What does semi-sweet champagne taste like? French champagne - an expensive sip of legend

People with limited financial resources present simple requirements for champagne: to make it cheaper, it popped like a cannon and foamed like warm beer. It is this category of people that is the object of attention of charlatans who counterfeit wine or sell an infernal mixture of chemical powders in champagne bottles...

On the label of the present sparkling wine The manufacturer, his address and details, and production method are always indicated. The best champagne is sealed with a cork stopper.

Designations: brut; dry; semi-dry; semi-sweet.

According to the mass concentration of sugar, sparkling wines are divided into:
1. Extra–Brut (extra brut) - sugar content up to 6 g/l;
2. Brut (brut) - sugar content up to 15 g/l;
3. Dry (dry) - sugar content 20-25 g/l;
4. Semi-Dry (semi-dry) - sugar content 40-45 g/l;
5. Semi–Sweet white (white semi-sweet) - sugar content 60-65 g/l;
6. Semi–Sweet red (semi-sweet red) - sugar content 80-85 g/l.

Around the world, sparkling wines are produced in two ways:
1. champagne method in a bottle (aging in a bottle for at least 1 year)
2. acrotophoric method, or the method of continuous champagne in tanks (when the wine is saturated with carbon dioxide in huge metal containers for a short period of time).

There is also the so-called “sparkling wine”, i.e. wine artificially saturated with carbon dioxide, carbonated. It is marked on the label as “sparkling”.

Real sparkling wine is sold only in stores and has all the necessary certificates of conformity and quality. Real champagne is produced exclusively using the classical method.

Do not forget that the word “champagne” can only be used in relation to sparkling wine produced in France, in the Champagne region. All other wines are called sparkling. In Germany and Austria, sparkling wines are designated by the word “sect”, in Spain - “cava”, in Italy - “spumante”, in France - “champagne” (made in Champagne) and “cremant” (made in other French provinces).

People with limited financial resources who buy champagne once a year (for the New Year) have simple requirements: it should be cheaper, pop like a cannon and foam like warm beer.

It is this category of people that is the object of attention of charlatans who counterfeit wine or sell an infernal mixture of chemical powders in champagne bottles. An example of such crude counterfeits is Yves Rocher, La Rochelle, a carbonated mixture of alcohol, water and chemical powders. This potion does not contain a drop grape juice and its consumption is dangerous to your health. If it’s not champagne, then it should cost 3-4 times less. Otherwise, you are deceived twice: the first time they weigh you down, the second time they cheat you. See for yourself and decide.

However, it should be noted that professional winemakers, as a rule, prefer brut or dry champagne, which does not contain sugar and allows you to more accurately experience the entire bouquet of taste qualities inherent in this or that champagne (it’s like tea without sugar and lemon for a gourmet). The most expensive and high-quality branded champagne is usually brut. There are, however, purely national preferences. It has been noticed that Russians, Americans and Germans prefer sweeter champagne (semi-dry or semi-sweet). Moreover, with age, the commitment to sweeter foods increases.

If you have good financial resources and taste, there is a wide selection of champagne wines high class France and Russia are countries that have Grand Prix and gold medals in almost all international competitions.

There are more than 120 small champagne firms in France, and only 16 of them are highly ranked in the world, and they produce 65% of all French champagne. It should be noted that all these 16 companies produce champagne traditional way, by secondary fermentation in bottles with aging from 3 to 8 years. It is these companies that have the greatest commercial success on the French market.

In Russia, champagne wines produced by various factories (there were about 50 of them), despite the identical technology and equipment, differ in quality from each other, and only a few companies produce world-class champagne wines.

On the labels of bottles of French champagne there are symbols that anyone who wants to be known as a connoisseur needs to know, and this information will not hurt an ordinary consumer.

