Royal green radish salad. Vegetable salad of green radish with bread. Recipe with raw beets

A selection of the most original and healthy dishes from radish? How to prepare fried radish, dishes with boiled radish, salads?

Previously, in Rus', radishes were eaten both on holidays and every day. Nowadays, radishes are eaten, but not as often as in the old days, but they are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, and green radish also contains vitamin A, as well as minerals.

  • All varieties of radish (white, black, pink, green) are healthy. White radish or daikon - the least bitter, it does not contain mustard oils, which have a stimulating effect, and therefore even heart patients can eat it, but it contains the least amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • Green radish or Margelan radish is juicy and sweetish in taste, and black radish is the hottest, natural antibiotic, with a specific smell, and the most useful.

By the way, radish is also a variety of radish.

  • Black radish improves appetite, treats radiculitis, cough, bronchitis, rheumatism, gout, removes kidney stones. But it is contraindicated for those people who have heart disease, stomach ulcers and gastritis with low acidity.

What to season radishes with?

Salad "Rovensky" - radish with cracklings

It goes well with meat products: beef, chicken. And also with vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, beets, cucumbers), apples and mushrooms.

How to dress a salad with radish?

  1. Radish salad with apples or carrots will be tasty and much healthier if you season it a teaspoon of honey.
  2. If the radish is spicy, season it with sour cream, yogurt or vegetable oil, and the severity will decrease.
  3. Before preparing the salad, clean the radishes, soak for half an hour in cold water, three on a grater, season with salt, lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  4. In Karelia they prepare this salad with black radish: grate the radish, crush the cranberries, and season the radishes with the berries, juice, salt and sunflower oil.
  5. Tambov style salad. Season the grated radish with kvass, salt, green onions, and place the salad on a plate with toasted vegetable oil black bread crackers.
  6. Salad "Rovensky". Grate the black radish and place on a plate, surround the salad with black bread croutons, and place well-fried cracklings on top lard with garlic. Before serving, stir the salad.
  7. Salad with radish and raisins. Grate the radish, finely chop the green radish leaves, add onion rings, a handful of raisins, season with honey and sunflower oil.
  8. Mix grated radish with finely chopped onion, season with salt, vinegar, ground black pepper, sunflower oil and sprinkle with parsley.
  9. Stewed radish salad “Magyar”. Fry the radish cut into strips in vegetable oil, add soy sauce and simmer until softened, cool and season with sweet ground red pepper, sesame seeds, chopped garlic and half rings of fresh onions.
  10. Add finely to the grated green radish chopped onion, sauerkraut, season with sugar, salt, sunflower oil.

Fried Green Radish Recipe

Non-bitter varieties of white and green radishes are suitable for frying.

Fried green radish with meat


  1. Fry beef (0.5 kg) in vegetable oil, pour in 1 cup broth and simmer until done.
  2. At the end of stewing, add 2 tbsp to the meat. spoons of soy sauce, sesame seeds, a clove of chopped garlic, 50 g of grated radish, half a glass of broth, mix, simmer for another 7 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Radish fries

This dish is very easy to prepare, suitable as a side dish or on its own. Thick strips of radish resemble fried fish, and thin ones are fish chips.


  1. One long radish peel, cut into strips, dip in batter, remove from it and fry in plenty of vegetable oil on both sides.
  2. Batter. 100 g each of flour and starch mix, dilute with water to form a dough, a little thicker than for pancakes, add salt, ground black and red pepper.

Recipe for lagman with radish, photo

Lagman in Uzbek style with radish

Lagman – hearty dish asian cuisine, something between the first and second. This complex dish, takes a long time to prepare.

Lagman in Uzbek style with radish


  1. Noodles. From 750 g flour, salt and water knead a thick dough.
  2. Let it sit for 2 hours, and then roll it out thinly and cut into long noodles.
  3. Boil the noodles, drain the water, rinse them and pour vegetable oil so as not to stick together.
  4. Cooking meat with vegetables. Lagman is best cooked in a cast iron pot.
  5. Beef (900 g) cut into small pieces, fry in vegetable oil, add 1 large onion cut into half rings and continue frying together.
  6. Add 3-4 tomatoes, cut into slices, or a few tablespoons tomato paste and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  7. Then add the chopped into small cubes 1 carrot, 1 small radish, 1 large Bell pepper , and continue to simmer for 8-10 minutes.
  8. Add diced vegetables to 3-4 potatoes, salt, ground black pepper, and enough water to cover the vegetables and meat, and simmer until done.
  9. Serving the dish. Place noodles in a deep plate, place meat with vegetables on it and sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe for okroshka with radish

Okroshka with radish

It's still cold, but spring can already be felt. With our first green we want something light. It's time to prepare okroshka.

Okroshka with radish


  1. Let's boil 250-300 g beef or veal. Delicious okroshka with radish you can also make it from smoked chicken; 200 g of breast or one leg will be enough. Or you can take 3-4 sausages and boil them. Meat products cut into small cubes.
  2. Cooking in "uniforms" 3-4 medium potatoes and 3-4 hard-boiled eggs. Peel potatoes, eggs and chop.
  3. Cut into small cubes 1 large cucumber, small bunch of green onions.
  4. 1 large or 2 medium radishes three on a grater. If the radish turns out to be spicy, sprinkle it with lemon juice, let it stand for a few minutes and then you can mix it with other products.
  5. Mix all the chopped products in one pan, salt, pepper, pour 500-600 ml of kefir and serve to the table. Okroshka in a plate sprinkle with parsley or cilantro.
  6. For those who prefer okroshka with kvass, add it to the prepared products ready mustard to taste, stir and pour kvass. Add sour cream and herbs to the plate.

