Chanterelles taste bitter afterwards. Fried chanterelle mushrooms - how to cook: the best recipes. How to fry chanterelles in a frying pan with potatoes, onions, carrots, sour cream, raw, frozen, boiled, canned: recipes, secrets of cooking fried mushrooms

Mushrooms occupy a place of honor in Russian cuisine. They are prepared as independent dish, put in salads, soups, sauces, and also dried and salted. They are combined with meat, fish, seafood, rice, and vegetables. Gourmets give particular preference to chanterelles. Even simple dishes they always make you want to quickly grab a spoon or fork.

How to cook chanterelles

Healthy and tasty gifts of the forest will be unforgettable even for an inexperienced cook. How to cook chanterelle mushrooms? It should be taken into account that they contain a lot of water and when frying or boiling, they evaporate very much. Stewed, fried, boiled, canned - they are delicious in all dishes. There are no problems with their preparation for culinary process. The main rule is: the product should not be kept in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours; before cooking, it must be washed well, boiled with vinegar and salt, otherwise it will taste bitter. A pleasant moment: among these gifts of the forest there are no worms.

How to fry chanterelles

The red mushrooms are sorted out, cleaned, given a cold bath and washed. Anything that is in doubt needs to be cut off and removed. How to cook fried chanterelle mushrooms? Add lightly stewed onions to the forest gifts and start frying. How much to fry - your eyes and nose will tell you: no excess water in a frying pan, the color is golden, the smell is pleasant - the food is completely ready. If you wish, you can send it to freezer, for future use. Interesting option Gourmets will love the salad.


  • mushrooms – 500 g;
  • smoked brisket– 100 g;
  • loaf – 3 pieces;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil (for frying);
  • lettuce leaves(frise, romaine);
  • salt.

Preparing the snack:

  1. Fry the brisket until crispy and remove from the pan.
  2. Wash the mushrooms, chop them, fry until there is no moisture.
  3. Cut the loaf into pieces and fry in oil.
  4. Tear lettuce leaves coarsely, line a large serving plate with them, add olive oil, place the rest of the ingredients on top.

How to cook chanterelles in sour cream

Mushrooms in sour cream reveal their flavor to the maximum. How to cook tender mushrooms chanterelles? First fry them with butter, and when they are almost ready, put fermented milk product. If you want original taste, the sauce can be easily supplemented with onions, garlic, herbs, and simmered. Experts recommend first evaporating the moisture in a dry frying pan, and only after that proceeding with the main frying, so that the taste is not watery, but as creamy as possible. The dish goes well with potatoes, chicken, vegetables, but there is also a pie option.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • flour – 400 g;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • butter– 100 g;
  • eggs – 2;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

Filling ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • egg yolk – 1;
  • cream - 2-3 tbsp. l;
  • salt.

Preparation does not take much time:

  1. Knead into a loose dough.
  2. Wash the forest products, cut large ones. They are fried in a frying pan until golden brown crust. Then you need to cut it, mix it with yolk and cream.
  3. Divide the dough. Place most of it on the bottom of the mold and make sides.
  4. Cover the filling with the remaining dough and pinch the edges.
  5. Bake at 180°C.

Another sour cream versiongreat soup with bright rich taste. For it you will need:

  • mushrooms – 250 g;
  • beef broth- 1.5 l;
  • cream – 200 g;
  • rice – 2 tbsp. l;
  • onions, carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • garlic, salt, parsley - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop and fry carrots and onions.
  2. Cut the potatoes into small pieces.
  3. Wash the mushrooms, chop large ones, and fry if desired.
  4. Place the ingredients in the broth and bring to a boil.
  5. Cook for 15-20 minutes, covering the pan or slow cooker with a lid.
  6. Add parsley.
  7. Give special taste mushroom soup A spoonful of cream will help.

How to cook chanterelles with potatoes

Mushrooms with fried potatoes always become a table decoration. How long to fry chanterelles? It is better to cook in a deep frying pan for about half an hour. First, you need to brown the potatoes cut into strips, preferably in lard, season with onions, and fry a little. The chanterelles must be boiled with the addition of vinegar, otherwise they may become bitter, and then put in the same frying pan, add butter and bring the product until cooked.

