How to cook chicken stew. Homemade chicken stew in the oven

You can prepare the most different dishes, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to have any special skills. If you strictly adhere to proven recipes, you can create both exotic dishes and classic Russian dishes. You can even prepare canned food at home and be one hundred percent sure of its quality. The same is true with stewed meat. Even if you don't have an autoclave, you can easily make one in the oven or just in a large pan on the stove. Let's find out how to prepare chicken stew at home.

Stewed chicken for the winter - recipe No. 1

To prepare such a preparation for the winter, you need to prepare a couple of liter jars, chicken carcass, some garlic, salt and pepper depending on your taste preferences and a couple of bay leaves.

Of course, it is best to use domestic chicken meat to prepare stew. In this case, the finished dish will have a particularly rich aroma and taste, and the meat will be easily separated from the bones. But if you were unable to get hold of poultry, buy it at the store. The result will also please you.

Cut the chicken carcass into pieces big pieces, salt quite generously and pepper a little. Chop the garlic large pieces.

Take clean and dry quart jars and place the chicken in them. Place the breast on the bottom. Sprinkle each layer with garlic. Fill the jars two-thirds full, place on top Bay leaf ik.

Fold ordinary foil in four to five layers. Cover the jar tightly with it, like a lid.

Place the jars in cold oven to the lowest level. Close the oven and set the mode to 150C. After thirty-five to forty minutes, raise the temperature to one hundred and eighty degrees. The stew should remain in the oven for another hour, then remove the jars, seal them and turn them upside down. Wrap them well and cool. Store in a cool place.

Stewed chicken in the oven - recipe No. 2

To prepare this version of stew, you need to stock up on two kilograms of chicken fillet, eight peppercorns, four bay leaves and a couple of tablespoons of salt. You will also need a teaspoon of ground black pepper and a pinch of marjoram.

Wash the half-liter glass jars and sterilize them. For this number of components you will need four jars.
Wash chicken fillet, dry and grind as desired in portioned pieces. If there is fat, you need to cut it off.

Salt the meat, add ground pepper and marjoram. Mix well.
Place one bay leaf and a couple of peppercorns on the bottom of each jar. Fill them with meat, not reaching the top by a couple of centimeters.

Cover each jar tightly with plastic wrap. Make several punctures in the film. Place the jars on a baking sheet in the oven and turn on the heat to two hundred degrees.

The meat should cook for two and a half to three hours. About twenty minutes before the end of the cooking process, heat a dry frying pan and melt the cut chicken fat. Throw away the cracklings, add salt to the fat and leave on low heat.

Take out the cans of stew one at a time. Fill each one to the neck with fat and seal. Fat will help increase the shelf life of such preparations. Cool the stew until room temperature and put it in a fairly dark and cool place.

Combined recipe homemade chicken stew

To prepare such a preparation for the winter, you need to use both an oven and a large pan. Yes, you will have to tinker with such a dish, but the result will undoubtedly please you.

Prepare one chicken carcass, salt, ground black pepper, garlic, carrots, sweet bell pepper and parsley. You will also need some chicken broth.

Rub a whole chicken carcass with garlic, salt and pepper, both outside and inside.
Place it on a baking sheet lined with foil and place it in the oven preheated to 170C. Bake the chicken until half cooked. At the same time, turn it periodically - it should brown evenly. Also pour the juices over the meat.

Once the chicken is cooked, remove it and cut into portions. Fill pre-sterilized half-liter jars with them.

Combine the juice released during baking with rich chicken broth and simmer for fifteen to twenty minutes. Pour this liquid over the pieces in jars.

Cover half-liter jars with sterilized sealing lids and place in a fairly large saucepan. Pour water on top so that about three centimeters remain to the edge of the jar. Begin the sterilization process over low heat.

Sterilize for forty minutes, then roll up the jars and turn them upside down. Delicious stew for the winter is ready! Cool it and store it.

Homemade chicken stew is amazing tasty dish, completely incomparable in taste and quality with store product. And it's not that difficult to make at home. This process will require a little effort and time from you.

When you don't have time for dinner, you can use canned food. Our people make “canned food” from anything. Today let's talk about how to make homemade chicken stew. Unlike store-bought, it will be much tastier. Accordingly, in order to quickly feed your family, it is recommended to keep several jars of this preparation ready in the refrigerator at home. Today we will look at the recipes for this dish. Well, when you get tired of chicken, try making, for example, cutlets from river fish. You will find recipes for such cutlets in the “Healthy Eating” section.

The stew can be served either cold or heated on its own, or it can serve hearty ingredient second course, and also great to add it to soup. It’s easy to prepare, anyone who has a few hours of free time and necessary set products, can safely start working in the kitchen.

Before you cook chicken stew, you should know some points that will help you do this. delicious dish even tastier.

To prepare it, it is important to use fresh or chilled chicken meat. If the fillet is frozen, the final dish will be somewhat dry;
It is important to use non-iodized salt, so the stew can be stored longer. long term;
If you plan to cook stew with bones, then small bones They should not be removed, since after thermal exposure they will soften sufficiently and will be suitable for consumption. But large tubular bones should be cut, otherwise the air present in them will significantly shorten the shelf life of the product;
To prepare the dish, you should use enamel or glassware;
When preparing homemade stew, it is impossible to achieve the optimal pressure and temperature as in industrial conditions; therefore, it is important to store it in a cold place for no more than one year.

How to cook chicken stew at home in different ways?

There are several options for preparing stew, in particular, in a pressure cooker, in the oven, and also in a slow cooker. Let's consider these techniques.

Chicken stew cooked in a pressure cooker

The following ingredients will be required:

Chicken meat – 1.5 kilograms;
Pure water– 300 ml;
Ground black pepper to taste;
Salt – 2.5 teaspoons;
Six peas allspice;
Bay leaf – 2 pieces.

The chicken is cut into pieces, salt, bay leaf, pepper are added and the meat is transferred to a pressure cooker, where water is then poured. The container with the future stew is hermetically sealed and placed on high heat, brought to a boil, after a characteristic whistle appears, it is recommended to reduce the heat and cook it for another couple of hours.

After two hours, carefully release the steam from the container, after which we carefully open the pressure cooker. We put the stew together with the resulting liquid into pre-sterilized jars, it is better to use half-liter jars, and cover them with metal lids.

Now it is recommended to sterilize the cans of stew again. Pour water into a large saucepan and heat it, you can lay a towel on the bottom and put jars of meat, after which we sterilize them for 40 minutes from the moment the water boils. Then we roll up the container, and after it has cooled, we send it to a cool place for storage. Bon appetit!

Stewed chicken cooked in the oven

You can cook chicken stew in the oven, for this we take the following ingredients:

Chicken fillet – 2 kilograms;
A pinch of marjoram;
Eight black peppercorns;
Ground black pepper - teaspoon;
Bay leaf – 4 pieces;
Salt – 2 tablespoons.

First, we prepare half-liter jars and sterilize them. Then cut the chicken fillet into pieces, salt them, add ground pepper and marjoram, mix well to coat all the meat with spices.

Place a bay leaf on the bottom of the jars, a couple of peppercorns and fill to the top with chicken meat. Cover the container cling film, in this case, several holes should be made in it so that the steam can escape unhindered, after which we put them on a baking sheet and place them in the oven.

In the oven, set the temperature regulator to 200 degrees and turn it on. It is worth saying that you cannot put jars in an already heated oven, as they may burst. The meat should be simmered for three hours. Then we carefully take them out and roll them up tin lids.

Stewed chicken cooked in a slow cooker

For homemade and delicious stew The slow cooker will require the following ingredients:

Chicken meat – 1.5 kilograms (you can use not only fillet, but also chicken drumsticks);
Black pepper - five peas;
A heaped tablespoon of salt;
Two bay leaves;
Onions – 1 piece.

The method for preparing this dish is as follows. First, it is recommended to soak the meat in cold water for three hours, after which it is washed under running water and divided into medium pieces. Then it is transferred to the multicooker bowl and the “Stew” mode is set on it, and the dish will cook for about two hours.

After a two-hour period, it is recommended to add spices to the chicken meat, as well as onion. Then turn on the multicooker again for two hours. Then, if the meat had bones, it is recommended to separate them and put everything back on the “Warming” mode until ready for about twenty-five minutes.

