An integral component of soy products. What is soy, health benefits and harms. Are soy products bad for health?

At modern people there is a great opportunity to eat not only tasty and varied, but also healthy, because a huge range of products is now available. Soy deserves special attention. From the fruits of this high-protein plant, many delicious meals. Milk, butter, flour, and many other things that can be eaten are also made from soybeans. She has a huge amount useful properties and won't hurt anyone.

What is soy

Soy is an ancient cultivated plant. Belongs to the legume family. The fruits of this plant contain more than 35% protein, unique in its composition of amino acids, a lot nutrients. The culture is herbaceous, annual. Soy is an inexpensive and healthy alternative to meat. The main characteristics of the plant, which determine the popularity of its use in food and applications in other areas:

  • high yield;
  • Possibility of production from a variety of raw materials different products;
  • high content squirrel;
  • possibility of prevention cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, heart attack;
  • B vitamins, potassium, calcium and essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Where does it grow

China is considered the birthplace of the plant. It is cultivated on plantations in Asia, North and South America, Europe, Argentina, Australia on the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In Russia, cultivation is practiced, as a rule, in the Far East. 60% of all domestic reserves are provided by the Amur Region. The rest is grown in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, Krasnodar and Stavropol.

What does soy look like

The stems of the cultivated variety have different thicknesses, they are both naked and pubescent. Height from 15 cm to 2 meters. The leaves of all plant species are ternary. The venation is pinnate. The leaves have fluff. There are underdeveloped subulate stipules. The fruit of the soybean is a bean, which opens with two flaps along the dorsal and ventral sutures. Contains 2-3 seeds. The beans are large, 4-6 cm long. They are dense, very rarely crack. Soybean seeds are oval in shape. Color - yellow, less often brown, green or black.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The plant is rich in protein, easily digestible by the body, with a balanced set of amino acids. The BJU ratio is optimal. Soy contains virtually no carbohydrates, which provides it with low calorie. What else is included in its biochemical composition:

  • protein - 40%;
  • fats - 20%;
  • glucose, sucrose, fructose - 10%;
  • trace elements: nickel, boron, iodine, aluminum, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, iron;
  • macronutrients: sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium;
  • starch;
  • folic acid;
  • retinol;
  • tocopherols;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins of groups B, E, D, beta-carotene;
  • niacin;
  • riboflavin;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • enzymes;
  • thiamine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • isoflavones;
  • choline;
  • linolenic acid;
  • phospholipids;
  • choline;
  • lecithin.

What is useful soy

The composition of the plant is unique, so moderate consumption of dishes from it has a beneficial effect on the body. Soy Benefits:

  1. The plant contains a lot of complete protein. It is often eaten by athletes, bodybuilders, vegetarians. It saturates well, contains few calories.
  2. Antioxidant action. There are many vitamins in soy, the use of which has such an effect.
  3. Breakdown and absorption of protein. This action is provided by the contained food enzymes, especially phytic acid.
  4. Acceleration of metabolism, lowering cholesterol levels, cell repair nervous system. These actions are provided due to the high content of choline, lecithin. Because of this effect, soy is often included in the diet of obese patients, patients with abnormal metabolism.
  5. The plant removes heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body.
  6. The use provides prevention of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  7. Soy affects the production of insulin by the pancreas, improves its functioning. It is recommended to use in diabetes.
  8. Positive influence on bone tissue. Beans are useful for the treatment and prevention of arthritis.

Phytoestrogens for Women

Soy contains substances plant origin, which act on the body in the same way as estrogen. Phytoestrogens work selectively. They make up for the lack of female sex hormone. With an excess of estrogen, substances suppress its excessive activity. Isoflavonoids (genistein, etc.) plants are absolutely natural. There is no hormonal regulation with their help. side effects. Benefits of soy for women:

  1. With its use, the risk of developing malignant oncological tumors of the breast is reduced. Hormone-dependent formations occur with excessive production of estrogen, and the substances contained in the plant suppress this process.
  2. Beans are rich in lecithin. This substance prevents the deposition of fat, burns the formed cells, contributes to the fight against excess weight.
  3. The use of soy products reduces the symptoms of menopause caused by a lack of estrogen. Thanks to them, hot flashes will disappear, the risk of developing osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases will decrease. Menopausal women are advised to eat 150-200 grams of soy products per day.

The benefits of germinated soy

The sprouts contain a lot of valuable protein. They contain a full spectrum necessary for the body vitamins, biologically active substances, enzymes. During germination, the concentration useful elements increases several times. The calorie content of sprouts is very low. Their use helps cleanse the intestines of toxins and carcinogens. The swollen coarse fibers of the sprouts absorb everything harmful, passing through the digestive tract. Sprouted soy contains 30% more fiber than wheat.

