How to make ice cream in spring. Homemade ice cream - general principles of preparation. Secrets of making ice cream at home

What could be better than delicious cool ice cream on a warm spring day?! Is it a dessert made with your own hands from natural products. Don't know how to make ice cream at home? Read on.

Homemade ice cream: recipe

For clarity, let’s look at the simplest recipe for classic ice cream. Practice with it, and then move on to more complex formulations and experiment with flavorings.

Like any culinary creation, an ice cream recipe begins with ingredients. To prepare this creamy treat you will need:

  • vanillin - 10 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • egg yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • cream 33% - 250 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g.

The ice cream recipe is simple. See for yourself why study the preparation steps:

Stage No. 1. Preparation.

Separate the yolks from the whites and place in a deep bowl. Add powdered sugar and vanillin to them. Grind the ingredients until smooth.

Boil the milk and pour half into the mixture of yolks and powder. Mix thoroughly and add to the milk on the stove.

Stage No. 2. Let's make the base.

Dairy egg mixture heat over low heat. The solution must be boiled for 3-4 minutes until its density resembles liquid sour cream.

After this, remove the mixture from the stove and leave until it cools completely. Then place the pan in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Stage No. 3. The final.

Remove the pre-cooled cream and beat with a mixer until medium thick. After that, mix them with the egg-milk mixture until smooth. Pour everything into a plastic container, cover with a lid and put it in the freezer.

The most important thing left is to wait until the homemade ice cream hardens. On average, this takes about 10–12 hours. Everything would be fine, however, in order for the dessert to turn out to be the desired consistency, it must be stirred periodically during freezing.

How to make ice cream at home

If you want to experiment and make more complex ice cream, you don't need recipes. It’s enough to know the cooking rules, and you’ll choose the ingredients later.

So, there are eight nuances in creating homemade ice cream:

  • Add thickener.

Ice cream without a thickener melts quickly and the taste is too rough. To prevent this, use lemon juice, egg yolks, starch or gelatin as a thickener.

  • Flavoring additives.

Add liquid sweeteners and syrups to the main mixture before it goes into the freezer.

On the contrary, add nuts and pieces of fruit to the composition at the last stages of freezing, mixing thoroughly.

  • About products and proportions.

Instead of regular sugar use powdered sugar. It makes the cream softer and more airy.

How to make ice cream with a velvety texture? Add a little dry milk or starch to the composition.

As for gelatin, be careful with it. Firstly, it must be soaked before heating, and secondly, it must be added to the mixture based on the proportion: 0.5 g of gelatin per 0.5 kg of finished dessert.

  • Cream density.

The consistency of the cream should be like rich sour cream. If you make it liquid, the dessert will be too watery and will turn into ice when frozen.

  • Use of alcohol.

To make the ice cream soft, add 50 g of brandy. However, be prepared that it will take much longer to prepare because alcohol does not harden as quickly as water.

  • Use only fresh products.

When making ice cream, it is extremely important to use fresh ingredients. Otherwise, even slightly “stayed” milk will certainly not in the best possible way will affect taste qualities dessert.

The same goes for cream, chocolate and fruit. If you want to include condensed milk in the recipe, it is better to cook it yourself rather than buy it from the store, since the latter option is not natural.

Making ice cream at home is not an easy task. Here you need to strictly adhere to the recipe and monitor the time.

If it doesn't work out the first time, don't be discouraged. Gain experience and one day your homemade ice cream will be enjoyed by your acquaintances and friends.

In the tragic forty-first it was adopted legendary GOST 117-41 “Cream ice cream, ice cream, fruit and berry, aromatic.”

According to the strictest standards, the delicacy was prepared exclusively from whole milk And heavy cream, fresh eggs, natural gelatin or agar-agar served as a thickener. Replace butter vegetable spread It was unthinkable, however, as well as adding any preservatives or chemicals or deviating from the classic recipe.

The era of the legendary Soviet ice cream ended in the nineties, it was then that the technical specifications, or TU, according to which ice cream could contain anything. Each cold storage plant now determined its own composition and approved a wide variety of ingredients (from milk powder to cheap palm oil).

