Pickling tomatoes without vinegar. Recipe for barrel tomatoes in a bucket with horseradish, cherry and currant leaves. Tomatoes without vinegar with citric acid


Preparing vegetables for the winter is our traditional, national tradition, inherited from our thrifty and thrifty ancestors. And although modern supermarkets simply offer the widest range of all kinds of pickled, salted and dried vegetables However, sometimes you want to cook something of your own - homemade, natural, real. It just so happens that it is salted, and not pickled, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage that are traditional for our national cuisine.

By the way, this has a huge advantage - after all, cold-canned tomatoes and cucumbers retain much more useful substances than those that were subjected to heat treatment.

A sauerkraut and even more so it becomes a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

However, you and I will learn to prepare not cabbage with cucumbers, but everyone’s favorite tomatoes. Cold-salted tomatoes are an opportunity not only to preserve the gifts of summer for the winter, but also to get vigorous, delicious snack, which is for potatoes, and for a glass, and for a feast, and for peace. So let's learn!

A simple recipe for cold pickling tomatoes

You can pickle tomatoes in a cold way in wooden tubs, and in an enamel bucket or pan, and in a regular glass jar. Based on one three-liter jar, we will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe tomatoes - how many will fit in the jar;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon;
  • coarse table salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • dill stem with umbrella - 1 pc.;
  • cherry leaf - 2-3 pcs.;
  • currant leaf- 1-2 pcs.


To pickle tomatoes in jars, the fruits need to be thoroughly washed and then pricked near the stalk. The jars also need to be thoroughly washed and wiped dry. At the bottom of the jar we place a washed leaf of horseradish, a stem and an umbrella of dill, and after that we fill the jar with tomatoes, trying to pack the fruits tightly, but without crushing or squashing them. In the process of filling the jar, do not forget to transfer the tomatoes with currant and cherry leaves and add peeled garlic cloves.

Now pour salt and sugar into a jar and fill it all with cold bottled (boiled or filtered) water and add vinegar. All! We seal the jar of tomatoes with a regular plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator.

If you suddenly happen to have a wooden tub at home, try pickling tomatoes in it. By the way, you can replace this rare kitchen accessory with an ordinary enamel bucket. So, the ingredients you will need are the same as for cold pickling in jars. Just take salt at the rate of 500-700 g per 10 liters of water, and sugar, accordingly, 3 times less. And in this case we don’t use vinegar!

Place horseradish leaves and dill at the bottom of the tub or bucket, and then fill the container with tomatoes, placing them with currant and cherry leaves and garlic cloves. Fill the tomatoes with brine, place a wooden circle on top (a dish, a lid of smaller diameter than the diameter of the tub) and place pressure on it. Leave the tomatoes for a couple of days at room temperature, and after the start of fermentation we put it in a cold cellar or refrigerator.

Salted tomatoes with mustard

Another way to cold pickle tomatoes.


  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • dill - 30 g;
  • cherry leaf - 2 leaves;
  • currant leaf - 2 leaves;
  • Bay leaf- 3 leaves.
  • water - 1 l;
  • dry mustard - 15 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.;
  • table salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.


To pickle using this method, we will need brown tomatoes, that is, those that are just a little short of ripeness. The fruits should be approximately the same size, without cracks, dents or damaged areas. So, wash the tomatoes, dry them and place them in clean, dry jars, topping the tomatoes with dill, bay leaves, currants and cherries. Prepare the brine separately by boiling water with salt, sugar and black pepper. Dissolve dry mustard in hot brine and leave it until it cools completely. Pour the tomatoes with cold brine, seal the jars with nylon lids and leave for a couple of days in a cool place.

An old recipe for pickling tomatoes

No matter how interesting the new recipes are, any the old way the preparation of this or that dish always arouses interest: how did our ancestors make do with improvised means and natural products? Here's an example for you old recipe cold pickling of tomatoes.


  • water - 10 l;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp;
  • coarse table salt - 2 tbsp.;
  • ground red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • black currant leaves - a handful;
  • vinegar essence - 2 tbsp. l.


First we prepare the brine. To do this, mix water with salt, sugar, currant leaf and red pepper and let the brine boil. Boil it for about 10 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to cool. When the brine has cooled, add it vinegar essence. Of course, our ancestors did without vinegar essence, but its use significantly speeds up the pickling process, and such tomatoes are stored for a long time and without problems.

Now we take clean jars, put horseradish leaves, dill seeds, mustard seeds or any other spices at our discretion on the bottoms. However, keep in mind that too much spice can ruin the taste finished product. Therefore, try to do without excesses. Fill the tomatoes with cold brine and close metal lids and put it in the cold. All! Tomatoes preserved in this way can be stored for 2-3 years.

Salted green tomatoes

If you have ever tried barrel green tomatoes, then this recipe will definitely attract your attention. After all, you can harvest not only red, but also green tomatoes for the winter. For pickling, the following ingredients will be needed for each kg of green tomatoes and per liter of brine:

  • dill seeds - 50 g;
  • black currant leaves - 1-2 leaves;
  • cherry leaf - 4-5 leaves;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coarse table salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • peppercorns - 12-15 pcs.


Prepare the brine in advance by dissolving sugar and salt in water and adding pepper, spicy leaves and seeds. While the brine is preparing and cooling, soak the green tomatoes by pouring cold boiled water. Then we cut the tomatoes at the base of the stalk and place them in clean three-liter jars that have been previously scalded with boiling water. Fill the tomatoes with cooled brine, cover the jars with nylon lids and leave at room temperature for 4-6 days. After this, we put the jars in the cellar or refrigerator.

Cold dry salted tomatoes

You can also salt tomatoes for the winter using a cold dry method. Its only drawback is the crumpled ready-made fruits. Of course, these tomatoes don’t look very presentable... But they taste! The taste of real barrel tomatoes, vigorous, spicy, invigorating. Yes, conservation is happening in a natural way. In a word, this method of pickling is also worth trying!


  • tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • dill;
  • cherry leaf;
  • currant leaf.


Pickling tomatoes using a cold dry method is very simple and quick! To do this, clean fruits are pricked at the stalk and placed tightly in a large container (a bucket, for example), pouring them coarse salt. Horseradish leaves, dill stems and umbrellas, as well as cherry and currant leaves must be placed at the bottom of the container. Salt is taken at the rate of: a pack of salt for 2 kg of tomatoes.

After this, the tomatoes are covered with horseradish leaves, and a wooden circle and oppression are placed on top. First, the tomatoes are left in a warm place for about a day, and then taken out into the cold (but not into the frost!). Tomatoes salted in this way retain almost all vitamins and minerals. They turn out not only very tasty, but also very healthy.

So prepare your tomatoes using the cold method. This will allow you to save time and effort and get an excellent mineral and vitamin supplement to your winter diet. The main thing is to cook with pleasure and take into account all the tips. Bon appetit and success in your culinary career!

Discussion 9

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One of the most popular preparation options is cold pickling of tomatoes for the winter. Salted tomatoes can be an independent snack, a substitute for ketchup, or a tomato filling for other dishes. An undoubted advantage is less time spent on cooking.

How to pickle tomatoes cold water?

Housewives who want to master such a process as cold pickling tomatoes should take into account simple rules.

  • Tomatoes must be of the same degree of ripeness; there should be no signs of rotting or mold on the fruits.
  • Each tomato will be prepared for pickling: the stalks are separated from it, washed well, and then dried with a towel.
  • A neat puncture is made on the tomato near the stalk; this will help protect the tomato skin from cracking.

Quick cold pickling of tomatoes with herbs

Busy housewives will appreciate the recipe for cold pickling tomatoes. The option with the addition of garlic and herbs is especially successful. The cooking method consists mainly of preparatory processes. When the vegetables and other ingredients are properly prepared, they only need to be left for a certain time.


  • tomatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • garlic – 8 cloves;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - 1 bunch.


  • Chop the garlic and dill and mix them in one container.
  • Make cross-shaped cuts on both sides of the tomatoes. Place the garlic mixture in the holes.
  • Pour the fruits with marinade, which contains water, sugar and salt.
  • Infuse vegetables at room temperature under pressure. Cold pickling of tomatoes for the winter will last 1-1.5 days.

Cold pickling of tomatoes in a bucket

A delicious snack can be prepared not only in a barrel, but also extremely spicy taste Tomatoes are cold salted in a bucket. The technology is similar in both recipes, while the second option will not be at all inferior to the original. A variety of seasonings can add a special flavor to the preparation.


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • currant, oak, cherry leaves - 7 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • bay leaf – 5-7 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 10-15 pcs.;
  • horseradish (root and leaves) – 1 pc.;
  • dill – 2 bunches;
  • salt – 2 cups;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • water – up to 10 l.


  • Place washed herb leaves, dill and bay leaves at the bottom of the bucket.
  • Place tomatoes on top, add horseradish, garlic, and pepper between layers.
  • Pour the sweet-salty marinade over the ingredients.
  • Cover the bucket with gauze and press down on top with a weight.
  • Place the bucket in a warm place for 2-3 weeks.

How to cold salt tomatoes in a barrel?

One of classic recipes is salting tomatoes in a barrel using a cold method. It is necessary to pay special attention to the container in which the vegetables will be placed. It must be pre-soaked, cleaned with salt and filled with boiling water. This will help remove all foreign odors and get rid of dirt.


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • dill, parsley – 200 g each;
  • mint – 30 g;
  • hot pepper – 30 g;
  • garlic – 100 g;
  • currant leaves – up to 30 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves – up to 30 pcs.;
  • grape leaves – 20 pcs.;
  • water – 10 l;
  • salt – 800 g.


  • Divide the spices into 3 equal parts. Place one of them at the bottom of the barrel.
  • Place vegetables tightly together, place seasonings in the middle and on top
  • Pour a brine of water and salt into the barrel.
  • Cold pickling of barrel tomatoes for the winter lasts 2-3 weeks.

Cold pickling of tomatoes under a nylon lid

The recipe for cold salting tomatoes in jars is characterized by extreme simplicity. Its peculiarity is that at the end of the cooking process the containers are closed with nylon lids. This is very convenient, because you don’t need to install pressure so that the tomatoes are completely covered with brine. This preparation does not use a sterilization process and does not add vinegar.


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • a set of cherry, celery and currant leaves - 2 pcs each;
  • salt - 70 g;
  • water - 1.5-2 l.


  • Place some cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of the jar.
  • Place the tomatoes and celery leaves between them.
  • Sprinkle salt on top and pour boiled, cooled water.
  • Cover the jar with a lid. Cold pickled tomatoes will be ready in 2 days.

