Preparing pear juice for the winter. Delicious recipes for the winter: pear juice through a juicer

Even before the advent of the Roman Empire, the fruits of the pear tree attracted people with its intoxicating sweet aroma and honey-sweet taste. Pleasant taste and smell are not the only advantages of pears. The fruit is attractive due to its nutritional value.

The pear is a tree of the Rosaceae family. Depending on the variety, the shape, color and taste may change.

The largest supplier of fruit is China. It produces about 70% of the pears on the world market. The rest comes from Europe, New Zealand, California, Chile and South Korea.

Pears can be eaten for dessert or as a snack. Pear pieces are added to salads and used in baking.

Due to their hypoallergenic properties, the fruits are used as complementary food for infants.

Composition and calorie content of pear

Vitamins in % of normal:

  • C – 5.6%;
  • K – 3.8%;
  • E – 2.7%;
  • B2 – 1.7%;
  • B6 – 1.5%.

Minerals in % of normal:

Calorie content of pear – 58 kcal/100 g.

There are about 4,000 species of pears, but only 30 of them are edible. The most popular are Asian and European pears. Asian varieties have a firm texture and tough skin, while European pears are softer and juicier.

For joints and bones

Pears prevent the development of osteoporosis and rheumatism, making bones and joints strong and resilient. Eating pears retains calcium in the body and does not wash it out of the bones.

For the heart and blood vessels

Pear reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. One pear contains almost 25% of daily norm fiber of an adult.

Pear lowers cholesterol levels in the body and serves as a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases.

Pear dilates blood vessels. She reduces arterial pressure, reduces the load on the heart and prevents the formation of blood clots, ensuring blood flow to all organs. The fruit helps to avoid stroke, atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

For eyes

Pear affects the condition and functioning of the eyes. It reduces macular degeneration, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and vision loss as you age, and can help you avoid other eye diseases.

For the lungs

Pear cooked in sugar syrup, relieves phlegm in diseases respiratory tract, relieves swelling from the throat, relieves inflammation and moisturizes the lungs. The product is effective for wet and dry coughs.

Pears improve lung function and reduce the symptoms of pulmonary disease, expressed in the form of shortness of breath and cough. This fruit reduces the likelihood of developing asthma and normalizes lung function.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Pear will help cope with diseases of the colon, ease bowel function, reduce blood pressure and inflammation in the colon.

Pears – good remedy for weight loss. They provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

For the kidneys and bladder system

Pears cleanse the body, remove fluid from it and prevent water retention, which causes swelling. Pears are used as a diuretic that normalizes the functioning of the urinary system.

For skin and hair

Vitamin C in pear ensures normal metabolism and accelerates wound healing.

For immunity

Pears are sources of antioxidants. They protect cells from damage.

Pears are good for the immune system. They will strengthen the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria, reduce the symptoms of flu and colds, and also provide the body with energy.

Benefits of pear juice

Pear juice is rich in the same vitamins and minerals found in pears. The only difference between a fruit and a drink is the presence of fiber.

Freshly squeezed pear juice helps get rid of streptococcus, thanks to arginine. It protects the body from the penetration of germs, infections and viruses.

Pear juice is effective means for constipation. It is rich in pectin, which improves intestinal motility.

A good way to strengthen your immune system is to drink pear juice regularly. It reduces heat due to its cooling properties. This juice benefit is beneficial in hot weather. The drink, prepared without added sugar, prevents shortness of breath and quenches thirst well.

Not only is it useful for a hangover mineral water, but also pear juice. It removes toxins from the body that appear after drinking alcohol.

How to make healthy pear juice

If you don't have a juicer, then help will come blender.


  • 3 medium pears;
  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • a pinch of sea salt.


  1. Peel all fruits.
  2. Cut the pears, lemon and orange into small pieces and place in a blender.
  3. Turn on the blender for 2-3 minutes. The liquid should become homogeneous.
  4. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve to remove pulp and fibers.
  5. Using a spoon, squeeze the juice from the remaining fruit in the blender and add it to the strained drink.
  6. Refrigerate and serve as a healthy drink!

The Chinese have always considered pear trees to be a symbol of longevity because their lifespan is much longer than that of many fruit trees.

Poets Ancient Greece dedicated poems to the pear tree, and the famous Galen prescribed to his patients pear juice to relieve fever.

In our country, pears and their juice have always been considered medicinal. The juice was often used in folk medicine, and it was prepared from large, juicy and ripe (not overripe!) fruits.

Composition of pear juice

Pear fruits contain many biologically beneficial active substances, and of course they all go into pear juice. IN pear juice contains more easily digestible sugars than other fruit juices: it is high in fructose, which does not require insulin for the body to absorb it, and is therefore recommended for people who have impaired thyroid function.

There are also sucrose and glucose, catechins, pectins, tannins, fiber, nitrogenous substances, vitamins, group B, PP, biotin - a beauty vitamin and beta-carotene. According to the content of micro- and macroelements pear juice occupies one of the first places: it contains iron, zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, boron, cobalt, silicon, rubidium, nickel; magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chlorine.

Naturopaths are doctors who treat people using natural medicines, consider pear juice dietary and medicinal. Taste pear juice It differs from apple juice in that it contains a little more sugar, but less acid.

Benefits of pear juice

Thanks to the rich composition, pear juice actively removes toxins and even heavy metals from the body. Essential oils contained in it strengthen the immune defense of our body, increase its resistance to infections, reduce the risk of inflammation and prevent the development of depression.

Using pear juice, you can get rid of excess weight, as it regulates the digestion process, enhances intestinal motility and prevents the accumulation of fluid in the body.

Properties and treatment of pear juice

Antibacterial, antiseptic and painkillers properties of pear juice still allow us to recommend it as an addition to the treatment of cystitis and neuritis: it has an astringent, antipyretic and strengthening effect, is used as a diuretic and has a bactericidal effect on the body.

Pear juice early varieties contain a lot of manganese, and late varieties are rich in iron. Organic zinc content in pear juice more than in apple, apricot, peach, plum, strawberry, juice black currant and many more fruits and berries.

Kidney problems and circulatory system diseases can be prevented if you start consuming them in a timely manner. pear juice as a prophylactic agent.

Properties of pear juice have always been used in treatment urolithiasis. Diuretic properties of pear juice This is explained by the significant content of potassium salts in it - they remove water and excess salt from the body.

Another substance that is diuretic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect– arbutin. It is found mainly in pear varieties growing in the Urals, Siberia and Far East. The juice from such pears has high biological activity and is used to treat coughs, as well as as an antipyretic and fixative.

Pectin compounds, which are also rich in pear juice, remove “bad” cholesterol from the body and help improve the functioning of the entire digestive system.

Helps relieve fatigue, get rid of dizziness and normalize heart rate, gives the body strength during heavy loads, improves appetite, promotes tissue healing - cracks, cuts, reduces the body's sensitivity to cold. This effect is due to the high content of iron in it, and the symptoms listed above occur precisely when there is an acute shortage of this microelement in the body.

The most useful and valuable juice is the juice from those fruits that are distinguished by their strong and pleasant smell: the juice of such pears is especially helpful for diseases of the heart and lungs. High blood pressure pear juice may return to normal.

Severe mushroom poisoning is easier to neutralize if started as soon as possible drink pear juice– it contains antitoxins. In the treatment of stomach diseases pear juice is also very useful, especially that which is obtained from tart, sour fruits.

If you have gastritis, cholecystitis, or liver disease, drink a glass of freshly squeezed pear juice with pulp, then during the day you will not suffer from heartburn, stomach pain, and discomfort in the intestines will disappear.

The juice obtained from sweet and sour varieties of pears strengthens the stomach: it increases appetite, normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and relieves inflammation. Juice is used to treat and prevent various gastrointestinal diseases. fresh fruits– 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

For those who want to lose weight, pear juice is also useful, since it energy value lower than many other fruit juices.

A few centuries ago, oriental doctors and healers noticed that pear juice calms, relieves the effects of stress and lifts the mood, and they began to prescribe it to patients as a remedy that gives vigor, refreshes and cheers the soul.

What pear juice to drink

Which pear juice to use: Only freshly squeezed, or can you drink juices from a package? Of course, freshly squeezed juice is the best option, however, juice from a package is also quite suitable. Currently, juice production technologies continue to improve: after all, manufacturers understand that the modern consumer is increasingly attracted by the quality of the product, and not by its price, as it was before.

Therefore, juices, especially for children, are produced in such a way that they retain most of their beneficial properties. Short-term high-temperature treatment is used, when the resulting juice is quickly heated and instantly cooled. The cooled juice is immediately poured into sterile packaging, in which it can be stored for a long time without being subjected to harmful effects; the fermentation process does not occur in it, but everything valuable qualities are saved.

How to make pear juice

Receive and prepare pear juice You can also do it at home. If you blend it with apple juice, the taste of the juice will improve, and the likelihood of harmful bacteria growing in the juice will decrease.

Usually add 2 liters of apple juice to 1 liter of pear juice, but the amount of apple juice can be reduced. Blended juices are lighter in color; pear juice, blended with rowan or quince, differs amazing taste and aroma. If pear juice do not mix with others, you can add it to it citric acid or lemon juice - this will improve the quality.

Washed pears are passed through a meat grinder or stainless steel shredder, the resulting mass is immediately pressed, filtered and canned. For filtration, you can use 3 layers of gauze, and preserve it by pasteurization or hot filling. You can pass crushed pears through a juicer, then immediately filter and pour into sterilized bottles, seal with sterilized stoppers and pasteurize at 80°C for at least 15 minutes. When the bottles have cooled, the corks are filled with wax or paraffin and placed in a cool, dark place.

Another way: wash the pears, remove the core, cut into slices about 2 cm, put in a pan, cover with sugar and leave to stand at 20°C for a little more than a day. For 1 kg of pears use 300 g of sugar. Then the juice is drained, heated to 85°C, quickly poured into sterilized bottles or jars and closed. This juice can be stored for no longer than 2.5 months. If the juice will be stored for less time, then you can not heat it, but be sure to store it in the refrigerator.

From 18-20 kg of pears, about 10 liters of juice are obtained. Any variety of pear is suitable for making juice, but it is better to choose fruits with thin skin.

Pear juice(see photo) is a favorite drink not only of children, but also of adults. In ancient times in the East, pears were considered healing fruits, because there was a belief that if you eat a pear, you can extend your life, since the pear tree is one of the most durable among other fruit trees.

In Ancient Greece, odes to this drink were even sung. And local healers used fruit juice to treat patients with fever. Nowadays, pear juice is also used in alternative medicine to treat various kinds diseases.

Compared to apple juice, pear contains more fructose and does not taste very sour. Therefore, it is the favorite drink of many people.

Such a wonderful fruit as a pear has found its use in cooking not only in making natural juice, compotes, but also in making jam for the winter, so that later it can be used as a filling for various sweet pastries(pancakes, pies, rolls, pancakes). Many gourmets love to eat hot chebureks, washing them down with pear juice. And concentrated pear juice is great for cooking alcoholic drinks(cider, moonshine).


Composition of this fruit juice contains many beneficial substances:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • fiber, pectins;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine);
  • vegetable fats and proteins;
  • essential oils.

The calorie content of this fruit juice is not very high, but you should not drink it excessively to avoid an allergic reaction to the freshly squeezed drink.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of pear juice are many-sided. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, strengthening health and improving well-being.

Since the juice contains many healing substances, it is used for:

  • recovery vitality and energy;
  • ridding the body of toxins;
  • normalization of the stomach and intestines;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevention of intestinal infections (staphylococci, E. coli);
  • prevention of cancer;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • protecting the immune system from harmful bacteria and viruses.

Alternative medicine specialists advise drinking about six hundred grams of freshly squeezed juice daily, adding two teaspoons natural honey, for the prevention of inflammatory diseases (cystitis, nephritis). Pear juice can also be taken by people who have thyroid problems or diabetes.

At various diseases stomach (gastritis, cholecystitis), doctors advise drinking about two hundred grams of freshly squeezed pear juice with pulp in the morning.

As for infants, doctors recommend introducing juice with pear pulp into the diet after six months, and preferably after a year, monitoring the child’s reaction to New Product. Doctors also advise that it is better to give children diluted pear juice. boiled water so that it is less concentrated.

Previously, pear juice was given as a remedy against high temperature both adults and children.

At inflammatory diseases throat, doctors of alternative medicine advise drinking boiled pear juice (pre-squeezed from two ripe pears), adding two teaspoons of natural honey. This procedure can be done up to three times a day.

In addition, this product is good for weakening the intestines. But for long-term constipation, drinking pear juice is not recommended.

Many mothers ask the question: “Is it possible to drink pear juice when breastfeeding? Experts do not recommend introducing freshly squeezed pear juice into the diet, because it can cause painful colic in the baby’s stomach.

Some people who stick dietary nutrition, they ask: “Should I drink pear juice while dieting?” Many nutritionists advise drinking a glass of squeezed pear juice one hour after eating, since it is a low-calorie product.

Along with the beneficial properties this drink may cause harm to health. Doctors advise drinking juice in moderation so as not to cause allergic reaction accompanied by a rash all over the body. Also, this drink can affect the wear of tooth enamel. If you drink a lot of juice at once, you can cause intestinal disorders (diarrhea).

As you can see, pear juice is a storehouse of beneficial nutrients, but it is better to use it in moderation so as not to harm the body.

How to make pear juice at home?

Making pear juice at home is very easy. To do this you need to take about one kilogram of ripe juicy pears, wash thoroughly, remove seeds, halve the fruit. Then place the pears in an enamel-coated pan, add about one and a half cups of sugar and leave at a temperature of twenty degrees for twenty-four hours. Afterwards, the juice needs to be poured into another container and poured into a container. This juice can only be stored in the refrigerator for one week.

Finished product will have a rich aroma and excellent taste.

How to preserve for the winter?

Preserving pear juice at home for the winter will not cause any trouble to any housewife. The main thing is to follow the recipe step by step, and then everything will work out. This juice can be made with or without pulp. You can also mix apple and pear juices into one. It is best to use a juicer to preserve juice for the winter.

Pear juice

Cooking method


To make juice, you need to take about nine kilograms of pears, wash them thoroughly, halve them and remove the core. Grind the finished fruits using a meat grinder. Then fold fruit puree into a gauze pocket and squeeze. Pour the squeezed juice into an enamel-lined container and boil for fifteen minutes. Then pour into sterilized containers and preserve.

With pulp

To make pear juice with pulp at home, you need to take about nine kilograms of ripe, juicy pears, wash them thoroughly and halve them to remove the core. Next, put the fruits in a juicer and get a freshly squeezed product. Then pour the fruit liquid into an enamel-lined container and boil. As soon as the foam begins to rise to the surface, you need to remove it and set it aside. fruit mass to the side. Pour the finished product into sterilized containers and preserve.

With apples

To prepare the juice, you need to thoroughly wash five kilograms of ripe pears, four kilograms of ripe apples, divide them in half and remove the core. Then grind the fruit through a meat grinder or juicer. Then put the fruit puree in a gauze pocket and squeeze. Pour the squeezed juice into an enamel-lined container and boil for about fifteen minutes. Afterwards, pour the finished juice into sterilized containers and preserve.

Whatever the form of ready-made pear juice (freshly squeezed or canned), it will always contain many useful substances, and also have a rich aroma and unsurpassed taste.


For a long time, something made with your own hands has been considered not only tasty and healthy, but also healing! It is not for nothing that in China, pear trees are considered a symbol of longevity. Their lifespan is much longer than that of other trees. And the Greeks even treated fever with pear juice.

In our time, pear juice has not lost its reputation as a healer. Many doctors and nutritionists recommend consuming it to their patients. This drink will be especially useful for those who have problems with the thyroid gland, since pears, and therefore the juices from them, contain a large number of fructose, which is perfectly absorbed and requires almost no insulin for this.

The benefits of pear juice are undeniable and confirmed by all kinds of medical studies. Thus, the beneficial substances contained in it help fight toxins and support our immune system. In addition, this drink is recommended by many nutritionists because it successfully controls the digestion process, improves metabolism and removes excess fluid from the body.

As a preventive measure, drinking pear juice is recommended for those who want to prevent diseases of the kidneys and circulatory system.

The best part is that pears are a fruit accessible to everyone. You can often find them in stores; many probably have dachas and vegetable gardens where you can easily grow pear trees. And if you are one of the lucky owners of such a treasure, then our recipe with step by step photos will help you decide and find out what kind of juice can be obtained from a certain type of pear if you make it at home.

Fragrant pears are good not only fresh, but also from them excellent jam and juice. However, before drinking a drink made from these fruits, you should learn about the benefits and harms of pear juice. After all, the more correct the nutrition system, the better. Balanced diet- the basis .

What are the benefits of pear juice?

These fruits are rich in many useful substances, but the most interesting thing is that they contain a large amount of pectin, which helps the human body get rid of toxins and heavy metal salts. The benefit of pear juice is, first of all, that it helps cleanse the intestines, and does so very gently. By establishing peristalsis, this drink quickly removes harmful substances and connections.

Also, the juice from these yellow fruits will be useful for people who are losing weight. A large number of different substances, from group B to zinc, eliminate vitamin deficiency, which often occurs when following a strict diet. And improving the digestive process will be an additional bonus for people who observe dietary restrictions.

The benefits of freshly squeezed pear juice will certainly be higher than that of a packaged drink. Store-bought juices often contain a large amount of sugar, which reduces beneficial features drink

Limitations and precautions

Freshly squeezed pear juice should be drunk with caution by people with gastritis or stomach or intestinal ulcers, as well as those who have defects in tooth enamel. In addition, it should be remembered that bagged fruit drinks It should not be used by those who have the ailments mentioned above. High content fruit acids will lead to an exacerbation of the disease or its development. It is better to give children freshly squeezed juices diluted with water.
