Recipes for delicious dishes from different countries. National dishes from different countries of the world. National cuisines of the world

Every country has culinary preferences that have been formed over more than one generation. National traditions different countries world depend on many factors. Naturally, recipes for dishes from each region are based on the use of certain products and spices available. The method of preparation also plays an important role. It is worth noting that each nation has its own taste preferences. And many dishes are actually real national pride, whose fame spread throughout the world. We would like to dedicate our article to a conversation about national dishes from different countries of the world. Their diversity and unusualness is sometimes simply amazing. And sometimes it turns out that our favorite food or bun is someone else’s culinary invention that has reached our latitudes.

French cuisine

Traditional French cuisine is based on the use simple products, from which they ultimately obtain complex dishes. In France, they widely use fish, shrimp, lobster, vegetables, meat and, of course, excellent cheeses - Camembert, Roquefort and others.

Some of the most sensational are snails and frog legs, without which it is impossible to imagine an original kitchen. Well, and, of course, it’s worth remembering the wonderful wines that complement any meal.

The most famous French food

Traditionally, the French start their morning with an omelet. It came to us from France. It is prepared quite simply - beaten eggs are fried in oil in a frying pan. The omelette can be fluffy and flat, rolled into a tube or doubled. This national dish of France has gained popularity all over the world; now it is difficult to find a country where it is not prepared. By the way, the first mentions of it are found in manuscripts dating back to the sixteenth century. But modern look it acquired already in the eighteenth century.

No less popular are the famous croissants, which are flaky bagels. Traditionally, such pastries are served for breakfast. Croissants have gained such universal love that they are now a staple product in all bakeries and pastry shops in Austria and France. Of course, the most delicious pastries prepared by real confectioners. But you can also find such a dish in fast food establishments. It is known that it was Austrian confectioners who first began to prepare such buns, but they gained popularity in France. To prepare a delicious delicacy, a variety of fillings are used - fresh fruits, chocolate, praline, dried fruits, etc.

Escargot is a very popular and quite expensive dish. They serve it in restaurants. The appetizer is prepared using edible snails. The French consider Burgundy to be the most delicious. In general, the dish belongs to the category of delicacies.


One of the most famous dishes in France is ratatouille. The dish is very easy to prepare and yet incredibly tasty. Gradually it earned love all over the world, far beyond the borders of France. IN modern design Ratatouille is unthinkable without olive oil and provencal herbs. There are quite a lot of recipes for this dish today. IN classic version for cooking you need to take: one bell pepper, six tomatoes, several cloves of garlic, zucchini or zucchini, dill, olive oil, salt, parsley.

For the sauce you need to chop two tomatoes, an onion and a pepper. Place all the vegetables in a heated frying pan and fry in olive oil for about ten minutes. Add salt and pepper. Ready sauce transfer to the bottom of the ratatouille mold. By the way, some chefs recommend grinding the sauce with a blender.

Cut the zucchini and remaining tomatoes into slices and place in a baking dish. In this case, it is necessary to alternate tomatoes with zucchini. A sauce is prepared to season the dish. To do this, combine chopped herbs, olive oil and garlic. Pour the sauce over the vegetables, add pepper and salt. Cover the top of the dish with foil. And put it in the oven. Bake the vegetables for about an hour.

German cuisine

All national cuisines of the world have their own characteristics. The German one was no exception. For many people, German cuisine is associated with beer, sauerkraut and sausages. However, this is not the entire range of products used by local residents. National ones are quite interesting and varied.

The Germans love pork very much. Meat dishes generally occupy a special place in local cuisine. The chefs prepare excellent sausages. By the way, egg dishes are incredibly popular in Germany. They are used to prepare snacks, stuff them, make omelettes, bake them, and combine them with various foods.

Each region of the country is famous for its characteristic dishes.

black forest cherry

Chocolate cake "Black Forest Cherry" is the national dish of Germany, which is known far beyond the country's borders. The sweetness is better known to us under another name - “Black Forest”. To prepare cake layers for dessert, you should take: flour (110 g), sugar (110 g), eggs (6 pcs.), chocolate (60 g), baking powder (teaspoon), cocoa (3 tsp). But for the cream you will need: good heavy cream (650 g), cherries (470 g), vanilla, powdered sugar (110 g). For the cakes you need to use impregnation, for it we take sugar (3 tbsp), cognac (4 tbsp), cinnamon (teaspoon).