Pickling tomatoes with aspirin with cold water

Cold pickling of tomatoes with aspirin is extremely popular among housewives. It was invented in order to protect the pickling from bacteria, because the jar can be stored at room temperature without its contents deteriorating. However, aspirin in large quantities can be harmful, so you need to stick to the proportions specified in the recipe.


  • tomatoes - according to capacity;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • aspirin - 3 tablets;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • salt - 100 g.


  • Place bay leaves, garlic cloves, dill, and tomatoes into jars.
  • Grind aspirin into powder and add to jars.
  • Boil water, add sugar and salt to it. Pour brine over the tomatoes.
  • Cold pickling of red tomatoes ends by rolling up the jars.

Cold pickling of green tomatoes for the winter

If you have had a rich harvest of vegetables, you can cold pickle green tomatoes for the winter. Unripe fruits are excellent for pickling. They are elastic, yet they are easily filled with the aroma of greens and taste different spices. Tomatoes can be subjected additional processing, for which you can immerse them in salt water for several hours.


  • green tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • dill - 200 g;
  • bunch of dill - 1 pc.;
  • red hot peppers- 1 PC.;
  • black currant leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • salt - 70 g per 1 liter of water.


  • Place spices, leaves and herbs at the bottom of the jar.
  • Then place a layer of tomatoes, then again spices and tomatoes. Sprinkle each layer with salt.
  • Pour in cold boiled water and leave for several days, then refrigerate.

Cold salted tomatoes with mustard

Lovers savory snacks will be able to use a recipe for cold pickling tomatoes with mustard. It is better to take cream or another dense variety; it should not become soggy during the cooking process. Mustard can be used in the form of seeds, paste or dry powder. You can make the dish even spicier by adding different spices.


  • tomatoes - according to capacity;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • pepper – 10 peas;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard (powder) – 10 g.


  • Place tomatoes and seasonings in a 3-liter jar in layers.
  • Make a brine from water, sugar and salt by boiling it. Cool and add mustard.
  • Pour the brine into the jars and close.

Cold pickling of green tomatoes with garlic

Can be applied extremely original recipe, with which you can pickle tomatoes in a cold way. For this, unripe fruits and a significant amount of garlic are used. Its proportions may vary depending on the individual wishes of the hostess and how spicy the appetizer should be.

  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • vinegar 9% – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • dill - 2 umbrellas;
  • green leaves of horseradish (cherry, currant) - 2 pcs.


  • Make a small puncture in the tomatoes.
  • Place dill leaves and umbrellas at the bottom of the jar.
  • Fill the container with tomatoes, puncture side up. Place garlic cloves between layers.
  • Add to container required amount salt, sugar and vinegar.
  • Pour boiled water over the tomatoes and place in the cold.

Cold salted tomatoes without vinegar

You can save a lot of time if you make salted tomatoes using the cold method without vinegar. Their undoubted advantage is the absence of the need for sterilization. The brine turns out incredibly rich, it can be used separately as spicy sauce to all kinds of meat dishes.


  • tomatoes - according to capacity;
  • water – 800 ml;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.
  • spices, herbs;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • hot pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • dill - 1 bunch.


  • Make a brine from salt and water by boiling it.
  • Make a dressing from herbs, garlic and spices by chopping the ingredients.
  • Place tomatoes with dressing in a jar in layers. Pour in brine.
  • Leave in the cold for 10 days and close.

Cold canned tomatoes retain much more vitamins than tomatoes that have been processed hot water.

Tomatoes are prepared in this way in jars, enamel dishes or wooden barrels.

It is best to use cream tomatoes or other meaty varieties for this preparation. The fruits should be small, ripe, without visible damage. Green tomatoes are also prepared using the cold method.

The tomatoes are washed and several punctures are made around the stalk. Place herbs, garlic, cherry or currant leaves at the bottom of the pan or jar. Then the tomatoes are placed tightly, spices, granulated sugar and salt are added, cool water is poured in and vinegar is poured in. Cover with plastic lids and place in the basement or refrigerator.

Pre-cooked and cooled brine is also used. To do this, pour sugar and salt into the water, add black pepper and other spices and bring to a boil. Then cool and pour it over the tomatoes.

Cold prepared tomatoes turn out very tasty. Depending on the brine, they can be made spicy or lightly salted. The only disadvantage of preparing tomatoes in a cold way for the winter is that they cannot be stored for a long time at room temperature, only in the refrigerator or cellar.

Recipe 1. A simple recipe for cold tomatoes for the winter


dense, ripe tomatoes;

according to Art. spoon 70% acetic acid and granulated sugar;

garlic - head;

dill umbrella and horseradish leaf;

3 leaves each of cherry and currant.

Cooking method

1. We sort out the tomatoes, wash them and make several punctures with a fork near the stalk.

2. Wash the jars with soda and let them dry. Place horseradish greens and an umbrella of dill on the bottom of the glass container. Next, lay out the tomatoes, layering them with currant leaves, cherry leaves and cloves of garlic.

3. Pour sugar and salt into a jar, fill with cool, settled water, add vinegar and close with plastic lids.

4. We store jars of tomatoes in the refrigerator or cellar. You can use them after a month.

Recipe 2. Cold-process tomatoes for the winter with mustard


kilogram of dense tomatoes;

30 g fresh dill;

two leaves of cherry and currant;

3 pcs. bay leaf.


liter of water;

15 g mustard powder;

70 g granulated sugar;

7 black peppercorns;

Art. a spoonful of coarse rock salt.

Cooking method

1. For pickling, take firm, unripe tomatoes. Rinse them and place in a colander to drain excess moisture.

2. Wash the jars with soda, rinse and dry. Place the tomatoes in a dry glass container, topping them with bay leaves, dill and cherry and currant leaves.

3. Pour water into a saucepan, dissolve salt and sugar in it, season with peppercorns, boil and add mustard. Cool the resulting brine completely and pour the cold tomatoes into the jars. Cover with plastic lids and place in a cool, dark place.

Recipe 3. Cold-process tomatoes for the winter "Real jam"


6 kg of dense tomatoes;

0.5 tbsp. rock salt and sugar;

3.5 liters of settled water;

Art. vinegar;

two heads of garlic;

dried dill with umbrellas;

6 bay leaves;

9 aspirin tablets;

30 pcs. black allspice peas;

a couple of celery sprigs.

Cooking method

1. Wash the tomatoes well. Rinse the celery and shake lightly. Remove the peel from the garlic cloves.

2. Place two bay leaves, a pinch of allspice peas, two cloves of garlic, cut into 4 parts, dill and a celery branch on the bottom of a clean glass container.

3. Pack the tomatoes tightly into the jars. Add 2 more cloves of garlic, celery and dill.

4. Pour water into the pan, add sugar and salt, pour in vinegar and stir until completely dissolved. Let the brine brew and add it to the tomatoes in the jar. Add three aspirin tablets to each jar. Cover them with plastic lids and store them in the basement or refrigerator.

Recipe 4. An old recipe for cold tomatoes for the winter


ripe tomatoes of fleshy varieties;

kilogram of sugar;

half a kilogram of salt;

5 g ground red pepper;

currant and horseradish leaves;

mustard seeds;

Dill seeds;

50 g vinegar essence;

10 liters of water.

Cooking method

1. Boil the brine. Pour salt and granulated sugar into the water, add currant leaves, red pepper, boil and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cool completely and add vinegar essence.

2. Place horseradish leaves, mustard beans and dill seeds into a clean glass container. Then pack the tomatoes tightly. Fill them with cooled brine and roll up with metal lids.

3. Put the jars in the cold. Tomatoes canned this way can be stored for a couple of years.

Recipe 5. Cold green tomatoes for the winter


four kilograms of green tomatoes;

2 tbsp. l. table salt and 25 g of granulated sugar for every liter of water;

pods hot pepper– 6 pcs.;

greens and dill umbrellas;

garlic - head;

black peppercorns;

bay leaf – 5 pcs.

Cooking method

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut large fruits in half. Make punctures with a wooden skewer or toothpick near the stalk. Separate the head of garlic into cloves, remove the skin and cut them into small pieces. Sort the greens, rinse and dry. Rinse the hot pepper and cut into thin rings.

2. To the bottom enamel pan Place a layer of tomatoes, stirring with garlic, and place herbs and spices on top. Thus, place all the tomatoes, while the last layer should be of herbs and spices.

3. B cold water dissolve salt and sugar. Pour the resulting brine over the tomatoes until they are completely covered. Cover with a lid and place in the basement or refrigerator.

Recipe 6. Cold salted tomatoes for the winter


ten kilograms of tomatoes;

a large bunch of dill;

a small piece of horseradish root;

100 g each of currant and horseradish leaves;

head of garlic;

0.7 kg rock salt.

Cooking method

1. Sort through the greens, rinse them under running water and place on a paper towel to dry slightly. Take small, firm, ripe tomatoes and rinse well. Cut the peeled horseradish root into slices.

2. Place the jars washed with soda into the oven for sterilization. Place the herbs and horseradish root in a dry glass container. Fill the jars tightly with tomatoes and place the herbs on top.

3. Dissolve salt in water and pour the resulting solution over the tomatoes so that they are completely immersed in the brine. Cover the jars with boiled nylon lids and leave them for three days so that the tomatoes acquire the desired taste. Store jars in the basement or refrigerator.

Recipe 7. Cold-process tomatoes for the winter


ten kilograms of tomatoes;

10 liters of filtered water;

rock salt– one and a half glasses;

mustard – 50 g;

head of garlic;

two large bunches of fresh dill;

25 g each of tarragon and horseradish leaves;

100 g cherry leaves;

20 g black peppercorns.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the tomatoes well and pierce them in several places with a wooden skewer near the stalk. Separate the garlic into cloves, peel them and cut them into thin slices. Sort the greens and rinse well under running water. Cut the horseradish leaves into 10 cm pieces. Place the greens in a bowl and sprinkle with mustard powder.

2. Place the greens on the bottom of a clean, dry enamel pan, place the tomatoes tightly on it, layering with leaves of horseradish, and cherries. At the end, lay out the greens and cover with gauze.

3. Dissolve salt in cold, filtered water and pour this brine over the tomatoes. Place a flat dish on top and place a weight on it. Leave the tomatoes at room temperature for a week. Then place the pan in the basement.

The tomatoes will be ready in a month and a half.

Recipe 8. Cold-process tomatoes for the winter with honey


one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

5 tbsp. spoons of honey;

100 ml lemon juice;

sea ​​salt– 5 g;

4 cloves of garlic;

green cilantro and basil

half a chili pepper;

60 g olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Wash the tomatoes well and make shallow cross-shaped cuts. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds, then drain the water and remove the skin with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the peeled tomatoes with coarse salt and leave for a while until the salt has melted.

2. Peel the garlic and chop it with a knife. Chop the cilantro in the same way as the garlic. Cut the chili pepper into thin rings. We tear off the leaves of the basil and finely chop them. Lemon juice mix with honey.

3. Place the tomatoes in a prepared jar, sprinkle with garlic, chili pepper and herbs.

4. Add tomato juice to lemon honey sauce and stir, add olive oil and pour the marinade over the tomatoes. Keep the tomatoes at room temperature for a couple of hours, then put them in the refrigerator or basement. Make sure that the marinade completely covers the tomatoes.

Recipe 9. Cold tomatoes for the winter with sweet peppers


ripe, dense tomatoes;

6 sweet peppers;

3 pcs. hot pepper;

200 g peeled garlic;

a bunch of dill, celery, parsley and cilantro.


a glass of salt, vinegar and granulated sugar;

a pinch of black peppercorns;

three bay leaves.

Cooking method

1. Pour granulated sugar and salt into the water, season with black pepper and bay leaf, place on the fire and boil. Cook for a couple of minutes, then pour in the vinegar and cool.

2. Sort and wash the greens and tomatoes. Rinse sweet and bitter peppers, remove seeds and cut into large cubes. Peel the garlic cloves. Place vegetables and herbs in a blender and blend until homogeneous mass. Divide the greens mixture evenly into clean, dry jars.

3. Fill the jars tightly with ripe, strong tomatoes and pour over the chilled marinade. Cover with boiled plastic lids and place the jars in a dark, cool place. After a month, tomatoes can be eaten.

Recipe 10. Cold-process tomatoes for the winter with carrots


ten kilograms of ripe, dense tomatoes;

kg carrots;

fresh dill;

two heads of garlic;

bay leaf and ground red pepper;

half a kilogram of salt.

Cooking method

1. Small, firm tomatoes wash, do not remove the stems. Peel the carrots, rinse and grate on a large grater. Sort out the dill and rinse. Remove the husks from the garlic and cut into thin slices.

2. Place dill, bay leaf, garlic on the bottom of a clean enamel bucket and sprinkle with red pepper. Lay out the tomatoes, layering them with grated carrots and garlic. Place greens on top.

3. Dissolve salt in cold, settled water and pour the resulting brine over the tomatoes so that it completely covers them. Place pressure on top. Store tomatoes in a dark, cool place.

  • For cold preparation, take only tomatoes of the same ripeness and shape.
  • You can prepare tomatoes using the cold method in a glass container, an enamel bucket or pan, or in wooden tubs.
  • Do not mix when preserving different varieties tomatoes.
  • To prevent tomatoes from bursting, pierce the fruits with a wooden skewer or toothpick near the stalk.
  • When canning tomatoes in a cold way, it is very important to thoroughly wash the herbs and vegetables so that the preparation does not spoil ahead of time.
  • The brine can be made cold, or you can boil it, cool it, and only then pour it over the tomatoes.

Tomatoes are a long-established crop for almost all continents. From this healthy vegetable Many dishes are prepared, it is added to borscht, pizza, pilaf, salads and dressings. Tomatoes are often stuffed and baked, but the central place of tomatoes is still given to salting. In this form, tomatoes can be consumed even by those who adhere to proper nutrition.

One of the most dietary recipes tomatoes are cold pickling. Only 13.7 calories are included in 100 g. At the same time, such tomatoes retain the maximum amount of microelements. Iodine, rubidium, cobalt and a whole list of useful substances, among which there are dietary fibers that are so necessary for the body.

in jars with a nylon lid

An extra method that the most unpretentious housewives will love. With it, you don’t need to prepare seaming lids, keys, or burn your hands through a slipping towel. Just cover the cold tomatoes with a lid and put them in a cool place so as not to spoil the delicious recipe.

We will need:


  • Before cold salting, collect a suitable amount of containers and wash them thoroughly. Only clean containers can preserve pickles for long term. According to the above recipe, we will need 4-5 one and a half liter jars. Wash them with Pemolux and hold them over steam for 3-4 minutes;

  • Now prepare the vegetables, herbs and seasonings. Wash everything thoroughly and carry out a visual selection. There should be no stains, dents, cracks or other damage on tomatoes, horseradish leaves and other additives. Otherwise, the workpiece will oxidize and disappear;

  • Before planting in a jar, tomatoes need to be pierced. This is done so that the tomato is salted in the brine. Use the edge of a knife to cut each tomato near the stem. The first layer in the jar will be horseradish leaves. Immediately distribute them among all banks. Place tomatoes on top of the greens in one row. Press them tightly, but so that they do not crush each other. Place fruit leaves and dill between layers. Alternate layers, cover the final row with horseradish leaves and sprinkle with garlic;

  • Before filling the jar, leave 4-5 cm free up to the neck. Add salt, spices, pour cold running water over everything and close the jars with nylon lids.

with mustard

Mustard serves as a kind of preservative in tomato brine. In addition, in some recipes it adds a sophisticated peppery taste, which only becomes brighter and more saturated over time.

We will need:


In already prepared jars, an equal amount of spices is placed on the bottom: bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns. Next, clean prepared tomatoes (with punctures) are placed. It is better to lay them out with the nose down. Alternate with spices to the edge of the jar. Leave 3-4 cm of free space at the top and fill with brine.

The stacked tomatoes are poured with the prepared brine: mix salt, sugar in cold, warm or even boiled water; you can add spices if desired. Pour it into jars with tomatoes so as to cover the tomatoes, but leave extra space (about 3 cm).