It is advisable to use not canned sprouts, but cooked ones with your own hands, they are healthier. To make them, soybeans need to be soaked for 6 hours. After it should be washed and covered with damp gauze. You need to make sure that the beans do not dry out, there should always be a little liquid under them. You need to change the water twice a day, while washing the fruits. Sprouts will appear on the second day. They will be ready for use in 3-4 days. It is better to eat sprouts not raw, but blanched with boiling water for a minute.

This product is very useful, contains many biologically active substances, minerals, vitamins. AT Eastern countries oil has been used for a long time, in Europe it became popular only in the last century. The substance is obtained after pressing and extracting soybeans. The oil is deodorized or refined to give consumer qualities. It turns out a liquid of a straw-yellow hue, with a pleasant light aroma.

The oil is used to make lecithin. This substance is added to certain foods, medications, soap, dyes. Soybean oil can be used to fry something, dress salads with it, use it for baking. 100 g contains 890 kcal. Soybean oil contains significantly more trace elements and tocopherol than sunflower or olive oil. Use brings the following benefits:

  1. The immune system works better.
  2. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis is carried out due to the contained microelements and vitamins.
  3. Metabolism is regulated. Disease prevention is carried out digestive tract.
  4. Thanks to choline and organic acids, the work of the liver and heart muscle improves, cholesterol levels in the blood are regulated.

It is recommended to consume 1-2 tablespoons of oil per day. The product is not only taken orally. Oil is actively used in cosmetology. The product slows down the aging process, actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face, body of the hands, and is able to smooth out wrinkles. It is better to refuse the use and use of oil if you are allergic to soy protein. Contraindications are pregnancy, the risk of migraine attacks, liver and kidney failure.

soy lecithin

A substance produced from beans performs important functions for the human body, takes part in the restoration of brain cells and nervous tissue. Lecithin is responsible for memory, motor activity, thinking, learning ability. The substance regulates the metabolism of fats, cholesterol levels, promotes rejuvenation and helps fight many diseases.

Soy lecithin is a product of the group of emulsifiers. It is used to mix substances with different properties. Lecithin as food supplement is in the composition of spread, bread, margarine, semi-finished products, sausage products, chocolate, infant formula, dairy products, fast food. It is worth noting that manufacturers in most cases extract the substance from soybeans that have undergone genetic modification. Therefore, products with it must be included in the diet selectively.

Natural soy lecithin very useful for the body. it consists of the following elements:

  • B vitamins;
  • choline;
  • linoleic acid;
  • phosphoethylcholine;
  • phosphates;
  • inositol.

Soy lecithin is sold in the form of biologically active additives. Such dietary supplements are recommended to be taken for diseases of the vessels and heart, liver, lipid metabolism disorders, memory problems, pregnancy. Lecithin is added to cosmetics. It nourishes, smoothes and moisturizes the skin, in addition, it gives the product the right consistency. Useful properties of natural soy lecithin:

  1. Reduces cravings for nicotine. The composition contains the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which helps the brain receptors to wean from smoking.
  2. Stimulates metabolism. Lecithin destroys fats, prevents obesity, reduces the load on the liver.
  3. Protects from stress. Forms a myelin sheath around nerve fibers.
  4. Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, strengthens the heart muscle. Contains phospholipids, which are involved in the formation of amino acids that strengthen the myocardium.
  5. Stimulates the secretion of bile. Lecithin dissolves fats. Because of this, the bile liquefies, is not deposited on the walls of the ducts and the gallbladder.
  6. Helps brain cells work. Contributes to the preservation and development of memory.

Harm and dangerous consequences

Excess consumption of any product can lead to health problems. What harm can soy cause to the body:

  1. The product has a strimogenic effect. Substances contained in it can provoke disorders of the thyroid gland and endocrine system. This causes the formation of goiter, thyroiditis and other diseases.
  2. The composition contains oxalic acid, which contributes to the development urolithiasis.
  3. Excessive consumption of soy products can cause hypertrophy of the pancreas and impair its functioning.
  4. The enzymes contained in the product slow down the process of absorption of calcium, zinc, iron, iodine from other foods.
  5. Soy phytoestrogens can disrupt the female reproductive system, although they are considered beneficial. They can cause menstrual irregularities, accelerated development in girls, and problems with childbearing. During pregnancy, they increase the risk of miscarriage, can provoke fetal developmental defects. For men, phytoestrogens are also unsafe. Their excess causes obesity according to the female type, reduced potency, slowing down the development of boys.
  6. The substances contained in the product accelerate the progression of Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia.

GM soybeans

It is sad, but such a product and derivatives are found on the market very often. Eating genetically modified soy is dangerous. Her genes are artificially altered by inactivation so that the plant does not respond to herbicide treatment. The consequences of eating products from such raw materials have not yet been fully studied. The fact that genetically modified soy does not have beneficial properties, causes obesity and allergic reactions has been accurately confirmed.

Contraindications for use

There are categories of people who need to eat soy products with caution or strictly prohibited. Even completely healthy person it is not recommended to consume more than 150-200 g per day and refuse genetically modified beans. People with diabetes or obesity are allowed to eat soy in minimal amounts. Categorical contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • individual intolerance;
  • young age of women and men.