To prepare the dough, you need to separate the yolks and whites. The first ones should be beaten with sugar. But beat the whites in a separate container until stiff peaks form. Next, carefully add the mixture to the yolks.

Before using flour, it must be sifted together with baking powder and cocoa powder. Gradually add the finished dry mass to the beaten eggs. Add the ground ones there too. almonds and grated dark chocolate. As a result, we got the dough, which we put into a greased form. The cake must be baked for about half an hour at 180 degrees. As soon as it is ready, take it out of the stove and leave it to cool. After this, it will need to be cut into three parts with a knife. We should have three cake layers.

Now you can start filling. To prepare it you need cherries. You can take ice cream or fresh berries, having previously removed the seeds. The juice can be poured into a saucepan and added cinnamon and sugar. The mass needs to be gradually heated, gradually the sugar will begin to dissolve. You need to pour cognac into the mixture, cherry liqueur or whiskey. We soak our cakes with the resulting syrup.

In a separate bowl, beat sugar with good heavy cream and vanilla. Place the cherries on the bottom layer, not forgetting to spread the cream between the berries. Place the second cake layer on top and then repeat the steps with the filling. Next, lay out the last layer. Remnants creamy mass grease the sides of the dessert and decorate them chocolate chips. The finished cake is sent to a cold place for a couple of hours. The top of the dessert is decorated powdered sugar and candied cherries.

The most popular national dishes from around the world have long become common property, although they have undergone some changes and additions far from their homeland. This is the one that many of us love.

Kazakh cuisine

Kazakhs are incredibly hospitable people. This is probably why Kazakh national dishes are so tasty. After all, no matter why the guest came to the house, he will certainly be invited to drink tea and snack on sweets and dried fruits, and they will not let him go hungry. Popularity Kazakh dishes confirms the fact that restaurants of national cuisine operate all over the world, far beyond the borders of Kazakhstan.

Even the most inexperienced people in cooking have probably heard about such a Kazakh national dish as beshbarmak and manti. The latter look very similar to our dumplings, but are larger in size. They are steamed in a special container. She is called the Mantyshnitsa. This pan has a wire rack on which the manti is placed.

How to cook manti?

The traditional recipe for this incredibly tasty dish is still used to this day. In Asia, a mixture is used for cooking different varieties meat. This dish not only has high energy value, but also saves everything useful material, thanks to a special steaming method.

The standard recipe involves using lamb (about a kilogram). You will also need one egg, water (180 ml), a couple of onions, a glass of flour, a teaspoon each of salt, black pepper and cumin.

In a large container, mix the dry ingredients and pour the egg into the middle and add water. Next, knead the dough, cover it with a napkin and leave for fifteen minutes. In the meantime, you can prepare the filling by finely chopping the meat or passing it through a meat grinder. Add salt, spices and onions. Mix everything thoroughly and add oil.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer and divide it into rectangles. We put the filling in each and fasten the opposite edges of the diamond. Next, cook the manti in a manty dish for about 45 minutes.

Russian kitchen

Dumplings are the national dish of Russia. And it got into Russian cuisine from the Urals. In general, similar food is present in many national cuisines of the world. And every people has the right to consider it their original. Ravioli, manti, and Georgian khinkali are very similar to dumplings.

If we usually use beef or pork to prepare dumplings, then in Asia they use lamb for their dishes. In addition, manti, as we have already said, are steamed, and ravioli and khinkali are boiled. Of course, such national dishes from different countries of the world have their own characteristics, but at the same time they are all incredibly tasty. The principle of preparing dumplings is quite similar to the manti recipe, with the exception of the method heat treatment and additional components.

Belarusian dishes

National dishes Belarus has been formed over many centuries. The uniqueness of the cuisine was determined by geographical and climatic conditions. The closest neighbors had no less influence. In the old days, meat was not consumed so often, but salted lard, mushrooms and berries were present. Unlike others Slavic cuisines, there were few sweets and almost no dairy products. Berry jelly was used as desserts.

It's no secret that most of the national dishes of Belarus are food prepared from grated potatoes. One of them is called potato pancakes.

Preparing the dish is quite simple. To do this you will need potatoes (10 pcs.), onions, salt and vegetable oil. The potatoes are peeled, washed and grated. Add onion, salt and mix all ingredients well.

Next on hot frying pan potato pancakes are fried on vegetable oil. The dish is served hot with sour cream. In addition, you can offer sour cream-apple sauce or sour cream and onion sauce for potato pancakes. The dish is also prepared with meat, mushrooms and sausages. As a rule, the recipes are quite simple and preparing them is not difficult.

Ukrainian food

Very varied and presented with a rich selection of dishes. Many of them have been prepared for a long time in many countries of the world, but are still associated specifically with Ukraine. The most famous national dish of Ukraine can be called borscht. No less famous are dumplings, salted lard, rassolnik, cracklings, cheesecakes, roast, etc.

Ukrainian borscht recipe

To prepare such a national dish as Ukrainian borsch you need to take: meat (preferably pork 550 g), half a head of cabbage, potatoes (5-7 pcs.), onion, pepper, a couple of carrots, tomato, garlic and herbs.

The dish is prepared quite simply. First we cut the meat, cut it in portioned pieces and fill cold water. Next, cook it until half cooked. In the meantime, peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, shred the cabbage and chop the carrots, onions, and beets. Fry the carrots in vegetable oil in a frying pan, then add the onion, and then the chopped pepper. Add tomato diluted with water to the vegetables and continue to simmer the dressing for the dish.

Place the potatoes into the pan with the broth, and a little later add the cabbage. As soon as the vegetables are almost ready, the borscht dressing can be transferred to a container with liquid. Next, cook the dish until cooked, not forgetting to add chopped herbs shortly before the end of cooking. The dish must certainly steep, then it becomes much tastier. You can serve borscht with sour cream and garlic.

Almost every country has its own national dish - a cult dish, which is eaten and loved more often than others within that area. National dishes are part of the country’s culture, as well as a popular “attraction” for any tourist. When traveling abroad, you will obviously prefer to try the most famous dish in a foreign country. Well, in case you are going on a trip, save this list of national dishes from a variety of countries that are definitely worth trying.

1. Barbados: Peek-a-boo and the Flying Fish

Barbados has a lot of fish, such as opah, tuna, barracuda and redfish, but the country is called the “Land of the Flying Fish”. And this type of fish even made it to the most famous national dish of Barbados, which is called Coo-coo. Peek-a-boo consists mainly of corn grits and okra fruits, and served with it flying fish usually fried or steamed.

2. Canada: poutine (emphasis on the second syllable)

Poutine arrived in Quebec in the late 1950s. This favorite dish all Canadians. It's made from French fries, topped with brown gravy and served with chunks of cheese. Although the recipe is quite simple, there are many variations of poutine. Some restaurants offer this dish with toppings such as chicken, bacon or Montreal smoked meat, three pepper sauce or even caviar and truffles.

3. Syria: kebbe

This dish is also popular in Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan. A typical Syrian kebbe is made from bulgur (durum wheat), chopped onions and finely chopped pieces of beef, lamb, goat or camel meat. The best version of kebbe is these cutlets, stuffed with beef or lamb. The cutlets can also be shaped into a ball or flatbread, and can be baked or boiled in broth.

4. Poland: bigus

Bigus - traditional meat stew in Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian cuisine, but only the Poles consider this dish national. This very hearty and tasty stew is made from a large number of ingredients - fresh and sauerkraut, different varieties meat and sausages, tomatoes, honey, mushrooms, peppers, caraway seeds, bay leaves, oregano, prunes and other ingredients. Bigus can be served in a plate or inside a bread bun.

5. Greece: souvlaki

Greece is a country with several well-known dishes around the world, such as keftedes, moussaka or tzatziki, but souvlaki is usually considered the most famous Greek dish. This popular “fast food” in Greece consists of small pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables on skewers. Souvlaki is usually made from pork, although chicken or lamb can also be used. Served on skewers, on pita with garnish and sauces or with fried potatoes.

6. Italy: pizza

Pizza is famous all over the world, so there is no point in introducing this dish to you. Let’s better tell you how Margherita pizza came to be. According to legend, this pizza was invented in 1889, when the Neapolitan chef Raffaele Esposito was ordered to create a pizza specifically in honor of the visit of Queen Margherita. Of the three pizzas he prepared, the queen preferred the one whose ingredients were dominated by the national colors of Italy: red (tomatoes), green (basil) and white (mozzarella). Then it was decided to name this pizza in honor of Queen Margherita.

7. Ireland: Irish stew

First recognized in 1800, Irish stew is the most common dish in this country and a staple on any pub menu. It was originally thick broth With boiled lamb with onions, potatoes and parsley, but now other vegetables are often added to the dish.

8. USA: hamburger

Like pizza or pasta, hamburgers are eaten all over the world, but the dish is usually associated primarily with the United States. The word "hamburger" comes from the German word "Hamburg", from where many emigrated to America in the 19th century. On July 27, 1900, American grocery store chef Louis Lessing sold the first hamburger in his hometown of New Haven.

9. Hungary: goulash

Goulash became the national dish of Hungary in the late 1800s, when Hungarians sought symbols of national unity to distinguish themselves from other peoples of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Later this hearty dish spread throughout Central Europe, Scandinavia and Southern Europe. Goulash is a soup or stew made from beef (sometimes veal, pork, venison or lamb) and vegetables, generously seasoned with pepper and other spices.

10. Israel: Falafel

This dish is common not only in Israel, but throughout the Middle East. These are deep-fried balls or cakes made from ground chickpeas, garden beans, or both. Usually served in pita or lafe. Falafel has become so popular that in some countries McDonald's has started serving McFalafel.

Although this dish first originated in Jamaica, it is also eaten in the UK, Canada and the US. To prepare this dish, salted cod is sauteed in boiled akki (local tropical fruit), onions, tomatoes and spices. Usually served with fruits for breakfast or dinner breadfruit, bread, dumplings or boiled green bananas. Often the dish is washed with coconut milk.

12. Austria: Wiener Schnitzel

This is a very thin and deeply fried veal schnitzel. The most popular Viennese and Austrian dish in general. Prepared from lightly beaten veal, slightly salted and rolled in flour, beaten eggs and bread crumbs. Traditionally, this dish is served with potato salad, cucumber salad, parsley potatoes, fries or fried potatoes and a wedge of lemon.

13. South Korea: bulgogi

Translated as “fiery meat”. This is a typical South Korean dish that usually consists of fried marinated beef. The marinade is a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, onion, ginger, sugar, wine, green onions, and sometimes mushrooms. Many restaurants in South Korea have small barbecue sets built into their tables, allowing diners to grill their own meat.

14. France: thin pancakes

Very thin sweet pancakes, usually made from white flour. Served with the most with different fillings, can be sweet (with sugar, fruit jam, strawberries, maple syrup etc.), and salty (with cheese, ham, eggs, ratatouille, mushrooms, artichokes and various meat products).

15. China: Peking duck

The most famous dish from the capital of China and one of the most famous Chinese dishes around the world. Crispy-skinned duck served with green onions, cucumbers, sweet bean sauce and thin pancakes. Sometimes a bowl of hot sauce - such as hoisin - is added to the main plate.

16. Brazil: Feijoada

The main ingredients of this hearty and very tasty dish are beans and fresh pork or beef. This dish is prepared from black beans, various pork or beef products, such as bacon or smoked pork ribs, and at least two types smoked sausages And beef jerky. Usually served with white rice and oranges - the latter help digestion.

17. Ukraine: borscht

Popular in many countries of Eastern and Central Europe. Should I explain to you what it is? Foreigners describe it as a thick and spicy soup with beets as the main ingredient. Beef or pork is almost always added, and pieces of meat, potatoes and beets are used for the broth. Sometimes carrots and peppers are added. They eat it with bread.

18. Thailand: Thai noodles

Deeply fried rice noodles. It is served in restaurants, but you can also buy it from a street stall. Made from dry moistened with water rice noodles, which is fried with eggs and chopped tofu, and used as seasonings great amount the most different ingredients: tamarind pulp, fish sauce, dry shrimp, garlic, shallots, chilli, etc. Served with lime wedges and chopped roasted peanuts. Depending on the region, may also contain fresh shrimp, crabs, chicken or other types of meat.

19. Czech Republic: creamed tenderloin

In the Czech Republic, there is an eternal debate about what is the national dish in the country - creamed tenderloin or shank. Let it be the first. The tenderloin is usually beef, which is served with thick cream sauce and dumplings. Sometimes the dish is served with lemon slices and cranberries.

20. Venezuela: arepa

These flatbreads are from corn flour sometimes considered also the national dish of Colombia. In different regions of the country they use different sizes, types of flour and additional ingredients. For example, in eastern Venezuela, arepas are typically 7-20 cm in diameter and about 2 cm thick. Today this dish is made in special electrical appliances, which takes about 7 minutes (and with the usual way cooking - 15-25 minutes).

