Lenten noodles with mushrooms. Recipes for Lenten Champignon Soups

The recipe is lean, despite the fact that it contains homemade noodles. It is prepared without eggs, in the same way as the dough, and is added to the mushroom broth when everything is almost ready. Eggless noodle dough is made from flour, water and salt. Here's how it's prepared. Take 100 grams of flour, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon vegetable oil and 4 tablespoons of water. It may take a little more flour. To make the noodles a bright sunny color, you can add a pinch of turmeric to the dough. Knead these products into a stiff, elastic dough, roll into a ball, cover with film and leave for 20 minutes. Then roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut into strips and add to the boiling water. It turns out very tasty lean noodles with mushrooms.

Ingredients for a 3 liter saucepan:

1. 4-5 large champignons

2. 2 large potatoes

3. One carrot

4. One onion

5. A bunch of fresh herbs (optional)

6. Handful homemade noodles

7. and ground black pepper to taste

8. One Bay leaf IR (optional)

Mushroom noodle recipe.

The noodles, of course, need to be prepared in advance, as described in the introduction to the recipe. Let the finished noodles dry a little on a towel, and we will start preparing the soup. First, let's chop all the ingredients. Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices. Large pieces Let's cut it in half again.

Peel the onions and carrots. Cut the carrots into cubes and the onion into half rings (or small cubes).

Peel the potatoes and cut them into not very small strips.

Boil water in a saucepan. Add salt to taste and place the potatoes in boiling water. We will cook until almost done, until the potatoes are soft.

Add carrots and onions to the finished potatoes. Vegetables can be pre-sauteed in vegetable oil, but do not fry too much, so as not to interrupt the taste of the mushrooms.

Cook the future soup until the carrots become soft. Then add the chopped champignons. Let's make a small fire and cook until the mushrooms are ready. Let's taste it and add some salt if necessary. Season with black pepper (optional).

Pour the noodles into the finished dish. You only need to cook it for a little while, as soon as it floats to the surface, turn off the heat and leave the soup covered for a few minutes. The noodles will be ready. Before turning off the heat, you can add a bay leaf and some herbs to the noodles.

Recently I had the pleasure of arguing with a young priest about funeral traditions and about what it should be funeral dinner.

This priest is a close relative of one of my friends. Either a cousin, or a second cousin, or something. The essence of the dispute was that I was just about to go to a funeral dinner, that day was my uncle’s fortieth birthday, and the priest said that a funeral dinner is paganism, the dead should be remembered in church with prayer, and not with food and vodka. On wake I, of course, went, but the topic bothered me, and I began to look for various information about the traditions of the funeral meal.

What’s interesting is that my opponent, priest, turned out to be both right and wrong at the same time. The church told me that, from a strict point of view, the funeral dinner is not at all necessary and will not bring any benefit to the departed soul. But there is also no church ban on funerals. Only funeral meal It’s better to start by reading prayers.


On Orthodox At funerals, it is necessary to place consecrated kutya on the table.. Funeral kutia recipe , as far as I understand, is often determined family tradition. In central Russia, in Siberia, in the Urals it is always cooked from rice with sugar and raisins, but in many families it is added to kutya and something else. For example, candied fruits or even nuts. And one of my friends from Kuban originally said that in many Kuban villages kutia recipe has not changed since ancient times. There she is prepare from boiled wheat with honey and poppy seeds.

Dishes for funerals.

Reflecting on the intricacies of the funeral table, I learned one thing: food on wakeshould be simple, without frills. After all, this is not a celebration, but a mourning ceremony.

At all dishes at funerals, it seems to me, are very dependent on local customs and traditions. Be sure to put it on the table everywhere kutya , jelly or compote. First accepted prepare cabbage soup, borscht or noodles, some other soups (for example, mushroom, fish soup, just broth). Almost always and everywhere prepare pancakes and some pastries: pies, buns, something sweet. And then it’s different.

For example, in central Russia They almost never do without meat. Now mostly on funeral table It is customary to serve cutlets and chicken. Still on them sometimes prepare meat solyanka. But not soup, but a different type of hot dish. Is it fermented or fresh cabbage, stewed with meat, most often fatty pork.

In the Russian south on wake Fried or salted fish is a must. By the way, in Lately this custom spread to other places. I looked at the funeral menus in the cafe and found that almost everything had, for example, pink salmon in batter and herring.

Lenten dishes for funerals.