Potato and mushroom casserole will become your family's favorite homemade dish. It is better to stock up on products in advance:

  • fresh or frozen forest products – 500 g;
  • chicken – 200 g;
  • sour cream 20% – 250 ml;
  • butter)82.5%) – 30 g;
  • potatoes - 5-6 large tubers;
  • greenery.

Cooking method.

Down there you wrote about frying chanterelles that they are not boiled first. Why? And if I freeze them and fry them in winter, do I need to boil them before freezing?

Anna Khilkevich: “The housekeeper stole money from us”

I don’t understand why when you fry them they are rubbery? Tell me what to do. I would like it right away) Thanks in advance


Fry young mushrooms until they lose their crunchiness. And large foxes are rubbery :)

If the mushrooms, you see, are clean - without earthen crumbs, twigs or sticks, you can simply shake them off in a colander, without washing them. If washing, let drain well.
Over high heat, without oil, begin to “fry” them - evaporate the water. Then, apparently, the water has gone, add oil and fry to your taste. Turn down the heat. Salt and pepper. You can add sour cream or cream (then it is also a pasta sauce). To be honest, I fry the onions separately in a small frying pan nearby until half cooked, then combine them with the mushrooms at the stage of frying them.
I have some ambivalence about the taste of chanterelles;), during the season, of course, I want to cook them at least a couple of times. But still, fried chanterelles are not my thing ;). I prefer soup with chanterelles. I boil it until half cooked, let it cool, and put it in the freezer in portions - like a mini-cook. You can make puree soup.

Fairy tale Mitten (Ukrainian folk tale)

One day in winter, my grandfather was walking through the forest. He was walking and accidentally dropped his mitten. A mouse ran past. She saw that the mitten was lying on its own in the snow and thought that it would make an excellent house. The mouse got into its mitten and said: “I’ll live here now.” Then a frog jumped past, she saw a mitten and said: “What a warm mitten!” Who lives here? - I live, violating mouse. And who are you? - And I'm a jumping frog. Let me live with you, it’s so cold outside! -Well...

Who has what??? in 2 words)))


I made 2, vinaigrette and salad crab sticks, it was enough for us, I didn’t even bake a Laurent pie, because I was preparing chicken rolls and mashed potatoes for lunch, mine had already been full since lunch. I forgot to put peas in the vinaigrette:0(I cooked all the vegetables myself. The three of us met at home, my husband is traditional and doesn’t drink, my child is traditional and doesn’t eat salads with mayonnaise, my husband loves crab salad.
So I’m not being perverted, I made food that people eat :-) And I stew chicken with celery in the form of chicken rolls; fresh celery and all sorts of apples and avocados in salads and canned food (except for monopeas and monocorn) will not be eaten by me.
As for the pie, I realized that it would be too much, I’ll bake it for the holidays.

Olivier, shuba, crab with croutons, male whim(with tongue), sea abundance (crab+caviar+squid+eggs), some with avocado and some with pine nuts)) chanterelle salad with scallops (chanterelles taste bitter(((..Well, my men will eat everything))

Increasing soil fertility with manure, humus and green manure plants
...Bring leaf and sawdust humus in the fall from the nearest deciduous forest more leaves, and also rake the leaves from your area, put them in a pile, layering them with earth - let them burn out. At the same time, pest larvae and fungal spores will die. In the spring, these half-rotted leaves can already be added to the soil for digging. You can immediately spread them in a layer of 12-15 cm on the surface of the bed in the fall, be sure to water them well with a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection and immediately dig up the bed using a spade bayonet. Sawdust also needs to be layered with soil and piled up until spring or brought in for digging in the fall. However, do not forget to add...

Candied orange peels.

Candied orange peel(like lemon ones) are often used in baking Easter cakes, buns, muffins, cookies, cheesecakes, etc. You can eat them just like candy. And if you dip it in melted dark chocolate... mmmmmmmm... it's just bliss for gourmets :))) I think that you will definitely find a worthy use for them! ;) Enjoy your meal! Compound orange peels(from 7-10 medium oranges) - ~500 g, sugar - 600 g, water - 400 ml, lemon juice - 4 tablespoons, vanilla - 1 pod...

At least add more spices. Don’t forget the barberry - then you can pour one and a half times less vinegar. Try it! bell pepper with ginger and garlic Salted mini squash, eggplant and zucchini Pickled zucchini Pickled eggplant Pickled zucchini with red currants and peppers with gooseberries Drying Those who have a garden with fruit-bearing trees, bushes and bushes, as well as lush thickets of fruitful strawberries, know well: It is not possible to eat it all here and now. And if the jam no longer comes out, roll compotes and dry the “crackers”. These same “crackers” (dried fruits) on the market, by the way, cost a lot of money. Well, dried apricots with prunes - that’s understandable. A dried cherries you tried? Or strawberries? Delicious. And unlike the cheerful disaster-colored pineapples, syrup is not required to dry the berries at a chemical plant. Just...
...Can be combined. Need I say that all of the above, except sugar and calorie content, also applies to mushrooms? Mushrooms, among other things, need to be checked for worms - worms do not want to dry out and make a public canteen out of mushrooms. It is best to dry the “noble” ones: white boletus, boletus, and boletus. But you can also have russula or chanterelles - if the year is bad. But it’s better to salt milk mushrooms, milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps. Compotes are prepared even easier: fruits and berries are sanitized, dried, filled with syrup, sterilized - and you're done. For variety, you can add spices - not only cinnamon and cloves, but also peppercorns, for example. Or ginger. Lemon peel. Vanilla sticks. Maple syrup. Honey. A couple with...


and cheese eclairs are also great :) that is, the dough is like for eclairs, and you bake such small eclairs, and fill them with grated cheese with garlic and mayonnaise.... it’s true that it takes a long time to cook... it takes two hours.... but it won’t go unnoticed will pass even if you are an hour late.....

What is saltpeter? Please enlighten me, who knows. This is not the first time I’ve read about canning with saltpeter. It sounds scary and unappetizing, but maybe it’s not so bad?

It is prohibited to open windows in kindergartens.

I am very concerned that my child and all children in kindergarten# 1041, which is located at: Moscow, South-Western Administrative District, st. Ivan Babushkina, 13, k2, are deprived of the opportunity to breathe fresh air in the premises. When parents ask: "Why don't you open the windows?" They answer that this is prohibited. Windows can only be opened when children are not in the group. It would seem that a humane approach, the desire to keep children warm... In fact, this is cruel to children. Children are usually...


Does your child complain about the heat in the group?
Mine never complained. Or rather, they complained if the clothes were too inappropriate; for example, we had a knitted sundress, I don’t know what it was made of (either wool with synthetics, or acrylic), so I stopped wearing it. Of course, the sundress was bought by my mother-in-law :)) And it wasn’t hot at the matinees, but I dress easily - only a thin viscose or cotton blouse, no wool or acrylic. And none of the parents puffed and sweated. My husband was hot always and everywhere... while he had an extra 20 kg.

Maybe you just need to draw the teacher’s attention to more careful adherence to the ventilation regime, in accordance with the standards - and this will be enough for fresh air? Maybe you are raising your child to be very seasoned, but not all children are like that.

Well, we don’t have such insanity. Previously, according to health standards, splits were not allowed (I remember well when the eldest went to kindergarten), but now it is possible, but many parents are not against it because of this. And if you don’t open the windows yet, there will be a gas chamber. Although, of course, sometimes it bothers me that the kids are in their underpants and there is a draft in the group. It would be better to ventilate while they are gone

Original mushroom recipes– Russian and Finnish soups, stuffed hats and peppers
... l. dried tarragon 1 large pinch coarse salt 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 pinch fresh chopped tarragon leaves 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice for serving 1 tsp. Wash and dry the mushrooms, set aside some (about 100 g, it is advisable to select the smallest ones) for serving. We chop the chanterelles that we are going to cook now coarsely with a knife. Thinly slice the white part of the leek and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan (reserve a little so that you can fry the small chanterelles that will decorate the soup). Add the onion and fry for 2-3 minutes, then put the carrots in the pan and continue sautéing for another 5 minutes. Add chopped fox...