21. Türkiye: kebab

Kebab originated on the streets of Turkey, where street vendors cut the meat from vertically hung pieces. Traditionally, kebab is made with lamb, but depending on local preferences or religious beliefs, kebab can also be made with beef, goat, chicken, pork or even fish. Usually served in pita bread or pita bread.

22. Singapore: Chilli crab

The main ingredient of this delicious seafood dish is, of course, crab. It is fried in a thick, sweet and spicy tomato and chili sauce. This dish was even included in the list of “50 most delicious dishes all over the world" at number 35.

23. Serbia: Pljeskavica

This Balkan dish is made from different types minced meat. Traditional Serbian pljeskavica is made from a mixture of lamb, pork or ground beef(sometimes made from veal), fried with onions and served on a plate with vegetables and side dishes - usually with fried potatoes or bread. Recently, this hearty and delicious dish has begun to gain popularity in other parts of Europe.

24. New Zealand: Bacon and Egg Pie

This pie contains bacon, eggs, onions, peas, tomatoes and cheese, so it's quite high in calories. Sometimes served with ketchup. This dish is also popular in neighboring Australia.

25. Belgium: Moules-Frites

Translates to “mussels and fries.” This dish originated in Belgium and is considered national here, but is also popular in France and other Western countries. European countries. The most unusual thing about Moules-Frites is its size. One serving of this dish per person in almost any restaurant in Belgium is 1.5 kg! Mussels and fries are usually served on different plates so that the potatoes do not become too soft.

Almost every country has its own national dish - a legendary food that is the most widely consumed dish within its borders. National dishes are part of a country's identity and culture, and are also a popular theme for foreign visitors. When you travel you always want to try the most famous culinary dish visited country. For a little inspiration, we've put together a list of twenty-five outstanding ethnic dishes that you'll definitely want to try.

25. Barbados: Cou-cou & Flying Fish

Barbados has many types of popular fish such as king mackerel, tuna, barracuda or Campechin snapper, but Barbados is known as the “land of the flying fish” and these fish have even made their way into the Barbadian national dish called “Coo coo and the flying fish”. Peek-a-boo consists mainly of corn porridge(made from cornmeal) and okra (okra), and flying fish is usually fried or steamed.

24. Canada: poutine

Poutine, which originated in Quebec in the late 1950s, is a favorite dish in Canada. It is made from French fries with a topping from brown sauce, similar to gravy, and melted cheese. Although the basic recipe is very simple, there are many variations of poutine. Some restaurants offer poutine with toppings such as chicken, bacon, Montreal-style smoked meats, three-pepper sauce, or even caviar and truffles.

23. Syria: Kibbeh

This typical Syrian dish, also popular in Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan, is made from burgul (ground wheat), chopped onion and finely chopped lean beef, lamb, goat or camel meat. The most famous variety of kibbeh are torpedo-shaped fried meatballs stuffed with shredded beef or lamb. Other types can be formed into balls or patties. They are also baked or cooked in broth.

22. Poland: Bigos

Bigos (which means hunter's stew) is meat stew traditional for Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian cuisine, but only the Poles consider this dish their national dish. This is a very hearty and tasty stew made from a wide range of ingredients such as cabbage, sauerkraut, various types of meat and sausages, tomatoes, honey, mushrooms, peppers, caraway seeds, Bay leaf, marjoram, dried or smoked plums and others. Bigos can be served on a plate or sometimes in a loaf of bread.

21. Greece: Souvlaki

Greece is a country that is home to several famous dishes such as Fasolada, Moussaka or Tzatziki, but it is souvlaki that is usually considered the country's most iconic dish. This is popular Greek dish instant food consists of small pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables fried on a skewer. Typically, the dish is made from pork, although chicken and lamb can also be used. The dish can be served on a spit for eating on the go with your hands and in pita bread with side dishes and sauces or with fried potatoes.

20. Italy: pizza

Since pizza is well known all over the world, there is no need to introduce this popular dish. Instead, we'll tell you about the possible origins of the archetypal type of pizza - the Pizza Margherita. Legend has it that the Margherita pizza was invented in 1889, when the Royal Palace of Capodimonte commissioned Neapolitan pizza maker Raffaele Esposito to create a pizza in honor of Queen Margherita's visit. From three different pizzas he created, she chose a pie in the colors of the Italian flag: red (tomato), green (basil) and white (mozzarella). Presumably this type of pizza was then named after her - “Pizza Margherita”.

19. Ireland: Irish Stew

Irish stew, which first appeared back in 1800, is the most common dish in the country and a staple of Irish pubs around the world. Irish stew, which was originally a thick concoction of slow-cooked lamb with onions, potatoes and parsley, now often includes other vegetables.

18. USA: hamburger

Hamburgers, similar to pizza or pasta, are known and loved all over the world, but the country most often associated with them is the United States. Everyone knows what a hamburger typically consists of, but not many people know that the term "hamburger" originally comes from Hamburg, a German city from which many people emigrated to the United States. This term, however, has nothing to do with the dish, because in German "Burg" means a fortified settlement.

17. Hungary: goulash

Goulash became Hungary's national dish in the late 1800s, as Hungarians sought symbols of national identity to distinguish themselves from their partners in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Later, this hearty dish spread to Central Europe, Scandinavia and Southern Europe. It is a soup or stew made from beef (sometimes also veal, pork, venison or lamb) and vegetables, richly seasoned with pepper and other spices.

16. Israel: Falafel

A common dish not only in Israel but throughout the Middle East, falafel are deep-fried balls or patties made from ground chickpeas, beans, or both. The dish is typically served in pita bread or wrapped in a flatbread known as matzo. Falafel became so popular that McDonald's served McFalafel in some countries for a period of time.

15. Jamaica: Ackee & Saltfish

Although this savory dish originated and is most popular in Jamaica, it is also widely consumed in the UK, Canada and the US. To prepare this dish, salt cod is fried with boiled ackee (a nutritious fruit with a buttery, nutty flavor), onions, tomatoes and spices. The dish is usually served for breakfast or dinner with breadfruit, bread made from dense dough, dumplings or boiled green bananas. It is often washed down with coconut milk.

14. Austria: Wiener Schnitzel

Wiener schnitzel is a very thin breaded and deep-fried veal schnitzel. This is the most popular and famous Viennese as well as Austrian dish. It is prepared from lightly boiled lightly salted veal, rolled in flour, beaten eggs and breadcrumbs. The dish is traditionally served with potato salad, cucumber salad, parsley potatoes, French fries or fried potatoes and garnished with a slice of lemon.

13. South Korea: Bulgogi

Bulgogi, which literally means “fire meat,” is a typical South Korean dish that typically consists of grilled marinated beef. The marinade is a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, onion, ginger, sugar, wine, green onions and sometimes mushrooms. Many South Korean restaurants have mini barbecues on every table, giving diners the opportunity to grill their own meat.

12. France: thin pancakes (Crepe)

Thin pancakes, whose French name "Crêpe" comes from the Latin word "crispa" (meaning "rolled"), is usually made with wheat flour. Thin pancakes are served with a range of fillings. They can be either sweet (with sugar, fruit jam, strawberries, maple syrup, etc.) or “salty” (with cheese, ham, eggs, ratatouille, mushrooms, artichokes and various meat products).

11. China: Peking duck Peking Duck

Peking duck is the most famous dish from the capital of China and one of the most iconic Chinese dishes. Crispy duck meat eaten with green onions, cucumber, sweet bean sauce and thin pancakes. Sometimes, a small bowl of hot sauce such as Hoisin sauce is added to the main platter.

10. Brazil: Feijoada

The main ingredients of this hearty and very tasty dish are beans with fresh pork or beef. Brazilian feijoada is made from black beans, a variety of pork or beef products, such as pork trimmings, bacon or smoked pork ribs and at least two types smoked sausage and smoked beef. It is common to serve this dish with white rice and oranges. Oranges are served to aid digestion.

9. Ukraine: borscht

This dish originated in Ukraine, but has become popular in many countries of Eastern and Central Europe. The borscht is thick and spicy soup, in which beets are the main ingredient. It is almost always prepared with pork or beef broth and usually contains pieces of meat from which the broth was prepared. Borscht also includes hearty, starchy vegetables such as potatoes. Carrots and Bell pepper. It can be served as a main course, but is usually eaten as an appetizer, with bread.

8. Thailand: Pad Thai

Thai noodles is a stir-fry rice noodle dish. It is often sold as street food, but is also served as a main dish in Thai restaurants. This hearty dish is made from soaked and then dried rice noodles, which are stir-fried with eggs and chopped firm tofu. The dish is seasoned wide range ingredients such as tamarind pulp, fish sauce, dried shrimp, garlic, shallots, chili, etc. Thai noodles can be served with lime slices and crushed roasted peanuts. Depending on the region, it may also contain fresh shrimp, crab, chicken or other meats.

7. Czech Republic: Svickova

In the Czech Republic, there is an ongoing debate about whether the Czech national dish is fried pork with dumplings and cabbage (Vepřo-knedlo-zelo) or svickova. We chose the second option. Svichkova is beef tenderloin with cream vegetable sauce and dumplings. This is a tasty but not very dietary dish, sometimes served with lemon slices and cranberries as a garnish.

6. Venezuela: Arepa

The arepa, made from a dough of pounded corn or fried flour, is considered the national dish of Venezuela and sometimes Colombia as well. IN different parts countries use different sizes and types of corn and added ingredients. In eastern Venezuela, for example, the most common species typically ranges from 8 to 20 centimeters in diameter and is approximately 2 centimeters thick. These days, the dish is often prepared in electric arepa machines, which reduce cooking time from 15 to 25 minutes per side to seven minutes or less.

5. Türkiye: Kebab

Kebab originated in Turkey, where street vendors sold meat cut from vertically mounted skewers. Kebab has become one of the most popular fast food dishes in most European countries. Traditional meat kebab is lamb, but depending on local preference or religious prohibitions, kebab may also use other types of meat, including beef, goat, chicken, pork or even fish. The meat is usually served in flatbread or pita bread.

4. Singapore: Chili Crab

The main ingredient in this delicious seafood dish is large, edible crabs that are sautéed in a sweet and hearty tomato and chili sauce. The CNN Go listed travel guide included this Singaporean dish in its list of the "50 Most Delicious Dishes in the World." It is at number 35.

3. Serbia: Pljeskavica

This is a Balkan dish made from various types ground meat, popular throughout South-Eastern Europe. Traditional Serbian pljeskavica is made from a mixture of chopped lamb, pork, beef or veal, which is grilled with onions and served hot on a plate with vegetables and a side dish, usually fries or bread. This tasty and spicy dish has recently begun to gain popularity in other European countries and is already served in some specialized restaurants. fast food.

2. New Zealand: Bacon and Egg Pie

This savory pie crust contains bacon, egg and often onions, peas, tomato and cheese. It is sometimes served with ketchup. Pie tends to have a denser texture and feel and tends to be high in calories. In addition to New Zealand, this snack is also popular in neighboring Australia.

1. Belgium: mussels with fries (Moules-Frites)

This dish first appeared in Belgium and is considered the country's national dish, however, it is also popular in France and other Western European countries. However, the most surprising thing about this traditional Belgian dish is its size. A serving of mussels in Belgian restaurants is usually one and a half kilograms per person. As a dish, mussels and fries are served in separate plates or containers to prevent the fries from becoming soggy.


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    Very unique, developed over more than one century, under the influence of many traditions, Georgian cuisine is one of the most vibrant in the world. The famous kebabs, chakhokhbili, lobio, and kharcho are very popular even outside the country.
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    European cuisine (also called continental) combines the traditions of many countries, but also has its own distinctive features. Spices and seasonings fade into the background in comparison with Eastern cuisine; dishes are prepared mainly from meat and vegetables, as well as eggs and flour.
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    Almost everyone is familiar with two main dishes Italian cuisine- pizza and pasta. These dishes are beloved by Europeans and Americans; there are hundreds of variations and recipes for their preparation. However, Italian cuisine is much more extensive, especially popular among local residents seafood and cheese dishes.
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    Business card Mexican cuisine is a burrito and tortilla (corn flour flatbread). Very much is added to almost all dishes. hot peppers chili or jalapeno. Famous cuisine They make two sauces: guacomole and salsa.
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    Russian cuisine is very rich in first courses, hearty pies and loaves. Stewed porridges and stewed porridges are popular among people. meat dishes, dumplings, as well as pancakes and pancakes. At the end of the 15th century, there were 500 recipes for kvass alone.
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    Mediterranean people consume large amounts of fresh vegetables and fruits, pasta and baked goods made from flour durum varieties wheat, as well as fish and seafood. Diets and healthy eating plans are often based on Mediterranean cuisine.
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    Travel is different. Exotic, cultural, beach, romantic... And sometimes gastronomic! And even if you are usually on a diet, then a few months before the beach season you can quite afford them ;-) Going to Italy, France, Spain or, for example, mmmm... Thailand or Turkish Istanbul, you can not only relax and have fun, but also enjoy mind-blowing delicacies! Do you want to know how to please yourself and your stomach in the 7 most delicious countries a world where food is a cult? Then “swallow” this article entirely. Bon appetit! ;-)

    1. Italy:Neapolitan Margherita, prosciutto with melon, caciucco of 5 types of fish...

    Tie me to Michelangelo's David statue! The amazing dishes of Italian cuisine make your mind go blank. Taste buds looking forward to the holiday! And so, without which Italy is not Italy... Without the real Neapolitan Margherita - the ancestor of all pizzas. The thinnest flatbread made with San Marzano tomatoes grown near Vesuvius, baked in a wood-burning oven, then topped with mozzarella di buffala cheese, basil and a drizzle of olive oil... Oh, mamma mia! She brings me to... Although I haven't eaten the prosciutto di parma yet!

    …Culinary Oscar contender #2! Transparent slices of salty ham are served in Italy with ripe, fragrant melon. A glass of sweet rose wine... Mmmm... Be-lis-si-mo! Pasta is devilishly dangerous for your figure, but Carbonara with goat cheese and bacon is divinely delicious. And in Italy they make amazing risotto! Try it with truffles, seafood... If you want soup, feel free to order thick Tuscan caciucco - from 5 varieties of fish, with the addition of red wine. You will also find Roman-style artichokes, national Italian gelato ice cream with fruits, berries, chocolate and nuts...

    5. Türkiye (Istanbul): fish sandwiches, kebabs, marash-dondurma, oriental sweets...

    Coming to Istanbul, ordinary people go to the Blue Mosque or Hagia Sophia... Gastrotourists, on the other hand, head to the Eminönü pier to taste the most delicious food, accompanied by the cries of seagulls and the splashing of waves. street food in the world - fish sandwiches balyk ekmek! The freshest mackerel is grilled in front of you, and then placed in a soft, fluffy bun, generously seasoned with lettuce, onion rings and poured over lemon juice. Mmm! And this delicacy is prepared on the deck of a small colorful boat rocking on the waves. Very romantic! What else should you include on your menu in Istanbul? Fried red mullet, sea bass marinated with basil, sea bream, mussels stuffed with rice...

    Kufte cutlets and kebabs are very popular, and cafes and restaurants of this type are like street cats on every corner. Try minced meat on a skewer - adana kebab or shish kebab - shish kebab, always with stewed vegetables. It's incredibly delicious! With warmth you will remember hot lentil soup with mint... Well, for dessert, Istanbul prepared the incomparable marash-dondurma ice cream, with natural thickener– orchid juice, and an incredible amount oriental sweets! Delicate Turkish delight, sherbet, nougat and juicy, flaky baklava soaked in honey, various syrups and sprinkled with pistachios...

    7. Mexico: tacos with salsa sauce, nachos with melted cheese, fajitas, burritos, tequila...

    What is amazing about Mexico? An original culture, an atmosphere of eternal summer, national parks, archaeological sites of the Aztecs and Mayans. It's incredibly interesting to be here! Oh, I wonder what Mexico offers? In different regions completely different menu And culinary traditions. However, the basis of the cuisine is beans, corn, meat, fish, avocado and fiery pepper Chile. Mexico tastes hot and spicy! Snacks with tortillas and all kinds of sauces are very popular here. Taco - corn tortilla with beef, pork, beans, clams, shredded cheese and salsa! Mmmm... You can swallow your tongue!

    Try the homemade nacho chips with melted cheese and be sure to try the fajitas, a tortilla stuffed with beef marinated in a spicy sauce and grilled on the barbecue. But in the famous burrito, it turns out, they put whatever their heart desires: beans, rice, salty queso fresco cheese, tomatoes and meat, mushrooms and fish. And even tropical fruits! This is if you want dessert. Waiting for you and meat goulash Olya podrida, and tamali - meat cabbage rolls, wrapped in corn cob leaves. The sopa de marisco soup is exceptionally tasty. And, having eaten your fill, go and drink tequila!

    Well, your appetite for sultry Mexico has awakened! The hottest tours are waiting!

    P.S. Share your own delicious impressions of the world in the comments!

    Melnikova Anastasia, gastroexpert Onlinetours