If a funeral table is needed prepare in the post, then there are a variety Lenten dishesad hoc. For example, I recently ate carrots and soy cutlets. Pickled mushrooms are suitable, served hot in vegetable and mushroom broths, lean pancakes and pastries (buns, pies with cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms). For a snack for Lenten funerals can be prepared beets with garlic, sauerkraut or fresh cabbage salad. It’s a good idea to put grated radish on the table with vinegar and vegetable oil.

Second courses at a funeral- this is most often mashed potatoes and porridge from any cereal, as long as it goes well with everything else. They are also suitable for lean funeral table.

From vegetable dishes good for a funeral table cook vinaigrette, salad of radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage.

What about Muslims?

By the way, I found out thatMuslims They also remember their dead. Dishes for Muslim funeralsvery similar to Orthodox. They serve, for example, noodle soup (although always without potatoes), porridge with goulash, or just fried meat. Meat, of course, must only be halal, that is - no pork. Muslims and salads are considered a funeral dish. And definitely in Muslim The funeral menu contains sweets: various dried fruits, marshmallows, marmalade and candies.

Wakeamong the ancient Slavs.

Along the way, in my research, I came across various Interesting Facts about how our ancestors remembered their dead. I must say that we seem to have taken many traditions from antiquity.

I found out, for example, thatwakeGiving food to the deceased is an ancient custom not only of the Slavs, but also of many other peoples. Our ancestors commemorated their dead at least twice a year. These special celebrations in honor of spirits were called funeral feasts . They ate and drank a lot at funeral feasts so that the spirits would not be offended. The living were placed near the grave kutya , full (or full), pancakes and beer for the spirits. They themselves ate the same thing in their honor and sang funeral songs.

And after the baptism of Rus', the funeral table continued to be set according to the traditions of their ancestors. Definitely stood on it kutya , and specifically from wheat. Those that were richer were added to kutya honey and raisins. There was also the obligatory funeral drink to fill up. I understand that sat and eve are the same thing: a drink made from honey diluted with water. I think that now, instead of being full, wake cook jelly or compote.

In general, it was in vain that that young priest argued with me. The funeral table is too ancient a tradition to abandon.

Lenten version with homemade noodles and mushrooms. Especially suitable if not forest mushrooms or white dried. Details under the cut...




Below is a recipe for standard noodles with egg. A lean option if instead of eggs you double the amount of water. That is, instead of 1 egg and 40g of water, you should take 80g of water. The water should be cold, it is better to cool it in the refrigerator.

NOODLES (which of course can be prepared in advance).
Egg - 1 pc (if the noodles are lean, then do not use the egg, and take only 80g of water).
Water - 40g
Premium wheat flour - 240g (1.5 cups including topping!). The amount of flour is variable, you can take a little more, which largely depends on the flour itself..
Salt - a pinch (about 1/3 teaspoon)
A bowl for kneading dough, or more simply put, a small plastic bowl for kneading dough.
Pour water into the bowl, add egg, salt, stir with a whisk or fork, add 200g flour and knead the dough (the rest of the flour, 40g or a little more, can be taken for adding).
When kneading the dough, add flour gradually, a tablespoon at a time, so that the dough does not become completely dense. Flour that is not absorbed by water remains for adding. This remark is due to the fact that the water absorption capacity of flour different manufacturers can be very different...

Roll the dough into a ball, cover with film and let rest for 20-25 minutes. Then divide into 4 parts and roll out (dusting with flour) each part with a rolling pin into a thin “pancake” (turn the “pancake” over while rolling).
Leave the pancakes on a flour-dusted table to dry for 1 hour (turn over 2-3 times within an hour). Then roll the pancakes (fold) into tubes, which are cut crosswise into 1.5 or 2 mm thick. Tousle the noodles so they don't stick together. Place the finished noodles on a surface dusted with flour (you can place them on parchment paper or on a wooden one cutting board) and leave to dry. While drying, stir the noodles and turn them over so that they do not stick together.
After the noodles dry, they can be dried in the oven until the color of stewed milk or until golden color. Some people find that noodles dried in the oven (or in a Russian oven) are very tasty, while others like them not dried...

The amount of noodles given in the recipe is slightly more than what the recipe calls for. Leave the remaining dried noodles until next use.

COMMENT! In the recipe, the noodles themselves are not lean. For Lenten version Instead of an egg, take another 40g of water.

NOODLES WITH MUSHROOMS (with champignons in this case)
Calculation for 2 liters of water
Champignons - 400-500g
Onions - 200g. It is better to use small onions 2-3 pcs.
Carrots - 200g
Ready noodles - 1 cup (about 80g) or, if you want thicker, 1.5 cups (about 100g)
Salt - to taste
Black ground pepper taste.
Vegetable oil (refined sunflower oil is possible) - 1/2 cup or a little more.
Wash the mushrooms and place them on a wooden board, caps down, to dry (you can blot the mushrooms with a cotton towel and place them on the board to dry). Slice.
Peel the carrots, cut across 1.5-2 cm and then cut into strips along the cm in the photo. You can simply grate the carrots, but not on a very fine grater.
Peel the onion and cut into half rings or “feathers”.
Pour oil into a cast-iron or non-stick deep frying pan (saucepan or wok), heat and fry the champignons for 15-20 minutes so that they are fried rather than stewed. Why should the heating of the pan be quite intense at first, and then the heating can be reduced. While frying, you can add a little salt to the mushrooms.
When the mushrooms are ready, remove them from the frying pan using a slotted spoon into a separate bowl, and begin frying the carrots in the remaining oil in the same frying pan.
As soon as the carrots begin to crust, add the prepared onion and further fry until tender. The onion should become transparent.
When the onions and carrots are ready, mix them with the fried mushrooms.
Pour boiling water (2L) into a saucepan (3L capacity), add fried vegetables and mushrooms, add salt and pepper to taste and add noodles to the boiling broth. Cook for 3-5 minutes (depending on how thin the noodles were rolled and cut).
Pour the finished noodles into bowls and sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Mushroom noodles can be prepared by yourself with porcini mushrooms, which are pre-boiled and the broth is used instead of water.
You can also use store-bought noodles. good quality. If you don’t have any homemade or store-bought noodles, then you can use vermicelli, which can also be pre-dried in the oven.

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Chicken noodles
Homemade soup chicken, noodles and greens

Chicken Soup
Home soup with chicken, noodles and fresh herbs

Chicken noodle recipe

how to cook chicken noodles, cooking method, restaurant recipe

50 g – Chicken breast

40 g – Noodles or vermicelli

150 ml – Chicken bouillon

Salt, pepper to taste

Boil noodles or vermicelli in salted water until half cooked and rinse.

Place in a clean saucepan chicken breast, noodles or vermicelli and add chicken broth. Bring to a boil and simmer until full readiness vermicelli.

Serve in a wide soup bowl with dill.

dish weight 250 g

Chicken broth recipe

how to make chicken broth, cooking method, restaurant recipe

260 gr – Carrot

250 gr – Onion

30 g – Parsley root

Rinse the chicken thoroughly under cold running water. Remove all offal. Then wrap the chicken legs into the giblet hole.

Dry metal pan add cold water and place the chicken, the water should exceed the chicken by 1 cm in height. Then bring the water to a boil over high heat. Then remove the pan from the stove and drain the water. Remove the chicken from the pan and rinse under cold running water.

Peel and rinse the carrots. Peel the onion and rinse.

Gauze, cut into a 40x40 cm square.

Add cold water to a dry metal saucepan. Then place gauze in a saucepan. Then bring the saucepan to a boil over high heat and cook the cheesecloth for 5 minutes. Then remove the saucepan from the stove and place under cold running water to rinse the gauze. Then spread the gauze on a clean board. Place onions in the center of the gauze. Tie the edges of the gauze so that the onion is in the bag.

Rinse the parsley (roots) under cold running water and tie each other into a bundle with twine.

Add 5.5 liters of cold water to a dry metal pan and place the chicken. Then place whole carrots, parsley roots and onions in cheesecloth there. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, constantly skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon, each time thoroughly rinsing the slotted spoon under hot running water. Then move the pan to low heat and cook for 1.5 - 2 hours, constantly skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon and thoroughly rinsing the slotted spoon.

All about pasta
Soup · soup · suppe · zuppa · ​​sopa · soep beer restaurant Burgomeister · Burgermeister beer restaurantChicken noodles Chicken Soup Home with chicken, noodles soup and…

Source: www.spagetteria-rest.ru

How to cook noodles for a funeral. Recipes with photos.

When planning a funeral dinner at home, it can be very difficult to prepare food for a large number of guests. It is not so easy to feed a group of 40-60 people, especially if there are many other urgent matters related to the rituals of funerals and remembrance of the deceased. Quick to prepare, simple, but at the same time very hearty dish may become noodles for a funeral. There are many recipes for making this funeral dish as for fast day and with the use of animal products.

Noodle soup for a funeral can be prepared in advance, and before guests arrive you only need to warm it up. To prepare such a dish you don’t have to spend a lot of money; it turns out to be very profitable, but at the same time satisfying and tasty. As you know, flour products are fast carbohydrates, which, in combination with chicken or mushroom broth, can help guests quickly restore lost strength. At the same time, homemade noodles for a funeral is a very simple dish; it will be quite appropriate on the funeral table, will not turn the meal into a feast and will not allow people to forget about the main purpose for which they gathered - to honor the memory of the deceased.

Let's present several recipes for funeral noodles that anyone can prepare, since they are very simple and use the most affordable products.

Noodles with mushrooms recipe for funerals

This dish works best if you use porcini mushrooms, although others are also quite acceptable. We will now tell you how to cook noodles with mushrooms for a funeral.

To prepare this dish you will need 300 grams of fresh or 30 grams dried mushrooms. Dried mushrooms must be soaked for several hours in cold water. After which the mushrooms need to be finely chopped. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then throw the mushrooms into boiling water. Grate the carrots and fry them together with finely chopped onions in small quantity oils Give mushroom broth simmer for 20 minutes, then add frying to it. After boiling again, add salt, spices and 150 grams of noodles to the broth. When the noodles are cooked, the soup must be removed from the stove. Noodles with mushrooms for a funeral are best served with sour cream; you can decorate the dishes with finely chopped herbs or season with garlic.

Chicken noodles for a funeral

If the day of the funeral does not fall during Lent, then chicken noodles for the funeral will turn out to be a very satisfying, tasty and affordable dish.

You can prepare it either with homemade noodles for a funeral or using store-bought noodles. flour products. Home option It’s more difficult to prepare, but it tastes much better than its factory-made counterpart. And if the chicken is also homemade, then the broth will become very healthy and rich.

To prepare chicken noodles for a funeral, you need to take 300 grams of chicken and boil it in a pan of water for an hour. At this time, you need to grate or cut one large carrot and finely chop one onion, peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, and also finely chop the greens.

Remove the chicken from the broth, separate the meat from the bones and chop it finely. After that, the chicken meat must be returned to the broth, and the prepared vegetables should be added with it. After five to seven minutes, add the noodles. Remember that factory-made noodles cook much faster than homemade noodles.

When the noodles are ready, add salt, spices and herbs to the soup. It is advisable to let the noodle soup sit for 15-20 minutes.

How to cook noodles for a funeral
Noodles are often placed on the funeral table, since this dish is very simple and satisfying. It can be on the table during Lent if you cook it with mushrooms or vegetables.

Source: pominki-v-cafe.ru

The secrets of my noodles are that there are strict rules for preparing them. From which I never retreat.

My rules are two main points: the chicken must be country chicken (we’ve been buying chicken in the private sector for a long time; we haven’t eaten store-bought chicken for a couple of years).

And noodles - always made with your own hands village eggs. Not a single variety, the coolest pasta products, will never compare to my noodles.

So, I invite you to my kitchen.

I always cook a lot of chicken noodles, despite the fact that my family is not large. You can't get men off the pot. Therefore, I put half the chicken to cook in a pressure cooker. Why in a pressure cooker? Real chicken, not treated with antibiotics and raised naturally and natural food, it cooks much longer than its friend from the store. We are busy people, so an indispensable friend in my kitchen is a pressure cooker. The chicken is cooking.

In the meantime, we need to prepare the noodles. I take a deep plate and pour a pile of flour into it. We make a hole there and break exactly 2 eggs into it. Salt. Nothing else. My noodles are kneaded without water, just flour and eggs. I’ll be honest, it’s not easy work, kneading a lump of dough like this for homemade noodles. But the result is worth it.

The layer is ready and we must roll it up before hour X. Roll up, thoroughly sprinkling with flour. At first half.

Sprinkle generously with flour each time. We got a blank of this shape. I put it aside, covering it with plastic so that it doesn’t get weathered.

The next step is preparing the vegetables. I use onions and carrots bell pepper(any color, different) and potatoes ( yellow variety“Adretta”, we haven’t used the other one for many years).

Sauté vegetables olive oil. For those who are not familiar with the word and its meaning:

Sautéing is the gentle heating of finely chopped vegetables in a small (15-20% of their weight) amount of fat. It is necessary to stir thoroughly and ensure that each piece is covered with fat. In this case, partial distillation of essential oils into fat occurs. This is necessary when cooking vegetables in soups and sauces. essential oils did not evaporate, this worsens the taste.

Please do not confuse this type of processing with roasting. Sauteed soups have a much richer and livelier taste if you leave them just like that. Such soups, in my understanding, are not edible. Of course, I ate them, but I never cook it myself. I taught sautéing to several friends, their husbands called and said thank you. Before my lessons, it was impossible to eat soups. Many people do not saute, and they are accustomed to such food. If it suits your taste, then great. But this soup is less healthy.

Now we have: Chicken broth, sautéed vegetables, chopped potatoes, separately laid out chicken (remove the skin and bones, make only chicken meat), prepared layer of dough.

Now everything happens quickly. Add the potatoes and sauteed vegetables into the broth, not forgetting to add salt to taste beforehand.

While the potatoes are cooking, cut the noodles.

Our noodles are ready to launch, but... one little secret: Our noodles are all covered in flour, and we want a soup that is clear as a tear, not a puree soup. We pour boiling water into a bowl, and before adding our noodles to the soup, we dip them into it.

We take out a clean, flourless noodle and put it into the broth.

At the same time, I like to put the prepared chicken meat in there. In about 15 minutes chicken noodle soup, READY. Next, all kinds of seasonings. I use: 3-4 peppercorns, 1 clove, ground pepper from a mill, half a teaspoon (we all love spicy cuisine), seasoning for chicken (I bring it from Turkey, Bulgaria or Thailand). My husband likes to throw in a couple of bay leaves after the soup has turned off. Don't eat right away. The soup needs to simmer under the lid for about 15 minutes.

Noodle soup chicken recipe with photo
Chicken noodle soup recipe with photo The secrets of my noodles lie in the fact that there are strict rules for its preparation. From which I never retreat. My rules are two main points: chicken

Consecration of kutia in the Greek church. Photo: monastiriaka.gr

Every person lives with deep inner confidence in his own immortality and the immortality of his loved ones. Yes, he understands and even sees that people are dying, but his subconscious remains calmly confident that this cannot happen to him and his loved ones. This is a property of a healthy human psyche.

When trouble comes to the house, it is always unexpected and very, very painful. People are confused. What to do?! Where to run?! Who will help?! It is necessary to redo a bunch of previously unknown cases in an extremely short time. Where to start, how to do it right?

Here people who have experience, strength and, most importantly, a kind heart come to the rescue.

Funeral rites, rules and traditions guide the relatives of the deceased according to a given algorithm, which, from the point of view of Orthodox Christians, is necessary for the good and salvation of the souls of the deceased.

Funeral ritual exists in all religions of the world. It is believed that the life of the soul does not end with the death of the body, just like the love of living people for the deceased. The living can communicate with the deceased during funeral rites and are able to use their prayers and good deeds help his soul get to Heaven.

When the deceased is remembered

  1. On the day of death, after which the soul of the deceased remains with the angels for another two days and is allowed to walk on earth wherever it wants. But she wants to go home, to where her body and her beloved loved ones are. It is believed that a virtuous soul visits places where it has done justice.
  2. On the third day, that is, on the day of the funeral, the soul ascends to heaven to worship God. Third, because the deceased was baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, believing in the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity. And also because on this day the face (image) of the deceased changes. Meanwhile, the angels show the soul of the deceased Paradise, and on the ninth day they bring it to God.
  3. On the ninth day, when, from the Orthodox point of view, the entire body is destroyed except the heart. And the soul is taken to the places where the deceased sinned, they show Hell, demonstrating the torment of sinners. The soul of the deceased is horrified by what he saw and by the realization that he, too, sinned, which the soul bitterly regrets and prays for forgiveness. This continues until the fortieth day.
  4. On the fortieth day when the heart is destroyed. And God’s judgment is carried out over the soul of the deceased, determining whether he has a place in Heaven or Hell.
  5. Six months and a year after death, birthday and Angel's day the deceased and on all relevant religious holidays annually: on Trinity, Meat-Feast, parental, Demetrius Saturdays, on the eve of Pentecost and on Radonitsa.

Why are reminders needed?

A wake is not just a meal, but a ritual during which the loved ones of the deceased REMEMBER him and his good deeds, where memories of deceased ancestors are awakened, to whom they turn in prayer for help, and where they pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased, trying to ease its torment. In their prayers addressed to God - the Holy Trinity, the living ask to forgive the deceased all his sins that were committed in word, deed and thought, and to credit him with three virtues: faith, hope and love.

Gathering with the whole family, the souls of the living turn to the help of ancient psychological mechanisms, striving to feel like an integral part of their family, which will protect, support, and give them new strength. And new spiritual strength, love and compassion are poured into the family circle, healing living people.

Kutia – sweet funeral porridge

To hold a funeral meal, the first thing you need to do is prepare kutya(it is also called “kolivo”) is a ritual porridge cooked from grains: wheat, barley or rice; sweetened with honey or raisins; and consecrated at the funeral service. Grains are a symbol of the resurrection of the soul, because in order for them to bear fruit, they must first be buried in the ground, where they decay, giving sprouts - that is, new life.

From the Orthodox point of view, the body of the deceased is consigned to the earth in order to decay and appear incorrupt at the moment of the general Resurrection. And honey and raisins act as a symbol of the spiritual sweetness of the blessings of eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Connecting in ready dish- kutya, they express the confidence of the living in the future resurrection of the dead and the immortality of the soul.

How to cook kutya: Soak the grains overnight or for several hours, cook until tender so that the porridge turns out crumbly. Towards the end, add sugar or heated honey, diluted with water (to make it easier to absorb) and raisins (which must first be washed, scalded with boiling water and dried). You can also add poppy seeds to kutya. Here you can see the recipe for kutya (proportions, tips). And another option.

Principles of the funeral dinner menu

The funeral dinner itself should be:

  1. simple and strict;
  2. supporting strength: physical and mental (after all, it is known that food is an excellent antidepressant);
  3. prepared from fresh and quality products so as not to darken this sad day with other accidents;
  4. promote conversation and maintain a quiet, spiritual atmosphere where mourning people who have gathered for spiritual communication in memory of the deceased can relax a little.

Of course, the composition of the dishes largely depends on the traditions of the family, its wealth and who, presumably, will come to remember (after all, people traditionally do not invite people to the funeral, people come themselves). If you think that there will be about as many people who came to remember as there are guests for a big holiday, and you can prepare a memorial meal with the help of your family, spending it at home, and there is no energy or time to think through and implement a complex menu, offer those who came a regular lunch (dinner ). So that it is approximately the same as what you would feed your family on a weekend.

Traditionally in Rus', cabbage soup, porridge, pancakes, pies, jelly (hard, jelly-like - you can see how to prepare it at the end of this jelly recipe) and compotes were prepared for the funeral table. We can suggest the following simple and relatively inexpensive menu: borscht, buckwheat porridge, chicken cutlets, homemade preparations (salads, lecho, canned cucumbers and tomatoes), compote and puff pastries with banana filling.

Of course, you can cut it if you wish. fresh vegetables and fruits, sausages and deli meats, submit variety of salads, herring or other salted fish, sandwiches with caviar, pates, sprats.

I think the owners themselves will decide whether this is necessary. The main thing is to remember that when commemorating there is no goal - to feed to the full and amaze with the sophistication, high cost and abundance of dishes. But there is a goal - to satisfy the guests, thanking them for their help and participation, to remember the deceased, to pray for the repose of his soul and the remission of his sins, and to provide each other with psychological help and support. The main thing is not food, but people - living and dead, united by the grief of parting and the change in life - earthly and beyond the grave.

What to cook for a funeral

So, let's start preparing the funeral meal.

Homemade borscht

Some believe that borsch the next day, after brewing and thickening, it only becomes tastier. Therefore, if we decide to cook it the day before, the taste of the dish will change, but will not be affected. By the way, the word “on the eve” comes from the Greek “eve” (basket), in which food prepared for the funeral table was brought to the church for consecration.

For borscht we prepare broth from meat with bones. Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and carefully add finely chopped onion. As soon as you catch the sweet onion spirit spreading throughout the kitchen, add beets and carrots, cut into small cubes. With this treatment, the beets will retain their color, and the carrots will sparkle with a bright orange flame in the beet depths.

Simple and delicious borscht

The vegetables will simmer in the pan until the hard state turns soft. Is the delicious meat aroma already pouring out of the pan? It's time to introduce the broth to potato cubes (cut to the size of beets and carrots. The components of the dish should form a homogeneous assortment).