Green radish salad with apple, recipe

Salad from green radish with apple

The most delicious salads with radish are those that combine bitter and sweet. Sweet vegetables soften the bitterness of radishes.

Green radish salad with apple


  1. Cleaning 1 radish, 1 carrot and 1 apple. All three on a coarse grater, season with sour cream, green onions and chopped dill.

, recipe

Green radish salad with egg

In winter and spring, radish dishes are especially useful - it prevents colds.

Green radish salad with egg


  1. Red onion (1 pc.) cut into half rings and pour vinegar (1 tbsp) for marinating.
  2. Hard boil 3 eggs, peel and cut into strips.
  3. 1 radish, 1 apple and 1 pickled cucumber We also cut into strips.
  4. Some garlic cloves and parsley, dill finely chop.
  5. Mix everything except the greens in a salad bowl, add pickled mushrooms (170 g), a few tablespoons of cranberries, pour over vegetable oil and sprinkle with herbs on top.

Radish and beet salad, recipe

Radish salad with raw young beets

At the beginning of summer, when young vegetables appear, you can prepare such a salad.

Radish salad with raw beets


  1. Clean and grate on a coarse grater 1 large radish and 1 small raw young beets.
  2. Refueling apple juice, honey or sugar.

Radish and beef salad recipe

Green radish and beef salad

Salad with green radish and beef

Note. In this salad, do not grate the radish, but cut it into strips.


  1. Let's clean it 1.5 kg green radish and cut it into thin strips.
  2. Young beef (0.5 kg) cut into strips and fry in vegetable oil until ready.
  3. 3 large onions cut into half rings and fry in vegetable oil before golden color.
  4. Mix all products season with mayonnaise.

Recipe for Klyazma salad with radish

Klyazma salad with radish

The salad appeared in Vladimir in the 70s of the last century, and was named after the Klyazma River, which flows there.

This salad is still very popular among the people and in local restaurants in Vladimir and the Vladimir region. It is very tasty and satisfying, and because of the black radish (which is what you should take in the salad), it is also spicy.

Salad "Klyazma"


  1. Cooking 300 g beef or veal, cool and cut into strips.
  2. One small black radish three on a coarse grater.
  3. 400 g carrots grate on a coarse grater and
  4. One onion cut into half rings and also fry in vegetable oil.
  5. Hard boil two eggs and cut into strips.
  6. Mix everything and season a few spoons of mayonnaise.

Radish, cut into strips

Some secrets of preparing delicious radishes:

  1. To black radish wasn't bitter, cut it into slices and soak in cold salty water.
  2. If you want to remove the specific smell of radish, cut it into slices and soak in cold water.
  3. Radish salad will be tastier, if you do not serve it immediately, but let it brew in a cold place for about an hour.
  4. Gives radish salads a piquant taste a combination of the bitter taste of radish with the sweet taste of carrots, apples, fried onions.
  5. Another way to remove the bitterness of black radish and the specific smell: Thinly chop or grate the radish and pour vinegar over it.
  6. To make radish salad with beef less high in calories, you can use yogurt or a mixture instead of mayonnaise olive oil with vinegar.
Green radish salad

Radish and its secrets.

The medicinal raw materials in radish are root vegetables and fresh juice. Radish fiber helps remove cholesterol from the body, which is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Radish juice has choleretic properties, fresh it is recommended for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. Also, radish juice with honey or syrup made from radish with sugar is a well-known remedy for inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract.
Juice and grated radish have a strong antiseptic property and promote the healing of purulent wounds and ulcers. Radish seeds, ground in small quantity water also have an antimicrobial effect.
IN folk medicine radish is also used as a diuretic for kidney stone disease, gout. Radish is also used as food product, enhancing the secretion of the digestive glands.
But radish also has contraindications: it is not recommended to be used for peptic ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis and heart disease.

Radish varieties

Black winter radish

Black radish is the most bitter, but the most healthy. She is the record holder for the most essential oils and free organic acids, also contains a large number of microelements necessary for health - iron, potassium and magnesium.

Black radish is a natural antibiotic that has no side effects, characteristic of synthetic medicines. Radish enzymes dissolve the cell walls of many bacteria, so the juice of the root vegetable is effective in treating long-term wounds and ulcers, and purulent inflammatory processes.

Margelan radish, green

This radish has higher taste qualities than her bitter sister, however healing properties green ones are not so expressive. It has less bitterness and useful elements. However, it can be a good substitute for those who cannot eat black radish that is too bitter. Green radish is especially good with rice dishes.

Daikon - "Japanese radish"

Daikon is one of my favorite vegetables Japanese cuisine. The taste of daikon is more delicate and less bitter than that of radish. At the same time, the vegetable has all useful qualities radish, but does not contain mustard oils, which have a stimulating effect. Therefore, daikon is safe for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases and the elderly. According to Japanese scientists, daikon helps remove radionuclides from the body.


Green radish salad
2 small green radishes,
1 red onion.
2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil,

Wash the radish.
Peel the onion and cut into rings.
Mix radish with onion, add salt and season with oil.

Radish salad with apple
1 radish, 1 apple, sour cream or vegetable oil.

Peel the radish, grate it on a coarse grater, add grated sour apple. Season the salad with sour cream or vegetable oil.

Radish and pea salad
3 small radishes (black, green and daikon)
1 can of canned green peas
1 bunch of green onions
sunflower oil, salt to taste
Peel all three types of radish, grate and add salt.
Place the green peas in a sieve and allow the liquid to drain. Wash the green onions, dry and cut into thin rings.
Add peas to the grated radish and green onions. Season the salad to taste with sunflower oil, salt and mix.

