How long to hard boil quail eggs. How long and how to cook quail eggs

Supporters loved quail eggs proper nutrition for their usefulness, and for parents of small children also for their digestibility and hypoallergenicity. How long should you boil eggs to preserve their taste and benefits?

How to hard boil?

They became mandatory ingredient breakfast for Japanese schoolchildren. We are more accustomed to chicken analogues, which are inferior to smaller competitors in terms of the amount of microelements and vitamins. Another advantage of a product created by quail is that they are much less likely to be infected with salmonellosis. But it’s still better to play it safe and not eat a “toy” egg raw. How long to cook quail eggs hard-boiled?

Simple culinary process takes place in accordance with the following algorithm:

    1. Remove the quail eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they become warm - this way they are less likely to break.
    2. Rinse very carefully under running water.
  • Place in a container with water. It should completely cover them.
  • Cook until done.
  • After boiling, drain hot water and pour the cooked product cold to make it easier to peel.

But how can this readiness be determined? How long to boil hard-boiled eggs? Experienced housewives share a secret about cooking time. Some claim that 4 minutes is enough, otherwise the protein will be overcooked and become rubbery. Others believe that longer is better - there will be no harm from it. It’s a matter of taste, and it’s up to you to decide how long to boil hard-boiled eggs after boiling, but the generally accepted norm is 5 minutes.

There is another recipe for cooking - immerse it in already boiling water. This must be done carefully so that the fragile shell does not break. Pre-placed salt in water will protect against leakage. Usually this is 2 tablespoons.

How to soft-boil?

Many people like it delicate taste semi-liquid yolk. How long to cook soft-boiled quail eggs so that the yolk does not have time to become hard? They are cooked in exactly the same way - the only difference is time. You need to remove the pan from the heat after 2 - 2.5 minutes. Useful, low calorie breakfast or snack is ready.

To ensure that quail eggs hit each other less during cooking, you need to place them closely - as many and close to each other as possible.

How to cook in the microwave?

This modern way preparation, which is designed to relieve the cook from constant supervision of the cooked dish and from obsessive doubts about how long to boil hard-boiled eggs. The algorithm will help you cook them in the microwave:

    1. Take a deep ceramic or glass cup.
    2. Lay out the eggs and then add cool water.
    3. Turn the power control to 450-500 watts.
    4. Set the timer for 3 minutes.
  • Remove after the bell rings and be sure to cool the dish in cold water.

How many minutes should you cook soft-boiled quail eggs in the microwave? 1 minute is enough. Minimum effort and time.

Can it be cooked in a slow cooker?

If some samples of quail product have damaged shells, you can save them using a slow cooker. To do this, you need to pour water into its container and put these little quail gifts there, after washing it, and select the steaming program.

How long should you cook quail eggs in a slow cooker? Hard-boiled will be ready in 7 minutes, soft-boiled in 3-4 minutes. The household appliance will let you know when the cooking time has ended by ringing. You need to take out and pour the product cold water.

New recipes

Few people will be surprised by simply boiled eggs. You can please your family a familiar product, having prepared it unusually. Poached eggs have been known for a long time, but it's worth a try french recipe on a quail egg. It's much easier than it looks:

    1. Pour water into a saucepan and boil.
  • Add a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of acetic acid.
  • Stir the water until a funnel appears in the center.
  • Carefully peel the blunt end of the egg and pour the contents into the boiling funnel.
  • Remove the dish with a slotted spoon after 2 minutes.

If you don’t manage to cook it correctly the first time, then every time you do it you’ll get it faster. How easy it is to prepare, so delicious poached egg it turns out.

Are you ready to take a risk and cook poached meat in the microwave? Take a glass glass, add a teaspoon of salt and vinegar to it and break the egg. You don't need to wait much. At a power of 500 W, the dish will be ready in just half a minute. The outside of the white will become firm, keeping the yolk tender and soft.

Boiled quail eggs can be placed in light, but nutritious and vitamin salads and connect with boiled chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs. Or decorate a dish with such a cute decor. In any case, they diversify the diet and enrich the body with essential microelements.

Everyone has known for a long time - heard, read, in snatches or in detail. Anyway, dietary properties Quail eggs deserve special attention. They are especially useful raw: But preparing them is very simple. Today we will tell you how long to cook quail eggs and how quickly and easily to peel them.

If you drink 2 raw quail eggs every morning on an empty stomach, you will feel that the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and heartburn has long gone, your nails and hair have become more beautiful, your complexion has evened out and your skin looks fresher.

And all because quail eggs are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The Japanese have long taken note of the ability of quail eggs to release radionucleids and therefore, every schoolchild is required to receive 2 quail eggs for breakfast - this is the law.

In addition, quail eggs are hypoallergenic, so even people with bronchial asthma and children from an early age can eat them. However, in everything you need to know when to stop and be careful, because everything is individual and even quail eggs can cause allergies (even anti-allergy drugs cause it in some people), so listen to yourself more often, start small and watch, watch yourself.

Boiled quail eggs are an excellent breakfast - light and nutritious.

Boil quail eggs Just. First, it is better to wash them thoroughly under running water. There are controversial opinions about the contamination of quail eggs with salmonella, so without further ado, I still thoroughly wash the eggs of all birds. In addition, it has long been known that a person himself often infects food with salmonella if he does not wash the eggs thoroughly.

So, to boil a quail egg, put it in cold water so that it covers the eggs.

Soft-boiled quail eggs cook for 2 minutes after the water boils

Hard-boiled quail eggs cook for 4-5 minutes after the water boils.

Then quickly drain the boiling water and pour in cold water. Leave until the eggs cool. Then we clean it.

Contrary to popular belief, peeling quail eggs is easy, you just need to know how to do it correctly.

Lightly mash the cooled quail egg in your hands or roll it on the table to completely break the thin shell, and then simply remove the entire shell with a ribbon. eggshells-like this:

Boiled quail eggs can be eaten at any time - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Hard-boiled quail eggs can be used to make many snacks for a quick fix. Here are a couple of recipes for you.

Scotch quail eggs - video recipe

An original snack for your holiday table - delicious and satisfying.

Festive appetizer of quail eggs with red caviar:

The most spectacular appetizer- of course with caviar - red or black.

You don’t have to convince anyone of the benefits of such a snack; both ingredients have the most beneficial properties.


  • 5 hard-boiled quail eggs
  • black or red caviar
  • greens for decoration (optional)

The preparation is simple:

Hard-boil quail eggs, cool, peel and cut in half.

We put caviar on each half, you can stick a green sprig of dill or parsley or finely chop the dill and sprinkle it on the eggs, and then put the caviar.

Place everything together on a lettuce leaf and serve.

An appetizer of quail eggs and red caviar is ready!

And the second option is no less effective and useful.

Appetizer of quail eggs with salted trout


  • 8 quail eggs
  • 200-250 g lightly salted trout
  • 1 lemon
  • arugula or other greens (dill, parsley)
  • some red or black caviar

The preparation is very simple:

Hard-boil quail eggs (you can soft-boil them), peel them.

Cut the trout into thin slices and wrap around the eggs.

Place portions into an outlet or on shared dish, garnish with a thin slice of lemon, red caviar, and green leaves. Gourmet snack trout and quail eggs are ready!

Bon appetit!

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IN Lately The demand for quail eggs has increased rapidly. And for good reason, because one small spotted egg is a whole treasure trove nutrients, so in demand by the human body.

They are rich in calcium and vitamins A, B, D, C, as well as easily digestible protein. All these vitamins and microelements stimulate increased immunity, improve brain activity and hematopoietic processes. Quail eggs are simply recommended for those who are watching their weight: they are low in calories - 160 kcal. per 100 grams of product. This product plays an exceptional role in the nutrition of children prone to allergies: unlike chicken, quail does not cause diathesis.

There are many cooking options: boiled, baked, fried. Some even prefer to eat them raw. However heat treatment does not in any way affect the benefits of quail eggs, leaving all trace elements and vitamins unchanged. It is only important not to overexpose them for more than seven minutes during heat treatment.

How to choose and store correctly?

When buying these spotted eggs, you should pay attention to their appearance and freshness, because if you eat a stale product, you risk getting a gastrointestinal upset. Take a good look at the place where food is stored. They can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three months, and when room temperature- no more than one. You can check how fresh an egg is without even leaving the counter: a fresh egg should not be light in weight.

However, a quail egg is many times smaller, but also more expensive than a chicken egg. As you know, this explains the exceptional benefits of spotted eggs, which are many times greater than those of chicken eggs. This is an indisputable reason to include quail eggs in your menu whenever possible.

How to cook?

There is no special wisdom in boiling a quail egg: they are prepared in exactly the same way as the chicken eggs we are used to. For cooking you will need: a clean pan, quail eggs, water, salt.

During cooking, the shell often breaks and the contents can leak out. To prevent this from happening, it is better to warm the quail eggs in advance at room temperature, removing them from the refrigerator.

First, pour water into the pan, then add a little salt so that the salt prevents the shell from breaking down in boiling water. Next, you need to put the pan on the stove to boil. After waiting for this moment, you need to lower the required number of quail eggs into boiling water and leave them to cook until tender, turning the heat to medium.

How long to cook quail eggs? In order for all the beneficial substances to be preserved after cooking, it is important to withstand a certain time. Chicken ones take longer to cook than quail ones. It is worth remembering that it only takes 3 minutes to cook soft-boiled, and 5-7 for hard-boiled. Do not overexpose the product in water, as this will negatively affect taste properties. After they are cooked, it is better to immerse them in cold water: this way they will cool faster and peeling them will be much easier.

Boiled eggs will be enjoyed both as an appetizer and as a component of some other dishes.

What can you cook?

Quail eggs are included in numerous recipes porridge, snacks, first and second courses. These little testicles greatly improve taste qualities any dish where traditionally it is customary to use chicken. Some people like to drink them raw to boost immunity, but from a medical point of view there are many controversial issues on this issue. The main argument against this is the high risk of salmonellosis infection. Therefore, doctors still advise subjecting them to heat treatment - doing it correctly will not affect the benefits in any way. In addition, there are a lot of useful and delicious recipes– both for every day and for the holiday table!

Fried quail eggs

This simple scrambled eggs it turns out to be both pleasant to the taste and filling useful substances, included in the list dietary dishes. To prepare this dish, take a dozen quail eggs, beat them and fry them in a frying pan with olive oil, adding salt to taste.


The waste product of quail in an omelet is much better accepted by the body due to the milk content in it. The recipe is very familiar to every housewife: you need to mix the whipped mass with milk. After this, you can add a little salt, soda, chopped herbs or tomatoes - to taste. Bake the omelette in a frying pan until cooked on both sides.


This easy-to-prepare dish is suitable for both everyday and festive table. To prepare such meatballs you need to take: minced meat - 500 g, quail eggs - 10 pcs., champignons - 200 g, cream, salt, spices, garlic - to taste. To begin, salt the minced meat and season with spices, adding three cloves of garlic to taste. Next, add finely chopped mushrooms to the minced meat and mix. We take pre-boiled quail eggs and peel them. Place one egg into the minced meat and form meatballs. Place the resulting meatballs with the egg inside on a greased baking sheet. Fill them with sauce made from salted and peppered cream. Place in the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes at 200 degrees.

If you follow proper nutrition, eggs must be present in a person’s menu. This product is rich in essential protein and calcium. But chicken eggs can carry a danger in the form of salmonella bacteria. In addition, excessive consumption chicken product provokes an increase in cholesterol levels in human blood. Quail eggs are three times healthier and three times smaller. They have their own unique taste. Quail product can be eaten raw. This way the body will receive as many vitamins and minerals as possible. How and how long to cook quail eggs?

Preparing quail eggs and cooking in a saucepan

Don't know how to boil quail eggs? Like chicken, they need to be prepared first. As a rule, quail testicles are treated with a special product. Thus, no pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms remain on the surface of the shell. Because of this, the product should be stored in the refrigerator separately from other types of eggs that have been processed.

So, before cooking the product, follow these steps:

  • Rinse the testicles under running, cold water. After this, place it in a saucepan. The dishes should be of such a size that the eggs are evenly and tightly distributed across the bottom of the pan. This ensures they remain motionless during cooking.
  • Fill the product with cold water. It is necessary that the liquid covers the dish by about 3 cm.
  • Add a couple of teaspoons table salt. Salt is needed so that the shell does not burst or crack during cooking. And after cooking, the eggs will be very easy to peel.
  • Set the heat on the stove to as high as possible. This will allow the eggs to boil faster.
  • After boiling, the heat is reduced to medium. The cooking time depends on how you want the product - hard-boiled, soft-boiled.
  • After cooking, soak the eggs in cold water for 3-5 minutes.

Cooking time for soft-boiled quail eggs

As always, before cooking, the product is washed under cold water. It is better to let the eggs sit at room temperature. Let the water in the pan pre-boil. During the boiling process, salt is added. Quail eggs are already immersed in the boiling liquid. This must be done using a spoon. After all, if the product cracks a little, it will completely break, and the white and yolk will leak out.

Hard-boiled quail eggs are often used for cooking various dishes. In particular, they are needed for salads and cream soups. In order for the product to turn out, you must go through all the stages described in the previous paragraph. The eggs are also placed in boiling water. How long does it take to hard-boil quail eggs? This period will take 5 minutes. If you put eggs in cold water, they should cook for another 2 minutes after boiling.

How and for how long are quail eggs hard-boiled?

Quail eggs can also be cooked in the microwave. To do this, the product is washed under water and placed in a special container that is used for the microwave. Next, cold liquid is poured in so as to completely cover the testicles. The microwave is set to a minimum power of 500 W. The time is set to 3 minutes. After this, the dish is ready.

How to boil quail eggs in a double boiler?

When using a double boiler to cook a product, the most difficult thing is to guess the cooking time. It all depends on the size of the eggs and the power of the steamer. As a rule, for this cooking method you will need:

  • 6 minutes for hard-boiled eggs;
  • 3 minutes for a soft-boiled dish.

