A wide variety of preparations will delight your household and expand your culinary potential.

Recipes for canning plums: video

Plum preparations: photo

The season for harvesting plums for the winter has arrived. Canned plums – fragrant, delicious preparation. From plums you can make compotes, preserves, jam, marmalade and even spicy sauce.

Let's take a closer look:recipes for preserving plums for the winter- plum compote, plum jam in halves, plums in their own juice, plum jam, spicy plum sauce for the winter.

Plum jam halves- sweet and tasty. The plums turn out like marmalades. These ingredients will make 2 half-liter jars of plum jam.

Ingredients: plum 1 kg, sugar 1 kg, water 0.5 cups.


Wash the plums well, remove the pits, cutting them in the middle with a knife.

Boil the syrup - dissolve sugar in 0.5 cups of water, bring to a boil. Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour hot syrup over plums. Bring the plums in syrup to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes.

Cool the jam and repeat the procedure 2 times. Cook the jam for the last time for 10 minutes.

Prepare jars and lids - wash and sterilize.

When ready, pour hot into jars and roll up the lids.

Plum jam halves ready, enjoy your tea in winter!

Plum confiture

Let's prepare confiture - a type of jam that has the consistency of jelly. From this amount of ingredients you will get 1 liter of plum confiture.

Ingredients: plum 1 kg, sugar 300 g, water 0.5 cups.


For cooking, ripe and even overripe fruits are needed. Wash the plums in water, remove the pits by cutting them down the middle with a knife.

Place the pan with plums on the fire, add water, bring to a boil, stir while doing so.

Boil plums for low heat for 50 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Grind the plums using a blender, or rub through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting mass. Cook the confiture over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring.

Ready confiture pour into prepared jars and roll up the lids. Can be sealed tightly and refrigerated.

Plum in its own juice

The process of preparing plums in their own juice is long, but you will waste a little of your time. Cooking plums according to this recipe takes only 5 minutes.

Ingredients: plum 1.5 kg, sugar 1 kg.


Wash the plums thoroughly in cold water. Remove the seeds and remove the tails.

Place the plums in a container and sprinkle with sugar, stir. Leave the plums in this state overnight, or 6-10 hours. During this time, the plums will release juice.

Prepare jars and lids - wash and sterilize.

Place the pan with plums on the fire, and after boiling, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Remove the plums from the heat and immediately pour into jars and roll up the lids.

Plums in their own juice are ready for the winter. Enjoy your tea!

Plum in syrup for the winter

Harvesting plums summer time will allow you to enjoy fruits in winter. A simple preparation for the winter - whole plums in sugar syrup. The result is a tasty and juicy plum.

Ingredients: plum 350 g, sugar 75 g, water 280 ml.


Remove the stems and wash the plums in cold water. Dip the plums with a towel, thereby drying the plums.

Sterilize jars and lids. Place the plums tightly in the jars. Fill the jars with plums with boiling water, cover with a lid and let stand for 7 minutes.

We drain the water and measure the quantity. Add sugar and put on fire. Once it boils, cook for 2-3 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour sugar syrup over plums in jars and roll up the lids.

Turn the jars upside down and cover with a blanket, leave to cool completely.

Whole plum in syrupready!

Plum jam

A simple recipe for making plum jam for the winter. Jam is a ready-made delicious dessert and great way harvesting plums for the winter.

Ingredients: plum 1 kg, sugar 750 g.


Wash the plums and remove the pits. Place the plums in boiling water and boil for 5 minutes (or blanch with steam).

Prepare jars and lids - wash and sterilize.

Grind the plums using a blender or rub through a sieve (removing the skins).

Place the plum puree in a non-stick pan, add sugar, stir and cook after boiling for 40-50 minutes over low heat.

When ready, pour into jars and roll up the lids. Bon appetit!

Spicy plum sauce for the winter

The piquant plum sauce is spicy and spicy and goes well with meat, fish, and vegetables. Spicy plum sauce improves the taste of the dish.

Ingredients: plum 1 kg, sugar 2 tbsp. l., sweet pepper 2 pcs., onion 3 pcs., garlic 1 head, hot pepper 1 pc., vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l., tomato paste 2 tbsp. l., salt ½ tsp., fresh parsley 3 branches.


Wash the plums in cold water, remove the seeds, cut each plum into 4 parts.

Clear Bell pepper from seeds and cut large pieces. Finely chop the greens.

Peel the onion and chop coarsely. Peel the garlic and cut into pieces if the cloves are large.

Cut the hot pepper in half.

Pass all prepared products through a meat grinder or grind using a blender.

Pour the chopped products into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, tomato paste, vegetable oil. Mix and put on fire.

When the mixture boils, taste it; if there are not enough spices, add.

Then cook over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the greens.

Pour ready spicy plum sauce into the jars and roll up the lids.

Bon appetit in winter!

Video – Plum snack recipe
