How to make jelly from apples in the oven. Apple jelly for the winter - amber sweetness! Recipes for various apple jelly for the winter: with gelatin and without thickeners

Step 1: Prepare and boil apples.

We take right amount apples and rinse them thoroughly under cold running water. Then we cut each fruit into 4 - 8 parts and send the pieces of fruit to a deep pan along with the seeds.

Let's pour it in there clean water. We fill the pan so that the liquid reaches the middle of the level of apples, and put the container on the stove, turned on to the middle level. After boiling, cook apples 30 minutes.

Step 2: Strain Apple Juice.

In 30 minutes place a sieve with a fine mesh on a clean deep bowl and cover it with a small piece of sterile gauze. We filter the boiled apple juice through the resulting structure. We leave the boiled pieces of apples in a sieve for 2 hours to drain the remaining juice.

Step 3: Make apple jelly.

After two hours, we measure the mass of juice with a measuring cup, pour it into a clean deep pan and, based on its amount, add to it granulated sugar. For 1.5 liters of juice - 1 kilogram of sugar. Then we turn on the stove to a strong level, put a pan with strained apple juice on it and bring it to a boil. After boiling, reduce the temperature of the stove to an average level, use a slotted spoon to remove the foam from the juice and boil it for 60 minutes. During cooking, periodically stir the jelly with a wooden kitchen spoon.

Step 4: Canning Apple Jelly

After an hour, check the readiness of the jelly. We collect a teaspoon of aromatic mass and drip a couple of drops on a dry plate. If the drops hold their shape after cooling and do not spread over the plate, the jelly is finally ready. Using a ladle, pour it into sterilized jars, cover these containers with sterilized, screw caps (hot) and close tightly, helping yourself with a kitchen towel. We put the jars on the floor with the lids up, cover with an old woolen blanket and cool until room temperature during 12 days. Then we rearrange them in a dry, cool place: pantry, cellar or basement.

Step 5: serve apple jelly.

Apple jelly is served at room temperature. This dessert is served in bowls, bowls or dessert vases. As an addition to this yummy, you can offer homebaked bread, cookies, sweet crackers and fresh brewed tea of ​​any kind. Enjoy!

Enjoy your meal!

The recipe does not specify the exact weight of apples. They are different varieties, respectively, each variety during cooking gives different amount juice. Therefore, the calculation goes to 1.5 liters apple juice- 1 kilogram of granulated sugar.

For cooking jelly, do not use aluminum utensils.

To apple jelly it turned out more transparent, it can be filtered through a double layer of sterile gauze.

If desired, the jam can not be preserved, and after cooling, stored in the refrigerator, in hermetically sealed jars.

All equipment with which jelly will be prepared should be thoroughly washed and sterilized in any convenient way. You can find out more information by following this link.

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  • Apples are good not only for fresh, but also in preparations for the winter in any consistency: in its juice, as jam, jam or jelly. And it also turns out that they can be used to make an original and healthy dessert - apple jelly, which heals joints and gives strength to the immune system. What culinary tricks need to know to create the perfect dish for children and adults?

    Apple jelly for the winter

    Homemade preparations from natural products are a real find when you need to quickly cook yummy or fight colds. You can make jam, preserves from apples, marinate them in your own juice or cook compote, squeeze the juice. Among all the variety, jelly stands out, since its consistency allows you to set any shape, and the texture is always uniform.

    For winter harvest both sour and sweet apples are suitable. You can adjust the level of sweetness by changing the proportions of sugar or adding lemon juice.

    For one serving of apple jelly at home you will need:

    • 1 kg of apples peeled from the core;
    • 150 g of granulated sugar (white);
    • drinking water 400 g.

    cook original dessert it is possible with a slightly different sequence of actions, which will affect the taste, and most importantly, appearance finished dessert.

    To prepare jelly from two balls, you will need half a kilogram of apples, water (300 g), cinnamon (a pinch), sugar (150 g), filtered apple juice, transparent (300 g), sugar (100 g), agar-agar (tablespoon ), two raw apples.

    Apples are cut into pieces, peeled and boiled with sugar and water until homogeneous mass. The mixture is rubbed through a fine sieve. Milk is boiled over low heat, a gelling agent and honey are added. Mixed with apple puree. Prunes pre-soaked and cut into small cubes are added to the total mixture, poured into molds.

    A similar recipe can also be prepared in a multi-colored serving, if gelatin is added separately to boiled apples and a dairy product. It is worth pouring into molds with balls after the bottom ball has completely solidified.

    Culinary Discoveries

    In desserts without heat treatment apple jelly can be used as a separate ball, and cut into pieces to create a mosaic.

    Deciding on culinary experiments it's always better to take natural products, and not fast chemistry: the end result of the work will be beneficial and rich natural taste. Apple homemade jelly - the best option winter dessert for sweet tooth of any age. Any hostess can make jelly from apples on her own.

    apple jelly - diet dessert, which is best prepared from green apples or juice with gelatin. This dish is not only great taste but also medicinal properties.

    Nutritional properties

    It is believed that desserts are not very healthy and deliver health. more harm than good. But there are delicacies that do not harm the figure, but, on the contrary, help the body become healthy. And that dish is apple jelly. Pectin, which is found in apples, helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins, and gelatin helps it to function properly.

    Jelly strengthens the heart muscle and connective tissues, and also makes the walls of blood vessels stronger and more elastic. This helps regulate the pressure level. Such a product does not contain many calories, so it may well be considered dietary. Jelly is well absorbed by the body and is not deposited in fatty compounds. This feature allows you to enjoy sweets without worrying about the figure.

    by the most useful property jelly dessert is its effect on the bones. It contributes to a better restoration of bones in case of fractures and bone diseases. Helps with a lack of calcium and prevents the destruction of cartilage in the joints. It has a good effect on the condition of teeth and nails, strengthening them and preventing their fragility. They even make masks for hair and facial skin from dessert.


    So, to make a fragrant amber-clear dessert, you need to take:

    • apples, preferably sweet - 500 grams;
    • sugar - 100 grams;
    • water - 1.5 cups;
    • gelatin - 15 grams.

    Wash the apples well, removing the core and tail. Cut into small pieces without removing the peel, as it contains a large number of vitamins. Pour washed and crushed fruits with water, it should cover the apples, put the mixture on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and add sugar. Cook for fifteen minutes, avoiding a strong boil.

    At the end of cooking, the skin should itself lag behind the pulp of apples. Allow the jelly base to cool and grind through a sieve. Dissolve gelatin in warm water according to the instructions and leave to swell for a few minutes. apple mass Boil together with gelatin over low heat for another ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Allow the jelly to cool slightly and pour into molds or jars for storage. Leave in a cool place to harden.

    The pulp of apples contains enough pectin and during cooking forms a mixture that hardens well and without the addition of gelling components. But for perfect shape it is still better to add gelatin to apple jelly.

    From apple juice

    The recipe is quite simple and does not require much effort, and the result will please pleasant taste. Add 15 grams of gelatin to a glass of juice and leave to swell. Heat the second glass to a boil and combine the two liquids. Cook over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour into molds and refrigerate until set.

    In this case, the jelly will be a transparent amber color, or you can add food colorings or combine with other juices and get colorful jelly. Can decorate different berries or whipped cream. Looks great and jelly filled with apples, diced with peel.

    To prepare a spectacular dessert, you can fill in the colored layers one by one, waiting until the previous one hardens and only then pour the next one. It looks very nice and appetizing.

    To make it good jelly dessert, it is necessary to take into account some nuances when cooking it:

    • do not use aluminum dishes, as the taste of the dish deteriorates, it darkens;
    • before pouring, slightly warm the bottom of the mold, then the jelly will be without lumps and bumps;
    • instead of gelatin, you can use agar-agar, which holds its shape better and consists of plant elements.