How to get to the Kremlin territory on your own.

The cost of a single entrance ticket to visit the architectural ensemble of Cathedral Square (without discounts) is 350 rubles. What is a single ticket - this ticket allows you to visit the Assumption, Archangel, Annunciation Cathedrals, the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, the Patriarchal Palace, exhibitions in the Assumption Belfry and the One-Pillar Chamber. The cost of a single ticket with discounts for Russian schoolchildren, students, pensioners, foreign schoolchildren and students (upon presentation of the relevant documents)...

Is it possible to give Bebicalm and Espumisan in parallel or should one be given? I am tormented by vague doubts that Bebicalm is not helping us :(


I gave Bebicalm before meals, and Sab Simplex after meals. And so on at every feeding. We were on IV.

I give babycalm 4 times a day between meals, 1-2 times a day (usually in the late afternoon and at night) I give espumizan, sub-simplex or bobotik (I alternate constantly). A gastroenterologist from Gabrichevsky said that in general, espumizan and analogues can be given to a child up to 6 times a day.

I recommend it - it's good for your health. Other forest lovers go there to pick mushrooms. Many people are interested in whether there are mushrooms in our forest in October and even later? October in our area is the herald of pre-winter. But no matter how warm or stormy it turns out, mushroom pickers always have a chance to return from the forest with a full basket. Quite an extensive list edible mushrooms that can be found in October: bitter mushrooms, fly mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus, black milk mushrooms, boletus mushrooms. Some of them appear in large numbers in the south at this time Leningrad region. But if the autumn is very cold, then the harvests of these mushrooms are insignificant. However experienced mushroom pickers This does not deter me from going into the forest. Because the hardier “toadstools” can help out, despite the fact that the attitude of amateur mushroom pickers towards them...

Mushrooms are bitter not because they have spoiled, you just came across inedible honey mushrooms along with edible ones (there are a lot of them, some are even poisonous). So if all the mushrooms in the freezer are from the same collection, it’s better to throw them out (who knows what got in there).
If not, you can look at them carefully and try to determine whether all the mushrooms are the right ones (if you are good at mushrooms).
I would throw everything away.
After picking, I always sort out the mushrooms myself (and for my husband too) - who knows what he picked there

My parents brought me chanterelles from vacation :) I first thought about frying them with potatoes, and then I saw that I had peppers, zucchini, and tomatoes that I wanted to stuff. Now I'm wondering if I should stuff them fried chanterelles... maybe with rice. Do you think it will be delicious?

You can eat! If you boil and fry them, it turns out quite tasty, only they are slightly bitter, so it’s better mixed with others forest mushrooms. You can lightly salt them when boiled, like lightly salted cucumbers, and eat them cold the next day. Thanks everyone for the advice :))) I’m alive and happy with the snack :)))

Exactly a week ago, my husband brought a bunch of mushrooms. I soaked a pan of milk mushrooms, but it turned out that I only salted them yesterday. I changed the water every day. And now I’m worried - it feels like the mushrooms have a smell, my sense of smell is not very good, maybe it just seems so. Could it be that the mushrooms have become rotten or stinky due to being left in water or whatever they call it? Thank you, sorry for coming here, this is not really cooking, right?


Just a minute, don't throw it away!
Milk mushrooms - black, white, lime (sometimes yellow)?
Black ones are soaked until the caps turn a reddish tint, others - just 2-3-4 days, depending on the size. And even if they “suffocate” on you, the product is still not spoiled, you just need to add more dill and especially garlic - 2-3 large heads per layer.
If you doubt them already at the time of salting, rinse them again and add salt new grass and garlics. And a smell may appear if you don’t take care of the top layer - I usually changed and poured boiling water over the rag and the mug after a day or two, otherwise mold starts growing, and that’s what smells.

Uh, actually, mushrooms should be cooked (frying, freezing, canning, etc.) on the same day they are picked. If they lay in water (even in the refrigerator) for 6 days, then, from my point of view, they have deteriorated hopelessly and irrevocably:((

IN Lately Many housewives, in order to save their own time and increase the volume of mushrooms they can harvest for future use, try to freeze some of them. Almost all mushrooms can be frozen, including chanterelles, and this process essentially preserves sufficient quantity useful substances in these mushrooms, however, for some reason, often when serving dishes prepared using frozen chanterelles, housewives, unfortunately, understand that the mushrooms are somehow bitter! What could cause the bitterness of frozen chanterelles? How to avoid this phenomenon?

It turns out that the natural feature of chanterelles is precisely their bitterness, which manifests itself to an even greater extent after the product is frozen. To remove bitterness, it is recommended to soak mushrooms in water for several hours before freezing. clean water, and then boil in salt water, and the first water after boiling must be drained immediately. If the boiling procedure is performed incorrectly, then the bitterness of the chanterelles will certainly be felt.

Is it possible to remove or at least reduce the feeling of bitterness of frozen chanterelles?

From the experience of housewives, we can say with confidence that most of the bitterness will go away if you rinse the chanterelles immediately after defrosting. cold water, then fry them in vegetable oil, and finally add a small amount of vinegar and all kinds of spices. Part of this procedure actually neutralizes the taste of bitterness, and part of it simply veils it.

Before frying, you can first boil the chanterelles, pouring water on them several times, and then fry them and add them to the preparation of the main dish, but this issue is difficult to deal with. Since the so-called “bitterness” is mainly found in frozen chanterelles, of course, if the entire freezing procedure is carried out correctly, it is felt only by those people who rarely eat these mushrooms.

Those who periodically include this variety of mushrooms in their diet, consuming them after freezing, do not feel any bitterness. They just get used to this specific taste, which is not so unpleasant!

This all applies to properly frozen chanterelles, the freezing technology of which was fully maintained. However, if you have even the slightest suspicion that the mushrooms were not stored or frozen correctly, then it is better to discard such chanterelles and not use them in cooking! Similar products can even cause poisoning.

Kira Stoletova

It is often discovered that chanterelles become bitter after freezing. The bitter taste is naturally present in this type of mushroom, but it is often intensified. To prevent such a situation, you need to know the rules for harvesting and storing crops. If the bitterness cannot be removed, everything is corrected during cooking.

  • Causes of bitterness

    There are two reasons why the taste of chanterelles is bitter: errors during harvesting and improper preparation of mushrooms for storage.

    Improper harvesting

    Chanterelle mushrooms become bitter if they are collected at the wrong time - on dry soil. Also taste qualities depend on the place of growth. You should not pick mushrooms near highways, large industrial enterprises: They absorb toxic substances. Bitterness is also characteristic of chanterelles that are located near coniferous plants or surrounded by moss.

    Inexperienced mushroom pickers may accidentally add false chanterelles, which have unpleasant bitterness. They are distinguished by the bright orange color of their caps (the real ones are deep yellow). The bitter taste quickly spreads to other mushrooms, so you should learn to distinguish edible from poisonous.

    Incorrect workpiece

    Chanterelles also taste bitter after freezing if they are not processed according to the rules. To prevent this from happening, perform the following actions:

    • cleaned of debris, cut out rotten areas, discarded low-quality ones;
    • washed several times;
    • pour cold salted water;
    • after 1.5-2 hours, drain and dry.

    Manipulations are carried out immediately after collection. If the product sits for a certain time, it will accumulate a lot of toxic substances.

    Some housewives prepare mushrooms raw, but then frozen chanterelles taste bitter. To get rid of the unpleasant taste, they are pre-boiled (first 10 minutes, then change the water until cooked). The cooled fruits are placed in sealed containers. Place them in the freezer in small portions ( re-freezing product is not subject to). Frozen cooked mushrooms are more compact than raw ones. This helps save space.

    For first courses, mushrooms are frozen along with the broth in which they were boiled. This is a convenient method for future preparation because it does not require defrosting. The briquettes removed from the freezer are immediately thrown into the pan.

    Larger chanterelles become bitter after freezing, so you should choose small specimens (the caps should not open). They contain more useful substances.

    How to remove bitterness from thawed mushrooms

    When Chanterelles taste bitter after freezing, you should try to remove the unpleasant taste. To do this, mushrooms are thawed at room temperature or place them in cold water.

    If not done before freezing heat treatment, perform the following actions:

    • soak overnight in cold salted water;
    • boil (up to 8 minutes), adding salt or a pinch citric acid, drain and replace the water.

    If the bitter chanterelles were pre-cooked, after defrosting they should be marinated or cooked by adding spices: Bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, dill - or vinegar.

    If all the recommendations are followed, but the vegetables give the dish a bitter taste, the reason often lies in poor quality sunflower oil. A product that is burnt during cooking can also give off a bitter taste. In this case, you should add sour cream or mayonnaise to it and simmer for 15 minutes.

    What could be tastier than chanterelle mushrooms? They are distinguished by unforgettable mushroom aroma and rich taste! In addition, they contain many nutrients which are necessary for our body. They can be used not only in fresh, but also dried, defrosted. They are added to various dishes, they go well with many vegetables. Many housewives complain that after freezing the chanterelles become bitter and this bitterness spoils the dish. Why does this happen and how to prevent the problem?

    Why are chanterelles bitter: reasons, what to do?

    Even fresh chanterelles They are a little bitter, you've probably noticed this. And if they go through the freezing stage, the bitter taste becomes brighter. As a result, dishes prepared with mushrooms also begin to taste bitter, and not everyone likes this.

    Even though bitter chanterelles are not harmful to your health, many people do not like the taste. Did you know that the taste of these mushrooms depends on the place and period of collection? For example, if you picked them in dry weather, the mushrooms contain less moisture during this period, which causes bitterness. We also do not recommend collecting chanterelles that grow near coniferous forests or near moss.

    Why do chanterelles taste bitter after freezing and what to do with them? The best option- It is correct to freeze them initially. If for some reason you were unable to do this, all that remains is to take all necessary measures to eliminate the bitterness.

    How to freeze chanterelles correctly? Never freeze them fresh, otherwise when defrosted they will unpleasantly surprise you with a bitter taste. Before freezing, be sure to boil the mushrooms, this will help get rid of the aftertaste. First, wash them and remove dust and dirt. Leave the chanterelles in cold water for half an hour.

    The exception is very young mushrooms, they can be frozen even fresh, they do not taste bitter. You can recognize young chanterelles by their caps that are not straightened.

    Then place them in a pan and fill it with enough water, add salt. Place on medium heat and wait for the water to boil. Cook the chanterelles for 8-10 minutes, then drain the water and pour in new water. Put it back on the fire and cook until the mushrooms are completely cooked.

    Drain the liquid and let the mushrooms cool completely. We post them in plastic containers or sealable bags. There is no need to put too many mushrooms in one container; when defrosting, you will have to throw away the excess, because mushrooms cannot be re-frozen.

    What to do if frozen chanterelles taste bitter? You have only one option - try to get rid of the bitterness after defrosting. Add a teaspoon of salt to a sufficient amount of water (more is possible) and soak the mushrooms in a weak solution for 7-8 hours.

    If you don’t have time to soak, boil the chanterelles in salted water, after 5-10 minutes, drain the water and replace it with new water, repeat this 2-3 times.

    You can also simplify the task and cook chanterelles with the addition of vinegar or various sauces, spices. Their bright taste will make the bitterness less noticeable.

    How to defrost chanterelles correctly?

    It is also important to defrost the mushrooms correctly. Do not do this in the oven. If you have a microwave with a defrost setting, you can defrost it in it. Just put the mushrooms in the refrigerator or to speed up the process - in warm water. You can also defrost mushrooms at room temperature.

    Another secret - after defrosting, you need to scald the mushrooms with boiling water, then put them in warm milk and leave for a couple of hours. Milk copes well with bitterness and quickly eliminates it.

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