What foods contain soy

Thanks to the properties of the plant, it is possible to produce many different foods from it. Soy products are used for cooking and enrichment. They are especially popular in vegetarian cuisine, East Asian countries. Types of soy products:

  1. Natto. product from fermented boiled whole seeds.
  2. Yuba. Dried foam from the surface of soy milk. Used raw, dried. Reminds me of asparagus in texture. Combines with vegetables, cereals and potatoes.
  3. Flour.
  4. Edamame. A snack of green boiled beans with seeds.
  5. Oil. Pleasant taste, suitable for frying and dressing, contains a large number of vitamin E.
  6. Tofu. Cheese with different textures. It is soft jelly-like, hard. Pressed into blocks. Frozen yellowish, then becomes white. Very porous.
  7. Meat. Textured flour product. The structure and appearance are reminiscent of real meat of animal origin.
  8. Tempe. Fermented seed product. Prepared with the addition of fungal culture. Pressed into briquettes. It has a slight ammonia smell.
  9. Paste. Gochujang, doenjang, miso.
  10. Sauce. Liquid dressing for various fermented bean dishes.
  11. Vegetarian sausages, sausages, meatballs, burgers, cheeses.
  12. Chocolate. Low-calorie dessert that does not contain animal fats.


A lot of tasty and healthy things are made from soybeans. After special processing, milk and derivatives are obtained from the plant, which are great alternative products of animal origin and practically do not differ in taste. Soy milk does not contain lactose and cholesterol. Scroll:

  1. Yogurt. Contains a minimum amount vegetable fats. According to the vitamins and microelements included in the composition, it does not differ from ordinary yogurt. Vegans often include it in their diet.
  2. Kefir.
  3. Milk. Used in pure form, suitable for cooking cereals, making cocktails, desserts. Does not contain galactose.
  4. Mayonnaise.
  5. Tofu. Cheese analogue. Does not contain cholesterol. Perfectly absorbed by the body. Prevents the development of cancer cells, promotes the restoration and strengthening of bone and muscle tissue. Pairs well with herbs, vegetables, seaweed
  6. Yogurt. Milk fermentation product.
  7. Cottage cheese. It is obtained by fermenting milk with sourdough or acid and pressing protein clots.
  8. Ryazhenka.

soy flour

It is made from dry seeds or meal. Almost no starch. Much more soy flour useful substances and protein than other species. Has binding properties. Because of this, it is good to add such flour to the dough in equal proportions with wheat or other cereals. Eggs may not be included. Perfect option for all types of lean baking.


Their defatted flour is produced by extrusion cooking. Soy meat is low-calorie, contains a minimum amount of cholesterol. Great for diet food, vegetarian lifestyle. In the production of meat, all nutritional properties beans. It contains eight essential acids, so it increases hemoglobin and improves blood quality. Rich in iron minerals. Well absorbed by the body.

Before cooking, the meat is soaked in water, broth or broth for a while, or boiled, depending on the instructions on the package. The pieces soften and become similar in texture to the real ones. To taste, you can add any sauces, salt, seasonings and spices. After softening with meat, you can cook everything the same as with the usual one: main courses, soups, salads.

Soy - cooking recipes

A huge number of dishes can be made from a plant and derivatives: first, second, side dishes, salads, desserts. Almost all of them are perfect for dietary and vegetarian food. When choosing meals, keep in mind that soy goes best with vegetables and grains. In the process of cooking, you can safely add seasonings, spices, sauces and other ingredients to enrich the taste.


  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: breakfast, dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Cheesecakes are made from tofu, which resembles cottage cheese in structure. it great option for a light and healthy diet breakfast. Cheesecakes are lush and ruddy. They should be enjoyed not only by adults, but also by kids. According to the recipe, it is added to the dish Wheat flour, but you can take half the amount of soy. In this case, eggs are not put in the dough.


  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tofu - 400 g;
  • wheat flour - 7-8 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin - 0.5 g;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Discuss the tofu. If it is frozen, then bring it to room temperature and press.
  2. Grate the tofu on a fine grater.
  3. Add eggs. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Add sugar, vanilla.
  5. Gradually add flour. Depending on how wet the tofu is, you may need less than what the recipe calls for.
  6. Knead a dough that will hold its shape well.
  7. Form flat cheesecakes. Roll in flour.
  8. Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Fry the cheesecakes for 2-3 minutes on each side.


  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 195 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: main course.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty: medium.

From beans you can make excellent cutlets, low-calorie and very nutritious. You can serve them with mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat. If you are on a diet, then as a side dish, make a simple vegetable salad. Cutlets are suitable for those who are fasting, all products allowed for this period are included in the composition. The recipe is not too complicated, any housewife can master it.


