How to choose quality red wine. How to choose a good inexpensive wine

Mikhail Nikolaev

Managing partner of the Lefkadia winery

It is quite difficult to choose the most delicious and suitable wine for you.

It’s not always worth relying on the rewards you read about on the label. Experts award wines with medals and note unusual flavors, but you may not like these wines. Still, the most important thing is your own taste preferences.

But what should you look for to choose a good wine?

1. Pay attention to the label

The beautiful design and fashionable concept don't say much about what's inside the bottle.

The main information on the labels is the manufacturer, region of origin and grape variety. The last one is the most important. Let's say you liked Sauvignon Blanc. Be sure to try the same grape variety from a different producer or from a different region.

After some time, you will be able to consciously choose between varieties and countries. Even when the store doesn't have your favorite wine, you're more likely to buy something worthwhile if you bet on a reputable region, variety or producer.

2. Study wine quality ratings in points

If you don’t have a competent sommelier nearby, but you want to buy one, you can study the systems for assessing the quality of wines in points.

If you choose wine from Russian manufacturers, then you can use Arthur Sargsyan’s guide. Every year he conducts a tasting and gives ratings in his guide.

If you want to buy imported wine, remember that in Europe there is a 20-point rating system. It is used, for example, by Decanter magazine. There is also Robert Parker's 100-point system, which is used by the Wine Spectator guide. Points are awarded by professional tasters according to certain rules. If a wine has 85 points, it won't be bad. And if it’s less than 70, it’s worth looking for other options.

But it is worth considering that many wines, including Russian ones, are not included in world rankings. The point is not a lack of quality, but the underdevelopment of the market. In addition, you may like a wine worth 100 points less than a wine worth 90 points.

3. Remember that price is not always an indicator of quality

Wines differ in price significantly. It would be easier if price served as an indicator of good taste - the more expensive, the better. But that's not true. The same wine may cost differently in two neighboring stores. The final cost on the shelf depends entirely on the retailer.

You can buy good wine for 300–400 rubles in large retail chains. A couple of years ago we held a wine tasting for 250 rubles. We didn't like 90% of them, but 10% of them turned out to be quite worthy.

If we talk about imported wines, bottles that cost 1–2 euros in Spain are sold for 800 rubles. What kind of quality are we talking about here?

Some countries have long become brands of sorts. We are used to thinking that France, Italy, Spain will not let you down with the quality of their wine. But many French and Italian wines are greatly overrated in our country.

Thus, it is often not the best wine that is exported, but Italians prefer to drink really high-quality wine themselves. Often, wines from Europe can be of lower quality than wines of the same price category from New World countries. For example, in the USA, cheap wine can be the most High Quality, because manufacturers can afford it.

The story of Chile is illustrative. Once upon a time the quality sold in Russia Chilean wines was very good. But with the growth of popularity, quality began to suffer, so a lot of downright bad wine appeared in the budget price segment.

The Chilean example is not the only one. A similar thing happens with Italian Chianti. Russian buyers come to the winery and say that they need a million bottles, but for 75 cents or one euro. The manufacturer often does not have such a quantity of Chianti, but who would refuse a million euros?

The manufacturer will somehow “mix” this wine and write on the bottle that it is Chianti. In fact, in order to be called that, wine in Italy must be certified.

5. Remember that natural cork is not the main thing

It is generally accepted that good wine should be sealed with a natural cork. This is a myth that is believed not only in Russia. Also, many people believe that you cannot use a cork made from pressed cork chips or a plastic or screw cap.

But the wine is much more influenced not by the technology by which the cork is made, but by how well it is produced. Even very expensive wines can be sealed with a pressed cork. But every tenth natural cork, which many consider the best, will bring cork disease to the wine in the bottle, which we have not yet learned how to fight.

Some manufacturers have switched to plastic stoppers, which have no effect negative influence for wine. A screw cap is an excellent solution for young wines that are drunk within 3–5 years after production. Manufacturers in Australia, New Zealand and other countries switched to it.

Covering festive table for guests, I want to decorate it with a wonderful wine with a subtle, refined aroma. The host of a feast invariably faces the question: how to choose a wine worthy of his dear guests? To answer, you must have at least a minimum of knowledge about the classification of wines, their properties, characteristics, and compatibility with certain dishes.

The main thing is to follow the rule when setting the table: less is better, but of higher quality.

The entire range of wines is divided into two large parts:

  • still wines “table and fortified”;
  • carbonated and sparkling.

