Sugar mash proportions for 20 liters. How to make mash from sugar and yeast - recipes and exact proportions

Yeast is an important ingredient for making moonshine. They convert sugars into ethyl alcohol. To successfully supply the mash and obtain high-quality and delicious product, it is important to use fresh “working” bacteria and correctly calculate their quantity. This article will help you figure out how much yeast is needed for mash in dry or pressed form.

Why is it so important to measure yeast correctly?

You can use any type of yeast: wine, dry, pressed baker's yeast. It is important that they are fresh, brought in the required proportion. You also need to create for yeast propagation best conditions: put the moonshine in a clean container and a warm room, feed the microorganisms with nitrogen and suppress hostile microflora with the help of an antibiotic.

If there is not enough yeast

A sign that there is not enough yeast is considered to be weak fermentation on the first day after you set the mash. A head of foam should form intensively. It can take up a third of the dishes or more. Therefore, it is so important to take a container for preparing mash with a large supply of volume. If the formation of a cap is not observed, then the shutter needs to be heated and/or fresh yeast must be added.

If there is too much yeast

What happens if you put it in excess? Adding too much yeast for mash is also wrong. Bacteria eat sugars from the wort until the alcohol concentration in the mash is 12–15%. In such an environment they die. At this point, the mash is ready, and you need to start distilling it. If the microorganisms do not have enough food, then a lot of yeast will remain in the mash, which will have a bad effect on the smell, taste and quality of the moonshine.

Basic recipe for mash with pressed yeast

People often argue about how much yeast should be added to 20 liters of mash.

The answer is simple: For 20 liters of mash you need 4 kg. sugar in a ratio of 1 to 4 i.e. 1 kilogram of sugar and 4 liters of water, per 1 kg. sugar you need 70-100 grams of pressed yeast, it turns out that for 20 liters of mash according to the standard proportion you need 4 kg. sugar multiplied by 100 grams of yeast equals 400 grams.

Consider a recipe for 5 liters of mash:

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 4 liters of water
  • 100 grams of alcoholic or baker's pressed yeast
  1. Take unboiled, clean, drinking water
  2. Dissolve sugar in it and mix vigorously
  3. Grind the yeast by hand and dilute it in a small amount warm water
  4. Add to the wort, while the temperature of the medium for dissolution and subsequent fermentation should be 25-30°C
  5. Leave to ferment in a dark, warm place for 7-10 days.

Using dry yeast

Standard proportion for sugar mash 15-20 grams of dry yeast per 1 kg. it's sugar optimal quantity. The best brands SafMoment, SafLevure, Pakmaya are considered to work well and are inexpensive. For specialized yeast, the proportions are indicated by the manufacturer, for example for some wine yeast 4 grams per 10 liters of wort or 2 grams per 1 kg. Sahara.

Before adding dry yeast, it is necessary to perform the so-called “fermentation” or activation. In half a liter of warm water up to 30°C, add all the measured dry yeast and let it sit for ten minutes. Then you need to stir the yeast until dissolved and add it to the yeast.

Braga made with dry yeast (usually baker's yeast) often behaves capriciously in the first day of fermentation: it either does not rise or forms a “cap” too intensively. In this case, you may need to add 50 grams to the shutter. vegetable oil. Or you can use a defoamer, which is sold in specialized stores (Sofaxil, Bobotik). You can also crumble one onto the surface simple cookies without additives.

The mash ripening time is approximately 7 days. It should taste bitter and light in color. Foam ceases to form on the surface. If you can still feel the sweetness in the mash, then you should leave it to stand for another day or two.



  • Pressed yeast per 1 kg. sugar 70-100 grams
  • Dry yeast per 1 kg. sugar 15-20 grams

It’s not difficult to make sugar if you carefully read the process technology. Any mash recipe includes water, sugar and yeast, the ratio of which may vary, but the yield of the final product is almost always the same. If the drink is prepared correctly, it does not lead to poisoning and will not cause a hangover.

The essence of the process

Preparing mash is a responsible process that does not allow for mistakes that minimize all efforts made. People with experience in this matter know many secrets to ensure that the original product turns out to be of high quality. The essence of the process is the biochemical reactions that occur during fermentation of the liquid:

  1. Yeasts reproduce in the presence of oxygen, a temperature of +23...+28°C and the presence of a nutrient medium.
  2. If there are components with complex carbohydrates, then a hydrolysis reaction occurs, breaking down these products into glucose.
  3. In the absence of oxygen, under anaerobic conditions, consuming glucose, yeast separates it into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. The fermentation process occurs as a result of the active release of carbon dioxide.
  4. When nutrients are coming to an end, and the alcohol content for yeast fungi reaches critical levels, they die off and the fermentation process ends. If the proportions of the components are chosen correctly, then these processes should coincide in time.

For production from sugar and yeast, the proportions are as follows:

  • 22-23 liters of purified, well, bottled or spring water;
  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • raw yeast in the amount of 500 g or alcoholic dry yeast - 100 g.

The mash for moonshine is of high quality if all proportions are met correctly.

Selection of capacity and components

The quality of the initial product directly depends on the selection of the correct container for fermentation. Most suitable container- glass bottles, jars, stainless steel is also suitable food purposes, and plastic containers For food products. Some use milk flasks, aluminum cookware, pots. The work is simplified by a tap located on the container, convenient for draining the mash.

Before adding the components, the dishes must be thoroughly washed with detergent and rinsed hot water and wipe well, which will eliminate the risk of the product turning sour. To improve heat exchange, before placing the mash, the container should be placed on a stand 0.5 m high. It is best to purchase alcoholic yeast, which during fermentation will give good organoleptic properties and high yield. The only downside is the high cost of such yeast. The use of dry and compressed yeast is allowed.

Sugar mash made from alcoholic dry yeast is much better in quality. The use of raw pressed ones results in an overly fusel taste, while dry ones contribute to the abundant formation of foam and strong fermentation. In addition, alcoholic and dry yeast are stored longer. Raw materials for mash are an important factor in obtaining the product High Quality, where a large role is played the right water. Original product will be delicious if used good water, without impurities, odor and additives. Tap water should stand for 1-2 days, then carefully drain.

Fermentation period

Many people are concerned about the question of how to make mash so that the yield of the final product is maximum. In order for fermentation to proceed correctly, it is important to follow the recommended proportions for sugar and yeast mash, as well as temperature conditions. Its indicators should vary between +28...+30°C, but not higher than +35°C, otherwise the yeast will die. For supporting temperature regime The mash should be placed in a warm place.

To ensure normal fermentation, in addition to water, granulated sugar and yeast require feeding, which enhances and speeds up the process. From similar means, fertilizers such as nitrogen or phosphorus are added. You can use simple black bread at the rate of half a loaf per 20 liters of mash. During the fermentation period to give additional taste qualities Fruits and berries, compotes, honey, fermented jam, and vegetables are added to the product.

Determination of readiness

Anyone who produces alcohol at home knows how to properly add mash to moonshine and can easily determine its readiness. Beginners should know the main signs that a product is ready for further processing.

  1. Complete release of carbon dioxide, no bubbles on the surface. If the mash burns when a burning match is presented, then the gas has stopped being released.
  2. The liquid separated, some of the yeast settled into sediment, and the top layer became light.
  3. The taste went from sweet to bitter.
  4. There is a taste and smell of alcohol.

It is most reliable to use a saccharometer, which will show “0” when the wort has fermented. Before you put mash on moonshine, you should purchase this device. There are varieties of yeast such as Saf-Moment and Saf-Levur high-speed action. They are quite in demand among moonshine producers, and you can buy them in any supermarket.

Clarification and distillation

Clarification is done to improve the taste alcoholic drink. Degassing is carried out to remove carbon dioxide. To do this, the wort is heated to +55 °C. At this temperature, all living yeast dies. Clarify the mash in a natural way good in the cold. The outdoor temperature range should be from -5 to +5 °C. As a result, the yeast settles into sediment, after which the mash is drained using a thin PVC or silicone hose.

There are others, even more quick ways clarification using protein, gelatin or bentonite. If the mash is sugar, then it is best to use bentonite. This natural product, White clay, which take 2-3 tbsp. l. for 20 liters of liquid. Before use, the clay is dissolved in warm water and mixed, after which it is poured into the wort. Lightening takes from several hours to a day.

An important point is the distillation of the mash. Therefore, those who have never made moonshine are interested in how to properly distill the mash and what is needed for this. If the equipment is assembled independently, then the first attempt risks failure due to non-compliance with the optimal temperature regime. It is better to purchase a ready-made unit fully equipped with all the attributes for proper distillation of mash.