  • soy beans - 2 cups;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • onions - 4 medium heads;
  • dried ginger - a couple of pinches;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • potatoes 4 medium tubers.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the beans and soak overnight. Rinse in the morning, pour clean water and cook until soft.
  2. Clean your vegetables. Cut into pieces. Fry two onions vegetable oil.
  3. Combine beans, potatoes, garlic. Add onions, both raw and fried.
  4. Pass the products through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  5. Add spices. You can add some chicken seasoning. Mix the mince thoroughly.
  6. Heat up a skillet with oil. Form cutlets. Roll in flour.
  7. Fry cutlets until golden brown at both sides.

Soup with soybeans

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 153 kcal (100 g).
  • Purpose: first course, lunch.
  • Cuisine: Eastern.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Soy bean soup light diet first course. Prepared quickly from the simplest ingredients. A portion of this soup for lunch will help you not get hungry until late in the evening. Cooking should be done in vegetable broth, but meat broth is also allowed. Experiment by adding various seasonings, dried herbs, spices to the soup. So you can change the taste of the dish according to your preferences.


  • soy beans - 2 cups;
  • spices, salt, pepper;
  • potatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • vegetable broth- 4 l;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the beans overnight. Rinse in the morning, cook until soft.
  2. Clean the onion. Grind. Fry until golden color in butter. Enter the flour and a little broth. Rub until all lumps are gone.
  3. Add the onion dressing to the warmed broth. Throw in the beans.
  4. Half an hour after boiling, add peeled and diced potatoes.
  5. Boil the soup for another half hour. Before turning off, salt, add seasonings. You can add some soy sauce.


A.V. Mosov, doctor, head of the expert direction of NP "Roskontrol":
I believe that soy products are unfairly unpopular, because soy is the only complete replacement for animal protein - meat, fish, dairy products, eggs. In addition to protein, it contains healthy fats, slowly digestible carbohydrates and vitamins. If we are talking about fasting nutrition or vegetarianism, then such a replacement, except for soy, can hardly be done. In addition, soy milk and products made from soy are suitable for those who are lactose intolerant.

2. More soy protein is bad for health

For reference:

Soy protein powder can be added to, for example, morning oatmeal or milk shake. Of all soy products, soy concentrate contains the most protein (80.7%). In second place - dry soy meat (58.1%), and in third - defatted soy flour(about 47%).
Soybeans contain almost the entire set of macro- and microelements: potassium - 1607 mg per 100 g, calcium - 348 mg per 100 g, silicon - 177 mg per 100 g, magnesium - 226 mg per 100 g, phosphorus - 603 mg per 100 g, iodine - 8 .2 mcg per 100g, copper - 500 mcg per 100g.

People who watch their diet stick to a certain amount of nutrients that they consume per day - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Each nutrient must have a certain amount for optimal functioning of the body.
How many soy foods can you eat daily? Here, restrictions can only be due to the norms of a person's need for protein - for an adult, this is 75 g per day, of which at least 60% should be animal or soy protein. The use of protein in quantities greater than 100-120 g per day is not justified, unless, of course, you are an athlete.

3. Soy is a dietary product that promotes weight loss

When losing weight, it is considered correct to replace the usual high-calorie foods with “light” ones: bread for whole grain bread, sour cream for low-fat yogurt, meat for soy substitute. In fact, if you replace regular meat in your diet with a soy product, it will not lead to weight loss. In order to lose weight, it is important to review the entire diet.

5. Soy products should not be eaten by pregnant women.

WHO studies have not revealed the negative impact of products with transgenic soybeans on human health

Soy is a representative of one of the oldest legume crops. All sorts of discussions have been going on for a long time about its benefits and harm to human health. East Asia is considered its homeland, but it is cultivated everywhere. Its fruits are very rich vegetable protein therefore successfully replace products of animal origin. Soy has an amazing calorific ability. Not having its own taste and smell, it is able to absorb them from the outside, replacing any products made from natural animal meat, including sausage, pate and others. meat delicacies, and soy meat analogues do not contain cholesterol, they are better absorbed and do not lead to obesity. Defatted flour is made from soy (by pressing protein fibers until the structure changes), as well as soy milk. It contains 40% of proteins that completely replace animal proteins, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B9, C, D, E and unsaturated fatty acids.

Soy - 11 Health Benefits

  1. Cancer prevention

    Cancer is one of the many causes of death in modern society. The consumption of soy products theoretically increases the incidence of breast cancer. However, most scientific studies indicate that consumption of soy products may, on the contrary, reduce the risk of breast cancer. Research results also show that the product has a protective effect against prostate cancer in men. Soy components such as isoflavones, lectin, and lunasin have potential cancer-preventive effects.

  2. For heart health

    Soy is the supplier of the minimum amount of fat. Soybeans are actually a good source of healthy, unsaturated fats that help lower your overall cholesterol levels. This avoids diseases such as atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart attack and stroke. In addition, soy has some specific fatty acids that are essential for health. circulatory system. Linoleic and linolenic, two fatty acids found in soy, greatly help regulate smooth muscle function in the body, and help maintain proper blood pressure levels. Soy fibers help lower cholesterol levels in the body by scraping, cleansing the walls blood vessels and arteries.

  3. Normalizes sleep

    Soybeans help control a number of aspects of your metabolism, which can help reduce sleep disturbances and prevent insomnia. In addition, soy is high in magnesium, a mineral that has been directly linked to improving the quality, duration, and restfulness of your sleep.

  4. Activates metabolism

    As mentioned earlier, soy is an extremely important source of protein. When the body contains enough protein, the metabolic system gets a serious boost. Proteins are the building blocks of cells, blood vessels, and virtually every important part of the human body. Soy proteins ensure the proper state of cell regeneration. It's very difficult to get enough protein when you follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, so soy is a good source and a great substitute for proteins typically found in red meat, chicken, eggs, dairy, and fish.

  5. Prevents the development of anemia

    Soy is quite high in copper and iron, and both of these elements are essential for the formation of red blood cells, which, once in the body, deliver oxygen, which leads to the healthy functioning of all body systems. It maximizes metabolism and increases energy levels and helps prevent anemia.

  6. The benefits of soy for women

    Menopause is the period in a woman's life when menstruation stops. This condition is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as sweating, mood swings, and hot flashes that occur due to a decrease in estrogen levels. However, Asian women, especially Japanese women, are much less likely to experience menopause-related symptoms than Western women. The higher consumption of soy products in Asia explains this difference. Studies show that the isoflavones found in soy can significantly help relieve menopausal symptoms.

  7. Prevents birth defects in babies

    Soy contains an impressive amount of complex levels of vitamins and folic acid, which is very important for pregnant women. Folic acid guarantees the prevention of neural tube defects in infants.

  8. Treats osteoporosis

    Soy is very beneficial for people suffering from osteoporosis, decreased bone density and an increased risk of fractures, especially the elderly. Frequent consumption of soy products with isoflavones may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

  9. Helps with weight loss

    Sprouted soy works both ways and can do both good and bad. First of all, soy, as well as soy, is an appetite suppressant, which can help people eliminate overeating that leads to obesity and all the risks associated with it. In addition, soybean sprouts are high in fiber and protein, which can lead to weight gain when consumed in large amounts. Thus, soy is beneficial for both people who want to lose weight and those who want to gain it.

  10. Prevents diabetes

    Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases. The use of germinated soy is, of course, effective method prevention and treatment of this disease, mainly because soy has been shown to increase insulin receptors in the body, thereby helping to effectively manage the disease or prevent its occurrence. Earlier studies show that soy products reduce the prospect of developing type 2 diabetes.

  11. Stimulates the digestive system

    Soy fiber is one of the most important parts of the plant in terms of the digestive system. Fiber strengthens the stool, which makes it move through the digestive system without special efforts. In a similar way, fiber stimulates peristaltic movements and smooth muscle contractions, which aid in the proper passage of food. Fiber is very important for our body because constipation can be a very serious condition and lead to colon cancer.

Soy - harm and contraindications

In addition to being very healthy, soy products can be harmful to certain categories of people and create some Negative consequences, for example:

  • Migraine. The high content of isoflavones in soy can lead to the development of a disease such as migraine.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. In some cases, soy products have caused thyroid disorders, especially in children and infants. Even adults suffering from hypothyroidism are advised to consult a doctor before taking soy products. Studies have shown that soy can lead to hormonal changes and the development of goiter symptoms.
  • Allergy. Many people suffer from food allergies. It can occur on peanuts, milk, shellfish, and soy. Signs and symptoms of a soy allergy can include a runny nose, itching, rash, difficulty breathing, trouble swallowing, dizziness, feeling faint, and a significant drop in blood pressure.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders. Some problems with gastrointestinal tract sometimes associated with soy food. Abuse of soy can lead to indigestion, nausea, loose stools.
  • Harm to the male body. Soy is both beneficial for the male body and can be harmful. Studies by many scientists show that soy consumption can affect testosterone levels in men, the content of phytoestrogens in it reduces male sexual desire. Research also suggests that soy consumption may affect sperm quality in men.
  • Soy affects the female body. Scientific studies also prove that soy is not only useful, but in some cases harmful to the female body. The risks of possible tumor growth among women, as well as breast cancer due to excessive consumption of soy, have been identified.

What else is useful?

“It sounds like heresy in our world stuffed with soy,” writes The Ecologist, “but we still argue that you can have a healthy diet without any soy. However, given the extent to which soy has become part of our diet, it will take a Herculean effort to eliminate it from it.”

On the other hand, Asian portal Asia One, in a selection under the promising title "Eat Right, Live Well", through the mouth of "chief nutritionist" Sherlyn Quek (Sherlyn Quek), praises soy as a "food luminary"; according to Madame Kiek, soy can not only give tasty and healthy food, but also "protect against breast cancer", though with a caveat: if it is included in the diet from a young age.