Radish salad with meat
green radish - 1 piece (large)
pork - 300 g
onion - 1 pc.
garlic - 2 cloves
spicy adjika - 1 teaspoon
vinegar - 1/4 teaspoon
seasonings, salt, pepper - to taste
vegetable oil
Preparation procedure:
Three peeled radishes on a grater for Korean carrots(or cut into strips), add salt and leave for about 2 hours.
Then squeeze, add onion cut into half rings, chopped garlic, adjika, seasoning, pepper to taste and add vinegar.
Heat the oil, fry the chopped meat in it small pieces, until ready. Then pour the radish with this oil and meat. close the lid and let stand. If necessary, you can add more salt.

Radish salad with cheese and garlic
1 radish, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 100 g cheese, garlic, parsley, dill, celery.

Peel the radish, grate it fine grater, add grated cheese, mayonnaise, finely chopped garlic. Mix everything, decorate the salad with sprigs of parsley, celery, and dill.

Radish salad “Kurai flower”
We will need:
250 g boiled beef
1 green radish
2 onions
1 bunch of parsley
1 tsp flour
vegetable oil
black pepper

We cut the meat into strips.
Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry in boiling oil. A couple of minutes before readiness, pour flour into the frying onions.
Peel the radish and grate it on a coarse grater. Now you need to squeeze the radish.
Combine meat, onion and radish, add chopped herbs. Mix everything, season with salt, pepper and mayonnaise. All, appetizer salad ready from radish.

Radish with squid
Squid - 150-200 g, radish - 1-2 pcs., 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar, salt

Separately chop into strips boiled squid and fresh radish, season with vegetable oil, vinegar, and salt. Mix everything, sprinkle with parsley.

Radish salad with pumpkin
You will need: green radish; pumpkin (sweet); vegetable oil - 2 tbsp; lemon - 1/2 pcs.; liquid honey - 1 tsp; walnuts, raisins - to taste

For the salad you need the same amount of green radish and sweet pumpkin. Peel the radish and pumpkin and grate on a coarse grater.
Pour over the juice of half a lemon.
Add vegetable oil and a spoonful of honey, mix well. Place the salad in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes, then stir again, transfer to a plate and sprinkle on top roasted nuts and raisins. The salad should be eaten immediately.

Green radish salad
green radish - grate
rep. onion - fry until golden brown
champignons - overcook
boiled chicken - cut into cubes

Mix everything, add salt and season with mayonnaise.

Radish salad with fresh cucumber
Green radish (Margelan) - 1 piece (large)
Cucumber-1 pc.
Onion - 1 pc.
Vinegar (table or apple) - to taste
Salt, black pepper (to taste)
Vegetable oil (to taste)

We clean the radish, cut it into small strips (or three using a grater), salt it, leave it for 5 minutes so that it gives juice, then squeeze it out. At this time, peel the onion, cut into very thin rings (it is better to take small, elongated onions), wash in cold water, squeeze and marinate in water acidified with vinegar. Now wash the cucumber, grate it (or cut it into strips), add to the radish , add pickled and squeezed onions there, salt, pepper, add lemon juice (or vinegar) to taste and season with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

Dumplings with radish
for test:
wheat flour – 250 gr.
egg – 1 pc.
water – 75 ml.
salt – 2 gr.
for molding:
flour – 2 tbsp. l.
egg – 1 pc.
for minced meat:
radish – 500 gr.
butter – 10 gr.
egg – 2-3 pcs.
salt - to taste
for submission:
sour cream – 100 gr.

Prepare the dough. Sift the flour. Add water, egg and salt. Mix.
Cover the bowl with the dough with a kitchen towel. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
Prepare minced meat. Peel the radish, cut into thin strips and simmer in a small amount of water with butter. Combine the finished radish with the egg. Add salt. Mix.
Roll out the dough and cut into circles. Place the filling in the center of each. Pinch the edges.
Boil the dumplings in boiling salted water for 7-10 minutes.

Radish salad with sausage
200 g smoked sausage
2 eggs
1 onion
mayonnaise 50-100 g to taste

Grate the radish and finely chop the sausage. Boil the eggs and finely chop the onion. Mix all this in one bowl and add salt to taste, add mayonnaise.

Korean radish appetizer
radish - 1 kg, carrots - 4 pcs., onions - 2 pcs., garlic - 5 cloves, black pepper - 1 tsp. spoon, red pepper - 1 tsp. spoon, coriander - 1 tsp. spoon, sesame seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon, sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoon, salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons, vegetable oil - 3/4 cup, lemon acid- 1/4 teaspoon

Wash the radish and carrots, peel and finely chop. Mix thoroughly, add salt and let sit for 1 hour.
Peel the onion, cut into slices, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, let cool.
Season with a mixture of fried onions with butter, garlic, black and red pepper, coriander, sesame seeds, sugar, salt, lemon juice.

Pear and radish salad
radish - 1 piece
pear - 1 pc.
cucumber - 1 pc.
red bell pepper - 1 pc.
Add leeks if desired; they add spiciness and simplify the taste of the salad.

For refueling:
sesame oil - 2 tbsp.
dry pepper mixture
juice of half a lemon
sugar 0.5 tsp

Cut the vegetables and pear into thin strips. Immediately sprinkle the pear with lemon juice. Place in layers: pear, pepper, radish, cucumber.
Prepare the dressing by whisking all the ingredients and pouring over the salad and serving immediately.

Tomatoes with radish sauce
4 large ripe tomatoes
3 eggs

For refueling:
1 large green radish
150g low-fat sour cream
4 green onions
sea ​​salt

Hard boil the eggs.
Cool, cut into large slices.
Also cut the tomatoes. Place eggs and tomatoes in a salad bowl.
For the dressing, chop the green onions. Peel the radish from rough skin, grate it on a fine grater, sprinkle with salt and let stand for a while. Add sour cream, green onions and salt to taste, pour this dressing over the tomatoes and eggs in the salad bowl. Place in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. and serve.

