How to make plum compote. Compote of plums with pits for the winter

Note: from the specified amount of products you will get one three-liter jar of plum compote.

Recipe compote from plums for the winter without sterilization:

Part plum harvest can be turned into a very delicious compote, which can be stored until spring in a cool cellar. It is advisable to choose a variety with reddish pulp, then the color of the compote will be similar to the dark shade of ruby. Yellow-green plums will give the compote a less intense color and the taste will be neutrally sweet. The “Hungarian” variety is a favorite for winter preparations; these plums have a special tart and fragrant aroma.

First, the plums are sorted, removing fruits with wormholes and suspicious soft spots. Then the fruits are thoroughly washed: the whitish coating disappears and a dark blue gloss appears.

The prepared plums are poured into a dry, sterilized jar. If you haven’t weighed the plums, the quantity can be determined visually: the fruits should fill 1/3 of the jar. To prepare compote for the winter, the plums remain whole; there is no need to remove the pits.

Fill the jar with boiling water and cover with a lid. The plum compote is infused for 15 minutes, during which time the liquid turns red.

Plum water is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added. Fans of very sweet drinks can increase the amount of sugar to 300 grams.

Citric acid is a “control preservative”; it is responsible for the preservation of compote prepared without sterilization.

The sweet and sour syrup is boiled, the hot liquid is poured into a jar. The filling is standard: the liquid rises slightly above the level of the shoulders. The jar is immediately rolled up for the winter and turned over.

Insulate thoroughly and leave for 12 hours. The cooled plum compote is placed on a shelf in a cool room.

This is how quickly and easily you can prepare delicious plum compote without sterilization.

During the fruit ripening season, in order to preserve the harvest throughout the winter, housewives begin home preparations. Among sweet preservation in count closed cans Only compote will be a worthy competitor to jam. It helps to save healthy vitamins gifts of summer, which is many times superior to colorful packages of store-bought juices. Prepare delicious drinks from different fruits and berries, whole or in slices, according to classic or original recipes. Plum as possessing healing properties fruit, prepared in the form of compotes, juices, frozen, dried.

How to choose and prepare plums for canning

Before canning plums, you need to select and prepare them correctly. For harvesting fruits that are a hybrid of thorns and cherry plums, take dense ones, preferably slightly unripe ones. Varieties with thin peels, overripe fruits or with black spots are not suitable for canning as a drink for the winter. Making jam from them or freezing them for filling is ideal. Delicious drink It is obtained from whole plums of the “Hungarian” variety, but they must first be blanched or pierced with a needle without removing the seeds.

How to prepare plum compote for harvesting for the winter

In winter, the body will need many vitamins and minerals. Plum, rich useful substances It is quite suitable for supporting the immune system, so compote for preparation is a relevant product. A drink is prepared based on water and sugar. By observing the proportions, you can make a fragrant plum compote different sweets: from rich sweet to sour taste. Cover the plum for future use either alone or with the addition of cherry plum, orange, lemon, apples and other fruits.

With bones

The simplest recipe for making plum compote assumes that you don’t even need to remove the seeds from the fruit. This helps speed up the canning process, which in some cases (if the harvest is large) becomes a life-saving option. To make the drink rich, the fruits are pricked before preservation, but this is not necessary, especially if you will be sealing light, sugary varieties. For a drink made from plums with pits (per 3-liter jar), take:

  • 400-600 g of fruit;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • water (the volume of the jar to the brim).

Step by step recipe:

  1. Pour fruit into clean glass jars, previously sterilized with boiling water.
  2. Boil sugar syrup and pour it over the fruit.
  3. Home-canned food is sterilized for about half an hour, covering it with lids and maintaining the level “up to the shoulders.”
  4. Then the jars are rolled up with tight lids, turned over, and allowed to cool before storing.

Delicious compote of yellow plums and apples

On the eve of autumn, it is a favorable time to pickle vegetables and cook compotes from berries and fruits. Many housewives have prepared apricots for future use, and now it is the turn of plums, apples, grapes, and peaches. Drinking compotes from berries and fruits in winter is very beneficial for the immune system. Drinks are made both individually from each type and assorted. When using tandem yellow plums with Ranetki apples, homemade fruit drink becomes tender sweet and sour taste.

Ingredients for cooking homemade drink:

  • 15 pcs. drain;
  • 6-7 pcs. apples;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 1.2-1.3 liters of water.


  1. Wash the fruits, cut the apples into four parts, removing the core, and divide the plums in half, removing the pit.
  2. Fill the jar with the prepared fruits, pour hot boiled water. Let it sit for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Drain the water from the jar, boil again, adding sugar and boiling the syrup until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Fill the jar with the prepared syrup, roll it up with a tight lid, and turn it over. We remove the homemade preparation for storage when it has completely cooled down.

Concentrated assorted compote with plums, peaches and apples

The most healthy and tasty homemade compote is obtained on the basis assorted fruits. It accounts for the majority of the can's volume. The concentrated drink turns out to be very aromatic, and the short duration heat treatment helps preserve vitamins and minerals. The use of such natural preservation with high nutritional value Helps improve your health while it’s winter outside.

For a 3 liter jar you need to take following ingredients:

  • 400 g plums;
  • 300 g peaches;
  • 600 g apples;
  • 200-250 g sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove the core from the apples, cut into quarters. Cut plums and peaches into halves, remove pits.
  2. Place fruits prepared for canning in a jar to the top.
  3. Separately prepare sugar syrup, which must be brought to a boil to pour over the fruits.
  4. It is necessary to sterilize the workpiece for at least 15 minutes, the level of boiling water should reach the “shoulders” of the glass jar.
  5. Roll up the finished compote with a tight lid, turn it over, leaving to cool completely.

Recipe for whole plums and apricots without sterilization

Preparing homemade compotes from various fruits for the winter completely justifies the time spent on preparation. The naturalness of such a product is beyond doubt, and along with the benefits, it guarantees excellent taste qualities. Medicinal properties plums are useful for people suffering from constipation, as this fruit has a laxative effect. Preservation without sterilization promotes maximum conservation valuable substances, and this plum compote is prepared faster.

Required Ingredients:

  • 12-14 pcs. plum (small variety);
  • 10-12 pcs. apricot;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 1.3 liters of water.


  1. Wash the fruits without removing the seeds, add them to glass jar.
  2. Boil water, pour it into prepared containers with fruit, let stand for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour into a saucepan, add sugar and boil.
  4. Pour sugar syrup over the fruits, roll up the lid tightly, and leave the compote until it cools completely.

Cherry compote and pitted plums in a slow cooker

IN household There is always a job for a slow cooker in the kitchen. This device has no equal when you need to get a rich, rich-tasting compote. If you have dried fruits, prunes, mint, frozen berries, fresh fruits– everything from which drinks are made, the multicooker will preserve their taste, color, beneficial features. Use this type household appliances and for home canning. To stock up useful compote for the long winter months, you need to take:

  • 500 g plums;
  • 500 g cherries;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The fruits are washed, doused with boiling water, rinsed cold water.
  2. The fruits prepared for preservation are placed in a sterilized glass jar.
  3. The multicooker is turned on at a temperature of 160 degrees, bringing the water in the bowl to a boil. Then they fall asleep granulated sugar, leaving to simmer for about 5 minutes.
  4. Fill the jar with the prepared syrup so that it slightly overflows the top.
  5. To prepare for the winter, place the container with plum compote in a multicooker, fill the bowl clean water, boiling lasts 10 minutes.
  6. Next, all that remains is to roll up the lid and let the preservation cool completely.

Fragrant pear and plum compote without sugar

Diet option homemade sugar-free drink will please your taste true connoisseurs natural preserves. The fruits are prepared in own juice. To home preparation pleased with its beneficial properties for a long time, and it was enough for all the winter months, they use a preservative - citric acid or fresh lemon. The advantage of homemade compotes without sugar is that they are easy to prepare and require a minimum of time. If you like to drink flavored drinks, use Redmond pears.


  • 12-15 pcs. drain;
  • 3-5 pcs. pears;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid;
  • 1.2 liters of water.


  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, chop the plums, cut the pears, removing the core.
  2. Place everything in a jar, pour boiled water over it hot water, with citric acid pre-dissolved in it.
  3. Sterilize the jars for 15 minutes, roll up, and leave until completely cool before storing.


During the season of preparing fruit for the winter, do you always have proven recipes on hand? Then it's time to try original ways conservation. No store-bought juice, made according to GOST, cannot be compared with homemade preparations for the winter, and compotes, useful in all respects, are no less tasty, aromatic, and attractive than the famous “Globe”. Rolling from plum tree fruits based on sugar syrup or in its own juice, reasonable calorie content - these are just some of the benefits you will learn about in this video:

In the month of August, juicy and bright plums appear on garden plots and store shelves. And there are all kinds: white, pink, purple and even black. With thick elastic skin or thin, like parchment, you just need to press a little - and the sweetest flavored juice. No, not juice, but real fruit nectar! Both adults and children are always happy to enjoy such a tasty treat. And how many vitamins there are in plums! It’s simply a sin not to save such a gift from autumn for the winter. Plum will be good everywhere, it is an excellent filling for pies and buns, and the jelly will turn out excellent, and it can also be served with meat and added to sauces. Preserving plums is not a difficult task, but you can enjoy them in winter bright taste summer and significantly replenish the lack of vitamins.

Plum subtleties

You've probably already noticed that they differ not only in appearance and size, but also in taste. It can be pronounced or delicate, plums can be elastic and dense or juicy, with thin skin, sweet or downright sour. All these factors must be taken into account. Thus, preservation of sweet varieties of plums can be done without adding sugar at all. Using this recipe, you can prepare, for example, plums in their own juice. This option will not only please those who watch their shape, but is also perfect for diabetics.

But sour varieties are best prepared with the addition of honey or sugar syrup. If you want to preserve a plum intact, and the skin of the fruit is dense, then there is a high probability that it will crack during heat treatment, And appearance will suffer significantly. To prevent this from happening, the plums must first be blanched for about 3-5 minutes. hot water(80 degrees), and then cool in a cool place. Now let's move on to the most interesting part - these are recipes with photos and descriptions for your family.

Plum compote

Wash the plums and jars well. For compote, you can use either whole fruits with or without pits (halved). Place the prepared plums tightly in a container, now all that remains is to fill them with syrup and sterilize them. The syrup is prepared based on the sweetness of the fruit. Typically, one liter of water requires 250-450 g of sugar, and the pouring itself should be at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. The jars are sterilized as follows: cover the top with lids and place them in a container (pan) with water heated to 50 degrees, and then bring to a boil. Time to sterilize containers: 1 l - 15 min, 2 l - 20 min, 3 l - 25-30 min. After this, the jars are sealed and placed upside down for air cooling. Remember that syrup with pits should be stored for no longer than 5 years.

Plums in their own juice

For this preparation, it is convenient to use overripe plums for making juice, but dense ones are suitable for the base. The ratio is approximately 30/70, but everything, of course, will depend on the juiciness of the fruits themselves. Preserving plums entirely in their natural juice does not require adding sugar if the fruits are sweet. To prepare the juice, ripe plums are peeled and put into a juicer. You can use a meat grinder, then the juice is left to settle and the grounds are squeezed out. The fruits are placed in prepared jars and poured with juice heated to a boil. Then they cover them with lids and send them to sterilize: 3 liter jars - for half an hour, 2 liter jars - 20-25 minutes, and liter jars - for 15 minutes. After closing the lid, turn the jars upside down and cool.

Plums without sterilization

Canning plums without sterilization is suitable for recipes with or without sugar. The prepared fruits are placed in containers, and then poured with hot syrup in three stages. The syrup is prepared from water and sugar in the ratio: per liter of water - 400-200 g of granulated sugar. Plums placed in jars are poured with boiling syrup for 3 minutes. Afterwards it is drained, brought to a boil and re-poured into jars. After the third time, the syrup is not drained. The jars are sealed, turned over and left to cool. For pouring, you can use simple boiling water rather than syrup. In this case, your plums will have more natural taste and are suitable for people on a low sugar diet.

Peeled halves

Such preservation of plums makes it possible to obtain not only delicious dessert, it is also great for baking. It's better to choose fruits durum varieties or slightly greenish. The plums are immersed in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, and then removed and peeled and pitted. The prepared pulp is placed in jars and filled with syrup. It is prepared in the same way as for regular compote from plums The containers are covered with lids and sent to be sterilized: liter jars for half an hour, two-liter jars for 35 minutes, and 3-liter jars for 40 minutes. Now the preservation needs to be rolled up. Turn the jars upside down and leave until completely cooled.

Pickled plums

But such preservation of plums will certainly conquer any man and will not go unnoticed at festive table. This is a treat - great alternative overseas olives, and most importantly - completely natural and without strange store-bought additives. It will serve as an independent snack and will ideally highlight the taste of meat dishes.

It's better to take plums dark varieties. They are thoroughly washed and pierced with a toothpick in several places. Place 3-4 cloves, a piece of cinnamon and a few peas in clean, dry half-liter jars. allspice, on top - plums. Prepare the filling: take 1 kg of granulated sugar for 1.5 liters of water. It is boiled until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, and then carefully introduced acetic acid(80%) - 20 ml, or one glass (250 ml) 6% vinegar. Cool the marinade to 60 degrees, pour it over the plums, cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes. The water should not boil during sterilization; the appropriate temperature is 80-90 degrees. Then the jars are taken out and immediately sealed and turned over. Cooling - air. This amount of marinade is enough for 10 half liter cans.

Well, we hope these simple recipes will serve you as an excellent help during autumn preparations. Bon appetit you and your loved ones!

Plum compote for the winter - delicious and sweet drink, which can be prepared either from plums alone or in combination with other fruits and berries. The plum compote recipe is very simple and easy to prepare. You can use any variety of plum, but the most delicious compote is made from white plums, fleshy and round.

The main thing is that you can easily put them in a jar (put them out). As a rule, such homemade preparations are stored in 3-liter jars. But if the family is not large or not everyone likes plum compote, then they cook in two or even liter jars.

Today we will cook classic version a drink made from plums for the winter, as well as a plum compote with peaches.

This fragrant sweet fruit blends harmoniously with sweet and sour plums. Write down the recipe, it will definitely come in handy.

Recipe for compote of plums and peaches for a 3 liter jar

Ginger was used in the recipe. I don't have a single piece on hand useful root. That's why I took it ground ginger. As I prepared the preserves, I changed a few things as I thought was more appropriate.


  • ripe peaches and plums in equal parts (it is possible to take other proportions to taste);
  • a whisper of ginger.
  • Syrup: water, sugar 1:1, for example, for one and a half liters of water one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • from three star anise.

Compote of plums with peaches for the winter - step by step recipe with photo:

I keep the syrup mixture on the fire for at least 10 minutes, letting it simmer slightly.

While the syrup is being prepared, I have time to wash the fruits and remove the pits from the plums.

I filled a sterile jar with peaches and plums (up to the shoulders). I didn’t pack them tightly so they could get enough aromatic composition syrup.

I want the spices to give the drink bright notes, so I don’t strain the syrup afterwards, leaving the star anise and cinnamon in it.

When the syrup has cooled, I pour it over the plums and peaches. You'll need it later.

I cover the jar with gauze, or a lid.

By the way, there will definitely be some syrup left. I'm not getting rid of it.

The compote will stand for a day at room temperature. The fruit will absorb some of the liquid, you will need to add syrup.

I tried it to taste like the one that spent the night in the jar. It turned out to be sour. Sometimes it turns out very cloying.