1. The word Champagne must appear on the bottle label and on the cork

2. The name of the wine and the company that produced it, and the registration number of the company according to the French state register of companies

3. The following notations have also been introduced:
N.M. denotes bottles of champagne produced by a wine manufacturer and sold by it through its distribution network. These are, as a rule, leading French companies that have their own, the best grape plantations in Champagne
M.A. the seller of wine did not produce, but only sold finished products
R.M. the one who has small plots, collects grapes and produces champagne himself. This champagne is made by the owners of small grape plots themselves, often using the symbols of the large company to which they supply grapes. The quality of this homemade wine, despite the label of a reputable company, is very different from the quality of branded wine with this label.
C.M. the wine is produced by a small cooperative. Its quality is also questionable.
Cuvee champagne is made from the best, highest quality grape juice obtained after the first slight pressure of the press on the grapes, the so-called gravity flow.
Taille the first 500 liters of juice obtained from the cuvée
Brut There is no liquor added to the wine. The wine is absolutely dry.
Millesime the wine was produced from grapes harvested from one year, the year when the quality of the grapes was the best. The quality of the grapes of the year is determined by a special state commission of independent experts.
Blanc de Blancs champagne is produced exclusively from white grapes"Chardonnay."
Blanc de Noirs Champagne is produced exclusively from Pinot grapes.
Rose The wine is made from black Pinot grapes with the addition of red wines.
Brut Reserve an assemblage of the best wines was carried out.
Collection collection wine. Its circulation is limited to several tens of thousands of bottles. The bottles are decorated by famous artists and designers.
Grand Cru s The grapes used to make this wine are collected from the best vineyards in Champagne.
Premiers Crus The grapes used to make this wine are collected from vineyards that are second in quality to the best.
R.D.(reception degorge) the wine is freed from yeast sediment before it is sold.

The most prestigious brands of French champagne:
1. Dom Perignon (Moet and Chandon) - The most prestigious French champagne. Since 1958 it has been supplied to the British royal court. White and pink champagne is produced.
2. Grand Century Cuvee (Laurent - Perrier)
3. Prince of Champagne (Tatinger) - Released in honor of Prince Thibault of Champagne, who, returning from the crusade to Champagne, brought Chardonnay grapes from the east, from which the most prestigious champagne wines are made, including this one.
4. Florent Louis (Pieper - Heidsek)
5. Cuvée Charles VII (Canard - Duchesne)
6. Cuvée Champs Elysees (Jeanmère)
7. Cuvée Emperor (Mercier-Roederer) - Released by the company in honor of the Russian Emperor Alexander II. Supplied in crystal bottles with Russian state symbols (with the highest permission of Alexander II)
8. Grand Dame (Veuve Clicquot) - Available in white and pink. Champagne is dedicated to the founder of the company, Madame Clicquot.

The most famous Russian companies today:
1. JSC “Kornet”. Founded in 1942. (Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya str., 57) The company was awarded the Grand Prix and gold and silver medals.
2. JSC “Agrofirm Abrau-Durso”. Founded in 1870. The company was awarded the Grand Prix and gold and silver medals.
3. OJSC “Moscow Champagne Wine Factory” (MKSHV). Founded in 1980. Awarded gold and silver medals.
4. LLC “RISP”. (Moscow, Ryabinovaya str., 44) The company was founded in 1994 at the production facilities of MKSHV OJSC. In less than five years of its existence, it was awarded 4 gold and 12 silver medals.
5. JSC "Sparkling Wines". Founded in 1945 in Leningrad on the basis of the 5th marmalade factory and fruit water plant

How to drink champagne correctly
1. Champagne should not be opened with a loud bang, but with a quiet hiss. A quality drink should behave quietly and delicately. Too large bubbles may indicate that the champagne was artificially carbonated and not obtained as a result of natural fermentation. It's good if all the bubbles are the same size. However, they need to be compared not immediately after the drink has entered the glass, but after a few minutes - when the temperature of the glass and the champagne becomes the same. In the first minutes, even the best champagne will have large and uneven bubbles.

2. Champagne should be poured into glasses two to three minutes after opening the bottle. It is believed that this will help you better appreciate the taste of the drink. You need to pour champagne slowly, tilting the bottle slightly, trying to make the liquid flow along the wall of the glass - this will help reduce the amount of foam. Another way to deal with excess foam is to throw a few ice cubes into the glass, “chatter” a little, remove the ice and only then pour the champagne.

3. Choosing dishes is a delicate matter. Sour champagne (dry or brut) is poured into tall elongated glasses with the romantic name “flute” (flute). Sweet champagne is poured into wide glasses that resemble a bowl on a stem. It is believed that the “right” glass will deliver champagne straight to the right people. taste buds and you will be able to fully experience its taste.

4. Champagne is not allowed to stand due to its status - it is too noble a drink. The bottle must lie down so that the wine wets the cork, otherwise the drink will stop “playing.” However, this only applies to champagne with a cork stopper.

5. Good snacks include cheese, olives, seafood, white meat and game, fruit desserts, strawberries and, of course, classic pineapples.

6. To better appreciate the taste of champagne, before swallowing the drink, you need to savor it in your mouth for a few seconds.

7. A small dose of champagne will not only lift your spirits, but will also benefit your body. Tannins contained in noble drink, reduce the level of bad cholesterol and improve immunity, and magnesium relieves fatigue and gives a feeling of vigor. The French inventors of champagne still consider the sparkling drink to be an excellent remedy for colds and indigestion.

  • Large selection of affordable wines from all over the world
  • Presenters presented Russian manufacturers
  • Proven quality confirmed by certificates
  • Great value for money drinks

Inexpensive everyday champagne can be found in the portfolio of every wine-producing country. True, if we use correct terminology, this will not be champagne in the classical sense, but sparkling wine. The fact is that only sparkling wine from French region Champagne made by traditional method Champenoise with secondary fermentation in the bottle. Most other sparkling wines are produced using the Charmat method, where fermentation occurs in stainless steel containers.

Good inexpensive champagne

Good sparkling wine is produced by the leading countries in the wine industry. Technologies here are honed to perfection, and the experience of ancestors is carefully preserved and passed on.

  • France. They mainly produce dry white sparkling wine, which in quality and taste competes with classic champagne from famous houses. Burgundy sparkling wines from the Crémant de Bourgogne region, as well as products from producers Patriarche, Paul Chevalier, and others, have gained a particularly good reputation.
  • Italy. This is the country that can offer huge variety delicious and inexpensive sparkling wines for every taste. These include the famous white Prosecco made from Glera grapes and the no less famous Lambrusco from Emilia-Romagna, which can be either red or white. Piedmont sparkling wines from the Asti region are the main rivals of French champagne. Invariably good feedback Buyers receive wines from producers Zonin, Casa Defra, Martini, Gancia.
  • Spain. Among the Spanish sparkling wines you can choose good examples of pink and red sparkling wine from local varieties grapes Dry sparkling drinks from the Jaume Serra line are highly rated by critics.
  • Russia. Russian inexpensive champagne is currently experiencing a real period of revival. Decent quality at an affordable price can be obtained by paying attention to the brands Abrau-Durso, Lev Golitsyn, Chateau Taman, and this also includes the products of the oldest plant Fanagoria.

Russian factories use grapes grown in the Krasnodar region, Crimea, South Africa, Chile, Spain and other countries to produce sparkling wines; production is controlled by leading oenologists from France, so the quality of many sparkling wines is raised to a high level. The Abrau-Durso plant also produces a line of sparkling drinks made using classic champagne technology. This is, for example, Brut Imperial, which compares favorably in price with French champagne.

Before we tell you how to choose real champagne, we need to find out what is meant by the word “real”.

We are used to calling all drinks that have bubbles champagne. But this is far from true and everything that is produced outside of France is just sparkling wine. And some examples are a completely pathetic parody of a noble drink.

Everything you need to know about real champagne

  1. Champagne is produced only in the French province of Champagne and its four subregions: Montagne de Reims, Vallée de la Marne, Côte des Blancs and Côte des Bar.
  2. French champagne is always expensive.

Champagne varies in sugar content

  1. Brut Nature / Zéro Dosage (brut nature / zero dosage).
  2. Brut (brut).
  3. Extra-Sec (extra dry).
  4. Sec (dry).
  5. Demi-sec (semi-sweet).
  6. Doux (sweet), which is practically never found and is very rare.
  7. In the Champagne region, only 7 grape varieties are grown and the most popular of them are: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier.
  8. Real champagne is produced using a unique patented technology - “Méthode Champenoise” - this is when champagne, i.e. filling the product with carbon dioxide, occurs in a natural way, by secondary fermentation in the bottle and subsequent aging in horizontal position for at least 9 months.

Now let's move on to the most important thing, how to buy real champagne and not fall for a fake. We have collected recommendations from the best sommeliers to help you choose a noble drink.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the price; real champagne cannot be cheap. The minimum price can start from 1500–2000 rubles.
  2. Try to buy champagne in small specialized shops or large supermarkets with a good reputation.
  3. Be sure to look at the country of origin on the label. Champagne is only France, the province of Champagne and its four regions (we talked about them at the beginning of the article).
  4. The label must contain the inscription “Méthode Champenoise”. If you do not find this inscription, then this only indicates that you have sparkling wine in your hands, and not champagne.
  5. Also pay attention to the presence excise stamp, an exception may be drinks purchased in the duty free zone.
  6. Shake the bottle, if uniform foam appears and fills the entire empty space of the bottle, then this is a good sign. The main thing is not to overdo it with shaking.
  7. Cork is also an important element. It should be made only from natural materials so that the champagne can “breathe”. The material of the cork can be determined even through the foil with a simple press. Natural material will be softer, unlike synthetic material.
  8. The bottle should be made of thick and dark glass. If the glass is thin, it can simply break, but thanks to the dark glass, the champagne does not spoil when exposed to sunlight.
  9. Another important factor is bubbles. After filling the glass, those same bubbles should be the same size and rise up. IN quality drink Bubbles can come out of the glass for hours.
  10. Be careful when choosing Demi-sec (semi-sweet) and Doux (sweet) champagne, as famous houses Champagnes produce only 7–10% of this type of drink and you can run into a fake. Since with the help of a sweetener you can hide many technological errors (applies only to counterfeit products).
  11. Use the Vivino app. All you have to do is take a photo of the bottle, and you will immediately receive comments and an overall rating based on the rating from people who have already tried this drink. You can download from

Champagne is an indispensable attribute festive table. Therefore, the question of which sparkling wine to choose is always important. Whether to buy Russian champagne or buy one produced in Europe depends on the individual preferences of the person himself.

Rating of champagne wines

Good champagne has always been highly valued. The rating of sparkling wines presents drinks with the most different tastes and aromas:

  1. Sparkling alcohol brand Philipponnat Clos des Goisses Brut 2004 costs approximately 11 thousand rubles. It's made from a single grape variety and tastes like lemon, pear, nuts and mint.
  2. Bruno Paillard Extra Brut N.P.U. (Nec Plus Ultra) 2003 (12 thousand rubles) - a honey-flavored wine with a fresh, bright, memorable aroma.
  3. Clos Lanson Blanc de Blancs Brut 2006 (13 thousand rubles) - wine from grapes harvested in the suburbs of Reims. The taste reveals complex mineral tones and fruit.
  4. Louis Roederer Cristal 2009 (15 thousand rubles) is made from 2 grape varieties according to the principles of biodynamics, which is a mixture organic products and esoteric techniques. The drink is characterized by the softness and tenderness of the bubbles.
  5. Taittinger Collection Champagne 2008 (16 thousand rubles) is a wine made only from Chardonnay. Alcohol, different light taste, bottled, which is the original work of photographer Salgado from Brazil.
  6. Dom Pérignon Rosé (22 thousand rubles) has a complex, multifaceted taste. The champagne appears to have been aged for many years, although it was only produced in 2005.
  7. Piper-Heidsieck Rare Rosé 2007 (29 thousand rubles) has spicy taste, strawberry aroma and a beautiful pomegranate hue.
  8. Salon Le Mesnil Blanc de Blancs Brut 2002 (30 thousand rubles) has a subtle, but at the same time rich taste and floral scent.
  9. Krug Clos du Mesnil 2002 (60 thousand rubles) is also made from Chardonnay variety, so the drink has a complex taste, you can feel spices and citrus in the aroma.
  10. Bollinger Vieilles Vignes Françaises 2002 (70 thousand rubles) is made from Pinot Noir, which was collected from the oldest grape vines. In the taste you can find notes of different fruits, flowers and even smoke.

It is impossible to determine the most delicious champagne, because each of them has its own amazing properties.