Puff salad
One large green radish, 2 carrots, meat smoked chicken or boiled meat (I have meat), onion, mayonnaise.
1 layer; radish on a coarse grater

After the radish layer comes a grated apple
2 layer; finely onion
3 layer; mayonnaise
4 layer; chopped meat
5 layer; mayonnaise
6 layer; grated carrots
7 layer; mayonnaise

Azu with radish and pickles
beef 700 g
Margelan radish (green) 1 pc.
carrots 1 pc.
zucchini 1-2 pcs.
onions 2-3 pcs.
pickled cucumbers 2-3 pcs.
broth 0.5 l
sour cream 2 tbsp. l.
Bay leaf
ground black pepper
dill and parsley.

Cut the beef into small pieces, cut all the vegetables into strips. Fry the meat with onions. Then we add salted cucumbers, continue frying.
Add Margelan green radish along with carrots (instead of radish, you can take daikon or radish), add salt, stirring, and fry until the carrots change color to yellow.
After this, add a bay leaf, allspice and pour in broth or boiling water, cover with a lid and simmer for about 40 minutes.
When the meat is ready, add sour cream, I also added zucchini, I wanted it so much, but if you don’t like it, ignore it or replace it with mushrooms.
Stir for 7 minutes. under the lid, pepper, sprinkle with herbs and turn off.

Radish salad with beets
Required Products:
radish - 1 pc.
beets - 1 pc.
apple juice - 1/4 cup
sugar or honey - 1 tbsp. spoon
Cooking method:
Grate the radish and beets and mix with juice and sugar or melted honey. When serving, decorate with greens.

Eggs stuffed with radish
You will need: eggs; green radish; mayonnaise; salt

Hard boil the eggs and place them in cold water to make it easier to peel the shells. Peel the eggs and cut them in half lengthwise equal halves. Remove the yolk. To make the egg halves fit better on the plate, slightly cut off the rounded part of the halves.
Mash the yolks.
Add grated radish and mayonnaise. Season with salt to taste.
Fill the white halves with the resulting filling and decorate with herbs.

Scrambled eggs with radish
1 medium radish,
3 eggs,
1 teaspoon honey,
3 tablespoons dry white wine,
4 tablespoons cream.

How to cook:
Mix peeled and coarsely grated radish with cream and eggs until homogeneous mass. Place in a dry pan or frying pan and bake in hot oven 10-15 minutes. Pour honey mixed with dry wine over scrambled eggs with radish and serve in the same bowl.

Young cabbage and radish kimchi
500 g young cabbage
500 g young radish
200 g fresh parsley
30 g green onions
3 cloves garlic
20 g red ground pepper
1 tsp. wheat flour
1 tbsp. l. salt
Cabbage leaves cut into small squares, radish - in the form of willow leaves the same size as cabbage. Sprinkle cabbage and radish with salt. Take only the stems of the parsley, rinse, cut into pieces 4–5 cm long and lightly sprinkle with salt.
Peel the garlic and onion and chop. Mix cabbage, radish and parsley, season with pepper, garlic and onion, mix well and place in a bowl for pickling. Prepare the brine: dilute in water wheat flour, boil, cool, add salt to taste. Pour this brine over the cabbage and radish. The dish will be ready in a day.

Salad "Tashkent"
Beef tenderloin – 250 g
Daikon (originally green radish) – 500 g
Onions – 2 pcs.
Eggs – 2 pcs.
Greens – 30 g
Sour cream – 100 g

First you need to cook the meat. You can also cook the eggs at the same time.
While the meat is cooking, grate the radish on a coarse grater and pour cold water for half an hour. Then squeeze out the water and put the radish in the salad bowl.
Cut the meat into small pieces.
Onions should be lightly sautéed in vegetable oil.
Now you need to add hard-boiled and finely chopped eggs and herbs to the salad, add salt and season with sour cream.

Salad "Forest"
1-2 radishes (black)
1 carrot
green onions
20 gr. lingonberries
2 tbsp. l. walnut oil
salt to taste

Wash the radish and carrots well.
Peel and grate.
Add finely chopped green onions and lingonberries. Mix.
Season with salt, spices and walnut oil.

Radish with mushrooms.
500 g green Margelan radish, 500 g fresh mushrooms, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 tbsp. tablespoon grape wine, 1 tbsp. spoon of starch, salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 0.5 cups of water, sesame oil.

How to cook:
Wash the radish thoroughly and cut into strips. Cook the prepared radish for 5 minutes in boiling water and remove from the pan. Prepare the mushrooms. You can use canned or dried mushrooms at the rate of 100 g dried mushrooms for 500 g of radish.
Soak dried mushrooms in hot water for 20 minutes, rinse fresh ones, peel and boil in lightly salted water; canned ones do not need preparation.
In a deep frying pan in heated oil, fry redmre, then after 5 minutes add finely chopped mushrooms and continue frying for another 1-2 minutes. After this, pour in boiling water, season with salt, sugar, ginger, add wine and bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer covered for 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes, return the heat to medium, add the diluted starch, shake the pan several times to mix its contents, sprinkle the dish sesame oil and serve.

Rack of lamb with radish in bacon
Rack of lamb 210 gr
Salt 1 g
Black pepper0.5 g
Vegetable oil30 gr
Radish40 gr
Bacon40 gr
Champignons35 gr
Vegetable oil30 gr
Thyme1 gr
Garlic40 gr
Vegetable oil5 gr
Rosemary1 gr
Demi glass 30 gr

Cut the rack of lamb into 2 pieces, add salt, pepper, rosemary, fry in vegetable oil, and cook in the oven until done.

Cut the radish into cubes, simmer in salted water, wrap each cube in bacon, put on a skewer, and color in the oven.

Place fried champignons in the center of the plate, place a rack of lamb next to it, bones up, put garlic with the top cut off from the edge, sprinkled with oil, sprinkled with rosemary and baked in the oven.

Drizzle with rosemary sauce. Place the radish skewer against the pit and the edge of the plate.

Ashlyamfu in Dungan
For the gravy:
1 carrot
Paprika 2 pcs (multi-colored)
Small radish (daikon) 1 piece
Tomato paste 1 tbsp
Dzhyusai 1 bunch
Garlic 2 cloves
Vinegar 6% 1 tbsp
coriander seeds 1 tsp
Lotus salt 1 tsp (optional)
Table salt to taste
1 large egg

For the omelet:
80 ml milk
4 eggs
1 tbsp butter
salt to taste

For starchy noodles:
Corn starch 80 gr
Water 400 ml
Vinegar 6% 50 gr
Salt to taste
Vegetable oil 2 tbsp

Noodles Quick Wok Noodles 2 packs 600 g

Slice the vegetables very thinly.
Heat a wok, throw in the coriander grains, fry, add a little vegetable oil, heat it up, remove the grains, then fry all the vegetables (carrots, radishes, paprika, garlic) very quickly one by one, add cold water like boils, add tomato paste, lotus salt, salt, vinegar. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and add in a thin stream to the vegetable gravy, stirring with a fork, cook for another 2 minutes, at the end add finely chopped jusai, turn off the gas, do not close the lid, let cool gravy and put in the refrigerator.

Starchy noodles:
Add starch to cold water and mix well, put on gas, when it boils, add vinegar and salt, stirring constantly, cook for 10 minutes until it thickens.
Pour the starch onto a greased plate and place in the refrigerator.
When the jelly is ready, cut it into strips or cubes, constantly wetting the knife with cold water, cover the finished noodles with film and put them in the refrigerator.

Beat the eggs with a whisk with milk and salt, put 1 tablespoon of butter in a non-stick frying pan, then pour in the egg mixture, fry the omelet on both sides, cool and cut into strips, put in the refrigerator.
For this dish you need homemade pulled noodles or Chinese noodles for wok. If Chinese noodles are for wok, you need to boil them for 2 minutes, put them on a sieve, grease with vegetable oil, and put them in the refrigerator.
If you pull noodles, then I have a recipe. This time I used noodles noodles. You can also boil thin spaghetti, but with homemade noodles or Chinese will be tastier.

Place noodles on a plate and pour over vegetable gravy, with Place omelette on one side and starchy noodles on the other. Serve this dish with Laza seasoning and vinegar. Add seasoning and vinegar to taste.

Seasoning "Laza":
Dried ground red pepper 2 tbsp
4 cloves garlic
0.5 tsp dried ginger
2 tbsp vinegar 6%
Vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp
Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, mix with pepper and ginger and vinegar. Heat the oil until smoking and pour into the spicy mixture, stir.

Meat salad with radish
Required Products:
radish - 150 g
lamb - 200 g
cheese - 50 g
onion - 50 g
boiled carrots - 20 g
mayonnaise - 100 g
garlic - 1 clove
margarine - 20 g
canned pickled pepper - 20 g
boiled egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:
- The lamb is boiled, cooled and cut into strips.
- The radish is peeled and pre-soaked.
- Grate the cheese and radish, add chopped garlic.
- Onions are cut into rings and fried in margarine.
- The prepared products are combined, salted and seasoned with mayonnaise.
- The salad is decorated with eggs, carrots, pickled peppers and herbs.

Lagman with radish
Korean noodles, meat, onions, carrots, red bell pepper, green radish, potatoes, green bean, jusai, tomato paste, green onions, dill - everything is cut into small cubes.
You can roll the noodles yourself, the dough is like dumplings and roll with your hands and pull until you get long noodles
We simmer everything, one by one - meat, onions, carrots, peppers, potatoes, radishes - add tomato paste, pour hot boiled water. At the end, add beans, jusai and herbs + squeeze out a couple of cloves of garlic, salt, pepper and bay leaf. It turns out to be gravy.
Cook the noodles for 5 minutes and mix them with the gravy.

250 g boiled beef
250 g boiled ham without fat
2 heads of green onions
2 carrots
1 small celery root
1 medium radish
2 apples

For the salad dressing:
3 egg yolks
2 tsp spicy mustard
0.5 tsp vinegar
150 ml vegetable oil
125 ml sour cream
1 bunch of chives
2 tsp freshly grated horseradish
0.5 tsp white pepper
0.5 tsp salt
Juice of half a lemon
a little cognac to taste

Cut the beef and ham into strips. Boil vegetables until tender, cool and cut into thin slices. Grate the radish on a fine grater. Peel the apples, cut into four parts, remove the seeds, and also cut into thin slices. Gently mix all ingredients in a large salad bowl. Beat the yolk, mustard and vinegar until smooth. Add oil drop by drop, gradually add sour cream, season with half of the finely chopped chives, fresh horseradish, pepper, salt, lemon juice and cognac to taste. Season the salad with the sauce, let it sit for at least half an hour and sprinkle with the remaining chives.

Russian salad
Required Products:
radish - 200 g
potatoes - 200 g
carrots - 100 g
mayonnaise - 250 g

Recipe preparation method:
- The radish is first cleaned and soaked in cold water, then grated.
- Potatoes are boiled, cooled and cut into cubes.
- Carrots are cut into strips or grated on a fine grater.
- Combine the prepared products and season with mayonnaise.
- Decorate the salad with herbs and radish slices.

Winter vinaigrette
Required Products:
boiled beets - 1/4 pcs.
potatoes - 2 pcs.
pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
apple - 1/2 pcs.
sauerkraut - 1/2 cup
onion - 1/2 head
boiled carrots - 1/2 pcs.
radish - 1/4 pcs.
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
salt - to taste
Cooking method:
Cut beets, potatoes, carrots, apples and cucumbers into cubes. Large cabbage chop. Peel the radish and grate into strips.

Combine the prepared vegetables, add salt, pour oil and mix.

Before serving, decorate with onion, cut into rings.

Oriental appetizer
Required Products:
onions - 1-2 pcs.
tomato - 1 pc.
radish - 1 1/2 pcs.
sweet pepper - 3 pcs.
tomato paste - 1 1/2 tbsp. spoons
lamb pulp - 300 g
garlic - 4 cloves
vegetable oil - 1/4 cup
funchose - 200 g
salt, vinegar, spices to taste
Cooking method:
Cut the vegetables into strips, fry successively in oil, add garlic, spices and vinegar.

Cut the lamb or beef into cubes and fry.

Cook the funchoza for 10 minutes, then drain in a colander and combine with vegetables and meat, warm for several minutes. Cool.

Salad "Scarlet"
Required Products:
salted mackerel fillet - 300 gr.
radish - 2 pcs.
cranberries - 2 tbsp. spoons
apples - 2 pcs.
mayonnaise - 1/2 cup
boiled egg - 1 pc.
salt, sugar to taste
Cooking method:
Cut the fish into cubes, combine with cranberries, grated radish, and chopped apple. Season with mayonnaise mixed with sugar.

Before serving, decorate with egg lilies and herbs.

Salad “Dushechka”
Required Products:
boiled lamb pulp - 180 gr.
boiled beets - 1 pc.
carrots - 1-2 pcs.
apple - 1 pc.
radish - 1 pc.
white cabbage - 200 gr.
onions - 1 pc.
pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
sour cream - 2 cups
salt, ground black and red pepper to taste
dill greens
Cooking method:
Cut the meat, beets, cabbage, onions, and cucumbers into strips. Grate the carrots, radish and peeled apple on a coarse grater.

Combine the prepared salad ingredients, salt and pepper, add sour cream and mix.

Before serving, decorate with herbs.

Salad "Peasant"
Required Products:
boiled beef pulp - 260 gr.
salted mushrooms - 200 gr.
radish - 2 pcs.
garlic - 1 clove
mayonnaise - 2 cups
cheese - 40 gr.
green onions - 4 feathers
Cooking method:
Cut the beef pulp and mushrooms into strips, finely chop the garlic. Grate the radish.

Combine the prepared salad ingredients and mix, seasoning with some mayonnaise. Place in a salad bowl and pour over the remaining mayonnaise.

Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese and decorate with herbs.

Oriental salad
Required Products:
pork pulp - 200 g
boiled peeled shrimp - 250 g
canned squid - 180 g
white radish or daikon - 1 pc.
carrots - 2 pcs.
Chinese cabbage or green salad leaves - 12 pcs.
sweet pepper - 1 pc.
onion - 1 head
garlic - 1 clove
chili pepper - 1 pc.
vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
soy sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon
wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon
salt, ground black pepper - to taste
Cooking method:

Cut the cabbage into thin strips, sprinkle with salt, add chopped garlic, hot peppers, cut into rings and soak for 4 hours.

Cut the pork into cubes, fry in a little oil, add onion rings, carrots and radishes, cut into thin long strips and fry for 5 minutes (the vegetables should remain crispy). Then add salt, pepper, soy sauce, wine vinegar and cool.

Cut the squid and sweet pepper into strips, combine with shrimp, cabbage, pork and vegetables, add the remaining oil and stir.

When serving, decorate the salad with herbs.

Required Products:
pink salmon - 250 g fillet
onion - 1 head
sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
egg white - 3 pcs.
white wine - 2 tbsp. spoons
soy sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon
radish - 1 pc.
grated ginger - 1/2 teaspoon
Cooking method:
Cut the fish and pepper into strips, the onion into rings.

Knead from water and flour with the addition of proteins and wine batter.

Dip the fish and vegetables into the dough and fry in oil until golden crust.

For the sauce, boil 2 cups of water with ginger, then pour in wine and soy sauce, stir, remove from heat and combine with chopped radish. Pour the prepared sauce into small sauce boats.

While eating, dip fried fish and vegetables in the sauce.

Radish salad with hazelnuts
Required Products:
radish - 1 pc.
chopped hazelnuts - 1/2 cup
pickled cucumbers - 1 pc.
apples - 1 pc.
green onion - 4 feathers
dill seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
honey - 1 teaspoon
ground black pepper, salt to taste
Cooking method:

Cut the radish, cucumber and peeled apple into thin strips. Chop the green onions.

For the sauce, grind honey with salt and pepper, add butter and whisk.

Combine the salad ingredients, mix, season with the prepared sauce, and place in a salad bowl.

Decorate the salad with herbs and a radish “rose”.

The juice from this root vegetable can be used to treat colds and also be used for rubbing. To feel everything beneficial features, you need to eat radishes. But it doesn’t taste very pleasant, so it’s better to make a green radish salad. It's very simple, but incredibly tasty.

green radish salad with meat

For this you will need:

  • 2 green radishes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 500 g of any meat.

The salad recipe is as follows: first you need to cook the meat in advance. At this time, peel the buckwheat and cut into thin slices. Also cut the boiled and cooled meat into cubes, and the onion into half rings.

In a separate bowl, chop the root vegetable, add salt and leave for 15 minutes. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it.

Drain the juice from the container that contained the rare juice and add the onion. Add salt and pepper to taste and add meat.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Dress the salad with whatever you like best - oil, mayonnaise, lemon juice.

green radish salad with carrots


  • 1 radish;
  • 1 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • 1 carrot;
  • green onions;
  • clove of garlic;
  • salt.

Peel the root vegetable and place in cold water for 10 minutes to remove excess bitterness. Peel the carrots and grate them with cheese. Chop the garlic and rub the radish through a coarse grater.

Place all ingredients in a bowl, add salt to taste and mix with mayonnaise or sour cream. Add green onions to the salad for flavor.

green radish salad with nuts

You will need:

  • 2 radishes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 10 walnuts;
  • sour cream to taste and salt.

Peel the root vegetable with carrots and grate them. Add the ground ones walnuts. Season with sour cream. The salad is ready.

chicken green radish salad


  • 1 radish;
  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper and salt;
  • for dressing mayonnaise.

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, add salt and pepper and marinate for about an hour.

Cut the root vegetable into large slices, add water and salt and leave for 40 minutes. Thanks to this, the vegetable will get rid of unpleasant odor and salted well.

In a heated frying pan, adding sunflower oil, fry the marinated chicken. Chop the onion and sprinkle with flour. Stir and place in a sieve. Shake it a few times to get rid of excess flour.

Fry the onion until golden brown. Remove the root vegetable from the water and chop into strips. Mix the vegetable with chicken fillet. Add a couple of spoons of mayonnaise and mix.

Chop the hard-boiled eggs and place in a salad bowl on top of the vegetables and chicken. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Toss the salad before serving. You shouldn't insist on it, it should be crispy and egg yolk Don't become a muddy slurry.

green radish salad with cucumber

To do this you need to take:

  • 2 green radishes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • salt to taste.

The recipe is very simple. You need to wash, peel and chop the root vegetable and cucumber well, then add a little salt and season with mayonnaise. Can be served.

Radish salad - table decoration. Moreover, he is excellent prevention colds, so it is good to eat it in winter.

This dish also looks very beautiful on the table, so it can be used to decorate holiday feasts.

Unfortunately, the season abundant with vegetables (when everything is fresh and everything comes from the garden) does not last long. Most of the year we are content with either vegetables stored for the winter or greenhouse vegetables. And if cabbage, carrots and beets are traditionally held in high esteem, then oh other tasty and healthy root vegetables For some reason we ignore it. For example, green radish. Do you know how useful it is?

Green radish has choleretic and diuretic properties, stimulates intestinal function, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and improves immunity. And how much is in it useful substances! Enzymes, potassium and calcium, organic acids, iron and phosphorus, vitamins C and B (1, 2, 5). Radish juice is also used to treat colds; grated radish is used for rubbing. To be convinced of the beneficial properties of green radish, you need to eat it. But you can’t just chew a radish (this is not an apple). But you can cook delicious salad from green radish. Here are just some recipes for such salads.

A simple green radish salad recipe

Making this salad couldn't be easier. For this we need a minimum set of products.


  • Green radish
  • Vegetable oil
  • Table vinegar
  • Black pepper


Wash the root vegetables thoroughly and remove hard skins. Cut the radish into very thin, almost transparent slices, put them in a salad bowl and season with sauce. For the sauce, take vinegar and oil in a ratio of one to three, mix, add salt and pepper to taste and shake well. The simplest green radish salad is ready.


Considering that the radish peel is much richer in vitamins than the root vegetable itself, it does not need to be peeled. But in this case, the radish should be washed especially thoroughly.

Salad with green radish and vegetables

The recipe is also quite simple. More suitable, of course, for a summer menu.


  • Green radish
  • Fresh cucumbers
  • Fresh tomatoes
  • Greenery
  • Salt and pepper
  • Vegetable oil


Cut the washed and peeled radish into thin slices, the cucumber into rings, and the tomatoes into slices. Place all the vegetables in a salad bowl, add finely chopped herbs and season with oil, salt and black pepper.

Salad with radish and kiwi

This green radish salad recipe is perfect for preparing a side dish for meat.


  • Green is rare
  • Fresh carrots
  • bell pepper
  • Onion
  • Green onions
  • Dill greens
  • Table vinegar
  • Vegetable oil


Cut the onion into thin half rings and soak in table vinegar. To do this, pour it with vinegar solution and leave it to marinate while preparing the remaining vegetables. Wash, peel and dry all the vegetables. For this salad, grate green radish and carrots on a coarse grater. Chop the bell pepper into strips. Let's chop the greens. Take the already pickled onions out of the vinegar and put them in a salad bowl along with carrots, peppers and radishes. Add peeled and chopped kiwi. Salt and season with vegetable oil.

Salad with radish and apple

Another recipe that combines radish with fruit. This time - with an apple.


  • Green radish
  • Fresh carrots
  • Apple (sweet and sour taste)
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Green onions
  • Onion
  • Vegetable oil
  • Apple vinegar
  • Salt and sugar


Wash all the vegetables. Peel the radish, apple and carrot. Chop the vegetables and apple into strips. Prepare a dressing of three parts oil and one part vinegar with the addition of salt and sugar (to taste). Serve the salad by sprinkling finely chopped green onions on top.


When choosing vinegar, do not confuse natural Apple vinegar with flavored tableware. The latter is not suitable for salads.

Radish salad with garlic and cheese

This salad recipe should appeal to lovers of spicy snacks. The taste of cheese with garlic has long been appreciated by them. Or you can try to refresh this taste with juicy green radish.