It is the distance of 3-4 cm that we need to add mustard. Cut the gauze into small pieces. Place it into the neck of the jar. One part should remain in the jar, the other part should hang down like a tail. Place mustard seeds or mustard powder. Cover the second part of the gauze on top. The edges of the gauze are compacted into the jar and closed on top with a lid. This is how you need to complete each jar of tomatoes.
A kind of mustard plug will protect the tomatoes from premature mold and add some zest to the brine already 3 weeks after infusion. Jars must be stored in a cold cellar or refrigerator.

green tomatoes in jars

Green tomatoes are not at all the same as red ones. They are considered unripe, but despite this, the art of pickling makes them edible and very tasty. You can marinate them different ways, the simplest and most unpretentious method is cold pouring.

We will need:


Green tomatoes must be of excellent quality: approximately the same size, without cracks or rot. Soak them in water, remove the leaves and make a hole in the back of each tomato. Next, horseradish sheets are laid out in sterilized jars; you can also add leaves here fruit trees or twigs.

Place tomatoes on top of the leaves, sprinkle them with spices: sugar, chopped garlic cloves, dill. You can add bay leaf to taste. Leave 4 cm to the edge, maybe a little less. Fill the tomatoes with brine. Dilute salt into 2 liters of brine, you can add a couple of bay leaves. Salt for brining green tomatoes should be coarsely ground. Extra will not work, it is better if it is sea salt. Stir the mixture and pour it over the tomatoes, do not add the remaining salt!

Sprinkle the top of the pickles directly on top of the brine with mustard in equal portions, about 1 tablespoon each. Now all that remains is to close the jar with a sterile metal lid and put it in a cool place. You can open it no earlier than after 1.5 months.

pickling red tomatoes in jars

For pickling tomatoes from red varieties of tomatoes, it is better to choose miniature types, for example, cream. They fit easily into jars and have elastic flesh. Instead of cream, you can add cherry, cherry, pear, or oak varieties to the jars.

We will need:


For the specified amount of food, you need to prepare 1.5 liters of brine. It all depends on the varietal size of the tomatoes. In 1.5 l warm water Dissolve salt, mustard powder and sugar. Let the mixture disperse and start preparing the jars and tomatoes. Jars must be sterilely clean. Tomatoes need to be selected and washed.

Chop the flame and garlic. Divide the dill. Break the bay leaf into crumbs. Place a mixture of bay crumbs, pepper, garlic and dill on the bottom of the jar. Place tomatoes on top, alternating layers until the top of the container. There should be about 3 cm left to the top of the neck of the jar. Place sprigs of clean parsley under the lid, pour in the brine and close the lid.

Cold pickling of tomatoes in a barrel

This recipe is considered the fastest that you can come up with for pickling in a barrel. Tomatoes turn out lightly salted after 7 days.

We will need:


Before salting, the barrel must be carefully inspected. Wash away any dust and existing contaminants. Next, tomatoes and additional seasonings are divided into three parts. The barrel is filled with three layers of tomatoes with alternating seasonings. The first layer of dill, currant leaves and cherries. Next, add chopped garlic cloves and currants. After this, the tomatoes are poured in.

When the barrel is filled with tomatoes, brine is poured into it. 900 g of salt are dissolved in boiling water. The salt slurry is filtered through sterile gauze, and then the cold solution is poured into a barrel with tomatoes. The top is covered with gauze and oppression is placed. For oppression, it is better to take glass, enamel, and wooden dishes. But by no means metal. Oxidizing reactions will occur from the metal in the brine.
Immediately after salting, the barrel is placed in a cool, dark place. Within 7 days, the cellar with tomatoes is checked. If mold forms on the gauze, the fabric is washed and put back into the barrel. A week later fermented dish will be ready.

Cold pickling of green tomatoes in a bucket

Our recipe does not contain a preservative such as vinegar, but despite this, this salting will easily last until winter. Green tomatoes under New Year will be real exotic dish, while they are still waiting to be harvested, we encourage you to consider the recipe below.

We will need:


The secret of this recipe is that the collected tomatoes must be unripe and green. As a result of fermentation, they will reach their peak of readiness and will be edible. However, their color will still remain green. So, first, the plastic bucket is washed well with soda and mustard powder. All ingredients for salting are also washed.

The first layer is laid out on the bottom of the plastic: half of the spices and the first part of green tomatoes. A second layer of spices is poured into the middle, and the rest of the tomatoes with pepper, garlic and leaf spices complete the stacking. The top of the barrel is filled with brine consisting of 6 kg of salt, pepper and water.

The brine is prepared as follows: salt is stirred in boiling water, pepper is poured into it. The resulting infusion cools, filters and goes into a bucket for pouring. The filled bucket is covered with oppression and infused in a dark, warm place for 7 days; after a week, the tomatoes can be tasted. This pickling recipe can last well into the winter. To do this, the buckets must be kept in a cool room at a temperature no higher than +4 Cº.

Quick cold pickling of tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes in summer are sometimes not as relevant as lightly salted ones. In summer you want salted tomatoes, and in winter, on the contrary, you want fresh ones. You can get fully salted tomatoes within half an hour after cooking. Stock up only on plastic bags, a good bunch of greens and, of course, selected tomatoes. The good thing about this recipe is that it doesn’t require large quantity products, and this portion is enough for daily ration, you don’t have to throw away excess tomatoes.

We will need:


Check the integrity of the bags, inflate them and see if there are any holes in them. For successful salting, it is better to make a double bag - insert one into the other and put the ingredients there according to the recipe. Wash the tomatoes and make notches at the nose. Now immerse 1 kg of tomatoes in boiling water. 1-2 minutes is enough and you can take it out. Peel the skin; in direct contact with the pulp, the brine salts the tomatoes faster.

Chop the garlic and herbs, pour the mixture into a bag and place the peeled tomatoes in it. Add the specified amount of salt to boiling water (1 liter). Stir the liquid until smooth, be sure to cool it and pour it over the bag of tomatoes. Hot pickle will melt the packages. Place the cellophane with the tomatoes in a pan filled with cold water; place the pan in the refrigerator or cold cellar. After half an hour, you can start the first test, but ideally, let the tomatoes ferment for 24 hours. This portion of tomatoes is enough for a family of 4-5 people for lunch and dinner. Enjoy the piquant taste of young tomatoes!

Cold pickling tomatoes without vinegar

This tomato recipe is prepared without vinegar and kept with the lid open for the first week. The recipe is for cooking tomatoes in three liter jar, so follow this recipe for each preparation separately.

We will need:


Sterilize the container and prepare the tomatoes. Make a cut on each tomato and insert a small clove of garlic inside for effective salting. Place pepper, whole bay leaves, remaining chopped garlic, and mustard seeds at the bottom of the jar. In this recipe, mustard seeds can be replaced with ground powder. Then you need to take a quarter of a teaspoon finished powder, because this type of spice is considered more vigorous.

Place garlic tomatoes on top of the seasonings and pour them on top classic brine(1 liter of warm water + 1 tbsp sugar + 1 tbsp salt). The jar must not be covered with a lid; the brine will oxidize under the influence of air within 1 week. For more rich taste The tomatoes can be left in the open air for another 1 week, then cover with a lid and put in a cool place. It is allowed to use calico or cotton pieces of fabric or gauze as a tomato damper.

Cold pickling tomatoes with vinegar

It’s hard to imagine a winter table with homemade fresh tomatoes, this is practically impossible. But pickles solve this drawback. We offer a recipe for tomatoes with vinegar. The best variety This recipe will use cherry tomatoes. They are small and impressive, and will also be a table decoration.

We will need:


Prepare a brine in boiling water (boil for 5 minutes, then turn off) from the above ingredients and let the mixture cool. In the meantime, start preparing containers and vegetables. Remove the stems from peppers and tomatoes, wash them, and sterilize the jars.

Place half the portion on the bottom of the jar: finely chopped garlic, herbs, peppercorns and chopped bell pepper, bay leaf. Place tomatoes on top of the jar. Sprinkle the tops of the tomatoes again with the second portion of the seasonings. Pour the already cold vinegar brine over the vegetables, close with screw metal lids and send to a cold place. After 2 weeks, the pickled tomatoes will be ready to eat.

Most valued on the table are salted tomatoes in jars, which have retained the maximum fresh taste and the aroma of spiced brine. You can even roll up green and yellow tomatoes, and for red ones there are many ways of pickling, with or without sterilization.

How to salt tomatoes in a jar?

Pickling tomatoes in jars is a simple skill, but it requires skill and following recipes. And also - the knowledge of small and big tricks, which allow you to make the preparation especially tasty. There are 3 main options for pickling: hot, cold and dry. The latter is made without brine, the tomatoes are sprinkled with salt and placed under pressure, then put in the cold. But this method is not suitable for winter.

Pickling red tomatoes in jars for the winter will be successful if you follow the basic rules.

  • Before pouring, pierce the fruits at the stem to prevent them from cracking.
  • Take July tomatoes.
  • Aluminum cookware should not be used for cooking.
  • You only need to stir the brine with a wooden spoon.
  • Salted tomatoes in jars will be richer if you add a pinch of cinnamon.

Cold salted tomatoes in jars

The easiest way is to cold-salt tomatoes in jars for the winter. Tomatoes are poured with chilled brine; not only jars, but tubs, buckets, and barrels are suitable. Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid; without sourness, the brine will become cloudy and the taste of the vegetables will deteriorate. But such seaming will also not be stored for too long.


  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • horseradish leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • cherry and currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • celery leaves – 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 head.


  • Place horseradish leaves at the bottom of the jars.
  • Place tomatoes on top.
  • Cover with leaves and garlic.
  • Dissolve salt and sugar in cool water.
  • Pour over vegetables.
  • Cover the salted tomatoes in jars with plastic lids and put them in the cold.

Hot salted tomatoes in jars

A more reliable method is hot pickling of tomatoes in jars. The principle is simple: pour the tomatoes with brine and roll up the lids. Small fruits can be cut in half for better impregnation To make them uniform, the fruits are pressed between the lids. For pasteurization, jars are placed in hot water and boil for up to 15 minutes.


  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • dill – 30 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • cinnamon – 0.25 tsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.


  • Place dill, garlic, and cinnamon on the bottom of the jars.
  • Place tomatoes.
  • Dissolve salt and sugar in boiling water.
  • Pour over vegetables.
  • Cover with lids and pasteurize for 15 minutes.
  • Roll up and put in a dark place.

Green salted tomatoes in jars for the winter

Experienced housewives They advise not to be afraid to put a lot of salt; thanks to the skin, the tomato will take as much as it needs, no more and no less. original name“Youth” received salted green tomatoes in jars; the treat will be much tastier if they are stuffed with herbs and spices, not completely cut in half.


