The best turkey dishes: features, recipes, photos. Why turkey meat is valuable: benefits and harms, recommendations for cooking and consumption

Because of high content cholesterol and fat content, many people prefer to give up meat altogether. There has even been an argument that meat does not fit into the concept of green food, which is useful for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, not everyone will benefit from giving up meat. Due to a lack of carbohydrates, proteins and other necessary substances, health problems may begin. So nutritionists advise eating turkey and rabbit meat.

What are the benefits of turkey meat?

This is one of the lowest calorie, but very nutritious types of meat. There is very little cholesterol here - 74 milligrams per hundred grams. Turkey meat is rich in selenium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. And there is as much phosphorus here as in fish. Turkey also contains vitamins: B6, PP, B2, B12, beneficial amino acids.

Shown to children

This meat does not cause allergies - ever. Therefore, it is recommended to give it to children. Turkey meat is very tender and tasty. Sausages, sausages, and dumplings are made from it.

What color is turkey meat

This meat has an interesting feature. This meat is called both white and red. It's all about myoglobin, which is found in muscles. The more active the muscles, the more myoglobin, the redder the meat. For example, chicken contains little myoglobin, since it moves little, this meat is considered white. Beef, on the other hand, has a high myoglobin content because it puts a lot of stress on the cow's muscles due to her weight. Turkey meat should be considered unusual in this regard. Thighs and drumsticks are considered red meat, while wings and breast are considered white meat.

Dietary rabbit meat

Rabbit meat should also be considered dietary, medicinal meat, which should be included in the diet. Many nutritionists around the world think so. It contains little cholesterol and fat, it is quite tasty and nutritious. Back in 1964, in the USA, rabbit meat was recognized as the most dietary, because human body a person absorbs it by ninety percent (for comparison: beef only by sixty percent).

This meat contains a lot of:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • gland;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamins C, PP, B12, B6;
  • amino acids (as many as 19).

Environmental friendliness of rabbit meat

American researchers were able to find out that the rabbit almost does not absorb pesticides into its body. This meat can reduce the dose of radiation, so it is recommended to be eaten by people who live in particularly contaminated areas.

Rabbit meat is indicated for patients who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, including the gallbladder and liver. It can relieve the symptoms of gastritis. And rabbit liver helps excellently with kidney diseases and high blood pressure.

If on November 22 you sit at your desk late, celebrating National holiday USA - Thanksgiving Day, don't consider it a chore - look into the wonderful November sky. There, between the constellation Cygnus and the Pelican Nebula, twinkles a star called Turkey, which may be your destiny. As you know, fate in Rus' has always been a turkey.

Text: Natalya Vorontsova

But, as they say, you can’t escape fate. Now do you understand why turkey meat turned out to be the star of your table on this day?

And be sure to pay attention to the ladies present - with what fearlessness they will devour turkey meat, without any fear of getting fat. And rightly so. Because turkey meat is first and foremost diet food, since it has the fewest calories (per 100 g of boiled turkey only 60 kcal). But it contains a lot of easily digestible protein (almost 28 percent!), and also contains substances that strengthen the immune system and improve tooth enamel (turkey meat - great source phosphorus). But this is not all the benefits - turkey meat supplies our body with lipids and minerals (iron, magnesium, selenium, potassium, manganese, zinc), as well as vitamins A, B 2, B 6, B 12 and daily norm vitamin PP. All together, this will preserve youth, prevent and improve the condition of bones and blood.

But the main thing is that turkey meat does not cause any, including. Don't believe me? Try to replace the next “Kinder Surprise” begged from you in the supermarket. juicy piece turkey meat - and you will see how your child's face will change! Allergic spots and rashes will disappear from it instantly. Turkey is also not prohibited for older people - no age restrictions according to usage this does not exist. There are no restrictions for religious reasons either - turkey meat is characterized by ideal religious tolerance.

Naturally, with such a set of advantages, turkey meat is an excellent way to overcome stress and is a great stimulant. So if you are a diligent student, a suffering poet, or just an average genius, then turkey meat is your best friend. Just don't get carried away. Even healthy turkey good in moderation.

In 2006, a culinary college student won the turkey speed-eating competition held annually in New York City to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Patrick Bertoletti- in 12 minutes, to put it mildly, he ate more than two kilograms of turkey meat. But the previous winner - Sone Thomas nicknamed was unlucky, she was removed from the competition even before the start - unable to resist the sight delicious meat, she sank her teeth into him even before the signal to start the action. After the competition, a satisfied Bertoletti proudly admitted that he had not lost his appetite at all, although his jaw hurt a little, nevertheless, after the end of the competition, he still intended to go to some restaurant to eat pizza.

How to buy the right turkey?

The juiciness and tenderness of turkey meat directly depend on the age and gender of the bird - and here preferences are distributed just like in life. In terms of gastronomic pleasures, an old turkey is more reliable than a young one (the latter has stringy meat), and if you choose from turkeys, then, on the contrary, the young turkey will turn out to be much tastier. In general, it is best to buy one-year-old birds of any sex. The age of a freshly slaughtered bird is immediately visible - young turkeys have smooth skin, and the tip of the breast bone is elastic, it can be easily bent.

The freshness of prey is determined by the beak and muscles. A fresh turkey has a glossy beak, the cut muscles are slightly moist and red in color. If you press on the carcass with your finger, the hole will very quickly level out. If leveling takes a minute or more, then this is a good reason to inspect the carcass very carefully - if its surface is wet in some places, sticky under the wings and in the folds of the skin, then it is better not to buy such a bird.

And read the label carefully! The designations on domestic and imported products are basically the same. The inscription fresh means that the product is fresh, which was stored at a temperature of 0°C. The inscription frozen will indicate that this is a frozen product. Natural - will tell you that everything was in order with the food of such a turkey, it was not stuffed with any artificial additives. The inscription free range will tell you about the free grazing of birds. And it’s best if the label says organic, which means that the turkey you liked was definitely not fed antibiotics, which means you won’t have them either.

How to cook a delicious turkey

Turkey is loved not only in America. For example, in France it is stewed in olive oil and red wine, in Spain - stuffed with sausages, raisins and nuts. And the meticulous English physicist Peter Barham even came up with the ideal formula for roasting a turkey, claiming that his scientific calculations take into account absolutely all parameters, from the temperature difference between the refrigerator and oven to the radius and geometry of the turkey itself, which she reported to her readers with endless surprise The Times. Perhaps the scientific success of the unusual formula lies at the very beginning of its justification, which sounds like this: “ The best way Turkey preparation - cut the bird into pieces and cook the breast, legs and wings separately.” As they say, no comments.

Recipe from "Zdravkom": Ukrainian-style turkey, stewed with rice

Boil rice (about a glass) until half cooked, rinse cold water, dry, add salt, mix with butter(slightly less than a 200-gram pack), eggs (no more than two pieces per medium-sized bird), seedless raisins. Cut off the first wing section of the turkey. Rub the inside of the carcass with ginger, stuff it with prepared rice, sew it up, put it in a pan, cover it with finely chopped vegetables and spices (onions, carrots, parsley, bay leaves, celery, pepper), pour a little boiling water, add some salt, simmer on the stove over low heat for about an hour and a half. . Then place the turkey in the oven for a short time (without a lid) until it browns.

Don't try to put as much stuffing into the turkey as possible - the stuffing will expand as it bakes. As soon as the bird is ready, it is better to immediately remove the filling from it.

The larger the bird, the longer it takes to cook - if a two-kilogram turkey takes two hours, then, for example, a five-kilogram carcass will require three and a half hours.

Turkey is considered healthy and dietary meat, balanced in the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is low in cholesterol, easily digestible, contains valuable vitamins and microelements, does not cause allergies and is suitable for feeding newborns. - ideal meat for a home diet, so today we are going to the store or market to choose good turkey, the quality of which determines the taste, attractiveness and, of course, the benefits of dishes. I want to cook something tasty and fresh for my family. homemade food, so you shouldn’t skimp on turkey.

How to choose turkey meat by appearance

High-quality turkey has different shades of reddish color - it can be soft pink or dark red. Red meat has more protein and less fat, while light meat has the opposite, so turkey meat with pink muscle tissue is considered the best. The skin of the bird should be dry, firm and smooth, but not slippery, as this indicates the meat has been sitting on the counter too long. When feeling the carcass, press it with your finger - if the dent remains, it means that the meat is far from fresh and is not worth buying, no matter how attractive the price.

A turkey should weigh approximately 5–10 kg - it is at this weight that its meat is most delicious. The greater the body weight of the bird, the older it is, and old meat is not suitable for food, as it is too tough and dry. Turkey meat is tender and soft, but is considered immature because it is low in vitamins and nutrients.

When choosing a turkey, pay attention to the scallop and legs. The comb is usually light-colored, and the legs of the young bird are round, smooth and gray. The turkey belly is soft, moist and slightly shiny, and the carcass should be free of stains and damage, with a pleasant and fresh smell.

Which turkey meat is better: growing and storage conditions

If you have a choice, buy birds that have been raised in the wild rather than in a cage. The fact is that active movements, healthy conditions content, natural food and plenty of sun have a good effect on the taste of meat, which cannot be said about birds languishing in poultry farms. Interestingly, turkey raised in good conditions, does not lose its taste and nutritional value even with aging. It turns out that farm organic products are ideal for feeding a family.

It is difficult to choose frozen one in the store, since it is impossible to touch it and check for softness and elasticity. In this case, you will have to trust the manufacturer and not chase a cheap product, since, as a rule, it is of dubious quality. In some cases, frozen poultry can be a lifesaver, especially before the holidays, when there is pandemonium and excitement in the markets. At least American housewives are taking care in advance that they won’t be left without food on Thanksgiving Day. festive table, which is always decorated with delicious baked turkey. When buying meat in advance, be sure to check the expiration date of the product and the tightness of the packaging.

Turkeys are usually slaughtered in early autumn, so best time purchases fresh meat- from October to December.

What parts of turkey are suitable for cooking?

Turkey thigh and drumstick are considered the most delicious and tender meat, not inferior in softness to pork, especially if baked in foil or in a sleeve. In addition, it is stuffed, stewed and made into mince for cutlets. No less tasty is the tail part of the turkey - the tail, which is also different affordable price. It is first marinated, and then stewed, fried, baked and added to soups. Turkey fillet, especially breast, is used for any dishes and is indispensable in baby food.

Fleshy turkey gizzards are suitable for aspic and roast; they are made from liver delicious pates, and the heart is added to salads and soups. The turkey wing is boiled, fried, baked and marinated, the neck is bought for jellied meat and soups, and the turkey back is rich, thick and aromatic broths. For baking, take a gutted half carcass and a carcass, which is stuffed with vegetables, fruits, nuts and rice.

Capricious gourmets believe that the best are grown only in North America and Canada. However, you can buy good poultry from us if you know the places and understand the intricacies the right choice. Over time, experience will come, and you will learn to accurately identify good turkey meat, which makes tasty, nutritious and healthy dishes for big family. Cook turkey in different ways and share recipes with readers of the “Eat at Home” website!

Valuable turkey meat is expensive, but different unusual taste and numerous beneficial properties. Nutritionists strongly recommend including turkey in your diet, and for good reason.

Chemical composition and calorie content of turkey meat

Turkey is the largest of all domestic birds. An adult female can weigh no less than 35 kg. The weight of the carcass can reach ten kilograms, and the smallest one stretches at least five kilos. And all this is not only tasty, but also wonderfully healthy meat.

Turkey meat contains the following elements:

Vitamins E, A, B, K, PP;

Microelements iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, magnesium;

The most important amino acids are lysine, thiamine, isoleucine, histidine;

Atomic Gold;



Every 100 grams of turkey meat contains 75 mg of cholesterol. Thanks to its excellent absorption, it does not harm blood vessels. Moreover, the cholesterol in turkey meat prevents the concentration of harmful lipids that come with food. Turkey meat is organically included in metabolic processes, enriching the body useful substances and preventing the development of dangerous diseases.

First of all, nutritionists note great amount iron in turkey meat. The benefits of turkey meat for patients with anemia are very high. A small portion of the product helps prevent the development of anemia. For comparison: red beef meat, which doctors recommend for anemia, contains half as much iron as turkey meat.

Magnesium strengthens the heart muscle, and there is almost as much phosphorus as in fish. That is why the calcium contained in turkey meat is completely absorbed and helps strengthen teeth, nails and bone tissue.

Sodium and potassium ensure stable performance of cardio-vascular system, and vitamins of group PP and B are needed for normal operation nervous system. Moreover, turkey meat is superior in sodium content to beef and veal. It’s easy to verify the high content of this microelement: try cooked turkey. The meat will have a salty taste. This means there is no need to use a lot of salt, which further increases beneficial features product.

There is so much protein in turkey meat that it can be used as a natural builder. muscle mass. By the way, many athletes take advantage of this opportunity.

The average calorie content of turkey meat does not exceed 150 kcal. The lowest calorie fillet (just over 100 calories), the most high calorie content wings, skinned (190 calories). By the way, skinless poultry meat becomes less fatty and high in calories.

The benefits of turkey meat

Protein must be supplied to the human body daily. Protein norm for healthy body– 1 gram for every kilogram of body weight. Turkey is an ideal source of natural protein necessary to maintain normal muscle mass. This is why, by the way, the benefits of turkey meat for pregnant women and children are especially great.

The product is easily absorbed without causing heaviness in the stomach. The beneficial properties of turkey meat are as follows:

Provides an optimal level of hematopoiesis;

Normalizes metabolic processes;

Reduces cholesterol levels;

Stimulates cell renewal;

Activates brain function;

Normalizes work endocrine system;

Prevents the development of atherosclerosis;

Indicated for hypertension and osteochondrosis;

Has a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system;

Strengthens joints and bones;

Helps get rid of depression and insomnia;

Prevents early aging;

Strengthens male strength, indicated for reduced potency.

Turkey meat is useful for those who want to lose weight, and therefore is indispensable for obesity. Protein will provide energy and fill you up for a long time, and the absence of carbohydrates will help start the processes of fat breakdown. It is optimal to combine turkey with leafy green vegetables.

There is evidence that turkey meat prevents the development oncological diseases due to the high content of antioxidant substances. Therefore, those who are predisposed to this terrible disease or are simply looking after their health should include turkey in their diet.

Has a beneficial effect on health fresh broth, cooked from turkey. It can be eaten at the first signs of a viral disease, and during the recovery period after ARVI or surgery, and for any ailment. The decoction, saturated with vitamins and microelements, acts as a natural safe energy drink, giving strength, restoring good mood.

Turkey meat in baby food

The rapid growth of muscle and bone tissue, the development of the nervous system and brain, which occur in childhood, require special nutrition. Turkey meat contains exactly those vitamins, amino acids and minerals that a growing body really needs. So the benefits of turkey meat for children and teenagers are invaluable.

Allergies to turkey protein are extremely rare. Therefore, there is practically no harm from turkey meat. This is especially important when it comes to infants receiving their first meat feeding. Pediatricians advise children prone to allergies to give turkey puree to prevent a negative reaction. immune system.

Second important point– this is an excellent digestibility of turkey dishes. The meat will not overload gastrointestinal tract a small child, but will give the body all its benefits. The main thing is to cook the turkey correctly, using a steamer or pan. You can combine meat with puree from boiled vegetables: potatoes, zucchini.

For older children, during the period of active muscle and bone growth, it is also very important to cook turkey meat. It will ensure normal skeletal growth, brain and nervous system development. In addition, turkey meat will strengthen the immune system and prevent viral diseases during the flu and colds.

Harm from turkey meat

Turkey meat is also completely safe for the body of an adult. However, you need to remember potential danger, which is always reserved for allergy sufferers. Turkey meat, as a rule, does not harm them, but there are exceptions. Perhaps individual intolerance is the only prohibition that exists on eating “Spanish chicken”.

Meanwhile, there are certain restrictions that should be kept in mind. So, people suffering from the following ailments should not eat a lot of protein:

Kidney failure;


Urolithiasis disease;


The fact is that protein food overloads the kidneys. Therefore, it is important for nephrology patients to reduce the amount of protein entering the body. Hypertensive patients do not need to completely give up turkey. However, it is always important for them to remember to reduce the amount of salt and fat. That is, cook mainly the breast and drain it purely symbolically, in order to only enhance the naturally salty taste of this meat.

The skin of poultry contains the largest amount of fat. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that everyone who strives for health and longevity remove it before cooking.

In addition, it is important to remember the danger of salmonella contamination in poultry meat. It means that heat treatment it should be given great attention, especially when it comes to baby food.

Turkey meat ranks second in popularity after chicken. The best meat is considered to be young poultry, the weight of which reaches about 10 kg. To obtain meat, farmers raise hybrid birds, which are unpretentious and quickly gain weight. Largest quantity Turkey meat is supplied to the market by American farmers.

Turkey meat is very tender, pink in color with a beige tint, which can turn reddish (see photo). This meat has virtually no fat. Turkey breast, like chicken breast, is colored White color and drier compared to other parts of the bird.

How to select and store?

Today in the store you can buy both fresh and frozen meat, and the bird can be whole or cut into pieces. To get tasty and healthy dish, you need to choose the right turkey meat. To do this, follow these recommendations:

Fresh turkey meat must be wiped to remove excess moisture, wrapped in plastic wrap or foil, and refrigerated, but not for more than 1 day. If the temperature is from 0 to 2 degrees, and the humidity varies from 80 to 85%, then the period can be increased to 7 days. If you use blast freezing meat, the storage time is approximately 1 year in the freezer.

The benefits of white turkey meat

The benefits of turkey meat are due to its low calorie content, so it is considered the most dietary. It is often recommended to be included in the diet therapeutic nutrition. The product contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other substances. Turkey meat is considered a hypoallergenic product, so it can be given to children without fear. The rich composition allows you to increase the protective functions of the body, as well as improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Turkey meat has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, which in turn helps to cope with insomnia, stress, depression and other problems.

It is recommended to include turkey meat in the diet for older people, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is also useful for those who are actively involved in sports or have suffered a serious illness. Turkey contains sodium in large quantities, which increases blood plasma and improves metabolism. Turkey contains omega-3, which is important for normal heart function and for the brain. This meat contains large quantities of B vitamins, which improve metabolism. It contains calcium, which is important for bone tissue and the nervous system. Turkey also contains vitamin K, which strengthens blood vessels.

Use in cooking

Turkey meat can be cooked different ways, So it can be stewed, fried, boiled, grilled, steamed, and smoked. In addition, canned food, pate and various meat products. Many people like to roast whole poultry, and this dish is especially appreciated in the United States, as it is the main dish during the Thanksgiving Day celebration. Turkey meat goes well with vegetables and mushrooms and is served with various side dishes. The taste of poultry can be varied with marinades and sauces. It is customary to make minced meat from meat, which is used to make cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, etc. It is also used as a filling for a variety of baked goods, for example, pies and lasagna.

Cooking secrets

So that you can get tasty, juicy and aromatic dish made from turkey meat, there are several features of its preparation. Now we will reveal a few secrets to you:

Harmful effects of turkey meat and contraindications

Turkey meat can be harmful to people who have an individual intolerance, but this is extremely rare. Because of large quantity protein, it is necessary to use the product with caution in case of renal failure, gout, and also urolithiasis. It is also worth considering that turkey meat contains a lot of sodium, so hypertensive patients should not use salt when preparing it. This product should not be used in large quantities, since leftovers that are not digested will begin to rot in the intestines, which can lead to the development of various diseases.