Our article talks about soy and poses two questions to the reader at once: how useful (or harmful) is soy and how useful (or harmful) is its genetic modification?

The word "soy" today seems to be heard by one in three. And soy often appears before the layman in a very different light - from an excellent protein substitute in "meat" semi-finished products and a means to maintain female beauty and health to an insidious genetically modified product that is harmful to everyone, especially to the male part of the planet, although sometimes for female.

What is the reason for such a scatter in the characteristics of the properties of a far from the most exotic plant? Let's try to figure it out.

To begin with, a few words should be said about what soy is in its original form. First of all, soy is not a weight loss product, cheap dumplings or a milk substitute, but the most common beans, whose homeland is East Asia. They have been grown here for several millennia, but beans “reached” Europe only by the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century. With a slight delay, following Europe, soybeans were sown in America and Russia. It didn't take long for soybeans to be easily introduced into mass production.

And this is not surprising: soybeans are very high in protein plant food . Many foods are made from soy, it is widely used for protein fortification. various dishes. A popular product in Japan called "tofu" is nothing but bean curd, which is prepared in turn from soy milk. Tofu has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including lowering blood cholesterol levels and preventing osteoporosis. Tofu also protects the body from dioxin and therefore reduces the risk of cancer. And this is just one example of the properties of a soy product.

It can be concluded that soy, from which tofu is made, also has all of the above qualities. Indeed, according to current opinion, soy contains a number of substances that have a beneficial effect on human health: isoflavones, genistin, phytic acids, soy lecithin. Isoflavones can be described as a natural antioxidant, which, according to doctors, increases bone strength, has a positive effect on women's health. Isoflavones act like natural estrogens and relieve discomfort during menopause.

Genistin is a substance that can stop the development of cancer in the early stages, and phytic acids, in turn, inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors.

Soy lecithin has an extremely beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The arguments in favor of soy are supported by a weighty argument: for many years soy has been an integral part of the children's and adult diet of the population of the Land of the Rising Sun, and seemingly without any harmful side effects. On the contrary, the Japanese seem to demonstrate good health indicators. But not only in Japan regularly consume soy, it is also China and Korea. In all these countries, soy has a thousand-year history.

However, oddly enough, there is a completely different point of view regarding soy, also supported by research. According to this point of view, a number of substances in the composition of soy, including the above isoflavonoids, as well as phytic acids and soy lecithin, cause significant harm to human health. To understand this issue, you should look at the arguments of the opponents of soy.

According to the contra camp, isoflavones have a negative effect on human reproductive function. It is quite common practice to feed infants instead of the usual baby food soy analogue (due to allergic reactions) - leads to the fact that isoflavonoids equivalent to five birth control pills enter the child's body daily. As for phytic acids, such substances are found in almost all types of legumes. In soy, the level of this substance is somewhat overestimated compared to other plants of the family.

Phytic acids, as well as a number of other substances in soy (soy lecithin, genistin), block the process of entering the body of useful substances, in particular magnesia, calcium, iron and zinc, which ultimately can lead to osteoporosis. In Asia, the birthplace of soybeans, osteoporosis is prevented by eating, along with the unfortunate beans, a large amount of seafood and broths. But more seriously, "soy toxins" can directly affect the internal organs and cells of the human body, destroying and changing them.

However, other facts are more plausible and interesting. In Asia, soy is not consumed as widely as it might seem. According to historical documents, soybeans were widely used as food in Asian countries, mainly by poor people. At the same time, the process of preparing soybeans was quite complicated and included an extremely long fermentation and subsequent long-term cooking. This cooking process through "traditional fermentation" made it possible to neutralize the very toxins mentioned above.

Vegetarians in the US and Europe, without thinking about the consequences, consume about 200 grams of tofu and several glasses of soy milk 2-3 times a week, which actually exceeds the consumption of soy in Asian countries, where it is consumed in small quantities and not as a staple food, but as a food supplement or condiment.

Even if we discard all these facts and imagine that soy does not cause any harm to the body, there is another factor that is very difficult to deny: almost all soy products today are made from genetically modified soybeans. If every third heard about soy today, then genetically modified products and organisms, probably every second.

In general terms, transgenic or genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived predominantly from plants that have been introduced into the DNA of some particular gene not naturally given to that plant. This is done, for example, so that cows give fatter milk, and plants become resistant to herbicides and insects. This is what happened with soy. In 1995, the US firm Monsanto launched a GM soybean that was resistant to the herbicide glyphosate, which is used to control weeds. The new soybean was to the taste: today more than 90% of crops are transgenic.

In Russia, as in most countries, the sowing of GM soybeans is prohibited, however, as, again, in most countries of the world, it can be freely imported. Most inexpensive convenience foods in supermarkets, starting with appetizing looking cutlets fast food and sometimes ending with baby food, contain GM soy. According to the rules, it is mandatory to indicate on the packaging whether the product contains transgenes or not. Now it is becoming especially fashionable among manufacturers: products are full of inscriptions “Do not contain GMOs” (genetically modified objects).

