Spread (fat product). Difference between spread and butter

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(from the English Spread - smearing, stretching; read spread) - gender food products based on a mixture of vegetable and milk fats with mass fraction total fat from 39 to 95%. Usually a composition is selected in which, when cooled, it spreads more easily than natural butter.

At the same time, the spread is not margarine. The difference is that margarine has virtually no milk fat and unlimited trans fatty acid content, making it an unhealthy food.

Unsaturated fatty acids (also monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) predominate in spreads. Butter contains mainly saturated fats. The World Health Organization in 2005 recommended reducing intake of saturated fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.

The main advantage of spreads is that they contain no or almost no cholesterol, which means there is a chance to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and, accordingly, heart attack and stroke.

If the word spread has not yet become familiar to consumers, the product itself in one form or another has long been present on our table. Many oils of various brands, including well-known ones, sold on the country's market are nothing more than a spread, because they contain impurities of non-dairy fats.

The name "creamy-vegetable spread" means that the composition of the product is dominated by milk fat(cow butter) a vegetable fats it contains less than half. In vegetable-cream spreads, the opposite is true: there is less milk fat and more vegetable fat.

Spreads are divided into three subtypes:

  1. with a content of more than 50% milk fat - creamy vegetable spreads;
  2. from 15 to 49% milk fat – vegetable-cream spreads;
  3. in the complete absence of milk fat - vegetable-fat spreads.

Thus, the first subtype of spread is closest to natural butter, and the latter is almost pure margarine.

Global trends in nutrition are associated with the creation of functional foods that improve health in their daily use. Functional components include vitamins, alimentary fiber, minerals, trace elements, bifidobacteria, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats. One of the important directions in the development of functional products is the use of vegetable oils and fats in the diet of the population.

It is very important what the composition of vegetable fats used in the spread is. Fats from balanced mixture oils practically do not contain trans-isomers and can be used in combination with milk fat.

For example, fats from mixtures of palm and coconut oils contain practically no trans isomers and can be used effectively mainly in combination with milk fat. But these same fats, when mixed with hydrogenated vegetable fats, already contain from 16 to 26% trans isomers. There are also artificial analogues of milk fat most High Quality(mostly imported). Such fats contain only 6-7% trans isomers.

Nowadays, spread manufacturing technologies have become very popular. As shown by foreign industrial experience, as well as domestic results scientific research, spread is nothing more than a healthy food product with high consumer properties, and it is on this basis that it constitutes worthy and fair competition

Vegetable fat spreads are relative New Product oil industry, which contains a combination of fats of vegetable and dairy origin. Spreads are often used for making sandwiches; they have proven themselves excellent for frying, baking, in the production of cake creams, confectionery glaze, biscuits, pies, cupcakes and even ice cream.

Melted spread can be used to grease pasta, dumplings, dumplings. Translated from English, “spread” means a product with the consistency of a paste that can be spread.

A little history

The first analogues of spreads began to be widely produced food industry in the mid-90s, when dairy plants sharply reduced the volume of milk production, and, accordingly, natural butter. During the same period, the economic standard of living of many residents of the former Soviet Union and, as a result, the solvency of citizens decreased. The bulk of the population preferred to buy cheaper food products, and many enterprises took advantage of this by launching mass production of combined oils. At that time, a product similar to a spread was called “light butter”, “soft butter”, “combined butter”. For example, many probably remember the “butter” of Ram.

Many unscrupulous manufacturers understood that the production of natural butter was not very profitable and unprofitable. In pursuit of profit, they began to produce cheap fake oils based on low-quality vegetable fats with the addition of flavors, dyes, and preservatives. In fact, this butter was very reminiscent of margarine, because it contained very little butter fat - about 10%, or it was completely absent. Here is an article about. As a result of numerous studies by nutritionists, it was found that consuming such a crude counterfeit of oil in large quantities very harmful to health. Therefore, in 2003, the country developed and introduced GOST for the production of spreads, which clearly regulated the composition of the product and its production technology, and outlined the differences between natural butter, spread and margarine. The new state standard set the task of producing spreads that would compete with natural butter in terms of taste, quality and health benefits.

New generation spreads and their composition

New generation spreads are divided into 3 main types:

  • creamy vegetable spreads containing 50% or more milk fat. Other fats in the product – plant origin;
  • vegetable-cream, with milk fat content from 15 to 49%. The rest is also supplemented with vegetable fat;
  • vegetable fat spreads. They contain no more than 10% milk fat, or none at all.

Differences between spreads from butter and margarine

If a product contains 64% or more milk fat, it is already called butter. Compared to spread, natural oil is more high-calorie product, containing much more cholesterol. The calorie content of spreads depends on the percentage of fat content, the percentage of vegetable and butter fats. Basically, their calorie content ranges from 340 to 600 kcal/100g. Spreads can be low-fat or light (minimum 35% fat), medium-fat (50% fat) and high-fat (up to 85% fat or more).

When producing spreads, vitamins, aromatic and flavorings permitted by GOST. The new generation spread is a combined product containing fats of plant and animal origin, which is enriched with vitamins A, D, E, and K that are valuable for humans.

Compared to butter, the spread contains minimal cholesterol and virtually no harmful trans fats, which are abundant in margarine. The content of trans isomers of fatty acids in the spread is limited by GOST of our country to 8%. The spread cannot be called margarine or a fake of butter; it is a completely different product, produced using a different technology. A modern spread made according to established GOST technology is a product healthy eating, which is easily digestible, its composition is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

For this reason, the spread, especially low-fat, is recommended for dietary nutrition elderly people and those who suffer from atherosclerosis, overweight, diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. A high-quality spread has a plastic structure that is both soft and dense; it spreads easily onto a sandwich even after cooling. Water should not leak out of it. Its taste is as close as possible to butter; depending on the additives used may have light sweet, salty or sour taste. Unlike butter, the spread does not burn or foam in a frying pan.

Harm: myth or reality?

Unfortunately, since the late 90s, the idea of ​​the dangers of spreads has been firmly entrenched in our minds, since we consider them to be a crude counterfeit of butter and put them on a par with margarines. Our understanding was distorted due to the large number of fake spreads, when unscrupulous manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, tried to pass off cheap low-grade margarine as a spread. This product can only be harmful if:

  • you purchased a crude counterfeit, which is essentially margarine not made in accordance with GOST;
  • if you have an individual intolerance to the components included in the product;
  • if you consume the spread excessively and are obese.

How to choose a good spread

First of all, carefully read the label and study the composition of the spread. There must certainly be an inscription on the packaging that it was produced in accordance with GOST. Decide what kind of spread you need: creamy-vegetable, vegetable-fat or vegetable-creamy.

The higher the milk fat content, the higher the fat percentage, the higher the calorie content and the higher the cholesterol content. The packaging should not say that it is butter. The composition of the product allows the presence of approved flavors, vitamins, as well as coconut and palm oil. A conscientious manufacturer packages the spread in aluminum foil which will not allow foreign odors, liquids, sunlight. Please note that the spread in the store on the counter is stored at low temperatures(not higher than +15 degrees). At lower temperatures, especially when frozen, the spread can be stored for up to 3 months or even more. The smell and taste of a good spread should be creamy and slightly sweet, and its surface should be dry and shiny. The color range can be quite wide - from milky white to yellowish. The real spread melts in a frying pan, but does not burn.

In general, for most consumers, when purchasing a spread, two indicators become decisive. The first is a “pleasant” price, which is significantly lower than the price of natural butter. The second is the special composition of the spread, thanks to which it is lower in calories and more healthy compared to margarine and butter, since it contains a minimum of trans fats and cholesterol.

Thanks to a wide range of fat contents, you can choose for yourself the right product. An additional bonus: the spread can be stored much longer than butter, therefore, the cream for a cake or pastry made from the spread will not spoil as quickly.

Now all that remains is a small matter: when purchasing, be able to choose a high-quality spread and not confuse it with a harmful counterfeit or margarine.

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Many people believe that the spread is a low-quality analogue of oil, but they are mistaken. In fact, it is a very healthy and low-calorie product with high nutritional value.

Spread and its types

This combined oil substitute appeared in wide production only in 2003. The name comes from English word“spread”, which literally translates as “spreading”. Since 2008, in Russia, a spread has been understood as a food product that is made from milk and vegetable fats (at least 39% of the total weight). The substitute has a plastic consistency and is easily spread on bread.

There are three types of spread:

1. Vegetable fat.
2. Vegetable-creamy.
3. Creamy and vegetable.

Each of these substitutes differs in milk fat content. In the first type of product, this substance should be less than 15%, in the second - from 15 to 50%. The most high-calorie spread is the creamy vegetable spread - this is a product with a milk fat content of more than 50%. In dietetics, all three types are allowed to be consumed.

We cannot ignore the concept of returning the spread to the oil state. If you wish, you can make a full-fledged fatty product from the substitute, but this is impossible at home.

The difference between spread and oil

The only thing these two products have in common is that they are made from dairy cream. If natural fats (at least 64%) are used for production, then it will be butter. The spread is a combined product. It should consist of at least half vegetable fats.

To make a substitute, oils such as palm, sunflower, and coconut are used. Most often, the spread includes all three types, but sometimes manufacturers skimp on quality, limiting themselves to one of the cheapest ingredients. It is worth noting that the consistency of the product depends on the concentration of coconut and palm oils, and the enrichment of the substitute with polyunsaturated acids depends on sunflower oil. Olive is often added to the composition.

The production of the spread is based on the hydrogenation of oils. This method eliminates the inclusion of trans fats in the substitute. No more than 8% concentration of these substances is allowed, otherwise the product will be unsafe for the body. In the future it is planned to reduce this figure to 5%. As for butter, butter contains about 10% trans fats, so it overuse, especially in summer time, Absolutely forbidden.

Spread is a food product created artificially. However, it is enriched not only with vitamin complexes and microelements, but also with phospholipids.


One of the main advantages of the butter substitute is that due to the low concentration of milk fat, it practically does not contain such harmful substance, like cholesterol. When creating a spread, many manufacturers use transesterification technology, thanks to which the final product is enriched with positive acids, for example, Omega-6. This substance is necessary for the body to normalize activity. of cardio-vascular system and lowering cholesterol levels.

It is immediately worth noting that the spread is the only fatty product allowed for first and second degree obesity. This is not to say that it has few calories, but their amount is significantly less than in the same butter. Also, this substitute can improve metabolism by removing excess acids from the body. The spread is allowed even with strict diets. In addition, it is useful for the prevention of many heart diseases, such as ischemia.

The results of numerous studies have repeatedly demonstrated organoleptic properties product, thanks to which the substitute does not cause allergies and is quickly absorbed in the body.

Vegetable-creamy type

This type of butter substitute has a slightly sweet taste. Its consistency is plastic, therefore, it spreads well on bread. In addition, the product has high biological and nutritional value and is widely used in dietetics.

The indicator of the vegetable-cream spread, which distinguishes it from all other types, is its combined composition. A truly high-quality substitute must include oils such as palm, coconut and soybean. Cow's milk used only in low-fat form. This spread also contains emulsifiers, natural dyes, flavorings and sorbic acid.

Most of nutritional value substitute is allocated to fats - up to 82%. The remaining portion is equally divided between proteins and carbohydrates. As for calorie content, it should not exceed 670 kilocalories per 100 grams. The shelf life of the product depends on the method of its creation and varies within 120 days. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator only.

Vegetable fat spread

This type of food substitute contains fats of both plant and animal origin. The product also contains a small amount of butter, so it contains virtually no cholesterol. Indicator of spread of vegetable-fat origin - its minimum calorie content. Per 100 grams of product energy value will be about 360 kcal. As for the chemical composition of the substitute, it is similar to regular margarine.

This type of spread is the lowest in calories, but it is also less nutritious than all the others. The fact is that there is practically no milk fat in it. In production, they are replaced with oil from sunflower seeds or soybeans. This minimizes the amount of trans fats, which impair metabolism and prevent useful substances fully broken down and absorbed into the blood.

IN vegetable fat spread contains groups of vitamins such as A and D, as well as phytosterols and vital minerals. The product is most widely used in dietetics, as it contains several times fewer calories than butter. In addition, the substitute is recommended in the prevention of serious heart diseases associated with obesity.

A refund of this type of spread is not possible, since it is chemical composition significantly different from butter. The shelf life of the product varies within five months.

Creamy vegetable variety

The quality of this type of substitute directly depends on the fat content. The composition contains mainly oils of vegetable origin. That is why this product is so rich in polyunsaturated acids, which help normalize the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Creamy-vegetable spread is used less often than other types of substitutes in dietetics, since its fat content significantly exceeds 50%. Sometimes the figure reaches 85.5%. This type of substitute is produced only by transesterification, due to which a large number of trans fats The creamy vegetable spread tastes a little sour. The consistency is noticeably harder than other types. The milk fat ratio in the product can reach 11%.

The creamy vegetable substitute contains many biological fibers, as well as pectin and inulin, which are extremely beneficial for the body. The first strengthens the ionic bond of metals, and the second normalizes digestion. Shelf life in the refrigerator is up to 3 months.

Calorie content of creamy vegetable spread

The energy value is determined by the amount of fat included in the substitute. Both vegetable and animal oils are taken into account. The ratio of these components is approximately 3 to 1. That is why this spread is a herbal product.

The substitute can have either 50% fat or 80%. The most common creamy vegetable spread contains about 72%. There are manufacturers that produce a product with a fat content of 85.5%.

The calorie content of this spread is from 900 kcal. Recommended for people with high blood lipid levels.

Benefits of creamy vegetable spread

This substitute is allowed to be included in the daily diet, as it helps to normalize the functioning of almost all human internal organs.

Its main advantage is its low cholesterol content, which leads to the destruction of arterial walls (the result of the disease can be an ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction).

The creamy vegetable spread contains special fatty acids that improve the functioning of the central nervous system. It also contains a whole complex of vitamins such as A, D, E and K.

The Russian product spread is not even 20 years old, so buyers know little about it. Some people consider it light butter, while others consider it margarine. Some believe that it is harmful, while others consider it beneficial. In fact, a spread is not butter or margarine, but an oil-like substance that has both beneficial and harmful properties, and even the requirements of GOST R 52100-2003 for composition and consistency.

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Spreads include masses for spreading on bread or toast, which is why the name of the new fat composition comes from the English “I spread.”

This is a butter substitute containing 300-400 calories.


  • prepared on the basis of milk and vegetable fats;
  • fat percentage from 38 to 94%;
  • the composition is supplemented with flavors, vitamins, flavoring additives;
  • the consistency is soft and delicate;
  • Sold in plastic boxes and briquettes.

The composition includes three types of vegetable oils. Plasticity depends on coconut and palm, and sunflower enriches with dietary, healthy fats.

This is a popular preventive product among Europeans. The Russians got to know him as " soft oil" During perestroika, many counterfeits of butter appeared, along with an increase in the production of spreads.

Falsified, dangerous counterfeits have tarnished the reputation of the substitute so that buyers still treat it with distrust.

The main requirement of GOST is taste and appearance:

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1). The product should be easy to spread even when chilled.

2). The shade is white or yellowish with gloss.

3). The cut surface is dry and slightly shiny.

4). Sweet cream, sour cream or creamy taste and smell.

5). Milk and cream undergo veterinary and sanitary examination.

6). The spread does not contain antioxidants.

7). Packaging – without the word “oil”.

8). Relatively safe - with the amount of trans isomers (trans fats) no more than 8%, with a planned reduction to 2-5 (since they are still recognized as harmful).

Types of spreads

Depending on the composition, substitutes are made:

Vegetable-cream type

The main component is milk fat (up to 50%). The taste is sweet and nutritional value. Recommended by nutritionists, as only low-fat ingredients are used. whole milk. Calorie content does not exceed 670 kcal.

"Kremlevskoe". Stored refrigerated for 4 months. Fat content 72.5%, produced by OJSC Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant

Vegetable fat type

No milk fat is added or only 15%. There are vegetable and animal fats and butter, so cholesterol is not a problem. The nutritional value is not high, and there are only 360 calories. The percentage of trans isomers is below 8%.

The substitute is rich in vitamins A and D, and vital minerals. This spread is recommended for the prevention of obesity in patients with heart disease. vascular diseases.

“Village soft” – with a fat content of 60%, produced at the Ivanovo Margarine Plant.

Creamy vegetable type

This means that the product contains more than half cow butter. The consistency is solid, the taste is sourish, rich useful acids and pectin, normalize the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Fat content 85%, 900 kcal or more. Shelf life: less than 3 months.

Fat content – ​​82%, CJSC Rosexpoprom.

Regular studies prove the spread's usefulness. No wonder Europeans use it instead of butter.

  1. Lack of milk fat lowers cholesterol.
  2. Unchanged fatty acids reduce levels of harmful fats.
  3. Low calorie content, high nutritional value, fast absorption.
  4. Vitaminized composition with useful additives.
  5. Easy absorption and reduced risk of ischemia and heart attack.
  6. Normalizes the activity of internal organs and delays old age.
  7. The spread is allowed for patients with I and II degrees of obesity.
  8. Improves metabolic processes, therefore it is used in diets with strict diets.
  9. It can be stored for a long time.

A low-quality product containing cholesterol, dangerous acids and fats causes:

  • diabetes;
  • infertility;
  • problems of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Almheizer's disease;
  • rarely oncology.

This is the case if the composition contains more than 8% trans fats. Replacing animal fat with palm or coconut oil, which does not contain dangerous fatty substances, solves this problem, as does eliminating unprocessed soy and sunflowers.

Benefit: easy digestibility (more than 90%), contains a balanced set of milk fat acids. It is especially useful for children - it supplies cholesterol, forms the reproductive and endocrine systems.

The oil norm is 20g per day. The main thing is that it is a natural product made from whole milk.

Harm: high fat content (from 50%), calorie content 748 kcal. Saturated fatty acids predominate, which can increase cholesterol in the blood.

Without knowing the methods, it is difficult to understand where what is. Let's figure out the difference between spread and oil.

Let's look at the quantitative composition: natural fat– 64% and higher in butter, there should be no vegetable fat. The spread contains approximately 50% vegetable oils.

Low fat content makes the spread softer. S/m is hard, does not stick to the knife or to the packaging.

The spread consists of coconut oil, palm and sunflower, sometimes olive is added. Butter contains only real fats.

There are less trans fats in the substitute, 1-8%, in s/m - within 10, which prohibits excessive consumption in the summer.

The difference is 100 kilocalories. S/m has a higher calorie content.

This word must be written on the packaging of the oil. It should not be on the wrapper or container with the spread, but the type of product is indicated.

Briquette natural oil costs around 200 rubles. The substitute is 2-3 times cheaper.

S/m can't be clean White color or bright yellow, as well as the presence of an odor, especially through the packaging.

It is stored for 10 days, and the spread is stored for 2-4 months.

If, during thawing, the surface becomes covered with drops of water, this is a spread. When the oil is heated, it melts evenly.

If you put it in warm water, then the butter melts smoothly and the spread breaks up into droplets.

Taking into account all the pros and cons, everyone chooses for themselves what they consider important and necessary. They won’t hurt, and maybe both products will be useful. It is important that the spread is a safe option for people over 40 years old and does not harm health in any way. Nutritionists do not give preference to one product.

Today, a very small number of people are familiar with the concept of “spread”. What is a spread? Where is it used? Some say it is a type of butter, while others say it is margarine. Let's look into these issues.

Spread - what is it?

In fact, a spread (translated from English as “spread”) is not margarine or butter. Although at first appearance of this product in our country it was argued that this special kind oils – “light”. But about ten years ago, views on this product changed significantly, because GOST was created, which clearly stated that the spread does not belong to the “butter” category.

As you know, butter is a product that is made from natural cream, the fat content of cream varies between 50-80%. And the spread, in turn, is made from milk fat or various types vegetable oil, sometimes it is possible to add other ingredients. In terms of its structure, the spread belongs to the plastic type of product, and its fat content is in the range of 40-95%.

Due to this difference in fat content, spreads are divided into two types:

  1. Spread with low fat content.
  2. Spread with a high percentage of fat content.

The main element in any spread is vegetable oil.

Features of vegetable spread

Vegetable spread only 49% (and sometimes less) consists of milk fat, the remaining percentages are different vegetable fats.

When purchasing a vegetable spread, be sure to read the composition, since its quality directly depends on the type of vegetable fat that was used to make this product. For example, hydrogenated fat is very dangerous to human health. The danger is that it contains trans isomers, which can cause problems with blood vessels and the heart.

To reduce the risk of illness when consuming this type of spread, it is recommended to buy a herbal spread that contains Palm oil. It does not harm human health, since it is natural product. You can also pay attention to herbal spreads, which contain various vitamins.

Features of vegetable fat spread

Vegetable-fat spread is distinguished by the fact that its composition includes fats obtained from both plants and animal origin.

This type of spread was created to be a substitute for natural butter, but it never achieved its goal.

Vegetable-fat spreads are highly nutritious and low in calories. According to average estimates, 100 grams of product contain 360 kcal. It is important to note that this type of spread is very similar in properties to regular margarine.

When creating a high-quality vegetable fat spread, mainly vegetable fat is used and only a small proportion of animal fat or even its substitutes.

What type of spread is best to use?

Spread - what is it? How to choose it correctly? Despite different composition, vegetable and vegetable-fat spreads can be of the same quality. Therefore, when choosing a spread, you need to focus on taste characteristics, health status and composition of the spread.

For lovers of foods with a low fat content, a vegetable-fat spread is perfect, and for those who prefer a higher fat content fatty foods, it is worth paying attention to plant-based ones.

The best spread is the one with a low percentage of trans isomers.

Positive aspects of consuming the spread

Spread - what is it? Can it be beneficial for the body? Due to the fact that the spread is a low-calorie product, but has high degree nutritional value, it can be consumed even by women on diets. The benefit of the spread is that it can satisfy hunger without adding excess weight.

This product can be stored sufficiently long term, after which it is possible to use it raw or add flour products during baking.

The spread contains many vitamins that improve health, slow down the aging process of the body, and prevent the emergence of new diseases.

In addition, the spread is much cheaper than butter and some types of margarine.

How to distinguish butter from spread?

It is quite easy to distinguish the spread from natural oil. The main difference is that when making the spread, various vegetable fats are added to it, nutritional supplements, vitamins and, of course, vegetable oil. In addition, this product is divided into several types. This can be determined by the elements present in the product and the degree of fat content.

You can also note that the spread has fewer calories per 100 grams than butter.

In stores, the packaging of the product indicates whether it is an oil or a spread. If the packaging indicates that it is a spread, then there must be an inscription indicating the variety.

Having analyzed these factors, it is very difficult to make a mistake when distinguishing a spread from an oil. The only thing they have in common is their similarity appearance and taste.

Negative points when consuming the spread

The main negative factor when consuming the spread is the presence of trans fats in its composition (these fats are formed chemically). Unfortunately, a large percentage of such fats can lead to serious diseases, among them diabetes mellitus, problems with blood vessels and heart, difficult cases it is even possible that cancer will appear. To avoid such problems, you need to carefully monitor the composition of the spread, especially the presence of trans fats and what their percentage is. Medical professionals claim that the spread can only be consumed if the percentage of trans fats does not exceed 8%. You also need to look at the percentage of fat in those products.

What is included in the spread, its main varieties

Main components of the spread:

  • Milk fats.
  • Natural and artificial cream.
  • Butter.
  • Various vegetable oils both of natural origin and artificially obtained.
  • All kinds of nutritional supplements and vitamins.

A spread is considered high quality and safe for health if it contains less than 8% trans fats.

Depending on the elements that make up the spread, it is divided into several varieties:

  1. Creamy-vegetable spread - the amount of milk fat in the product varies from 50 to 95%.
  2. Vegetable spread - the amount of milk fat in the product varies from 15 to 50%.
  3. Vegetable-fat spread - milk fat is either completely absent or does not exceed 15%.

Depending on the amount of fat in the spread, there is another division into types:

  1. Spreads with a high percentage of fat – fat ranges from 70 to 90%.
  2. Spreads with an average percentage of fat content - the proportion of fat in the composition is from 50 to 69.9%.
  3. Spreads with a low percentage of fat – fat ranges from 39 to 49.9%.

Although the spread has not surpassed butter in popularity, it is a widely consumed product. Therefore, before you start to have a negative attitude towards the spread, it is recommended to try it. You just need to be sure that this is really a spread, not a fake, and that it is really high quality.

Bon appetit!