Cooking the product in an egg cooker

Today, a kitchen device such as an egg boiler is gaining popularity. This device guarantees the cooking of eggs without cracking of the skin, blue yolk, and other problems when cooking this food. But not every device model has a net for small quail eggs. If there is one, go through the following steps:

  • Rinse the ingredient;
  • Pierce the wide part of the peel with a needle, which is one of the components of the kit;
  • Place the ingredients in the mesh so that the puncture is at the bottom;
  • Pour cold water to the indicated line;
  • Turn on the egg cooker.

Preparing eggs for a child

Because of small size, interesting appearance quail eggs are readily eaten by children. In addition, they are very useful for a young, growing body. But, to prepare a dish for a child, the eggs are placed only in cold water. This way the product is guaranteed to be cooked and will not cause harm to the body.

The cooking time is at least 5 minutes. Therefore, children can only be given hard-boiled eggs. It is better to give infants both yolk and white soft form. To do this, the purified product is kneaded on a plate with a spoon or fork. But, you can include them in complementary foods only with the permission of your pediatrician.

The extent to which the product retains its usefulness will depend on how long to cook quail eggs correctly. In addition to the fact that these eggs can be boiled, they can also be fried, baked or even eaten raw. Unlike the big chicken egg This product is miniature, which means the cooking time is automatically reduced.

If we talk about how long to cook quail eggs for a child or an adult, then five minutes will be enough. During this time, the product will be sufficiently boiled, but will not lose vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Important! Before purchasing a pack, be sure to look at the expiration date and storage conditions. In the refrigerator, quails can be stored for up to three months, but at room temperature this period is reduced to a maximum of 30 days. Freshness is easily determined by weight. Fresh egg won't be easy.

What else is important to consider

The average weight of one testicle is only a dozen grams. It is clear that this is several times less than the weight of a chicken egg. At the same time, the price of the described product is several times higher. It's connected with invaluable benefits effect that quail eggs have on human health. A huge plus is that they do not cause allergies.

About cooking methods

To boil quail eggs you will need standard set dishes. This is a saucepan, water and salt. It is important that the pan is not large in size. If the eggs hit each other during cooking, they may burst. Also, to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended to remove the product from the refrigerator several hours before boiling.

Cold water is poured into the pan and salt is added. Salt is the third way to protect against eggs from breaking during cooking. Place the pan on the fire and wait until it boils. Next, place the eggs in water and cook over medium heat. The product must be completely covered with water.

Interesting! One hundred grams of eggs of this type contain only 160 calories. At the same time, you can quickly get enough of quail eggs, and you can also cook various dishes with this product.

About cooking time

Most actual question Of course, how long to boil quail eggs for salad or for... Due to their size, quail eggs will cook faster. To cook soft-boiled eggs, three minutes is enough; to hard-boil the product, you need to wait five minutes.

Too long in the water this product You can’t keep it: it will spoil the taste. Boiled eggs are placed in cold water so that they can be peeled faster.

Briefly about cooking time:
Soft-boiled. It is enough to cook for 2-3 minutes from the moment of lowering;
Hard-boiled. Cook for five minutes;
It is always important to remove eggs from hot water immediately;

Various tricks

If you have already come across boiled quail eggs, then you know that they have an irregular shape after boiling. There is a part of the shell with air where the liquid is not distributed. To ensure that the eggs are perfectly shaped after boiling, you will need to pierce them with a needle from the blunt end. Then the air protection will burst, and the protein will evenly fill the space.

Drop the eggs into the pan using a teaspoon one at a time. If an egg of this type is overcooked, the yolk will have a characteristic strong tint. The product itself will be difficult to chew and will taste like rubber. To clean quickly and easily, you need to first roll the egg in your hand, and then remove the shell in one plane.

How to boil poached eggs

In principle, even this small product you can boil it like this in a refined way. True, you will have to spend more effort and time on preparation. Place the water and wait until it boils. Then pour 10 grams into it table vinegar. Break the egg shell and carefully place it in the water. Now literally no more than three minutes and carefully remove with a spatula.

Should I use an egg boiler?

Of course, this is the easiest way to quickly deal with this product. A timer will help, on which you can set the type of eggs, and the device will automatically calculate the time. With such a miracle household appliances The housewife doesn’t even need to know how many minutes to hard-boil quail eggs, because the device does everything for her.

It is believed that steamed eggs will be the healthiest. Also, when using an egg boiler, the product’s shell will definitely not crack.

These are the most important aspects that are taken into account when boiling quail eggs for salads or other dishes. The product is considered pure because there is no need to feed quails with hormones and growth stimulants. Let it be in yours healthy diet Quail eggs are a must. By the way, when cooking you can also use this type eggs
