Silver carp fried in a frying pan. How to fry silver carp in a frying pan in an egg

This a fish dish served both hot and cold. Best side dish– potato or vegetable puree, fresh vegetable salad, rice.

Silver carp fillet in wine batter

How to fry silver carp in batter so that the fish cooks tasty and quickly? The size of the pieces matters in this matter. The thicker the piece, the longer it takes to fry.

The batter is necessary to ensure that the fish flesh remains juicy.

We fillet the silver carp and remove the bones as much as possible. Fish and spices, set aside for a while. Many housewives sprinkle the preparations with lemon juice, then the silver carp will not only be salted and become rich in spices, but also slightly marinated, acquiring a piquant taste.

Mix 2 eggs and 100 ml of dry white wine in deep container and shake with a whisk. Add 130 g of flour in small portions, stirring constantly. If desired, the batter can be salted, sweetened or spiced. Let the batter mixture sit for a third of an hour.

We roll each piece of fish in flour and “bathe” it in batter. Cook fish in batter over high heat and large quantities vegetable fat. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Delete excess fat You can do this if you spread the uncooled pieces of fried fish on paper. This dish is best served as a cold appetizer.

Fried fish with sauce

Silver carp fried recipe The preparations are similar. However, if you change the proportions in the recipe or add new ingredients, you can get a completely new fish dish.

In this recipe we will look at how to cook silver carp in a frying pan with sauce or gravy. We use traditional tomato sauce. Although you can make creamy mushroom, wine, cheese and any other that goes with fish.

Fry the silver carp in pieces as usual (you can fry steaks or fillets).

Laying out the pieces fried silver carp into a clean deep roasting pan. In another frying pan, prepare a dressing sauce from coarsely grated carrots and tomato paste. Seasonings for the dressing: salt, pepper in a pot, Bay leaf, spices for fish, cloves, dried root celery.

Add water to the pan (to cover) and boil for about 10 minutes. Pour the sauce over the pieces of fried silver carp, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for two-thirds of an hour.

Silver carp on an onion bed in a frying pan

Now the silver carp is in the frying pan so that the fish remains juicy. In this article we offer a fried silver carp recipe with photos.

How to fry silver carp is described above. So, we already have it ready Fried fish, but when it cools down, it will become dry. In this recipe, your silver carp will remain juicy even when cold.

Take a few onions and cut them into rings. Place in a dry, clean frying pan onion rings along the entire bottom of the container. On onion pillow add pieces of fried fish. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. You can add a little water.

We think that these few recipes on how to deliciously fry silver carp will take their rightful place in your cookbook.

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Among freshwater fish of the carp family, silver carp is very popular. Dishes made from it always turn out juicy, nutritious and especially tasty. Exist interesting recipes, thanks to which you can deliciously cook silver carp in a frying pan.

Product selection and benefits

This type fish can be safely attributed to low-calorie foods, thanks to which you can use it even during diets. Raw this fish contains only 86 kcal per 100 g of product. But if you cook it in a frying pan, its calorie content increases. The calorie content of fried silver carp is 193 calories per 100 g of product.

The benefit of this fish is that it is a source of protein, calcium and phosphorus. Regular use product has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system, the condition of hair, nails, skin and teeth improves. The product also helps reduce bad cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system and has positive influence on the general condition of the body. Silver carp, like any other type of fish, only brings benefits to the human body.

It is not recommended to eat dishes with it only if it is detected allergic reactions and in case of individual intolerance to the product. In addition, those who care about their slimness should consume fried fish with great caution.


Fried silver carp always turns out delicious. If you are used to frying silver carp only in batter or simply in flour, then we suggest you choose any step by step recipe to diversify your daily menu.

With spices

  • First, we clean and cut the fish into small pieces. Try to cut it into not too thick pieces. The ideal thickness is no more than 4 cm.
  • Next, each steak should be seasoned with classic spices and left for 5 minutes. You can use just salt and pepper, or you can use any fish seasoning.
  • In a separate bowl, beat one egg. Pour into another bowl a large number of flour. Dip each piece of fish in the egg, and then place it in a bowl with flour.
  • Place the pieces of heated vegetable oil frying pan and fry on both sides over medium heat until full readiness. If you want a crispy crust, you can add some breadcrumbs to the flour.

With onion

Very tasty dish Silver carp is made from silver carp if you cook it with onions.

  • First we prepare the fish, cut it into portioned pieces, dry slightly.
  • Add a mixture of peppers and a little salt.
  • Fry prepared fish pieces in a frying pan until done. As soon as the fish is ready, place it on a separate plate.
  • Prepare the onion: take two large onions and cut them into thin rings.
  • Place the onion rings in a thick layer on a clean and dry frying pan. Place ready-made pieces of fish on top. Cover everything with a lid and simmer for 10–15 minutes. low heat. If necessary, you can add a little water, but, as a rule, the onions release enough liquid, and in the end the dish turns out juicy and tasty.

You can also cook silver carp with other vegetables. We prepare the fish in advance and fry it until done in the usual way. Then we start cooking special sauce, thanks to which you will succeed original dish. Grind one carrot on a coarse grater and lightly fry it in a frying pan. Then add one onion, cut into half rings. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, add two tablespoons of high-quality tomato paste. Fry the vegetables in a frying pan for 5 minutes, then add some spices and any herbs. Cloves are great. Reduce heat and add to sauce fried pieces silver carp. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

By the way, it is quite possible to fry the fish in the evening, and the next day quickly prepare such a dish for lunch or dinner.

The following tips will help you choose the right fish and cook it deliciously hearty dish from her.

  • It is best to choose fish weighing more than 1.5 kg: its meat will be more juicy.
  • The fillet of this fish is great not only for frying in a frying pan, but also for baking in the oven, for cooking steaks on the grill and even for jellied dishes.
  • If you just want to fry the fish in a frying pan, then you should first marinate it for 20 minutes. Do not water big amount lemon juice prepared fish pieces, add spices. As a result, the meat will be very tender.
  • Once the fried fish is ready, place the pieces on a napkin to remove excess fat.
  • Mashed potatoes, rice or vegetable salad are perfect as a side dish for this fish.

To learn how to fry silver carp, watch the following video.

  • silver carp – 2 pieces,
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoons,
  • black ground pepper– a pinch,
  • wheat flour – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • bread crumbs - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • refined vegetable oil - for frying,
  • fresh parsley - for serving.

First, clean the fish, wash it well and cut into portions. Usually large supermarkets can do this for you. If you bought such a fish, then you are very lucky. You just need to rinse the fish under cold water and that's all.

Wash each piece of silver carp well, salt and pepper on all sides. You can also add lemon juice and leave for 15 minutes. But this is not necessary if you don't have time to wait.

Mix breadcrumbs with flour and roll the fish pieces in this mixture on all sides.

Pour oil into the pan, turn on medium heat and add the fish. Cook on each of 4 sides until they are all browned.

Remove the finished fried silver carp and place it on a plate.

Serve sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Here's how to cook pickled silver carp at home.

Fried silver carp, simple recipe

When buying fish, pay attention to the gills - they should be pink-red without unpleasant mucus, the eyes should not be cloudy, the belly should be free of swelling and rusty spots or stripes. If the fish is sold without a head, pay attention to the smell. If it’s unpleasant, then this is a reason to refuse such a purchase. The pulp should not be wrinkled or flabby.

Before cooking, place the fish in a sink or bowl and remove scales. Use a regular knife or a special peeler. Clean the knife periodically with a cloth, otherwise you will have to clean up later. Use scissors to cut off the fins. Open the belly along the entire carcass and remove all the insides, being careful not to damage gallbladder. Be sure to separate the black films. Remove the gills and cut off the head and tail - you can use them for fish soup. Wash the fish carcass thoroughly under running water and dry or place on a wire rack to dry. Cut the prepared fish into pieces and start cooking.


  • 1 fresh silver carp,
  • coarse table salt,
  • 2 tablespoons flour,
  • refined vegetable oil.


So, you purchased a great-smelling fresh specimen and prepared it in accordance with the recommendations outlined. Then the most time-consuming and dirty stage is behind you - add salt fish preparations and start frying. If you wish, you can add a little black pepper or other spices for taste.

Place the pan over medium heat and pour in sunflower oil. Pour the sifted flour into a convenient saucer and dip each piece, rolling on all sides to form golden brown crust during heat treatment. Place the prepared pieces in a heated frying pan and fry on both sides until cooked. If necessary, add more oil.

Serve fried silver carp with a side dish of fresh or boiled, stewed vegetables. Pickles will also be very useful. And I really love with mashed potatoes. Enjoy, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy!

Silver carp - wonderful fish, from which you can cook a lot different dishes. I offer one of the simplest and good recipes cooking this fish. Silver carp fried in a frying pan, it turns out very tender and juicy, tasty both hot and cold. So that the fish does not fall apart and has an appetizing crispy crust, be sure to bread it in flour. Great dish, try it!


To prepare silver carp fried in a frying pan, you will need:
silver carp fish - 2.5 kg;
salt, pepper mixture - to taste;
lemon - 4-5 rings;
vegetable oil for frying;
corn or wheat flour for breading.

Cooking steps

Clean the silver carp from scales and entrails, and remove the fins using kitchen scissors. Cut off the head and tail. Remove the gills from the head; the head will be useful for broth (for example, fish soup). Rinse the cleaned fish thoroughly under running water, remove the black film inside.

Cut the silver carp into portions. My fish was large, so I cut it into 4 steaks (pieces), then divided each steak into 2 parts (you get 8 pieces). If in this case the pieces turned out to be large (as in the photo), you can cut each one into 2 more pieces to get 16 pieces of silver carp.

Salt the silver carp pieces, add a mixture of peppers and lemon rings (they need to be lightly crushed with your hands to release the juice), mix well and leave to marinate for 20-30 minutes. Sometimes I leave the fish to marinate overnight; to do this, I put it in the refrigerator.

For breading I have today corn flour, she turns out beautiful golden crust. You can also use wheat flour. Dredge the silver carp pieces in flour on one side first.

Then roll the fish in flour on the other side.

Transfer the fried silver carp from the frying pan to napkins to remove excess oil. Appetizing, juicy, delicious fish Serve with herbs or your favorite side dish.

Delicious and pleasant moments!

Recipe silver carp fried in a frying pan:

Cut the gutted and cleaned silver carp into equal pieces; of course, you can cut it into steaks, but if the fish is large, then the steaks will turn out to be very large, so they should be cut in half. Place the fish in a bowl, cover with cold water and leave for 10 minutes.

Prepare salt and spices, and also squeeze out the juice of half a lemon, do not throw away the lemon slices.

Pour lemon juice over the silver carp steaks, add salt and pepper, mix everything so that the juice with spices and salt get on each piece of fish. Leave the silver carp in lemon juice for 15 minutes. Send the lemon slices left after squeezing the juice there.

After 15 minutes, you should roll the silver carp pieces in wheat flour, and you can roll them twice so that later you get a crispy crust in the pan.

Place the breaded silver carp pieces into the heated oil. Fry over moderate heat for about 2 minutes on one side.

Then carefully turn the fish over to the other side and keep it on the fire for another minute or two.

Fried silver carp can be served hot, straight from the pan, or completely cooled. Potatoes are suitable as a side dish, fresh vegetables or salad.