Remember that vegetables preserve greatest number vitamins and bright taste when cooked over fast and high heat. A little later, pour the vegetables from the frying pan into the broth, and when they have boiled a little, add finely shredded cabbage, garlic, bay leaf, a few black peppercorns, diced tomatoes and Bell pepper, of course, they must be of a similar size to the rest of the components.

There's already a little left. Let's try. Salted it. Sweetened it if it seemed necessary. Add a drop of lemon or vinegar if the beets have slightly lost their gorgeous color. All.

There is also an option for preparing borscht with grated carrots and beets (recipe).

You can do it in advance cook And chicken cutlets. This is a tasty, inexpensive, uncomplicated dish.


We need minced chicken– fresh or frozen (if, after thawing, it turns out to be too liquid, try draining excess water. If that doesn’t help, our cutlets will be shaped more like pancakes, which is still delicious).

Add grated onion, garlic, eggs to the minced meat (if it is runny, you can add more eggs than usual) and rolled oats.

Mix the minced meat, add salt and maybe lightly pepper. And now we form the cutlets, first dipping our hands in a bowl of water so that the minced meat does not stick to our palms. If it was initially a little liquid, then scoop up the future cutlet with a spoon and smack it into a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. When the side in contact with the bottom of the frying pan is already strong enough and has changed color (this is an acquired taste, some people like it fried, dark brown with a clearly visible crust, others like it tender and light), turn it over and fry the cutlet on the other side .

Then we put the aromatic meat delicacies into a pan, the bottom of which is filled with a low layer of vegetable oil, where they remain awaiting the entire cutlet batch for further stewing. When all the cutlets are placed, add water to approximately the middle of the meat structure, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until bright characteristic aromas appear. You shouldn’t completely forget about the saucepan, look occasionally to see if it’s worth adding water or shaking a little so that the cutlets don’t stick to the dishes. You can add bay leaf and tarragon to the cutlet water.

Here are other recipes for cooking cutlets stewed in a saucepan and cutlets stewed in the oven with tips, exact ingredients, quantity of pieces.


While the cutlets are stewing, you can bake puff pastries. To do this, we take ready-made puff pastry and bananas.

Why this particular filling? The aroma of bananas has a calming, calming effect on a person, and the substances contained in them, when broken down, cause a feeling of happiness. Even if it is a small help, it will help the people who met at the funeral table.

If you don't like bananas or want to vary the filling of your puffs, you can use sweet curd mass, apple slice, cheese strips or mixture grated cheese And fat cottage cheese, and other fillings.

Roll out the thawed puff pastry (you can use either yeast or yeast-free dough), draw rectangles with a knife, lay out the filling (in our case, banana, cut it crosswise into 4-5 pieces, if the pieces are too large, you can divide them lengthwise into halves).

We bring the edges of the dough together so that the entire filling is in the puff film, pinch it a little and bake in a preheated oven at t = 220*C for 10-15 minutes, until browned. Then you can sprinkle the puff pastries with powdered sugar.


When cook compote? Probably better the day before, there will be less worries later. Here you already focus on what you have in stock and the time of year. Do you have frozen berries or ready-made jars with compote/jam, or vice versa – it’s summer time and everything you need is in abundance. The compote should not be very sweet or overly sour; to give it a fresh and cool taste, you can add a sprig of mint or lemon balm and a couple of buds of spicy cloves.

Throw berries, fruits or jam into boiling water, add a little sugar and cook over high heat, very quickly. The compote has boiled a little (2-3 minutes) - turn it off immediately. Yes, you yourself probably know all this.

If you are in doubt about the proportions, for a 4-5 liter pan you will need a jar of berries with a capacity of 0.7 - 1 liter or the same volume of chopped fruit, 0.5-1 kg of dried fruit or 0.5 liters of jam (it all depends on what from Why exactly are you preparing compote? Some fruits and berries release juice abundantly, others are very restrained, inexpressive and need to be supplemented with sour berries or lemon juice). If you have fewer berries, don’t be discouraged, throw in all you have, maybe that will be enough. Try it, if the taste of the compote is quite rich and noticeable, then there is enough filling. If it’s weak: add more berries (or jam, or a handful of dried fruits left over from preparing kutia, for example) or add some lemon juice to add freshness and pleasant sourness. If you are going to shade the compote citrus peel(lemon, orange, tangerine), then throw it into the finished hot drink so that it does not cook. Otherwise, the compote will be bitter.