The best champagne in Russia

Sweet sparkling wine has always enjoyed recognition among Russian consumers.

The most popular is Abrau-Durso, which is produced by domestic factories. Highly valued sparkling drinks from the Italian manufacturer Bosca. One of the best sparkling wines is considered to be the Pinot Noir brand, which is produced by the Crimean company Novy Svet.

Italian sparkling wine Asti has a rich fruity flavor palette. The domestic buyer appreciated it, since this brand of alcohol has high levels sales

Classic Soviet champagne is considered to be of higher quality compared to light sparkling wines, because... it is produced in accordance with exemplary winemaking standards.

For holidays, Russians prefer to take Brut champagne, which contains minimal amount sugar (up to 1.5%). It is good addition to the table with salads, meat dishes and slices. Whereas semi-sweet wine is often bought in addition to desserts and fruits.

How to choose champagne

The choice of champagne often depends on how much money the buyer is willing to pay for it. Among budget options can be found quality wine, which will delight you with its taste. To do this, you should carefully consider the purchasing process.

It should only be done in large specialized or chain stores. If the price of a drink that is famous for its quality and cost suddenly turns out to be low, this may become a reason to suspect its quality.

In Russia, champagne is produced only according to state standards, so the letters GOST and numbers 5116 will indicate that the wine has passed the necessary tests.

The label on the bottle should be printed on good paper and glued evenly. The content should provide information about the manufacturing company, the expiration date of the alcohol and the place of its bottling. If the label says “aged,” this indicates that the champagne was aged for at least 3 years before being placed on the shelf.

The inscription “carbonated wine” indicates that carbon dioxide has not appeared in the alcohol naturally, but was added artificially. Such a drink will lose its bubbles within 15 minutes, whereas in real champagne they can last up to 24 hours.

Sparkling alcohol is produced in bottles with darkened glass. This is explained by the fact that Sun rays reduce taste qualities alcoholic drink and it becomes bitter. A light bottle is an indicator of a low-quality product. If sediment has accumulated at the bottom of the container, then you should not buy such alcohol.

Before choosing champagne, you should consider the top of the bottle. Plastic stoppers are used to close medium and Low quality. It's better to look for a bottle with a cork stopper.

Compliance with the temperature, humidity, and position of the bottle is the key to ensuring that its contents retain their taste properties. Even the product High Quality may become unusable if store employees ignored the rules for storing it.

How to use it correctly

Before serving a bottle of champagne to the table, it should be cooled to +9... +10ºС. If the temperature is lower, you will not be able to taste the taste and aroma of sparkling wine.

Champagne is often placed on the table in special buckets filled with ice cubes. Do not shake the bottle. When opening, it should be held at an angle of 45º. It is not the plug that should be twisted, but the container itself. If you follow the technique, the cork will come out smoothly. Loud claps do not indicate the skill of the person who opened the champagne.

The glasses are filled slowly, letting a stream flow down the wall. If you pour champagne directly to the bottom, it will appear a large number of foam that will not fall off quickly. The wine is poured in 2 batches, because... after the first, the foam should settle. When filled correctly, the liquid should fill 3/4 of the glass.

The wine glass should be held by the stem, because the contact of the top of the glass with the palm will heat its contents, which will affect the taste of the drink.

They drink sparkling wines in sips, having previously examined the play of bubbles and enjoyed the aroma. They can be consumed both before meals and during meals.

Snacks served with this type of alcohol can be very different. Sandwiches with caviar, cheeses, light salads, meat dishes different types, fruit is an incomplete list of what can be offered with real champagne.

The consequences of drinking sparkling alcohol depend on what kind of champagne and in what quantity was drunk. Headaches often plague a person after drinking glasses of sweet semi-dry. Its sugar content is higher, so you can drink several times more of this wine than dry wine.

Remember the taste of champagne. What do you associate it with? For us, champagne is often a symbol of celebration. It accompanies us during important points life, victories and achievements. Many centuries ago, the name of this drink became a common noun. Most people, and not only in Ukraine, are accustomed to calling any sparkling wine champagne. But don’t forget the key difference between champagne and sparkling wine. Champagne (from French champagne) is one of the most famous names, the origin of which is carefully controlled (French. AOP, Appeal d'oriseprotégée).

