Frozen blackcurrant puree with sugar. Frozen black currants

Greetings to all summer lovers and fresh berries! Sunny days are in full swing, so it's time to take care of preserving vitamins and useful substances for many months.

Black currant is a unique berry with bright aroma and pleasant to the taste. Quick freezing will help keep it in its original form, thanks to which you can enjoy the gifts of summer during the cold season.

In this article we will tell readers how to freeze blackcurrants for the winter and get the most benefit from them.

  • It's fast! The whole process (namely your work) will take no more than half an hour. Comparison with cooking jam/compote is clearly not in their favor.
  • It is delicious! The taste and amazing aroma of the berries will remain exactly the same as if you had just picked them from the bush.
  • It is beautiful! Some berries will delight you with their original shape.
  • This is useful! And most importantly, by following the technology, you can achieve the preservation of 100% of vitamins. And if you are not too diligent, then 70-80% will still remain. These numbers are unbeatable!

But the miracle berry is known for its beneficial properties, which have been valued by people for centuries. To saturate the body daily dose ascorbic acid, it is enough to eat only 50 g of berries.

Good to know: a delicious fasting day - how to enjoy fasting.

It is important to know that only fresh and ripe berries, so you will need to start sorting the harvest.

But the branches can be saved if desired - they even guarantee safety vitamin composition. After all, this way the berry will not have damage, which often appears after removing the “tail”. Juice flows out of it, the berry begins to deform. And through the hole that appears, air comes into contact with the contents of the berry, destroying vitamin C.

Currants cannot be washed, otherwise the moisture will deform the berries when they are defrosted. However, this only applies to berries collected on their own plot, which should also be located away from highways and other sources of pollution. Alas, this really is not for everyone.

Therefore, if the berries are purchased at the market, they need to be washed cold water. This is good to do with a regular shower.

And then dry on paper or a towel for 2-3 hours. 2 hours - minimum! There is no need to rush if the taste, appearance and preservation of vitamins are important to you. And they are important, aren't they?

Berries simply need a transitional stage from normal temperature to frost. And it goes in the refrigerator.

Place the dried berries on a flat surface (tray or tray) in one layer and refrigerate for several hours. As a rule, 3-4 are enough.

You should not ignore this step - it significantly increases shelf life and carefully preserves vitamins for you.

If your refrigerator has the " quick freezing" - this is great, because the technology reduces the temperature by a short time, cooling the product in a few minutes. Thus, the berries are not deformed and after defrosting they are indistinguishable from fresh ones.

Well, what if there is no “quick freezing”?

Don’t be sad - there is a technique that can replace the lack of a miracle of technology for you. The name of the technique is pre-freezing.

Just move the tray of currants into the freezer - now for a couple of hours.

It follows only after the preliminary one. We take out the berries. We clear the twigs - the juice will no longer flow and the berries will be without deformation. Although you can clean it before use - it’s your choice.

Then we put it in final storage.

By the way, the optimal container for storing frozen black currant is selected based on the freezing method, as well as for convenience. If you want to store puree with sugar, then a container with a tightly closed lid is ideal.

For whole berries A rectangular plastic bag is also suitable, which allows you to store the harvest compactly in the freezer.

Step-by-step instructions for proper freezing (briefly)

So, in order for the vitamins to be intact, and the berries to be beautiful and aromatic, they should be frozen according to the rules. We decided to make a small handy reminder for you:

  1. Choose ripe currants without damage.
  2. Wash.
  3. Dry on a cloth or paper towel (2 hours).
  4. Cool on the top shelf of the refrigerator (3 hours).
  5. Pre-freezing (2 hours).
  6. Pour into a container and place in the freezer.

Important! If there was no refrigeration and the berries were sent straight to the frost, then they can be stored for no more than six months.

