Delicious crucian carp fried in a frying pan. How to fry crucian carp in a frying pan is an important addition. Crucian carp fried in pieces. How to fry crucian carp in a frying pan with and without flour

Today we will talk about how to cook, or rather fry, large crucian carp. And since our fish is quite large, each individual weighs about 1 kg, we will fry it in pieces so that tender fillet The fish was evenly fried.

An important point. So that in large river fish the bones were less felt; after gutting, the back to the very tail must be cut with a sharp knife. Then it will be much easier to eat fried crucian carp; there will be almost no bones.

Agree - this is why many cannot eat this fish. But crucian carp has very tasty, even slightly sweet meat, healthy and rich in calcium, phosphorus and protein, easily digestible by our body.

This fish of the carp family can be consumed by those who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis and heart disease, as well as by people losing weight and those suffering from obesity, since it is low in calories and its fat content reaches only 6-7%.

The only people who should not eat this fish are people with individual intolerance and, of course, children, who may still accidentally choke on the bones. You should eat crucian carp with great care, choosing small bones.

To prepare fried crucian carp, you will need:

  • Large crucian carp – 2 pcs. (each approximately 800-900 grams with caviar)
  • Onions – 2-3 pcs. (large)
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Flour – for breading fish
  • Vegetable oil

Fried crucian carp pieces

In order to fry large crucian carp in pieces, it must first be cleaned and thoroughly gutted. Rinse under running water. There may be a spark inside the fish, which is very nice for those who adore it.

Using a sharp knife, cut each fish along the entire back. This is done to ensure that fewer large bones are found. If there is caviar, carefully remove it to a separate plate. In the process of frying the fish, we will also prepare caviar.

When the fish is cut, cut it into portions, cutting off the head and tail.

Salt and pepper all pieces of crucian carp to taste. Roll in flour.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry over high heat until golden brown crust on both sides.

Also, do not forget to fry the existing caviar, which we also first salt, pepper and roll in flour.

Place fried fish and caviar on a plate.

If necessary, add vegetable oil to the frying pan and fry the coarsely chopped onion (in half rings) for 5-7 minutes. Add salt and ground pepper to taste.

Add all the fried fish to the half-cooked onion, add a little water (about 50-100 ml) to the frying pan if necessary, cover the frying pan with a lid and bring the fish to full readiness on the lowest heat for 30-40 minutes.

Delicious, beautiful fried river fish with fried caviar will not leave anyone indifferent.

If you want to serve large crucian carp whole, let's say festive table, then I advise you to use the recipe "", cooked in the oven.

Bon appetit everyone!

Fried crucian carp have been valued in Rus' for a long time. This fish common practically in every natural body of water, especially good lake carp. It is usually cooked in a frying pan, on vegetable oil or with sour cream. But today we we'll tell you about a few unusual, but very delicious recipe , which is quite feasible even for an inexperienced cook.

This inhabitant of the waters happens by color. In markets and stores they usually sell silver. It tastes no different from its brother. Crucian carp must be fresh. This is easy to determine: in recently caught fish the scales are shiny, the eyes are not cloudy, but the gills are(this is one of the main indicators) pink or scarlet.Body must be elastic and not pressed when pressed.

Pay attention to the smell. Fresh about the lake beater smells like fish and even special river smell, and not the characteristic “aroma” of the spoilage that has begun. The best thing Medium-sized crucian carp is suitable for frying. Then it will turn out with an appetizing crust.

Getting it ready for frying

Brought home "catch" needs cleaning. The scales of this species are quite large and easy to clean, but not at all for ease, you can sprinkle the carcass with vinegar. To prevent the scales from flying away around the kitchen, place the fish in a bowl of water and clean there using a knife or even a spoon. If you fry purchased copies with your head, remove the gills, otherwise the dish will taste bitter.You don’t have to delete it fins. If they fried until crispy, this will add piquancy to the cooking.