Regarding sugar - for this volume of water, start with half a glass and taste if it is sweet enough. When preparing compote from sweet jam, sugar may not be required. In any case, try it and focus on your taste.

If you prefer jelly, you can boil it (jelly recipe).


On the day of the funeral there is only cooking buckwheat porridge, it will cook quite quickly and will not require much effort. You can prepare hard-boiled eggs for her in advance, at the rate of 1 egg per glass of cereal. When there are 40 minutes left before the meal, you can start.

Take a pan (not enameled) with thick walls, similar to a cast iron pot, fill it with water and cereal at the rate of 2 glasses of water per 1 cereal.

If you have dried porcini mushrooms, throw them in at the rate of 1 mushroom per glass of cereal. They will enrich the taste and aroma of the dish.

Place on very high heat. Cover with a lid. And we keep it in this form for 4-5 minutes after boiling, then we switch to medium-intensity fire (and during this period we add lightly fried and finely chopped onion to the porridge. We just throw it on top. It will find its way into the buckwheat depths), and closer to At the end of cooking, when there is much less water, switch to low heat.

Steam plays a leading role in cooking porridge, so watch the position of the lid, it should fit tightly to the pan.

Do not mix. Strictly observed ratio of components and temperature regime, dishes with thick walls will create the correct structure of the dish, pores will appear there for the evaporation of excess moisture, and any interference will destroy this harmonious buckwheat structure. And all this is prepared for 15-16 minutes (if you take from 1 to 4 glasses of cereal. And a little longer if there is more cereal).

Don't overcook it. The special buckwheat aroma may disappear and the porridge will become tasteless. Turned off? Now let the porridge sit for 5 minutes.

Then, finally, you can add finely chopped eggs and add a spoon or two of butter. Mix. Add salt. Stir again. Tasty?!

It is believed that this dish acts as an independent dish, it is not a side dish. When you try it, you'll understand why. It is advisable to serve hot.

What will be on the funeral table

Look, what we can do. There is a hearty and very tasty borscht. Then we serve buckwheat porridge. You can add tender chicken cutlets to it. Or you can eat them separately, with black bread, having a snack pickled cucumber or sweet pepper from lecho (which will also go well with buckwheat porridge).

Even if we stop there, people will already be full. And we also have compote with puff pastries.

Of course, you can replace the porridge with potatoes, or serve it with high-quality ready-made dumplings, or stew potatoes with meat (all this is prepared very quickly, easily and inexpensively). You can form a table from numerous vegetable salads and salads with mayonnaise, sausage, cheese, fish and vegetable slices, sweets and cookies.

Sample menu for a wake after a funeral

Option for a funeral table for 25-30 people, like this sample menu for funerals:

  1. kutya,
  2. cutlets (3 kg minced meat),
  3. fried chicken thighs(by piece, 30 pcs.),
  4. mashed potatoes (a bucket of potatoes),
  5. fish in batter (2 pink salmon),
  6. smoked mackerel (2 pcs.), cut into slices,
  7. herring (3 pcs.),
  8. sliced ​​sausage, ham and cheese (0.7-1 kg each),
  9. Olivier salad (more than enough) New Year, volume 3 liters),
  10. salad of tomatoes and cucumbers (2 kg each + greens and onions),
  11. sandwiches with red fish (1 large) on butter(pack) and a slice of cucumber (take one of those for the salad);
  12. apples (2 kg), cut into slices,
  13. bread, bun (2 pcs.),
  14. 2 types of sweets (2-3 sweets for each guest, about 1 kg in total),
  15. sweet ready-made rolls(4 things.);
  16. cherry jelly (4 liters).
  17. Other drinks: mineral water (4-6 bottles, depending on the weather, more is better), Cahors (3 bottles) and vodka (3 bottles).

There were 20-25 people left for the wake and some of the dishes were not finished. Almost all cutlets disappeared, and mineral water became very popular along with them. There was a decent amount of cucumber and tomato salad left, some Olivier, thighs (a third), slices, rolls, some mackerel and herring. There is also a lot of vodka and wine left from the original. But look at how it’s done in your family.

I can say that there was even a lot of everything; it could have been remembered much more modestly. For 9 days, this is what happens, the closest ones come (there are significantly fewer of them than on the day of the funeral) and remember over a simple, hearty dinner.

Sample menu for a funeral for 40 days

For example, for 40 days there were funeral services for 12 people, the funeral table consisted of the following dishes.