Many housewives prepare berries with sugar for the winter. Such sweet preparation Ideal for baking and making desserts. You can also freeze the berries in grated form by chopping them with a blender. Correct ratio sugar and black currant is 200 g per 1 kg of harvested crop. The puree should be immediately divided into containers and placed in the refrigerator.

The secret of such freezing is that sugar prevents the berries from sticking together and they remain crumbly. It turns out very tasty! The main thing is to act quickly before the currants begin to release juice.

Good to know: refusal harmful products— 3 simple but effective methods.

Before eating, the berries should be properly defrosted so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.

  • Place a small portion of frozen berries in an airtight container and place it in cold water. So, a small volume of product will defrost within 15 minutes.
  • Frozen berries can also be placed on a plate and left to thaw. room temperature however, this process may take several hours. You can reduce the defrosting time by placing paper napkins under the currants to absorb the juice and water.
  • Some housewives defrost berries using microwave oven by setting a special mode. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the process to avoid heating the product.
  • A good way to defrost blackcurrants is to place the container with the berries in the refrigerator, where they will sit for 6 hours.

How to use frozen blackcurrants

Blackcurrants are equally good both in cocktails and as a filling for pies that can be prepared in winter. Fragrant berries will fill your home with the aroma of summer comfort and warmth. It is also useful to eat them in whole, with and without sugar.

Currants are also good in low-calorie ice cream - slightly defrost the berries (so that the blender can cope with the task) and mix with banana. Incredibly tasty and at the same time low in calories!

Do healthy compote Anyone can make it from berries, because his recipe is simple. Simply fill a saucepan with water and add sugar to taste, then bring the mixture to a boil. In this case, the berries do not need to be thawed first to avoid loss of juice.

Now wait until the water boils again and cook the compote over low heat for 5 minutes. Next, turn off the heat and let it brew for 1 hour. So, it will be rich in vitamins and useful microelements, which the body needs in winter.

The benefits of currants are noticeable during colds and depression, and its aroma invigorates and lifts the mood. As you can see, harvesting berries is a simple and quick process, even a child can do it! Subscribe to our updates, read about healthy eating and share unusual discoveries with your friends.

Red currants are very healthy and fragrant berry, but most often black currants grow in our gardens. This article will talk about in various ways freezing red berries, but all the freezing techniques discussed are quite suitable for other types of currants.

The berries are collected as they ripen, picking off the currants along with the twig.

At home I need to sort it out. To do this, all the fruits are removed from the tassels, and the bruised and rotten berries are thrown away.

You need to wash red currants in a large saucepan or basin so that the stream of water does not fall on the berries. The pressure of the water may cause the delicate skin to burst.

If you collect currants in your garden and are completely confident in their purity, then it is better not to wash the berries at all.

The washed red currants must be thoroughly dried. You can do this on a cotton or paper towel. The top of the fruit can also be blotted with a cloth.

Methods for freezing red currants for the winter

Dry method of freezing currants

This is the simplest and least expensive method. The berries are prepared for freezing as described above.

If the currants are perfectly dry, then they can be immediately placed in plastic bags and sent to the freezer.

If the berry remains slightly damp after drying, then it must first be frozen on a flat surface in bulk for several hours. After the currants have set in the cold, they are laid out in containers or bags.

See the video from the channel “Marinkina Tvorinki” - Freezing red currants for the winter

How to freeze currants with sugar

With this method, clean berries are placed in containers, pouring them granulated sugar. How much sugar do you need? It's a matter of everyone's taste preferences, but experienced housewives It is recommended to use approximately a glass of granulated sugar per 1 kilogram of berries.

How to freeze berries in their own juice

Some of the berries are laid out in containers lined from the inside. cling film. The other part of the berries is pureed by grinding them using a blender. You can add sugar to the puree to taste.

Trays with red currants are filled with puree and placed in the freezer for a day. After 24 hours, take out the containers, take out the berries frozen in own juice, and wrap the briquettes with cling film. In this form, the currants are stored in the freezer.

See the video from the channel “Marinkina Tvorinki” - Currants for the winter

How to freeze pureed currants with sugar

You can puree the currants and sugar by hand or with a blender.

The manual method allows you to get currant puree interspersed with whole berries, and grinding with a blender will make the consistency more uniform.

You can also freeze the puree, pureed through a sieve, then the berry mass will be completely homogeneous, without peels and seeds. It is very convenient to freeze currants in this form for small children.

The ratio of berries to sugar is approximately 5:1, that is, for 1 kilogram of berry mass you will need about 200 grams of granulated sugar.

See video: Preparations for the winter. Red currants with sugar

How to freeze redcurrant juice

The berries are passed through a juicer, the juice is poured into plastic cups, covered tightly with cling film, and sent to the cold.

The berry pulp is not thrown away. It is also frozen and used later as a filling for pies.

How to freeze berries on branches

This method can only be used if you collect currants from your garden, and after freezing you will use them for cooking compotes.

Each branch must be inspected before freezing and, if necessary, spoiled berries must be removed. Then the currants are laid out on a cutting board or on a special freezer tray for small products, and sent to the freezer.

After preliminary freezing, the berries are transferred to containers, tightly closed, and put back into the cold.

Shelf life of red currants in the freezer

Frozen red currants can be stored in the freezer until the next harvest. The main thing is to package the berries so that they are not exposed to unnecessary heat.

Currant is the only plant, absolutely all parts of which are used either as medicinal raw materials or have unique taste characteristics.

Freezing blackcurrants allows you to artificially prolong summer and enjoy its tart, sweet and sour taste in any season, completely preserving consumer properties, vitamins and unique fresh aroma. The pulp is widely used to prepare original berry sauces, removing the tough skin, and as natural dye in the confectionery industry.

The berries should be well dried and frozen, arranged in one layer.


  • 500 g black currants

Freezing black currants

1. Immediately after picking or purchasing, wash black currant berries in cold water and remove the long tails from them. If the tails are short, then they can be left on the berries - after defrosting and cooking they will not be felt in the dishes. Then we’ll pour the berries onto a paper towel or napkins and gently roll them over them, but we’ll do it as lightly as possible. We only need to blot the moisture and not squeeze the juice out of the berries.

2. Place the dried berries into a clean, dry container with a hermetically sealed lid or into a freezer bag. Seal or tie them and place them in the freezer for 2 hours. If you plan to move the container with berries or pour them frozen, you can do this after 2 hours from the start of freezing. If you plan to store the berries in the same form, then simply leave them in the freezer, taking them out as you use them.

The shelf life of such freezing is about 1 year, but remember that it is not recommended to store berries next to bell pepper, garlic seasonings, onions, etc., so that they do not take on the pungent aroma of other products.

Note to the hostess

1. If you roll frozen berries in flour so that each one appears as if in a cocoon, they can be carefully mixed into a biscuit or thin shortbread dough. They will soften during baking, but will not spread, and the flour shell will dissolve. On top open pies They are placed without breading, but they also do not require thawing, so that during the heat treatment period more juice remains inside and the shape is preserved.

2. Plastic containers are generally suitable as containers for freezing fruit supplies, but people are looking for replacements for good reasons: these boxes take up significant space in the freezer, and some of them burst either from being in the cold or after being taken out transferred to heat. An alternative to plastic boxes is wrapping paper. It is easy to make bags or bundles of the desired size from it. The following varieties are attractive in this regard: tea parchment (it does not allow foreign odors to pass through from outside) and paraffin parchment, its advantage is the highest resistance to humidity. If suddenly the refrigerator begins to leak in the absence of the owners due to a power outage, such a wrapper will protect the currants for a long time from the water formed in the chamber.

Any berry tastes best when fresh. The abundance of fruits and vegetables is one of the advantages summer season, in addition to the warmth of the sun and the hot sandy beach. But what to do in winter? Everyone solves the procurement problem in their own way. In almost any home there are days when the air carries pleasant aromas preparing jam. Apple, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, and, of course, blackcurrant - in a saucepan, basin or slow cooker.

This amazing berry contains many vitamins (group B, as well as A, C, E, D, K and P). In addition, it contains copper, calcium, iron, manganese and many other useful substances, acids and tannins. It should be noted that among other berries, the black currant variety is the richest in the presence of ascorbic acid.

It’s no secret that during cooking, many fruits and berries lose most of their nutrients, even if it’s only for five minutes. The best way To prepare blackcurrants for the winter and preserve all their wonderful properties is to freeze them.

Recipe for freezing chokeberries

There are many ways to freeze blackcurrants. But perhaps the most interesting of them is when the berries are frozen in syrup. This is practically the same jam with the same proportions, but much more fortified and healthy.


Servings: – +

  • currant 1 kg
  • sugar 1.2 kg
  • water 300 ml

Per serving

Calories: 236 kcal

Proteins: 0.3 g

Fats: 0.1 g

Carbohydrates: 60.4 g

25 min.

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We need to fix it Recipe for freezing black currants with sugar without cooking

Cooking time: 5

15 minutes

  • Number of servings:
  • Energy value
  • calorie content - 235.6 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.3 g;


  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 60.4 g.

currants - 1 kg;

  1. sugar - 1.3 kg.
  2. Step-by-step preparation First of all, we sort through, discarding the garbage, everything dry and spoiled. We cut off the tail of each berry. Then fold it into
  3. enamel pan , add sugar. Now grind the berries with sugar into
  4. homogeneous mass . You can use a blender or meat grinder. But it is best to do this with a wooden masher, since contact with metal destroys vitamin C. After this, we lay out the resulting

berry puree

We need to fix it Recipe for freezing black currants with sugar without cooking

Cooking time: 5

15 minutes

  • into the freezer, where it will be stored in the future.
  • Recipe for freezing black currants without sugar and without cooking
  • calorie content - 42.6 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.3 g;


  • fats - 0.2 g;

currants - 1 kg;

  1. carbohydrates - 7.0 g.
  2. Then, using a wooden masher, mash the berries into a puree. You can use a blender or meat grinder, but it is not advisable, since metal destroys vitamin C.
  3. We put the finished puree into containers, close the lid and send it to the chamber.

Recipe for freezing black currants without cooking

This is perhaps the simplest and most popular way to freeze blackcurrants. There are many photos and videos of such preparations on the Internet.

We need to fix it 20 minutes

Cooking time: 5

15 minutes

  • into the freezer, where it will be stored in the future.
  • Recipe for freezing black currants without sugar and without cooking
  • calorie content - 42.6 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.3 g;


  • fats - 0.2 g;

currants - 1 kg;

  1. We wash the black currants. It is very important to remove all berries that have at least some defect. We also remove leaves, twigs and other debris. Carefully, so as not to damage the berries, cut off the tails.
  2. Then you need to dry the raw materials. To do this, it is better to place it on napkins or paper towels.
  3. Only after the berries are completely dry can you start freezing. Place the blackcurrants on a tray or tray in one layer and put them in the chamber for 24 hours. If you have a quick freeze function, simply turn it on for 20 minutes.
  4. If all the berries do not fit on a tray, it is more efficient to freeze them in several batches. Then the frozen currants will turn out crumbly.
  5. After the berries are frozen, pour into plastic containers or plastic bags and put them back in the freezer, where they will be stored.

Freezing secrets

It is better to freeze berries in small portions. This is much more convenient to use. And besides, re-freezing(if suddenly not all the packaging was used up) it is highly not recommended. To distribute berries into small portions, in addition to food containers and plastic bags, it is very convenient to use ordinary plastic cups. You just need to pour the currants into them and wrap them with cling film.

It is very important that the berries do not come into direct contact with the cold air of the freezer. Because of this, they can dry out and absorb foreign odors. It is necessary to strictly ensure that all containers with frozen berries are hermetically sealed.

It is better to defrost blackcurrants gradually. To start, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then take it out and continue defrosting at room temperature. It is not recommended to defrost berries in the microwave or using hot water.

How long can you store

Frozen chokeberries can last for years. But it should be remembered that after 8 months the berries gradually begin to lose vitamins and nutrients. Wherein taste qualities perfectly preserved. If you freeze berries at a temperature less than 8 degrees, then beneficial features they will lose even earlier, in about 3 months.

In what container should I store it?

There are many things you can use for frozen blackcurrants. The best option- plastic containers. They are very compact and easy to use. The most budget-friendly type of packaging is simple plastic bags. They are also convenient because you can put absolutely everything in bags of the same size. different quantities berries, which is a big plus when defrosting. But in plastic bags there is a small minus. It is not advisable to store whole frozen berries in them (not mashed into puree), since when poured and defrosted they become wrinkled and deformed. You can also use disposable plastic cups and even jars.

Of course, you need to freeze berries for the winter. After all, where else can you find so many vitamins and nutrients that the body needs so much during the winter season? By spending only about an hour in the summer, you can then enjoy the berry taste, cook compotes, bake pies, and even eat it directly, freshly thawed.

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Properly frozen blackcurrants for the winter will delight thrifty householders throughout cold season. It is used as a separate sweet dessert, add to fruit salads, baking, compotes, fruit drinks, and jelly are prepared from fruits. Currant fruits are not only tasty, but also useful for preserving health, beauty, youth, and are recommended by doctors for frequent use. Frozen blackcurrant retains almost all its beneficial properties.

Popular freezing options are whole currants with and without sugar, pureed fruit sweet mass as ready dessert, mixes from a mixture of several types of berries. For getting quality product long-term storage It is necessary to correctly select and prepare the fruits, follow the rules for freezing and storing them in the refrigerator.

The benefits of black currant

Black currant is a real natural pharmacy, thanks to high content vitamins, minerals, organic acids, microelements. It tolerates freezing well, almost without losing its beneficial properties.

Marked medicinal properties black currant:

  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
  • cleanses of impurities and toxins;
  • a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging of the body;
  • for colds and viral diseases, it has a diuretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • useful for the prevention of rheumatism;
  • has a general strengthening, tonic effect on the body.

Black currant is one of the leading products in terms of vitamin C content. It is ascorbic acid that gives it its characteristic sweet and sour taste. In total, 20 blackcurrant fruits contain daily norm vitamin C for an adult.

How to choose and prepare berries correctly

At the beginning, the berries are collected, sorted and prepared for further freezing.

Collection and preparation rules:

  • The optimal time for picking berries is dry, cool weather.
  • For freezing, select whole ripe berries that are not damaged by insects or birds.
  • Remove all dried, burst or rotten fruits.
  • Twigs and leaves are removed from the berries, and the tails are plucked off (although some housewives leave them).
  • Even if the fruits are collected personally summer cottage, they must be thoroughly rinsed under cool water.
  • The clean berries are allowed to drain and then laid out on kitchen towels so that the currants dry well.

When the berry is completely dry, it is ready to be frozen using the chosen method.

Methods for freezing fruits

Blackcurrants can be frozen in several ways, depending on the purpose of further use.

Whole berries (no sugar)

Whole berries are useful in winter for decorating cakes, pastries, jellies, and ice cream. Therefore, when freezing, it is important to keep them in a “poured” whole form, without crushing or damaging them.

How to properly freeze blackcurrants for the winter:

  • prepared berries are placed on flat plates, trays or cutting boards in one layer;
  • The container with currants is carefully placed in the freezer without closing;
  • after a few hours, when it is completely frozen, it is taken out and packaged for long-term storage - in bags or food containers with lids.

Large, elegant berries are selected for decorative purposes. In the cold, currants completely retain their beautiful blue-black color.

Whole currants with sugar

How to freeze currants with sugar for the winter? You will need portion containers with lids:

  • pour the bottom layer of berries into the storage container;
  • put sugar on top;
  • then repeat in layers depending on the desired volume and height of the container.

When filling the container, close it with a lid and place it in the freezer.

Sweet ground dessert

Grated black currants with sugar - delicate dessert, reminiscent of jelly in consistency.

By “wiping” we mean passing fruit mass through a surface with small holes. In this process, the skins (cake) and seeds of the berries are separated, and the juice and pulp serve as the basis for tender and delicious dessert. Usually the berries are rubbed through a sieve, pressing the mass with a spoon or spatula. An option is to wrap the fruits, crushed with a blender or meat grinder, in gauze, collected in several layers, and squeeze thoroughly with your hands.

For pureed fresh blackcurrants with sugar you will need:

  • berries - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.1-0.2 kg.

Mix the pre-grated blackcurrant mass with sugar and leave for a couple of hours until completely dissolved. Then mix again, pour into containers, and freeze.

Note! For mashed berries, overripe (but without foulbrood), bursting currant fruits are also used. The amount of sugar can be increased or decreased according to taste.

Preparation for compotes, fruit drinks, jelly

To prepare delicious blackcurrant compotes, fruit drinks or jelly, use the cake and seeds remaining after rubbing the berry mass. Despite its unsightly appearance, this is a valuable part of the fruit in terms of vitamin and mineral composition, which does not need to be thrown away. For freezing, divide the mass into portioned pieces, put into bags or containers, and place in the freezer.

On the page you can find out what material is best for bed linen and how to choose the right sleep set.

Blackcurrant smoothie with milk

Since milk tolerates freezing well, a chic smoothie cocktail made from fresh blackcurrants and milk can be prepared for future use.

For preparation you will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • black currant - 0.4 kg;
  • sugar, spices - to taste.

The prepared currants are crushed in a blender. Then pour milk into it, adding sugar (spices if desired), and beat again. The finished cocktail is poured into plastic glasses with lids, freeze.

Frozen blackcurrants are combined with other berries. For example, popular mixes of whole fruits sprinkled with sugar are black currants with raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, and gooseberries. Using the same principle, any berries are added to recipes for pureed currants or smoothie cocktails.

Storage rules and features

Basic rules for storing frozen currants in the freezer:

  • Packages and containers with berries are provided with recognizable markings or signed. This is necessary so as not to interrupt the content freezers In winter, there is no need to open containers with frost, violating the cold regime.
  • Berries in bags are stored in a special upper flat compartment of the freezer, or in a box reserved for storing packaged light-weight frozen foods (for example, chopped herbs, pieces of vegetables). Heavy freezing such as pieces of meat or fish can crush or crumble lighter products packaged in soft containers.
  • The optimal temperature for freezing and storing blackcurrants is 18-20 degrees cold. In this mode, if not interrupted, the currants will remain whole year, until the next harvest. With more low temperatures(up to minus 10 degrees) the berries should be consumed within 3-4 months.
  • You cannot defrost berries and then freeze them again. Therefore, it is optimal to distribute the frozen food in portions at once (and not in large volumes that will have to be divided into parts). For example: small handfuls for decorating baked goods, desserts, pie filling, preparation for fruit juice or compote.

Thawing berries in winter for use should also be done correctly. If it is important to preserve the integrity of the fruit, then thawing should be slow, “soft”. In this case, the freezer is placed on the refrigerator door, and only when the ice is completely gone is it transferred to room temperature. Preparations for hot dishes (compotes, fruit drinks, fillings) are used directly frozen.

Freezing blackcurrants for the winter is not difficult at all. It is important to select and prepare the fruits correctly, and then follow the instructions for the chosen freezing methods. If you follow the recommendations, the berries will last a long time and will come in very handy in the harsh winter.

You can learn a few more ways to freeze blackcurrant berries by watching the following video:
