Dried dogwood: beneficial properties and contraindications, features of use and treatment. Eating dogwood makes you feel strong


  • Dogwood

How to dry dogwood in the dryer step by step instructions with photos:

We will need:

  • Colander
  • Baking tray


  • Dogwood

How to properly dry dogwood at home

Since ancient times, people have known that dogwood is very useful medicinal plant. Dogwood berries are a source of vitamin C. Dogwood berries contain more of this vitamin than rose hips and lemons. It is not for nothing that dogwood berries have been used as an antiscorbutic remedy for a very long time. Dogwood berries have a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar, which is why they are used in the treatment of diabetes. In addition, scientists have proven the anti-inflammatory, restorative, tonic, and choleretic properties of dogwood.

Dogwood is not only healthy, but also tasty, so housewives make jam from it, prepare jams, sauces, compotes, and jellies. Great way dogwood preparations for the winter - drying. This harvesting method does not require much time or physical investment. There are several ways to dry dogwood at home - in the air, in well-ventilated areas, in the oven and in an electric dryer.

For drying, choose bright red, large, ripe, but not overly ripe berries no defects, stains or damage. Dry dogwood berries along with the seeds, as they contain a lot useful substances. Dried dogwood Store in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark place. Dried dogwood can be stored without losing its properties for 1 year.

Dogwood can be wild or artificially cultivated; there are also albino plants whose berries are yellow.

Unripe berries are characterized by a tart-sour taste, and after ripening they have pleasant aroma and become sweet and sour.

There are about fifty species of dogwood, among which you can find both shrubs and trees. The most popular in our latitudes are ruby, Pyatigorsk pear-shaped and Vladimir varieties.

The fruits of some species of the subgenus Swida can be poisonous to humans.

Dogwood fruits are used in the production of brandy, wines, juices, syrups and marmalade.

How to dry dogwood

Drying is the most optimal way to harvest dogwood, which does not require a lot of time or money.

For harvesting, it is better to choose fully ripe, healthy fruits that are bright red in color, but not soft or overripe.

They can be wild or cultivated.

After sorting the berries, rinse them under running water. cold water. Sometimes it is added to the water table vinegar or soda, for disinfection. Then the stalks are removed.

Dogwood is dried in three ways

The first way is in the sun

Washed berries with seeds are laid out in a place where humidity is minimal, on thick paper or fabric. Also, before arranging, you can blanch the berries in boiling water for 2-5 minutes.

Dogwood should be dried in the open air, avoiding direct exposure sun rays and moisture ingress.

You must remember to stir it periodically to ensure even drying. After 3–5 days, when the berries have dried, they are removed for storage.

The second method is in the oven

Whole dogwood fruits are dried in an oven or a special dryer. Initially, it is necessary to keep them at a temperature of 50–60 ° C, and then increase it to 70–75 ° C.

This method takes less time than the first.

Third way

Lavash is made from dogwood. The berries are washed and the pulp is rubbed to remove the seeds. The pulp, crushed into a pulp, is laid out for drying in a continuous thin layer, preferably on a wooden tray or board.

Displayed outdoors in a well-ventilated place. After drying, long strips of pulp are formed - pita bread.

Before drying, you can add a little salt to the crushed pulp to protect the pita bread from rotting. Lavash is used as a seasoning.

In order for dried dogwood to be viscous and sweet, the berries previously prepared for drying are immersed for 6–8 in hot water. sugar syrup and let cool.

Then they are discarded in a colander and again poured with heated syrup; after 5–6, the berries and syrup are brought to a boil. Again, the berries are placed in a colander and laid out on paper to dry.

It is optimal to store dried dogwood in a dark and dry place, packing it in linen bags or cardboard boxes.

The benefits and harms of dried dogwood

Dried dogwood preserves everything beneficial features fresh berries. Dogwood is rich in vitamin C, the content of which is higher than currants and almost equal to rose hips.

In addition, small-sized dogwood fruits contain a number of useful substances:

IN dried berries contains pectin and tannins, so they are used to remove oxalates, toxins and heavy metals from the body.

In berry seeds a large number of vegetable oils and tannins. Therefore, they have an antibacterial, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect and are used in the treatment of diarrhea.

Dogwood improves appetite and metabolism, increases metabolism, normalizes work gastrointestinal tract what favors loss excess weight. It can relieve discomfort caused by spicy, sour or fatty foods.

Dogwood fruits increase hemoglobin levels, which is why they are often used for blood diseases, circulatory system and diabetes mellitus. It normalizes blood pressure, and also makes the walls of blood vessels stronger and more elastic. In addition, it is often used for migraines, dizziness and tinnitus, and is also useful for those suffering from gout, typhoid and dysentery.

Dried berries added to tea, due to vitamin C, which improves immunity, and the anti-inflammatory properties of dogwood, are prescribed for colds and reduce body temperature.

Dried fruits help restore potency and solve problems with frequent urination, excessive sweating and others.

  • before bedtime, as well as for people with an easily excitable psyche;
  • people suffering from high stomach acidity and constipation;
  • pregnant women;
  • in large quantities to young children and older people.

We must not forget that everything is good in moderation, so eating excessive amounts of berries can lead to undesirable consequences.

Use of dried dogwood

It can be used in cooking, for prevention and treatment various ailments. Thus, easily digestible fruits can be added to dried fruit compote, sauces and as a seasoning for some meat and fish dishes.

In addition, syrups, jellies and pastilles are made from dried dogwood.

The pulp of the berries is used in cosmetology, for masks for oily facial skin.

Decoctions and tinctures of berries are used to treat colds: sore throat, flu, and also for anemia.

Roasted dogwood seeds are often used instead of coffee beans due to the antioxidants they contain. The seeds are also used to treat hemorrhoids (15 dried fruits daily).

A tincture of dried dogwood berries can be used to make compresses for skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema and others.

Dried dogwood is very healthy and can be eaten like regular dried fruits.

The healing berries of dogwood are also used to create culinary masterpieces, and for the prevention of many diseases.

It is best to prepare dogwood by drying, this will help it not to lose its beneficial properties and does not require significant financial costs.

It has a strong tonic effect, is an anti-inflammatory and strengthening agent that increases hemoglobin, improves memory and strengthens the human immune system, therefore it is indispensable in the autumn-spring period, as well as for vitamin deficiency, as it contains useful substances in large quantities.

How to dry dogwood in the dryer step by step instructions with photos:

Arrange the dogwoods in a single layer on a vegetable dehydrating rack. Dry at a temperature of 60°C for 5 hours, and then dry at a temperature of 50°C until ready.

We will need:

  • Colander
  • Baking tray


  • Dogwood

Dogwood must be dried correctly!

Since ancient times, people have known that dogwood is a very useful healing plant. Dogwood berries are a source of vitamin C. Dogwood berries contain more of this vitamin than rose hips and lemons. It is not for nothing that dogwood berries have been used as an antiscorbutic remedy for a very long time. Dogwood berries have a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar, which is why they are used in the treatment of diabetes. In addition, scientists have proven the anti-inflammatory, restorative, tonic, and choleretic properties of dogwood.

Dogwood is not only healthy, but also tasty, so housewives make jam from it, prepare jams, sauces, compotes, and jellies. An excellent way to prepare dogwood for the winter is drying. This harvesting method does not require much time or physical effort. There are several ways to dry dogwood at home - in the air in well-ventilated areas, in the oven and in an electric dryer.

For drying, choose bright red, large, ripe, but not overripe berries without defects, stains or damage. Dry dogwood berries along with the seeds, as they contain many useful substances. Store dried dogwood in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark place. Dried dogwood can be stored without losing its properties for 1 year.

Dogwood is not only a very healthy, but also a tasty berry, so there are many known ways to prepare it. These include compotes, jams, jellies and jams. There is another method of preparation, which does not require large time or material costs. This is drying dogwood fruits.

Dogwood berries are dried not only for culinary purposes; the berries are used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. They collect ripe (but not overripe) berries, you can even pick them unripe - during the ripening process, dogwood gains flavor and does not lose its healing properties.

The berries are dried along with the seeds, which also contain a lot of useful substances. You can spread the dogwood on thick paper or cloth and leave it in a dry place. After ripening, the berries will gradually begin to wilt. Dogwood is dried outdoors on the street or even on the balcony or in the room. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight on the berries and avoid dampness. If the berries are dried in the garden or on the balcony, the pallets should be brought indoors and covered at night. Stir the berries periodically to dry evenly, and then, if all conditions are met, after three to five days they can be stored. Store dried dogwood in linen bags, cardboard boxes or wooden boxes in a dark, dry room.

Enjoy your meal!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

And although dogwood is not as popular as, for example, raspberries, if you managed to “get” a kilogram or two of berries, do not miss your chance to prepare it for the winter. Among other preparations - jam and compote - it is especially useful dried dogwood. It practically does not lose its beneficial properties, of which there is more than enough in this small berry. The process of drying dogwood is simple, but quite long, although a minimum of active participation in the process is required. Today we will tell you how to cook dried dogwood.

- granulated sugar – 250 g;
- purified (filtered) water – 250 ml.

1. Carefully sort out the fresh dogwood berries. Remove rotten and deformed berries. Also throw out the ones that are too green. Wash well and place in a colander to drain all the water. If you have large quantity berries, increase the amount of sugar and water in direct proportion.

2. Cut each berry and carefully remove the seeds. This is almost impossible to do with unripe berries. So don't ignore the first step of the recipe.

3. Cover the dogwood granulated sugar. Leave at room temperature for 24-36 hours. Be sure to cover the bowl of dogwood with cheesecloth or a kitchen towel to keep insects out.

4. After about a day, juice will form in the bowl with the dogwood. It needs to be drained. Dogwood juice can be brought to a boil and consumed immediately. Or you can boil it for 5-7 minutes and prepare it for the winter by pouring it into sterilized jars and sealing it. But this one option will do, only if you are drying a large amount of dogwood.

5. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, mix sugar and refined cold water. Place on medium heat. Stirring, bring to a boil. Then wait for the syrup to boil down by about a third. Pour syrup over berries. Leave the dogwood in this state for 5-10 minutes.

6. Then strain the berries from the syrup. Spread in a single layer on a baking dish or baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees. Dry the dogwood in the oven for 20 minutes. Then take it out and cool. And put it in the oven again for the same time at the same temperature. If your oven does not work on these low temperatures, then you can dry dogwood at 80-90 degrees. But in this case, reduce the cooking time to 15 minutes. And you will also need to do 2 approaches.

Store dogwood in an airtight container in the refrigerator. You can use berries for filling baked goods and preparing desserts, cereals and other categories of dishes.
Happy preparations!

Find out also how to cook

Red dogwood berries attract not only people, but also birds and animals. The healing properties of the fruits persist for a very long time, so everyone feasts on the berries as soon as they ripen.

In general, collecting fruits is a long process. On the bush, the fruits ripen unevenly, both fully ripe and green are preserved, so you will have to pick one berry at a time or do as is customary in places where there are a lot of dogwoods: lay a tarp under the bush, shake the branches well and the ripe berries will fall off on their own.

How to dry dogwood correctly

First, it’s worth finding out why you need to dry fruits at all. Dried dogwood has beneficial properties and contraindications.

1. Berries are rich in vitamin C, therefore they are indicated for use during the cold season.

2. Compote or decoction of berries triggers the body’s metabolic processes, helps restore immunity after serious illnesses and surgical interventions.

3. Berries are very good as a means for appetite, as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

4. Having an astringent property, the fruits are indicated for diarrhea.

5. Dried dogwood has a choleretic effect; the fruits are good for diseases of the genitourinary system.

6. Possessing hematopoietic properties, dogwood is prescribed for anemia, to regulate blood pressure.

But not only this is good for dried dogwood, its beneficial properties are numerous, the berries literally “save” the cardiovascular system, preventing vascular sclerosis.


1. Cannot be used for chronic constipation.

2. Caution does not hurt in case of increased stomach acidity.

And now about how to dry dogwood:

1. The berries must be sorted, removing spoiled fruits.

2. Rinse the berries under running water, then dry.

3. Bones have a lot of useful properties, so they are not removed.

4. Drying is done in a slow mode; it is not recommended to overdry the fruits.

If there are unripe berries in the total mass, you can leave them to ripen in a cool, dry place - they will quickly gain full ripeness.

Drying dogwood in an electric dryer

Of course, berries are dried not only using a smart unit; regular drying on a linen in a ventilated room is acceptable.

But this will take a lot of time, it is much easier to place pre-prepared (washed and dried) fruits on electric drying trays, then do this:

1. Turn on the device at a temperature of 60 C, no more;

2. Place baking sheets with berries scattered in one row to dry;

3. Heat for 5 hours, then reduce the heat to 50 C, dry until the skin wrinkles and the berries darken.

Advice! It is not difficult to determine the degree of readiness: the dogwood begins to “ring”, that is, the berries make a pleasant clicking sound when poured onto a plate. The product is completely dried, all that remains is to pour the fruits into linen bags and store them in a dry and dark place. Knowing how to dry dogwood in an electric dryer, it will not be difficult to prepare berries in the oven - the principle is the same, but it is important that the cabinet has convection.

Dogwood benefits and harm to the body

The name dogwood refers to a small shrub or tree whose height depends on where it grows. It can be seen in the Central Asian zone, as well as in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The fruits of the plant ripen in late autumn and contain a large seed inside. Compotes, jam and even wine are prepared from dogwood fruits. Dogwood fruits are pleasant to the taste, it is slightly astringent.

Despite all their beneficial properties, dogwood fruits can cause harm to the human body in certain situations.

What are the benefits of dogwood for the body?

Dogwood has enough wide range its actions and beneficial properties make it a valuable product for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Dogwood contains sufficient quantity vitamins and nutrients.

The beneficial properties of dogwood are as follows:

  • the fruits of the plant help strengthen the human immune system and also tone well;
  • berries have good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, as well as antipyretic properties;
  • dogwood contains a lot of iron, which makes it useful product with a low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • consuming dogwood has a beneficial effect on increasing blood pressure and strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • due to its astringent properties, dogwood is indicated for diarrhea;
  • dogwood helps increase appetite and accelerate metabolic processes in the body;
  • thanks to dogwood, metabolic enzymatic activity in the pancreas is accelerated;
  • dogwood helps with vitamin deficiency and loss of strength;
  • eating dogwood helps remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • overall digestion of food improves;
  • dogwood has a good choleretic effect;

Dogwood is useful for viral infections and colds. Strengthens the immune system body and reduces the likelihood of developing colds.

Contraindications to dogwood consumption

Despite undeniable benefit dogwood for the body there are a number of contraindications to its use.

It is undesirable to use dogwood for peptic ulcers, as well as for gastritis and high acidity of the body.

Due to the astringent properties of the plant's berries, dogwood should not be taken if you are constipated.

It is not advisable to take dogwood for nervous fatigue and insomnia.

During pregnancy and lactation, dogwood should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Dogwood medicinal products: recipes

IN medicinal purposes Both dogwood leaves, its bark and fruits, as well as the roots of the plant are used. Various recipes medicines There are many varieties of dogwood.

Dogwood tincture at home: recipe

Dogwood tincture can be prepared at home using vodka. The recipe will be as follows.

The berries must be washed and mashed with a rolling pin. The resulting puree is placed in a jar. Dry dogwood should not be crushed. Then the berries are poured with vodka and mixed. After this, the composition is closed with a lid and placed in a dry place for three weeks to infuse.

After this time, you need to strain the tincture through double gauze. After adding sugar, the composition is mixed. Then close again for a week.

The resulting tincture can last up to five years. It is successfully used to treat skin diseases, gout, lumbar pain, and also to normalize salt balance.

Dogwood decoction

The method for preparing dogwood decoction is as follows: pour a spoonful of pre-dried dogwood fruits with boiling water in the volume of one glass and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. In order for the water to absorb all the beneficial properties of dogwood, you need to leave the decoction for three hours. Before drinking, the decoction is carefully filtered to remove everything unnecessary from it. To strengthen the immune system, you should take a decoction of 50 grams before meals.

A decoction of dogwood roots is prepared to relieve pain from rheumatism. Due to the high effectiveness of this product, its frequent use is indicated. To prepare, you need to pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry, crushed root, then simmer for half an hour over low heat. Then leave for three hours, strain and you can drink a teaspoon three times a day before meals.

How to dry dogwood at home

To dry dogwood at home, you need to take ripened large berries plants and they should not be overripe, have no defects or noticeable damage. It is necessary to dry dogwood berries together with their seeds, which contain many useful substances, in particular acids. It is recommended to lay the dogwood in one layer on a sheet of paper or fabric, and then leave it in a dry, dark place. If the berries are not ripe, they ripen when dried. Dogwood can be dried both indoors and outdoors. The main conditions are to avoid direct sunlight on the dogwood, as well as to avoid high air humidity. To ensure even drying of the dogwood fruits, they should be stirred periodically. After five days, the dried dogwood can be collected in containers for storage. Dogwood can be stored in canvas bags, cardboard or wooden containers, keeping them away from sunlight. Dogwood should not be stored for a long time, so as not to lose its beneficial properties, at most for the next harvest.

Infusion on dogwood leaves

Due to the good choleretic and diuretic properties of dogwood leaves, an infusion based on them is used to treat diseases of the gallbladder, liver, stomach, and they also help eliminate attacks of severe headaches. They can also be used to restore impaired metabolism and lower blood sugar levels.

To prepare the infusion, pour three tablespoons of dogwood leaves into two glasses of boiling water and leave for three hours. After this, the infusion is filtered and can be stored in a dry, dark place. Take a teaspoon of infusion three times a day before meals.

Dogwood jam

To prepare dogwood jam, boil half a liter of water, then add a kilogram of sugar to it. Then add pre-washed dogwood berries in a volume of one kilogram. Place the entire mixture over high heat and bring to a boil again. When the boil begins, reduce the heat and leave in this state for about five minutes, stirring gently. After this, turn off the heat, remove the mixture from the boil and pour into jars. The cans need to be rolled up.

Dogwood mashed with sugar recipe

Grated dogwood with sugar is the most useful product, since it retains all the vitamins and the smell of fresh berries. The cooking recipe calls for using only overripe fruits. They are thoroughly washed, dried, and the seeds are removed. The procedure is very labor-intensive, but the result is worth it. The dogwood pulp is passed through a sieve and crushed using a blender. You need to add sugar to the resulting composition at the rate of two kilograms per kilogram of fruit. Then the mixture is stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved. After this, it should be laid out in jars and, covered with plastic lids, stored in a cool place.

Dogwood jelly

Dogwood jelly is easy to prepare and involves using one glass of dogwood, two liters of water, four tablespoons of sugar and one tablespoon of starch. The dogwood is washed, placed in a pan and filled with water. After adding sugar to the water, you need to boil it. Then starch is added and the whole composition is stirred. After boiling for five minutes, the mixture should be turned off. The jelly is ready, you can pour it into cups and drink.

Dogwood: traditional medicine recipes

Dogwood is widely used as a traditional medicine. The following options for its use are recommended.

Dogwood for diabetes

In addition to all its other beneficial properties, dogwood berries have the ability to control blood sugar levels, preventing it from rising. This fact explains the possibility of including these berries in the diet of patients diabetes mellitus. The properties of dogwood help enhance the effect of some other drugs used to treat diabetes.

To correct blood sugar levels, dogwood berries can be used in different ways. You can eat them raw and dried, and also use them to prepare tinctures and decoctions, as well as compotes. Dogwood berries are indicated for consumption by patients various types diabetes

The greatest benefit comes from eating fresh berries. The intake rate is a glass of berries per day. The reception should be divided into three equal parts. Berries should be eaten half an hour before meals, chewing them thoroughly.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with dogwood

Hemorrhoids can be treated by using both dogwood berries and its seeds. Best action gives the use of ripe fruits of the plant. If you don’t have fresh ones, you can take frozen or dried ones. In any case, during the acute stage of the disease, you should also follow a diet that involves avoiding spicy, fried foods, and you should not eat anything salty.

If you have hemorrhoids, dogwood berries should be eaten as part of your main meal. If the berries have seeds, you don’t need to chew them to enhance the effect; it is better to swallow them so that they subsequently dissolve in the stomach. You don't need to eat more for a more noticeable effect. three servings per day.

Use has a good effect canned berries. In addition, you can additionally take baths or consume dogwood decoctions. This helps eliminate bleeding. Numerous recipes well prepared by hand.

Dogwood for weight loss

Dogwood berries contain a low amount of calories, which makes them useful if you want to lose weight.

IN in this case There are no clearly defined dietary requirements; it is recommended to eat no more than a glass of these berries per day. The berries must be fresh. There are no special admission standards; everything is done purely individually.

Berries improve metabolism and weight loss is due precisely to this circumstance, as well as due to the improvement in the activity of pancreatic enzymes. Fat metabolism in the body returns to normal and excess fat does not accumulate.

It is best to take dogwood for weight loss in the first half of the day, in order to avoid exhaustion of the body and disruption of normal sleep patterns.

Dogwood for diarrhea

To eliminate diarrhea, a decoction of dogwood berries is used. Both dry and fresh berries, as well as dogwood leaves. You should take equal quantities (about forty) of dogwood berries and its leaves, then pour half a liter of water over them and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. It should be left for eight hours. To speed up the process, infusion can be done in a water bath for an hour. The leaves and seeds should be removed, and the pulp and berries should be left in the broth.

You can use ground, crushed leaves and berries. You should use four tablespoons of crushed dry leaves and three tablespoons of dry berries. Next, the process is carried out in the same sequence. Take half a glass three times a day with pulp.

Dogwood for leg swelling

To treat swelling of the feet, it is recommended to rinse ripe fruits dogwood in running water and grate them. Then sugar should be added to the resulting mass at the rate of two kilograms per kilogram of mass. To obtain a uniform consistency, mix everything thoroughly, then pour into jars and roll up. It should be stored in a dry, dark place; to treat swelling of the legs, this sucking should be taken three times a day before meals.

Dogwood for pressure

To lower blood pressure, it is recommended to use the following dogwood decoction. One tablespoon of dried dogwood berries is poured into a glass of water, after which the water should be boiled and left for two hours. Before use, the composition must be filtered. To lower blood pressure, it is recommended to take a quarter glass three times a day.

Dogwood for colds

The recipe for making dogwood compote to treat a cold is as follows. You should take one and a half liters of water, half a kilogram of dogwood fruits and one hundred grams of sugar. The washed dogwood is filled with water and placed on low heat. Sugar is added after boiling. After boiling for a quarter of an hour, the entire composition is removed from the heat and covered with a lid. Do not remove the lid until it has cooled completely. Dogwood compote has a sour taste and nice smell, as well as bright color.

Dogwood for cancer

Regular consumption of dry dogwood berries for food helps prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors, due to high level antioxidant content in these berries. It is recommended to eat at least one hundred grams of dry dogwood per day and this will help prevent the occurrence and development of cancer in the body. In addition, it is useful for these purposes to eat dogwood jam, as well as drink its decoctions. The beneficial properties of dogwood will contribute to reliable protection of the body from the appearance of cancer.

Dogwood for varicose veins

In the treatment of varicose veins good effect uses dogwood seeds. To do this, you need to grind one hundred grams of dry dogwood seeds and pour them into a glass boiled water. After this, the composition is placed on low heat and boiled again for half an hour, after which it cools and infuses. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. It is advisable to first consult with your doctor in order to avoid taking this treatment if there are individual contraindications to the use of dogwood.

Since ancient times, people have noted the healing properties of the tartly sweet red dogwood fruits, which grow on shrubs or small trees. Now in many European countries dogwood began to be cultivated as garden plant, collecting fruits, leaves, roots and bark for culinary and pharmaceutical needs. But even now in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Transcarpathia and some other warm regions you can often find these shrubs growing wild.

Dogwood is very valuable source vitamin C, the content of which in its fruits is greater than in lemons and rose hips, therefore it is successfully used as an antiscorbutic remedy. Dogwood is also useful for people suffering from diabetes, as it has the properties to favorably influence the enzymatic activity of the pancreas and reduce blood sugar. In addition, the anti-inflammatory, choleretic, restorative and tonic properties of these berries, as well as astringent activity for diarrhea, have been proven. An infusion of leaves is used in folk medicine as an antipyretic and bactericidal agent for colds.

Dogwood is not only useful, but also delicious fruit, therefore, there are many ways to prepare it - these are preserves, jams, compotes, and jellies. We offer you another method of harvesting that does not require much time and physical effort - drying.

You can dry not only berries for culinary purposes, but also, as mentioned above, dogwood bark, roots and leaves. These raw materials are then used to treat and prevent many diseases.

Dogwood fruits are dried at home in several ways. For drying, take large ripe berries of bright red color, but not overripe, without visible defects, stains or damage. By the way, dogwood harvested before it is ripe has the ability to ripen and gain flavor without losing its medicinal properties. The berries are dried together with the seeds, as they contain a lot of useful substances, including fatty acids. You can spread the dogwood in one layer on clean paper or cloth and leave it in a dry place; after ripening, the berries will begin to dry out. At the same time, drying dogwood at home can be done both outdoors, right on the street or on the balcony, and in the room. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight and not to allow air humidity to increase. Stir the fruits to dry evenly and after 3-5 days you can put them in a container for storage. These can be linen bags, cardboard or wooden containers, which should be placed in a dark, dry room. Dried dogwood can easily be preserved until the next harvest, for more long term leave dried fruits not recommended due to reduced beneficial properties.

If your farm has electric dryer for food or an oven that maintains low temperatures, then, of course, you can dry dogwood in them. To do this, rinse the berries from dust and dirt, sort them, remove the stems and spread them in an even thin layer on a drying tray or on a baking sheet. Start at lower temperatures to prevent juice from leaking out, so first set the temperature to about 50 degrees, and after a couple of hours increase the temperature to 70 degrees to complete the drying process. This method will take much less time.

Dried dogwood fruits are used for
