How to make delicious eclairs at home. Eclairs with butter cream - recipe with photo. Ingredients for cream.

Dough for eclairs

In order to prepare choux pastry for eclairs, you will need:

  • glass of water
  • half a stick of butter (100 g)
  • 3 eggs
  • 2-3 teaspoons sugar
  • a little salt
  • 150 g flour

We do custard eclairs. This means that the dough for eclairs must first be “brewed”. To do this, mix butter, water, sugar and salt in a small saucepan. Place the liquid mixture on low heat and, stirring constantly with a whisk, bring to a boil. You should get a homogeneous mass. As soon as it boils, remove it from the heat and begin kneading the dough. Use a mixer or a regular whisk. Add flour to the liquid mixture and begin to add eggs into it, one at a time, constantly kneading the dough. It should be smooth and shiny, with a consistency thick sour cream. If the dough is too thick, add another egg. If it spreads, add more flour.

Next, turn on the oven to 190°C and begin placing the dough on a greased baking sheet. This can be done using a pastry syringe, an envelope, or just a spoon. Depending on how you lay out the dough, you will get oblong cakes or eclairs in the form of balls. The dough will rise in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. It must be said that at the moment when the eclairs rise, they cannot be “disturbed”. Otherwise they will fall off and the dessert will be ruined. Therefore, do not open the door for the first 15 minutes after placing the pan in the oven. The finished eclairs must be cooled and filled with cream using a pastry syringe.

Cream for eclairs

What kind of cream for eclairs can you prepare? In principle, it can be anything - condensed milk, whipped cream, ready cream from the supermarket. But the most popular among housewives is usually the recipe for eclairs with custard. Therefore, we suggest you prepare custard milk cream. For this we need:

  • 2 egg yolks
  • a glass of milk
  • 25 g flour (wheat or corn)
  • 50 g sugar
  • vanilla

Place the milk in a small saucepan over low heat. Add a little vanilla to the milk and bring it to a boil. At this time, beat the yolks with sugar with a mixer until creamy. Then add flour to the resulting eggnog. Beat everything well and add to egg mixture Hot milk. Pour it very slowly, in a small stream, stirring constantly so that the yolk does not curdle. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, it must be poured into the pan where the milk was and put back on low heat. Stirring constantly, bring the milk mixture to a boil. Use a whisk. It will help break up all the lumps in the thickened cream. If they still remain, strain the cream through a sieve and leave it to cool on the window and then in the refrigerator.

You can already use this milk cream for filling eclairs. Additionally, you can beat it with butter (100 g) to make the cream richer. But if you plan to treat your children to your cakes, it is better to make them dietary. Eclairs with custard will turn out even more appetizing if you brush them with melted chocolate on top. But it will be quite enough to just sprinkle them powdered sugar. Enjoy your meal!

Eclairs with custard, prepared at home according to the classic recipe - favorite treat adults and children. These gentle air buns filled with cream simply melt in your mouth and give indescribable taste pleasure.

We offer you a simple step by step recipe preparing eclairs with custard and protein cream, accompanied by a photo and video master class. Therefore, even if you are preparing eclairs for the first time, it will not be difficult - step by step photos, video recipe and detailed description will provide maximum assistance in creating your culinary masterpiece. The main thing is to be careful and do everything step by step.

Eclairs at home: recipe with photos

Choux pastry for eclairs step by step recipe

What you need for cooking choux pastry for eclairs:

  • Water - 200 ml.,
  • flour - 120 g or 4 tablespoons;
  • Margarine (or butter) - 100-125 g;

Pour water into the pan.

Add margarine.

Place on medium heat.

When the margarine melts and the water boils, reduce the heat and add flour. You need to stir vigorously so that the dough does not burn. The process of brewing the dough takes about 1 minute.

At this stage it should look like this. Set aside for 10-15 minutes to cool.

Then we begin to introduce eggs. First, beat in the first couple and stir well.

The eggs should be evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Only then do we beat in the second pair of eggs and stir as well.

The dough should be homogeneous.

Now grease the baking tray vegetable oil or we lay it out parchment paper. AND dessert spoon We begin to lay out the dough at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

Preheat the oven to 200° and place the eclairs in it.

Important! The oven cannot be opened for the first 20-25 minutes. Otherwise, the eclairs will turn into pancakes.

Baking time for eclairs is 45-50 minutes.

Remove the pastry from the oven and begin preparing the classic custard.

Dough for eclairs video master class

How to prepare custard for eclairs

We will prepare the cream using the simplest recipe.

Ingredients for making custard:

  • Milk - 400 ml;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • vanilla to taste.

Break an egg into a container.

You can beat it lightly without a mixer, add sugar.

Add vanilla.


Add cold milk.


Add flour.

And knead more thoroughly.

We put small fire and do not leave the pan, constantly stirring the mass so that it does not burn. After 1-2 minutes the cream will thicken.

If initially it seems to you that it is too liquid, this is a delusion. As it cools, it will thicken a little more and will be just right for filling eclairs.

Custard for eclairs video recipe

Now we move on to the final stage and begin to fill the airy buns with custard.

How to fill eclairs with cream

Some housewives do not have a special pastry syringe in their arsenal, which is just right for filling eclairs. Therefore, at home, you can fill them by making an incision at the tops or a section in the middle.

Important! After the eclairs have cooled, the dough will become very crumbly, so it is better to cut them while they are warm.

1 step. Let's cut it.

Step 2. Let's start.

Step 3. Close with the top.

These are the delicious eclairs you should get.

All that remains is to sprinkle them with powdered sugar or cover them with chocolate glaze.

And if you don’t like custard, you can fill them with protein or prepare condensed butter.

From simple to complex. I've spoiled you enough with simple and easy recipes various baked goods. Today I would like to pay tribute to the highest. Let's prepare cakes - eclairs at home. The recipe is with a photo, so once you get the hang of it, you can cook the dish with your eyes closed. Choux pastry requires meticulousness, but believe me, the result is worth it.

The original recipe for eclairs is attributed to the famous French chef Marie-Antoine Careme, who was secretly called “the cook of kings and the king of cooks.” So promise yourself to set the evening royal table, and serve a truly royal dessert with tea.

  • Wheat flour - 200 g.
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Large eggs (be sure to weigh) - 300 g. without shell. Usually this is 5 large eggs
  • Water - 180 g.
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife

Custard for cakes

  • Milk - 750 g.
  • Sugar - 150 g.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.

How to make delicious eclairs at home

Let's start by preparing the choux pastry.

Put butter (100 g), salt (a pinch) into a small saucepan or stewpan and put on fire.

Add water (180 g) to the same saucepan.

Stirring, bring the mixture to a boil.

As soon as the mixture boils, add flour in one go.

The flour must be sifted first!

Without removing from the heat, stir the mixture intensively until all the flour is well brewed and the dough comes together into a lump. It may even seem to you that the dough sticks a little to the bottom of the saucepan - you will see a thin layer of film on the bottom, this is normal.

The finished dough should be transferred to a bowl to cool slightly (if you have a thermometer, you can check the temperature; by the time you add the eggs it should be 60-70 C).

Meanwhile, break the eggs into a separate bowl and weigh. You should get 300 g of eggs without shells (on average you will need 5 large eggs). Some of my eggs are very small, so I needed six.

Carefully pour the egg mixture into the cooled dough. I do this in several approaches, simultaneously stirring the dough with a mixer until smooth. The dough should be thick enough (so that when squeezed onto a baking sheet, future eclairs will not spread).

You can mix the dough with a spatula (whichever is more convenient for you), if you use a mixer - you will need attachments for thick dough (not whisk blades), but spiral ones.

Consistency ready dough: viscous, homogeneous, when you hit the edge of the bowl, it falls off the spoon (does not pour out). Look at the photo what it should look like. When deposited on a baking sheet, the dough does not spread, but remains in the shape in which it was deposited.

The main mistake at this stage is to make the dough very liquid (usually this happens if you don’t have a scale and you put in five eggs, hoping that there are 300 grams.) Therefore, if you don’t have a scale, it’s absolutely contraindicated to pour in all the eggs in one go! Add in parts and it is better to let some of the stirred eggs be discarded than later, when in the oven batter If it spreads and turns into a pancake, you will throw out all the products. Or, as an option, stir the eggs one at a time and pour in, constantly checking the thickness.

If you don't have a scale, use the weight of the eggs indicated on the package as a guide. For example, if the package indicates a weight of 65-75 g, take into account that an egg without a shell weighs 60 g (the shell weighs 10% of the egg’s weight). So, in this case, to prepare eclairs we will need 5 eggs. If a different weight is indicated on the package, recalculate according to the new data.

Forming eclairs

If you want small round eclairs, use a spoon. If you like oblong eclairs of a classic shape, you will need a bag for depositing (you can use a special pastry bag or an empty plastic milk bag with a corner cut off). In the same way, we laid out the dough on a baking sheet.

Press out the dough onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper or sprinkled with flour.

Any unevenness can be easily corrected with a damp knife or finger moistened with water.

To prevent the eclairs from sticking together in the oven, place the dough at a distance from each other (2-4 cm). The baked goods will increase in size greatly!

This is what my finished eclairs look like: fluffy, airy, big.

Baking cakes

The oven should be preheated to 210 C, at this temperature we bake the eclairs for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 C and bake for the remaining 25-35 minutes. For eclairs small size it will take less time (20-25 minutes).

The dough should be moist, but not spread on the baking sheet! The products retain their shape well.

When baking, a lot of steam is generated in each eclair, due to which the dough swells, but does not tear (because it is strong). The dough works on the same principle.

It is better to overcook choux pastry products in the oven a little rather than undercook them (otherwise the eclairs will fall off).

Taking out from oven, remove the eclairs from the baking sheet and let them cool. If you have prepared cakes for future use, put the preparations in a bag so that they do not dry out.

Preparing custard for eclairs

We put the milk on the fire (we will need 750 ml). Add almost all the sugar (reserve 2 tablespoons to prepare the custard mixture for the cream).

While the milk is heating, in a separate bowl, mix 2 yolks from chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar (take them from the total amount of sugar for the cream), 2 tbsp. heaped spoons of flour.

Stir until homogeneous mass and pour hot milk (about 0.5 cups) into this mixture.

When the custard mixture is thoroughly mixed, return it to the saucepan with the cream and stir thoroughly until smooth. Bring the cream to a boil, add butter(50 g) and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac. Stir the cream until smooth and cool. To prevent the cream from becoming covered with a film, stir it from time to time. You get a lot of cream, the excess can be stored in the refrigerator and prepared, for example, on the basis of custard.

Filling the cakes with cream

Cut the eclairs lengthwise and fill with cream.

Properly baked cakes have cavities inside that are separated by dough partitions.

Choux pastry is not very difficult to prepare; if you follow the basic rules, the cakes will turn out fluffy and tall.
Place the finished eclairs in the refrigerator to allow the cream to harden.

You can decorate the eclairs before serving using chocolate chips, color Easter sprinkles, chocolate or white icing. Can be done protein cream(beat 2 whites with 100 g of sugar to thick peaks) and spread each cake with a pastry brush. Top with ground walnuts or any other topping you like.

Bon appetit!

If you make eclairs according to this recipe, share the photo on Instagram using the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo I will be very pleased to see photos of the prepared pastries!

You can also upload a photo of the prepared dessert right here on the website by attaching it to a comment. I will be glad to see your feedback!

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For many, the ability to cook delicious eclairs at home - the pinnacle of culinary mastery, which seems elusive and complex. In fact, the process of creating a delicacy is not tricky or long, and anyone can handle it if they want.

How to make eclairs?

Each recipe for eclairs at home consists of simple and accessible rules, the observance of which presupposes obtaining the desired result:

  1. Initially, choux pastry for dessert is prepared.
  2. Portions of the flour base are placed on a baking sheet and the pieces are baked for the first 20 minutes at 200 degrees and then until golden brown at 180 degrees.
  3. For filling, a cream is prepared, the recipe for which can be chosen from the variations presented below.
  4. Baked custard eclairs are filled with cream using cream injector or a bag.
  5. If desired, prepare glaze for eclairs and cover the surface of the products with it.

Dough for eclairs

To cook, you will need a saucepan, stewpan or cauldron with a thick bottom and walls, as well as a convenient spatula for stirring the mass while brewing. The finished dough should be scooped up with a spoon and placed on a parchment sheet lined with a baking sheet, at some distance from each other, taking into account the doubling of the dough during the baking process.


  • water – ½ cup;
  • margarine or butter – 150 g;
  • flour – 1.5 cups;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Add some salt to the water, add margarine or butter, and let it boil.
  2. Add all the sifted flour at once, mix the mixture intensively with a spoon until smooth and remove from the stove.
  3. After cooling to a warm state, add one egg at a time to the dough, ensuring homogeneity each time.
  4. Spoon the resulting dough onto parchment.
  5. Bake eclairs at home for 20 minutes at 200 degrees, until golden brown at 180 degrees and allow to dry and cool a little with the oven turned off.

Recipe for eclairs with custard

An ideal option for filling products would be custard for eclairs, classic recipe which is outlined below. If desired, you can reduce or increase the amount of butter, and use vanilla instead of vanilla for flavor. lemon zest, essence, or even add a couple of spoons of rum or cognac.


  • milk – 500 ml;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar– 1 sachet;
  • butter – 150 g.


  1. Pieces are baked from the dough.
  2. Grind the egg with sugar, add flour, mix and pour in milk.
  3. Place the container on the stove and heat until thickened and boiling.
  4. Remove the bowl from the stove, stir in vanilla sugar and cool the mass under the film.
  5. Add soft butter and beat the cream until smooth.

Recipe for eclairs with protein cream

Along with custard, it is no less popular for eclairs. Products with such filling turn out surprisingly tender, light and airy. Even the most demanding eaters will be delighted with such a delicacy. Before filling the eclairs, the cream must be kept in the refrigerator for about half an hour.


  • water – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • proteins – 3 pcs.;
  • vanillin and citric acid - a pinch each.


  1. Breads are baked from the dough.
  2. From granulated sugar and water, the syrup is boiled, achieving a temperature of 120 degrees or a positive test in water on a soft ball.
  3. Beat with a pinch citric acid and vanilla to whites until stiff peaks form.
  4. Pour in the syrup in a thin stream and beat the cream until it cools.
  5. Eclairs are filled with protein mass at home.

Eclairs with cottage cheese

IN in this case The filling for eclairs is made from cottage cheese. For a more fluffy texture, cream is added, the fat content of which should be at least 30%. Before whipping, the product must be well cooled on the refrigerator shelf. Blanks for eclairs are decorated and baked from classic test on a custard base.


  • cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 200 g;
  • vanillin.


  1. Initially, eclairs are baked from dough at home.
  2. The cottage cheese is broken with a blender until the grains disappear.
  3. Whip cold cream until thick, adding final stage powder in portions.
  4. Combine the cottage cheese and cream mixture and beat again.
  5. Fill the blanks with cream and sprinkle powder on top.

Eclairs with condensed milk

The following dessert recipe is for true sweet tooths. with condensed milk it turns out sweet, rich and surprisingly tasty. Often crushed, pre-roasted peanuts or walnuts. The filling will be less fatty if you replace a portion of the butter with whipped cream.


  • boiled condensed milk – 1 can;
  • butter – 200 g.


  1. The dough pieces are initially baked.
  2. For the cream, take out the ingredients from the refrigerator in advance.
  3. Beat the butter a little, and then add condensed milk in portions.
  4. Fill eclairs with cream.

Eclairs with whipped cream

Eclairs with cream are no less easy to prepare at home. Having coped with the dough and baking the pieces, all that’s left to do is just beat the ingredients for the cream with a mixer. For this purpose, you need to choose cream with a high percentage of fat content and cool it well before processing. Vanilla is often added as a flavoring, but other additives can be used to choose from.


  • cream – 500 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • vanillin.


  1. Brew the dough according to classic recipe, bake eclairs in the oven.
  2. Beat cold cream with a mixer until it has a thick texture.
  3. Sweeten butter cream for eclairs powder, add vanilla and beat again.

Chocolate eclairs

The following recipe for making filling for eclairs will especially please fans chocolate baking. The cream is prepared with the addition of melted chocolate, which can be replaced with a portion of cocoa powder if desired. A pinch of vanilla or a bag will not be superfluous vanilla sugar which will give the dessert delicate aroma and will make its taste even brighter.


  • milk – 250 ml;
  • sugar – 80 g;
  • starch - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • yolks – 2 pcs.
  • chocolate – 100 g;
  • vanillin.


  1. Breads are baked from the dough.
  2. Heat the milk until it boils.
  3. The yolks are ground with sugar and starch and added to the pan with continuous stirring.
  4. Melt the chocolate and add it to the milk base, stirring.
  5. Heat for the eclairs for another minute and let cool.

Eclairs with craquelure

The classic eclair cake can be made more refined and original by preparing it with a delicious craquelure crust. The simple but troublesome technology of creating delicacies will require a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth the effort. The contrast between the soft cream, delicate dough and crispy top coating creates the most vivid impression on tasters.

06 November 2016 204

Everyone loves to pamper themselves and their guests with sweets. We offer recipes for the clear winners of the audience's choice - eclairs filled with custard.

Eclairs, which are a traditional French delicacy, are no less popular here. Almost every good cafe or a coffee shop can pamper its visitors with delicious cakes.

Unfortunately, many people are hesitant to even try baking eclairs at home, because there is an opinion that choux pastry is too complicated to prepare. Let's try to break stereotypes by revealing some of the secrets of this culinary process.

Home cooking in 5 steps

This is one of the most common recipes for making homemade eclairs, preferred by many baking lovers. It will require the following components:

For the test:

  • ¼ liter of water;
  • ¼ tsp. salt;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 160 g flour;
  • four to five eggs.

For cream:

  • three to four eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • ½ l milk;
  • one tbsp. Sahara;
  • two tbsp. l. flour;
  • vanilla (to taste).

A step-by-step recipe for making eclairs with custard at home is described below.

Stage 1. It is necessary to pour water into the pan, set it to heat, add salt, oil and, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. Add all the flour to the boiling mixture without ceasing to stir.

Over low heat, use a fork or whisk to beat the mixture until all the flour lumps are broken up. Afterwards, it should be boiled for no more than two minutes, then removed from the heat to cool.

Stage 2. Add the eggs one at a time into the slightly warm dough, stirring the mixture until smooth after adding each of them.

The dough should be quite viscous and uniform.

Stage 3. Using a spoon, place the dough on a baking sheet (cold) covered with pre-oiled paper. After this, the eclairs should be placed in the oven (190 degrees) and baked for half an hour.

Stage 4. At this time you can start preparing the cream. You need to combine all the eggs, flour and sugar in a saucepan, beat the mixture until the lumps disappear. Next, add cold milk and put the resulting mixture on the fire. It must be stirred thoroughly until it boils. When the cream boils, add butter, vanillin and beat with a whisk. After this, leave until completely cool.

Stage 5. When the cakes and cream have cooled, you can proceed to filling. You should put the cream in a pastry bag and, punching a small hole in the cake, fill it. You can simply cut the pieces lengthwise and fill them with filling using a spoon.

Bon appetit!

Author's recipe for cakes from Yulia Vysotskaya

There are many recipe variations for making eclairs. of varying complexity. Among the most interesting is Yulia Vysotskaya’s recipe, which requires the following list of ingredients:

For the test:

  • ¼ liter of water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 160 g flour;
  • five eggs.

For cream:

  • ½ l cream;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • six eggs;
  • one drop of vanilla extract;
  • orange zest (to taste).

For the glaze:

  • 1 bar of chocolate (dark).

The process of preparing eclairs with custard from Yulia Vysotskaya occurs in the following stages.

You need to fill the saucepan with the amount of water specified in the recipe, add a pinch of salt there, and set to heat. Next, add butter into slightly warmed water, which will gradually melt. The entire contents of the saucepan are brought to a boil.

After the water and oil boil, you should begin adding flour to the dough. First you need to reduce the heat and, quickly stirring the contents, pour the flour into the saucepan in a stream. The resulting dough should be thoroughly beaten using a hand whisk until the lumps completely disappear. It is necessary to use exclusively wheat flour, and only the highest grade.

Next, remove the dough from the heat, transfer it to a bowl and leave to cool. It is important to control the cooling process, since you will need to work not with cold, but with slightly warm dough.

When the dough has reached desired temperature, you should drive the eggs into it, but not all at once, but one by one. The secret of the recipe: you need to introduce four eggs completely, and be careful with the fifth.

It is better to break it into a separate container and add it to the dough using a spoon. Sometimes the fifth egg does not need to be used completely if the dough acquires the necessary oily structure earlier.

Needs to be posted ready dough on a baking sheet. Do not preheat it! On the contrary, you can further cool it under cold water, dry thoroughly, grate using butter, sprinkle with flour on top.

To shape the cakes, you can use a pastry bag, a regular polyethylene bag with a cut hole with a diameter of forefinger. Another option is to use a tablespoon to place the eclairs on a baking sheet. But at the same time it should be dipped in cold water every time.

The baking tray with eclairs should be placed in the oven, preheated to 150-180 degrees, and baked until golden brown. When the eclairs are ready, it is better not to take them out of the oven immediately, but to let them “rest” inside for about an hour.

The next step is to prepare the custard without flour. It should be heated heavy cream without bringing to a boil. In a separate bowl, beat six eggs with sugar and vanilla extract. After this, you need to grate the orange zest into the cream and add the heated cream.

The cream should be poured into a saucepan, then put on fire, still continuing to whisk. You need to boil the mixture until it thickens well. After this, you can remove the cream from the heat and let it cool. Meanwhile, crush the chocolate bar and melt it in a cup over a water bath.

The cakes should be filled with cream through a previously made hole with a spoon, after which it is necessary to pour melted chocolate over them.

Bon appetit everyone!

How to make eclairs: secrets of confectionery art

To easily prepare delicious custard eclairs at home, it doesn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with some little tricks that have been tested by more than one generation of French pastry chefs.

  • Carefully sift the flour.

This is the secret to making a homogeneous dough. If, after the first sifting, small lumps are noticeable in the flour mass, you should not be too lazy to repeat the procedure.

  • Add flour to the dough as a whole, without separating into parts.

To perform this procedure masterfully, you can use this culinary trick: first sift it on baking paper, and then, lifting the edge of the sheet, pour it in a thin stream into the container for brewing the dough.

  • Using unrefrigerated eggs.

If you do not adhere to this rule, the dough may not rise at all. Therefore, you must make sure that the eggs lie outside the refrigerator for at least three hours.

  • Add eggs to cooled dough.

Beating the eggs into the hot mass will end by folding the white. It will no longer be possible to work with such a test.

  • Add eggs alternately to the dough.

This will help control its consistency. The introduction of each egg must be accompanied by thorough kneading of the dough. Sometimes it happens that you may not need all the eggs from the recipe so that the dough does not become too liquid, and vice versa.

  • Add unmelted butter to the water.

One of the secrets of the “correct” tender dough for eclairs it says that the butter should melt slowly, gradually.

  • Beating the dough using a hand whisk.

Experienced confectioners advise against using modern kitchen appliances(mixers, blenders). After all, the thoroughness with which they mix the dough ensures its excessively liquid consistency. Because of this, the cakes settle quickly.

Thanks to this, the cake dough should be pliable and have a consistency that will “stretch” behind a spoon, but not “spread” across the baking sheet.

  • Baking warm dough.

In order not to violate the recipe, you need to bake eclairs from still warm dough. Only in this case will the cakes melt in your mouth.

  • Maintaining distance on the baking sheet.

You need to make sure that the distance between the eclairs is at least seven centimeters - after all, during the baking process, the dough will rise and their size will increase.

  • Maintaining temperature conditions.

Bake the cakes for 20 minutes until the dough rises, at 220 degrees, and for a few more minutes until they are golden brown, without bubbles on the surface, at 190 degrees. It is strictly forbidden to open the oven during baking to prevent the dough from settling.

Now it is absolutely obvious that you should not be afraid of making eclairs with custard at home. The proposed recipes for making homemade cakes, as well as the secrets of their implementation from professional confectioners, will certainly help you make the “correct” dough, which will not only be easy to work with throughout the entire culinary process, but will also provide the subtle, unforgettable taste of exquisite eclairs.