Then you have to dilute the compote with water before eating. Can you add a little lemon juice or citric acid during the canning process itself. The taste of the drink will only benefit.

Since I have a three-liter jar, I will sterilize it for 30 minutes before I seal it, turn it over and cover it with a warm towel.

In this state, the jars should cool down. Afterwards I will put it in a cool place intended for long-term storage conservation.

Plum compote for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization

Previously, when my son was little and drank only fruit and berry compotes, I rolled them in 3-liter jars. Now in our family the demand for compotes has decreased a little, so I pack them in liter jars.

So, with 1 kg. drain can be rolled into 4-5 liter cans of compote or 1-2 3-liter cans.

Products for 3 liters:

  • plums - how many will fit in the jar;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • water.

How to prepare plum compote for the winter without sterilization:

I pre-rinse the jars well with a washcloth and detergent, rinse well and sterilize on a kettle with steam for 3-5 minutes. I throw the seaming lids into the kettle to boil.

I wash the plums, pit them and put them in halves into jars (for each jar there are 6-8 plums).

Then I pour sugar into the jar - 2 tbsp. spoons (I always pour a glass of sugar into 3-liter jars, and for 1 liter, divide the amount of sugar by 3).

In the meantime, I boil an electric kettle and pour boiling water into the jars, cover with lids and wrap for 10-30 minutes, then roll up, turn over and wrap for a day. Then you can take the cans to the garage, pantry, etc.

The delicious plum compote is ready for the winter - nothing could be easier.

This simple and in a fast way I seal any compotes in conservation - I never sterilize them, I pour the sugar straight into the jar and everything stands up perfectly and doesn’t explode.

Video: Plum compote with pits for the winter

No fruit gives drinks such a bright, rich hue as plums, even with a minimal amount of jarring. The compote made from them is an excellent refreshing dessert and the basis for cocktails; it is remarkable for the simplicity of the recipe and its unique sourness combined with the soft tartness of the plum skin.

Even unripe and slightly crushed fruits of any variety are suitable for harvesting. They store well without sterilization or preservatives in the form of sugar and go harmoniously with all fruits.

A sprig of lemon balm or cloves added to the syrup will give finished product spicy minty note.

You can preserve the drink in jars of any size as you wish. The main thing to understand is that the container should be filled 1/3 with fruits. We calculate the amount of granulated sugar depending on how much sweet plum or cherry plum. For compote in three-liter jars take about one heaped glass of sugar, if sour fruits, and without a slide if the fruits are sweet. As for liter jars, a third of a glass of sugar is added to them.


For a liter jar:

  • plums or cherry plum – 300 g (1/3 can)
  • granulated sugar – 4-5 tbsp. l.


1. Before filling the drain, the jar should be washed with laundry soap or baking soda. Wash the plums too and cut them into two parts, remove the seeds and place the fruit halves in a jar.

2. Fill the contents of the jar with boiling water to the very top of the neck. Cover with a lid, which should be boiled in advance. Set aside for 20 minutes and leave to warm up.

3. After the specified time has passed, pour the water, which has already become colored, into the pan. Add granulated sugar to the liquid. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Let it boil until all the sugar has dissolved.

4. Then pour the prepared syrup into a jar of plums.

5. Immediately you need to roll up the workpiece with a key or tighten it with a screw cap. Turn the jar with the contents upside down. Wrap up and leave until cool.

6. Before winter, the plum compote will become even richer in color and taste.

Note to the hostess

Plum compote can be made more varied by adding other fruits that are in harmony with this product. Good combination It will be made from plums and apples, you can add apricots or pears. Here it’s up to your imagination and the availability of fruit.

Some housewives add a sprig of mint or lemon balm to the compote for the winter. Such flavor additive gives the drink a touch of freshness and enhances the taste.

If you would like to cook concentrated compote, fill the jar with plums, taking up 3/4 of the volume, and in this case you will need more sugar. In winter, this drink can be diluted with boiled water. By the way, you don’t have to add sugar now. This can be done when opening the workpiece.