If today you are yearning for a real ice cream from childhood for 20 kopecks, then you are not in vain reading this article. Prepare the legendary Soviet ice cream according to our recipe, the same taste is guaranteed!

So what's important

The quality and taste of ice cream depends on the quality of the products; exclusively fresh cream and eggs are the key wonderful dessert. The thicker the cream, the softer the ice cream structure will be.

Everyone says that without an ice cream maker that churns and freezes at the same time, nothing will work. It is not true. If the ice cream maker whips continuously until it is completely frozen, then the conclusion suggests itself: we need to cool the ice cream in the freezer and beat with a mixer or blender, the more often the better. About once an hour.

And at the very end, mix the thick mass with a tablespoon, because the mixer will only scatter it all over our kitchen.

Now about the products we will need


Cream for ice cream needs the highest fat content, 38%.

Before whipping, they must be cooled well, at least 10-12 hours. The mixer bowl and whisk should also be cold.

In many recipes, the cream is whipped with the rest of the ingredients, but in this case the mass is not very fluffy, but if the cream is whipped separately, the ice cream will be more fluffy and tender.

It is important not to overbeat, otherwise you will end up with butter and buttermilk.


It is better to use white fine crystalline sugar or powdered sugar.

Fine sugar, like powder, dissolves faster in creams and creams.


Vanilla is the dried pod of a tropical orchid. The stick is 15-20 cm long, dark brown in color, evenly dried.

The more intense the oily coating, the more aromatic the stick. Typically, vanilla seeds are used in cooking. If you don't have a vanilla stick, you can use vanilla sugar or vanillin. But for an authentic taste, we still recommend using a vanilla pod.


For confectionery and desserts should only be used fresh eggs. You, of course, know that before using them you must wash them with soap and wipe dry.

When preparing ice cream, you need to follow the recipe and not deviate from the proportions indicated in it: if you add more yolks, the ice cream will have an unpleasant aftertaste and will not have a snow-white color.


We use the most full fat milk, 6%. It must be fresh to avoid curdling when heated.

It is important to know that if you add more milk than indicated in the recipe, the ice cream will turn out watery, with big amount ice. It will also melt quickly.

We've decided on the products. Now let's start preparing the ice cream according to GOST.


What do you need:
4 yolks
90-100 g fine crystalline sugar
1 vanilla pod
250 ml milk 6%,
350 ml heavy cream 38%
container - for cooling

How to make ice cream sundae:

1. Grind the yolks with sugar until white.

2. Remove the seeds from the vanilla stick.

3. Boil milk with vanilla seeds in a saucepan.

4. Pour hot milk into the yolks in a thin stream, stirring continuously.

5. Return the milk-yolk mixture to the heat and heat, stirring constantly, to 80-85°C. Under no circumstances should the mixture boil, otherwise you will end up with milk and egg flakes. Cool. First up room temperature, then in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

6. Whip the chilled cream until fluffy, then carefully combine with the cold yolk-milk mixture. Beat for just a minute or two. It should be fluffy, but not thick mass(it doesn’t stay on the mixer whisk, it “slips”).

7. Transfer the ice cream to a container and place it in freezer for 40-60 minutes. After the specified time, remove from the freezer and beat with a mixer. Place back in the freezer for 50 minutes. Do the same thing according to this scheme 3-4 times.

8. The last time the mass will be solid, frozen, don’t be alarmed, everything is going according to plan! Carefully “break” the ice cream with a spoon, stirring vigorously.

Place it in the freezer again.

9. After 30-40 minutes, remove, stir, and finally place in the freezer until completely frozen.

10. The classic Soviet ice cream is ready! It will be much easier to distribute it into bowls if the container stands for several minutes at room temperature. Bon appetit!

No one can argue that this sweet delicacy is so loved by adults and children that they are ready to eat it in both hot and cold weather. The time of year has ceased to be a determining factor when choosing ice cream as a dessert. This can be confirmed by the always full freezers in stores, where even in the middle of winter there remains a good choice variety of ice cream. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the taste of dessert at any time, but that’s not all. When you learn how to make ice cream at home, which will be tastier, easier and healthier than store-bought, there will be no obstacles left for you on the path to true taste bliss.

Honestly, I was skeptical for quite a long time about this possibility of making my own ice cream at home, believing that it couldn’t be so simple and tasty. I thought that it was not for nothing that large productions were so complex, and that the recipes were probably abstruse and inaccessible to the common man.

This is partly true, of course, recipes for store-bought ice cream are not available to us, but are they necessary? I was convinced that they were not needed. After several successful experiments with attempts to make ice cream at home, I realized that homemade ice cream recipes are incredibly simple, and the delicacy itself turns out much tastier and healthier, without chemicals, additives and all kinds of substitutes. All my household members unanimously abandoned store-bought ice cream in favor of home-cooked ice cream, and even began to take part in its preparation, adding their own ideas, flavors and decorations.

I’ll tell you which recipes I tried from my own experience and gave them solid A’s!

Let me start with the fact that I first tried to make the simplest creamy ice cream with my own hands. Or as it is also called ice cream. I think that this is a classic that is relevant for all times and is loved by almost everyone. Add fruits, syrups, chocolate, etc. tastier than dessert be it on a holiday or on an ordinary day. Fresh berries from the garden, jam from stock, syrup from the store, chocolate chips- this is what can be added to the most ordinary creamy ice cream made at home.

How to make ice cream Sundae at home

For myself, I call this recipe for homemade ice cream “Ice cream according to GOST.” I cannot guarantee that this is how the recipe is presented in GOST, because I could not find the original document on the Internet, only its reprints and interpretations on many different sites. But the most important thing that was learned is that all products must be natural and no vegetable fats and substitutes.

The ice cream recipe according to GOST from recognized internet chefs includes:

  • cream 30-35% - 500 ml,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • granulated sugar(or powder) - 150 grams,
  • egg yolks - 3 pieces,
  • vanilla extract/vanilla/vanilla sugar for vanilla flavor.

Making your own ice cream, step-by-step recipe:

1. A secret that I understood over time and now strictly follow it - the cream for making ice cream at home must be cooled. So put them in the refrigerator in advance.

2. Separate the egg yolks from the whites. In case you don’t remember how to do this, let me remind you: split the egg shell into two even halves and open it so that the yolk remains in one of the halves and the white flows into another container (cup, plate). The white will drain, but not completely, so while continuing to hold the egg over the cup, carefully pour the yolk from one half of the shell to the other, another part of the white will drain. Repeat again if the white remains until there is only one yolk in the shell. Place the separated yolk in another cup or saucer and do the same with the rest of the eggs.

If this “grandmother’s” method is difficult for you, now you can buy in stores special devices to separate the yolks. Most of them look like a spoon with slits into which the white flows, while the yolk remains inside.

3. In a separate bowl, grind the yolks with sugar until smooth. Sugar cannot be completely dissolved, so many people use powdered sugar. But even if you have regular granulated sugar, it’s not scary, later you’ll understand why.

4. Pour milk into a bowl with eggs and sugar and stir with a whisk.

5. Pour the resulting yellowish mixture into a saucepan and place on the stove over low heat. It is necessary to heat the mixture, but do not let it boil, otherwise the eggs will cook. To make ice cream thick at home, this mixture must be heated to a maximum of 80 degrees and stirred constantly.

Gradually it will begin to thicken. Egg yolks will help her with this. If you don’t know, then yolks professional chefs They are used to thicken anything from creams to sauces and gravies. This is a method that has long been known throughout the world using natural products.

Don't worry about being used raw eggs in ice cream, it is precisely this heating that will rid them of bacteria, being home version pasteurization. This same heating will help the sugar completely dissolve. Our homemade ice cream will not crunch on your teeth.

To understand that the mixture is ready, you need to dip a spatula or wooden spoon into it. The mixture should remain on the spoon, and if you run it with your finger or knife, the groove will not spread or run off. Something like this.

6. Now this mixture must be cooled to room temperature. To do this, take a larger saucepan and pour ice water from the tap into it, you can add ice cubes. Then place the saucepan with the egg mixture in it, as if you were going to cook in a water bath. Stir the mixture with a spoon for several minutes so that the lower cooled layers mix with the upper warm ones until the whole mass has cooled.

As it cools, the mixture will thicken a little more. Egg yolks keep working!

7. When the egg mixture is ready, remove the cream from the refrigerator and beat it in a large bowl until it forms a nice thick cream. The main thing is not to overdo it so that they do not thicken to the point of butter. This is unfortunately another problem that can arise when making ice cream at home.

I check the doneness of the whipped cream by the fact that it does not flow out of the bowl if it is tilted well, but remains motionless.

8. The next step is to mix the whipped cream and egg mixture. At the same time, add vanilla sugar (1 whole sachet) or vanilla liquid extract(teaspoon) to add to the ice cream vanilla flavor.

Mix everything carefully with a spoon or spatula so as not to knock off the creamy foam. In this case, it is better not to use a mixer. You need to achieve a uniform texture and color. The color should be soft cream thick cream(by the way, it tastes simply amazing. Tested by all household members who control the process).

9. Now the ice cream needs to be frozen. But this must be done taking into account the fact that you will have to take it out of the freezer several times and beat it with a mixer to break up the ice crystals and saturate it with air. This is the only way to get real soft ice cream at home.

Any large container in which it will be convenient to re-beat is suitable for freezing. It could also be the same bowl, covered cling film(we don’t want extra odors from the freezer in the ice cream), a plastic food container with a tight lid will do. Even plastic jars from store products that have already been eaten will do. The main thing is to wash them thoroughly.

Cover the ice cream and place in the freezer for an hour.

10. In this recipe, I prepare ice cream at home without using a special ice cream maker, so after exactly an hour we take out the container with ice cream and beat it again with a mixer.

After an hour it will thicken only slightly and it will be easy to beat. Mix the ice cream thoroughly from the edges to the middle. Cover again and place in the freezer for another hour.

After an hour, repeat the procedure. The ice cream will become thicker and form lumps at the edges of the container. Stir until smooth with a mixer and put back in the freezer.

In my experience, you need to whip the ice cream this way at least 3-4 times, then it turns out airy, like the real thing. If you don’t do this, then its texture when frozen is so dense that it will be very difficult to get it out of the bowl even with a special spoon. Without whipping it makes a great butter brick.

11. After churning several times, leave the ice cream in the freezer for 8-12 hours. Ideally overnight. In the morning, an amazing treat will be waiting for you.

To get it out of the bowl, use special round spoons heated in boiling water. You can do this with a regular spoon. Just hold the spoon in the cup with hot water literally a couple of minutes.

This is how easy it is to make ice cream at home, and not just ice cream, but real creamy ice cream! Help yourself, treat your guests and enjoy incredible deliciousness!

If this recipe seemed too long and complicated to you, move on to the second one, which is difficult to come up with simpler.

The simplest ice cream at home made from cream and condensed milk

I can't help but tell you about it interesting recipe homemade ice cream. On the one hand, it can be called a recipe for the lazy, since a simpler way to prepare creamy ice cream at home has simply not been invented. But on the other hand, the result is very worthy.

The only thing about this recipe that I don’t even consider a minus is that the ice cream turns out very creamy and sweet. That is, completely non-dietary. But if you are not a follower of strict diets, this is simply unimaginably delicious. Of all the friends I treated to this ice cream, everyone was happy, and the children generally squealed with delight, because the delicacy is better than any candy.

What is the secret of this homemade ice cream recipe? The fact that only 2 ingredients are used, plus vanilla for taste.

  • natural cream 30-35% - 500 ml,
  • condensed milk - from 200 ml.
  • vanilla sugar or vanilla essence taste.

Why is the measure “from” indicated for condensed milk? It's simple, the more condensed milk, the sweeter the ice cream will be.

After several tests carried out with in different quantities Condensed half of the recipe, I found a combination of products acceptable to our taste: 1 part condensed milk to 2 parts cream.

I started my tests with the simplest proportion of a standard half-liter package of cream and standard can condensed milk in 380 ml. It turned out simply amazing, but much sweeter than the usual store-bought ice cream or the ice cream according to the recipe above, made from milk and cream. There was clearly less sugar there.

Another cooking feature: the taste and quality of ice cream at home will depend on the taste and quality of cream and condensed milk. Bad, cheap cream with a suspicious unnatural composition from little-known manufacturers spoiled everything. Condensed milk with vegetable fats and milk powder spoiled everything. No, we were not poisoned, but the taste suffered greatly. There was a strange mealiness on the tongue or an unpleasant vegetable fat settled on the lips.

Therefore, the most important principle of choice: always take proven tasty and high-quality cream and condensed milk with a good uniform consistency and sufficient thickness. 30% cream cannot be liquid like milk, it simply will not whip into an airy mass. Condensed milk that is not made from whole milk can spoil the taste and consistency. Choose everything wisely and it will turn out very tasty.

Making ice cream at home from cream and condensed milk:

1. Before preparing the ice cream, thoroughly cool both the cream and condensed milk. A couple of hours in the refrigerator, no less. This is necessary so that the products are well whipped into foam.

You can also cool the beaters of the mixer with which you will beat.

2. Whip the chilled cream until it is thick and airy until it is fluffy enough to not flow out of the plate. Well whipped cream is similar to cream.

3. Add vanilla sugar (1 sachet). Then, without ceasing to beat at low speed, pour in the condensed milk. You can mix the condensed milk with the cream with a wooden spoon or spatula until you get a homogeneous consistency. The mass will turn out to be a little more liquid than the cream was before, with a pronounced vanilla scent and a delicate creamy tint.

4. Pour the future ice cream into a container for freezing. A large bowl that can be covered with cling film, a plastic container for food products with a tight lid or, for example, boxes and containers from store-bought ice cream that you have eaten a long time ago.

In fact, the main thing is that the container can be tightly closed and placed in the freezer. Foreign odors stick very easily to this creamy mixture.

5. Now the most important thing that will turn our delicacy into real ice cream - every hour it must be stirred or whipped at low speed with a mixer.

Why is this necessary and why is it so vital? The thing is that the secret of ice cream is that the creamy mass is filled with air. According to GOST of Soviet ice cream, up to 200% air in the mass of ice cream was allowed. Can you imagine how airy and delicious it turned out?

From my own experience, I will tell you that when I did not churn the ice cream at home at least three times, it turned out to be too hard and it was extremely difficult to remove it from the mold. One tablespoon was bent almost irrevocably, despite its pre-heating in boiling water. And eating ice cream that melts on your tongue is much tastier.

The whole process of mixing/churning comes down to the fact that you need to remove the ice cream from the freezer, open the lid and beat it thoroughly directly into the freezer container. Do this several times until you realize it has become too thick to whisk.

The freezing speed depends on the volume of the container and the power of the freezer, so it may be different for everyone. Small flat trays freeze much faster than a large bowl. For small containers, it is advisable to beat the mixture after half an hour, rather than an hour.

6. Ice cream at home from condensed milk will be ready in about 8-12 hours. You can serve it on the table!

Homemade creamy ice cream with Kit Kat and Oreo

And this is how you can diversify this simple recipe for making homemade ice cream by adding your favorite chocolate Oreo cookies and Kit Kat waffles.

For children this is a real holiday, just like for any other real sweet tooth. This yummy can replace cake with children's party or simply enjoy as dessert.

Now that you are armed with the knowledge of how to prepare delicious and natural creamy ice cream at home, there is a chance that you will long forget about store-bought analogues with dubious ingredients and scary E-additives. Take care of your health and the health of your children!

Bon appetit and more festive mood in the kitchen!

Ice cream is a cold delicacy that people enjoy with pleasure in any weather. Delicious waffle cups ice cream, the unforgettable taste of creme brulee and cranberry sorbet, chocolate popsicle melting in your mouth - who can pass up this pleasure?

Ice cream like summer dessert, has been known since the times of Kievan Rus. It looked, of course, differently - finely shaved frozen milk with dried cherries, honey, pears boiled in molasses. But it was this, according to historians, that was served at the end of the meal on the princely table on the hottest days.

By the way, it’s not difficult to make ice cream at home by purchasing necessary products and having a refrigerator.

How to make ice cream at home - general principles

The essence of making ice cream is simple - to give the dish the desired consistency by cooling. There are two ways to do this.

  • In the ice cream parlor. Mix all ingredients in a mixer in the recipe sequence, pour into a cooled container. Then proceed according to the instructions for the device.
  • In the freezer. Prepare a thick cream, put it in the freezer for 3-4 hours. For the first hour and a half, stir the mixture every 20 minutes.

Tip: fillers - nuts, dried fruits, chocolate, alcohol, add last, when the sweetness has thickened enough.

Homemade sweets are made without preservatives, so you need to eat them within three days. Remember this and do not make ice cream for future use.

How to make ice cream at home - ice cream

The recipe makes 6 servings, total time preparation – 6 hours.

Classic method: cream 35% and milk - 300 ml each, powdered milk– one tablespoon, 100 gr. sugar, 20 gr. corn starch. For aroma - grains of one vanilla pod.

  • Place sugar and milk powder into a saucepan. Pour in warm milk in portions, stir, and place on low heat.
  • Add diluted starch into the boiling milk mixture, cook, stirring, until the jelly becomes thick.

Help: starch can be replaced with 4 yolks, beating them with sugar and pouring them into warm milk. Next - according to the recipe.

  • Rub the mixture through a sieve. Cover the pan with cling film and leave to cool.
  • Whip the cream and combine with the milk mixture. Place in the freezer at the lowest temperature setting.

Place the finished ice cream in bowls and pour over the blackcurrant sauce for five minutes.

How to make ice cream at home - creme brulee

The composition is tasty treat There are only three ingredients:

  • condensed milk - one can (380 g);
  • cream – 500 ml with fat content 35%;
  • cognac – 2 tbsp. l.

Whip the cream, mix with condensed milk, pour in the alcohol.

Tip: if you are cooking for children, replace the cognac with a few drops of vanilla essence.

Transfer the mixture into a mold and put it in the freezer. The ice cream will set in about four hours. Do not forget to stir the composition during this time. Decorate the creme brulee with grated chocolate, nuts, marmalades, or serve it like this, it’s also delicious.

How to make ice cream at home - raspberry sorbet

Popsicles are usually made from fresh berries and sugar, but you can add dairy ingredients, honey, and natural flavors. Take: 2 cups of raspberries, honey - three tablespoons, 200 gr. yogurt, half a lemon.

Add sugar and lemon juice to the raspberries and blend in a blender. Add yogurt, stir. Pour the mixture into a container and place it in the refrigerator. The food will harden in 5 hours. Place the dessert into vases with portioned balls, decorating them with mint leaves.

How to make ice cream at home - popsicles

Delicious ice is made from oranges, cranberries, pineapples, in principle, you can take any juicy fruit or berries.

  • Washed fruits – 500 gr. puree.
  • Boil syrup from one and a half glasses of water and 100 gr. sugar, cool, add berries, tablespoon lemon juice, stir.
  • Pour the mixture into ice cream cups, insert sticks, and place in the freezer. Once frozen, dip the glass in water for a couple of seconds. hot water, and - berry cold in your hands.

Fruit ice is a light treat that turns out much tastier than store-bought and will not harm your health if you don’t overeat on it.

Now you know how to make homemade ice cream, which means you can diversify your cold desserts summer menu and add joy hormone to your loved ones.

Is it possible to make ice cream at home? The answer to this question is yes. Moreover, ice cream at home can be prepared in two ways: using a special ice cream maker and by hand.

If you plan to often pamper your family with this delicious cooling dessert, then, of course, it is advisable to purchase a special household electrical appliance for its preparation.

The second cooking method is longer. You yourself, manually, reproduce all the operations that the ice cream maker performs. To do this, the prepared mixture must be placed in a steel container and placed in the freezer. Every 40 minutes, take it out and beat it with a mixer or mix it very intensively by hand. This is repeated 3 times, after which the homemade ice cream is ready.

For making ice cream at home It will take more than three hours, but the result will please you!

Many people hesitate to cook. But fears are in vain! You just need to choose a time and prepare everything you need. After all, homemade ice cream does not contain preservatives, and there are no other ingredients that are not very beneficial for the human body. Homemade ice cream is made from natural cream, and eggs, which are the basis of this delicacy. You can please your loved ones with several types of ice cream. It can be creamy, milky, chocolate, with various fillings, from fruit and berry juice.