Now follows remove entrails. Do this carefully so that do not damage gallbladder . But if this happens, don’t despair, it’s possible sprinkle the belly with lemon juice, Then there will be no bitterness.If the abdomen is difficult to clean due to small scales, you can remove it altogether. By the way, if you find fry caviar and her, this delicious too. However, milk have their own attractiveness.Before preparing the product need to be rinsed thoroughly in cold running water.

Reference! On the back of the fish you need to make several cuts across the body. So you'll break small seeds, which will now quickly become so fried that they will not be noticeable while eating. Just don’t use the knife often, otherwise the fish will simply fall apart when frying. If the crucian carp is small, there is no need to make cuts; the bones will be fried without it.

Before frying ok a few minutes hold fish in milk, This will deliver her from the possible smell of mud, if the purchase lived in a small lake.

How to fry crucian carp in a frying pan: recipe

Let's move on to the main part. Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • prepared crucian carp - 2-4 pcs;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • onions – 2 heads;
  • ginger;
  • sunflower oil;
  • semolina;
  • salt, pepper, spices;

Can use ready-made seasoning for fish, then strictly follow the proportions indicated there. Oil Fine reheat on cast iron frying pan . Calculate its quantity so that it covers the main ingredient by about a third. Mash there garlic and ginger, This will add oil special taste . Pour into a plate semolina, salt, pepper, spices to taste. Stir well. Now fry until characteristic crust. This should take minutes 5 on each side. Exactly semolina gives the dish a special delicate taste , which many people like better than breading in flour.

Reference! Sunflower oil can be replaced with corn oil, this also attracts many gourmets.

Remove the fish from the pan, peel the onions onion And cut it into rings. Fry until golden color, put it on crucian carp on a serving platter. It's a good idea to sprinkle it all green onions or parsley. Serve cooked can be with potatoes or rice, but fried crucian carp is good without a side dish. This type of fish is delicious with sour cream, tomato sauce or fresh tomatoes . And if you go with a mug of foamy beer (you can also have non-alcoholic one), it’s truly a finger-licking experience.

Attention! Crucian carp fried in a frying pan must be hot; when cold, it loses almost half of its taste.

If for frying bought or caught there will be too many fish, better clean it, gut it and put it in the refrigerator until the next cooking.

Useful video

Recipe fried crucian carp with garlic, fish lovers will like it.

When you send your family fishing, you can be sure that you will have to prepare a fresh catch of crucian carp for dinner. We advise you to take this process seriously, because it is quite easy to spoil this fish, for example, by leaving it in a frying pan, it can easily dry out. Therefore, so that the work of people close to you does not go in vain, and the fish turns out incredibly tasty; We suggest you prepare crucian carp according to recipes in which we describe in detail how to properly fry it at home in a frying pan.

How to deliciously and correctly fry crucian carp with a crust in a frying pan?


  • crucian carp – 6-7 pcs.;
  • ground paprika – 2 teaspoons;
  • – 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Wheat flour– 150 g;
  • kitchen salt – 2/3 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil – 100 ml.


Initially, we carefully clean the existing fish from scales. We rip open the bellies of the crucian carp and clean out all the insides, and then rinse them under running water. On two sides of each fish we make deep cuts on the part that is more adjacent to the back.

Pour wheat flour into a plate with raised sides and add to it breadcrumbs, red ground paprika, kitchen salt. Now mix everything well with a spoon and bread each prepared crucian carp in flour, so that frying them in a frying pan will be tempting for the fish delicious crust. Place 2-3 crucian carp into a well-heated frying pan with oil and fry without a lid until one side begins to turn golden. Then we turn it over and expect the same result on the other side. After this, cover the fish with a suitable lid and fry it in this way for another 3 minutes. We also fry all the remaining crucian carp.

How to fry boneless crucian carp in sour cream in a frying pan?


  • crucian carp (not large) – 3-5 pcs.;
  • onion (large) – 1 pc.;
  • thick, (25%) – 300-320 g;
  • wheat flour – 120 g;
  • fine salt - a pinch;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • sunflower oil – 60-70 ml.


