How to salt pink salmon in pieces at home. Salting pink salmon - original recipe with oranges. How to salt pink salmon like salmon - it can’t be faster

As a resident of Sakhalin, although already in the past, I know first-hand about salting fish, I myself had to over-salt a lot, I tried different methods.

To make pink salmon well-salted and tasty, you need to adhere to just a few rules, which I will discuss below. They are not complicated at all, so let's get started.

Preparing pink salmon for salting

Yes, my dear readers. Preparation is important process. Not everyone knows how to cut it correctly, especially if it is with. After all, you want to keep this delicacy intact and also add tasty salt.

Sometimes, especially in coastal areas, they sell fresh, but already gutted fish, so without any headache you can immediately start salting. But not everyone is so lucky; more often we buy fresh frozen in the store, but this is also an option for pickling.

Frozen fish must first be properly defrosted. I don’t recommend using a microwave for this; the fish will heat up in places and will be unsuitable for salting. It’s better to defrost it naturally; well, if you really need it, then put the fish in a bowl of cold water.

Before salting, you need to cut off all the fins of pink salmon and remove the entrails, either through the belly or by cutting the fish along the spine. The head and tail are removed, then with a sharp knife you need to carefully separate the ridge from the meat and pull it out. This way you get two pieces of fillet. Here, if desired and depending on the recipe, we leave the fillets whole or cut them into pieces.

How to properly salt pink salmon at home

When choosing a salting method, keep in mind that pink salmon is slightly drier and tougher than sockeye salmon or chum salmon. And there are only two ways:

  • Dry, simplest
  • Wet, that is, using brine

How to quickly and deliciously pickle pink salmon at home? Which salting method should I choose? I will answer that you will only find out when you try all the methods.

The fish turns out to be especially tasty if you salt it not defrosted, but fresh.

How to salt pink salmon at home in a delicious dry way

Traditional dry pickling recipe

We will take:

Per kilogram of pink salmon fillet, two hundred grams of coarse salt

Cooking process:

  1. We fillet the fish and wash it well.
  2. Place both halves on the skin, meat side up, and sprinkle thickly with salt.
  3. Place one half on top of the other so that the meat is inside and wrap in gauze or paper towel.
  4. Place the fish on a flat plate and put it in the refrigerator.
  5. After five hours, turn the package over to the other side.
  6. After a day, we take out the fish, unwrap it and wash off the remaining salt.
  7. Cut into pieces and pour over aromatic oil sunflower.

Salmon ambassador pink salmon

We use the following ingredients:

  • Per kilo pink salmon fillet
  • Three tablespoons of coarse salt
  • Three tablespoons of sugar
  • Bunch of parsley
  • Bunch of dill
  • Three laurel leaves
  • Teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

How to cook this fish:

  1. Again, prepare the fillets.
  2. We do not remove the skin from the fish; we place the fish on the tray with the meat side up.
  3. Mix salt and sugar and sprinkle on meat.
  4. Sprinkle pepper on top
  5. Spread sprigs of dill and parsley evenly over the entire fillet.
  6. Place the pieces with the meat inside and wrap them in gauze.
  7. Place the package of fish on a tray and hide it in the refrigerator for two days.
  8. After a day, we turn the fish over.
  9. After complete salting, you need to remove the fish and wash off all the salt. Before serving, you can sprinkle with lemon juice.

Dry salted pink salmon with mustard

We take the following products:

  • A kilo of clean fish fillet
  • 2\3 cups coarse salt
  • 2\3 cups granulated sugar
  • Half a bunch of dill
  • Three tablespoons mustard
  • Two tablespoons of table vinegar
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil

How to cook:

  1. We cut the fillet into pieces one and a half centimeters wide.
  2. We take an enamel or glass bowl, grease the inside with oil and put our fish there.
  3. In another bowl, mix finely chopped dill, salt and sugar.
  4. Pour this mixture over the fish and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
  5. Mix mustard, vinegar and oil. Let's get it cooked fish and brush each piece with this sauce.

How to pickle pink salmon in marinade

A quick method of “wet” salting

Ingredients we use:

  • One medium fish
  • Liter of purified water
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • Three tablespoons of salt
  • Tablespoon mustard powder
  • Ten black peppercorns
  • One laurel

Salting process:

  1. We cut the fish, remove the tail, head and ridge, clean the insides and cut off the fins.
  2. We wash the fillet and cut it into pieces about five centimeters.
  3. Place the fish in a convenient container, maybe a jar.
  4. Make the marinade, boil water with spices and let cool.
  5. Pour in the fish and put it in the refrigerator for twelve hours.