  • Green radish
  • Hard cheese
  • Garlic
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery


Wash and peel one medium radish. Let's grate it on a fine grater. One hundred grams of hard cheese - on a large one. Chop the garlic (two or three cloves) and mix with half a glass of mayonnaise. Place grated radish and cheese in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise. When serving the salad, garnish it with chopped herbs.

Green radish salad with croutons


  • Green radish
  • Onion
  • Rye bread
  • Vegetable oil
  • Green onions
  • Table vinegar


Wash and peel one medium or two small radishes. Grate it on a coarse grater and season with vinegar. Cut half a loaf of black bread into small cubes (without crust) and fry in vegetable oil and salt. Chop the onion, mix it with radish and crackers. Sprinkle the finished salad with chopped green onions.


You can not add croutons to the salad, but place them on the edge of the serving plate when serving the salad.

Salad with radish and meat

One of the most hearty salads from green radish. It has an original taste.


  • Green radish
  • Boiled beef
  • Onion
  • Vegetable oil
  • Mayonnaise


Two hundred grams boiled meat cut into small cubes. Wash the radish, peel it and cut it into thin slices or cubes. Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in vegetable oil, cool and allow excess oil to drain. Mix all the ingredients, add salt to taste and season the salad with mayonnaise.

Despite the undoubtedly beneficial properties of green radish, in some cases it is better not to eat it. Firstly, it is not recommended to make radish salads for dinner; it is better to eat such a salad for breakfast or lunch. Secondly, this root vegetable is contraindicated for people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis and kidney and liver diseases. And thirdly, in children's menu It is also advisable not to include green radish (except for medicinal purposes).

In all other cases there are no restrictions. Cook with pleasure and eat for health!

About green radish salad

Green radish is very beneficial for the human body. It improves vision and nervous system, thanks to the high content of vitamin A. In addition, this early ripening root vegetable normalizes the digestive system and activates it. Therefore, if you have a poor appetite, then green radish will help you.

Thanks to high content potassium salts, its use is indicated for people who have reduced immunity. Eating green radish is also beneficial for hypertensive patients.

How to prepare green radish salad?

1. With carrots and apple.

Peel and grate green radishes, carrots and apples on a Korean carrot grater - you can also cut them into thin strips.

Add one finely chopped onion to the salad - you can cut green onions into strips instead.

Salt and pepper to taste, add sour cream mixed with mayonnaise in equal parts.

2. Ordinary.

We wash the green radish, remove the hard peel and cut the root vegetables into as thin slices as possible, put them in a salad bowl and season with the sauce, which we prepare as follows:

Mix one part vinegar and three parts sunflower oil, add salt and pepper to taste, shake thoroughly.

3. With vegetables.

The radish must be cut thinly into slices, add cucumber cut into rings and tomatoes cut into slices. We put all the vegetables in a salad bowl and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, season with sunflower oil, salt and pepper.

4. With kiwi.

Cut the onion into thin half rings, soak in table vinegar - pour in the vinegar solution and leave to marinate while the rest of the salad components are prepared.

Wash and clean the vegetables thoroughly. Grate the radish and carrots on a coarse grater, cut the sweet peppers into strips, and chop the greens finely. We take out the pickled onions and add them to the salad bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Cut the kiwi into strips there. Salt everything and season with sunflower oil.

5. With apple.

Thoroughly wash the radishes, carrots, sweet and sour apple, fresh cucumber, green onion, onion. Chop all the vegetables into strips. For dressing, take three parts sunflower oil and one part vinegar, add salt and sugar to taste. Place finely chopped green onions on top of the salad.

6. With garlic and cheese.

This spicy snack It will appeal to all lovers of spicy salads.

We wash and clean the middle root vegetable, grate it on a fine grater. Grate on a coarse grater hard cheese– one hundred grams will be enough.

Now chop a couple of cloves of garlic and combine with half a glass of mayonnaise.

Place all the ingredients in a salad bowl and serve, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

7. With crackers.

We wash two green radishes, remove the peel, grate the root vegetables on a coarse grater and season with vinegar. Cut half a loaf of black bread into small cubes, after cutting off the crust. We fry our crackers on sunflower oil With salt. Finely chop the onion and add it to the radish and croutons. Sprinkle the salad with chopped green onions on top.

8. With meat.

Boil two hundred grams of meat, cut into small cubes. We wash and clean the radish, cut it into thin slices - you can cut it into cubes. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in sunflower oil. Let it cool and mix with the rest of the salad ingredients, salt to taste, and season with mayonnaise.

9. With processed cheese.

Peel and grate the washed radishes and carrots - a grater is best for Korean salads. Squeeze the root vegetable from the juice, mix with carrots and add one hundred grams of grated on a coarse grater processed cheese, salt and use mayonnaise as a dressing.

10. "Uzbekistan".

We chop off a piece of beef or lamb, place a carrot on the meat, cutting it into strips, and also squeeze out a few cloves of garlic through a garlic press, add salt and pepper to taste.

We wrap the roll and wrap it in foil, bake in the oven at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for forty minutes.

The meat becomes tender.

Peel the radish and leave in salted water for thirty minutes.

Cut the peeled onions into rings and roll in flour, then deep-fry and place on a paper napkin to drain the oil.

Serve the salad and season with mayonnaise.

11. Refreshing.

We grate a small root vegetable, one carrot and an apple – Antonovka – on a fine grater. Combine all ingredients. Add half a teaspoon of dry lemon zest or fresh zest of a quarter of a lemon. Mix the salad and add a little salt. Decorate with greens and apple slices.

All these delicious and healthy salads It's best not to eat it for dinner. Best time in order to taste them - breakfast and lunch. In addition, green radish is contraindicated for those with stomach ulcers or gastritis, kidney and liver diseases.