We prepare crucian carp for further cooking properly. Only here we will make the cuts on the fish first with an inclination in one direction, and then we will do the same with the opposite inclination. Thus we get cuts like small diamonds, thanks to which the bones will not be felt.

In a well-heated frying pan, sauté thinly sliced ​​half rings onions on sunflower oil. We place crucian carp on them, previously rolled in flour mixed with fine salt, and literally fry them for 3.5 minutes on both sides. Reduce the heat to almost a minimum, sprinkle the fish with a mixture of different peppers and pour it with the whipped chicken eggs sour cream. Cover the pan (not completely) with a lid and simmer delicious fish 18-20 minutes.

Greetings, friends! Which fish do you cook most often? Especially when the husband is interested in fishing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the answer I hear is crucian carp. Therefore, I decided to dedicate today’s article to this fish. I'll tell you how to fry crucian carp in a frying pan. And, of course, I will share simple recipes incredible delicious food which can be prepared from them.

Fish selection rule

Not everyone has husbands who are fishermen. Therefore, if you are buying crucian carp, I will share some nuances of the choice. Like any other fish, crucian carp
after long-term freezing They lose a little of their juiciness. Therefore, we will take chilled one.

To choose the right fish, I advise:

  1. Examine the fish carefully. The carcass should be elastic, and the scales on it should be clean and shiny. A swollen abdomen and cloudy, dull scales are signs of a stale product. Also look at the eyes: they should not be cloudy.

  2. Look at the gills. They should be pink or scarlet.

  3. Smell the fish. There should be no extraneous aroma other than the smell of the fish itself.

Nutritional value of crucian carp

Crucian carp can be gold or silver. Most often, you can buy the latter on the market. Its maximum size reaches 40 cm, and its weight is 2

The energy value of crucian carp is only 87 kcal. At the same time, there are practically no carbohydrates here. And the fat level is low: 1.8 grams. But there is much more protein - 17.7 grams.

At the same time, the meat of this fish is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, F and PP. It also contains a lot of magnesium, molybdenum, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium
and other valuable elements.

Thanks to such an amazing composition, crucian carp are often prescribed for therapeutic diets. Read more about low fat fish types
read this article.

By the way, the most delicious crucian carp is considered to be the one that was caught in June or July. At this time he was already spawning. Fishermen say that
It is easier to catch it during these months.

How to prepare fish

Before frying, the fish must be cleaned and gutted. Start by removing the scales. It is large in crucian carp and can be removed quite easily. To prevent the fish from “running away” during cleaning, dip your wet fingers in salt. No, no, she doesn’t need to peel. Just grab it with your fingers.
by the fish's tail. This will stop it from sliding.

Start cleaning the scales from the tail, gradually moving towards the head. To clean small fish, you can use a knife or

Next you can remove the tail, head and fins. Of course, you can leave these parts if you want. When frying, the fins and tail will become crispy, like crackers. But if you leave the head, be sure to remove the gills. They give bitterness.

Gut the fish. Be careful not to puncture your gallbladder. If the bile spills, it will be impossible to eat such fish. Also remove the black film that runs along the rib bones. If you leave it, it will also taste bitter. Rinse the crucian carp thoroughly.

Now comes the fun part. I will tell you the secret of frying crucian carp. Each cutting must be cut across the body. Press firmly and frequently
(every 5-7 mm) cuts. These cuts should be deep - reaching the abdomen. This way you can grind the small bones that are so abundant in this river fish. Don’t worry, these cuts on the body will not cause the carp to fall apart. The fish will remain intact.

In small specimens such incisions are not made. After frying, it is easier to remove the seeds with your hands.

How long to fry crucian carp in a frying pan

Frying time depends on the size of the fish. Medium-sized carp are usually fried on vegetable oil 5 minutes on each side. Total by
time is 10 minutes.

Remember, if you overdo it heat treatment and fry the fish for too long, it will turn out tough. And here is the recipe with photos. Yes
I’ll give you not just one, but several options


How to fry crucian carp in a frying pan in flour

Prepare these products:

  • 2-3 fish;

  • salt and spices to taste;

  • 1-2 tbsp. wheat flour;

  • vegetable oil.

