What is the difference between table wine and dessert wine? Why does table wine have this name and how does it differ from others?

Today it is very difficult to imagine any festive event without wine. Every corner of the planet has its own national traditions drinking this wonderful drink and unusual varieties. In most countries, it is customary to organize entire rituals with a specific culture and conventions for the use of table wine.

A little about the drink

Table wines have a number of different advantages: they are famous for their bactericidal qualities - various pathogenic microorganisms that cause intestinal pathologies, when they get into the drink, simply die. In its acidity, this alcohol is similar to gastric juice, which gives it the opportunity to participate in digestion. In addition, table wines allow you to stabilize the acid balance in the body due to the presence of all kinds of acids and minerals in their composition.

The division of drinks into certain categories today is considered a real necessity, because only through classification can each consumer understand the quality of the drink simply by looking at the label. For example, when choosing a product, it is very important to know how it differs table wine from geographical, what strength it has, are there any differences in the tastes of different drinks.

Table wine - what is it? It's quite light drink, having a low strength and a small amount of sugar in its composition. This wine harmonizes perfectly with most main dishes, so it is often served during meals. As a rule, in almost all countries it looks approximately the same and implies the division of drinks into the following types:

Those who want to understand how table wine differs from geographical wine should know that any grape can be used to produce such a drink. It is noteworthy that the label of such alcohol, as a rule, does not indicate exactly where the berries used for production were grown. In addition, you will not see the year of production on a bottle of table wine.

However, this does not mean that it is of completely low quality. In reality, manufacturers independently control taste properties own products. This is why some table wines are extremely highly valued.

Great choice for every day

It is not customary to age table wine, because its purpose is to daily use. In addition to the fact that the drink varies in sugar content, there is a European classification of wines depending on their composition. Thus, wines are divided into blends and sepages. The main difference between these varieties is that segregated drinks are made from several combined grape varieties, while blended ones are produced on the basis of various wine materials made from different types of berries.

When served, table wine must have a certain temperature at which it will open. real taste and the aroma of the drink. In terms of quality, this alcohol can be ordinary, collectible and vintage. True, the technology of its production plays a major role in shaping the taste of a drink. Dry wines are characterized by low alcohol content, freshness and a medium amount of extracts. But semi-sweet table wines are characterized by an unobtrusive sweetness in taste.

Wine varieties

This drink is made from numerous varieties of grapes. Among table wines you can find red, rose, and white products. It is worth saying that such a drink contains minimal amount sugar, and it’s not fortified. The shade of table wine can vary from light yellow to dark currant. A special group of this drink consists of Kakhetian and Imeretian Georgian wines, which successfully compete even with French vintage alcohol. Often it is drinks from Georgia that surpass European products in taste. Georgian wines are prepared from Mtsvane and Rkatsiteli; they have a unique, subtle bouquet.

As a rule, table wines are not given original names, but by the names of the varieties of grapes or the area in which they grow. For the most part, this drink is varietal. In other words, during the production of such a product, no wine material is added to it. Those made from the Tavkveri and Matras varieties are highly valued all over the world. Very delicious drinks It is also produced in the North Caucasus from Riesling grapes.

In a country famous for its wines, this wonderful drink is prepared only from those grape varieties that grow in the country. Often, to make French wine, several varieties of grapes are taken, grown in different provinces.

The label on the bottle tells you how many degrees table wine contains. This indicator directly depends on the amount of sugar in the drink and its type. For example, the strength of dry wines can vary between 16-18 degrees. But a semi-sweet drink can contain 9-12% alcohol.

Today, store shelves are literally full of a huge assortment of these products. Although in reality, not everyone knows what table wine is. Why is this happening? Unfortunately, many people refuse to drink this luxurious drink only because they do not know how to test the wine. In order to ensure the quality and compliance of the drink with your preferences, you should first read the label on the bottle. It is she who will tell you the strength and type of wine. Think about why exactly you are choosing a drink and what dishes it should be combined with. As for the rest, it all depends on your taste.

How to drink table wine

Now you know what table wine is. True, this is not enough, because it is also important to understand how to properly drink this type of alcohol. Table wine got its name precisely due to the fact that drinking this drink is optimally combined with a meal. However, with different dishes Certain types of alcohol are best served. Thus, it is advisable to offer white semi-dry or dry wine. Nourishing meat dishes goes great with red rich drink. True, a lot here depends on the type of meat. For example, it is best served with beef. But dry drinks go well with rather fatty pork and lamb.

If you plan to serve for dinner diet salads, then rose table wine can serve you as a good aperitif. This type of drink is perfect for a variety of desserts.

The average buyer cannot always understand what the fundamental difference between them is. And if everything is even more or less clear with the color and country of origin, then how to determine the degree of strength, sugar content and aging?

Wine classification

All grape wines are divided into two main types - sparkling (fizzy and champagne) and still wines. If we talk about still drinks (not containing carbonic acid), then all of them, in turn, are divided into three categories - table, fortified and dessert. Table wines have the lowest strength (no more than 14% vol.) and are produced using natural fermentation technology. Depending on the sugar content, table wines are divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. In color they can be white, red and pink.

The next two categories of wines are fortified (aged), which allow the addition of rectified alcohol in the production technology, and dessert wines, which are flavored various additives and have high content Sahara.

How and with what to drink table wines

Having understood the basic classification of wines, you also need to know that the definition of “table” is not always indicated on the label. The correct table wine is “ordinary” wine, as is usually labeled. And they began to call it the canteen ordinary wine due to the fact that these wines, due to their taste, are most suitable for consumption during meals. And if we talk specifically about the consumption of ordinary wines, then depending on one’s classification different types certain wines are served.

For example, dry white wine is served with fish and poultry dishes. Heavier meat foods involve eating red rich wines, and depending on the type of meat served, the appropriate wine is selected. For example, beef goes well with any degree of sweetness, but dry red wine is most suitable for fatty pork.

Rose table wines are served with light salad appetizers and as an aperitif before lunch. It is allowed to serve rose wines with some desserts and fruits. Rose and white wines can be enjoyed throughout the meal, while red wines are usually served only with the main course.

It is impossible not to mention the classic use of table wines as an addition to a picnic. On fresh air Any ordinary wine goes well with appetizers of cheese, bread and cold meat.

As they said in the old days, drinking is not a sin if it is for health and for the glory of God! It is difficult to imagine any feast or celebration without wine. In different parts of the world, various nationalities drink this drink and create new varieties. In many countries, it is believed that drinking table wine at home is a whole ritual, with its own traditions and conventions. For several millennia, wine has been giving joy to people and “delighting hearts,” of course, if the drink is of high quality and consumed in moderation.

Wine Payments: This is the maximum administrative qualification granted to a winery. These are wines of prestigious prestige, originating from a “payment”, that is, a place or rural place with characteristics and its own microclimate that distinguish it and distinguish its surroundings. If the payment is in a qualified appellation of origin, it may be called a “qualified payment.” There are 14 wines in Spain.

Table wines are those that are not protected by any designation of origin, nor by its origin. It is often made with grapes from different wine regions. These wines are prohibited from displaying the following information on the label. Wine region provenance Harvest year Grape variety. . We must not forget those who have a territorial reference, the so-called wine of the land, which is a geographical indication, for the tables.

Everyday wine for the table

As a rule, table wine is not aged; its purpose is everyday use. Table wines are distinguished by their sugar content: dry - up to one percent sugar content, semi-dry - from one to two and a half percent, and semi-sweet - from two and a half to seven. Many peoples drink table wine to simply quench their thirst, and do not look at any degrees or percentages. Some people think that this is harmful to health and that you should not replace water with wine. But it all depends on the quality of the wine and, naturally, the quantity drunk. Entire treatises have been written about the benefits of wine, and its merits are no longer in doubt.

Don't think that table wine, or herb wine as many connoisseurs call it, is of poor quality. But when you reach a supermarket or specialty store, you look at their labels and you don't know what it means. These guys have them at home and we usually accompany them with pizza, pasta, chicken or appetizers or with some dessert.

But the most important thing is that you cannot try new brands and that you are always ready to try new tastes and denominations. And then there is the denomination of origin, the most famous in Spain. Rioja Ribera del Duero Penedes Ribeiro. . Depending on where you live this may vary, but generally this class is made from grapes with a maximum alcohol content of 14%, but in Europe the rules are stricter.

Good quality table wine depends on the composition, and the composition depends on the type of wine. Europeans divide wines into sepage (or varietal) and blended wines. The difference is that varietals are made from one grape variety, while blends contain different varieties. All information about the wine is printed on the label, which is located with reverse side containers. When served, the wine must be at a certain temperature. Each variety has its own, because it is thanks to this that all the advantages can be revealed and the taste of the wine can be revealed.

But what you should know is to choose the right one. This is why it is very important to know how to buy any wine of these characteristics. Whether it's red or white, for many of us this variety is cheap, we pick it up at the store and because we are experts, because we don't even look at the type of grape where it is, but we know it's good for all types products.

Only you will be able to determine the quality, but it would not be fair for us to at least comment or give some secrets so that his selections are the best possible. And then, obviously, to determine what to take home, we consider price. There is now a wide range of very affordable ones that are below 5 euros.

Table wine varieties

Table wines are made from grapes huge amount varieties. Among the table wines there are white, red, and even rose. They differ from other types of wines in that they do not require long ripening and are prepared without adding any additional ingredients. Table grape wines contain very a small amount of sugar, they are not fortified.

What we finally strive for is to drink that glass, on a Sunday afternoon or while we are making food, or we are looking for a moment of relaxation while enjoying a fine red wine. Tenga imagines that white, after a hard day's work, can be a real pleasure, and that, of course, this good wine is priceless.

But no matter your taste, you can find sweet wine from Spain. You can find it in your supermarket, at next time, when you visit the one that best suits your choice. We recommend trying softly and neutrally at first, gradually incorporating variety and discovering the one that best suits your taste.

The color of table wines varies from light straw to dark garnet. Georgian table wines are considered one of the best, successfully competing with vintage French ones. Often, according to experts, Kakheti wines from Georgia are superior in quality to European ones. They are produced from grape varieties Mtsvane, Saperavi, Rkatsiteli. They are distinguished by an unforgettable delicate bouquet and taste.

A typical Galician wine can be fruity and fresh, maybe... good start. And within the whites we have to take into account if we are looking for fruity or sweet. Many times in specialized institutions they often ask whether we want fruity or dry.

If you like it fruity, ask for Verdejo or Moscatel. Only "table wines" can be classified as "noble wines", originating from grape varieties considered preferred in the region in which they were produced and whose growing or aging age is at least two years. The second fermentation lasts min. from 9 months It has a less intense aroma. Less acidic and sweet.

  • O. de Leon, upper Penedes and Conca de Barbera.
  • Alcohol gradation ranges between 7-9º.
  • Its alcohol level at the time of consumption will be no more than 18º.
  • Produced from 10º wine.
  • Made from 8-9º wine.
  • The second fermentation lasts min. 12 months of intense aroma.
  • It is more sour and sweeter.
These are those that, due to the grape varieties from which they come or by special processing methods, are preserved when in bottles carbon dioxide is part of the fermentation of own or added sugar and that, when the bottle is opened, it slowly releases bubbles without reaching foam.

All types of table wines received no original titles, but by the names of grape varieties, or the area where the grapes are grown. There are also compound names - Anapa-Riesling, Abrau-Riesling and others, there are many examples. Most table wines are varietal, that is, they are made from varietal grapes without mixing different wine materials. Azerbaijani table wines made from Matrasa and Tavkveri grape varieties are highly valued in the world. The North Caucasus also produces delicious table wines. They are made from Riesling grapes, these are wines from Novorossiysk and Anapa.

Let's find out what makes each of them different

The distinction between different classifications of grapes is established according to their morphological characteristics: the size and shape of the clusters, the thickness of the skin, the number of seeds of the berry or the time of ripening. Additionally, all three types are cultivated differently.

When table grapes they are varieties susceptible to atmospheric conditions; we could say that they prefer mild or even warm temperatures. Most table grapes are found in the Mediterranean region. They require compact pulp, thick grains and no pips if possible. They are also very sun hungry and have their own light requirements. This explains why they are grown mainly in the form grapevine, thereby obtaining a large plant coating that acts as a “sunscreen.”

In the most “grape-growing” country in the world, France, table wine is produced exclusively from those grape varieties that are grown on the territory of their country. Usually, for this purpose, several varieties of grapes are taken from various French wine-producing provinces. Real table wine from France has a special inscription on the label - Vin de Table de France. This is a kind of quality mark for local table wine. However, such “marks” are typical for most European table wines: producers are responsible to consumers for the high quality of their products.

What is geographical wine

By the way, did you know that Turkey is the third largest producer of table grapes in the world? Their gastronomic tastes make this fruit present in many of their recipes. The grape leaf is also highly valued in Turkish cuisine, as it is used in the development of Dolma, one of his favorite dishes.

There are approximately 50 varieties of table grapes sold in Spain, some of them also known as Aledo or Alicante. This last variety serves to give good luck to the next one as it ripens in late October from December. But is it possible to make wine with table grapes? Yes, you can; but that doesn't fit.

We can summarize: table wines are drinks for every day. Usually they are not served to guests, but are drunk with family – on weekends and at dinner. This type of wine is distinguished by its lightness and lower density. A pleasant bouquet, excellent taste - all this makes table wine very popular. For regular consumption, table wines are simply diluted with water. The strength decreases, but the taste remains unchanged.

Raisins are a very popular and consumed dried fruit. They can be done in two ways: allowing the air to dry in ventilated areas or applying artificial heat through machines. You can try making them at home in the oven or microwave oven. The end result is very sweet grapes, since the sugars are concentrated and have a lot of flavor, which can be stored for a long time due to the loss of much of the water it contained.

The term "passages" does not mean that the fruit is "past." To make raisins, the grapes must be sweet, slightly acidic, seedless and small in size. In the supermarket we can find three types: Nutmeg raisins, Currants and Sultanas.

  • Currant: These are black, seedless grapes, originating from Corinth.
  • They are very fragrant and very small in size.
  • They are meaty, large in size, intensely sweet and aromatic.
Again in this sector, it is surprising that Turkey is the world leader in raisin production.

Yulia Sergeeva

The average buyer cannot always understand what the fundamental difference between them is. And if everything is even more or less clear with the color and country of origin, then how to determine the degree of strength, sugar content and aging?

Reducing the risk of heart disease

However, there are basic morphological requirements for winemaking. The intensity of light, temperature, precipitation or even wind determines the “vocation of the grape.”

  • Climate is a determining factor in wine potential.
  • It requires heat, is sensitive to frost and is resistant to lack of moisture.
Wines can be classified according to various characteristics such as color, age, sugar content, etc.

Knowing some of the basic characteristics of wine is important so that you can choose the most suitable pairing for each dish in your meal. Reserve. 1 year at least in oak barrels and 2 years in bottle. More than 2 years in oak barrels and 3 more bottles.

Wine classification

All grape wines are divided into two main types - sparkling (fizzy and champagne) and still wines. If we talk about still drinks (not containing carbonic acid), then all of them, in turn, are divided into three categories - table, fortified and dessert. Table wines have the lowest strength (no more than 14% vol.) and are produced using natural fermentation technology. Depending on the sugar content, table wines are divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. In color they can be white, red and pink.

We must remember that wine that has had more years is not better. Being a "living" product has an optimal point from which it can begin to deteriorate. The age of a wine is measured by vintage. All vintages are different and can be very different depending on many factors having great importance climate during this year.

White wines tend to have a shorter life than red wines. A few white wines usually last more than 2 or 3 years, but a good red wine can last several decades. Although there are always exceptions that prove the rule. But there can be different types of gradations depending on the type and origin of the wine.

The next two categories of wines are fortified (aged), which allow the addition of rectified alcohol in the production technology, and dessert wines, which are flavored with various additives and have a high sugar content.

How and with what to drink table wines

Having understood the basic classification of wines, you also need to know that the definition of “table” is not always indicated on the label. The correct name for table wine is “ordinary” wine, as the labels usually indicate. And ordinary wine began to be called table wine due to the fact that these wines, due to their taste, are most optimally suited for consumption during meals. And if we talk specifically about the use of ordinary wines, then depending on their classification, certain wines are served with different types of food.

Although we have a dedicated section on wine, we can give some ideas about the concepts used in wine tastings in order to be able to catalog and include them in the classifications above. Most wines go through a tasting process, which makes their classification possible.

Wine tasting map

Also known as a tasting card. Basic concepts that we can find. Everyone who represents him sees and understands. Wine and vineyards are inseparable from our culture. Because man leaves graphic evidence for history, he appears on the scene with a jug of wine in his hand: in Egyptian paintings, in Greek amphorae, in Roman mosaics.

For example, dry white and semi-dry wine Served with fish and poultry dishes. Heavier meat foods involve the use of rich red wines, and depending on the type of meat served, the appropriate wine is selected. For example, beef goes well with red wine of any degree of sweetness, but dry red wine is most suitable for fatty pork.

Despite such ancestral wine culture, its social, literary and mystical projection, the Law took a long time to enter this area, which was alien to it, while it belonged to the world of sense or sense gratification. It was only when wine became a health, public order or economic problem - and government agencies were interested in these problems - that pragmatists and laws appeared, first prohibiting, then incentivizing and regulating production, marketing and consumption.

What is table wine

Over time, this remarkable legal body was overwhelmed by the technological advances and expansion of this branch of agricultural production, and its forecasts were insufficient or inadequate for the new environmental situation created by the European Economic Community.

Rose table wines are served with light salad appetizers and as an aperitif before dinner. It is allowed to serve rose wines with some desserts and fruits. Rose and white wines can be enjoyed throughout the meal, while red wines are usually served only with the main course.

It is impossible not to mention the classic use of table wines as an addition to a picnic. In the fresh air, any ordinary wine goes well with snacks of cheese, bread and cold meat.

Winemaking is a special industry Food Industry. The current classification of wines can provide an explanation of how table wine differs from dessert wine, natural from special, still from sparkling, etc.

Brief history of the development of winemaking

The origin story begins with the ancient world. Scientists claim that the first glass of the drink appeared thousands of years ago. The ancient Romans and Greeks managed to make a significant contribution to the development of wine culture. The drink was consumed to a greater extent in the southern regions where grapes grew. Until the mid-19th century, humanity had no idea that wine fermentation occurs due to the presence of yeast bacteria in the product. In 1957, a French microbiologist and chemist proved this discovery.

Making wine begins with harvesting.

If the ancient inhabitants established winemaking based on their own experience, then in the 20th century the art of winemaking began to rely on scientific achievements. Berries began to be collected not only by hand, but also with the help of machinery. Improved modifications of presses began to appear, and the method of filtering semi-finished products changed. Winemakers learned and began to use Better conditions wine storage

Since the beginning of the 20th century, production standards have emerged. France became the first state to distribute this document in their regions. The second half of the last century became a favorable time for the active development of wine production, improving their quality and popularity.

The wide range of wines produced in the world has a certain classification that will help any interested person understand this product. The raw materials that are put into use divide wines into grape, berry, fruit, vegetable and multi-component (multi-varietal) wines.

Grape drinks are prepared from the juice of grapes with added sugar. The production process eliminates the addition of other products to grape wine. Fruit spirits are most often made from apples or pears. Melons, watermelons, maple and birch sap, rhubarb and rose petals give the wines their plant name. Multivarietal products are prepared by combining different varieties of grapes. Such wines are divided into blends and sepages.

The variety of wine depends on the color of the grapes.

The opinion has taken root among qualified winemaking specialists that real wine can only be made from the best varieties grapes In addition, wines are distinguished by color. Fermentation and grape variety divide the final product into red, rosé and white drinks.

The classification based on sugar and alcohol content determined the following positions: table wines, fortified and sparkling. The duration of exposure divided the described product into branded and ordinary products. The technology for making any wine determines its product group: table, strong and aromatized.

In turn, table solar drinks differ in sugar content and are divided into semi-sweet and dry, with residual sugar content. Fortified and flavored wines can be strong and dessert.

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Differences between table and dessert wines

Dry table wines are produced by complete fermentation of grape must. The alcohol content in this product is 9-14%. It is important to note that alcohol is formed only from the fermentation process of sugar. The amount of alcohol in the product divides it into dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. Table dry is recognized useful product, which is served to the table with meat and fish dishes. Among the best table wines, it is worth noting the Georgian wines of the Kakheti region. Table wines are named after the raw materials or the region where the grapes were grown. Table wine can be white, rose and red. The color of the alcoholic drink comes from the initially selected raw materials. Most table wines have delicate taste and pleasant sourness. It is recommended to drink red table wines slightly warmed up, i.e. higher room temperature. With this heating, the wine reveals its bouquet brighter.

To prepare dessert wines, grapes with high sugar content are selected.

To increase the concentration of sugar, they try to dry the grapes before putting them into production, thereby increasing the sweetness. Dessert wine can contain 12-17% alcohol. If table alcoholic drinks are produced mainly as varietal drinks, then dessert ones are served in a blended version. Professionals suggest serving them with fruit, ice cream or confectionery delights. Before drinking, the wine is cooled to 13-16 degrees. This group includes Muscat, Tokay, Cahors, Malaga, etc. wines. Sugar content divides this product for sweet, semi-sweet and liqueur wines.

A special feature for the production of dessert wines is that before fermentation the wort is infused on pulp for 1-2 days. Fermentation is often stopped by alcoholization.

The main characteristics by which table wines should differ from dessert wines are taste and strength.

Alcohol division into various categories– this is a necessity, thanks to which the consumer can determine the quality of the drink from the label. For example, when choosing, it is very important to know how table wine differs from geographical wine, whether there are differences in taste or quality between them, etc.

Of course, there are other varieties of this alcoholic drink, moreover, its classification in different countries may differ slightly.

What is table wine

The first thing you need to understand is what kind of drink in the world of winemakers is meant by table wine. This is a light drink that has a low strength due to the small amount of sugar in its composition. It is usually served with meals, because this wine goes well with main dishes.

Traditionally in most wine countries table wines are divided into:

  • dry;
  • semi-dry;
  • semi-sweet.

Another difference between table wine and regular wine is less control over the grapes for their production. Those. Any berries can be used to make wine, and the bottle label usually does not indicate where they were grown, in which country or territory. The year of wine production is also not indicated.

But this does not mean at all that alcoholic drinks in this category Low quality. The manufacturer himself monitors his products, namely taste qualities alcohol. Therefore, some table wines are quite expensive.

Dessert wine

What is the difference between table wine and dessert wine? Basically, alcoholic drinks in this category are served with desserts (as you might guess from the name). For example, they go well with ice cream, cakes or fruit. The only condition for such serving is that the dessert should not be sweeter than the wine itself, otherwise the latter will just be compote.

Dessert wines have a higher percentage of alcohol, which is formed due to the way the drink is prepared. After all, in order to achieve a certain sweetness of wine, it is necessary to stop the fermentation of the wort. They do it different ways, one of them is adding strong alcohol to it.

Also, for greater natural sweetness, special sugary grape varieties are used.

Dessert wine can be:

  • sweet;
  • semi-sweet;
  • liqueur.

How to drink dessert and table wines

There is a difference in presentation between dessert and table wine. To reveal the bouquet of taste and aroma, it is advisable to warm up table wines before serving so that their temperature is slightly higher than room temperature. For dessert wines, cooling to 13-16 degrees is recommended.

Very important . Their special form allows you to correctly direct the drink to the area of ​​the tongue that most subtly senses its entire bouquet of aroma and taste. Gourmets believe that the wrong glass can distort the taste of the drink.

You can get lost in the existing diversity, because some wine producers have gone so far as to recommend glasses for a specific type of drink. Of course, the average consumer only needs to have a few types of glasses.

For example, glasses in the shape of a tulip or a ball are suitable for red wine, but more elongated ones for white wine. The largest glasses are used for red wine, slightly smaller glasses for white wine, and even smaller glasses for dessert wine.

The difference between table wine and a geographical name is that you can always find out from the label on the bottle in which area the grapes grew, in some cases they even indicate the year of harvest. Such wines are sometimes also called local.

It should be noted that most often alcoholic drinks in this category are produced from one grape variety, without mixing it with others. All this affects the taste of the wine.
But in Lately some geographical wines produced using a different technology called sepazhnoy. Finished product doesn't lose bright taste, but still gourmets prefer drinks made from one grape variety.

Local wines are stored for a very long time, revealing their taste over time, giving new notes. That is why geographical wines are very often vintage and collectible. After all, most of them are produced using unique proprietary methods, which is why they attract the attention of collectors.

Collection and vintage wines

The most important thing is selected grapes during production, unique technologies and a long period of aging of the wine. Vintage wine is aged for at least one and a half years if it is a dry table wine, and at least two years if it is a strong dessert wine.

For each brand of this alcoholic drink, which may later become a vintage drink, a certain production technology has been established; a certain grape variety is used for it. All this must be recorded on the label.

Vintage wine can become a collector's item if, after bottling, it has been aged for at least three years. Among wine connoisseurs, the most popular drinks in this category are those that have been aged for at least ten years in bottles. You can determine the aging period by the sediment at the bottom of the bottle, which forms over the years.

The best preserved wines are those that have a high percentage of alcohol and sugar. But, for example, “half wines” are preserved very poorly, since the fermentation process in them is artificially stopped, but not by adding alcohol to the composition (as is the case with sweet wines).

Now it is very easy to understand how table wine differs from geographical wine in taste, aging and other characteristics. Choosing good wine, remember that the full taste of the drink can only be felt when making the right choice glasses and dishes for him. Gourmets consider it blasphemy to drink any high quality wine in one gulp, without experiencing its entire bouquet.