This is perhaps the easiest way to make ice cream at home. But you won't be disappointed! Therefore, feel free to get to work, casting aside all your doubts. Prepare this for your loved ones cool dessert, surprise them with your culinary skills. They will thank you!


  • 4 chicken egg yolks,
  • 150 grams of sugar,
  • 200 milliliters of cream,
  • 0.5 liters of milk.


Combine the yolks with sugar, beat until white, add milk and mix everything well. Separately in thick foam beat the cream and add to the milk mixture.Rosmishats. Tip: if the taste of eggs is pronounced, then it’s good to add vanillin. Next, place the mass in an ice cream maker, if you have one, or freeze it in the freezer, whisking it periodically.

Preparing ice cream

Ice cream at home, the recipe for which will now be proposed, is in no way inferior to that sold in supermarkets.

This is a standard, everyone's favorite ice cream, but creamy taste This homemade ice cream surprises and amazes.

Therefore, ice cream has always been and remains a favorite cool treat.


1 liter of milk,
100 grams of butter,
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon starch,
5 egg yolks.


Place the butter in the heated milk and bring to a boil. In a separate bowl, combine starch, sugar and yolks. Stir and grind until homogeneous mass. Add a little milk to it to get the consistency of liquid sour cream. Gradually pour the resulting mixture into the boiling milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly. And bring everything to a boil again. When it boils, remove the pan from the heat and place the contents in cold water and stir thoroughly until the mixture becomes warm. After this, leave it until it cools completely, and then pour it into molds and freeze, remembering to stir.

Chocolate ice cream

Chocolate ice cream can be prepared at home for any special occasion. After trying it, your guests will understand that you are an excellent cook! It is good to serve at the table, sprinkled with chocolate crumbs, it will give it a certain charm! Children will be very happy with this delicacy.

Read also: Recipes for making dry-cured sausages


  • 3 egg yolks,
  • 1 teaspoon powdered sugar,
  • 300 ml. milk,
  • 200 grams of dark chocolate,
  • 150 ml. cream.


Beat the yolks with powdered sugar. Stirring constantly, pour the milk brought to a boil into the egg mixture in a thin stream. Then strain everything through a sieve into a deep and clean saucepan.

Place on low heat and cook until the mixture thickens. Cool. Pour in melted chocolate and cream. Divide into molds and freeze, stirring occasionally. The taste of this homemade ice cream will be amazing!

Coffee flavored ice cream

Making ice cream at home - exciting process. It's nice to see the results of your “delicious” work in the sparkle of the eyes of your loved ones and hear their enthusiastic exclamations!

Prepare coffee ice cream with an original flavor for them.

Decorate it with chocolate or fresh berries.


  • 3 glasses of freshly brewed coffee,
  • 2 tablespoons milk (or cream),
  • 250 grams of sugar,
  • 4 egg yolks.

Pour milk and coffee into the yolks mashed with sugar. Mix everything well and put on small fire. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, but continue stirring until completely cooled. Then pour the coffee mixture into a mold and freeze, whisking occasionally.

vanilla ice cream

This homemade ice cream recipe is classic, but with added flavoring - vanilla extract or vanilla sugar. They will give the dessert a magical vanilla taste and aroma - sweetish and with a slight pleasant bitterness. For preparation we use an ice cream maker.


  • 4 chicken egg yolks,
  • 150 g granulated sugar,
  • 250 milliliters of milk,
  • 150 ml cream 35% fat,
  • vanilla extract (vanilla sugar).


Place the yolks in a bowl, add granulated sugar. Stir. To put on water bath, maintaining low heat, stir constantly with a whisk.

When the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from heat and beat the mixture with a mixer, while the mass should lighten and increase in volume. Next, add milk, cream and vanilla extract.

Stir and transfer to the bowl of an ice cream maker, in which to beat for 55 minutes until thickened. Then transfer to a mold and freeze for 1-3 hours.