The distillation process depends on the method of preparing the mash. First, the distillation cube is filled to 2/3 of the volume and heating occurs. It is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature. If it rises above 68°C, then alcohol compounds begin to be actively released along with oils, impurities and acids. Pervach concentrates a considerable amount of harmful components, so it is better to drain it.

Then it is necessary to stabilize the heating, bringing the temperature to 68-79°C. There is no need to speed up the process, otherwise the mash may get into the coil. An increase in temperature to 84°C or higher will trigger release harmful substances. Therefore, the process should be stopped when heated to 85°C. It is not recommended to continue distillation, since the desire to obtain more alcohol will lead to the fact that the moonshine will have to be purified much longer.

A recipe for moonshine from sugar and yeast is the easiest way to prepare mash for subsequent distillation at home. Moonshine is made from an alcohol-containing mass - mash, which is the result of fermentation of products containing sucrose or starchy compounds.

Moonshine brewing includes the following steps:

  1. Making mash.
  2. Distillation of mash. In fact, this is the distillation of alcohol from an alcohol-containing mass using a homemade or factory-made moonshine still.
  3. Cleansing. In production ethyl alcohol V industrial scale Instead of distillation, the rectification method is used to separate ethanol from fusel oils and aldehyde fractions, at home even moonshine made from sugar and yeast will have to be additionally purified from harmful components.

Braga, or mash, can be made from any starchy vegetables (potatoes, beets, peas), sugar-rich fruits and berries, grains, ready-made jam or starch. The classic recipe for making moonshine involves the use of pure sugar.. Equally important components are yeast and water.

From every kilogram of sugar you can get 1.1-1.2 liters ready drink. The yield of the final product is affected by compliance with the rules of distillation, in particular the temperature regime and the quality of the components used. For 1 kg of sugar you need to take 3.5 liters of water and 100 g of pressed or 20 g of dry yeast.

On average, to obtain 5 liters of ready-made 400 moonshine you will need:

  • 6 kg sugar;
  • 120 g dry or 600 g pressed yeast;
  • 21 liters of water (3 liters will be used to prepare the syrup);
  • 25 g citric acid.

Prepare clean dishes. It must first be doused with boiling water and wiped dry. In this way, all the utensils necessary for creating and storing the finished drink are prepared. This will protect the final product from foreign odors and tastes.

Different mash recipes differ in how they prepare sugar for the fermentation process. It can simply be dissolved in hot water or carry out the inversion process - the splitting of sucrose molecules into separate molecules of fructose and glucose. The splitting reaction is carried out at high temperature (not lower than 80°C) in the presence of a catalyst - citric acid. Inverted syrup is close in consistency and carbohydrate composition to natural honey.

Mash from inverted sugar syrup, despite the additional costs of its preparation, has a number of advantages.

The fermentation process in it proceeds faster, which contributes to the accumulation of fewer undesirable impurities in the final product - by-products vital activity of yeast. The use of invert syrup for saccharification of cereals or other products for wort helps to improve taste and other organoleptic qualities moonshine obtained from them. Preparing syrup at high temperatures helps purify raw materials from pathogenic microorganisms and fungi.

If mash recipes call for the use of crushed vegetables or fruits rich in polysaccharides, sugar inversion is carried out separately to avoid the formation of a toxic substance from hemicellulose - furfural, which irritates the skin and mucous membranes.

Prepare the syrup as follows:

  1. 3 liters of water must be heated to a temperature of 80°C (it is advisable to use a thermometer for control).
  2. Sugar must be added gradually, stirring constantly.
  3. After the sugar has completely dissolved, the syrup is brought to a boil and cooked for 10 minutes.
  4. Injected into the syrup citric acid. Cook over low heat for another 1 hour.

Water preparation

Water quality has great importance For organoleptic properties ready drink. It is best to use filtered water. The tap liquid must first be allowed to settle for 1-2 days to free it from residual chlorine and reduce the hardness index. Spring, well or melt water is well suited for home brewing.

Boiling water is strictly prohibited. The fermentation process is caused by special cultures of fungi; single-celled organisms consume glucose and release carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. Boiling destroys the oxygen in the water and yeast cannot thrive in it.