  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • dill – 3 branches;
  • garlic – 10 cloves;
  • hot pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.


  • Wash the tomatoes and cut them.
  • Divide the garlic into slices, the pepper into rings.
  • Place into the cuts.
  • Place greens at the bottom of the jars and tomatoes on top.
  • Dissolve salt in water.
  • Pour the workpiece and roll it up.

Salted tomatoes in jars, like barrels

For a long time famous recipe salted tomatoes in jars with vinegar - according to the barrel principle. It is inconvenient to close them in barrels, since the fruits are strongly crushed under their own weight. The best option- glass jars. Since tomatoes contain sugar, they need more salt. For red ones take 700 g per 10 liters, and for brown and green ones - 800 g.


  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • cherry and currant leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • dill – 3 branches;
  • water – 7 l.;
  • vinegar - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 300 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
  • horseradish root – 4 cm;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • aspirin – 1 pc. on the jar.


  • Place leaves, dill, bay leaf, horseradish, and spices in jars.
  • Place tomatoes.
  • Dissolve vinegar, salt and sugar in water.
  • Pour over vegetables, add aspirin.
  • Seal with a regular lid.
  • Salted tomatoes in a jar nylon cover keep it in the kitchen for a couple of days.
  • Refrigerate.

Recipe for salted tomatoes in jars without vinegar

To those who don't love acetic acid, it’s worth trying to cook salted tomatoes in jars without vinegar. He is being replaced citric acid, the only difference between the preparations is that such tomatoes are infused a little longer. Seasonings can be varied with coriander, cilantro and mustard. Eat original version– with pepper and sour apples.


  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • dill – 2 branches;
  • apples – 4 pcs.;
  • Bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • peppercorns – 7 pcs.;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 50 g.


  • Chop apples and bell peppers.
  • Place in jars with bay leaves.
  • Place tomatoes, interspersed with sweet peppers.
  • Pour boiling water over for 15 minutes.
  • Drain and boil water.
  • Add salt and sugar.
  • Pour over the tomatoes and roll up.

Spicy salted tomatoes for the winter in jars

It is better to select oblong, small tomatoes so that they are easy to remove, and only add coarse salt. A popular recipe for salted tomatoes in jars for the winter with big amount hot pepper. This snack warms you up well in winter. The brine can be used for pie dough or pickle.


  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • dill – 100 g;
  • hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 7 cloves;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • aspirin – 3 pcs.


  • Place some of the herbs, peppers and garlic into jars.
  • Place tomatoes in layers, alternating with spices and herbs.
  • Add salt and crushed aspirin.
  • Pour boiling water over and roll up.
  • Place in a warm place until cool.

Salted cherry tomatoes for the winter in jars

Small fruits are excellent at feasts, so many housewives are attracted to pickling cherry tomatoes in jars for the winter. They are more convenient to take out and eat, but it will take a little more time to arrange such vegetables. It is better to put less pepper so that the cherry tomatoes do not turn out too hot. Alternate with greens in layers.


  • cherry – 2 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 2 branches;
  • dill – 1 branch;
  • cherry leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • hot pepper – 15 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.


  • Grind pepper, garlic and onion.
  • Place on the bottom with spices and herbs.
  • Place tomatoes.
  • Dissolve salt and sugar in water.
  • Add vinegar.
  • Pour over the tomatoes and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Boil, pour over vegetables again.
  • Roll up the lids.

Pickling tomatoes with mustard in jars

Another old recipe for connoisseurs of preparations is salted tomatoes in jars with mustard. Standard spices are added, but the brine has little secret. You can use regular mustard, powdered mustard, and the tomatoes will be more tender with it. And French beans will give spicy notes and a specific aroma.


  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • hot pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • garlic – 3-5 cloves;
  • dry mustard – 10 g;
  • dill – 3 branches;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 60 g.


  • Place the tomatoes in jars.
  • Grind pepper and garlic.
  • Add along with herbs and mustard.
  • Dissolve salt and sugar.
  • Pour brine over salted tomatoes with mustard in jars.
  • Roll up the lids and turn over.
  • Cover until cool.

Pickling tomatoes for the winter in jars in slices

The workpiece will be better soaked if you try the recipe for salted tomatoes in jars, cutting them into slices. Experienced housewives advise to diversify the taste with ginger, anise, star anise, but you should be careful with cloves and bay leaves, as they can clog the taste of the tomatoes themselves. Onions and garlic are cut into slices.


  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • onions – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 7 cloves;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • basil – 10 g;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 6 pcs.


  • Chop tomatoes, onions and garlic.
  • Lay out in layers.
  • Pour boiling water twice for 15 minutes.
  • For the third time, dilute salt, sugar, butter and spices in water.
  • Pour marinade over vegetables and roll up.

Recipe for salted tomatoes in jars with basil

Looks very original yellow tomatoes because they have a different flavor. Hot chili pepper will help add vigor, and vinegar will help add sourness. Pickling yellow tomatoes in jars for the winter requires the same seasonings and spices, but looks more beautiful on the table and has additional piquant notes.


  • tomatoes – 500 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • chili pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • basil – 2 branches;
  • salt - 1/4 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.


  • Place basil and garlic cloves on the bottom.
  • Tamp down the tomatoes and chopped chili.
  • Pour salt, pour boiling water.
  • Pour in vinegar.
  • Sterilize salted tomatoes with basil in jars for 15 minutes.
  • Roll up, turn over, cover until cool.