    Recipes for the winter

    You can prepare jelly for future use and enjoy it cold winter inhaling the fragrant smell of autumn. To do this, prepare a sweet according to regular recipe, poured into sterilized jars and corked. Store in a cool place. Such a preparation will perfectly complement pancakes or pancakes, and can also be a substitute for jam and jam. Green apples are best for making jelly. They retain their taste and aroma, unlike sweet ones, which become tasteless after cooking. You can diversify the taste and color qualities of the dish by adding spices or other fruits and berries.

    When boiling apples, you can add a cinnamon stick and a few cloves. Get a spicy jelly. Happy citrus flavor the dish can be obtained by adding three lemons and a cinnamon stick to two kilograms of apples. Cut the citruses (remove the seeds), scald with boiling water, boil for 1.5 hours with apples, cinnamon and 1.5 liters of water. Strain the broth, add 800 grams of sugar and cook for 15 minutes, pour into jars, roll up.

    Delicious mixed jelly will be obtained from apples and pears in a ratio of 2 to 1. Sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits, respectively one kilogram and a pound, boil until soft with three glasses of water, grind through a sieve, add 600 grams of sugar and cook the mass for 15 minutes. Then add the previously soaked gelatin and bring to a boil, pour into prepared containers, cork.

    bright and fragrant delicacy it will turn out if you take a kilogram of apples and 700 grams orange pumpkin, boil it in three glasses of water. Add fruits when the pumpkin becomes soft and cook until the apples are ready, grind. Pour 1.5 kg of sugar into the puree and keep it on fire for ten minutes, add the swollen gelatin, bring to a boil, then you can roll it up. Such a dessert will never get bored and will definitely appeal to both adults and children.

    How to cook apple jelly with pear slices, see the following video.

    Apple jelly (the recipe will be discussed later) is a useful and very tasty dish. It is worth noting that this is prepared extremely easily and quickly. In addition, it does not require expensive and rare ingredients. This fact especially attracts those who often like to pamper their loved ones with such an unusual sweet dish.

    Apple Jelly: A Step-by-Step Recipe for a Fruit Dessert

    Required Ingredients:

    • purified water - 2.5 cups;
    • ripe sweet apples - 500 g;
    • sugar sand - ¾ faceted glass;
    • instant gelatin - 15 g;
    • ground cinnamon - add to taste.

    Choice of main product

    Apple jelly, the recipe of which involves the use of only inexpensive ingredients, turns out to be especially tasty if you purchase exclusively sweet and ripe fruit. Color this product doesn't matter. The main thing is that the presented component is free of wormholes and sourness.

    Fruit processing step by step

    Before from apples (photo finished product can be seen in this article), each purchased fruit should be well processed. To do this, all the ingredients must be washed and cut into quarters. Next, the apples need to be cleaned of the seed box and stalks.

    Thermal processing of fruits

    Before forming jelly from apples with gelatin, be sure to stew the main component. To do this, all processed fruits must be placed in a small saucepan, and then added to them drinking water and granulated sugar. In this composition, the ingredients must be cooked until completely softened. After that, it is advisable to cool the apples a little in cold air, and then grind them with a mortar through a fine sieve. As a result of such actions, you will get a thick and fragrant slurry of stewed fruits. In this case, the cake can be used during the preparation of compote.

    The process of diluting gelatin

    Apple jelly, the recipe of which we are considering today, requires the mandatory use of instant gelatin. It must be poured into a glass and poured with boiling water. After the component swells, it should be placed in a metal bowl and slightly warmed up (in no case should it be brought to a boil). Next, warm gelatin needs to be filtered through a sieve, completely poured into and mixed thoroughly.

    Dessert shaping

    The presented dish is made quite easily. To do this, take beautiful molds, grease them a little butter and distribute over them the entire mass of applesauce and gelatin. In order for the dessert to freeze well and keep its shape in ready-made, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours.

    How to properly serve

    After hardening, apple jelly must be removed from the mold by tipping it onto a flat saucer. To give the dessert a beautiful appearance, you can sprinkle it with powder, decorate with whipped cream or slices of fresh fruits and berries. Such a sweet dish is served at the table with or without tea.