Still wine, according to the degree of aging, can be:

  • young;
  • vintage;
  • collectible.

Young wine is sold in retail chains immediately after ripening. It is characterized by a weak strength and bouquet aroma belonging to the grape variety. Young wine has many fans among people of different age categories.

Special grape varieties are grown for vintage wine. The brand of wine depends on the time of maturation of the wine. According to existing winemaking standards, wine in this category requires aging in the range from one to six years. Vintage wines stored for more than 6 years are considered collectible.

Table wines are prepared from natural juice obtained after pressing grapes.

The production of table wine completely eliminates the addition of alcohol. The amount of sugar in a wine of a given variety varies: from complete absence to a certain percentage. Sugar in table wine is a product of incomplete fermentation, stopped at a certain stage.

The quantitative sugar residue in table wine serves as the basis for dividing this variety into the following types:

  • Dry;
  • Semi-dry;
  • Semi-sweet.

The color of the wine is determined by the type of grape raw materials used for its production. There is a distinction between white and red wine.

White dry wine It has a low strength of about 11% vol. Light sourness, pleasant, soft taste goes well with fish dishes, cold appetizers, fruits and cheese.

Dry red wine has shades from pink to rich cherry color, tart taste with a bouquet of grapes ripened in the area where the drink was produced. Compared to white wine, red wine has less acidity and greater strength. Dry red wine is served with hot fried or baked meat.

Semi-sweet and semi-dry wines are produced by incomplete fermentation of dry wines, leaving a certain amount of grape sugar. These drinks are friendly with meat, fish, vegetable dishes. They have a short shelf life in an unopened container.

Fortified wines are produced by fermenting grape must. The fermentation process is stopped and stabilized by adding alcohol. Wine contains residual sugar, the percentage of which depends on the stage at which fermentation stops. Alcohol additives increase shelf life fortified wine. The name of the wine is associated with increased strength from 17 to 20% vol.

Strong wine is usually consumed before dinner in small portions; sweet wines can be served as dessert.

Famous representatives strong wines: Madeira, port, sherry. Pairs well with first hot dishes.

The largest group consists dessert wines: muscat, cahors, tokay. Used in the dessert part of the meal. The sweetest of this group are liqueurs.

Champagne wine is produced by secondary fermentation with carbon dioxide saturation and storage in bottles under pressure. Champagne is the wine of holidays and celebrations. It is served in tall transparent glasses to highlight the beauty of the color and the play of gas bubbles. The wine seems to be playing. Has a light pleasant taste, when poured, forms a lush, beautiful foam. The taste of any wine varies significantly depending on the serving temperature. For red table wines and strong wines, the best temperature will be 16-18 degrees. The delicate taste of dry white wines will be emphasized by cooling to 12 degrees, champagne will sparkle at 10 degrees.

Wine has attracted the attention of many scientists and researchers. It is being studied from a scientific point of view beneficial features and impact on human life and health. There are heated debates about which wine is more healing: white or red? Wine is essentially a complex organic substance formed as a result of fermentation grape juice. Included in this ancient drink in addition to water includes great amount chemical substances and elements: ethanol, grape and fruit sugar, plant glycosides "anthocyanins", useful acids, tannins, vitamins and microelements.

The only thing that all researchers agree on is that wine has a healing effect on the body only with moderate consumption. If you consume no more than 100 grams of red wine daily, a person’s condition shows a positive trend: it decreases blood pressure, toxins are removed from the body, blood vessels are cleansed, and the risk of developing diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis is reduced. IN Lately There are opinions that red and white wine are almost equivalent in terms of health benefits.

Red wine owes its color to grape varieties with dark skins and cores. Wine contains useful coloring substances such as anthocyanins. They give the wine a noble color, rich taste And delicate aroma. Red wine has a relaxing effect.

Many health institutions practice the use of moderate doses of red wine in the treatment of diseases respiratory system and cardiac pathology, relieving depression.

It is believed that red wine protects against the effects of radiation and solar radiation.

Which red wine to choose

Which red wine should you choose: dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, fortified?

The listed varieties differ primarily in their sugar and alcohol content. Dry red wine full cycle fermentation contains almost no sugar “0.3%”, and alcohol is a product of natural grape fermentation. Semi-dry and semi-sweet wines contain residual sugar due to interruption of the fermentation process. To extend the shelf life, preservatives are added to these wines, which does not make them 100% healthy.

Fortified wine contains rectified alcohol, has a high strength, it is recommended to use it in limited quantities.