In simple words, champagne is a wine that is produced only in the French province of Champagne. This means that grape varieties are checked, the production process and aging are strictly regulated.

French champagne is always expensive. In order not to make a mistake when choosing such a premium product, it is worth understanding its types and understanding which champagne is good to buy and why one bottle can differ significantly in price from another. We have compiled this review to make it easier for you to choose champagne.

The main differences between champagne wines and each other:

  • color (white or pink);
  • amount of residual sugar;
  • varietal composition (assemblage);
  • entirely from one vintage (vintage) or a mixture of different years;
  • place where the grapes themselves grow (subregions, villages Grand Cru, Premier Cru)
  • The price is also greatly influenced by the recognition of the champagne house.

Included Champagne Blanc, in Russian - white champagne; there can be both white and red (dark) grape varieties. On the label of a sparkling drink made exclusively from white varieties, you will see the inscription blanc de blancs, that is, “white from white.” If the champagne is from dark grapes, then the inscription will be blanc de noirs, which translated from French means “white from black.”

Pink Champagne Rose obtained by mixing red wine with white. This method of making rose in France is only allowed in this region. In other places, the pink color of the drink is obtained in the traditional way - thanks to the fermentation of red grapes from contact with the skins of the berries.

Champagne wines, both white and rosé, can have varying degrees sweets.

Types of champagne according to the amount of sugar:

  • Brut Nature /Zero Dosage(brut nature/zero dosage) 0–3 g/l
  • Extra Brut(extra brut) 0–6 g/l
  • Brut(brut) 0–12 g/l
  • Extra-Sec(extra dry) 12–20 g/l
  • Sec(dry) 17–35 g/l
  • Demi-sec(semi-sweet) 33–50 g/l
  • Doux(sweet) 50+ g/l (practically never occurs)

Main grape varieties for champagne production

The most common and important in the Champagne region are three varieties:

  • Chardonnay(Chardonnay), white
  • Pinot Noir(Pinot noir), dark
  • Pinot Meunier(Pinot Meunier), dark

Often the combination of these types is called champagne blend. Four more varieties are also allowed for production: Pinot Gris(Pinot Gris), Pinot Blanc(Pinot Blanc), PetitMeslier(Petit Meslier) and Arbane(Arban). Plantings of these varieties are so small (less than 1%) that such wines are very rare.

When choosing a good champagne, you should pay attention to the vintage year - whether it is indicated on the label or not. Most often, champagne is released in non-vintage (non-vintage) option. An example can be found on the METRO shelf: Veuve Pelletier NV Brut . Sparkling wine is made from wine from the current vintage and reserve wine from previous years is added to achieve consistent quality.

IN best years producers make champagne from grapes collected from a single harvest, with the year indicated. On such bottles you will find the inscription vintage or millésime.

Place of growth

The Champagne region is divided into four subregions:

  • Montagne de Reims(Montagne de Reims)
  • Vallee de la Marne(Vallée de la Marne)
  • Cote des Blancs(Côtes de Blancs)
  • Cote des Bars(Cote de Bar)

The best are Mount Reims and the Marne Valley. 17 villages with the best vineyards have historically received the status grand cru. An example can be found on the METRO shelf: Mallol-Gantois Grand Cru Cramant Blanc de Blancs Brut . The name is always indicated on the label. Another 42 villages differ in status premier cru.

The importance of the brand in the Champagne region is so great that the name of the manufacturer is the champagne house (maison) - more recognizable than the subregions, the names of the villages and vineyards of the Grand Cru and Premier Cru.

The most famous champagne houses:

  • Bollinger
  • Ruinart
  • Louis Roederer
  • Moët & Chandon
  • Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin
  • Taittinger

Prestige cuvée

Cuvée de prestige(prestigious cuvée) is the best champagne, the top of the manufacturer’s range, which is distinguished by a separate name, and sometimes a separate brand. Here are some famous examples:

  • Cristal LouisRoederer's
  • Grand Siècle Laurent- Perrier's
  • Dom Perignon Moët &Chandon's
  • Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill PolRoger's
  • Le Grand Dame Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin