Dogwood compote for the winter - recipes for making dogwood compote with seeds, with and without sterilization, video. How to cook dogwood compote for the winter: simple step-by-step recipes with photos

Dogwood compote for the winter is one of the simplest when it comes to the method of preparation and preparation of ingredients (I mean dogwood compote with a stone). But don't let this simplicity fool you when it comes to taste and... appearance dogwood compote. It turns out to be such a bright, rich, very beautiful color that you just can’t take your eyes off it! That is why it has a very poetic name - “Ruby Dawn”.

Well, as for the taste, dogwood compote for the winter will also pleasantly surprise you: light, unobtrusive sourness, freshness, moderate sweetness - that’s all about it. I don’t really like compotes with just one ingredient: in most cases they seem too banal and boring to me.

But here dogwood compote– a pleasant exception: the dogwood in it is really very good on its own. Children really like dogwood compote, and adults won’t refuse it, I’m sure. So if you are looking for a simple recipe for dogwood compote for the winter, which will also be very tasty, you have come to the right place: I’m just about to tell you how to cook dogwood compote.

I myself closed 10 liter jars of it this year and am going to continue to roll it up: I’m sure this will be very popular in winter. Well, it is with great pleasure that I share with you how to cook dogwood compote - all the details and step by step photos at your service.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • 150 g dogwood;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 750 ml water;
  • a pinch of citric acid.

How to prepare dogwood compote for the winter:

We sort out the dogwoods. For compote we select large ones ripe fruits, remove the crushed ones.

We wash the berries in running water and place them in a colander. Let it sit for 10 minutes until the water drains.

Place dogwood in pre-sterilized jars.

Cooking sugar syrup. Required amount Bring the water to a boil, add sugar and, stirring, keep on fire until the crystals are completely dissolved. Pour in citric acid and stir as required in the recipe for dogwood compote for the winter. Pour boiling syrup into the dogwood jars, filling them to the very top.

We send jars of compote to be sterilized. To do this, place the jars in a wide pan, the bottom of which is lined with a napkin (or a special stand is installed), pour warm water, slightly short of the hangers of the cans. Cover the jars with compote with lids. Place the pan on the fire and bring the water to a boil. sterilize for 12 minutes.

After sterilization, the jars of dogwood compote are immediately sealed and turned upside down. Leave the jars in this form until they cool completely. This dogwood compote can be stored for the winter at room temperature, in a dark place.

Now you know how to prepare dogwood compote for the winter. Isn’t it very simple and fast?

You can prepare canned compotes from various berries and fruits. So, making dogwood compote for the winter is as easy as shelling pears. And this drink turns out to be very beautiful with a pleasant sour and slightly tart taste. In addition, dogwood compote contains a lot useful vitamins, so it's worth taking the time to prepare it.

First of all, let’s figure out what the benefits and harms of the berries from which we will prepare compote are for the body. Dogwood began to be consumed in time immemorial. The berry was considered not only valuable food product, but also a medicine. Contains many useful microelements and vitamins.

Eating berries reduces blood sugar, accelerates metabolic processes, and improves immunity. However, people diagnosed with gastritis with high levels of secretion or peptic ulcer, dogwood berries and compote made from them are contraindicated.

To prepare canned compote, you should choose ripe, but not overripe berries. Berries that are too soft will burst when poured with boiling water and turn into mush.

The berries need to be sorted, the stalks separated, and those with signs of spoilage discarded. Then you need to rinse the dogwood in cold water. It is convenient to wash the berries in a colander or large sieve. Compote is made from berries with pits.

You can add other types of fruits and berries to dogwood berries. The taste of the compote will only benefit from this.

There are two ways to prepare compote. When using the first one, the berries are poured with syrup, and then the jars of compote are sterilized in boiling water. A simpler option for preparing the product is without sterilization. In this case, the double-fill method is used.

That is, first, the fruits poured into jars are poured with boiling water and left for about 20 minutes. Then the water is drained and boiling syrup is poured into the jars, after which the container with compote is immediately closed with tin lids boiled in water.

Interesting facts: a special paste is made from dogwood fruits to feed astronauts and long-distance sailors. This paste provides the body with essential vitamins.

Dogwood compote for the winter - recipe for a 3 liter jar

Dogwood compote is made from berries with seeds, since it is extremely difficult to separate them. But do not forget that compotes with seeds can be stored for no more than one year.

  • 1.5 cups dogwood berries;
  • 5 apples;
  • 250 gr. Sahara.

We prepare the fruits. Pour dogwood berries cold water, leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse well and sort through, discarding all damaged ones. Apples need to be peeled and cut into slices.

Advice! To prevent apples cut into slices from darkening, it is recommended to place the fruit in acidified water. You need to put 3 grams of citric acid per liter of water.

Place slices of jars at the bottom of clean and dry jars and add berries. Pour boiling water into the jars and let stand for twenty minutes, covering with lids. After this, pour the water into a saucepan and add sugar to this water and let it boil. When the sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat and pour the boiling syrup into the jars. We seal the jars tightly. To make sure that the jars are closed properly, you need to place them upside down.

Recipe with pears

Dogwood and dogwood compote has a pleasant taste.

  • 4 cups dogwood berries;
  • 5 large pears;
  • 600 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid.

From this quantity of products you can prepare 6 liters of compote. It is convenient to seal the compote in three-liter jars.

  • 300 gr. grapes;
  • 300 gr. dogwood;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

To prepare compote, you can take grapes with light or dark berries. In the latter case, the compote will acquire saturated color. The grapes should be ripe, but still firm.

Grapes can be removed from the bunch or placed in jars with twigs. If the latter option is chosen, the compote will have a more tart taste. Place the washed grapes and dogwoods in clean jars. The jar should be filled with berries to a third of its height.

Pour boiling water into the jars and leave to warm for 15 minutes. Then carefully drain the water, the berries should remain in the jar. Prepare syrup from the drained water by adding sugar. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes. Fill the jars with boiling syrup and seal them tightly. We turn the jars over and wrap them in blankets, leaving them under the blankets until they cool completely.

With added plum

Another version of dogwood compote is prepared with the addition. To prepare it, we recommend using Hungarian plums. If you use plums with sour taste(for example, blackthorn), then you will need to increase the amount of sugar.

If there are still people in the world who have never tried dogwood compote, they have lost a lot. After all, this drink not only has beautiful colour and unusual tart-sour taste, it is vitamin bomb in winter. Prepared dogwood compote for the winter according to the recipes provided below will help boost the immunity of the whole family, including preventing colds.

Dogwood contains such useful material, like vitamin C and phytoncides. It helps eliminate toxins, increases hemoglobin, eliminates heartburn and has a positive effect on the stomach with high acidity. Dogwood is useful for anemia, diabetes mellitus, and also acts as a tonic and antipyretic. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to have a couple of recipes for dogwood compote for the winter in your housekeeping book. The peculiarity of dogwood compote is that immediately after seaming it is almost colorless. This shouldn't be alarming. It will take 2-3 days, the compote will infuse and acquire a beautiful color. And one more nuance is how to cook dogwood compote - of course, with a bone. If only because separating it is not an easy task. In addition, it will give the workpiece additional taste qualities.

Canned dogwood compote with a stone can be stored for no more than one year.

Recipe for dogwood compote using the triple pour method

Canning dogwood compote for the winter without sterilization is similar to canning cucumbers.

Ingredients for one 3-liter bottle:

  1. Sort the dogwood berries, remove the branches and stems, rinse and drain in a colander or sieve.
  2. While the berries are draining, sterilize the jars and boil the lids for sealing.
  3. Pour dogwood into the bottle.
  4. Pour boiling water over the berries, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 20 minutes.
  5. Pour the infused water back into the pan and set to boil again.
  6. Pour over the berries a second time and let it brew again for 15 minutes.
  7. Pour sugar into a jar.
  8. Pour boiling infused water a third time.
  9. Roll up.

This compote is different in that the sugar is not poured into a jar, but syrup is prepared from it. It is worth noting that the compote will turn out quite sweet. For those who prefer less sugary drinks, before drinking compote, it is recommended to dilute it with water to taste.

Ingredients for five 3-liter jars:

Of course, to prepare dogwood compote for the winter using the sterilization method, you will need a little extra time. But this method is suitable for housewives who do not have the opportunity to store the seaming in the basement. And the sterilized compote will stand on the mezzanine in the apartment all winter without problems (if it is not drunk first).

Ingredients for one 3-liter bottle:

  • dogwood berries – 2-3 cups;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • water - to fill the jar to the brim.

Another recipe for how to cook dogwood compote without resorting to sterilization. This method is good because it belongs to the “on a quick fix" However, this does not affect its quality. Thanks to citric acid, which prevents the emergence and development of harmful bacteria, the compote is well stored at room temperature.


  • sugar – 300 g:
  • water – 2.8 l;
  • dogwood – 350 g;
  • citric acid - a third of a teaspoon.

If someone thinks that the dogwood compote lacks sweetness, it’s worth trying to add sweet fruit, for example, a pear. And the taste will change, since the pear will slightly hide the sourness of the dogwood, and the aroma will become much richer. By the way, both dogwood and pears are great for a “snack”!

If you get pears durum varieties, to soften them, immerse them in boiling water for 2 minutes. The main thing is not to overcook the fruit, otherwise they will fall apart during the preparation of the compote.

Ingredients for 3 jars:

  1. Wash the dogwood, core the pears, cut into 4 pieces.
  2. Sterilize jars.
  3. Pour dogwood into a jar, add pears and add sugar.
  4. Fill the jar with boiling water to half the volume, cover with a lid and let stand for 20 minutes.
  5. While the compote is infused, pour a second portion of water into the pan to completely fill the jar. After boiling for a few minutes, add water to the jar.
  6. Roll up, turn the compote upside down, cover with something warm and leave to cool.

I would like to hope that after reading this article the dogwood will have more fans. The sour berry began to be used for food a long time ago, for a long time positive feedback has dogwood and in folk medicine. As mentioned above, dogwood is simply indispensable for the immune system. Therefore, every pantry should have at least a couple of jars of vitamin compote. Drink dogwood compote in winter, enjoy and be healthy!

Dogwood compote is popular in winter, because it indispensable source vitamins It’s not difficult to cook; every housewife can do it if she has at her disposal the recipe from Popular About Health. On 3 liter jar There is no need to calculate the quantity of ingredients, we will provide you with information regarding the quantity of ingredients. Just follow the instructions and make the blanks with love.

How much dogwood, sugar and water is needed for a 3 liter jar of compote?

Each housewife prepares compotes in jars differently. Some people put berries at the rate of 1 kilogram per 3 liter jar, others put less - 700 grams of fruit. It is not at all necessary to weigh dogwood down to grams; you can navigate by the volume of the container, filling it by a third.

How much sugar do you need for compote in a 3 liter container? Housewives usually add about 300-350 grams to each jar granulated sugar. If this value changes, it is upward, since sugar in this case acts as a preservative.

How much water will be needed for each bottle of compote? On average, a jar one-third full holds a little less than two liters of liquid. However, this is not so important; there is no need to measure its volume, since housewives usually boil water in a separate pan with a reserve, and then simply drain the excess water for kitchen needs. So, now you can move on to dogwood drink recipes for the winter.

Dogwood compote for the winter that does not require sterilization

Let's prepare the ingredients for a 3 liter jar - dogwood - 700 g, sugar - 350 g, water.

We sort through the fruits, removing all spoiled and crushed ones, and remove any debris that comes across. We wash the berries in a sieve under running water. We wash the jar first, sterilize it, and do the same with the lids. Pour the dogwood into the container.

