Tea for a bath: which is better, recipes for herbal drinks. The best drinks in the bathhouse and sauna: what to prepare for the benefit of the body

It's no secret that the drinking regime in the bathhouse is very important, and it must be maintained whenever you visit this establishment. Moreover, it is better to drink both before and during the bath. It is also recommended to drink after the bath. But despite this, drinking too much is also not recommended. Dehydration is a serious thing, so neglect the right drinks not worth it.

During a person’s stay in the steam room, metabolic processes are activated - the body is affected by heat, and activation is a consequence of this process. Severe sweating begins, and along with the sweat glands, toxins and other substances unnecessary for the body come out. Sweat is also a liquid, and its deficiency must be replenished in a timely manner. It is impossible to say exactly how much sweat a person can produce. human body– there is no norm, since everything here is individual and depends on the physiology of each person, as well as on the time spent in the steam room, on the temperature prevailing in the vastness of the steam room. There are many factors.

Many people know that the best drink for a steam room is tea. But what type of tea will be optimal to consume in a hot zone, not only to quench thirst, but also to enhance the healing effect.

We drink tea in the bathhouse wisely

Between each visit to the steam room, you can drink infusions to dispel sweat. In this case, linden or raspberry infusion is good. An excellent solution would also be to drink a drink based on green tea with the addition of St. John's wort, linden flowers, raspberry leaves and lingonberries. It is worth noting that as soon as you come out of the steam room, the sweating process has not ended, it will continue for some time, so it is better to accompany it with drinking healthy teas - both green and black, infusions - tasty and the highest beneficial effect. IN in this case the simplest drink is suitable - this green tea, only warm, herbal infusions and kvass are also suitable. Even if the thirst is very strong after leaving the steam room, you should not drink immediately in one gulp or in large sips, it is better to abstain and drink in small sips. You can add a slice of lemon to green tea. The body after high temperature pause you need to rest, so it is better not to drink several mugs of tea at one time, and also not to load them with large volumes of liquid.

It is also worth knowing the symptoms of dehydration so that you can immediately take action if they appear: this headache, incomprehensible chills, increased fatigue, weakness. To eliminate the symptoms, you need to drink a lot so that all the symptoms disappear.

Very good for drinking in the steam room Mint tea. The recipe is simple and will not cause any complications: you will need 5 sprigs of mint, one tablespoon of sugar, two teaspoons of simple Chinese green tea. The secret of preparation is to steam the mint and tea separately - in this case the tea will be more aromatic and tasty. After brewing, the drinks just need to be mixed and enjoyed.

Brewed is good for eliminating thirst dried rose hips: for one liter of water you will need two tables. l. sugar, 200 grams of rose hips, two tablespoons of black tea, and a little orange zest.

An infusion of lingonberries will do an excellent job of quenching thirst and restore drinking balance. After infusion, you can add honey according to your personal taste preferences and enjoy the aromatic, delicious infusion. During autumn and winter, an excellent solution would be to prepare a decoction of dried berries and leaves: it can be currants, rowan, raspberries - their fruits and leaves. This aromatic infusion is best drunk warm - this way it will better demonstrate its antioxidant properties and quench your thirst.

The secret of a delicious bath broth

In stores and pharmacies you can buy special bath fees - this includes healthy berries, herbs and leaves, thanks to which the drink will be aromatic and healthy. Once you have bought a tasty collection, you should not pour boiling water over it, but rather pour it cold water and cook over low heat. It is also better not to bring it to a boil, but to remove the saucepan from the heat before it boils. The secret to a tasty and aromatic drink is the utensils from which to drink - porcelain, or even better - clay. This tea should steep in a container for 5-7 minutes.

If your tea or decoction is made from rough leaves, then it is best to infuse for 25-35 minutes. If the plant stems are large, then they need to be chopped and boiled for another ten minutes after boiling, and then, poured into cups, let it brew for another 5-7 minutes. It is worth remembering that you cannot boil tea again - this way it loses all its many beneficial properties. It's better to brew new tea and do not reheat something that has already cooled down!

If you prepare tea for a bath correctly, brew it deliciously and drink it in slow sips while warm - this will only enhance your pleasure from being in the bath. Choose only tea ingredients that you especially enjoy; don’t force yourself to drink healthy and tasteless tea. Find the right balance of taste and nutrition!

After the bath, our ancestors drank herbal teas from an infusion of medicinal herbs (thyme, oregano, linden, mint, chamomile, etc.) with the addition of dried berries (currants, lemongrass, viburnum, lingonberries). This tea for baths and saunas turns out to be special - aromatic and tasty. Warms the soul and pleases the body.

How to make an herbal mixture?

The following varieties are distinguished herbal teas:

  • Mono-tea - when the tea composition contains only one medicinal plant(for example, linden tea);
  • Herb tea based on black or green tea (for example, green tea with mint);
  • Herbal collection - consists of 2 or more herbs.

Herbal tea after a bath can be very diverse in composition, it all depends on the taste and well-being of the person. It is advisable to always include one aromatic herb in the mixture (mint, lemon balm, black currant, etc.).

Use in a mixture of two or three aromatic herbs not recommended: flavors can destroy each other or mix. As a rule, the collection should contain one aromatic herb and several neutral herbs.

When and what herbal vitamin teas to drink?

  • tonic tea before visiting the sauna (strawberry leaves, lemongrass, lavender, tea with thyme, Jasmine tea);
  • It is advisable to drink diaphoretic tea before visiting and between visits to the steam room in order to enhance the cleansing process during sweating ( dried fruits raspberries, linden inflorescences);
  • soothing herbal infusions after the bath (St. John's wort, peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm and raspberry tea).

In spring, it is advisable to drink multivitamin herbal tea (a mixture of teas: raspberry, blackberry, black currant leaves, rose hips, rowan, barberry, sea buckthorn, black currant).

Such tea mixtures will quickly and effectively banish spring fatigue, cover vitamin deficiencies, help cleanse the body and increase its resistance.

In summer, herbal teas are prepared only from fresh herbs. This time of year should be used with maximum benefit for the body.

How to brew tea?

This is a special art. Bath lovers have their own tea recipes, although preparing herbal tea is not at all difficult.

To get a tasty and aromatic drink, follow some rules:

  • flowers, leaves, plant branches (fine mode);
  • Before brewing, you need to: crush fresh berries, crush dry ones;
  • We brew this tea as usual, pouring boiling water over a large porcelain teapot;
  • teapot cover with a towel and leave for 10 minutes to an hour. In a porcelain teapot, 20 minutes of exposure is enough;
  • for brewing, usually take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials per glass (200 ml) of boiling water or 2 tbsp. spoons per 0.5 l.

Properly brewed herbal vitamin tea has unique taste, aroma and color, it preserves all biologically active substances.

How to drink it?

Do warm tea, better with honey. Drink slowly, in small sips. You can drink 2-3 glasses of tea and you will feel all its charm and benefits.

Herbal teas are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect and heal your body. Having once tasted herbal proper tea, you will never forget its taste and aroma.

At any time of the year, brew your favorite bath tea and enjoy a tea ceremony with friends and family.

Light steam and pleasant tea drinking!

There is no point in talking in detail about the meaning of the prepared tea for the bath. So much has been said about this and hardly anything important can be said. Who doesn’t know about the healing, thirst-quenching and tonic properties of herbal teas?

For example, hot drink, brewed from lingonberry leaves, and also seasoned with a teaspoon of natural bee honey, useful for people suffering urolithiasis, cystitis or diabetes mellitus. Or take the well-known valerian, from the rhizome of which a boiled tea is prepared, useful for neuroses, insomnia and heart disease.

But going to the bathhouse in itself is already a special event, so perhaps there are useful recommendations on its application.

General description of bath tea

Properly prepared herbal tea enhances its already healing effect. Without a doubt, this is facilitated by a visit to the steam room with hot steam, and various massages, and the atmosphere itself, which has a calming effect on nervous system person. Therefore, every steam bath lover should know how to properly prepare at least several tea recipes for a bath.

Many people wonder which is healthier to drink tea: cold or hot. Oddly enough, iced tea cools the body much less than hot tea. After drinking cold drink, a person will feel the cooling effect only in the area oral cavity, whereas hot tea will cool the entire body. True, not for long - only 15-20 minutes. But in the bathhouse this time is enough to feel relief after visiting a hot steam room.

Of the many types of herbal, berry or fruit teas, each is good in its own way. Firstly, this is a matter of taste preferences, and secondly, a lot depends on the goals that a person wants to achieve. One person will benefit from mint tea, while another will benefit from linden tea. And the third one simply wants to improve his health. Therefore, you can always choose the most suitable tea for yourself - herbal, berry or fruit. Here are some tea recipes:

Basic recipes for bath tea

It is impossible to talk about all the recipes for bath tea in one article. However, from those given above, it is quite possible to choose 2-3 worth the recipe that will benefit your health.

To the main article ""

Many peoples have long valued the bathhouse for its healing properties. Treatments in the steam room help the body get rid of accumulated toxins. However, the process of sweating increases in the bath, so after it it is recommended to restore strength with the help of a variety of herbal teas.

Such drinks are characterized healing properties and are able to supply the body required quantity vitamins

Strong, freshly brewed tea in a bathhouse is the best drink

What not to drink in the bathhouse

There is a world a large number of a variety of drinks, decoctions and infusions that people often drink before, during and. However, not all of them are equally useful. Many should not be consumed at all unless you are in 100% health.

  1. Firstly, we note that you should go to the bathhouse after hearty lunch highly not recommended. In this case, you can only harm your health;

  1. Secondly, it is better to choose drinks that have been proven by experience, rather than trying something new or of dubious quality;
  2. Thirdly, if you suffer from any disease, you should pay special attention to the choice of drinks for the steam room.

You should not drink drinks with food additives in the steam room, as they have an extremely negative impact on human health.

These include:

  • antioxidants,
  • artificial colors and preservatives;
  • unnatural flavors;
  • much more.

Products that contain the listed substances are simply dangerous to use. The fact is that while staying in a bathhouse, the human body’s metabolism sharply accelerates. AND nutritional supplements can harm the health and well-being of a person with double the force.

Advice! You should not use carbonated water in the steam room.

If you are obese, have a poor metabolism, or have poor kidney function, you should not drink in a steam room. natural juices. When they are consumed, the sugar content in the blood increases sharply, for the processing of which the body will need to allocate sufficient quantity insulin.

But with poor metabolism, this is not always possible. In this case, the person may feel unwell, feel dizzy, nauseous and other unpleasant feelings.

Use of any alcoholic drinks during bath procedures it is extremely undesirable. Otherwise, your body may be harmed irreparable harm. Especially if you are no longer very young.

What then to drink in the steam room?

After you go to the bathhouse, experts recommend drinking green or herbal tea.

Advice! Can be purchased ready-made tea in the store, but tea from fresh plants and herbs.

You can prepare it yourself and take it to the steam room in a thermos. During bath procedures, you should not get carried away with drinking tea.

The fact is that excess fluid in the body can cause an increase in the load on your heart and kidneys. The recommended dose does not exceed 3 glasses.

If, upon arrival home, you are still thirsty or simply want to enjoy a drink in pleasant company, have a tea party from a samovar with the addition of honey.

As for the composition of tea, it is worth noting the following: herbal teas are especially useful after a bath. They will saturate your body with many vitamins and various microelements.

Today you can find thousands variety of recipes tea drinks that are useful to take after a bath. The price of such tea can be extremely low, but the benefits of taking it can be very high.

However, there are important rules, compliance with which allows you to prepare the right tea. He will have beneficial properties and will have a positive impact on human health.

  1. The herbal mixture must be filled with water, which has been brought to a boil. However, there is no need to let it boil violently;
  2. Tea from delicate petals, flowers and leaves should be brewed in porcelain or earthenware. This drink should steep for at least five minutes;
  3. Tea made from rough leaves should be steeped for at least thirty minutes;
  4. If the recipe calls for the use of fruits, roots and stems of plants, then they will need to be thoroughly chopped and poured boiled water room temperature. Then the dishes are placed on the fire and brought to a boil. It takes ten to twelve minutes for the drink to boil. Then the dishes are covered with a lid and left to brew.

Advice! If you want to enrich yourself with vitamins and nutrients, prepare new tea every time. If you boil already prepared tea again, it will lose all the beneficial components it contains.

Popular bath tea recipes

Immediately before going to the steam room, you should drink teas, which are characterized by tonic properties, and after the bath procedures, soothing drinks. Vitamin tea in a bathhouse is good for boosting a person’s immunity, and cold drinks should be consumed as a preventive measure against colds and infectious diseases.

Common tonic teas

  1. From rose hips and leaves of lingonberries, blueberries and strawberries. The instructions for preparing the drink are as follows: 2 parts of rose hips need to be thoroughly chopped and mixed with 3 parts of lingonberry, blueberry, and strawberry leaves. The resulting mixture should be poured with water at room temperature in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of the mixture to one glass of water. Next, the drink is placed on low heat and brought to a boil. After about thirty minutes, the tea is ready to drink;
  2. From St. John's wort and meadowsweet flowers: the herbs are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1 and poured with boiling water. The drink is infused for about half an hour.

Recipe for soothing teas

  1. An excellent recipe: bath tea from chamomile flowers. To prepare it, you need to take 1 teaspoon of flowers pharmaceutical chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water over it. The mixture is infused for about half an hour;

  1. The version made from oregano, mint leaves and St. John's wort has an excellent taste. Herbs must be mixed in equal proportions. Then add 1 cup of boiling water to 1 teaspoon of the mixture. To allow the drink to infuse, cover the container with a lid and wait for a quarter of an hour.

Vitamin miracle teas

  1. Infusion based on rose hips. The fruits need to be thoroughly chopped and poured with water in the proportion of 5 tablespoons. dried fruits for 1 liter of water. The dishes are placed on very low heat and the drink is boiled for 5 minutes;

  1. From young leaves and shoots of black currant. The leaves and shoots of the plant are crushed and poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of water. After the tea has steeped for a third of an hour, you can take it with you to the steam room;

  1. From rose hips and fresh strawberries. Chopped rose hips are mixed with fresh berries strawberries in a ratio of 1 to 2. You can also add strawberry leaves to the dishes. Then the resulting mixture must be poured with boiling water in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of the mixture to 1 glass of boiling water and let it brew for 5 minutes;

  1. Popular lemon tea : in a cup with strong tea you need to add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice. If you prefer sweet drinks, add sugar or fragrant honey. When hot, such a product helps very well on initial stage colds. Honey softens the throat, and lemon enriches the body with vitamin C.

I would also like to note that it is absolutely not necessary to drink this drink hot. If you cool it a little first, then after the procedures in the bathhouse, lemon tea will come in handy.

Special diaphoretic teas

To prepare diaphoretic tea for a bath, you need to prepare the fruits of linden and raspberry inflorescences in equal proportions in advance. For 2 cups of boiling water you need to put 2 tablespoons of dried flowers. Infuse for 5-7 minutes.

The drink is drunk while still hot after you leave the steam room. This recipe is very relevant at the initial stage of a cold. It will help avoid complications and a long course of the disease.

What to drink in the steam room: tea recipes for colds

Infusion of linden inflorescences: brew 1 spoon of flowers with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.

Tea made from raspberry leaves and fruits: 2 parts of dried leaves are mixed with 1 part of berries, pour boiling water and leave for half an hour.

An infusion of sage, chamomile flowers and St. John's wort. The herbs are mixed in equal proportions, and after 1 tablespoon of the mixture, 1 cup of boiling water is poured. After an hour, the drink is ready to drink.

Let's sum it up

The best drink to drink before and during bath procedures is a variety of teas. It is worth drinking such infusions and decoctions in moderation, then the body will certainly be enriched with useful substances and vitamins ().

The bath takes up a lot of liquid. It comes out through the sweat glands, and toxins come out along with the fluid, harmful products vital activity, cleansing the body. By taking a steam bath in a Russian bathhouse, you can lose up to several kilograms of weight. The main thing is to replenish the lack of moisture after bath procedures. You can drink plain water, but it’s healthier to pamper yourself after a bath aromatic tea. After the bath, our ancestors drank tea. They prepared it from medicinal herbs, berries, and roots.

What are the benefits of tea after a bath?

Many people wonder why it is healthier to drink after a bath? Isn’t it better to refresh yourself with beer or kvass after a hot steam room? Experts do not recommend drinking alcohol during bath procedures; this is fraught with dire consequences. High humidity, elevated temperature puts a huge strain on the entire body.

The heart begins to beat several times faster. Blood pressure rises and all body systems are activated. By loading them with alcohol, the heart may not be able to withstand the load. Young people will consider what was said to be a fairy tale, but after thirty years it is worth seriously thinking about the consequences, although they can occur at any age.

The best drink is tea. The healthiest thing to drink is herbal, but you can brew black or green, the main thing is that it is of high quality. The necessary herbs for preparing the drink can be purchased at the pharmacy.

By activating blood flow, the therapeutic effect of herbs is enhanced, useful material easily reach the most remote corners of the body. When going to the bathhouse, you can prepare in advance necessary herbs to pamper yourself aromatic drink. Herbal tea for the bath can be drunk before the steam room, during bath procedures, and after the bath. All teas that are recommended for baths are divided into three groups:

  • vitamins;
  • calming;
  • tonic.

Tonic teas

To improve tone, drink tea before the bath.

1. A drink made from rosehip is beneficial. You can add lingonberry, blueberry or strawberry leaves to it.

Rose hips - 2 teaspoons

Strawberry or lingonberry leaves - 1 teaspoon

The fruits and leaves are mixed, pour 1 tbsp. spoon of mixture with a glass of water. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Cook for 15 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave to brew for 5 minutes.

2. Another recipe for tonic tea.

Meadowsweet - 1 part

St. John's wort - part 1

Boil a glass of water, then add boiling water to herbal mixture. Leave the mixture for 25-35 minutes.

Soothing teas

It is necessary to drink after bath procedures.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile - 1 teaspoon

Boiling water - 1 glass

Pour boiling water over chamomile and let it brew for 25 minutes.

Tea made from St. John's wort, mint and oregano

Peppermint - 1 part

St. John's wort - part 1

Oregano - 1 part

Boiling water - 1 glass

Mix herbs, take 1 teaspoon, brew with boiling water. To obtain a drink, it is enough to infuse the mixture for 20 minutes.

Vitamin teas

Vitamin drinks are suitable for consumption while in the sauna.

1. Leaves and shoots of black currant - 1 tbsp. spoon

Boiling water - 500 ml

The drink needs to be infused for 25 minutes.

2. Rose hips - 5 tbsp. spoons

Water - 1 liter

Pour cold water over the rose hips, then boil over low heat for 7 minutes.

Tea recipes

Berries can be used along with herbs. When asking the question of what tea to drink in a bathhouse, everyone is guided by their own preferences.

Cranberry tea

Cranberry leaves - 3 tbsp. spoons

Water - 1 glass

Cranberries - 2 tbsp. spoons

Berries and leaves are brewed with boiling water and left for 10 minutes. Cranberry tea helps with colds and normalizes blood pressure.

Blackberry tea

Young blackberry leaves are used to make blackberry tea. Take 1 teaspoon of dried raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Tea has diaphoretic properties and is used as a diuretic. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and has hemostatic properties.

Viburnum flower tea

Tea in the bathhouse is used as a prophylactic for those prone to colds. The tea should be brewed in the same way as other berry teas. For 1 glass of boiling water take 1 teaspoon of berries. Leave for no more than 10-20 minutes.

Mint tea

Peppermint tea is a favorite among herbal bath teas. Can only be brewed with boiling water fresh leaves mint, you can supplement the mint with leaves of oregano, St. John's wort or black currant.

The drink will help resist colds and infections, it will calm the nervous system, and help improve sleep.

Raspberry tea

Prepared from raspberries and their leaves effective tea to fight colds. This drink strengthens the immune system. You can brew your favorite tea by adding a handful of dried leaves and raspberries. It will work out aromatic tea with a lot of useful properties.

Lime tea

For many centuries, it has been used to treat colds and coughs. Linden blossom in the bath helps to increase sweating and protects against infections. This tea helps cleanse the body.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of linden flowers into a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. If you add a spoonful of dried linden flowers, it acquires an unusual minty note that goes well with the honey taste of linden.

Lingonberry tea

You can use lingonberries or lingonberry leaf. There are several ways to prepare the drink.

Recipe 1. Lingonberry leaves - 2 parts

Green tea - 1 part

For 200 ml of boiling water, take 1 teaspoon of the mixture. Leave for 15 minutes.

Lingonberries - 1 tbsp. spoon

Boiling water - 1 glass

Let it brew.

Lingonberry leaves - 3 parts

Chicory - 1 part

Water - 250 ml

Bring the mixture to a boil, leave to brew for 15 minutes.

Tea with oregano

Delicious and healthy tea obtained with the addition of oregano. The drink is prepared from 1 teaspoon of oregano herb and a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. It is better to drink this tea with linden or natural flower honey.

You can mix oregano (1 part) with rowan fruits (1 part) and rose hips (3 parts). Brew with boiling water, bring to a boil, steam over heat for 5 minutes. Let it brew. Tea with oregano strengthens the body and starts metabolic processes.

Tea with St. John's wort

St. John's wort is used to treat pneumonia, diseases respiratory system, pharyngitis. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare tea, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of fresh or dried St. John's wort with rose hips or oregano. The mixture is poured with boiling water. The drink is infused for 15 minutes. St. John's wort goes well with black currant leaves.

How to drink tea

The tea should be warm. We drink tea slowly, in small sips. After the bath, you can calmly drink up to 3 glasses of tea to feel all the benefits and charm of the herbal drink.

IN herbal teas a large number of vitamins that actively heal the entire body. Once you taste properly brewed tea, you will not forget its aroma and taste.