Place the hot stew from the multicooker into sterilized jars, which we close with metal lids using a special sealing device. Let the jars cool and then place them in the refrigerator.

As you can see, preparing chicken stew at home is not at all difficult, you just need desire and time. Cook with pleasure!

Since Soviet times, stewed meat has been popular product. These canned foods can be stored long time, which is quite convenient for many housewives. It's delicious and healthy dish, which can be eaten alone or used in recipes for other dishes. The main thing is to prepare it correctly, we’ll figure out how to do it now.

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Recipe for making chicken stew at home on the stove

I want to make something tasty and relatively inexpensive and of high quality. meat dish? Then it’s just time to cook chicken stew at home on the stove. Cooking time – 4.5 hours. Yield – 3 jars of 700 ml.

To prepare the stew, you should take the following products: 1.3 kg of legs, 0.7 kg of breast, 6 bay leaves, 15 black peppercorns and a couple of pinches of salt.

Cooking diagram:

  • We prepare the jars - wash and sterilize them, for which you can use a microwave, which is very convenient. Pour some water into the jars and set to sterilize for 10 minutes;
  • wash the meat, remove the skin and excess fat. Remove large bones and cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces. Place in an enamel bowl, add salt and mix thoroughly. Leave for half an hour in the refrigerator to marinate;
  • We put spices at the bottom of each container, and then add pieces of meat without compacting them. Fill the jars up to the shoulders and cover with lids;
  • take a large saucepan. Place a towel on the bottom and place all the jars. Fill with water to the level of the meat and place on the stove. When the water in the pan boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 4.5 hours. Add water from time to time as it boils away;
  • After the cooking time has passed, turn off the stove, remove the jars from the pan and roll up the lids. Cool everything and put it in the refrigerator. Canned food can be stored for up to six months.

Recipe for homemade chicken stew in the oven

This cooking option is the most popular and simplest. As a result we get tender pieces meat in original jelly. The amount of ingredients presented is enough for 6 servings.

You will need the following set of products: 1 kg of chicken, a couple of bay leaves, 5 peppercorns, 0.5 teaspoon ground pepper and 10 g salt.

We will prepare it like this:

  • We prepare the meat, from which we should remove fat, films, and wash it. To ensure that the dish is not too greasy, remove the skin. Divide into pieces, add salt and pepper and mix;
  • Take a cleanly washed jar with a volume of 0.5-1.0 liters and put spices on the bottom. Then lay out the pieces of chicken in dense layers, not reaching the top of the jar by 2 cm. Cover with a lid and place in a cold oven. If the lid has a rubber band, it must be removed to prevent the rubber from burning. We set the temperature in the oven to 190-200 degrees, and as soon as the chicken boils, reduce the temperature to 130 degrees. Cooking time – 90 minutes;
  • Place the cooled jar in the refrigerator. The broth will harden and the meat will end up in jelly.

Homemade chicken stew recipe in an autoclave

Another recipe for canned food involves using an autoclave, which ensures long-term storage this product. Meat cooked under pressure in this machine turns out more tender and rich, since the cooking time is 4 hours.

For homemade stew, take: 1 kg chicken meat(can be a carcass or individual pieces), 1 tbsp. chicken broth, 2 bay leaves, 5 pcs. black peppercorns, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • The chicken carcass needs to be washed, dried and cut up. We cook from skin and bones chicken bouillon. Cut the meat into small pieces, add salt and mix thoroughly;

  • Wash and sterilize liter jars. Place laurel and pepper on the bottom. Place the meat to the top of the cans and tamp it well, fill with hot broth to a third of the volume and roll up with metal lids;
  • We place the prepared jars in an autoclave, pump up the pressure to 1.5 atmospheres and put it on gas stove. As the temperature rises, the pressure in the autoclave increases. We bring the temperature inside the device to 125 degrees and turn off the gas. The stew is ready when the pressure drops to its original value. All that remains is to take out the jars and put them in a dark place.

Recipe for making chicken stew at home in a slow cooker

Cooking stew in a slow cooker is as easy as shelling pears. Most delicious product will come from poultry, but you can also take store-bought carcasses. In our recipe we use chicken thighs, since these are the most suitable parts of chicken for such a dish. It will take 4 hours to prepare.