Now put a pan with two and a half liters of water on the stove (take it with a small margin so as not to make a mistake). As soon as it boils, pour it into a jar of berries up to the neck, pour out the remaining water, we won’t need it anymore. We leave the dogwood to infuse on the table. While in boiling water, the berries will give off their aroma to the water and color the liquid pink. Cover the container with a lid and wait a quarter of an hour. Then carefully pour the syrup into the pan and turn the heat back on the stove. Add sugar to the syrup, dissolve it, stirring the contents. Fill the jar with berries with the newly boiled syrup and immediately roll it up. In order to check the quality of the twist, the container is usually turned over and left in this position to cool. Be sure to wrap the dogwood compote, then it will retain heat longer, which means the fruits will impart more flavor and aroma to the drink.

Recipe for winter dogwood compote with apples

Ingredients for a winter drink for a 3 liter jar – apples – 2 pieces, dogwood – 700 g, sugar – one and a half glasses, water – approximately 2.5 liters.

Wash the berries, removing debris. Apples should also be washed. Let's prepare the containers - sterilize and boil the lids. Now put the required volume of water on the stove and bring to a boil. We cut the apples into pieces and remove the cores. Place the fruits in a jar, pour boiling water to the top, and cover with a lid. Don't forget to drain the remaining water from the pan. Let the compote sit for 15 minutes.

After waiting right time, pour the now pink and fragrant liquid from the jar into a saucepan, turn on the heat, add sugar. The syrup needs to be boiled for at least a couple of minutes so that the grains of granulated sugar dissolve. Pour the liquid back into the bottle and screw it on. Cool the compote by turning it over and wrapping the containers. Now you know how to prepare this drink, and what are the benefits of it, we will tell you further.

What are the benefits of compote due to the presence of dogwood??

Dogwood compote is especially useful in winter; it can compensate for the lack of vitamin C that is felt at this time of year. In addition, it increases hemoglobin and perfectly tones, strengthens vascular walls, cleanses the blood of toxins and promotes good digestion. When you have a cold, it is useful to consume compote, as it relieves inflammation and helps lower body temperature. This drink has bactericidal properties. But it may be harmful for some people.

Dogwood - harm from compote

Who shouldn't drink a dogwood drink preserved for the winter? Diabetics. Although a decoction or infusion of berries is useful for these people, as it lowers the level of glucose in the blood, preparing it for the winter will not benefit diabetics, because it contains sugar. If you have an ulcer or gastritis, you should also not eat any preparations made from these fruits, because they contain a lot of acid. Allergy sufferers should be careful. If you want to try the preparation, start with a small amount. If there are no negative manifestations of the berries, you can drink canned compote from these fruits. Small children can be given a small amount of drink, diluting it boiled water, provided that they are not allergic to these berries.

We looked at two recipes for making compote for the winter. Now you know exactly what ingredients and in what quantity you put dogwood in a 3 liter jar. When canning, adhere to the specified proportions to get a tasty and healthy drink. If you accidentally add more sugar than you need, don't worry. ready drink Before use, you can dilute it with water, bringing its taste to the desired level.

The first thing you need to do is take dogwood. Berries for compote must be selected whole, without damage.

The berries are thoroughly washed under water.

After which they must be placed in a 3 liter jar. Canning jars and lids must undergo a sterilization process. You need to pour water into the pan and place it on the stove. The water is brought to a boil, after which it must be poured into a jar with the berries.

The water in the jar should infuse a little and cool slightly. Then the water is poured into the pan again, sugar is added and placed on the stove. The syrup must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly.

The syrup is poured into a jar.

You need to pour boiling water all the way to the edge of the jar.

Dogwood compote is ready. You can screw the lids on the jars. To be safe, jars of compote should be turned upside down and wrapped. They should be left in this position for a day. After this time, the preservation can be placed in a cool place.

Dogwood compote after preservation turns out to be transparent in color, but this is just the first few days. After the berries release their juice, the compote will turn red. The drink is stored for only one year.

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In addition, dogwood compote is rich in vitamins, so it is very useful. Gaining particular popularity in winter period. In this regard, every housewife should keep such a healthy drink away for the winter. Its taste is at high level, appeal to both adults and children. Therefore, such a drink can be safely used both for everyday use and for special occasions. festive table, and be sure that the compote will disperse with ease.