Water is poured into the pan through a thin tube so as not to disturb the sediment.

Yeast preparation

Before adding to the mash, the yeast must be prepared. The pressed product is pre-kneaded by hand. It can be placed directly into the prepared liquid or first dissolved in a small amount of warm diluted syrup.

Dry yeast is activated by dissolving in diluted syrup, heated to a temperature of +33...+37°C. The container is wrapped and left in a warm room for 25-30 minutes until a uniform dense foam appears. After this, the mixture can be used.

The process of making sugar mash

Ready-made moonshine has characteristic features, including:

  1. Specific smell of alcohol.
  2. Lightening due to precipitation.
  3. Disappearance of signs of fermentation (gas bubbles no longer appear in the water seal).
  4. Bitter taste (the process of converting sugar into alcohol is completely completed).
  5. A burning match over an open mash does not go out.
  6. The hydrometer reading should not exceed 2.5%. Otherwise, it is necessary to continue fermentation, for which yeast is added to the mixture again.

The finished mash is poured through a tube so as not to disturb the sediment. Then it is heated to 50°C, after which it is poured into a clean glass container. For additional lightening, you can use bentonite (a clay mineral). For every 10 l finished mash add 1-1.5 tbsp. l. bentonite. The clay must first be diluted in a glass of warm water and allowed to swell until a creamy mass is formed. Bentonite is poured into a container with mash, shaken vigorously and left for a day. After this procedure, you can make moonshine.

Some mash recipes involve adding spices, herbs and other components to it before distillation to enhance the taste and aroma of the finished drink. In addition, for additional cleaning, you can pour whole milk into the mash: 1 liter for every 5 liters of alcohol-containing mass. In this case, after the first distillation, the raw material may have a whitish tint.


The classic recipe for moonshine involves double distillation.

First stage

As the alcohol-containing mixture is heated, the liquid evaporates. The various components of the mash have different temperatures boiling, and therefore do not evaporate simultaneously. Water and most harmful impurities are evaporated at temperatures of 100°C and above, while distillation of alcohol begins at 78.3°C. This is why it is so important to control the distillation temperature. The temperature of the solution should not exceed 98°C.

During the distillation process, the mixture is divided into fractions. The first and last portions contain toxic substances such as acetic and other aldehydes, ethyl formic and acetic methyl ethers, methyl alcohol. In this regard, the first distillation is divided into 3 stages:

  1. 1 faction - “cutting off heads”. The volume of the fraction is determined at the rate of 50 g per kilogram of sugar. IN in this case this is 300 ml. This is the so-called technical alcohol, consuming it internally is dangerous to health.
  2. Fraction 2 - “body”. After collecting the first portion of moonshine, it is advisable to change the outlet tube, as well as the cooler and reservoir. At this stage of the process it is important to strictly control the strength of the product. Immediately after reducing the strength below 40% vol. the tank needs to be replaced.
  3. 3rd faction - “tail”. This portion of moonshine contains little alcohol, but many undesirable impurities, including fusel oil.

Cleaning procedure

After the first distillation, moonshine made from sugar and yeast, like any other, needs to be cleaned.

The most popular method. To do this, add potassium permanganate to the moonshine until a slightly pink solution is obtained and leave it for several days until a black precipitate forms. The drink purified in this way must be filtered through several layers of cotton wool.

Another simple way to purify moonshine is to use activated carbon during the distillation process, for which it is placed in a funnel.

Prepare the funnel in advance:

  1. Cover the drain hole with a layer of gauze, onto which sprinkle chopped Activated carbon and place under dripping moonshine.
  2. After distillation, the drink can be filtered again through a layer of gauze with sorbent.
  3. Coal can be placed in a container with moonshine for several days at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of drink and stir daily, strain before use.

You can clean moonshine with milk. Many people like this method because of its simplicity and absolute naturalness. You can use any milk: homemade, store-bought, even dry. What is more important is the fat content of the product, it should be minimal, otherwise the output will be the same cloudy moonshine, which appears in jokes. Although if you plan to re-distill the drink, then this does not matter; in the end it will be transparent. The purification is based on the ability of the protein molecules casein and albumin to establish strong compounds with the molecules of fusel oils and other impurities harmful to humans and precipitate.

For 10 liters of raw materials, 150-250 ml of milk will be required, the liquids are combined, mixed, and the container is covered. Moonshine should sit for 7 days, the first five of which must be stirred or shaken daily. After the end of the cleaning period, the moonshine is carefully drained so as not to stir up the flakes at the bottom, and the remaining liquid is filtered through a layer of cotton wool

Second stage

Repeated distillation allows you to obtain high-quality moonshine, purifying it from fusel oils and harmful impurities. It turns out crystal clear and has no unpleasant odor, characteristic of raw materials. It can be used in pure form or use for making homemade liqueurs, tinctures and other alcoholic “delicacies”.

Before re-distillation, the raw material is diluted clean water to a strength of 20% vol., place it in a cube and distill in the same way as the first time.

It is necessary to dilute the raw material:

  • Firstly, if you skip this step or pour in little water, you can get an explosion and fire in the room caused by ignition of vapors.
  • Secondly, the high strength of the liquid makes the molecular bond of ethyl alcohol and fusel oils more stable, and the resulting pure product impossible, the meaning of the whole procedure is lost.

For the second distillation, the sequence of combining liquids is relevant. First, you should pour water into the container, and then alcohol, otherwise the final product will turn out cloudy. In fact, the process of secondary distillation is identical to the first, the difference is only in the amount of output, it will be noticeably higher. There are three fractions in re-distilled moonshine:

  1. Head. Formulated with Methanol & Vinegar to internal use It is absolutely not suitable, since it causes poisoning rather than intoxication. It can be used to ignite a fire or for technical needs. Occupies about 7-12% of the total output volume. It is easy to identify the head by smell; a drop of liquid is rubbed on the hand; if the smell of acetone is no longer present, you can collect what is suitable for drinking.
  2. Moonshine body, then for the sake of which everything happens, about 80% of the volume. Verified by arson, the second faction burns with a blue flame.
  3. Tails. At this stage, the alcohol strength decreases and the content of fusel oils increases. It is not advisable to drink them, but you should not throw them away either. A third fraction can be added to the mash to increase the strength. The tails are cut off at a strength of 45-40° and below.

Further distillations

There is no clear opinion on whether it is worth distilling moonshine for the third time. It is believed that if after the second procedure the alcohol was purified with charcoal, then this is quite enough. But if it was used to remove harmful components vegetable oil or milk, then the third cleaning will help get rid of foreign impurities. The process repeats the sequence of the second distillation.

Here the head will be about 3-4%, and the strength of the main fraction is 60-75°, it should then be diluted to the required alcohol content with water. In principle, the distillation procedure can be repeated an unlimited number of times, but after the third, little changes in the composition of the drink, it turns out to be quite pure and that’s it. next times almost meaningless.

Moonshine made from sugar and yeast is sometimes mixed with whole milk at the rate of 100 g per 5 liters of raw material. After the milk has curdled, the drink is filtered and considered ready for drinking. Nevertheless, the second distillation more reliably cleans moonshine from unwanted impurities and fusel oils than milk.

Distillate from grains or fruits does not need to be further purified; this will remove pleasant aroma. But if you put herbs or citrus peels in the steamer, this will, on the contrary, improve the smell. Aromatization should be done only after the release of the head has ended and the main fraction has begun to flow.

Moonshining ends with dilution finished product water to the desired strength. To improve taste, it is recommended to infuse before use. ready-made moonshine for 3 days in a dark, cool room.

Connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages will certainly not ignore such a well-known drink as moonshine. After all, moonshine can be considered classic drink, which you can prepare yourself, and its taste can be very diverse and it will meet the requirements of even the most demanding gourmets. Knowing the intricacies of the process and the characteristics of the composition will help you avoid mistakes.

Sugar mash

Braga, made from sugar and yeast, is considered the most popular alcoholic drink among Russian residents, and there are many varieties of it.

However, the process of its preparation should begin by studying some sufficient simple recommendations, which will allow you to obtain mash of the highest quality, free of foreign tastes and odors, and also characterized by absolute transparency, which should also be considered an important advantage of this drink.

Since it is often the presence of a foreign odor that is considered the main defect of home-made moonshine. it is precisely getting rid of it that should be considered a priority task before starting the moonshine process.

To ensure that the resulting sugar mash is aromatic, does not disappoint with its taste and does not require secondary purification, the following rules for preparing for the main process should be followed:

  • All containers that are required in the process of producing mash must be perfectly clean. Don't be lazy, rinse with hot water sufficient quantity detergent all the pots, bottles and basins in which you plan to produce the mash, and you will be sure that it is your moonshine that will pleasantly surprise everyone whom you decide to pamper with your own prepared drink;
  • after thorough rinsing, the container should be wiped with a clean cloth - this will also ensure that the resulting product is of the highest quality and has no foreign odor or taste;
  • strict adherence to the quantities of all components - this condition must also be observed as accurately as possible, since it is their ratio that makes the drink itself rich, having a clearly defined taste and smell.

Today, moonshine lovers are presented with many of the most different recipes, which may differ both in the constituent components, their quantity and ratio, and in the stages and their sequence in the process of preparing moonshine. The recipe for moonshine may vary depending on the place where it is made, the characteristics of the culture, and even natural conditions region where it is planned to start making mash.

Classic technology for making mash from sugar and yeast: amount of initial ingredients

Moonshine at home, which is prepared according to classical technology, it turns out to be of the highest quality, has no unnecessary odor or unpleasant taste, but is distinguished by unique transparency and is pleasant to the taste, made from the following components:

  1. granulated sugar - 6 kg;
  2. citric acid in the amount of 25 grams;
  3. preferably purified drinking water - 18 liters;
  4. yeast - dry 120 grams or compressed yeast 600 grams.

From the listed amount of ingredients you will get about 5 liters surprisingly delicious moonshine, and the resulting forty-degree drink will be delicious.

Classic mash recipe at home

The classic recipe has a number of specific features that are used when using any number of components and their combinations. The technology for producing mash made from granulated sugar, carried out at home, is quite simple.

Let's take a closer look at what steps should be completed so that your work is not in vain, and your time and effort are not wasted.

Calculation of proportions

To obtain mash at home, you should first calculate the amount you want to receive.

For more accurate calculation necessary ingredients you need to know that 1.1 liters of forty degree drink will be obtained from 1 kg of sugar. However, it often happens that due to the not entirely correct amount of initial ingredients, errors in distillation technology and poor adherence to temperature conditions. For this reason, you should change the recipe for moonshine, and take 10 percent more of all components than recommended.

In order for homemade moonshine to have a pronounced taste, the following ratio of components should be observed: for 1 kg of granulated sugar, take 3.5 liters of high-quality purified water, preferably not tap water (half a liter is added when inverting sugar), as well as yeast in the amount of 100 g if yeast pressed, or 20 g when the yeast is dry.

Sugar inversion process

Inversion, which is the production of syrup from granulated sugar, allows for a more complete breakdown of glucose and destruction of pathogenic microorganisms by raising the temperature. After all, it is microbes that worsen the taste of the resulting mash and at the same time can cause its spoilage.

Also, with the help of inversion, the fermentation process is improved, which greatly facilitates the work of the yeast, and also allows for more complete mixing of all components. And although many recipes only suggest stirring sugar in water, inversion is considered the most preferable option for producing high-quality moonshine.

The inversion process consists of several stages:

  • heating water - its temperature should be about 80°C;
  • 6 kg of sugar is poured into three liters of heated water;
  • the syrup is then quickly brought to boiling point, and after 10 minutes 25 g of citric acid should be added to it;
  • After this, the syrup is boiled again for 1 hour.

Water - quality requirements

Since it is water that is the basis of mash, the moonshine recipe will be most successful when high-quality water was used: not hard, without any foreign taste or smell.

This can be achieved if the preparation of moonshine is based on purchased high-quality purified water. If tap water is used, then it should be collected in large containers, first left for several days and then carefully drained, leaving the resulting sediment at the bottom.

The process of mixing the constituent components

After receiving the sugar syrup, it is poured into a container in which fermentation will take place. Water is added to the syrup room temperature with constant active stirring. The final temperature of the mixture should be about 27°C.

After mixing the syrup and water, the resulting homogeneous mixture should not occupy more than 3/4 of the maximum volume of the container used, since during subsequent fermentation the foam may overflow.

Pitching Yeast

For a more active action, the yeast should first be kneaded with your hands, placed in a small container with warm water, then left for a small amount of time (about 10 minutes) - this is necessary to start the fermentation process. This applies to compressed yeast.

Dry yeast should also be pre-soaked in warm boiled water, left until maximum dissolution, and then wrapped and placed in a warm time. After about 40 minutes, a stable cap of foam appears on the surface - this is an indication that the yeast is active and the fermentation process has begun.

If, when using dry baker's yeast too active foaming occurs, you should add a small amount of cookies to the container to activate the yeast: this will not negatively affect the quality of the mash. Moonshine at home will now retain its excellent qualities and delight you with its excellent taste.

Fermentation process

Next, moonshine brewing at home continues by transferring the filled containers to a room where a constant temperature is maintained, the most optimal for the active work of yeast is 25-30 ° C. The use of invert sugar allows you to obtain mash with pleasant taste and caramel smell.

The containers in which fermentation occurs must first be equipped with water seals. Also, to maintain a constant temperature, containers are wrapped in warm clothes (blankets, fur coats, building insulating materials), and an aquarium temperature maintainer can also be used.

The duration of fermentation is about 3-11 days, most often the end of this process is observed already on days 5-8. Shaking containers with mash after 10-12 hours allows you to speed up the process and also remove excess gas from the mixture.

  • the process of foam formation stops;
  • a lit match brought to the table does not go out;
  • there is an alcohol smell;
  • the resulting liquid tastes bitter, which indicates the end of the transition of sugar into alcohol.

The integrated use of the listed signs can help you avoid making mistakes in determining the readiness of the mash.

Lightening the mash

Using natural white clay, or bentonite, allows you to lighten the resulting mash and eliminate excess carbon dioxide.

To do this, the mash is drained from the yeast sediment and then heated. Heat allows you to kill the remaining living yeast.

Now the mash is poured back into the container, bentonite is added to it and the resulting mash is clarified. Bentonite is first crushed using a coffee grinder, then mixed with water at a low temperature until the consistency of liquid sour cream is formed and the resulting mixture is poured into the mash. Intensive mixing allows the best way clean and make the mash transparent. Next, the mash is left completely alone for 25-30 hours.

Pour the cleaned mash into a container; the sediment should not be poured into the sewer, as it can harden and turn into a hard-to-break cement plug that is difficult to remove and creates serious problems in the sewer.

The process of obtaining moonshine

Moonshine at home is distilled from the resulting and purified mash, which is ready for use. To do this you must also follow a certain sequence actions.

First distillation

This process is to extract as much alcohol as possible.

To do this, the clarified mash is poured into a distillation cube, the fire is turned on low, and individual fractions are separated. The first of them, “head”, is 50 ml and is the most harmful to health. It can be used strictly for technical purposes.

Sugar mash is not a particularly difficult drink to prepare. It can be easily prepared at home even by a beginner. It is only important to follow the sequence of actions and proportions of the components included in the recipe. If you have no experience in cooking, it is recommended to find suitable recipe mash from sugar and strictly adhere to it.

Follow a few simple rules, in this case you can get a good result, even if you have not prepared such drinks before. The first of the rules for receiving quality products- maintaining cleanliness. Both the container in which the sugar mash will be made and the room where the process takes place must be clean. Another important point - right choice yeast. Indoors during the maturation of the drink should be maintained desired temperature. If it is higher than 35 °C, the yeast will die and nothing will work.

How to put mash

It is worth carefully studying mash recipes before choosing one of them to use. There is nothing complicated in the process itself, but different opinions may arise regarding the proportions. The quality and taste of the drink will depend on them, and the preferences of those who are going for moonshine or for drinking may be different.

When making mash for moonshine from sugar using the accelerated method, the amount of yeast will need to be increased. But you should not abuse them - this may affect the quality of the product. If the mash is allowed to infuse for two weeks, with the usual amount of yeast you will get a fairly clear and clean drink. All you have to do is carefully pour the liquid into another container so as not to stir up the sediment and leave it in the container.

The simplest mash recipe for moonshine includes available ingredients. It is only important to maintain the proportions in order to get the right composition. After purchased necessary experience, you can change the number of components according to your own taste. While it is not there, it is better to use proven recipes.

The classic sugar mash recipe includes the following components:

  • water;
  • sugar;
  • yeast.

Often a certain amount of raw potatoes is added to the composition.

The proportions for preparing the drink are determined depending on what you want to get in the end. If you are going to make mash for moonshine, the ratio will be one, if you are preparing drinking mash, it will be different. The components are calculated depending on the desired strength of the drink you are going to get.

For example, if you are going to make moonshine from sugar for 10 liters of the final drink with a strength of 45 °C, prepare the following products:

  1. sugar - 8 kg;
  2. raw potatoes - 3 pieces;
  3. raw pressed yeast - 0.5 kg;
  4. water - 20 l.

The composition can be changed depending on tastes. Many lovers homemade moonshine choose the ratio of ingredients not 3: 1, but 4: 1, when for the same 8 kg of sugar you take 800 g of yeast and 32 liters of water. This does not make the preparation of sugar mash more complicated, and the quality of the drink does not decrease. But the specific volume of the product that will be distilled is increasing. Distilling sugar mash in such quantities at one time is impossible at home.

To prepare mash with yeast for drinking, you can use the following recipe:

  • water - 16 l;
  • yeast - 400 g;
  • sugar - 3.4 kg.

The yield is 20 liters of drink.

To obtain high-quality mash from sugar, observe next rule: Do not take boiled water, but at the same time it is necessary that it be clean.

Before preparing the drink, stock up on all the ingredients and measure them carefully. When adding sugar, stir the liquid continuously - this helps avoid crystallization. Yeast is added after sugar. Take water with a temperature of no more than 24 °C. Grate a couple of peeled raw potatoes and also add them to the mash preparation. But not everyone includes this component in their composition.

After completing all the steps, cover the container with the future mash with a lid. Its fit to the edge of the container should not be tight.

How to select yeast

Before you install the mash, you need to correctly select and prepare the components for it. Without good yeast mash will not work. They are microorganisms that can live in water and use sugar for nutrition. As a result of their vital activity, carbon dioxide and alcohol are formed. To create microorganisms favorable conditions for existence, during the fermentation process, you can feed sugar mash.

It is better to use pressed raw yeast, but if you don’t have it, you can use dry yeast. But not everyone understands how to correctly calculate the proportions in this case. The amount of yeast is generally calculated as 1:5. Dry ones have a slightly longer shelf life than raw ones, and less quantity is required. If you use 8 kg of sugar to make mash, you will need approximately 150 g of dry yeast in powder form.

Before making mash, such yeast should be filled with lukewarm water. For 150 g of powder you will need 0.5 liters. Stir the resulting mixture until the granules are completely dissolved. Then the starter is infused for about an hour and then poured into a container where the mash is started.

The use of such yeast allows you to obtain a drink that is almost in no way inferior to the one prepared according to classic recipe. But when bringing it to readiness, incidents may occur that require immediate action.

How does the fermentation process work?

Proper preparation of all ingredients will ensure that you receive good result. But you should not rely only on careful calculation - during preparation, mash can behave unpredictably, so careful control must be established over it.

If your mash begins to foam heavily, do not close the vessel with a lid under any circumstances - it will be blown off by the accumulated gases, and the drink may spoil. Keep milk or vegetable oil nearby for such cases. When foam appears, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of oil to the container. During fermentation, this operation will have to be performed more than once.

Watch the cooking process carefully. In most cases, foam begins to form about a day after mixing all the components in the vessel. There is no need to remove it manually. 3-4 days after mixing, the mash will calm down a little. Now you can pour more water into it and move it to a warmer place, where you need to maintain a temperature of 28–35 °C. The fermentation process will continue. At this stage, the container can be closed more tightly, but this no longer affects the quality of the product.

A week later, the process of clarifying the drink begins. The lighter it is, the greater the degree of readiness. You can taste it after a week or 10 days. If a sweetish taste is noted, everything is mixed and left for a few more days. The answer to the question of how long the mash ferments depends on the conditions in which the starter is contained. Fermentation can last 7–13 days. If the mash has acquired a bitter taste, this means that it is ready.

Containers for mash: which is better

For getting quality drink The choice of container is also quite important. In former times, mash was often placed in large glass bottles, aluminum flasks. Today, many special containers of different sizes are offered for storing products.

Before purchasing a container, make sure it is suitable for storing food. If you are about to make your first distillation, but plan to do this constantly in the future, choose an aluminum container with a volume of 40 liters. Such a vessel is suitable for distilling 30 liters of mash.

Braga made from sugar can stand in such a container for a long time without turning sour.