To prepare this dish, use a thick-bottomed pot or frying pan with a non-stick Teflon coating. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and heat it.

Pour flour into a plate, add salt and spices. Then mix these components thoroughly. Dip the prepared fish in flour and place it in a frying pan. Fry the crucian carp until golden crisp.

Serve the finished fish with vegetables, rice or other side dish. Before serving the crucian carp, garnish the fish with lemon slices and herbs. It turns out incredibly delicious! Don't believe me? Cook it and then share your impressions in the comments, peel the onion, rinse it and chop it into half rings.

How to fry crucian carp in a frying pan - an important addition

Do you want to give sour cream sauce spicy? Then mix sour cream with garlic and herbs(spices to your taste). But I want to note that crucians really “love” paprika, nutmeg and greens. By the way, greens can be used both fresh and dried.

If you wish, you can cook fish with onions. To do this, fry the crucian carp. Then separately fry the onion chopped into cubes or half rings. And place it on top of the finished fish. My grandmother always did this.

And finally, I want to say that a great addition Fried crucian carp can be paired with cold, foamy beer. You can also serve this dish with dry white wine. I wish you Bon appetit. And I tell you: see you again, my dear readers!

Sincerely, Olga Sologub

Greetings, friends! Which fish do you cook most often? Especially when the husband is interested in fishing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the answer I hear is crucian carp. Therefore, I decided to dedicate today’s article to this fish. I'll tell you how to fry crucian carp in a frying pan. And, of course, I will share simple recipes for incredibly tasty dishes that can be prepared from them.

Not everyone has husbands who are fishermen. Therefore, if you are buying crucian carp, I will share some nuances of the choice. Like any other fish, crucian carp lose a little of their juiciness after prolonged freezing. Therefore, we will take chilled one.

To choose the right fish, I advise:

  1. Examine the fish carefully. The carcass should be elastic, and the scales on it should be clean and shiny. A swollen abdomen and cloudy, dull scales are signs of a stale product. Also look at the eyes: they should not be cloudy.
  2. Look at the gills. They should be pink or scarlet.
  3. Smell the fish. There should be no extraneous aroma other than the smell of the fish itself.

Nutritional value of crucian carp

Crucian carp can be gold or silver. Most often, you can buy the latter on the market. Its maximum size reaches 40 cm, and its weight is 2 kg.

The energy value of crucian carp is only 87 kcal. At the same time, there are practically no carbohydrates here. And the fat level is low: 1.8 grams. But there is much more protein - 17.7 grams.

At the same time, the meat of this fish is rich in vitamins B, C, F and PP. It also contains a lot of magnesium, molybdenum, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other valuable elements.

Thanks to such an amazing composition, crucian carp are often prescribed as part of therapeutic diets. Read more about types of fish that are low in fat.

By the way, the most delicious crucian carp is considered to be the one that was caught in June or July. At this time he was already spawning. Fishermen say that it is easier to catch it during these months.

How to prepare fish

Before frying, the fish must be cleaned and gutted. Start by removing the scales. It is large in crucian carp and can be removed quite easily. To prevent the fish from “running away” during cleaning, dip your wet fingers in salt. No, no, she doesn’t need to peel :) Just grab the tail of the fish with your fingers. This will stop it from sliding.

Start cleaning the scales from the tail, gradually moving towards the head. You can use a knife or a tablespoon to clean small fish.

Next you can remove the tail, head and fins. Of course, you can leave these parts if you want. When frying, the fins and tail will become crispy, like crackers. But if you leave the head, be sure to remove the gills. They give bitterness.

Gut the fish. Be careful not to puncture your gallbladder. If the bile spills, it will be impossible to eat such fish. Also remove the black film that runs along the rib bones. If you leave it, it will also taste bitter. Rinse the crucian carp thoroughly.

Now comes the fun part. I will tell you the secret of frying crucian carp. Each cutting must be cut across the body. Using strong pressure, make frequent (every 5-7 mm) cuts. These cuts should be deep - reaching the abdomen. This way you can grind the small bones that are so abundant in this river fish. Don’t worry, these cuts on the body will not cause the carp to fall apart. The fish will remain intact.

In small specimens such incisions are not made. After frying, it is easier to remove the seeds with your hands.

How long to fry crucian carp in a frying pan

Frying time depends on the size of the fish. Medium-sized crucians are usually fried in vegetable oil for 5 minutes on each side. Total time is 10 minutes.

Remember, if you overdo it with heat treatment and fry the fish for too long, it will turn out to be tough. And here is the recipe with photos. Yes, not just one, but several options at once :) Choose.

How to cook crucian carp in a frying pan in sour cream

Since this fish is found mainly in swampy lakes, its meat often smells like mud. To remove this aroma, crucian carp are stewed in sour cream.

You need to prepare the following products:

  • 4-5 crucian carp;
  • 1 large or 2 small onions;
  • half a liter of sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 6-7 tbsp. breadcrumbs;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • half a bunch of dill or parsley;
  • vegetable oil.

Salt the prepared fish, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave for 15-20 minutes. During this time, peel the onion, rinse it and chop it into half rings.

Place the pan over medium heat and heat up. Pour 2 tbsp. butter and add onions here. Fry the onion for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Then transfer the golden onions into a small bowl. Next, whisk the fried onion with the eggs. And set it aside for now.

Place the washed frying pan over high heat and heat it up. Pour oil into the vessel. Roll crucian carp in egg and onion batter, then in breadcrumbs. Place the fish in the frying pan. Fry over medium heat with the lid open.

Then pour sour cream into the bowl, wait until it boils and reduce the heat to low. Simmer the fish covered for about 4-5 minutes. Before serving the finished fish, sprinkle it with herbs. My mouth is already watering from writing the recipe :)

How to fry crucian carp in a frying pan with a crust without flour

Products you need to stock up on:

  • a kilogram of crucian carp;
  • salt to taste;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 slices of ginger root;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • lime juice

First add salt to the fish and leave for 7-10 minutes. Take a cast iron skillet or non-stick frying pan. Heat it up, pour in the oil and heat it up. As soon as you see light smoke forming above the surface, it’s time to act.

Add garlic cloves and ginger slices crushed with a knife to the bowl. These products will give off oil spicy aromas, and it will pass them on to the fish. Now carefully place the fish in the bowl and fry until crispy.

Place the finished crucian carp on a flat plate. Sprinkle a little lime juice and sesame oil. Take 5-6 drops of sesame oil per tablespoon of juice.

This fragrant fried fish with a crust will add to your dinner Asian notes 🙂

How to fry crucian carp in a frying pan in flour

Prepare these products:

  • 2-3 fish;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • 1-2 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • vegetable oil.

To prepare this dish, use a thick-bottomed pot or frying pan with a non-stick Teflon coating. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and heat it.

Pour flour into a plate, add salt and spices. Then mix these components thoroughly. Dip the prepared fish in flour and place it in a frying pan. Fry the crucian carp until golden crisp.

Serve the finished fish with vegetables, rice or other side dish. Before serving the crucian carp, garnish the fish with lemon slices and herbs. It turns out incredibly delicious! Don't believe me? Prepare it and then share your impressions in the comments :)

How to fry crucian carp in a frying pan - an important addition

Want to add some spice to your sour cream sauce? Then mix sour cream with garlic and herbs (spices to your taste). But I want to note that crucians really “love” paprika, nutmeg and herbs. By the way, greens can be used both fresh and dried.

If you wish, you can cook fish with onions. To do this, fry the crucian carp. Then separately fry the onion chopped into cubes or half rings. And place it on top of the finished fish. My grandmother always did this.

And finally, I want to say that cold, foamy beer can be an excellent addition to fried crucian carp. You can also serve this dish with dry white wine. I wish you bon appetit. And I tell you: see you again, my dear readers!
