DIY cakes - just like ordering: the secrets of sugar mastic. An exquisite dessert with a filling hidden by mastic and which cannot be guessed by appearance - options for using cakes and creams under mastic

We'll look at making a cake with fondant! Cooking mastic is an excellent edible and decorative material used for cakes, muffins and regular pies. Baking products, for which mastic was used to decorate, are transformed into a real work of art, which is so perfect and beautiful that it is simply a pity to eat them. Today there are a huge number of recipes using which you can prepare amazing cake under mastic. Using our tips, you can actually make cake mastic with your own hands.

So, it is quite possible to purchase ready-made mastic in a store, or to make it yourself, it all depends on the choice and desire of the housewife. But you should definitely know that there are some types of mastic mass. However, you should know that powdered sugar, sugar, or soft marshmallows are always used as the base. and the binding components are glucose and gelatin.

For covering the cake with mastic, recipe

Pour 15 g of gelatin into 45 g of water, leave for min. 10 (gelatin, does not require long soaking), set to water bath, add 125 ml of liquid honey (glucose, invert syrup, corn syrup). Sift 700g of powdered sugar into a bowl. Make a hole in the powder. Pour the hot mixture into the middle and knead like dough. The finished mastic should be slightly sticky. In this state, wrap it with film and leave it for a couple of hours.

Marshmallow mastic is very easy to prepare. It is identical to kneading dough and always works.

If needed to cover the cake:

  • 200 g marmushki,
  • 50 g drain oil,
  • about 400 g of powder and
  • half tsp lemon juice

put it in the microwave for about a minute and 10 seconds (mine has a power of 800 kW) it will grow in volume and become soft. Powdered sugar should be as fine as flour, pour it through a sieve onto the dough balls, stirring constantly; when it becomes too difficult to stir, pour everything onto the board on which the powdered sugar is poured and do exactly as you knead the dough one by one, only here instead flour - powder: mix thoroughly, if it is viscous and sticky, add powder little by little and so on until you get a piece that looks like elastic dough. Place it in a bag and let it rest for a little while, at least half an hour, to make the structure uniform so that it sets.

Next, roll out and tighten the cake. If you need mastic for sculpting figures, do not add oil, you can add CMC to the sugar powder - just a little bit, otherwise it will harden quickly. In general, it’s better to sculpt figures when the mastic has been in the refrigerator for at least a night.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the varieties existing species homemade mastic for the cake.

Marshmallow mastic

Marshmallows are an English-American sweet. They have nothing in common with our marshmallows, although the name “marshmallow” is often translated into Russian as “marshmallow”. Marshmallow fondant is very pleasant to work with. She takes it easy the required form and does not stick to your hands, rolls out well and is painted evenly.

When you buy candy, the name doesn't have to be "Marshmallows." It is enough that the name contains the combination “..mallows..” or “..mallow..””. For example, “Chamallows”, “Frutmallows”, “Mallow-Mix”, “Mini Mallows”, “Banana Mallows”, etc. In Russia, marshmallows are produced by the Nestlé company - “Bon Pari, Tutti-frutti soufflé” and “Bon Pari soufflé”.

Two ways to make marshmallow mastic

  • Method 1:
    marshmallows - 90-100g (one pack of marshmallows)
    lemon juice or water - ~1 tbsp. spoon
    powdered sugar - ~1-1.5 cups.


  1. Marshmallows are most often sold in more than one color.
  2. It's best to buy marshmallows white.
  3. Divide the marshmallows by color - place the white halves in one bowl and the pink halves in another. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice or water to marshmallows of the same color and heat in microwave oven(10-20 seconds) or in a water bath until increased in volume.
  4. If you want to tint the mastic with food coloring, it is better to add it after you have taken the swollen and melted marshmallows out of the microwave. At this point you need to add the dye and mix the mass well with a spoon.
  5. Then add sifted powdered sugar in portions and stir the mixture with a spoon or spatula.
  6. When it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, pour the mixture onto the sprinkled powdered sugar table and continue kneading with your hands until the mastic stops sticking to your hands.
  7. Wrap the resulting mastic in cling film(the film should fit tightly on all sides to the mastic so that air does not get inside the bag) and put in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
  8. Remove the finished mastic from the refrigerator, place it on a table sprinkled with starch and roll out thinly.
  9. From the finished mastic you can make various figures, flowers, leaves, or cover the cake with a thinly rolled mastic sheet.

Method 2
— marshmallow — 100 g
butter- 1 tbsp.
- powdered sugar - 200-300 g (you may need more or less powder)
food colorings.

  1. Preparation:
    Place the marshmallows in a mold, add butter, and microwave for 15-20 seconds.
    The marshmallow should increase in volume.
    Add 50-100 g of powdered sugar, mix.
  2. If you make colored figures, divide the resulting mass and add food coloring.
    Add powdered sugar until you get a mass similar in consistency to plasticine.
  3. The mastic is ready. You can roll it out and cut out various shapes.
  4. Finished products are dried within 24 hours.
  5. Finished products should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  6. If you have any unused mastic left, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.
  7. If the cake is covered with cream, then it should be decorated with mastic products before serving.

Chocolate mastic, recipe

It molds perfectly and takes the desired shape, and at the same time it’s also very tasty!


  • Dark chocolate- 100 g
  • — Marshmallow (color does not matter) - 90 g
  • — Cream (30%) - 40 ml
  • — Butter - 1/2-1 tbsp. l.
  • — Cognac - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • — Powdered sugar - 90-120 g

Chocolate mastic recipe

  1. Place the chocolate broken into pieces into a saucepan and place over low heat.
  2. Melt completely.
  3. Without removing the saucepan from the heat, add marshmallows to the melted chocolate and constantly mix the mixture well with a spoon.
  4. When about half of the marshmallows have melted, pour in the cream, add butter and cognac.
  5. Stir continuously until a homogeneous thick liquid mass is obtained.
  6. Remove from heat.
  7. Constantly stirring with a spoon, gradually add sifted powdered sugar.
  8. When the mass turns out to be too thick and elastic and it is no longer convenient to stir with a spoon, do it with your hands.
  9. Add powdered sugar until the mixture feels like warm, tight, elastic dough.
  10. It does not stick to your hands at all - on the contrary - your hands remain clean, but greasy.
  11. Roll the mixture into a ball and place on baking paper.
  12. The mastic is ready.
  13. It turns out barely warm, very soft and tender.
  14. You can store it tightly closed in the refrigerator before next use Warm slightly in the microwave.

Honey mastic. Such cake mastic, as the name suggests, is made from honey; it is much more elastic and softer than sugar, making it easy to sculpt various figures and decorative details for decorating a cake. Honey mastic will never crumble or crumble.

Gelatin mastic, which is also called pastilage. The basis for gelatin mastic is gelatin, thanks to which the mastic quickly hardens and becomes strong and acquires elasticity. This version of mastic allows you to make small parts high degree difficulties. For example, petals, stamens and leaves of small flowers, small details of characters’ clothing, or decorative items. An example would be a wedding cake made from mastic, on which the smallest details would be appropriate when decorating. Quite often it is on wedding cakes They use lace decorations, which gives the product a rich and chic appearance.

Milk mastic refers to one of the most popular and sought-after types of mastic. Condensed milk is used to make milk mastic. This mastic is suitable for covering the cake itself, or for sculpting all kinds of medium-sized figures.

Marzipan mastic has enough soft consistency, making real mastic suitable for rolling out in a very thin layer, reaching only a few millimeters. It is the marzipan variety that is ideal for decorating cakes with mastic, flawlessly covering the surface like a pie. so is the cake. With all this, do not forget that it is impossible to make various figures and inscriptions from it, for the reason that it contains almonds.

Industrial mastic. Distinctive feature similar mastic for cake is a fact. that it is almost impossible to make at home; it is formed exclusively under production conditions. The emphasis is on the versatility of such mastic. It is perfect for covering a cake, as well as for making and sculpting various decorations for confectionery masterpieces. In terms of taste and appearance, industrial mastic is virtually indistinguishable from homemade mastic.

Flower mastic is an excellent option for “fine jewelry” creations, creating exquisite flowers from mastic is unique. It is possible to cut out petals, thin leaves and other miniature details from the mass of floral mastic. Such products will look natural, natural and, what is important, will not lose their original appearance and shape.

Now that we have dealt with the types of mastic, I propose to find out how to make mastic for a cake with your own hands, because having mastered the real skill, you will be able to make cakes from mastic yourself, putting all your imagination and ingenuity into it.

Milk mastic for cake

First, let's begin a more detailed acquaintance with milk mastic. Milk mastic for cake, the recipe is very accessible and not complicated. Let us emphasize right away this type mastic is quite simple to prepare and much more convenient to use.

I really liked the recipe, it’s quick and simple, the result is good (I can’t compare it with store-bought mastic, I’ve never seen it up close): powdered milk, powdered sugar, condensed milk - 2:2:1.

For 1 cake: 1 can of condensed milk, 1.5 cups of milk powder, dyes + powdered sugar.

The downside is that you can’t paint on it; the paint bleeds. But it can easily be painted with dyes + fits perfectly on a biscuit on butter cream

Mix equal amounts of powdered sugar and milk powder, then add sweet condensed milk (1:1:1). Then thoroughly knead the resulting mass to the consistency of softened plasticine. If desired, you can tint the mastic slightly using food coloring. Now you can start sculpting leaves, various berries, all kinds of flowers, animals and other things.

The finished sculpture must be dried. It is possible to roll out the milk mastic into a layer, the thickness of which should not exceed 1-2 mm, and cut out the shapes using any notch or a knife. It’s a good idea to roll out mastic on cling film, and periodically crush the mastic itself with powdered sugar. Provided that if you decide to cut snow-white flowers, then it is more rational to use gelatin mastic.

Gelatin mastic

Gelatin mastic is demanding to prepare; as the masters say, you need to learn to feel it. You will need 10 g of gelatin and 10 tablespoons of water and 900 g of powdered sugar. Gelatin should be soaked for approximately 40-60 minutes, heated in a water bath, and then cooled.

Add powdered sugar little by little to liquid and cooled gelatin and mix well. Flowers made from real mastic, such as tulips, are especially beautiful. To do this, mastic tinted in the desired color should be rolled out into a thin layer, periodically dusting with powdered sugar. After this, tear off small pieces and give the mastic the shape of a petal with the help of an ordinary teaspoon (several spoons will be needed). After covering the spoon with mastic on the inside, remove what is unnecessary. The petal is ready, you need to let it dry, and at this time we move on to the next one. Already directly on the cake we combine the petals into a bud. Tint the remaining mastic green and cut out leaves from it. Children's cakes made from mastic are especially impressive; here you can give full rein to your imagination.

Mastic should be colored almost every time it is prepared. Before you make mastic for a cake at home, you should first think about how to decorate the cake with mastic. You need to think about the color shades that you will need for decoration. The best moment adding dyes during preparation, since the colors will be more even than when coloring a ready-made mass.

Provided that if coloring is carried out after making the mastic, then initially a small ball is rolled out of it, a small depression is made in it, a few drops of food coloring are placed inside, then mixed until a uniform shade is achieved and the resulting piece must be wrapped in polyethylene to avoid premature drying .

Storage of finished mastic or figurines made from it reaches a period not exceeding three months, and it is recommended to prepare individual parts approximately two weeks before the appointed holiday so that they dry well enough and do not lose their original shape. Nowadays you can find any video on the Internet; mastic cakes are no exception. To learn how to decorate a cake with fondant professionally, this will require sufficient skill and it will take some time to comprehend this art.

The necessary skills come to everyone only with experience. For novice housewives, the pages of culinary sites have a huge number of unique recipes mastic cake step by step. How large quantity cakes are made, the more neat and delightful the appearance your subsequent work will acquire.

On the Internet, it is quite possible to borrow recipes and tips for competently making mastic cakes; photos will help you quickly master the real science. The most important thing is to have patience and, of course, desire, and you will certainly succeed!

There are quite frequent cases when craftswomen have made beautiful cake with mastic, the recipe with photos is posted on the pages of a culinary website and receives well-deserved recognition. Perhaps after some time you will make a masterpiece cake from mastic, the master class will become your calling card.

Condensed milk mastic, recipe with photo

— condensed milk – 150 gr.;
- powdered sugar - one glass;
– lemon juice – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
powdered milk or dry cream - 1-1.5 glasses, sometimes more is required - control the consumption yourself, you will feel when it is enough.

1. Mix milk powder or cream with powdered sugar in a deep bowl.
2. Pour in condensed milk and mix everything with a spoon.
3. Sprinkle the work surface with powdered sugar.
4. Then put the mixture on it and knead until the mastic mass stops sticking to your hands.
Tip #1: If the mastic mass sticks to your hands, add potato starch to it. It can also partially replace powdered sugar, then the mastic will not be cloyingly sweet.
Tip #2: To ensure that the mastic does not dry out during storage and is elastic and beautiful, add a few drops of glycerin to it.
5. Now you can start sculpting various figures and elements. To do this, sprinkle a little powdered sugar on the work surface and roll out the mastic.

TIP #1: In order to make the mastic multi-colored, divide the mastic mass into parts and add the color you need to each part food coloring. Often, to get green, I use regular green paint, to get beige and brown, I use cocoa powder, and to get pink, I use berry syrup Pink colour.
TIP #2: If the mastic sticks to your hands and is still too soft in consistency, then you should not sprinkle it big amount powdered sugar and mix thoroughly again. The mastic should resemble plasticine in its properties and be firm, but elastic.
TIP #3: If you want to use this mastic to decorate cakes, then make these decorations in advance so that they have time to dry before serving, but they should dry wrapped in film or simply covered with a lid.
TIP #4: You can store the mastic in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film, and when you need it, take it out and sculpt whatever you want, and if there is any left, you can put it in the refrigerator again. After you take the mastic out of the refrigerator, let it lie in film at room temperature for about 20-30 minutes, so it will become softer and more pliable.
Condensed milk mastic is ready!

Sponge cake with mastic “Case with money”- This good gift husband, father or just a loved one. Cake symbolizing prosperity and sweet life. The cake is very high in calories and expensive in terms of ingredients. But we don’t feel sorry for anything for our loved ones! One hundred grams of cake contains 408 kilocalories. The cake made from the specified amount of ingredients weighs more than three kilograms.

Ingredients: For one sponge cake (there are two cakes in total, therefore the volume of products doubles):

  • Eggs – yolks from 6 eggs
  • Cream 23% fat – 230 g.
  • Self-raising flour for cakes 300 g.
  • Baking powder for dough – 12 g.
  • Butter – 300 g.
  • Sugar – 300 g.
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife
  • Vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon

For cream:

  • White chocolate - 300 g.
  • Mascarpone cream cheese – 340 g.
  • Butter – 170 g.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.

To decorate the cake you will need:

  1. kilogram of white mastic
  2. brown food coloring
  3. Vodka – 2 teaspoons (to make the paint shine)
  4. Condurin gold color (for painting locks)
  5. And most importantly, money printed on rice paper using a food printer. Three 100 euro notes.

Cake with fondant “Case with money” - recipe

  1. Mix the yolks for one cake with four tablespoons of cream and vanilla extract. Set the remaining cream aside for now.
    Combine flour, baking powder and sugar in a food processor on low speed for 30 seconds.
    Cut very soft butter into small pieces.
    Increase the speed of the food processor and gradually add pieces of butter to the dry ingredient mixture, adding cream one tablespoon at a time.
    Beat everything for one and a half minutes. Then start adding the egg mixture.
    Mentally divide the mixture into three parts. Pour in one third of the egg mixture, beat it for 20 seconds, then pour in the second third of the mixture and beat for another 20 seconds.
    And finally, the last third of the mixture and the last twenty minutes of beating. That's it, the dough for one cake is ready.
  2. If you have two completely identical cake pans, you can immediately make double the amount of dough, then divide it in half and bake two cake layers in two pans. Unfortunately, I only have one mold, so I have to knead the dough twice and bake the cakes one at a time.
  3. Place the dough on the lined baking paper form.
  4. Bake the crust for 25-30 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 degrees.
  5. Do not remove the finished cake from the mold until it has cooled completely. Similarly, bake a second cake exactly the same. While the first cake is baking, you can prepare the cream. Melt in a water bath White chocolate, cool it to a temperature of forty degrees.
    Beat the Mascarpone cream cheese with a mixer, add the cooled white chocolate, continuing to beat the cheese at low speed. When the cheese and chocolate have cooled completely and become room temperature, continue beating at low speed, gradually adding very softened, room temperature butter. When the cakes have cooled, use a sharp serrated knife to cut off the edges, giving the cakes a clear rectangular shape. Cover the cakes with cream on all sides and put them in the refrigerator.
  6. Roll out white mastic into the layer To give a leather effect, make a tube out of cardboard and, changing the diameter of the tube, make many oval prints different sizes over the entire surface of the formation. When the cream on the cakes has hardened, take out one cake and place a layer of mastic on it. Cut off the excess mastic, leaving two centimeters of mastic and tucking the mastic under the cake layer. This will be the top part of our case.
  7. For the bottom cake, only the end parts need to be covered with mastic, while tucking two centimeters of mastic onto the top of the cake. This will be the bottom of the case. Place the cakes in the refrigerator. In the meantime, let's move on to the small details of the case. We need to make a handle and locks for the case. Cut out a handle according to the pattern from a layer of mastic.
  8. To imitate locks on a case, cut out two rectangles and two “T” shapes. Glue small peas of mastic onto the rectangles, brushing them with water from below. All details are ready. All that's left is to paint them.
  9. Cover all parts of the case locks with condurin, diluted with a drop of vodka. Leave all the parts to dry thoroughly.
    Paint the handle for the case brown food paint mixed with a small amount of vodka. Bend the small rectangles at the two ends of the handle so that they dry in this position. It is these rectangles that you will later glue to the case.
    All that remains is to assemble and paint the cake with fondant. Mix paint with vodka. Paint the cakes using a dishwashing sponge, dipping the end of it into the paint and applying the paint in broad strokes.
    Place the bottom crust on a plate. Place the top crust on top. If you damage the paint a little in the process. Touch up damaged areas. One banknote place on damp surface of top crust. Cut the two remaining bills into several pieces and insert them randomly between the cake layers, as if they were peeking out of a full case with money.
  10. Glue the rectangles onto the bottom cake, brushing the bottom part with water. If you are gluing them onto paint that has not yet dried, you do not need to moisten them with water.
  11. Glue T-shaped parts to the top layer, simulating case locks. All. The festive sponge cake with mastic “Case with money” is ready. All that remains is to dry it well.

Almost ten years have passed since cake ceased to be just delicious dessert, which is served for dessert and is the logical conclusion of the holiday. Nowadays, different decorative options using mastic allow you to create a culinary masterpiece. There is an opinion that such design is only possible for masters who have mastered the secrets of culinary art. Every housewife can create such a culinary work on her own; for this you will need minimal baking skills and knowledge of the basics of working with mastic. See recipes for delicious cakes and mastic creams below.

Which cake is suitable for mastic?

In order to get a beautiful, appetizing cake decorated with mastic, you must follow several rules when choosing a baking recipe, cream and design option. The appearance of the product and the taste of the dessert depend on all these factors. Experienced chefs, who have more than a dozen prepared original cakes decorated with mastic behind them, are advised to stick to following rules when creating a masterpiece:

  • Any cake can be used for the cake, for example, sponge cake, honey cake, shortbread or even soufflé.
  • The cream between the cakes can be completely different from sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese or condensed milk. But such options cannot be used under mastic, since it can melt and lose its appearance.
  • The following cream can be used as a base for mastic: butter cream, ganache, with marzipan or condensed milk. However, before you start decorating, the cake should be cooled until the top layer is completely hardened.
  • Before decorating, it is necessary to carefully level the top layer so that the product looks as neat and beautiful as possible.
  • Design theme finished product depends on who it is intended for: for a child - characters from fairy tales or cartoons; for a boy - cars, superheroes; girls cake will do with a Barbie doll; women will be happy with a dessert with flowers - roses, daisies; and for men, decor in the form of a barrel of honey, on the theme of fishing, cars, is suitable.

Step-by-step master classes on making a mastic cake

There are many recipes for cakes that can be decorated with fondant and can please not only taste qualities, but also give true aesthetic pleasure. Different variants cakes, cream, decoration provide the opportunity for every housewife to create a culinary masterpiece to her taste. Below is a selection of delicious and simple recipes baking with mastic, which even novice cooks can easily handle.

Sponge cake

Classical basis any cake are sponge cakes, for the preparation of which the most affordable and simple products are used. The basis of the recipe a large number of eggs, which makes it possible to get fluffy, beautiful cakes without using baking powder or soda. Any mass can be used as a cream. Depending on individual preferences.

Biscuit ingredients:

  • Eight eggs.
  • 220 gr. granulated sugar.
  • Wheat flour – 250 grams.
  • 80 gr. butter

Instructions for preparing the biscuit:

  • Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and beat with a mixer until the mass increases significantly.
  • Sift wheat flour, add to the egg mixture, mix well.
  • Melt the butter, add to the dough - mix well.
  • Bake the dough, divided into two parts, in the oven.
  • Assemble the cake, smear it with the chosen cream, cover the top with mastic and decorate with figures from it.

Chocolate Cake Recipe

Taste chocolate cake Everyone will remember it for a long time, and the pleasant aftertaste of chocolate will still remind you of the most delicious dessert that you have ever tried. Such baked goods can be supplemented with icing and cream with chocolate, or any other filling option can be used for these purposes, and mastic and various figures and edible decorative elements from it can be used as decoration.

Products for cooking:

  • Cocoa – 30 grams.
  • One and a half cups of flour.
  • Baking powder – 1 teaspoon.
  • Eggs - four pieces.
  • One and a half glasses of sugar.
  • Butter – 225 grams.

Preparing chocolate sponge cake:

  1. Combine flour, baking powder and cocoa in one container, mix well.
  2. Add butter and eggs to the dry ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour two tablespoons of hot water, stir until all ingredients are completely combined.
  4. Divide the dough into several parts and bake the cakes in the oven.
  5. Smear chocolate biscuits cream to your liking, let it harden, after which you can start decorating culinary masterpiece mastic.

Cake with mastic soufflé

For decorating with mastic, cakes without baking are suitable, where one or several layers are occupied by a soufflé. Preparing such a dessert has several rules that should be followed: above and below jelly layer there must be a biscuit so that the culinary masterpiece keeps its shape; Do not allow the soufflé and mastic to come into contact, otherwise the latter will leak. There are many recipes tasty layer soufflé, with fruit, cottage cheese or the classic version - “ bird's milk" Let's consider one of the cooking options.

Biscuit ingredients:

  • Two hundred grams of wheat flour.
  • Granulated sugar – 160 grams.
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces.
  • Vanillin.

For the soufflé:

  • Gelatin – 20 grams.
  • Fruit yogurt – 400 ml.
  • Cream – 20 ml.
  • Fruits (peach, fresh or canned pineapple).

How to make a cake with mastic soufflé step by step:

  • To prepare the sponge cake, beat the eggs with the addition of vanillin and granulated sugar until white peaks form.
  • Add wheat flour, mix gently with a spoon from bottom to top to retain air bubbles - this will add fluffiness to the sponge cake.
  • Place on the bottom of the mold parchment paper, grease the container with oil and lay out the dough. Bake the biscuit at a temperature of 175-180 degrees for half an hour. Allow the workpiece to cool, then cut it in half.
  • To make a soufflé you need to: soak the gelatin to swell. Add sugar to yogurt, add gelatin and stir well.
  • Chop the berries and whip the cream into foam.
  • Add cream to cooled yogurt, mix well, add chopped fruit.
  • Place a biscuit on the bottom of the mold, then pour it in and place another cake layer on top. Let the cake harden completely.
  • Level the cake with buttercream and cover with fondant.

Honey cake recipe

The recipe for the Honey cake is known to many and is passed down in the family from one generation to another. In the standard version, the culinary product is decorated with cake crumbs, but modern craftswomen began to decorate the dessert with mastic, which makes it possible to decorate your favorite cake with amazing taste. in an original way, guided by your imagination or the wishes of the client.

To prepare the cakes you will need following ingredients:

  • Fresh, liquid honey - 2 tablespoons.
  • Two eggs.
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Two teaspoons of salt.
  • Margarine – one hundred grams.
  • Flour - 3 cups.

Ingredients of sour cream for “Medovik”:

  • Full-fat sour cream – 800 grams.
  • One glass of granulated sugar.
  • Butter – 250-350 grams (the amount depends on the fat content of sour cream).

Step-by-step preparation of the cream:

  • Mash the butter with a fork, add ¼ share of sugar and mix thoroughly. Gradually add the remaining granulated sugar, kneading it well until the two components are completely combined.
  • When the butter and sugar are completely combined, you need to gradually add sour cream 1-2 tablespoons at a time, mixing all the ingredients well.
  • The sour cream for spreading the cakes is ready.

Step-by-step preparation of cakes:

  • Place honey in a small container and melt over low heat. After boiling, add soda and mix thoroughly. Cook until caramel color appears.
  • Using a mixer, beat two eggs with a glass of sugar and pour into a container with caramelized honey. Add margarine to the resulting mixture and beat everything well with a mixer.
  • Put the pan back on the fire, add 1/3 of the flour, beat with a mixer. When the dough begins to thicken and heat up, remove the container from the heat and continue gradually adding flour, without stopping stirring.
  • Cool the dough in the refrigerator or cool room, for example, on the balcony. Divide everything into several parts, roll out and bake the cakes in the oven for five minutes at 200 degrees.
  • When all the cakes are baked, you need to let them cool a little and coat them sour cream(if an oil layer is used, the cakes must be soaked sugar syrup).
  • The cake for decorating with fondant is ready; the cook chooses the design option himself and it all depends on personal wishes.

A simple recipe for “Smetannik” cake

The recipe for “Smetannik” is known to many housewives, and everyone remembers its taste from childhood, when the shortage of food stimulated women to invent delicious desserts based on what was available. This cake fits well with mastic; the main thing is not to forget about the intermediate layer - a special cream, thanks to which the mastic will evenly and beautifully cover the culinary masterpiece.

Products for cooking:

  • Eggs – 3 pieces.
  • Kefir, sour cream - 1.5 cups.
  • One and a half glasses of sugar.
  • Flour – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Soda, vinegar for extinguishing.
  • Vanillin.
  • For the cream you will need sour cream and sugar.

Step-by-step preparation cake:

  1. Combine all the ingredients for making the dough in a deep container and mix well.
  2. The result batter Divide into 3 parts, into one of which add cocoa to give chocolate color and taste (2 tbsp.).
  3. Bake the cakes at an oven temperature of 200 degrees.
  4. For the cream, beat cream or heavy sour cream with granulated sugar.
  5. After the cake has cooled, cut it in half, spread it with cream, and let it sit.

Milk Girl Cake Recipe

Beautiful name easy, airy cake received thanks to condensed milk from Germany “Milchmädchen”. Easy to prepare refined taste and the ability to use for cakes various creams- all this became the main reasons why many housewives fell in love with the dessert. In modern culinary arts The Milk Girl cake recipe is used to prepare a dessert decorated with fondant.

Cake recipe and necessary ingredients:

  • A can of condensed milk.
  • Two chicken eggs.
  • A glass of flour.
  • A tablespoon of baking powder.

For cream:

  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Cream – 400 ml.

Preparing the cake:

  1. IN deep container add condensed milk and break the eggs. Beat the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  2. Gradually add baking powder and wheat flour - mix everything well.
  3. Draw the shape of the desired cake on the parchment and pour out some dough. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes. Bake all the cakes and let them cool slightly.
  4. Whip the cream with sugar for the cream and spread it over the cakes.
  5. The top of the culinary masterpiece should be covered with butter cream so that the mastic is evenly covered and holds well.

Cake "Pancho"

Many people with a sweet tooth know the amazing taste original cake"Pancho" and in cookbook Almost every housewife has a recipe for this dessert. Delicate taste, unusual design and the ability to make some adjustments to create new variations of the product. “Pancho” is ideal for decorating a mastic cake, for example, creating a dress for a Barbie doll.

Ingredients for the crust:

  • Chicken eggs - five pieces.
  • Sugar – one and a half glasses.
  • Cocoa – 4 tablespoons.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp. l.
  • Flour – 1.5 cups.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

For cream:

  • Sour cream or cream - 3 cups.
  • Sugar - one glass.

Step-by-step preparation:

  • Beat the whites until stable white foam.
  • Combine the yolks and grind with sugar and beat, add the whites, mix well, add flour and lemon juice.
  • Add the remaining whites, stir everything thoroughly until completely combined.
  • Ready dough Divide into several parts, add cocoa to one of them. Divide into two containers and bake the cakes in the oven.
  • To prepare the cream, beat sour cream with sugar until thick.
  • Place one cake layer on the bottom of the plate, cut the rest into small cubes, which they lay out in layers, carefully filling with cream until a small mound is formed.
  • To harden the cream, place the dessert in the refrigerator, then decorate with mastic.

The best recipes for cream base for mastic cake

While creating delicious cake plays an important role right choice cream. Firstly, it must fit perfectly with the cakes, complement them and create a harmonious flavor tandem; secondly, it is necessary that it fits the mastic, does not spread and holds its shape well. To prepare a delicious dessert cream will do for a cake with mastic based on butter, condensed milk or marzipan. See the recipes below.

Boiled condensed milk cream

Simple but crazy delicious cream It can be prepared from butter and boiled condensed milk. Regardless of minimal amount ingredients and ease of preparation, the mixture has an amazing taste and is ideal for a cake, which will later be decorated with mastic. To make the cream you will need condensed milk (1 can) and 30 grams of butter with a high fat content.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Beat softened butter until fluffy.
  2. Add to container boiled condensed milk and beat at low speed with a mixer. Do not overdo it, it is necessary that the components combine well.
  3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to cool and thicken.
  4. Cover the cake with cream, decorate with mastic - amazing dessert ready.

Butter cream on whites

According to many chefs, the ideal option is to use buttercream for a cake under mastic. This is due to several factors: it holds its shape well, is suitable for any layer of cake or can be used to decorate the product, does not allow the mastic to spread, and prevents mixing of colors. It is possible to prepare protein-based butter cream at home yourself.

Ingredients for preparation:

  • Protein – 4 pieces.
  • Butter – 300 grams.
  • Salt.
  • Powdered sugar (sand) – 200 grams.

Step-by-step preparation of cream:

  • Separate the whites from the yolks and place them in a deep container.
  • Add sugar to the whites, heat until dissolved in a water bath, then remove from heat and let cool.
  • Beat the butter until fluffy.
  • Using clean, dry whisks, beat the egg whites, adding a pinch of salt first. Beat until a shiny, stable foam forms, then gradually add the oil without stopping the mixer.
  • The cream is ready, it can be used for spreading cakes or used as a base for mastic.

Cream "Ganache"

Chocolate lovers will definitely love the ganache cream. Amazing dish based on cream can be used for preparing a variety of desserts, greasing cake layers when baking a cake or decorating ready-made culinary products. In addition, ganache is perfect for mastic and helps create a culinary masterpiece with amazing taste.

The recipe for making ganache cream includes the following ingredients:

  • Black chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa content - 200 grams.
  • Heavy cream - 125-200 ml (the exact amount depends on what consistency you need to get).
  • Powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter – 50 grams.

Step-by-step preparation of “ganache”:

  • Grind the chocolate into small pieces.
  • Pour the cream into a deep container and place on small fire. Stirring constantly, bring to almost a boil.
  • Place the broken chocolate into the hot cream and let it melt for five minutes.
  • Add powder or sugar if you want custard.
  • Mix all products thoroughly until the components are completely combined.
  • Let the mixture cool slightly and gradually add the oil, stirring constantly.
  • Stir the cream until smooth, after cooling, use to form the cake.

Fruit and yoghurt cream

Cake with yoghurt and fruit cream – perfect option for creating light dessert. Preparation requires a minimum of ingredients, time and effort, and the finished result will win the heart of every sweet lover. The advantage of this cream is that it can be used in mastic cakes; the main thing is to constantly store it in a cool place.

The recipe for making the cream requires the following ingredients:

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Soak gelatin in water until completely swollen.
  2. Add sugar to cream and beat.
  3. Beat the yogurt at low speed using a mixer or whisk.
  4. Combine the cream with yogurt, mix the ingredients thoroughly until they are completely combined. Add chopped fruits (peaches, bananas, strawberries - optional) and gelatin, mix thoroughly.
  5. Cover the cake with cream, and after the filling has completely hardened, you should start assembling the dessert.

How to level a cake with mastic

In order for a cake decorated with mastic to look neat, appetizing and beautiful, it is necessary to level the cream before applying the final layer. Simple steps will help classic baking create a delicious work of art. It will win the heart of not only the hero of the occasion for whom the product was prepared, but also everyone who happens to see and taste the dessert. For the leveling procedure you will need: a knife with a wide blade or a special culinary spatula, a small towel or paper napkins, hot water.

Leveling the cake with mastic:

  • Ready cake, covered with mastic cream, place in the refrigerator until completely hardened.
  • Remove the cooled dessert, moisten a knife or spatula in hot water, then wipe dry so that not a single drop of water remains, but the temperature of the instrument is maintained.
  • Run a knife through the cream. Under the influence of a warm tool, the cream will begin to melt and take the shape required by the cook.
  • After several manipulations, put the product back in a cool place and let the cream cool. Repeat the procedure until the surface is perfectly smooth without bumps, dimples or uneven corners or transitions. Having obtained the desired result, proceed to decorate the cake with mastic.

Video: how to bake a cake with mastic at home

On your birthday, you want to especially please the birthday person, your loved ones, and surprise your guests not only with a delicious dessert, but also with his original design. To prepare a culinary masterpiece, you will need several ingredients: chocolate sponge cake, whipped cream with the addition of cottage cheese dessert, berries for the layer, mastic and figures made from it for decoration. The decoration and design of the dessert depends on the individual preferences of the birthday person, the inspiration and capabilities of the master. Example step-by-step preparation look at the video of the cake and its decoration with fondant:

The desire to bake a cake with the poetic name “Spring” arose in me with the first rays of the spring sun, and besides, there was a reason - my birthday. So I made a gift for myself and my guests.

“Spring” is a cake with mastic, one of the complex cakes (it’s easy to make!), but all cakes with mastic are like that. What I value and love doing is for the opportunity to fantasize and bring to life the fruits of my artistic imagination. I love it when cooking becomes a creative flight of design ideas. However, the ease of improvisation is available to experienced “cake makers”, but as for beginners, it is better to offer them detailed instructions: recipes for cakes with mastic with photos. What I am doing. Get ready, dear beginners and masters!

Recipe Ingredients

To make a cake with mastic you will need:

For the crust :

  • eggs – 6 pcs.,
  • sugar – 180g,
  • salt – 1 pinch,
  • flour – 180g,
  • cocoa powder with sugar ( instant drink) – 50g,
  • corn starch – 30g,
  • peeled almonds – 75g.

For cream : white chocolate – 255g, Mascarpone cheese – 340g, softened butter – 170g, lemon juice – 23 g (one and a half teaspoons)

For covering and decorating the cake : white sugar mastic (ready to use) -600g, food coloring (brown, green, pink).

And: rolling pin, silicone mat.

How to make a cake with mastic

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Separate the yolks from the whites.
Grind the almonds in a blender until crumbly.
Beat the yolks with sugar with a mixer.
Sift the flour into a bowl with the beaten yolks, but do not mix.

In a separate bowl, beat the whites into a strong foam.
Pour starch into a bowl with flour and yolks, but do not mix.
Add one third of the whipped whites to the bowl with flour and yolks and now mix carefully.
Add cocoa powder.

Add crushed almonds.
Add the remaining whipped whites and stir. Mix carefully, moving the spoon from top to bottom while turning the bowl counterclockwise. Your movements should be leisurely, as the squirrel does not tolerate rough handling and may settle.
The dough should be very light and fluffy.

Line the bottom of the springform pan with baking paper. Grease the sides with butter.
Place the dough in the mold, put the mold in the oven. Bake the crust for 35 minutes.
Do not immediately remove the finished cake from the mold; let the cake cool slightly.
Then remove the sides of the pan and transfer the cake to a wire rack to cool completely.

Beat the cream cheese with a mixer.
Break the white chocolate into pieces and place in a saucepan. Place the pan with chocolate in another larger pan with hot water, melt the chocolate in a water bath
Mix white chocolate with beaten mascarpone cheese.
Beat the cheese and chocolate again. You will get a fairly thick cream.

Gradually add the softened butter to the cream, continuing to beat it.
As a result, the cream will become even thicker.
Add squeezed lemon juice to the cream, mix the cream.

Once the cake has cooled, use a long serrated knife to cut it into two layers.
Apply cream to the bottom cake and smooth its surface.

Place the second cake layer on top and spread the remaining frosting over the entire surface of the cake, including the sides. Since we will be covering the cake with sugar mastic, the cream must be very well leveled, otherwise all the unevenness will be visible on the surface of the cake. It is very convenient to use a pastry spatula for leveling. But if you don’t have such a spatula, it doesn’t matter. You can use a wide metal ruler.

Roll out the mastic into a thin layer three millimeters thick. The diameter of the circle must be equal to the sum of the diameter of the torus and twice the height of the torus. There must also be a margin of at least four centimeters.

Cover the cake with fondant, smooth the surface first with your hands, then with a pastry iron or any flat surface. Cut off excess mastic. Transfer the cake to a plate and put the cake in the refrigerator.

Separate a small piece of white mastic, add a drop of brown dye, knead until a uniform color. Roll small flagella from brown mastic and place them in the recesses with the image of branches in silicone mat, press down well.

Remove the blanks for the branches and cut off the excess mastic with a knife.

Separate a small piece of white mastic, drop green dye, knead until a uniform color.
Place pieces of green mastic into the indentations in the rug that represent leaves, press with your finger, then remove and cut off excess mastic.
Make some pink fondant using pink food coloring.
Just like twigs and leaves, make flowers using the mat, cut off the excess.

Mix a little brown and pink mastic. You will end up with a brownish-pink color. Using this fondant, use a mat to make silhouettes of birds.

Take the cake out of the refrigerator and start decorating the cake with prepared elements: branches, leaves, flowers and birds. To glue an element to the surface of the cake, brush the back of the element, such as a branch, with water and apply it to the surface. Lay out the branches in the form of a tree, attach leaves.

Place the birds on the branches.
Glue the flowers.

The cake with mastic is ready! Long live spring!

Almost ten years have passed since cake ceased to be just a delicious dessert, which is served as a dessert and is the logical conclusion of the holiday. Nowadays, different decorative options using mastic allow you to create a culinary masterpiece. There is an opinion that such design is only possible for masters who have mastered the secrets of culinary art. Every housewife can create such a culinary work on her own; for this you will need minimal baking skills and knowledge of the basics of working with mastic. See recipes for delicious cakes and mastic creams below.

Which cake is suitable for mastic?

In order to get a beautiful, appetizing cake decorated with mastic, you must follow several rules when choosing a baking recipe, cream and design option. The appearance of the product and the taste of the dessert depend on all these factors. Experienced chefs, who have produced dozens of original cakes decorated with mastic, advise adhering to the following rules when creating a masterpiece:

  • Any cake can be used for the cake, for example, sponge cake, honey cake, shortbread or even soufflé.
  • The cream between the cakes can be completely different from sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese or condensed milk. But such options cannot be used under mastic, since it can melt and lose its appearance.
  • The following cream can be used as a base for mastic: butter cream, ganache, with marzipan or condensed milk. However, before you start decorating, the cake should be cooled until the top layer is completely hardened.
  • Before decorating, it is necessary to carefully level the top layer so that the product looks as neat and beautiful as possible.
  • The design theme of the finished product depends on who it is intended for: for a child – fairy tale or cartoon characters; for a boy - cars, superheroes; for girls, a cake with a Barbie doll is suitable; women will be happy with a dessert with flowers - roses, daisies; and for men, decor in the form of a barrel of honey, on the theme of fishing, cars, is suitable.

Step-by-step master classes on making a mastic cake

There are many recipes for cakes that can be decorated with mastic and can delight not only with their taste, but also give true aesthetic pleasure. Different options for cakes, cream, and decoration provide every housewife with the opportunity to create a culinary masterpiece to suit her taste. Below is a selection of delicious and simple recipes for baking with mastic, which even novice cooks can easily handle.

Sponge cake

The classic basis of any cake is sponge cakes, for the preparation of which the most affordable and simple products are used. The recipe is based on a large number of eggs, which makes it possible to obtain lush, beautiful cakes without the use of baking powder or soda. Any mass can be used as a cream. Depending on individual preferences.

Biscuit ingredients:

  • Eight eggs.
  • 220 gr. granulated sugar.
  • Wheat flour – 250 grams.
  • 80 gr. butter

Instructions for preparing the biscuit:

  • Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and beat with a mixer until the mass increases significantly.
  • Sift the wheat flour, add to the egg mixture, mix well.
  • Melt the butter, add to the dough - mix well.
  • Bake the dough, divided into two parts, in the oven.
  • Assemble the cake, smear it with the chosen cream, cover the top with mastic and decorate with figures from it.

Chocolate Cake Recipe

The taste of chocolate cake will be remembered by everyone for a long time, and the pleasant aftertaste of chocolate will still remind you of the most delicious dessert you have ever tried. Such baked goods can be supplemented with icing and cream with chocolate, or any other filling option can be used for these purposes, and mastic and various figures and edible decorative elements from it can be used as decoration.

Products for cooking:

  • Cocoa – 30 grams.
  • One and a half cups of flour.
  • Baking powder – 1 teaspoon.
  • Eggs - four pieces.
  • One and a half glasses of sugar.
  • Butter – 225 grams.

Preparing chocolate sponge cake:

  1. Combine flour, baking powder and cocoa in one container, mix well.
  2. Add butter and eggs to the dry ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour two tablespoons of hot water, stir until all ingredients are completely combined.
  4. Divide the dough into several parts and bake the cakes in the oven.
  5. Coat the chocolate biscuits with cream to your liking, let them harden, after which you can start decorating your culinary masterpiece with mastic.

Cake with mastic soufflé

For decorating with mastic, cakes without baking are suitable, where one or several layers are occupied by a soufflé. Preparing such a dessert has several rules that should be followed: there must be a sponge cake on top and bottom of the jelly layer so that the culinary masterpiece keeps its shape; Do not allow the soufflé and mastic to come into contact, otherwise the latter will leak. There are many recipes for a delicious soufflé layer, with fruits, cottage cheese, or the classic version - “Bird's milk”. Let's consider one of the cooking options.

Biscuit ingredients:

  • Two hundred grams of wheat flour.
  • Granulated sugar – 160 grams.
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces.
  • Vanillin.

For the soufflé:

  • Gelatin – 20 grams.
  • Fruit yogurt – 400 ml.
  • Cream – 20 ml.
  • Fruits (peach, fresh or canned pineapple).

How to make a cake with mastic soufflé step by step:

  • To prepare the sponge cake, beat the eggs with the addition of vanillin and granulated sugar until white peaks form.
  • Add wheat flour, mix gently with a spoon from bottom to top to retain air bubbles - this will add fluffiness to the sponge cake.
  • Place parchment paper on the bottom of the mold, grease the container with oil and lay out the dough. Bake the biscuit at a temperature of 175-180 degrees for half an hour. Allow the workpiece to cool, then cut it in half.
  • To make a soufflé you need to: soak the gelatin to swell. Add sugar to yogurt, add gelatin and stir well.
  • Chop the berries and whip the cream into foam.
  • Add cream to cooled yogurt, mix well, add chopped fruit.
  • Place a biscuit on the bottom of the mold, then pour it in and place another cake layer on top. Let the cake harden completely.
  • Level the cake with buttercream and cover with fondant.

Honey cake recipe

The recipe for the Honey cake is known to many and is passed down in the family from one generation to another. In the standard version, the culinary product is decorated with cake crumbs, but modern craftswomen have begun to decorate the dessert with mastic, which makes it possible to decorate your favorite cake with amazing taste in an original way, guided by your imagination or the wishes of the client.

To prepare the cakes you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fresh, liquid honey - 2 tablespoons.
  • Two eggs.
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Two teaspoons of salt.
  • Margarine – one hundred grams.
  • Flour - 3 cups.

Ingredients of sour cream for “Medovik”:

  • Full-fat sour cream – 800 grams.
  • One glass of granulated sugar.
  • Butter – 250-350 grams (the amount depends on the fat content of sour cream).

Step-by-step preparation of the cream:

  • Mash the butter with a fork, add a share of sugar and mix thoroughly. Gradually add the remaining granulated sugar, kneading it well until the two components are completely combined.
  • When the butter and sugar are completely combined, you need to gradually add sour cream 1-2 tablespoons at a time, mixing all the ingredients well.
  • The sour cream for spreading the cakes is ready.

Step-by-step preparation of cakes:

  • Place honey in a small container and melt over low heat. After boiling, add soda and mix thoroughly. Cook until caramel color appears.
  • Using a mixer, beat two eggs with a glass of sugar and pour into a container with caramelized honey. Add margarine to the resulting mixture and beat everything well with a mixer.
  • Put the pan back on the fire, add 1/3 of the flour, beat with a mixer. When the dough begins to thicken and heat up, remove the container from the heat and continue gradually adding flour, without stopping stirring.
  • Cool the dough in the refrigerator or cool room, for example, on the balcony. Divide everything into several parts, roll out and bake the cakes in the oven for five minutes at 200 degrees.
  • When all the cakes are baked, you need to let them cool a little and spread with sour cream (if a butter layer is used, the cakes need to be soaked in sugar syrup).
  • The cake for decorating with fondant is ready; the cook chooses the design option himself and it all depends on personal wishes.

A simple recipe for “Smetannik” cake

The recipe for “Smetannik” is known to many housewives, and everyone remembers its taste from childhood, when the shortage of food stimulated women to invent delicious desserts based on what was available. This cake fits well with mastic; the main thing is not to forget about the intermediate layer - a special cream, thanks to which the mastic will evenly and beautifully cover the culinary masterpiece.

Products for cooking:

  • Eggs – 3 pieces.
  • Kefir, sour cream - 1.5 cups.
  • One and a half glasses of sugar.
  • Flour – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Soda, vinegar for extinguishing.
  • Vanillin.
  • For the cream you will need sour cream and sugar.

Step-by-step preparation of the cake:

  1. Combine all the ingredients for making the dough in a deep container and mix well.
  2. Divide the resulting batter into 3 parts, pour cocoa into one of them to give it a chocolate color and taste (2 tbsp.).
  3. Bake the cakes at an oven temperature of 200 degrees.
  4. For the cream, beat cream or heavy sour cream with granulated sugar.
  5. After the cake has cooled, cut it in half, spread it with cream, and let it sit.

Milk Girl Cake Recipe

The light, airy cake received its beautiful name thanks to condensed milk from Germany “Milchmdchen”. Ease of preparation, exquisite taste and the ability to use various creams on the cakes - all this became the main reasons why the dessert was loved by many housewives. In modern culinary art, the Milk Girl cake recipe is used to prepare a dessert decorated with fondant.

Cake recipe and necessary ingredients:

  • A can of condensed milk.
  • Two chicken eggs.
  • A glass of flour.
  • A tablespoon of baking powder.

For cream:

  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Cream – 400 ml.

Preparing the cake:

  1. Place condensed milk in a deep container and break the eggs. Beat the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  2. Gradually add baking powder and wheat flour - mix everything well.
  3. Draw the shape of the desired cake on the parchment and pour out some dough. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes. Bake all the cakes and let them cool slightly.
  4. Whip the cream with sugar for the cream and spread it over the cakes.
  5. The top of the culinary masterpiece should be covered with butter cream so that the mastic is evenly covered and holds well.

Cake "Pancho"

Many people with a sweet tooth are familiar with the amazing taste of the original Pancho cake, and almost every housewife’s cookbook contains a recipe for this dessert. Delicate taste, unusual design and the ability to make some adjustments to create new variations of the product. “Pancho” is ideal for decorating a mastic cake, for example, creating a dress for a Barbie doll.

Ingredients for the crust:

  • Chicken eggs - five pieces.
  • Sugar – one and a half glasses.
  • Cocoa – 4 tablespoons.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp. l.
  • Flour – 1.5 cups.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

For cream:

  • Sour cream or cream - 3 cups.
  • Sugar - one glass.

Step-by-step preparation:

  • Beat the whites until stable white foam.
  • Combine the yolks and grind with sugar and beat, add the whites, mix well, add flour and lemon juice.
  • Add the remaining whites, stir everything thoroughly until completely combined.
  • Divide the finished dough into several parts, add cocoa to one of them. Divide into two containers and bake the cakes in the oven.
  • To prepare the cream, beat sour cream with sugar until thick.
  • Place one cake layer on the bottom of the plate, cut the rest into small cubes, which they lay out in layers, carefully filling with cream until a small mound is formed.
  • To harden the cream, place the dessert in the refrigerator, then decorate with mastic.

The best recipes for cream base for mastic cake

When creating a delicious cake, the correct choice of cream plays an important role. Firstly, it must fit perfectly with the cakes, complement them and create a harmonious flavor tandem; secondly, it is necessary that it fits the mastic, does not spread and holds its shape well. To prepare delicious dessert will do cake cream for mastic based on butter, condensed milk or marzipan. See the recipes below.

Boiled condensed milk cream

A simple but incredibly tasty cream can be made from butter and boiled condensed milk. Despite the minimal amount of ingredients and ease of preparation, the mixture has an amazing taste and is ideal for a cake that will later be decorated with mastic. To make the cream you will need condensed milk (1 can) and 30 grams of butter with a high fat content.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Beat softened butter until fluffy.
  2. Add boiled condensed milk to the container and beat at low speed with a mixer. Do not overdo it, it is necessary that the components combine well.
  3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to cool and thicken.
  4. Cover the cake with cream, decorate with mastic - an amazing dessert is ready.

Butter cream on whites

According to many chefs, the ideal option is to use buttercream for a cake under mastic. This is due to several factors: it holds its shape well, is suitable for any layer of cake or can be used to decorate the product, does not allow the mastic to spread, and prevents mixing of colors. It is possible to prepare protein-based butter cream at home yourself.

Ingredients for preparation:

  • Protein – 4 pieces.
  • Butter – 300 grams.
  • Salt.
  • Powdered sugar (sand) – 200 grams.

Step-by-step preparation of cream:

  • Separate the whites from the yolks and place them in a deep container.
  • Add sugar to the whites, heat until dissolved in a water bath, then remove from heat and let cool.
  • Beat the butter until fluffy.
  • Using clean, dry whisks, beat the egg whites, adding a pinch of salt first. Beat until a shiny, stable foam forms, then gradually add the oil without stopping the mixer.
  • The cream is ready, it can be used for spreading cakes or used as a base for mastic.

Cream "Ganache"

Chocolate lovers will definitely love the ganache cream. An amazing cream-based dish can be used to prepare a variety of desserts, grease cake layers when baking a cake, or decorate finished culinary products. In addition, ganache is perfect for mastic and helps create a culinary masterpiece with amazing taste.

The recipe for making ganache cream includes the following ingredients:

  • Black chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa content - 200 grams.
  • Heavy cream - 125-200 ml (the exact amount depends on what consistency you need to get).
  • Powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter – 50 grams.

Step-by-step preparation of “ganache”:

  • Grind the chocolate into small pieces.
  • Pour the cream into a deep container and place on low heat. Stirring constantly, bring to almost a boil.
  • Place the broken chocolate into the hot cream and let it melt for five minutes.
  • Add powder or sugar if you want a sweet cream.
  • Mix all products thoroughly until the components are completely combined.
  • Let the mixture cool slightly and gradually add the oil, stirring constantly.
  • Stir the cream until smooth, after cooling, use to form the cake.

Cake with yogurt and fruit cream is an ideal option for creating a light dessert. Preparation requires a minimum of ingredients, time and effort, and the finished result will win the heart of every sweet lover. The advantage of this cream is that it can be used in mastic cakes; the main thing is to constantly store it in a cool place.

The recipe for making the cream requires the following ingredients:

  • Fruit yogurt – 500 grams.
  • Whipped sour cream or cream – 200 gr.
  • Gelatin – 15 grams (agar-agar can be used).
  • Cold water – 50 ml.
  • Fruit liqueur – 20 grams.
  • Fresh fruits- taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Soak gelatin in water until completely swollen.
  2. Add sugar to cream and beat.
  3. Beat the yogurt at low speed using a mixer or whisk.
  4. Combine the cream with yogurt, mix the ingredients thoroughly until they are completely combined. Add chopped fruits (peaches, bananas, strawberries - optional) and gelatin, mix thoroughly.
  5. Cover the cake with cream, and after the filling has completely hardened, you should start assembling the dessert.

How to level a cake with mastic

In order for a cake decorated with mastic to look neat, appetizing and beautiful, it is necessary to level the cream before applying the final layer. Simple steps will help you create a delicious work of art from classic baked goods. It will win the heart of not only the hero of the occasion for whom the product was prepared, but also everyone who happens to see and taste the dessert. For the leveling procedure you will need: a knife with a wide blade or a special culinary spatula, a small towel or paper napkins, hot water.

Leveling the cake with mastic:

  • Place the finished cake, covered with mastic cream, in the refrigerator until completely hardened.
  • Remove the cooled dessert, moisten a knife or spatula in hot water, then wipe dry so that not a single drop of water remains, but the temperature of the instrument is maintained.
  • Run a knife through the cream. Under the influence of a warm tool, the cream will begin to melt and take the shape required by the cook.
  • After several manipulations, put the product back in a cool place and let the cream cool. Repeat the procedure until the surface is perfectly smooth without bumps, dimples or uneven corners or transitions. Having obtained the desired result, proceed to decorate the cake with mastic.

Video: how to bake a cake with mastic at home

On your birthday, you want to especially please the birthday person and loved ones, and surprise guests not only with a delicious dessert, but also with its original design. To prepare a culinary masterpiece, you will need several components: chocolate sponge cake, whipped cream with the addition of curd dessert, berries for the layer, mastic and figures made from it for decoration. The decoration and design of the dessert depends on the individual preferences of the birthday person, the inspiration and capabilities of the master. For an example of step-by-step preparation of a cake and decorating it with mastic, watch the video:

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Cakes covered with fondant and decorations made from it look bright and festive. Preparing such a cake, of course, takes a lot of time, but when you offer the treat to your guests, no one will remain indifferent to your efforts.
A cake with mastic, the recipe with a photo of which we decided to offer you, requires time and effort. But, we assure you, your efforts will not be in vain.

for chocolate sponge cake:
- flour – 80 gr.;
- egg - 4 pcs.;
- sugar - 150 gr.;
- cocoa – 20 gr.;
- baking powder – 1 tsp.

For cream:

- condensed milk (boiled) – 200 g;
- butter – 100 gr.;
- dark chocolate – 50 gr.

For filling:

- walnuts – 1 cup.

To soak the cake:

- water – ½ cup;
- sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons.

For the meringue:

- egg white- 3 pcs.;
- sugar – 1 glass.

To cover the cake:

- butter – 200 gr.;
- condensed milk – 5 tbsp. spoons

For mastic:
for covering the cake:

- marshmallows (white) – 200 gr.;
- powdered sugar – ~1 cup;
- butter – 1/2 tbsp. spoons.

For flowers (pink):

- marshmallows – 70 gr.;

- pink food coloring - on the tip of the knife.

For flowers (white):

- marshmallows (white) – 70 gr.;
- powdered sugar – ~1/2 cup;
- butter – 1 teaspoon;

For decoration:

- decorative food beads.

The ingredients are for a cake with a diameter of 25 cm.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Before making the cake itself, first prepare the fondant to make the flowers.
To do this, place marshmallows in a container. Add oil and food coloring. By the way, we have already shown how to cook.

Microwave the marshmallows for about 1 minute at 600 watts. They will increase in size. Mix everything until the color is uniform.

Add powdered sugar in portions.

Knead the mixture until it comes together homogeneous mass, similar to dough - mastic.

Then transfer it to a table sprinkled with powdered sugar. Roll out the mastic into a thin layer.

Using special cutters, cut out flowers of different diameters.

Place the flower on the sponge and use a stack with a small ball at the end to form the middle of the flower. Using a stack with a larger diameter ball, make a small indentation on the petals to give the flower a more natural shape.

Prepare white mastic and roll it into a layer.

Using the same die cutters you used for the pink flowers, cut out the white flowers.

In the same way as in pink flowers, model the middle and petals of the flowers. Take one pink flower with a larger diameter and one white flower with a smaller diameter. Glue them together with a drop of water.

Do a small amount of such flowers. Using the same principle, make several flowers from a white flower with a larger diameter and a pink flower with a smaller diameter. Leave the flowers to dry.

Let's start preparing the chocolate sponge cake with mastic.
First we bake the biscuit. To do this, divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Beat the whites with a mixer until soft peaks form. Gradually, in a thin stream, add half the amount of sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.

Combine the yolks with the remaining sugar.
Beat with a mixer until the mixture becomes light.

Add a third of the whites to the yolks. Stir with a spatula.

Stir. Add remaining protein.

Mix gently with a spatula to keep any air bubbles in the batter. Transfer the dough to springform, greased with butter and covered with parchment.

Place the pan in the preheated oven. Bake the biscuit at 180 ⁰C for 30-35 minutes. Do not open the oven for the first 20 minutes after cooking. Cool the finished mixture in the oven and then on a wire rack for about 4-6 hours.

Prepare the meringue. To do this, beat the egg whites to soft peaks.

Continuing to beat, gradually add sugar. Beat until stiff peaks form.

On the parchment with a pencil, draw two circles with a diameter equal to the diameter of the cake.

Turn the parchment over, place it on a baking sheet and spread the egg white along the outline in an even layer.

Place it in an oven preheated to 110 ⁰C and dry the meringue for 2.5-3 hours. Then cool.

Soak 2 cake layers with syrup. There is no need to soak the top cake. For syrup, mix boiled warm water with sugar.

To prepare the cream, combine boiled condensed milk with soft butter.

Divide the resulting cream into two parts. Add melted chocolate to one part. This will be chocolate cream.

Dry the nuts in a frying pan. And then grind in a blender.

Let's start assembling the cake.
Place the bottom cake layer. Coat it with chocolate cream.

Sprinkle nuts on top.

Next add the meringue. If necessary, trim it carefully with a sharp knife.

Apply a layer of butter and condensed milk cream onto the meringue.

Cover with the second cake layer and then repeat the steps above. Top the cake with a third layer of sponge cake (unsoaked).

Next, you need to level the cake before covering it with fondant. To do this, beat soft butter into a fluffy mass. Gradually add condensed milk, continuing to whisk.
Beat until smooth.

Cover the top and sides of the cake with cream. Level the surface with a spatula or knife.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for several hours so that the butter hardens well.
Now prepare white fondant to cover the cake. Roll it out with a rolling pin.

Carefully transfer to cake.

Smooth the fondant to cover the cake.
Cut off excess mastic, leaving 1 cm of edge.

Use a stack to smooth the edge of the mastic.

Use a drop of water to glue the flowers to the cake.
Decorate with decorative beads.

A beautiful sponge cake with mastic is ready. Enjoy your tea!