Coconut ice cream with lime and basil

What you will need for coconut ice cream:

  • Lime zest and juice
  • 200 grams of coconut cookies
  • 100 grams of coke shavings
  • bunch of basil
  • 1 l. vanilla ice cream

How to cook

You need to wait until the ice cream becomes soft - to do this, leave it in a large bowl for a while. Stir in the zest and coconut flakes, basil. Finely chopped and lime juice. Place cookies and ice cream in there too. Stir and freeze. Garnish with pepper zest to serve.

Ice cream with nut biscuit and pear

Submit to festive table such a dessert - your guests will remember it for a long time with its delicate and pleasant taste

For this you will need to prepare the following products:

  • pears
  • sugar
  • ice cream
  • cream
  • nut sponge cake

How to make ice cream

It is necessary to clean the juicy and very ripe pears, remove the cores. Boil the pear in syrup from a tablespoon of sugar and a glass of water. The syrup should turn the color of honey and be completely transparent.

Afterwards, you need to distribute the soft, slightly melted ice cream over the walls and bottom of the pan. Place pear slices in the middle and sprinkle everything with nut biscuit crumbs. Top with whipped cream, pear and sponge cake, and more cream. Everything will go crazy in the freezer overnight.

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In order for the ice cream to come out of the pan easily, you need to place the pan in a container of boiling water for 3 minutes.

Ice cream with citrus and honey

  • Ice cream to taste
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 grapefruits
  • 4 teaspoons honey

How to cook

You need to peel the oranges and grapefruits, remove the seeds from them, and remove the films. After everything, you need to finely chop the fruits, place them in bowls, and pour honey on top. Let it sit for about half an hour until it is soaked in honey. Then put a little ice cream in each bowl.

Milk ice cream with nuts

You will need the following products:

  • 2 chicken eggs
  • Lemon zest, pre-grated
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 250 ml milk
  • 50 grams of walnuts

How to make ice cream

Need to beat with some sugar chicken yolks, add a little milk there and beat again. Boil the milk and sugar, then slowly add the yolks and bring everything to a boil, stirring very slowly. As soon as the mixture starts to boil, remove it from the heat, otherwise it will curdle. Cool the mixture and put it in lemon zest.

Nuts need to be peeled and crushed, poured into the resulting mixture. Place in the freezer. Before serving, garnish with cherries.

Orange ice cream with orange sauce

You will need the following products:

  • ice cream
  • 2 tablespoons orange liqueur
  • 3 yolks
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • Heavy cream - 200 ml
  • 1 sweet orange

For the sauce you will need to prepare

  • A teaspoon of starch
  • 1 orange
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 3 tablespoons orange liqueur

To decorate the ice cream you will need 4 tablespoons of grated dark chocolate

How to cook

You need to beat the sugar and yolks in a water bath. The mixture should have the consistency of very thick cream. Then you need to whip the cream, removing it from the water bath until it cools completely.

Next, whip the cold cream thoroughly. You need to squeeze the juice out of the orange, mix it with liqueur, whipped cream and cream of the yolk. Place this mixture in the freezer for 3:00, after covering with cling film.

Make the sauce - mix sugar and starch, squeeze out the juice from the orange. After mixing the starch and juice, simmer over low heat until the mixture becomes thick. Then add the liqueur and immediately remove from the heat.
Before serving, pour the sauce over the ice cream and sprinkle with chocolate.

Lemon ice cream

This ice cream will definitely appeal to those who are on a diet.

To make lemon ice cream you will need:

  • 500 ml water
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 5 medium sized lemons
  • a little salt

How to cook

You need to completely dissolve the sugar in water, putting the mixture on the fire. Then add lemon zest to the mixture and cook for about 5 minutes. Add a little salt and remove the pan from the heat. Wait until the mixture cools down. Squeeze the juice out of all the lemons. Mix the juice and syrup and place in the freezer. Your fruit ice completely ready.

Homemade ice cream recipe

A regular ice cream at home is made as follows:

You need to take 100 grams of butter, 2 cups of sugar, a teaspoon of starch, a liter of milk and five yolks.

You need to pour milk into a saucepan and put it on fire. Immediately add oil to the pan. Let the milk boil. While the milk is boiling, mix the starch and sugar, add the yolks to them and mash.