We take the following set of products: 1 kg of thighs, a couple of bay leaves, allspice and 10 g of salt.

  • wash the meat, remove the skin and place it in the multicooker bowl. For lovers of rich stew, the skins do not need to be removed. We do not add water;
  • Turn on the “Stewing” mode in the multicooker for 3 hours. During this time, the chicken will release juice and will be stewed in own juice. After the time has passed, add spices and salt and cook for another 1 hour;
  • Allow time for the meat to cool, separate and remove the bones and disassemble the chicken into small pieces. This product can be stored at home for up to 3 months. in the refrigerator, rolled into sterile jars.

For storing canned food up to 5 months. you can use freezer, placing the meat in containers.

Recipe for old chicken stew at home in a pressure cooker

Stewed meat is convenient, high quality and tasty. In a pressure cooker you can make canned food from old domestic chicken. Cooking time – 2.5 hours.

Ingredients for the recipe: carcass old chicken weighing 1.3 kg, 300 ml water, 25 g salt, 2 pcs. laurel, 6 peas each of black and allspice.


  • Cut the chicken into pieces, add salt and place in a pressure cooker. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf and fill with water;

  • Close the pan tightly with a lid and place it on the gas stove. Over high heat, bring the contents of the pressure cooker to a boil. This will be indicated by the sound of a whistle on the lid. Reduce heat to low and cook for 2 hours;
  • We wash and sterilize the jars and boil the lids. After 2 hours, turn off the heat, release the steam and open the lid of the pressure cooker. Place the hot meat along with the liquid into prepared jars and cover with lids;
  • place the containers in a pan with water heated to 50 degrees on a tray for sterilization. Sterilization time for liter jars is 40 minutes. After sterilization is completed, roll up the lids and cool everything. That's all, the stew is ready.

The presented homemade stew recipes will allow you to choose the most suitable cooking method for you and get a tasty and quality product. Cook with pleasure.

Cooking in jars eliminates the need for additional sterilization and makes it possible to make absolutely natural chicken (along with bones) in its own juice. At home, you are guaranteed to succeed with chicken stew in the oven if you follow the step-by-step recommendations outlined in the photo recipe. Intrigued? Then let's begin.

We will need products:

  • chicken - 900-950 grams;
  • salt to taste;
  • black peppercorns.

And inventory:

  • liter jar - 1 pc.;
  • metal lid for preservation - 2 pcs.

How to cook chicken stew in the oven

All we need is to cut up the chicken and chop it into portions. I used thighs in my dish. But practice shows that whole carcass chicken, chopped into pieces, comes out much tastier. After the chicken has been washed with running water, it must be dried with a towel, rubbed well with salt and left for 15-20 minutes. IN classic recipe stew always uses only 2 ingredients - chicken and salt. But according to your taste, you can add peppercorns, garlic, spices, herbs or carrots and onions. I only add peppercorns.

Then we take liter jar and push the pieces of chicken into it very tightly so that there are no gaps with air in the jar, and there remains a distance the width of two fingers to the neck of the jar.

Remove the rubber band from one metal lid and cover the jar. Place the jar itself on a tray or in a baking dish and place it in a COLD oven.

We turn it on only after the jars are put in the oven. Cook chicken stew in the oven for 1 hour 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

5 minutes before it’s ready, when the whole house is already filled with incredible, mouth-watering aromas, boil the second metal cover. After cooking, remove the jar from the oven and replace the lid with a sterilized one. As soon as you can hold the jar with your hand through the towel, roll it up in the traditional way.

The convenience of the recipe lies in the fact that separate boiling and transferring of ingredients is not required. The chicken itself is cooked exclusively in its own juices and gives a lot of gravy, which gels as it cools. The most delicious and completely natural homemade chicken stew in the oven, in its own juice, without sterilizing the jars is ready! The shelf life of such a seaming is no more than a year in a cool place.

To be honest, my homemade stew chicken rarely survives to searing, since everyone at home immediately demands tender chicken in gravy to be eaten. Needless to say, this happened this time too? 🙂 Bon appetit!