Of course, the same soy meat is cheaper than its natural counterpart, and for a zealous vegetarian it’s generally a gift, but the presence of GMOs in products is by no means welcome - it’s not in vain that denial or silence about the presence of transgenes in a particular product is punishable by law. As for soy, the Russian National Association for Genetic Safety conducted research, the results of which showed a clear link between the intake of GM soy by living beings and the health of their offspring. The offspring of rats fed with transgenic soy had a high mortality rate, as well as being too underweight and debilitated. In a word, the prospect is also not very bright.

Speaking of material benefits, it should be said that most soybean producers, and mainly GM soybean producers, position it as an extremely healthy product, in extreme cases - not at all harmful. It is obvious that, be that as it may, such a large-scale production brings a good income.

To eat or not to eat soy - everyone decides for himself. Soy undoubtedly contains a number of positive properties, however, the negative aspects, unfortunately, rather overlap these qualities. It seems that the warring parties can endlessly cite all sorts of pros and cons, but one should rely on facts.

Soybeans in their original form are not suitable for human consumption. This allows us to draw a (perhaps somewhat bold) conclusion that this plant was not conceived by nature for human consumption. Soybeans require special processing, which eventually turns them into food.

Another fact: soybeans contain a number of toxins. The processing of soybean used to be very different from what is used today. The so-called traditional sourdough was not only much more complex processing, but also neutralized the toxins contained in soy. Finally, the last fact, which cannot be denied: more than 90% of soy products today are made from genetically modified soybeans. This should not be forgotten when using soy products in the diet or choosing in the next supermarket between a natural product and its often cheaper soy counterpart. After all, the obvious Golden Rule healthy eating Eating as much natural, unprocessed food as possible.

soy online
GM Soy Debate

Today it is difficult to find a person who has not heard anything about soy.
In Russia, soybean has been massively cultivated for about 80 years, and during this time the population has formed an extremely controversial image of this crop.

On the one hand, it is considered the food of the poor. Older generation still remembers the notorious soy candy. At the end of the 20th century, the motto of consumers sounded quite loudly: “Less soybeans in sausage!”. Gradually, an opinion was formed about soybeans as an inedible surrogate, a low-quality, and sometimes harmful substitute. natural products, which is added uncontrollably to food products by greedy food company owners in pursuit of profit. From TV screens and newspaper pages, reports are regularly heard about the dangers of transgenic soybeans for the health of present and future generations. And for many years now, with great doubt and apprehension, we have been looking at food products that are labeled as containing soy additives.
On the other hand, all over the world soy is recognized as the best protein feed for animals and poultry. It is also willingly and actively used in the meat, dairy, oil and fat, confectionery, and baking industries, which also contributes to the further growth of its production and processing in our country and in the world.

Soy is one of the oldest cultivated plants and was first domesticated in northeast China. She is a distant relative and, along with others, belongs to leguminous plants. The word "soy" itself is borrowed from European languages, in which it sounds like soy / soya / soja. Chinese linguists believe that the modern name "soy" goes back to the Chinese word "shu" or "su" - bean, as in the II-I millennium BC. called soybeans in China.

In the decoding of the Chinese literary critic and historian T.S. Hu elements of the left side of the hieroglyph "shu" mean the following: the horizontal line symbolizes the earth; vertical upper and lower parts mean, respectively, a stem with a side shoot and a root; three strokes around the root depict nodules. According to Hu, images of the hieroglyph "shu" can be traced back to the 11th century BC. and illustrate the observation and level of knowledge of the ancient Chinese.
Later, already at the beginning of our era, the pictographic image of the concept of "soy" on the basis of the morphological features of the plant changed to the image of the functional (food) significance of this plant.

Apparently, the choice by an ancient person of certain types of legumes, in particular soybeans, as food sources was determined, first of all, by nutritional merits, which was reflected in Chinese hieroglyphics. The original meaning of the characters "da dou" in ancient China meant meat seasoned with soy sauce, and was depicted as a sacrificial bowl. Later, this hieroglyph corresponded only to soy sauce, and then to the plant itself.
The modern meaning of Chinese characters has been simplified to the morphological features of soybean seeds. So the hieroglyph "da dou" in the last few centuries means a big bean.

The cultivation of soybean is mentioned in the earliest Chinese literature, dating back to the period of 3-4 thousand years BC. According to legend, the founder of China, Emperor Shen Nun, who lived about 4,300 years ago, taught his people to sow five crops: rice, wheat, chumiza, millet and soybeans. Shortly before the advent of our era, soybeans came to the Japanese islands. But only two thousand years later it became known outside of Asia.
Soybean first entered Europe in 1740, but it began to be cultivated there only from 1885. In 1898, a large number of soybean varieties from Asia and Europe were brought to the United States, which provoked a rapid development industrial production this culture. In the early 1930s, the area under soybeans in this country exceeded 1 million hectares. Since then, the US has been the world leader in this crop.