Dessert varieties of red wine or liqueurs are preferable to semi-dry and semi-sweet ones, since special chemical methods are not used for their preservation. The generally accepted opinion dictates that dry red wine is the healthiest and most natural.

Now about the age of red wine and its usefulness in this regard. It has been established that the age of wine does not affect its healing properties, but only changes its taste. According to the content of vitamins and useful substances Young, unaged wines are healthier than aged vintage ones.

Dry wines that do not contain sugar are much healthier than semi-sweet and dessert varieties.

Foreign red wine producers

Dry red wine, which one to choose from imported varieties?

Guilt different countries are made from a variety of local varieties grapes On the shelves of Russian shopping centers there is a lot of wine from France with a wide range of prices from cheap to expensive.

Mainly in demand among Russian buyers inexpensive varieties dry red wine.

France is a leader in wine production, but its products also include low-quality drinks. Therefore, when choosing a French wine, you should carefully study the information on the bottle: it should contain information about the manufacturer, harvest date, and year of release of the wine. Most famous French varieties red wines are Burgundy, Bordeaux, Rhone.

Italy ranks first in wine exports. Sunny, warm weather allows for growing grapes all year round. Red wines from the Tuscany wine region, made from the Italian Sangiovese grape variety, have earned worldwide fame. The most popular dry red wines are Chianti Classico, Supertuscan, Brunello di Montalcino. Chianti is a wine aged for no more than 2 years; if the aging exceeds this value, the wine is called Riserva, it is several times more expensive.

The label will again help you choose a quality Spanish wine. Wine of different ages has identifying inscriptions:

  • cheap dining;
  • local, improved quality;
  • vintage;
  • elite.

A suitable Spanish wine for a juicy meat steak is the classic Rioja with fruit bouquet and bright taste.

When choosing imported dry red wine, you should be guided by the principle that the hotter the climate in the producing country, the tastier wine. That’s why wines from Argentina, Chile and other New World countries are so popular in our country. Drinks from these countries have exotic flavors due to the use of original local grape varieties: shiraz, grenache, zinfandel, malbec. Famous grape varieties grow here: cabernet and merlot. The use of cheap labor, sunny climate, rich soils, and high yields make prices for wine from these countries affordable for the entire population.

A collection of traditional Georgian red wines will be a wonderful decoration for any feast. The first toast is made with glasses filled with the precious moisture of Georgian semi-sweet wine “Khvanchkara”. Vegetable appetizers are accompanied by Georgian red dry wines “Saperavi” or “Mukuzani”, smoothly moving on to the main meat dish - shish kebab. For dishes prepared with open fire, semi-sweet red wines based on the Kindzmarauli or Akhasheni saperavi variety are also perfect.

In recent years a pleasant addition Russian market high-quality Abkhazian wines have become available.

There are several large wineries operating on the territory of Abkhazia, producing relatively inexpensive red wine, distinguished by its wonderful taste and bouquet.

Many private wineries are opening, where wine is made according to their own original or ancient recipes. Wines from private wineries with a richer taste, but also a higher price. The most popular brands are Lykhny, Bouquet of Abkhazia, Chegem, Amra, Apsny.

After choosing a brand, variety and winemaker, it’s time to check the originality of the wine and protect yourself from counterfeiting. All world wine producers strive to adhere to the design of labels rules of three colors. Therefore, stay away from multi-colored pieces of paper.

Honest winemakers always indicate the name of the manufacturer and its location.

An important sign of quality wine is the indication of the year of harvest. High-quality wine should not have sediment. An important compass is the bottle cap; its top should be level with the top of the neck and it should sit very firmly, preserving the freshness of the wine. Nowadays, some winemakers are replacing corks with screw caps. metal lids, simplifying the way you open bottles.

To produce dry red wine, the grape varieties Merlot, Cabernet, Negrette, Aglianico, Sauvignon and others are used. There are thousands of varieties of red wine in the world. The best of them are Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Pinot Noir.

Rich, bright color of wine can only be obtained from good grapes. Scarlet, burgundy, ruby, violet, or dark cherry shades indicate the youth of dry wine. High-quality red wine is packaged in massive, individually shaped bottles in dark shades of green or brown. When serving wine, it is better to be guided by the principle: the richer, fattier, heavier the dish, the lighter the wine served.

Gastronomic combinations of red wine

There are countless gourmets in the world who have a boundless love for good dry red wine. In Italy, France, Georgia, wine is traditional national drink, an integral attribute of lunches and dinners of all segments of the population.

Examples of combinations of dry red wine with food:

  • Tuscan dry wine is perfect with cheese, lasagna, and spaghetti.
  • Semi-sweet Georgian “Kindzmarauli”, Latin-American “Kaiken Terroir Series” will make friends with kebab, fried meat: lamb, beef.
  • The sweet taste of baked vegetables will be emphasized by the French “Le Cornu”
  • The taste of the dessert will be enhanced by Burgundy Beaujolais Nouveau.

The best dry red wines

Chateau Fonches is a French wine made from Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grape varieties with bright aroma ripe fruits and meadow flowers. Alcohol is 10 vol.

Supply temperature to meat dishes about 18 degrees. Glasses with a ruby-colored drink will become the main decoration of the table.

Chianti is an ancient Italian dry wine. Strictly red grape varieties are used in its production. Goes great with Italian food.

Bararesco is another popular dry red wine from Italy. Grapes grown in the mountains give this drink a subtle tart taste and a complex aroma of spices, fruits and flowers.

Saperavi is a Georgian variety of dry red wine made from grapes of the same name.

The strength of the drink is no more than 11 vol. The wine is distinguished by its dark burgundy color and velvety taste. Mukuzani is a Georgian wine made from Saperavi grapes, languishing for three years in oak containers. Recognized by its beautiful red color, taste with the aroma of berries and oak bark.

Perfect for hot meat and vegetable delicacies.

The best Russian red wines of 2016 were recognized:

  • “Phantom” “Cabernet Sauvignon” Vedernikov winery, JSC Millerovsky winery;
  • Lefkadia "Reserve" LLC "Lefkadia", Krasnodar region;
  • “Saperevi. Chateau Taman. Reserve" JSC "Kuban-Vino", Krasnodar region and others

Semi-sweet red wines are table wines, with an alcohol content of 9-14%, with sufficient sugar content in the finished product.

Red semi-sweet wine, which one to choose?

The best red semi-sweet wines are produced by Georgia. Recipes proven over centuries, ideal weather conditions for the ripening of sweet grapes contribute to the creation of divine drinks: Khvanchkara, Alazani Valley, Kindzmarauli, Akhasheni.

Khvanchkara is the most famous semi-sweet wine. The raw materials are berries of the mujuretuli and alexandrouli varieties, growing in the vineyards of the Racha area.

The peculiarity of the dark red drink is its excellent taste with floral and fruity notes.

Alazani Valley is a semi-sweet wine from red grape varieties growing in Western and Eastern Georgia.

A great addition to Georgian varieties cheese and sweet dishes. Cooling wine enhances its flavor nuances. It has a pleasant taste and delicate bouquet.

Akhasheni is a semi-sweet drink made from the famous Saperavi grape variety, growing in mountainous Kakheti. The velvety color of black cherry is combined with a moderately tart taste.

Kindzmarauli is a famous semi-sweet red made from Saperavi grapes. Bordeaux color, dark garnet, pleasant taste and wonderful bouquet.

To summarize, when choosing a wine, you should give preference to dry red wine made from red grapes. dark varieties. This type of drink occupies a significant niche in the assortment of vintage and single wines. Moderate regular consumption of dry red wine will help improve health, support vitality at the proper level, to lift your spirits. The main thing in achieving health and therapeutic effect regular consumption in small doses. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol addiction. As the French say, wine cures everything except alcoholism.

Rain, you say? Is it freezing at night and is it about to snow? So what. Even in our latitudes you can buy bottled Spanish sun, the aromas of French flowers and the sensation of Italian dolcevita on the lips. Argentina and South Africa, where we have not been yet, is also with us.

But here's the catch. In a large store there are shelves with wine bottles long. On the price tags - 500 rubles, and a thousand, and two, and such amounts that one is more accustomed to spending on a pair of expensive shoes. How to choose a good wine that you will enjoy autumn evening? ELLE turned to experts for help.

ELLE Is it true that the more expensive the wine, the better?

In wines, however, as in life in general, the concept of “better” is very conditional, he reasonably notes President of the International Wine and Gastronomic Center LEONID GELIBTERMAN. - If we compare wines from the same grape variety, the same region and the same harvest year, then we can say that one producer’s wine is better than another’s. But when buying wine in a store, you are unlikely to do this. The more important indicator here is “price - quality”. Based on this criterion, table wines can be much better than vintage wines. The reason for which you buy wine is also important. It makes no sense to take expensive wines for barbecues in nature, where there won’t be any good glasses. In this case, it is better to buy inexpensive wine, but suitable for the time and place.

ELLE Is it possible to find decent wine for 500 rubles or less?

There is a better chance of finding it on the shelves with wines from Chile, Argentina, South Africa, and Australia. In this price category they beat the Europeans, advises sommelier KIRILL BOGDANOV.

ELLE What if you need French? Well, let's say a friend brought brie and camembert from Paris - what should I buy with them?

K.B. If you have 500 rubles, on the shelf with wines from France, look for wines of the IGP (Indication Geographique Protegee) category - a protected geographical name. Simply put, the label must indicate the specific area in France where the wine is made. This is higher than just table wine, but even for 500 rubles you can find something.

ELLE It turns out that wine from Chile and Argentina will be better for the same money than wine from France or Italy?

L.G. Chilean and Argentine wines have a very good price-quality ratio. And from this point of view, they look attractive in relation not only to European wines, but also to their New World colleagues from the USA or New Zealand. But, by the way, European wine is not only Burgundy and Bordeaux, Rioja and Ribera del Duero, Montepulciano and Chianti. Wines from France's Languedoc, Spain's Castile-La Mancha and Portugal's Vinho Verde are relatively inexpensive but can give you a lot of fun.

ELLE From the shelf with French wines we move on to Spanish ones. The prices are more humane, and on the labels there are two words every now and then: criansa and reserve. What it is?

K.B. In order for the word crianza to appear on the label, the wine must be aged first in a barrel, then in a bottle - at least 2 years in total. And where he was given more time is not the point. In the case of the inscription reserva - the barrel is separate, the bottle is separate. "Epaulettes" in the form words reserve on the label is given to red wine that has been aged for a total of at least 36 months, of which at least a year - in oak barrel. For white and rosé wines, the rules are different: 24 months of aging is enough for them, with at least six months in a barrel - and that’s it, the “reserve” is ready.

ELLE Is white always with fish, and red with meat? And why then pink and sparkling?

L.G. White wine goes with fish, and red wine goes with meat - this is a basic postulate. But life is richer than any schemes, so red wine goes well with tuna, and Georgian white wines aged in qvevri will perfectly accompany barbecue. Pink Spanish cava can be an exquisite aperitif, and the most expensive still rose wine in the world, Chateaud`Esclans from French Provence, requires serious gastronomic accompaniment.

ELLE What words should you look for first on a label?

K.B. European legislation has three categories of wine: table wines, IGP wines, which I have already mentioned, and wines indicating the appellation of protected origin, AOP (Appellation D "Origine Protegee). To put it simply: if on the label and back label (it is with reverse side bottles) only the word France is written and there are no other geographical names (the address of the manufacturer and importer does not count) - table wine. If there is a name for a region - Bordeaux, Provence, Languedoc and so on - this is IGP. And it is most likely better and of higher quality. And if there is a name for a specific appellation, even better. But also more expensive.

ELLE What are the differences when choosing wine from Europe and the New World?

K.B. The wines of the New World (Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Australia) are clearer. They have bright and memorable labels, without complex names of the villages where this wine comes from. To choose the right wine, you don’t need to remember what grape varieties were used to create this drink - everything is written on the label. Unlike the wines of Burgundy or Bordeaux: they use only varieties permitted for each region, and therefore they are not indicated on the label. New World wines are generally made to be drunk now - don't look for old vintages on the label!

ELLE Is a screw cap bad?

K.B. Of course not. This is a sign that wine should be drunk young. Thin, expensive wines intended for long-term storage are still sealed only with natural cork. Synthetic and screw caps are used in mass production. Cork oak grows mainly in Portugal, Spain, and northern Africa. And shipping a cork from there to Australia or Chile is expensive. And there aren’t enough cork oaks for everyone!

ELLE The label says “contains sulfites.” This is alarming!

You are unlikely to find wine without sulfites - at least in the store. Sulfites are not horror-horror-horror and not even GMOs. The question is how much of these substances necessary for storing wine were added by winemakers, explains winemaker JOSEPH SPITERI. - I take the minimum. I can’t do without sulfites completely; there’s a risk of losing half the wine even before it’s bottled. The only way to check how much sulfites are in wine is through practical exercises: if you get a headache or stomach ache a couple of hours after a moderate libation, there are probably a lot of chemicals.

Before a special event or an important evening, the hostess racks her brains over how to organize everything correctly. Guest of honor quality wine is considered to be on the table. Store shelves are overflowing with drinks from various manufacturers. Choose best option taking into account taste preferences and price range is not so simple. Today we will look at the basic principles that will help you choose quality wine. So, let's begin.

Select country of manufacture

The leading countries for the production and supply of wine are the following: Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, France, Italy, Moldova. Let's take a closer look at each manufacturer.

  1. Russia. The grapes are grown in the Crimea, the Caucasus, in the vicinity of Volgograd, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Saratov, and Stavropol. Give preference to the following brands: “Caucasus”, “Pino Black”, “Isabella”, “Fanagoria”, “Cabernet”, “Russian Vine”, “Aligote”.
  2. Georgia. Today, more than 4,000 people know different varieties wines, more than 500 varieties are produced in Georgia. IN Soviet times this country provided the population with healing drugs, Georgia was allocated 80% of the supplies. The country still occupies a leading position today. The most delicious and popular wines are “Rkatsiteli”, “Kindzmarauli”, “Khvanchkara”.
  3. Ukraine. Thanks to the favorable climate of Ukraine, experienced winemakers can afford to grow grapes and produce wine from them almost all year round. Long summers and mild winters make the drink truly worthy. If we talk about Ukrainian wines, choose “Shabo”, “ French Boulevard", "Belozersky" agricultural complex.
  4. France. In this country, children are treated to wine starting from the age of three. The culture of drinking wine is so high that it is impossible not to take into account France as the main producer of the drink. Since ancient times, local winemakers have been famous for their ability to prepare red, rosé, white and sparkling wine. If you want to enjoy French drink, give preference to the following brands: Chateau Margaux, Chateau Latour, Haut-Brion, Chateau Lafite-Rothschild, Entre-de-Mer.
  5. Moldova. Moldavian wine has a light aftertaste and sophistication. The winemakers of this country are preparing healing potion not only from fermented berries, but also with the addition of natural apple juice. Naturally, the recipe remains a secret. But experienced sommeliers know how to distinguish real Moldovan wines from other producers. If you are aiming to try just such a drink, choose from the most delicious and popular options: “Chumai Cabernet”, “Moldavskoe”, “Bouquet of Moldova”, “Romanesti”, “Onesti Aligote”, “White Dneprovskoe”.
  6. Italy. About Italian wines You can make up legends. The drug is called not just good, but divine, magnificent. In addition to an affordable price, you will receive a unique bouquet, manifested in a soft aftertaste. In Italy, the grapes grow in the warm regions of the Apennine Peninsula. The mild climate and Mediterranean breeze do their job. Wines are divided into elite and table. Among the most solemn ones are “Lagrein”, “Lambrusco”, “Dolcetto”, “Amarone”, “Malvasia Nera”.

Give preference to sweet and dry wines

It’s interesting that only in our country is wine labeled “semi-sweet” so popular. In other more civilized countries, semi-sweet wine is considered a drink of inferior quality.

The thing is that when preparing such a drink, not very high-quality raw materials are used. Sometimes waste obtained from the production of more expensive and “clean” varieties of wine (sweet, dry) is added to wine.

In addition, semi-sweet wine contains a lot of preservatives, flavor enhancers, and dyes, so it cannot be called natural. The same applies to alcohol labeled “semi-dry”.

Avoid flashy names

You should not buy wines with catchy names, such as “Blood of the Samurai”, “Full Moon of the Werewolf” and others. In practice, raw materials with such a label are not famous for their taste.

If you prefer products from a domestic manufacturer, pay attention to famous brands. Find out what wines your friends like to drink. If possible, seek advice from a professional advisor. Keep in mind that the price of a good bottle of wine starts from 500 rubles.

Study the inscriptions on the bottle

The drink, which is sold abroad in bottles, is many times better in quality than the raw material bottled in Russia from barrels. As a rule, unscrupulous producers dilute wine to increase volume. Such manipulations greatly affect the taste of the drink.

Wine produced abroad must contain the country of production on the label. Such products indicate that the composition was produced exclusively for the domestic market. By law, the Russian-language label is pasted on top of the original one.

If you purchase wine, the vintage must be indicated on the bottle. The inscription will be missing if the product is not natural. This drink is a harmful concentrate of unknown compounds.

Guilt good quality in a low price category are produced by blending several grape varieties. Pay attention to the label, this should be stated on the bottle. Each variety has a place on the bottle.

Only expensive wine is made from one variety. In most cases, you will not be able to find such raw materials on store shelves. They simply don't sell wine. You should not trust a bottle that says that the wine is made from selected grape varieties. Typically this is a lie.

Here is a drink made from leftover raw materials that are not intended for high-quality wine. As with any product, there are always exceptions. French wines are produced without an inscription indicating what grape variety they are made from. The quality of the drink is controlled by law.

Pay attention to the bottle and cork

It is recommended to purchase wine only in glass bottle or from a barrel. Don’t even think about buying a drink in a tetra pack. Such a product simply cannot be drunk; in rare cases, the composition will be used in culinary purposes, no more. Manufacturer good wine will not skimp on packaging.

Give preference to a classic bottle. The container should not have sophisticated, complex shapes. This is just a beautiful wrapper; the wine will leave much to be desired. Once you have decided on the classic shape of the bottle, pay attention to the cork.

The plug should not be made of plastic. Pay attention to the integrity of the cork. There should be no hint of cracks or smudges on the bottle. Wooden stoppers have a positive effect on the aroma and taste of the drink, which cannot be said about plastic ones. After opening the container, be sure to smell the plug. You should not notice a musty aroma.

Consider the price of wine

You should not rely on the fact that you can buy quality wine for less than 400 rubles. Good wine cannot be cheap. You should not believe the fables of those people who claim that quality product can be purchased at a temptingly low price.

If you have been to Europe or are planning to go there soon, you should pay attention to the fact that quality wine abroad costs at least 8-10 euros. Today, it is about 600-700 rubles.

Everything that is cheaper than this price category is carried out in best case scenario from waste quality drink. This product contains various chemical additives and emulsifiers. Wine often provokes allergic reaction, stomach upset and poisoning. In a store, you shouldn’t even look at the rack with cheap products.

Choosing wine is a responsible undertaking that must be approached with all responsibility. If you do not want to fall flat on your face in front of your guests, listen to the recommendations described above. Do not buy semi-dry or semi-sweet, give preference pure wines from leading producing countries.

Video: rules for choosing wine in a store

Today, on the shelves of most alcohol stores there is a large number of names of red and white wines. Most people don’t understand how to choose a good dry red wine from hundreds of names.

In some regions such as Georgia and France, wine is considered a national drink. And they drink it for any reason, some even every day and many times.

In our country it is not customary to use this this drink, therefore, people’s literacy in choosing quality wine is very weak. In this article, we will look at what you should pay attention to when choosing dry red wine, and also rank popular brands by country.

Since ancient winemaking times, people who are well versed in this have always preferred dry wine. This drink has the lowest sugar content (about 0.4%) and is the most suitable option for people.

It is called dry precisely because there is almost no sugar in such drinks, as opposed to semi-sweet wine.

By the way, in Russia, most alcohol lovers prefer semi-sweet wines because of their taste. And the cost of good dry is much more expensive than semi-sweet.

We still don’t have a culture of choosing alcohol like in France. It is difficult to explain to a person why wine is so expensive and why he should overpay if he can get semi-sweet.

Dry red is produced from grape varieties:

  • Merlot;
  • Labrusco;
  • Cabernet;
  • Negrette;
  • Aglianico;
  • Sauvignon.

It is also worth noting that dry varieties have the richest and most intense bouquet flavor combinations and aftertastes. It’s not for nothing that thousands of connoisseurs around the world prefer it, and experienced sommeliers will always appreciate it if a guest’s choice falls on such a drink.

Good and inexpensive

In the CIS countries, the fundamental criterion when choosing alcohol is price. In this regard, many people wonder, is it possible to find good inexpensive wine? Even with today's ruble exchange rate, there are many inexpensive and high-quality wines in stores.

The average price today is about 600-700 rubles for a bottle of good semi-sweet or sweet wine. Of course, within these limits there will also be semi-dry or even dry wine, but still, good dry wine will approach 1000 rubles per bottle.

You can pay attention to Georgian. It is of very high quality and relatively inexpensive compared to France.

In our stores there are also more expensive copies. Nice bottles can cost up to 2000 rubles and more.

Most often, the price is based on the year of harvest and brand. Lovers of “tasty” food can be immediately disappointed. Expensive wine It's often not very tasty. You have to taste it and subtly feel the bouquet. This will come with experience.

About the bottle

Specifically about the shape of the bottles themselves, we can say that all manufacturers use different shapes and glass. Here we can advise you to focus on famous brands or just search the shelves in France and see what shapes are used there.

