How to make green coffee. Green coffee: description, composition and properties, action, rules for preparation and administration, benefits and harms

Making green coffee is a fairly simple and even familiar process for those people who drink natural black coffee. If you are faced with this issue for the first time, then from this article you will learn useful information about how to cook green coffee.

How not to prepare unroasted green coffee?

As a rule, green coffee is not chosen because of its palatability, but only because this drink is effective for weight loss in combination with proper nutrition. However, many make a fatal mistake, which largely ruins useful qualities coffee.

It's no secret that green coffee is not a special variety, and not even a different plant. It's the same coffee we're used to, only the beans didn't get through. pre-roasting. It is roasting that gives the grains the same coffee color and smell. Before this process, they look and smell different! Many solve this problem simply: having taken up the preparation of green coffee beans, they first fry the product in a pan. But how does such a product differ from ordinary black coffee?

The fact is that in the process of roasting the grains, their composition changes. Heat treatment kills chlorogenic acid, which stimulates fat metabolism, and increases the caffeine content. By roasting green beans, you turn it into ordinary black coffee, the benefits of which for weight loss are several times lower.

It is necessary to prepare coffee from dried coffee beans without any roasting. The product you have bought is already ready to be ground, brewed and consumed.

Proper preparation of green coffee

There is no difficulty in the question of how to cook. Consider Cooking the classic way in Turkish step by step. If you have purchased ground green coffee, you will need to skip the first step.

Just like with cooking regular coffee, in no case should you bring the drink to a boil. If you undertook to cook it in a Turk, you can’t be distracted by anything, otherwise there is a high risk of spoiling the drink. In addition, the process itself will only take you a few minutes, especially if you have a good copper cezve.

If you want green coffee to be effective in the fight against extra pounds you need to know how to brew green coffee and follow the rules of preparation. After all, the amount of useful properties of the resulting drink directly depends on how you prepare green coffee beans. So the preparation of green coffee consists of roasting, grinding and brewing.

Roasting green coffee

The preparation of green coffee involves the use of unroasted green beans, because during roasting a large number of fat-splitting trace elements are destroyed. However this product It is characterized by a special specific taste, so beginners are advised to start with roasting, gradually getting used to the taste and moving on to brewing raw grains.

For frying, use a regular frying pan. Rinse the grains under running water and dry. The roasting process lasts about 5 minutes on low heat. After that, the grains are cooled and ground in a coffee grinder or blender.

Proper brewing

There are several methods for brewing green coffee:

  • The simplest is to prepare green coffee like black coffee. Namely: per ground grains fall asleep in a Turk, geyser, French press or drip coffee maker. At the same time, the copper Turk should be pitcher-like, and the coffee in it should not be brought to a boil: when foam forms, the vessel is immediately removed from the fire for a few seconds. These actions are repeated 3 times, after which the drink is decanted with a sieve and poured into a cup. You can brew green coffee simply in a mug or coffee pot. To do this, fill hot water 2-3 teaspoons of ground coffee and brew for 5 minutes. If necessary, the drink is also filtered through a sieve or gauze.
  • Preparation of concentrated green coffee extract is being prepared in the following way. Grains are placed in a pot of water in a ratio of 1:6 and they are boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. After that, the burner is turned off, and the mixture is left to cool. After an hour, you need to strain it. The finished extract can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. It should be taken half a cup 15 minutes before meals.

In addition to these popular green coffee brewing methods, it is not uncommon to add ingredients other than the coffee itself during brewing. It can be seasonings, sugar, cream.

We brew green coffee correctly and with benefit.

For those who are not in the know, the phrase "green coffee" sounds something like "orange snow". How is it coffee - and suddenly green? Black, only black! Well, or with milk.

True, at the very end of the 20th century, coffee in beans disappeared from sale, but an unappetizing gray product with a pistachio tint was “thrown out” on the shelves. Frightened neighbors burst into the apartments rented by Armenian families: “Do you have a fire ?!” - "We're roasting coffee!" - explained, opening the door, the hostess.

Apparently, the Armenians, due to their territorial proximity to the Turks, understand better than ours how to deal with unroasted grains. Why is it now that a semi-finished product has suddenly become so highly valued that it is several times more expensive than a finished product?

Really burns fat?

It turns out that scientists have recently discovered that small quantities green coffee helps to cope with excess weight. Roasting grains destroys natural compounds that reduce sugar levels and block the process of deposition of fat in the body.

Raw coffee beans able to speed up metabolism, improve brain activity, lower blood pressure, work as an antioxidant. Again, the tone is raised.

Of course, it was not without side effects: insomnia, migraine, irritability, stomach disorders.

In addition, there are direct contraindications:

  • diabetes,
  • blood clotting disorders,
  • osteoporosis,
  • glaucoma,
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

People who do not have such health problems are advised how to properly brew green coffee for weight loss: grind raw beans, cook in a Turk (according to the usual recipe, exactly the same as fried), drink no more than one or two cups a day.

And the stars have no idea why they lost weight

And now, dozens of sites offer a new panacea for fat deposits on the waist and hips. It seems that both Pugacheva and Dolina lost weight from green coffee, and not from vinegar, cucumbers or the “magic” DVD ... And Svetlana Permyakova, the star of KVN and Interns, achieved “shocking” results - she lost 23 kilograms in a month and a half, nothing limiting yourself in nutrition and without any training. Without stretch marks and forever!

True, Svetlana herself does not even know that she was drinking. green tea with ginger. He even threatens to sue for using his name.

It is possible that this will happen with green coffee.

And yet useful

What is known exactly? What's Raw Beans coffee tree indeed contain significantly more antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins than fried. The main fat-burning effect is chlorogenic acid, which is completely absent in black coffee - it is destroyed when heat treatment. But the caffeine content during roasting, on the contrary, is growing by leaps and bounds. Therefore, green coffee can be drunk even by pregnant women.

An extract is made from raw coffee fruits - a concentrate of all bioactive substances contained in the grains. It is taken not only externally as a liquid, but also internally in capsules.

On the different organisms the drug has a different effect: someone is really rapidly losing weight, others almost do not notice the effect. In any case, no increase physical activity not enough. It is recommended to take green coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, after drinking 50-60 grams of water, and then take an hour walk before breakfast. The second time, according to the instructions, you should drink the drink in the evening, also as far as possible in time from the meal: it reduces your appetite, and small portions of food will be enough for you to saturate.

use coffee grounds and spa treatments. Steamed with boiling water, ground grains in the form of gruel are applied to the stomach, hips, buttocks, wrapped with food plastic wrap and covered with a blanket on top. After 30-40 minutes - shower and anti-cellulite cream.

Green coffee bean oil strengthens hair and nails. Massage with it helps to give the skin firmness and elasticity.

Despite some inconsistency in published information about how useful or harmful coffee tree berries are (for example, for hypertensive patients, cores, ulcers and gastritis), most scientists agree that there are still more benefits, including in terms of weight loss. But you should be wary of fakes and buy green coffee not from ads in the entrances or in the market from grannies, but order on the official websites of manufacturers.

Argue about tastes

And you can buy green coffee not in online stores for a thousand rubles for a two-hundred-gram box with bags, but by weight in specialized tea and coffee departments of supermarkets. Spend less, although here it is also not cheap. Unlike European countries, where it costs half as much as roasted. They buy it out of pure savings.

How to brew green coffee beans? Roast or not?

If you want to keep beneficial features vitamins, antioxidants and fat blockers that are still found in raw fruits, cook freshly ground unroasted. But those who tried to grind them in a coffee grinder claim that this way you can disable the device. They say that a blender or an ordinary meat grinder, in the set of which there are additional knives for spices, copes better with a superhard “nut”.

The taste of green coffee is also hotly debated. To some, it seems like an ordinary coffee, and they even talk about a “special mix natural supplements"(This is about what is in the bags) and" a memorable rich aroma. Others remember with disgust a nasty sour muddy greenish-gray burda, absolutely devoid of the smell of coffee - grass with grass!

The Nescafe company took into account the fashion for green coffee and found a palliative solution: it released New Product from a mixture of raw beans and roasted grains.

But this instant coffee. And we are going to cook!

Just like seeds!

And again - polar opinions. Some argue that it is completely unrealistic to roast green coffee not in the factory, but on own kitchen to achieve a full flavor and uniformity of the process. Others are sure that roasting raw grains is as simple as seeds or peanuts: put in a pan without oil and turn over for five to seven minutes. The main thing is not to overdo it, remove it from the fire early: the coffee keeps warm for a long time and will “reach” itself. Some even refused to buy black coffee beans because it is overcooked, "burnt and there are a lot of carcinogens."

Roasted green coffee is brewed as usual, in any way you prefer: in a cezve, a coffee maker, a coffee machine, a French press.

How to drink green coffee?

Green coffee is gaining more and more fans among lovers of this fine drink. It contains caffeine, which activates metabolic processes in the body, gives vigor, increases vitality.

Green coffee is especially useful for weight loss, as it is able to break down fats. Green coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which helps break down fats. There is no such acid in black coffee, as it is destroyed during roasting.

You need to know how to drink green coffee correctly, how to brew it, and in what quantities to use it.

Green coffee brewing methods

  • It is better to buy coffee beans, grind it at home in a coffee grinder, add a teaspoon to a glass of water, bring to a boil. Then strain through a strainer.
  • Can also be used ground coffee or granulated. Such coffee is much easier to prepare: you just need to pour boiling water over it and stir.
  • In coffee, you can add a slice of lemon, orange, sugar to taste, and try to reduce its amount each time. It is better to drink coffee without sugar. Such coffee drink with a bitter and sour taste of citrus fruits, it can quench thirst and increase metabolic processes, which means it promotes weight loss.

Green coffee for weight loss - how to drink

  • How to drink green coffee to lose weight? One cup is enough before each meal, and you need to drink coffee half an hour before meals.
  • It is good to drink a cup of coffee and during every desire something to eat. Coffee will make you forget about food for a while and wait until dinner time.
  • You can not drink coffee immediately after eating, it adversely affects the work of the stomach and intestines.
  • It is recommended to drink green coffee no more than 2-3 cups a day.
  • Do not drink green coffee on an empty stomach or before bed.

Green coffee is good for weight loss - this has been proven by a number of scientific studies. But to expect a miracle only from coffee, of course, is impossible. You need to eat right and lead an active lifestyle. Green coffee is just one of the means that allow a person to lose weight.

Are there any contraindications for the use of green coffee? Yes, there are several.


  • Pregnant women and children should not drink green coffee.
  • Like any coffee, green is able to increase arterial pressure. Therefore, you need to drink it with great care for people suffering from hypertension.
  • Green coffee can also increase eye pressure, so you need to drink it with caution if you have glaucoma.
  • It is undesirable to drink coffee in diseases of the stomach and intestines.

It must be remembered that when drinking green coffee, there may be side effects: nausea, dizziness, insomnia. In such cases, it is better to stop using it.

Green coffee is the same coffee beans as the black ones we are used to, only they have not gone through the roasting process. It is roasting that gives strength, richness and aroma to the drink loved by many. Green unroasted beans have a different taste and aroma, they are more saturated with caffeine, tannin and Due to the increased content of these substances, green coffee is recognized because it speeds up metabolism, improves memory and work nervous system stimulates lymphatic drainage. However, when buying unroasted beans, people are faced with the question Let's see.

If you want to achieve the maximum effect of losing weight, such a drink will be a great helper. How to brew green coffee so that it brings more benefit? Firstly, roasting should be abandoned, only greenish-beige grains should be brewed. For cooking in the classical way, you need a Turk, and the grains themselves need to be ground into crumbs about 1-1.5 mm in size. In a Turk, heat water, when it becomes hot, add ground grains at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons per cup. Cook over low heat, do not bring to a boil. At the moment of boiling, remove the Turk from the heat and let it cool slightly. Pour into cups using a sieve. Coffee prepared in this way should be drunk 15 minutes before physical training, so they will bring the greatest benefit. By itself, this drink does not contribute to weight loss, you definitely need to play sports and adjust your diet.

Another way to boil green involves using a "geyser". The grains should also be ground, pour the crushed mass into the filter recess. Pour water into the lower tank and install a filter on top. Close the lid and place the coffee maker on the stove. Coffee should be prepared on low heat, when boiling, the water will rise in the form of steam to When the water has boiled away and all the drink is contained in the upper tank, remove the coffee maker from the heat.

For those who do not want to stand at the stove and wait for the drink to boil, fit way brewing in a French press. The grains must be coarsely ground or crushed in a mortar, poured into a press and filled with hot, but not boiling water. Let it brew for a while, then lower the filter down and pour the coffee into cups.

If you do not have the necessary equipment for grinding coffee and brewing it, we give advice on how to brew green coffee for weight loss using other attributes. For example, coffee can be ground with a meat grinder, because not always even a coffee grinder can cope with hard, unroasted grains. You can brew coffee in an ordinary saucepan, the process is almost the same as cooking in a Turk. Only in this case you need to leave the green coffee to boil. How much to cook depends on your preference, but it is recommended to boil it for 2-3 minutes.

How to brew green coffee for weight loss is described above, but is it worth roasting beans? You can dry them in a pan for several minutes until a brownish tint is obtained, in which case the coffee will acquire a taste reminiscent of black, and short roasting will not spoil the properties of green. Prolonged roasting is not recommended, as all useful properties will disappear.