However, the priority in soybean research belongs to Russian scientists and travelers. The first domestic references to soybeans refer to the expedition of V. Poyarkov to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in 1643-1646, who met soybean crops along the middle reaches of the Amur among the local Manchu-Tungus population. The next domestic archival mention of this culture dates back to 1741. However, practical interest in this culture in Russia appeared only after the World Exhibition in Vienna in 1873, where more than 20 soybean varieties from Asia and Africa were exhibited. The first experimental crops in Russia were made in 1877 on the lands of the Tauride and Kherson provinces. The beginning of the mass introduction and distribution of soybeans in Russia, and primarily in the Far East and the North Caucasus, falls on 1924-1927.

In 2005, soybeans in Russia occupied 720 thousand hectares, and with an average yield of 8.5 centners per hectare, a gross grain harvest of about 600 thousand tons was obtained. While the real needs of the country in soybean and its processed products are 7-10 times higher, and they are forced to be compensated by soybean imports from the USA and Brazil. At the same time, there is a real opportunity in Russia to increase the gross production of this crop, which can be achieved both through the cultivation of more productive soybean varieties and by expanding its sown areas.

At present, soybean is the most important protein and oil crop of world agriculture and a recognized leader among cultivated leguminous crops. The total area occupied by soybeans in the world in 2005 amounted to 91.3 million hectares, while the gross grain harvest of soybeans reached almost 210 million tons. The average soybean yield in the world in 2005 was 23 dt/ha (for comparison, the total area under winter and spring wheat in the world in 2005 was 215.6 million ha, with an average yield of 29.1 dt/ha). But this is not the limit of the biological capabilities of soy. The record yield of this crop in the southern subtropical states of the United States reached 74 c/ha.

Compared to the main soy-producing countries, Russia is a northern and cold country. Its southern borders roughly correspond to the northern borders of the United States. At the same time, two-thirds of all areas under soybeans are located in the Amur Region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories in the zone of traditional, but risky, and, by the standards of American farmers, almost impossible for soybean farming. This largely determines the low average domestic productivity of soybeans. In the same time southern regions For a long time now, Russia has been successfully obtaining high, not inferior to American, soybean yields. Thus, the record soybean yield recorded in the Krasnodar Territory in 2004 on an area of ​​114 ha was 46.3 centners per hectare, and on experimental plots of 2-3 hectares it reached 50-55 centners per hectare.

Research is underway and quite successful attempts are being made to grow soybeans in the Central and Volga federal districts. It should be emphasized that in similar climatic conditions, even Canadian farmers do not risk growing soybeans.
At present, there is practically no country that does not use soybeans or products of its processing, and its cultivation zone covers a strip from Sweden and Canada in the northern hemisphere to the southern provinces of Argentina in the southern hemisphere of the Earth.

Soy has gained such global importance due to its unique biochemical composition, the associated multifunctional use and the high profitability of industrial production.
The most common use of soybeans is to obtain vegetable oil and products of its processing. The oil content of soybean seeds ranges from 16 to 27%. Soybean oil characterized by high biological activity due to the increased amount of linolenic acid and the associated increased F-vitamin activity. Of the total world production of vegetable oils, soybeans account for more than 30%.

Among all cultivated crops, soybean is one of the highest protein in the world. Its seeds accumulate 37-45, and in some varieties up to 50% of high-quality vegetable protein, which is 10-12 times cheaper than animal protein. In terms of usefulness, soy protein is one of the best vegetable proteins, and in terms of the content of essential amino acids in the protein, it is close to proteins of animal origin, in particular, egg protein.
A characteristic feature of soy is its low carbohydrate content. Therefore, it is recommended to patients diabetes. According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, soy products provide a pronounced hypoglycemic effect in patients against the background of the withdrawal or reduction of the dose of the usual antidiabetic drugs, including insulin.

For several millennia, soybeans have been used as a staple food in East Asian countries. Milk and dou-fu (tofu) curd cheeses are still produced from it in home and factory conditions, soy sauces, soy meat with various flavors, specific fermentation products of tempeh and miso. In some parts of China, there was even a tradition: when a girl got married, she had to know about 100.
In recent years, in many countries of Europe and the Americas, as well as in Russia, there has been a tendency to increase the use of soy products in the food industry, including in the system of healthy and rational nutrition, and especially in vegetarian cuisine. The presence in soy grain of a number of specific biologically active components (isoflavones, oligosaccharides, saponins), as well as phytates and fiber, make it possible to use some soy products in therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

Soy concentrates around the world have been used in production for many decades without worsening, but on the contrary, emphasizing the high taste qualities.

To include soy in your daily diet, it is not necessary to change a lot food habits. Due to the fact that various analogue products are produced on the basis of soy, it can be included in the usual diet, replacing part of it, or meat.
