How to cook corn in a saucepan soft and juicy. We choose a good product. How to Boil Fresh Corn in a Saucepan

One of the most favorite summer delicacies is boiled corn, which is loved by both children and adults. Despite all the apparent simplicity of this culinary masterpiece, many people do not know how to cook corn on the cob so as to preserve all its taste and nutritional value. The popularity of delicious golden corn is rivaled only by ice cream and watermelons. On the seashore, freshly boiled corn is perhaps the most popular commodity, for which vacationers are willing to pay as if they were real delicacies. To please yourself at home, you will need mere pennies and a little efficiency. Heated debates and discussions take place not only about the methods of cooking corn, but also about the cooking time. But in reality, this matter is not so complicated, it is only important to know some subtleties.

Detailed video instructions

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Choosing corn for cooking

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Varieties and their differences

At first glance, identical cobs may actually turn out to be completely different in taste, which depends on the type, variety of corn and its degree of maturity. Without delving too deeply into the variety of varieties, all corn can be divided into two main types: food or sweet and regular feed, which is intended mainly for animal feed. You can eat both food and feed corn. Some “gourmets” even like harsh and less sugary feed varieties, but they are still the best taste qualities It is edible corn that has this, because its juicy sweet grains simply melt in your mouth. For cooking young food corn early varieties will need from 15 minutes to one hour, while forage and late varieties you will have to cook for two to five hours.

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How to choose corn

It is best to choose freshly picked ears of young edible corn for cooking. You should buy unhusked corn, since the natural “wrapper” will indicate not only the freshness of the cob, but will also prevent it from drying out prematurely. First of all, bright green leaves and slightly damp, cool “antennae” will help you identify young cobs. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, it means that the corn was picked a long time ago and may have already lost some of its juiciness. So that there is not a single doubt about the quality of the purchased product, you can carry out simple test for ripeness: at the very base, press with your fingernail on one of the grains: if it turns out to be soft and juice comes out, then everything is in perfect order - this is young, so-called milk corn. The tougher and drier the seed, the riper and older the cob. The degree of corn ripeness affects not only the cooking time, but also the taste of the product. The fact is that when corn dries, the sugar inside the grains begins to turn into starch, which deprives it of its aroma and sweetness.

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How to cook corn on the cob correctly

1. Preparing the cobs for cooking

First of all, you need to prepare the cobs for cooking. Some people prefer to cleanse completely. raw corn from leaves and tendrils. Others only remove dirty leaves. Both the first and second are right in their own way. The fact is that leaves and fibers make corn more juicy and aromatic, but when boiled they are rather poorly cleaned. What to do? Completely clean the cobs of all excess, and place the leaves and “tendrils” in a saucepan separately.

2. Select a container for cooking

The pan for cooking corn should be wide and deep enough so that you don't have to break the cobs, and thick-walled. A cauldron or cast iron pot that can be tightly closed with a lid is ideal. Using a pressure cooker will significantly speed up the cooking process. In order for the corn to retain all its nutrients, it should be cooked over low heat, at a temperature of 200-250 degrees.

3. Lay the cobs

Place corn leaves on the bottom of the pan, and place the peeled cobs on them. It is advisable to place the leaves on the sides so that the corn does not come into contact with the walls of the container. We also cover the top of the cobs with leaves and add “antennae” that will make the corn sweet and appetizing.

4. Fill with water

Fill the corn with water so that it completely covers all the cobs and put the pan on the fire. How long to cook corn? On average, corn takes 40 minutes to cook, but depending on the variety, the process can take from 20 minutes to 3-5 hours. When cooking, it is important to periodically check the corn for doneness. During cooking, the corn must be completely covered with water, and the water, even when cooking over low heat, must be boiling.

5. To salt or not to salt...

There is no need to add salt to the water under any circumstances., especially if you are cooking dessert varieties of corn, which contain significantly large quantity water than in fodder and flour-milling varieties. Salt speeds up the process of releasing water from the grains into the broth and finished product it will turn out less juicy and tasty.

6. Readiness test

We carefully monitor the cooking process, from time to time picking up the cob with a fork, pinching off a grain and tasting until the corn is boiled. If the kernels are soft, juicy and easy to chew, then the corn is ready and can be turned off and served.

7. Serve piping hot

The most delicious corn is when it's hot, so it's best to enjoy it immediately after cooking. Remove the cob from the pan, let the excess water drain, and clean it of leaves and fibers if the corn was boiled unpeeled. Corn is served to the table on a hot plate with skewers so you don’t have to get your hands dirty, rubbed with salt and eaten. In addition to salt, the corn can be coated with butter and spices.

8. Subtleties of storage

The cooked corn should cool right in the pan. If you take it out of the water, it may shrink and lose its appetizing appearance. Without loss of technological and taste qualities Corn can be left in water for three to four hours at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. You can store boiled corn in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Frozen corn

When the corn season is behind you, but you still want to enjoy the golden grains, help will come semi-finished product – frozen corn on the cob. It is steamed and instantly frozen, which helps preserve all valuable consumer properties product. Cooking frozen corn will not be difficult, because it is much less hassle than with fresh corn. Just put it in boiling water and cook until done. After secondary boiling time fully cooked is only 20-25 minutes. Place the finished corn on a skewer and grease it vegetable oil, rub with salt and serve.

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Useful properties of corn

Golden corn is not only tasty, but also very healthy food product– a real treasure trove of vitamins and microelements! To provide the body with everything it needs nutrients, it is enough to eat 40-50 grams of corn per day. It contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, amino acids lysine and tryptophan, unsaturated fatty acids, ascorbic acid, vitamin C, E, B, PP. Thanks to high content Corn fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Doctors recommend eating corn for people with diabetes mellitus, allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, obesity, pathologies gastrointestinal tract. Regular use corn is an excellent preventative oncological diseases and diseases of cardio-vascular system. In addition, the substances contained in corn help normalize metabolic processes in the brain and improve memory. Corn also has a positive effect on the functioning of the neuromuscular system: it nourishes and restores nerve cells, and also affects the formation of healthy muscle fibers. Few people know that golden corn kernels are also the only carrier of natural gold! Don't deny yourself the golden pleasure!

Before you cook delicious corn, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the variety and degree of maturity of the cobs. Very often, inexperienced housewives buy feed varieties instead of food varieties. Sweet sweet corn turns out tender and juicy, and fodder varieties are more suitable for preparing soups and main courses - their grains are denser and almost not sweet. Dried grains Corn corn can be used to make popcorn, but for salads and appetizers, as well as for serving on the cob, sweetened corn varieties are better suited.

Choose unhusked corn - you can tell when the cobs were picked by the leaves. Young corn has bright green leaves and the stigmas, which are delicate hairs, should be light-colored and slightly moist. Checking the degree of ripeness is very simple. Open the leaves so that the cob is exposed approximately to the base - the grains should be smooth, not wrinkled, and have a delicate lemon tint. Use your fingernail to press on one of the grains - if the skin bursts easily and protrudes milk juice, means the corn is young, milky ripe. It is these cobs that have a pleasant sweetish taste and will be tender and juicy after cooking. If starch has already appeared in the grains, then such corn will be tougher and less sweet.

Depending on the degree of ripeness, the cooking time will vary. How long to cook fresh corn will also depend on where and how you are going to cook it.

Soft and juicy corn Great for serving as an independent treat or for adding to salads. Before soft-cooking corn, a certain preparation procedure must be carried out.

Only the top hard leaves need to be removed from the cob, leaving a few thin leaves.

The stigmas also should not be cleaned - they give unique taste and the aroma of this product. It is enough to tear off the upper blackened part of the hairs.

The cobs prepared in this way should be rinsed in running water and carefully placed on the bottom of a convenient, spacious container - it is best to take a pan with not very thin walls.

Corn prepared in this way is suitable for salads and snacks. To serve, it is better to clean the leaves completely and place them along with the stigmas on the bottom of the pan and only put the corn on top - this is done because the cobs are served hot and it will be problematic to clean them from the boiled leaves.

This cereal contains a lot useful vitamins and amino acids that need to be preserved during cooking. This is why it is very important to comply temperature regime. According to experts, how to properly cook fresh corn, most useful properties will be preserved if you cook it at constant high temperature. Therefore, bring water to a boil, pour it over the prepared cobs and bring to a boil over high heat. After this, you will need to cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat so that the temperature inside the dish remains constant. Milk corn will be ready in 20 minutes, more mature cobs will be ready in 40-45 minutes.

Make sure that the corn is completely submerged in water - the top cobs will float, so they will need to be turned over periodically.

Decide for yourself how long to cook fresh corn - check the grains for readiness. Depending on the variety, the time may take up to several hours - the finished grains should not have a starchy taste. If you bought a feed variety, it is best to cook corn in a pressure cooker or slow cooker at a temperature of 200-250 degrees. Then leave it in the water for a few minutes - this way even not very young corn will turn out juicy and soft.

Now you know how to quickly cook milky corn. But there's one more thing to remember important point, on which the taste of the finished grains will largely depend.

Salt - without this food additives no dish will be able to reveal its unique taste. To emphasize the sweetness of milk corn, sprinkle the finished cobs with a thin layer of salt just before serving. However, do not under any circumstances add salt to the water in which the corn will be boiled. Salt speeds up the boiling process of water and helps maintain high temperature, however, it is salt that speeds up the process of water release from the cereal. Therefore, if you add even a little salt to the water, the grains will no longer be so tender and juicy.

The taste of the finished treat will depend on how long you cook the corn, so try to buy only freshly picked ears. If you buy shelled cobs, inspect the kernels carefully. But even if you bought a fodder variety of corn by mistake, do not rush to throw it away. Wash the peeled cobs, wipe them dry and place them in freezer. This kind of corn needs to be boiled a little longer than milk corn, but if you add a pinch of sugar to the water, the grains will be soft and sweet. There is no need to defrost the cobs - immediately place them in boiling water.

Sweet corn is not only a very tasty plant, but also very healthy. Despite the fact that the grains have a fairly high starch content, this product can well be called medicinal and even dietary. Even in ancient times, these golden grains were called the elixir of youth. Amino acids, which are found in large quantities in the grains of this plant, will help restore shine to your hair, improve memory, restore freshness to the skin and help get rid of steam. extra pounds. Delicate aromatic grains will give you the warm energy of the sun on a cold cloudy day, lift your spirits and improve your well-being. Don't deny yourself the pleasure. Bon appetit!

An article about how to choose and cook corn correctly, as well as cook special sauce for her.

First you need to find out what quality of corn you bought. It is best to purchase corn in supermarkets or stores. Because at the market, with a high degree of probability, they will sell you a feed grade instead of a food variety. Feed is originally intended for animal feed. A person, of course, will not be poisoned by it, but great fun won't receive it.

If this is early ripening corn intended for human nutrition, then it is cooked from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours maximum. And if you buy fodder or late varieties, then you will have to cook it from 2 to 5-6 hours.

In the future we will talk about preparing exactly food corn.

Corn can be cooked in a saucepan, microwave oven, or a double boiler. We strongly recommend that you cook your corn in a steamer whenever possible. There she gains the maximum rich taste and at the same time does not lose its beneficial substances.

Method for cooking corn in a saucepan: place young edible corn (it is white or pale yellow in color) in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 30-25 minutes. Cook old (bright yellow) ears of corn for 50-60 minutes.

Method of cooking corn in a double boiler: peeled cobs, possibly in 2 layers, are placed in a steamer on a wire rack, the permissible maximum of water is set in the container for generating steam, the steamer is closed with a lid and cooked until turned off. If the corn is mature, topping up may be necessary; for young corn, a partial container of water may be needed. Cook for 30-40 minutes depending on the maturity of the cob.

Method for cooking corn in the microwave: wrap the corn in cling film and put it in the microwave. It takes 3 minutes to cook corn in the microwave.

Boiled corn grease with butter, grate with salt and spices to taste and serve.

Some important advice which it is advisable to observe when cooking corn:

1. Corn cobs Before cooking, you must wash and remove dirty sheets; do not remove clean sheets.
2. Corn is cooked without salt so that it does not become tough.
3. Corn cobs are not eaten.
4. It is better to cook corn in a deep, thick-walled pan with a closed lid.
5. Boiled corn is served immediately after cooking on a hot plate.

We also offer you a special sauce for boiled corn. Ingredients: sour cream, a spoonful of sugar, salt, pepper (preferably mill pepper), garlic and plus herbs (parsley, basil). Recipe: Whisk all the ingredients and pour the sauce over the hot cobs before serving.

Bon appetit!

There are many on store shelves now canned corn, which can be added to soup, main courses, baked goods and salads.

But there's nothing better than freshly cooked corn on the cob. She gives off such a scent!

But it turns out that not everyone knows how to cook it. How to choose for cooking.

The fact is that not just any cob can be cooked.

After all There are several types of corn: starchy, bursting, tooth-like, sugary, flinty.

Used for cooking sweet corn. Despite the fact that this is a grain crop, it is the table varieties, to which this corn belongs, that are equated to vegetable plants.

To cook corn, do not wait until it is completely ripe. It is harvested when the cobs are in the milky-wax ripeness phase.. At this time, the corn kernels are very soft, juicy, as if filled with milk.

It is then that corn grain is most useful and is a valuable food product.

  • Corn kernels contain B vitamins, carotene, vitamin E, and a large number of microelements: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium.
  • Almost all the amino acids that the body needs are present.
  • For better absorption of the proteins found in corn, it is recommended to consume it in combination with milk, cheese and other dairy products. They enrich corn dishes with amino acids important for the body: tryptophan, lysine, methionine.
  • Dishes made from milky corn are not only recommended healthy people, but also used in dietary nutrition, as they improve digestion.

How to choose corn for cooking

  • The cobs prepared for boiling should not be overripe. After all, the hardened grain will remain the same after cooking. It should be soft and at the stage of milky-waxy ripeness. The color of this corn is milky white or slightly yellowish. If the grains are bright yellow in color, then they are already overripe, which means they are hard.
  • The shape of the grains also matters. The grains of milk-ripe corn are dense and round. Fully ripened grains develop dents, which indicate that the corn is overripe and is not very suitable for cooking.
  • Young corn has green and bright leaves. They fit tightly to the cob. U old corn The leaves are already dried out and hard.
  • Cobs for cooking are selected with the maximum number of grains that should not be eaten away by insects or disease.
  • It is not recommended to buy corn without leaves. This may indicate that the corn has been attacked by pests or is overripe.
  • Picked ears of corn cannot be stored. Firstly, the sugars found in grains are from long storage begin to turn into starch. And secondly, ripened grain will dry out and become unsuitable for cooking, and slightly unripe grain may rot.

How to prepare corn for cooking

  • Before cooking, remove the stem from the cob so that the leaves do not fall off. Because corn is cooked with them.
  • The cob is washed well under running cold water.

How to properly cook corn in a saucepan

Method 1

  • Corn is prepared as described above.
  • Place in a wide pan.
  • Pour in cold water so that it covers the cobs.
  • Place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce the heat and cook the cobs at a low simmer until tender. Cooking time (from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours) depends on the variety and degree of ripeness of the corn. Well-cooked grains are soft and have pleasant taste and smell.
  • At the end of cooking, add salt. If you add salt at the beginning, the grains can remain hard for a very long time.
  • Turn off the heat and leave the cobs in the liquid for 20-30 minutes.
  • They take it out of the water.
  • Boiled corn is freed from leaves and placed on a plate. Serve a piece of butter separately.

Method 2

  • Cook the prepared corn together with the leaves at a low boil until tender.
  • At the end of cooking, add salt.
  • Remove the pan from the stove and keep the corn in the water for some more time.
  • Remove the cobs from the liquid and remove the leaves.
  • The grains are separated.
  • Place them on a plate and pour butter or milk sauce over them.
  • If the grains are needed for a salad or vinaigrette, pour them into a colander and wash in cold water and wait until it drains completely.

Method 3. Corn in milk

  • Corn of milky ripeness is freed from leaves and washed well under cold running water.
  • The grains are separated from the cobs.
  • Pour hot milk over them and cook until done (take 200 ml of milk for 150 g of grains).
  • 10 g butter mixed with 8 g of flour.
  • Combine with milk and corn and boil, stirring. Season with salt.

How else is corn cooked?

Many housewives peel corn from leaves and boil it in this form.

  • Take a wide pan and place leaves taken from the cobs on the bottom.
  • The stalk and top of the corn are cut off, which is most often without grains or dried out. If the cobs are very long, then they are cut in half.
  • Place in a pan and cover with the remaining leaves on top. This will help the cobs not float to the surface.
  • Fill with water. It's better to use boiling water.
  • Place on the stove and bring to a boil at maximum heat.
  • Reduce heat and cook corn until soft.
  • Remove the pan from the stove, and leave the cobs in the water for another 15–20 minutes.
  • Place the corn on a plate and sprinkle with salt.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker

  • The corn stalk is cut off and the leaves are removed. The top without grains is also cut off.
  • Wash well in cold water.
  • If the cobs are large, cut them in half.
  • Several leaves are placed at the bottom of the bowl, and corn is placed on them.
  • Pour enough water to cover the cobs by 3–4 cm. Cover the top with leaves. Do not cook corn in large batches to avoid water splashing over the edge of the bowl.
  • Close the multicooker and turn on the “Steam” function.
  • Cook for 30–40 minutes.
  • Leave the cobs in water for 20 minutes and then place them on a plate.

How to cook corn in the microwave

Method 1

  • The peeled and washed corn is placed in a durable plastic bag or a baking sleeve and tie it. Punctures are made in several places with a needle to allow steam to escape.
  • Place the packaged cobs in the microwave.
  • Cook on high for 8-10 minutes.

Method 2

  • The de-leafed and washed corn is placed in a microwave-safe pan.
  • Pour boiling water over so that it only lightly covers the cobs.
  • Place in the oven and cook at maximum power for 35–45 minutes until soft. At the same time, make sure that the water does not boil away and top it up on time.
  • At the end of cooking, add salt.

How to cook corn in a double boiler

  • Hulled and washed corn is placed on greased bowls.
  • Install on a steamer with a full tank of water.
  • Cook the cobs for 20–30 minutes until done.
  • Place on plates and sprinkle with salt.

How to cook corn in the oven

  • The cobs, cleared of leaves and washed well, are placed in deep container, for example for baking.
  • Pour boiling water over until it covers them completely.
  • To prevent the top of the corn from browning and drying out, cover the dish with foil.
  • Place in the oven, heated to 120 degrees.
  • Cook until soft for about 40 minutes. Add boiling water if the water has boiled.
  • The finished corn is sprinkled with salt and served with butter.

Corn boiled using any of these methods is served hot, because it is then that it fully reveals its aroma and excellent taste.

This is a favorite delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. And for it to turn out really tasty, juicy and soft, it must be chosen and prepared correctly. After all, no one likes chewing dry, hard grains! This article will help us find the answer to the question of how young.

How to choose?

Ask the seller what kind of corn is in front of you. The most delicious varieties- this is Anava, the Golden Fleece, Aurika and Viola. It is best to give preference to small ears of corn. And to check whether it is overripe, you should separate one grain from it and try to crush it in your hand. If it is soft and juicy, then you can be sure that you have done right choice- young corn! And if the grain is dry and hard, feel free to move this cob to the side. Such corn is either overripe, or it was simply cut from the root a long time ago. Of course, this makes her useful qualities I haven’t lost it, it’s just going to take a lot longer to cook.

How long should you cook young corn?

You need to note the time exactly from the moment the water in the pan boils. On average, it takes no more than 45 minutes to cook cobs. Mature corn differs in the color of its seeds; they have a pronounced yellow tint. And the young ones are almost white or pale yellow.

How to properly cook young corn?

First of all, the cobs are cleared of leaves and washed under running water. Here it is worth considering one important point: do not throw away the corn tops. We will need it to line the bottom of the pan where the corn will be cooked. The leaves act as a seasoning. They will give the corn a special flavor and also protect it from possible burning. So, the leaves and cobs are already in the pan, now you can pour water - it should completely cover them. Add salt (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), cover with a lid and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, the question immediately arises of how young it is. It gets ready quite quickly, usually it takes 15-20 minutes. But as for mature corn, it takes much longer to cook. If you like soft grains, then up to full readiness you need to keep it on the fire for 45-60 minutes, and if they are hard, then 30 is enough. Well, now you know how long to cook young and mature corn. Important! There is no need to add salt when cooking mature corn! It may become hard. Only after it is fully cooked, before serving, should it be rubbed with salt. This will give the corn a bright and incomparable taste.

How to determine readiness?

We already know how long to cook young corn, but if you still doubt its readiness, then you can simply check it without directly removing it from the heat. To do this, take a fork and try to pry a few grains with it. If they separate easily and taste soft and juicy, then the corn is ready and can be removed from the stove.


1. In order for the corn to remain soft and juicy even the next day, the broth in which it was cooked should not be drained from the pan. Store corn directly in it, only in the cold.

2. Serve corn hot, after greasing it with cream or olive oil. It will become even more tender and fragrant.

Well, now you know how long to cook young corn and how best to serve it. Bon appetit!
