Homemade Nutella chocolate spread. Step-by-step recipe with photos. Homemade Nutella pasta is never enough! Homemade Nutella pasta recipes: with chocolate, condensed milk, nuts

Nutella is a world famous brand. For older people, the mention of it mentally immerses them in the time when they ate sandwiches with nuts and chocolate mixture for breakfast. About twenty years earlier, this dessert made a splash in our country. And not without reason, because it is really tasty and nutritious. Both children and adults like the thick paste. And its only disadvantage is the high price. It turns out, judging by the reviews, Nutella can be easily and simply prepared at home, and many people do it. In this case, the taste will be exactly the same as the original, and family budget will not suffer from excess load.

Universal recipe

In fact, there are quite a lot of options today. And this is not surprising, every housewife experiments, looking for best options for your family. This popularity can be explained very simply. Nutella spread is perfect for most desserts. A soft loaf or bun with chocolate flavor becomes simply wonderful. Pasta goes well with bananas and strawberries. It can be used for homemade pancakes and pancakes, for filling waffles.

Classic pasta consists of quite simple dialing products:

  • Cocoa.
  • Milk.
  • Flour, sugar and butter (provides a special viscous consistency).
  • Nuts (provide nutrition).

You can experiment by adding eggs, vanillin and other flavors to the paste. Feel free to add seeds instead of nuts. It is allowed to remove some ingredients, the taste will change, but not too critically.

Classic version

Judging by the reviews, Nutella is a completely self-sufficient dessert, so classic version and is the choice of the majority. Let's look at how you can make it yourself. You will need the following set of ingredients:

Cooking process

As many housewives write in their reviews, Nutella is very easy to prepare. Even a novice cook can make it for his household. First, prepare all the ingredients. They should be room temperature. Chop the nuts or seeds with a knife so that the additives do not stand out in the chocolate mass, but complement it organically.

Take a large saucepan and mix all the dry ingredients (sugar, flour and cocoa) in it. Gradually add milk and beat the mixture with a blender or whisk, then no lumps will form in it. You can also use a regular fork. It will be a little more difficult, but there is nothing impossible about it.

When you have added all the milk, the mixture should become homogeneous. Now put the dishes on the fire. Make sure that the mixture does not burn to the bottom. Next comes the turn of nuts, butter and salt. You need to reduce the heat as much as possible and cook until the desired thickness is achieved. This usually takes about 20 minutes. In reviews of the process of preparing Nutella, amateur cooks explain that at this stage the dessert mass begins to puff and shoot out small droplets. Take care of your hands, burns are painful.

When the paste is ready, you can transfer it to a clean jar and put it in the refrigerator. Now you have a delicious treat that you can use for breakfast and snacks.

Chocolate paste

Not everyone can tolerate nuts. If you or someone close to you allergic reaction on them, but I want to please them tasty treat, then take note of this simple recipe. Now let's look at how to make homemade Nutella without nuts. It will also appeal to those who like clean chocolate taste without unnecessary impurities. To prepare you will need:

  • milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • flour and cocoa - 4 tbsp each. l.;
  • butter- 70 g.
  • sugar - 1.5 cups.

The cooking process is not much different from the previous one. You also need to mix the dry ingredients and mix them thoroughly with the milk. Boil the mixture to a thick paste. When the desired consistency is reached, add a piece of butter. You can now stop heating.

Pasta with cream

Another great homemade Nutella. The photo allows us to judge that this recipe produces an incredibly tender and creamy mass, which is perfect for a morning meal and dessert. You can see this for yourself. You must first prepare:

  • cream - 130 ml;
  • condensed milk - 130 g;
  • hazelnuts - 150 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • chocolate - 200 g.

The nuts need to be peeled and fried, then chopped. Combine hazelnuts with melted chocolate in a water bath, then add condensed milk. Separately, whip the cream with sugar and combine with the cooled chocolate mass. Stir gently until smooth, after which you can transfer the mixture into a clean jar and put it in the refrigerator. This pasta is very tasty with pancakes or homemade cookies.

Diet paste

And we continue to consider options on how to make Nutella at home. Not everyone can eat milk and butter. However, the pasta will also work well in a dietary format. Of course, the taste will change a little and will be different from the classic one. But it will still be the same delicious dessert.

To do this, take:

  • hazelnuts - 80 g;
  • chocolate (choose good, without fillers);
  • Brown sugar- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa - teaspoon;
  • Coconut oil- 25 ml.

Now let's take a quick look at how to prepare Nutella. The nuts need to be roasted and crushed until crumbly. It's best to do this while they're still hot. Then the mass will become more viscous. When the oil comes out of the nuts, add sugar to it. It's best to take brown. Then the paste will acquire the aroma of caramel.

Add cocoa, vanilla, mix everything with a blender. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add it into the mixture in a thin stream. Mix well again, cool and transfer to a jar.

Benefits of homemade pasta

It’s much easier to go into a store and take a bright jar off the shelf. But the price and composition are a little sobering and make it clear that homemade is much better. Chocolate spread from the store should be carefully examined. To do this, consider the label and composition. Most varieties of this product are not recommended for use by children. What does this mean? What does it contain? a large number of dyes and preservatives. Of course, they are harmful to a person at any age.

We looked at several options for how to make Nutella. It turns out that there is nothing complicated about it, you just need to mix a few ingredients.

  • You need to store the finished paste in a glass jar with a tight lid, always in the refrigerator.
  • Since there are no preservatives in the composition, you need to eat it quickly. Therefore, try to cook exactly as much as needed.
  • Do not store pasta in the saucepan in which it is cooked. Excess air will spoil the product faster.
  • Classically, the composition includes hazelnuts, but they can be replaced with walnuts. But it is not advisable to choose peanuts.
  • The taste of the paste becomes original and very delicate if you add cashews to it.

Subtleties of cooking

You can make a dessert based on chicken eggs, but it will have a limited shelf life. But the treat is usually eaten very quickly. In this regard, choose the freshest ingredients possible.

  • It is best to take farm eggs and milk.
  • It is advisable to take exactly the amount of cocoa as indicated in the recipe. Put more and get the taste of dark chocolate.
  • Add salt to the mixture. It perfectly enhances the taste and makes it richer.
  • The composition can include coconut flakes, candied fruits, poppy seeds This will give new shades to the paste.

If desired, you can add chili pepper. This will add some piquancy to the pasta. As you can see, there are a lot of options. All that remains is to choose yours. Moreover, every housewife can create something new based on the recipes listed. Add crushed cookies, raisins, marshmallows, and whipped egg whites to the mixture. Lovers original taste can use cognac or rum. Alcoholic drinks highlight the taste of the dessert and make it more refined. Of course, if you are preparing a delicacy for children, then it is better to do without the exotic. Nuts and chocolate are exactly what you need.

Instead of a conclusion

Now each of you can prepare delicious chocolate spread. Today we looked at only a few popular recipes, which you can modify to your taste. Do not forget that this is very high-calorie product. For children who are usually very active, chocolate spread toast is necessary source energy. But an adult needs to limit its consumption, consuming it only at breakfast.

Let's prepare Nutella at home - another delicacy that can compete with its store-bought counterpart. Recognizable nutty aroma, deep chocolate taste, sweetness and soft consistency- all this is present in homemade dessert fully. But unlike industrial pasta, the label of which contains ingredients that do not inspire confidence, for our own prepared delicacy we choose the products ourselves, so we can always control their quality.

The Nutella recipe at home makes it possible to please your beloved family with a sweet delicacy without any reason, because our paste consists of only four available ingredients and is not at all difficult to prepare. Smooth texture reminiscent delicate cream, allows for easy application chocolate mass for toast, buns, pancakes and other baked goods. If desired, homemade Nutella can simply be eaten with a spoon or even used in making other desserts, for example.


  • hazelnuts - 70 g;
  • dark chocolate (milk chocolate is possible) - 100 g;
  • condensed milk - 280 g;
  • butter - 70 g.

Nutella at home recipe with photo

How to make nut butter

  1. First let's prepare main ingredient- nuts. It is advisable to buy raw (unroasted) hazelnuts and dry them in the oven yourself. The fact is that roasted nuts They are stored less well, so there is always a risk of purchasing a rancid product in the store, and low-quality nuts can greatly spoil the taste of the dessert. So, spread the hazelnuts over the bottom of a heat-resistant form or place them on a baking sheet.
  2. Dry for about 5-7 minutes in an oven heated to 200 degrees. We periodically check the condition of the hazelnuts - as soon as the skin darkens and cracks, we remove the mold from the oven. Be careful - if you miss the moment, the nuts may burn!
  3. Let the hazelnuts cool and then peel the husks. We check for the presence of too dark, low-quality specimens.
  4. Next, you need to grind the nuts to a minimum crumb (almost flour) or even a viscous paste. A coffee grinder is best suited for this purpose - a blender may not be able to cope with this task. Load the nuts into the coffee grinder bowl in batches (about 3 batches). Let's start chopping.
  5. First, the nuts will begin to split into large pieces, and then break into small particles.
  6. We continue to grind. Gradually, the dry crumbs will begin to moisturize due to the oil secreted by the nuts. The mass will become very soft, crumbly to the touch, similar to halva. You can continue the process, then the nuts will heat up more, release even more oil, and the crumbs will gather into a single viscous mixture. But it’s okay if you stop a little earlier - very small, insignificant inclusions of nuts will not deteriorate the dessert. During operation, do not forget to give the coffee grinder time to “rest” - turn it off periodically, allowing the device to cool down.

    Preparing chocolate for homemade Nutella

  7. When all the nuts are ready, proceed to the chocolate. Chop the tile into slices and place in a heat-resistant bowl. We are constructing " water bath“, that is, put the bowl in a suitable size pan with water. The liquid in the lower container should not touch the bottom of the upper container, otherwise there is a risk of overheating and ruining the chocolate!
  8. Melt the chocolate slices with constant and continuous stirring over low heat. As soon as the mixture becomes smooth, completely homogeneous (without the slightest clots), remove from the stove. For the recipe will do both dark and milk chocolate. Milk - for lovers of very sweet desserts. WITH dark chocolate(the percentage of cocoa content is about 56%) the paste is moderately sweet, with a light and almost imperceptible bitterness.
  9. IN hot chocolate Immediately add the oil and stir quickly and vigorously. The butter bar should be very soft and melted, so we take it out of the refrigerator in advance. IN in this case You cannot replace butter with margarine or a surrogate. For the recipe we choose quality product, ideally 82% fat.
  10. Once the butter has completely dissolved, add condensed milk.
  11. Stir. The light and chocolate mixtures should completely combine into a solid color.
  12. Lastly, add the nuts and mix.
  13. From the proportions indicated in the recipe, about 500 g of finished paste is obtained. At first the mass will be liquid and viscous. Cool it completely, transfer it to a jar of suitable size and put it in the refrigerator.
  14. Cold Nutella will become denser. If desired, before serving, you can keep it at room temperature, then the paste will soften again, become plastic and will be easy to apply to slices of bread.

Homemade Nutella with nuts and chocolate is ready! Enjoy your tea!

Nutella is very tasty chocolate paste, which can be bought in the store. But since the price for it is now quite high, and the composition is not very encouraging, I offer you a replacement - the simplest Nutella recipe at home. Homemade Nutella pasta it turns out very tasty. You can simply spread it on bread and serve for breakfast, you can use it for cakes, rolls and pastries instead of cream, you can also stuff buns, pies, etc. with this paste. Very tasty, try it!


For cooking homemade pasta Nutella you will need:

milk - 2 glasses;

flour - 2 tbsp. l.;

sugar - 1 glass;

cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.;

butter - 50 g;

peanuts - 100 g;

vanillin - 0.5 sachet.

Glass - 200 ml.

Cooking steps

Cool the peanuts and grind them (nuts are finely ground in a coffee grinder).

Place the prepared chocolate mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly with a whisk, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low. Immediately add peanuts and butter.

Mix everything thoroughly and cook the mass, without leaving the stove and stirring all the time, until thickened. This will take 10-15 minutes. Cool the prepared homemade Nutella paste.

Next, place the delicious, aromatic paste in a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Homemade Nutella will thicken even more. Then you can use it for its intended purpose. Simple and very tasty!

Enjoy your meal!

Probably everyone has at least once tried the delicious chocolate spread called Nutella. The name of this tempting treat has become a household name, and the product itself has become a favorite for millions of people. This viscous product with a delicate and rich taste is equally adored by both children and adults.

True, in stores this famous delicacy is quite expensive. And besides, there are many reasons to doubt the quality of this product. After carefully reading the composition of chocolate paste, you can find out that it contains a lot of harmful stabilizers, flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives. That is, it’s definitely not worth giving such a treat to little fidgets.

But what to do if your baby wants to try a store-bought treat? Is it really the destiny of a child, whose diet should be healthy, to have a strict diet? Of course not! There is no need to pinch your baby and deny yourself goodies, but you can easily learn how to prepare Nutella at home.

A few words about the delicacy

Excellent for preparing aromatic, nutritious breakfasts and complementing all kinds of desserts. You can add it, for example, to waffles, pancakes, pancakes, toast, buns, cakes and pastries, and also use it as a main treat with slices of fruit and berries.

The Nutella recipe at home is very easy to reproduce with your own hands. In addition, such pasta is much tastier, healthier and more economical than store-bought. And what is most important - in homemade delicacy definitely not carcinogenic Palm oil, all kinds of dyes and preservatives. So this product can be given to even the smallest family members without fear. It’s not for nothing that Nutella prepared at home is considered a pleasure without harm to health.


Nut butter can be used to create hearty breakfasts- ordinary bread or toast with a thin layer of Nutella is incredibly popular with kids. In addition, it is great for greasing cakes - with such cream the cake will turn out incredibly tasty, aromatic and juicy.

Today there are many recipes for Nutella at home (with photos), each of which will help you prepare delicious chocolate spread. The basis of the delicacy is nuts, butter, powdered milk and chocolate in various types. The best way to start getting acquainted with this treat is with the classic Nutella recipe at home.

Ingredient Selection

Traditional paste consists of cocoa powder, which gives it rich taste chocolate, milk, which makes the mass tender. In addition, the classic Nutella contains flour, sugar and butter - all these components give the dessert a viscous, thick consistency, as well as nuts, which make the delicacy truly nutritious. In general, this combination of ingredients turns out to be balanced and tasty.

However, you can experiment with preparing Nutella at home at your own discretion, for example, supplementing it with eggs or removing nuts. You can also add to pasta vanilla sugar or any other flavorings of your choice. Plus, you can use a variety of nuts to play with flavor accents.

Required Ingredients

Well, to prepare Nutella paste at home: traditional recipe you will need:

  • 4 glasses fresh milk;
  • the same amount of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons flour;
  • the same number of nuts;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 6 tablespoons cocoa powder.

Try to find the last component good quality, because the final taste of the prepared delicacy will largely depend on it. Cocoa powder for making chocolate paste should not be bitter. Also be sure to pay attention to the quantity natural ingredients in the composition of the product - it must be at least 70%.

How to make Nutella at home

Pasta cooked according to classic recipe, will turn out to be as close as possible in taste and smell to the original product.

First of all, prepare and measure required amount ingredients. All products should be at the same temperature, preferably room temperature. Grind the nuts in a mortar, knife or blender as finely as possible so that the consistency of the paste is homogeneous.

In a large enough saucepan or saucepan, mix the dry ingredients: sifted flour, cocoa powder and sugar. Then pour in the milk in small portions and stir the mixture with a whisk or a regular fork so that there are no lumps left in it. Although it is most convenient and much easier to process the mixture with a blender, which will really mix the ingredients efficiently in a matter of minutes. But working with hand tools is much more difficult, but also quite doable.

Final stage

Having achieved homogeneity of the mass, place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Stir the mixture constantly so that the milk does not stick to the surface of the pan. Once it boils, add chopped nuts, salt and melted butter. Reduce power and cook the mixture over low heat for another 20 minutes. Very soon you will notice that it becomes thick. Cook the mixture to the consistency you require. Afterwards, cool the paste and place it in the refrigerator.

This completes the preparation of homemade Nutella. As you can see, there is absolutely nothing super complicated in the process. So pamper your family with such delicious, tender and hearty pasta maybe every day. After all, prepared in this way chocolate treat, completely similar store product, does not contain any harmful additives and children can be given such a delicacy without fear for their health.

Powdered milk paste

This delicacy will be incredibly tender and aromatic. To prepare you will need:

  • 100 g milk powder;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of roasted hazelnuts;
  • 150 g each of black and milk chocolate;
  • 250 ml fresh milk;
  • a pinch of salt.

The process of preparing treats step by step

In a deep saucepan, first combine all the dry ingredients, namely sugar, salt and milk powder. It’s worth saying right away that for further work it is best to prepare a mixer or blender. Pour warm milk into the dry mixture in a thin stream and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps left in the mixture.

Place the saucepan on low heat. Stirring the mixture constantly, bring it to a boil, then remove from the stove.

Peeled nuts should be crushed with a blender or rolling pin so that flour is obtained. Keep in mind that this may release oil from the hazelnuts, but this is absolutely nothing to worry about. Then add the chopped nuts to the prepared mixture. Add the chocolate broken into pieces to the hot mixture. Wait until it melts completely.

Of course, you need to put the chocolate in a still hot liquid, best when it has just been removed from the stove. If you accidentally missed this moment, warm up the milk mass a little again. But at the same time, watch the temperature - it should not be too high so that the chocolate does not curl.

Finally, pour the prepared pasta over glass jars and leave to cool first at room temperature and then in the refrigerator. This is how Nutella is prepared at home, a photo of which can excite the imagination of true sweet tooths.

You can use any nuts - peanuts, hazelnuts or cashews. It is better to take good quality cocoa powder, the result greatly depends on it.

Combine sugar, cocoa powder and wheat flour in a saucepan or bowl that can be placed on fire.

Using a pastry whisk (or a simple spoon), stir the dry ingredients until uniformly brown.

Pour the entire portion of milk into the pan, thoroughly mixing it with the remaining ingredients. The liquid should be free of lumps, this is important. Otherwise you will have to grind it through a sieve.

Place the pan on low heat. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly with a whisk so that the mixture does not burn or stick to the bottom and walls of the pan.

While the liquid is boiling, chop the nuts. You can do this in a mortar, or through a meat grinder, or like me, in a blender. Place the nuts in a blender bowl.

Blend the nuts in a blender until they form fine crumbs. The blender will do the job perfectly in 3-4 minutes if you use high speed.

After the mixture in the saucepan thickens and brews, add butter and add chopped peanuts. My kids love the feel of the nuts in the paste, so I didn’t crush them very finely. Boil the mixture and cook until it reaches your desired thickness.

Don't forget that the mixture will thicken even more as it cools. Stir the contents of the saucepan with a whisk from time to time. Then remove from heat and cool.

Place in a jar, close the lid and store Nutella in the refrigerator.

This chocolate spread can be used very widely - spread on sandwiches and sweet pastries, stuffing croissants prepared at home. Homemade Nutella is also great as a cream for chocolate cake.

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Homemade Nutella from plums (without nuts)

Great recipe for delicious homemade Nutella. Be sure to prepare several jars for future use. Nutella without nuts keeps well in the refrigerator.


  • 2 kilograms of black plums;
  • A kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 250 grams of butter (82.5% fat);
  • 100 grams of quality cocoa powder.


  1. Choose plums that are ripe and have no signs of spoilage. Rinse, dry and remove the seeds. There will be approximately 1800 grams of plums left. Grind it into puree with a blender or using a meat grinder. If you don't want crushed plum peels in your Nutella, rub the plums through a fine sieve. Plum puree add sugar and place over medium heat in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Bring the puree to a boil and cook for three minutes, stirring constantly. Then sift the cocoa powder in small portions, stirring it immediately, add the softened butter. Cook over low heat for five minutes with constant stirring.
  2. Rinse and sterilize the jars thoroughly and dry. Spread the homemade Nutella and cover with a towel to let the mixture cool. Once completely cooled, cover with lids and place in the refrigerator. Nutella from plums can be stored for 8 months.

Nutella chocolate (white and black) with hazelnuts

From the specified amount of ingredients you will get a 400 ml jar of homemade Nutella.


  • White chocolate – 100 grams;
  • Dark chocolate – 100 grams;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Milk (3.2% fat) – 80 ml;
  • Granulated sugar – 70 grams;
  • 70 grams of peeled hazelnuts.


  1. Fry the hazelnuts in a dry, heated frying pan, stirring constantly, for 4 minutes. Remove the husks from the nuts; they are of no use in Nutella. Grind the nuts into crumbs in any convenient way.
  2. Divide the chocolate into slices, cut the butter into cubes, add milk, nuts and sugar. Melt in a saucepan over very low heat. When the mixture boils, cook for another 2 minutes. Nutella needs to be stirred constantly. From the very moment you put the pan on the stove until it cools down, so that the mass is homogeneous.
  3. When the chocolate Nutella has boiled for 2 minutes, immediately place the saucepan in cold water and, stirring, wait until the cream becomes warm. Divide into jars.
  4. If you want to make Nutella from two colors, you will have to divide all the ingredients in half, or double the portion. Spread black and white Nutella using piping bags. Nutella with hazelnuts tastes like the real thing, store bought. It just does not contain flavorings or preservatives.

Nutella with milk powder and vanilla

Homemade Nutella chocolate spread in three minutes. No need to cook, cool. This Nutella can be prepared for breakfast.


  • 350 ml sunflower oil without smell;
  • 100 grams of peeled hazelnuts;
  • Milk (fat content 3.2%) – 150 ml;
  • Powdered sugar or sugar – 90 grams;
  • Cocoa powder – 4 tablespoons (without a slide);
  • 3 tablespoons of milk powder or cream;
  • 1 gram of vanillin.


  1. Dry the nuts on hot frying pan for 4 minutes, then remove the husks. Blend into crumbs using a blender.
  2. Warm the milk slightly and add powdered sugar. If you use sugar instead of powdered sugar, stir it before preparing the chocolate spread.
  3. Mix vanillin, milk with vegetable oil. Whisk. Mix crushed nuts with dry milk and cocoa powder, add to milk paste. Beat again.
  4. Homemade Nutella with powdered milk is ready. Immediately pour it into jars and put it in the refrigerator. Store for a month before opening and two days after. Therefore, take small jars to quickly eat homemade chocolate spread.

Nutella with walnuts without eggs

A simple recipe for making Nutella with walnuts. This paste can be stored for up to 8 weeks.


  • Milk (fat content 3.2%) – 500 ml;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • 400 grams of sugar or powdered sugar;
  • Peeled walnuts- 100g;
  • Cocoa powder – 3 tablespoons with a small slide;
  • Flour – 2 tablespoons (high-grade baking wheat);
  • Fine salt - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • If desired, you can add a little vanilla.


  1. Sift flour with cocoa and add sugar. Add milk and whisk until there are no lumps.
  2. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring the pasta to a boil over very low heat, stirring constantly. Two minutes after boiling, turn off the gas and stir the pasta until it cools to room temperature. To speed up the process, you can pour it into the sink or basin cold water and put the pan on.
  3. Dry the nuts in the oven or fry in a dry hot frying pan for literally 3 minutes. Grind into crumbs and add to the cooled paste.
  4. Add soft butter and beat the mixture again with a mixer. Incredible delicious nutella ready at home!

For storage you can use disposable plastic containers- it is more comfortable.

Lenten Nutella from chickpeas

I also want something tasty during Lent. Treat yourself to Lenten Nutella made from chickpeas. Not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • 200 grams of natural dark chocolate (read the composition);
  • 100 grams of brown sugar;
  • 100 grams of dry chickpeas.


  1. When you buy dark chocolate, pay attention to the label. There should be no other ingredients other than cocoa butter. vegetable fats. Don't skimp on chocolate, as this is the main component of delicious homemade Nutella.
  2. Wash the chickpeas thoroughly and soak in cold boiled water for the night. Don't skimp on the water, then add it. Chickpeas will not take in more liquid than they need.
  3. 12 hours after soaking the chickpeas, you can start preparing the paste.
  4. Drain the remaining water, rinse the chickpeas and pour boiling water at the rate of 3 cups of water per glass of swollen chickpeas. Cook over low heat, covered, for an hour. You can use a slow cooker. There, select the “quenching” mode.
  5. If there is any excess liquid left in the cooked chickpeas, drain it and puree the chickpeas using a blender. Some people like Nutella to be grainy, in which case use a meat grinder.
  6. Brown sugar can be replaced with white, but it will not be as healthy. Sugar needs to be ground into powder.
  7. Break the chocolate into pieces and together with powdered sugar melt in a water bath. Using a mixer, beat the chickpeas with the melted chocolate and pour the paste into the jars.

Helpful Tips:

  • Choose high-quality oil, manufactured in accordance with GOST with a fat content of 82.5%.
  • Fresh milk, fat content not less than 3.2%.
  • Before adding nuts to Nutella, be sure to taste and smell them. If they are musty, nothing good will come of it.
  • If chocolate is used in a Nutella recipe, it must be natural as it needs to be melted. Save cheap pastry bars for making chocolate sauces.
  • If you cook Nutella, use a thick-bottomed container to prevent sticking. Enameled cookware won't fit exactly.

How to use Nutella chocolate spread

The first, most common purpose of chocolate spread is to spread on a piece of bun or toast. But Nutella can be used in much more interesting ways:

  • As a cream for a cake. When the pasta is cooked and it is still warm, soak the cakes sponge cake and put it in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, you can spread Nutella on the sides and top of the cake, leveling the paste with a spatula. The biscuits turn out amazing!
  • If you put Nutella in pastry bag, you can decorate pancakes, pancakes or make a filling for eclairs.
  • Make tin cookies at home and use Nutella as a layer between two cookies.
  • When cooking fruit salad, you can also fill a pastry bag with chocolate paste and pour over the fruit.
  • Nutella can be added to any cream, served with ice cream, mixed with cottage cheese, poured over baked fruits, any sweet pastries, and even cooked for a friendly family.
  • If you mix Nutella with pieces shortbread cookies, put it in a mound and sprinkle with poppy seeds - you get an anthill cake.
  • You can experiment endlessly with this delicious chocolate spread. You can write your options for using Nutella in the comments.