The volume of a good bottle is approximately 0.75. And pay attention to the bottom. It should have a deep depression. Cheaper brands use light-colored glass containers with shallow or flat bottoms.

Most often it is dark brown or green glass with a curved upward shape. It is this type of glass that prevents the penetration of light and allows the drink to be stored for many years.


Many people probably don’t know, but the cork is the most expensive element in a bottle. The safety of the liquid will depend on its quality, therefore best brands and farms try not to save on this. A real cork should be made of wood.

But some manufacturers (mostly from the cheap price segment) save money and use downright bad plastic plugs or even make a simple screw cap. If you come across this, it’s better to avoid this brand next time, it’s not real wine.

The best red and white wines are equipped with natural corks, which reliably retain all properties and do not allow oxygen inside. When you uncork the next bottle, pay attention to the cork; it should be tightly seated.

It shouldn't come out easily. Most often, the plug has to be pulled out with considerable force.

The cork itself should be dense, but soft. Each such plug usually indicates:

  1. Name of farm or brand
  2. Harvest year
  3. Vineyard name
  4. Name of the company that participated in the bottling
  5. Location, region of production
  6. Special code and brand (each manufacturer has their own)

What to look for

When choosing a good wine in a store, carefully study the contents of the label. This is important if you want to not just get drunk at dinner, but to make a meaningful choice and not be disappointed later. It’s always interesting to learn more about the brand where it was created, about the grape variety.

When purchasing, we pay attention to several factors:

  1. Firstly the manufacturer. It should be indicated large on the front side. If you can’t find the name for a long time, then either you don’t understand something, or it’s some kind of fake.
  2. Next, you should pay attention to the region of cultivation and production. According to European laws, there are several classifications. In short, the exact location of the vineyard is not always indicated on the bottle. If, in addition to the country, a region is indicated (for example, Bordeaux). then you are holding a good product in your hands.
  3. Harvest year. This is very important, since all winemakers note whether the year was particularly successful or ordinary. If you can't find the year, then most often this drink is not made from grapes, but from a powdered concentrate.
  4. The percentage of alcohol and sugar content must also be indicated. Remember that dry wines have minimal sugar content - about 0.3%

Just in case, it's worth noting that real wine only comes in bottles and not in cardboard boxes.

About color

This is something you can only test when you get home. It is impossible to evaluate the color through dark glass in a store.

You need to start with the fact that you should pour it into special transparent glasses, and not into a dark mug from which you just drank tea. Pour some wine into a glass and gently swirl it with your hand so that the drink plays in the light and fills with oxygen.

If the color is cloudy or very dark, then the wine has most likely spoiled. This could happen for a number of reasons. Or there was an error at the production stage (the berries could have been poorly selected and rotten ones were used). Or improper storage (did not maintain humidity, air temperature).

Now let’s move on to what the color of a good dry red wine should be:

  • Deep, rich, slightly transparent, shiny, bright color indicates the quality of the harvest;
  • If the color is too dark, slightly garnet, slightly ruby, then this indicates a young harvest;
  • Lighter, slightly orange drinks indicate maturity and age.

The best brands

1. The first place should be given to Italy. This country is relatively new to the race and is now winning it. Italy is completely planted with vineyards and local winemakers have learned to work well with different production techniques and have brought their skills to perfection.

The best Italian red wines:


Aging - 3 years

Region - Veneto

The taste is very mild with light fruity notes and spicy aftertaste


Region - Veneto

Taste - round and soft

The average price in the Russian Federation is 900 rubles.

2. France is confidently second number and not to say that it is stepping on the heels of Italy, but there are a lot of famous people here wine regions, which has something to brag about.

The best French red wines:


Region - Bordeaux, Pomerol

Taste - multi-faceted and delicate aroma intertwined in an accord of blackberry, black currant, ripe strawberry and oak bark

Price in the Russian Federation - 17,900 rubles

CHATEAU NENAN 2014 13.5%

Region - Bordeaux, Pomerol

Taste - refined taste filled with notes of blackberry, coffee, aroma of spring flowers and spices

Price in the Russian Federation - 5,800 rubles

Other countries that also have something to surprise you with on their wine list:

  • Spain
  • Argentina
  • Georgia
  • Russia

Finally, I would like to note that today there are thousands of wines on the market to suit every taste and budget. And it doesn’t matter who you are, a collector who is hunting for the next rare harvest or a simple layman, remember the basic simple rules in choosing a quality drink. You can see more details in the video. That's all, take care of yourself!
