Cook school. Edible Christmas tree decorations

Making a New Year's toy is not at all difficult. First, decide on the material from which you want to make New Year's decorations. It can be paper, fabric, pine cones, dough, cardboard, acorns or thread. If you really want to make unusual balls to make your New Year tree even more beautiful, you can use simple devices available in every home.

You will need:

  • several balloons
  • office glue
  • threads different colors or white thread and spray paint
  • 50 ml PVA glue
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 50 ml water
  • scissors
  • disposable gloves

How to make a New Year's ball with your own hands

  1. Inflate a small balloon. This is what your handmade New Year's decoration will look like.
  2. Mix PVA glue, sugar and water in a bowl.
  3. Dip the spools of thread into the resulting solution and let it soak. We carefully wind the thread around the ball in different directions, and secure the remaining tip by threading it through one of the threads.
  4. We hang the ball to dry and leave it for about 5-6 hours. After drying, we pierce the balloon or carefully untie it, releasing the air, and remove it from the thread shell.
  5. We paint the ball with spray paint and let it dry.
  6. Using transparent stationery or universal glue, glue sequins, ribbons, and sparkles to the surface of the ball. The ball is ready!

Use spray paints in different colors to give each balloon a unique design. New Year decoration DIY items can be beautifully packaged and gifted to family or friends. Master class on creating such a New Year's toy with photo.

You can make a New Year's toy very simply, using, for example, fir cones. Take a few pine cones, paint them white, sprinkle them with gold or silver glitter and hang them on a thread. New Year's toys from the forest will decorate your interior and Christmas tree, creating the impression of a cozy rural New Year.

DIY sweet decorations for the Christmas tree

The New Year tree can be decorated with sweet decorations. Hang sweets and lollipops on a string or make a candy bonbonniere.

You will need:

  • squares of golden thick paper with a side of 15 cm (or any other bright color)
  • paper of a different color for lining
  • velvet or velor ribbon 15 cm for each cone
  • loop tape

Take paper squares of the same size. Using a compass, mark a semicircular shape and cut off the excess along the line. Carefully roll the sheet into a cone, gluing the edges to each other. Attach velvet ribbon along the outer edge and add a thin loop for hanging. You can put sweets inside the bonbonniere that you cannot hang on strings yourself, or small cookies.

DIY New Year's toys with children

Making New Year's decorations with your own hands is a very fun and exciting activity, which, among other things, allows you to develop your imagination and creative thinking. You can involve children in the process of creating toys, who will cut out and glue New Year's snowflakes, feeling very responsible for decorating the room.

The child can also be entrusted with cutting out parts for the future garland. New Year's garlands can be made using the usual links, gluing multi-colored strips of paper together, or you can experiment with different shapes. Entrust the children with an important and responsible task - to cut out even circles from multi-colored cardboard, which you can then hang on a thread, stitch them on a sewing machine or puncture them and thread them by hand. You will get very nice New Year's garlands with which you can decorate the walls and windows of your home. Let your child make the garland elements different in shape! These can be hearts, Christmas trees, houses, multi-colored triangles.

At the age of 4 years, children are already quite independent and are always ready to help their mother with preparations for the New Year. They can be asked to cut out New Year's snowflakes for windows, glue New Year's garlands from colored paper, and other New Year's decorations that can be easily made with glue, paper and natural materials(cones, nuts, acorns). A few simple ideas for Christmas tree decorations that you can make with your children.

If you like textile New Year's toys, then they are also easy to make with your own hands. You can choose any shape and color, and also determine the size of future decorations yourself.

You will need:

  • scraps of fabric of different colors
  • thin ribbons for loops
  • threads
  • needle
  • a little cotton wool

Take a piece of fabric and cut out two halves of the future toy, for example, two hearts. Place a little cotton wool in the center of one of the halves and spread it, leaving space around the edges free. Cover with the other half of the heart and carefully sew it with a classic stitch “forward with a needle”, using bright thick threads, for example, floss. Now you see that making a New Year's toy with your own hands is easier than it seems!

New Year's toys are always kept in a secluded place and are taken out once a year with special trepidation and happiness. Each family has a box where the surviving glass balls, tinsel, beads and garlands are stored after the holiday. How to store New Year's toys.

Paper New Year's snowflakes, balls made of threads, soft textile decorations - every housewife can make and make all this New Year unforgettable. The New Year tree is the main attribute of the holiday, so you need to prepare for its decoration in advance and with special care. You can get old toys, make new ones, look for interesting old things in grandma's closet - this is your holiday, so pick out decorations with the whole family! New Year's decorations are not only bright garlands and balls, but all kinds of entertainment and delicious treats, which are also the most interesting to cook with your family. Let yours New year's night It will be unforgettable, and only your closest and dearest people will be nearby.

New Year is a holiday that each of us waits for, expecting miracles, magic and something good and beautiful from it. The symbol of this holiday has always been, is and will be a fluffy Christmas tree, decorated with various toys. And although everyone has glass toys that look very stylish and impressive, you can add original, cute, and even very tasty edible Christmas tree decorations to them, which will make your forest beauty more homely and give a lot of joy to children who want to enjoy sweets .

Wonderful and so different marzipan toys

Marzipan is a mixture of almonds and sugar syrup, from which you can then sculpt whatever your heart desires, showing your imagination to the fullest. To prepare it, we first carefully grind with a spoon 100 grams of almonds (ground into flour) and powdered sugar mixed together. Then we separate the white from the yolk and beat it in a bowl with two teaspoons of juice squeezed from lemon, after which we add half of the resulting protein mixture to the sugar and almond flour. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth, and then add the remaining protein mass and stir again until the mixture becomes dense, but without any lumps.

Divide the resulting marzipan into several parts and pour a slightly different amount into each of them. food paint. Having rolled a ball of marzipan in your hand, let it completely turn into the desired color and invite the whole family into the kitchen. After all, now you can make a wide variety of edible decorations for the Christmas tree from marzipan - even in the form of birds, even in the form of little animals, even in the form of funny snowmen, not forgetting to leave a small hole for the thread. After making the decoration, let it harden a little, then thread a thread through the hole and hang it on the tree.

Charming snowflakes made of icing

Large snow-white snowflakes hanging on it, here and there, can add a lot of charm to the Christmas tree. The main thing is that you should start preparing them a few days before the forest beauty visits your home.

First of all, we draw the desired snowflake pattern on paper, and only after that we start cooking. Then separate the white from the yolk, beat it and add sifted 250 grams of powdered sugar to it. Then we begin stirring the mixture until it resembles thick porridge. Then pour half a teaspoon of juice squeezed out of lemon into the mixture and mix everything again - the icing is ready.

Now we type this icing in cream injector or a bag with a nozzle and apply snowflakes on the lines of the drawing. Let the mixture dry for 5 days, then carefully remove the resulting snowflake and tie a ribbon to it. And now you have another edible Christmas tree decoration ready that will delight both adults and children.

Delicious Christmas cookies

Sift 150 grams of flour into a bowl, a teaspoon ground cinnamon and a quarter teaspoon ground ginger. Cut 75 grams of butter into small pieces into the same bowl and start mixing everything by hand to make a crumb-like mixture. Add 3 tablespoons of liquid honey to the mixture and mix everything again to make it soft dough. Wrap the dough in cling film and put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

After a while, we take out the dough, roll it out on a work surface previously sprinkled with flour, and then using various cutters we cut out cookies, on top of which we make small holes using a toothpick. Now transfer the cookies to greased baking sheets and bake for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. As soon as the cookies become golden color, remove it from the oven and let it cool. All that remains is to thread a long bright ribbon through the hole and hang the cookies on the Christmas tree, from where it will then be easy for the child to cut them off. new year holidays, if he decides to taste the yummy.

You can also bake cookies for the Christmas tree according to ours.

Bright sugar candies

Bright colorful lollipops can decorate a Christmas tree no worse than a garland of light bulbs. Moreover, making them is easier than ever. We simply mix 10 tablespoons of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar and 9 tablespoons of water, then put the mixture on low heat and cook for 20 minutes.
When the time is up, we just take it out various molds, grease them with oil, add to each mold different colors food coloring and pour the freshly cooked caramel into molds. Then insert a stick into each mold and let the candies cool completely. Now all that remains is to get the candies, tie a string to each stick and hang the bright sugar candies on the Christmas tree.

And also be sure to find out, because on this holiday everything should be perfect!

Already ready delicious decorations to the Christmas tree

Just what to do for those who have absolutely no time to cook, but really want to decorate the Christmas tree with goodies. What edible decorations should they make for the Christmas tree so that the Christmas tree will look a little different this New Year than the previous one? Are there really no options for busy housewives?

It turns out that you can decorate your Christmas tree with goodies without even having to work in the kitchen. You can hang ordinary candies in multi-colored wrappers on the Christmas tree. You can hang small tangerines on spruce branches, after wrapping them with a bright ribbon. Even the most ordinary ones will look great on spruce branches. walnuts, pre-wrapped in foil. So the scope for imagination is simply limitless, and absolutely the whole family – from young to old – can take part in such decoration!

And also to complete festive atmosphere You can decorate it in an original way.

Happy New Year to you! We wish you a warm and memorable holiday!

The wonderful old tradition of decorating the New Year tree with sweets will never go out of style.

Making edible Christmas tree decorations with your own hands is creative and exciting work. You can also involve children in this process - they will certainly enjoy this activity! And they definitely won’t need a special invitation to eat delicious “toys” :) It’s so fun to find them among other Christmas tree tinsel and treat yourself to tasty treats straight from the branches of the New Year’s tree.

Choose the most delicious recipes Christmas tree decorations, create a New Year's atmosphere and festive mood!

Sweet Christmas rings are prepared on the basis of only two components: egg whites and powdered sugar. If desired, some of them can be made colored using food coloring and various culinary toppings.


Beat chilled egg whites with powdered sugar(based on 4 proteins - 200 g of powder) until a viscous thick mass is obtained. Line a baking tray with oiled baking paper. Using a culinary syringe, squeeze out the mixture in the shape of rings or hearts. They can be different sizes, single or multilayer. If you try a little, you can make snowflakes, stars, etc. Decorate the products with culinary sprinkles and place in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 70-80 degrees.

Thread bright ribbons or a thin durable “rain” through the inner hole and hang it on the tree.

Homemade lollipops compare favorably with store-bought ones because they are 100% natural. Having made your own lollipops, you will be absolutely sure that they do not contain any chemical dyes, no artificial flavors, which means children can enjoy them without the slightest fear.

Basic ingredients of homemade lollipops - sugar, water and lemon juice. In order to give the candies different shades, lemon juice can be replaced with any berry syrup rich color.


Place 200 g in a saucepan brown sugar. Pour in 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice and the same amount of water. Heat over low heat until the sugar has completely melted. The result should be a homogeneous thick mass golden color. Pour the resulting mixture with a teaspoon into special caramel molds, greased with oil. Wrap the frozen candies in colorful wrappers and hang them on the Christmas tree.

Homemade Truffles sweets

You will need:
300 g dark chocolate
100 g heavy cream
50 g butter
1 tbsp. cognac or liqueur
For sprinkling - cocoa powder or waffle crumbs.


Break the chocolate and melt it in hot cream. Add butter. Pour in cognac and mix well. When the mixture has cooled completely, form small balls. If desired, you can “hide” nuts inside the balls or grind them into crumbs and mix with the main mass. Place the candies in the refrigerator until completely hardened. Then roll in cocoa powder or wafer crumbs. Wrap the candies in foil, tie a thread and hang them on the tree (can be individually, or in the form of a garland).

Spicy cookies "New Year"

You will need:
0.5 kg flour
200 g butter
150 g honey
3 eggs
100 g sugar
1 tsp each: ground cinnamon, cloves and ginger
Cardamom and vanilla on the tip of a knife
1.5 tsp baking powder


Mix honey with spices. Add butter cubes and sugar. Heat over low heat until all ingredients have melted homogeneous mass. Mix flour with baking powder. Beat the eggs lightly. Gradually combine all ingredients and knead elastic dough. Cool slightly. Then roll out into a thin layer and cut out various figures - Christmas trees, crescents, houses, stars, men, etc. The cookies should not be too large so that they can be hung several times on one branch. Don't forget to make a hole for the ribbons right away! Bake cookies for about 15 minutes. at 170 gr. To prevent the cookies from crumbling, thread the ribbons and hang them on the tree only after they have cooled completely. The aroma from such “toys” is incredible!

Little advice: To prevent the hole from becoming swollen during baking, insert a small nut or a piece of crushed caramel into it.

Honey gingerbread

You will need:
2.5 cups flour
1/3 cup honey
1-2 eggs
1/3 cup powdered sugar
Baking powder
Nutmeg, cinnamon
Butter room temperature beat with a mixer together with honey, eggs and powdered sugar until a creamy mass is obtained. Add flour and baking powder in small portions. Knead the elastic dough, form into a ball and put in the refrigerator. After half an hour, knead the dough again, roll out 4-5 cm thick and form small gingerbread cookies. different shapes. Bake until golden brown. Make through holes and thread colored ribbons. Here's another Christmas tree decoration ready!

Decoration New Year's baking
And in order for our culinary products were not just ordinary treats, but real ones Christmas tree toys– they need to be decorated in a festive way.
The easiest way to make a “snowball” is using egg white glaze from egg whites, lemon juice and powdered sugar.
Two egg whites whisk together with lemon juice into a stable foam. Gradually add 300 g of powdered sugar. Beat until the mixture stops spreading. All further actions will be prompted by your imagination.

It's time to decorate the Christmas tree

Time does not stand still and rushes past us at a dizzying speed. It seemed that it was only autumn, but December was already coming to an end and very soon enthusiastic smiles would appear on the children’s faces, which would evoke New Year’s miracles in them. It is during this period that most people decorate their Christmas trees, and some do it as early as the beginning of December. So, this period is the most favorable for decorating the Christmas tree with your own hands, and today we will talk about exactly this.

Of course, we are all used to dressing up christmas tree bright rain and colorful colorful balls, but this is not the only and far from the most interesting way Christmas tree decorations. Today we will tell you about interesting and in a tasty way Christmas tree decorations. IN Lately, a very fashionable way has become to decorate New Year's attributes with cookies, candies, tangerines and other sweets.

Even the smallest family members can be involved in preparing decorations for the New Year tree. There is no doubt that this idea will also be interesting and educational for them. For example, you can bake gingerbread cookies or cookies for the Christmas tree with them. Of course, such cookies will be much healthier than store-bought ones, and also, the process of preparing, and subsequently decorating the Christmas tree with cookies, will absorb you completely, after which you will have pleasant, warm memories. This way you can cook. Cookies for the Christmas tree can be of any shape, either made in special molds of certain shapes, or cut out with your own hands using a glass (round cookies) or just a knife. And you can look at the recipe for cookies for the Christmas tree. This way you can give the gingerbread cookies any shape you want. The main thing is to make sure that the cookies are not very large, otherwise the fragile Christmas tree branches simply will not support the weight of the cookies. Cookies can be made either simply from sweet dough, or with raisins, icing, jam, or simply sprinkled with powdered sugar. In all cases, it will definitely turn out very tasty and melt in your mouth if you put a little diligence and good mood into the work.

Another option for edible Christmas tree decoration is using walnuts, which can be removed from the shell in advance and wrapped in shiny foil. After this, you need to attach a thread to the foil and hang it on the Christmas tree. You can also use strings to connect a dozen candies per wrapper and hang them on the Christmas tree as a garland. To create a truly New Year's atmosphere, you can hang small tangerines on the tree. First of all, bright Orange color on the New Year's tree will be just in time for the holiday theme. Secondly, tangerines are considered to be another New Year's attribute. And thirdly, tangerines will exude a special smell of New Year's freshness and coolness, which will not be bad at all. However, you should choose really small tangerines, because large berries and Christmas tree branches may not be able to withstand it. Some types of cakes (where there are no large quantity cream on the outside) will also serve as an excellent decoration for the New Year tree. New Year's freshness will be brought small apples, as well as candies for the Christmas tree, hung along with the rest of the decorations.

Don't be afraid to experiment!

Although the tradition of decorating a New Year tree with edible decorations for the table as toys has become fashionable not so long ago, it has already gained widespread interest. As New Year's toys, you can hang anything you have enough imagination for on the Christmas tree. There is a lot of room for scope and experimentation in this matter. Therefore, you should not be afraid to fantasize and come up with something new, because the more extravagant your idea is, the better and more colorful it will look when brought to life. This way of decorating a Christmas tree is very interesting and exciting. Try it yourself and you will definitely like it.