Salting pink salmon in marinade in the traditional way

We will take the following products:

  • Per kilo pink salmon fillet
  • Liter of water
  • Two hundred grams of salt with sugar

Salting process:

This is an emergency method of salting when you need it urgently. Clean the fish, separate the fillets and divide into pieces. In a convenient bowl, dilute sugar and salt in water and put pieces of fish in there and leave for four hours. Then take it out, pour it over with vegetable oil and serve it to the table.

Pink salmon in spicy marinade

We will need:

  • Kilo fish fillet
  • Half a glass of sugar and salt
  • Liter of water
  • Two tablespoons of prepared mustard
  • A pair of bay leaves
  • A few black peppercorns

Salting process:

  • We cut the fish into fillets.
  • Put the water with sugar and salt on the stove, let it simmer for about five minutes, then turn it off and add mustard, bay leaf and pepper.
  • Let the marinade cool and pour in the pieces of pink salmon.
  • Leave it in the refrigerator for a day, then you can eat it.

Is it possible to eat red fish to your heart's content? Certainly! If it is pink salmon that is salted on its own.

In this case, the cost of this delicacy is many times lower than in the store.

You can use it to make not only sandwiches, but also a lot of delicious dishes. But how to pickle pink salmon at home?

It turns out that you can cook salted pink salmon very simply and quickly if you have good recipes.

Salted pink salmon - general principles of preparation

Of course, the most delicious dishes obtained from fresh fish. But it is not always possible to purchase it. In this case, we use a frozen product. Before cooking it needs to be thawed, but not in hot water or microwave oven, it is better to let the carcass slowly move away on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Then the fish is cleaned of the outer husk, the tail, fins, and head are removed and the internal cavity is washed. The whole carcass is rarely used for salting; most often it is cut into fillets. The tail part of about 10 cm is not used. The fillet can be left with or without skin, at your discretion.

Salted pink salmon is prepared in two ways:

1. Dry. To do this, simply sprinkle the prepared carcass with salt and spices. The fish will release juice, the salt will dissolve and saturate the product.

2. Wet. For this, marinades, juices, and brines are used. Pieces of fish are immersed in cold pour and wait to be ready.

How best to salt pink salmon at home is up to everyone to choose for themselves. But you can immediately try two or three methods from one fish and choose the option you like best. Moreover, the process itself usually takes little time and, in addition to pink salmon, requires primitive spices that are available in any kitchen.

How to salt pink salmon at home using the dry method

Dry salting is the easiest method, requiring a minimum of products and time. It will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare the fish and the whole process. After a day you can enjoy lightly salted fish, and after three days, salted fish.

1 pink salmon about a kilogram;

1. Clean the fish from any remaining scales; if it was frozen, then thaw it in advance. Cut off the head, fins and 10 cm of the tail. All this can be used on the ear. We take out the backbone, large bones and get 2 fillets with skin. If you have a long container, you can leave it as is. Or cut each one in half.

2. In a bowl, mix salt and sugar and sprinkle the pink salmon pieces with the mixture. Place it in a container, skin side down, and simply sprinkle the remaining spices on top.

3. We put the fish in the refrigerator, after 5 hours we turn the pieces over, you can swap the top and bottom. After a while you can turn it over again.

4. As soon as the pink salmon is salted, you need to take a paper towel and blot the surface well. For juiciness, the pieces are greased with vegetable oil.

How to pickle pink salmon at home in a marinade

Salted pink salmon prepared according to this option can be tasted after 8 hours, but it is better to let it sit for at least 12. Unlike the dry method, the fish turns out to be more aromatic, thanks to the spices included in the composition.

10 peppercorns;

Spoon of dry mustard.

1. We fillet the fish and cut each into pieces, 5 cm wide.

2. For the brine, mix all the ingredients, let it boil, turn it off and cool until room temperature.

3. Pour the cooled brine over the pink salmon, close the lid and remove to marinate.

4. Wipe the finished pieces with a towel. You should not keep fish in brine for more than three days. Then it is better to take it out, put it in a clean container and fill it with oil.

How to pickle pink salmon at home with tangerines

You can also use oranges instead of tangerines. Salted pink salmon It turns out very tender, juicy, and tastes very similar to salmon. Salting will take 24 hours. This fish is especially good for sandwiches.

4 tangerines or 2 oranges;

2 pink salmon fillets, with or without skin;

1. If the fillet is ready, then simply wash the pieces and dry them with napkins. If you use whole pink salmon, then cut it into fillets, as described in the first recipe.

2. Peel the orange or tangerines, separate them into slices and cut each one crosswise into 5 mm pieces.

3. Place a piece of fish at the bottom of the container, sprinkle with salt and lay out half of the oranges. Place the second fillet on top, sprinkle generously with salt and lay out the remaining oranges (tangerines).

4. Now you need to close the container with a tight lid and leave for 24 hours. During this time, the fish and oranges will be released under the influence of salt. sufficient quantity juice, pink salmon will acquire unique aroma and taste.

How to pickle pink salmon at home with onions

A recipe for spicy salted pink salmon, for the preparation of which you will need soft vinegar. Apple, wine or rice will do. The advantage of this recipe is the speed of salting. The first sample can be taken after 3 hours.

Half a kilo of pink salmon fillet;

1. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Pour boiling water over, leave for 5 minutes, drain in a colander.

2. Let the liquid drain.

3. Add vinegar to the onion, rub it well with your hands, then pour in vegetable oil, preferably odorless, and just mix. Divide the onion preparation into two parts.

4. Let's deal with pink salmon. To do this, cut the fillet into strips half a centimeter thick and sprinkle salt on all sides.

5. Place half the onion on the bottom of the container, and pieces of pink salmon sprinkled with salt on top. Cover everything with the second part of the onion and pour out the remaining oil from the bottom.

6. Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours. You can store this fish with onions for 3 days in the refrigerator.

How to pickle pink salmon at home with vodka

Another option for dry salting pink salmon, which will certainly delight you with its taste and bright color. And all this thanks to the addition of vodka. Contrary to fears, there will be no smell of alcohol.

400 grams of fillet;

1 teaspoon salt;

0.5 tsp. mixture of peppers.

1. Mix all the spices together in a small bowl, add vodka and rub well with a spoon. Instead of a mixture of peppers, you can simply use allspice or black pepper, at your discretion.

2. We use pink salmon fillet without skin. Rub the piece on all sides spicy mixture. We put it in a container, cover the top with a lid that is smaller in diameter, and place a small weight.

3. Place in the refrigerator for a day and you can enjoy delicious pink salmon.

How to pickle pink salmon at home with mustard and coriander

Mustard and coriander add saltiness to pink salmon original taste. For cooking, it is better to use mustard with seeds, not very spicy.

3 tablespoons mustard;

2 tablespoons each of sugar and salt;

A teaspoon of coriander;

1. Cut the fish into two fillets, remove the skin.

2. Crush coriander grains in a mortar and mix with salt and sugar.

3. Sprinkle the fillet on all sides with the resulting mixture.

4. Mix mustard with vegetable oil until smooth.

5. Place a piece of salted pink salmon in a container and pour half the sauce on top. Place the second fillet and pour over the rest of the sauce.

6. Close the container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Then we swap the fillets, send the top one down and leave for another 12 hours.

7. Before serving, wipe the fillet with a napkin and cut the pink salmon into pieces.

Salted pink salmon salad with tomatoes

Bright and juicy salad with red fish, tomatoes and lemon dressing. It is better to use dense and fleshy tomatoes, the pieces of which will hold their shape well.

250 grams of pink salmon;

350 grams of tomatoes;

A bunch of green onions;

1. Cut pink salmon into cubes and place in a salad bowl.

2. Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the seeds and liquid. We cut the pulp in the same way as pink salmon.

3. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, mix with oil and black pepper.

4. Wash the green onion feathers, dry them and chop them finely.

5. Mix the fish with tomatoes, onions, dressing and you can serve. If pink salmon is lightly salted, then the salad can be salted.

Snack of salted pink salmon with cheese

Excellent replacement for sandwiches. To prepare such a snack, in addition to food, you will need skewers or toothpicks.

200 grams of lightly salted pink salmon;

2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

Greens, lettuce leaves.

1. Finely grate the cheese and also the egg. Add chopped herbs, mayonnaise and mix.

2. Cut pink salmon into thin strips. Place the filling in the center of each piece and roll it up.

3. We put an olive on a skewer, pierce the roll on top, thereby fixing the edges of the pink salmon so that they do not unwind. Similarly, we make rolls from all the fish and filling.

4. Place lettuce leaves on a dish, then rolls and serve.

Snack of salted pink salmon and lavash

This appetizer is prepared simply and quickly, it turns out tasty and elegant. It will decorate any table. For cooking we use thin Armenian lavash. We take the quantity of products “by eye”.

Soft cream cheese;

1. Cut pink salmon into thin pieces. The thinner the better.

2. Chop the dill finely.

3. Grease the pita bread with cream cheese. If the product does not want to smear, then you can add a little mayonnaise and mix with a blender. The mass will become more pliable.

4. Sprinkle the surface with chopped dill.

5. Lay out the pieces of pink salmon.

6. Roll up the roll and put it in the freezer for 15 minutes so that it “sets.”

7. Cut into 2-3 cm pieces, preferably at an angle of 45 °C, and serve.

Snack of salted pink salmon in tartlets

For this snack you can use ready-made tartlets, which can be purchased at any supermarket or baked yourself. Use for decoration canned olives, but you can take red caviar and place half a teaspoon in the center, it looks even more impressive.

200 grams of pink salmon;

80 grams cream cheese or mayonnaise;

Greens and olives for decoration.

1. Boil the eggs in advance, cool, peel and grate on a fine grater.

2. Cut pink salmon into small cubes and combine with eggs.

3. Remove the ends of the cucumber, cut into several layers, then into small cubes. Add to the main mass.

4. Season the resulting salad with cream cheese or mayonnaise. You can use both, we focus on the density of the mass.

5. Fill the tartlets with the prepared mixture. We put greens on top and stick an olive in the center.

To salt and store pink salmon, you can use glass, plastic or earthenware, but not metal. Otherwise, the fish will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste that cannot be masked by anything.

If you are lucky enough to purchase ungutted pink salmon with caviar, you can salt it. To do this, the product is cleared of films and placed in a marinade of 200 grams of water, two teaspoons of salt and a spoon of sugar. All ingredients must be mixed and boiled, then cooled. In three hours the delicacy will be ready.

If brine is used to prepare pink salmon, then a load is required. It will help the fish to submerge completely and marinate more evenly.

To prevent the fish from becoming too salty, it must be removed from the brine and wiped dry with paper napkins, placed in a clean container and filled with oil. You can immediately cut into slices.

Overly salted pink salmon can be revived. To do this, the pieces are soaked in fresh milk and stand for 2-2 hours. Then wipe dry, grease with oil and serve.

A festive feast at home is accompanied by gourmet dishes, with which the hostess wants to pamper her guests. Salted red fish can be a special delicacy. If pickling is done in different variations, then many new and interesting dishes. How to pickle pink salmon will be discussed in this article.

Classic dry salting of pink salmon at home

This pickling option requires the following ingredients:

  • chopped pink salmon carcass – 1 kg;
  • small granulated sugar– 20 g;
  • coarse salt – 40 g.

The process itself is quite simple and, by the way, men often do the salting of fish.

  1. Pink salmon should be cut into 2 fillets.
  2. Salt and granulated sugar are mixed in a separate bowl. Rub the fish pulp with a mixture of dry ingredients.
  3. Both halves of the fish are placed together. Next, the skin is generously sprinkled with the dry mixture.
  4. The fish should be wrapped in cling film, then placed in a tray under pressure and put in the refrigerator for a day.

Attention! The oppression should lie evenly on top of the entire fish.

It is convenient to do this as follows:

  • place a cutting board on top of the fish;
  • Wrap a 1 kg pack of salt in film and place on top.

Salted fish with fresh dill

Fans of greens can add fresh dill to the dry mixture when salting fish. The carcass is salted according to the above recipe, but before the two halves are put together, the pink salmon fillet is generously sprinkled with finely chopped dill. For 1 kg of fish you will need 150 g of spice.

It is important to remember that for more flavor, it is better to use the leaves of the greens rather than the stems.

Pink salmon fillet, quickly salted

In order to salt fish very quickly, you should buy an already cut carcass in the store.

  1. At home, the pulp should be soaked for 15 minutes in water with lemon juice to disinfect. For 1 liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of citrus juice. This will give the finished dish a light lemon flavor.
  2. Next, salting is carried out according to the above recipes.

How to deliciously marinate fish

If you have time to prepare the marinade, it will significantly expand the gastronomic line fish dishes served on the table. Pink salmon in brine has a wonderful delicate taste.

In brine with sugar

  • red fish fillet – 1 kg;
  • coarse salt – 40 g;
  • granulated sugar – 20 g;
  • filtered water – 500 ml;
  • laurel leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • juniper and black pepper – 3 – 4 pcs.;
  • olive oil or grape seed– 30 ml.

After preparing the products, follow a simple procedure:

  1. Put water on fire and dissolve salt and sugar in it. Add spices and boil for 2 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and wait until the marinade becomes warm.
  3. Place the fillet in a rectangular container with sides. It should freely accommodate the whole fish.
  4. Pour warm marinade over the carcass until it drowns completely.
  5. Close the container with a lid or wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator.

After a day, the fish can be transferred to a food container, after pouring oil on it.

Cooked in mustard sauce

It is best to marinate such fish in a jar.

  • pink salmon – 1 kg;
  • mustard – 30 g;
  • coarse salt – 60 g for salting fish + 10 g for mustard sauce;
  • granulated sugar – 20 g;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • mustard seed – 20 g;
  • white pepper– a pinch;
  • fresh lemon – 20 ml;
  • grape seed oil – 150 ml.

Let's get to the fun part:

  1. The fish must be divided into slices, after removing the bones from it.
  2. Mix sugar with salt for pickling.
  3. Place the fish slices in a container and sprinkle generously with a mixture of salt and sugar. Place a weight on top and hide the entire structure in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  4. Peel the onion from the outer peel and finely chop it into half rings.
  5. The mustard seed needs to be poured with boiling water for 5 minutes, then the water should be drained. Mix mustard with vegetable oil until smooth, add salt, white pepper and steamed seeds, as well as onion.
  6. Remove pink salmon from the container, place in a colander and wait until excess liquid drains. You need to shake the fish a little so that excess salt and sugar fall off.
  7. Place the carcass in a clean container and pour the sauce over it. Gently mix the fish in the marinade by hand.
  8. Scald the prepared jar with boiling water and transfer pink salmon into it with a clean spoon.

The fish should sit in the refrigerator for two days, after which it can be served.

Do you know that the fish will be especially tasty if you also prepare the mustard yourself.

  • mustard powder – 80 g;
  • filtered water – 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 10 g;
  • fine salt – 20 g;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml.

Well, then everything is quite simple:

  1. Stir water with mustard until smooth and leave in a warm place for 10 hours.
  2. After this, remove excess moisture that will form on the surface.
  3. The remaining ingredients are added to the prepared mixture and everything is mixed.

Quick salting of pink salmon in one hour

If you need to prepare something tasty for the table in a short time, then salting fish in an hour is the surest way.

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kg;
  • sparkling water – 100 ml;
  • filtered water – 150 ml;
  • fine salt – 50 g;
  • granulated sugar – 20 g;
  • whiskey – 30 ml;
  • pepper mixture (peas) – 20 g;
  • dill leaves – 100 g.

We put on an apron and get started:

  1. The fish should be cut into thin slices. For this procedure, the knife must be very sharp.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in water. Finely chop the dill leaves.
  3. Chop the peppercorns with a knife or crush them in a mortar. Mix the salt mixture, whiskey, pepper and dill in a separate container.
  4. Place the fish in a container and carefully spread the mixture over it.
  5. Quickly pour the prepared ingredients with sparkling water, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

After an hour, the fish can be served.

An excellent flavor composition for such a dish will be lightly salted cucumbers, also prepared in an hour. Moreover, you don’t have to throw out the remaining sparkling water.

  • fresh cucumbers – 200 g;
  • salt – 80 g;
  • granulated sugar – 10 g;
  • dill stems - a small bunch;
  • sparkling water – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 5 cloves.

Cucumbers should be cut lengthwise into halves and grated garlic. Place cucumbers, garlic, salt, sugar and whole dill stems into a durable plastic bag. Fill everything with soda on top and vigorously shake the bag for about two minutes. Tie it in a knot and put it in the refrigerator.

Spicy fish in honey marinade

Honey marinade can be prepared in three variations:

  1. Honey-soy. To do this, you need to mix two tablespoons of honey and 100 ml of soy sauce.
  2. Honey mustard. A tablespoon of mustard is mixed with two tablespoons of light honey and a pinch of red hot pepper.
  3. Honey-lemon. Freshly squeezed lemon juice and stir two tablespoons of honey until smooth.

Any chosen mixture is applied to the fish, salted according to the classical method, and placed in an airtight container for a day.

How to salt pink salmon for salmon

If pink salmon still seems a little dry, then it can be salted in such a way that it tastes indistinguishable from salmon.

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • cooled boiling water – 1 l;
  • coarse salt – 100 g.

Only three steps separate us from delicious pink salmon a la salmon:

  1. Dissolve salt in water. Cut the fish into slices and place in the solution for 15 minutes.
  2. Drain the carcass in a colander and dry.
  3. Place pink salmon in a container and add oil.

In a day, the most delicate flesh of red fish, simulating salmon, is ready.

  • The zest of the lime is grated, and the citrus pulp is cut into pieces and blended in a blender.
  • The pulp, zest, salt and pepper should be mixed.
  • Cut the fish into thin slices and place in a container. Spread the citrus mixture evenly on top.
  • Keep the preparation in the refrigerator for a day.

    If we salt the whole pink salmon, then the fish is rubbed inside and out, and then wrapped in cling film.

    Lightly salted fish in one day

    • pink salmon carcass – 1.5 kg;
    • coarse salt – 50 g;
    • granulated sugar – 20g;
    • vegetable oil – 80 g;
    • white and lemon pepper- a pinch.


    1. Rinse the carcass well.
    2. Stir the dry ingredients in the oil and rub the fish inside and out.
    3. Wrap the carcass in cling film and cloth.
    4. Place the fish in a container under pressure.

    In five to six hours the appetizer will be ready.

    It is important to remember that this salting is only suitable for fish purchased in a store or on a farm. If the fish is wild, then it is better to salt it properly.

    It is not difficult to salt pink salmon correctly, but you need to strictly adhere to the recipe.

    The key to successful preparation will be the correctly selected initial product, that is, the fish itself:

    • the skin should be elastic;
    • When pressed with a finger, the pulp immediately returns to its original state;
    • The meat should have a pleasant cucumber aroma.

    It's no secret that red fish is a storehouse of vitamins, and it is especially rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most of all, I like it salted, although I also tried baking it in the oven. Most often, I salt red fish using the simplest dry method (here is a recipe using coho salmon as an example), but I also love it in a marinade, such as salmon salted in a spice marinade.
    I salted pink salmon for the first time, this fish differs from others from the red family in that it is not so fatty, but for me this is only a plus, because it is very fatty fish I don't really like it.
    So, let's start the process of salting pink salmon? Look what a beautiful carcass my beloved husband brought me.
    I cleared it of scales, removed the eyes, gills, and cut off the fins.
    I cut the fish into small steaks, cutting off the head and tail.

    And since I am a thrifty housewife and am not used to throwing away such precious fish, my production is waste-free in this case happened. From the head (and there was a lot of meat on it) and a small piece near the tail, I cooked a delicious fish soup from pink salmon and grass carp. I decided to salt the remaining pieces of pink salmon, this time I took half - here they are, my beauties.

    Place the pink salmon steaks in a deep container; I will salt the red fish in a small saucepan. Add Bay leaf And allspice peas - thanks to them the fish will turn out very aromatic and spicy.

    For the marinade, you need to boil water and cool it to about 40 degrees. Add salt and sugar to the water, stir until they dissolve; pour water over the red fish; for my 5 steaks, 0.5 liters of water is enough to completely cover the fish.

    The process of salting red fish will take place in the refrigerator - this is where we will send our saucepan for about a minute, this time is more than enough for the pink salmon to pickle and acquire spicy aroma and taste.
    The next day I removed the fish from the marinade and transferred it to Plastic container, and poured on top sunflower oil To make it softer, add onions if desired.

    Spicy pink salmon, salted wet method, it turned out very tasty, tender and aromatic - my family was completely delighted with it. You can serve this yummy dish either on sandwiches or with boiled potatoes, for example.
    Enjoy your meal!
    Eat red fish and always be healthy!
    See you again in the vastness of Photorecipe!
    P.S. The cooking time for red fish in my recipe is indicated without taking into account the time for the salting process itself - only the preparatory moments are taken into account!

    Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

    Red fish is a delicacy loved in many countries. It is included both in the daily diet and is relevant for festive table. It’s not surprising, because red fish is a very useful product, a source of vitamin D and others necessary for the body microelements.

    One of the most common ways to cook pink salmon, salmon or chum salmon - especially popular types- pickling, it's really convenient, tasty and fast. Salted red fish goes well as independent dish, it looks beautiful on a sandwich, and it also has special notes in salads.

    Let's find out how to quickly and tasty salt pink salmon at home, what methods exist and what ingredients are needed.

    Home Ambassador

    Salting pink salmon at home is not just a quick way, but a budget-friendly one. Buying salted red fish is much more expensive than fresh or frozen. And if you are a fisherman, then you are incredibly lucky. Red fish salted at home has many benefits. For example, we know exactly the expiration date of fish, we are sure that the delicacy was prepared without dyes or additives, and there are a ton of cooking options.

    Delicious recipes

    Homemade salted pink salmon can be used for cooking large quantity dishes. These are sandwiches, canapés, salads, snack rolls, and you can stuff pancakes with fish. Having in the refrigerator salted fillet pink salmon, you can quickly prepare a snack for unexpected guests or treat children with poor appetite, they will not refuse the red fish.

    How much delicious recipes pickles! And with spices, and lightly salted, and with sauces, and in brine. It’s worth trying each of them to fully appreciate the great taste of pink salmon. And what can I say, when the process of preparing salted fish couldn’t be simpler, even a novice cook can handle the recipes.

    Pink salmon for salting

    Before we find out how to quickly salt pink salmon, let's look at the choice of fish. If you have a fisherman in your family, that’s great; the best salted pink salmon comes from fresh fillet. But if there is no such thing, then a frozen one will turn out to be an equally tasty snack.

    And if you are lucky enough to buy a fish in fresh in the store, then to check the quality, carefully inspect the carcass offered to you. Rate her appearance and the smell - it should be appropriate, pleasant, and not give off any extraneous, mechanical or bitterness. There should be no mechanical damage on the carcass externally. To check freshness, press on the carcass. If the pulp has returned to its previous position, then the pink salmon is fresh.

    If you use frozen fish for cooking, then it is better to defrost it in the refrigerator. It is advisable to place the fillet in a colander so that the fish does not become saturated with water, in order to avoid damage to the structure.

    When defrosting, never use a microwave or hot water.

    Salting methods

    You can pickle pink salmon either whole or in separate pieces or fillet cuts. One of the options for quick salting fish - cut the fillets into thin slices, in this form the pink salmon is salted very quickly, literally in an hour. And it’s convenient to prepare sandwiches with records.

    The main rule for any recipe: rinse the fish thoroughly before salting. Clean the pink salmon from scales, and in some cases, remove the skin. If you use a whole carcass, be sure to remove the tails, fins, and head. Rinse the insides of the fish thoroughly. If possible, remove the bones.

    Before rubbing the carcass with salt and spices, dry the fillet with a clean towel or napkins and only then cut the pink salmon into pieces of the size you need.

    Salted pink salmon

    And here is a recipe for how to quickly salt pink salmon fillets. This is the simplest way using minimum quantity ingredients, without unnecessary additives. Still very tasty. In order to salt red fish fillets, you will need:

    • 1 kg of fresh peeled pink salmon;
    • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

    In a separate cup or bowl, mix salt and sugar together. Wash the pink salmon fillet thoroughly, remove the bones. To make the fish salted better and faster, the fish can be cut into pieces 2-3 cm wide. Rub them evenly with the mixture. Spread it on the table cling film and lay out the fillets, pressing each piece tightly together. Wrap pink salmon in film and refrigerate for a day.

    Every other day, the finished pink salmon can be served, seasoned with vegetable oil.

    Lightly salted

    This recipe allows you to quickly and deliciously salt pink salmon in oil. The fish prepared in this way turns out to be very tender, it is perfect for sandwiches and various salads. To prepare this delicacy, prepare:

    • 1.5 kg of pink salmon;
    • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
    • 1 tsp. Sahara;
    • 100 ml vegetable oil;
    • black pepper;
    • coriander.

    Cut the pink salmon and clean it. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Cut the fish into pieces that are convenient for you. As in the previous recipe, mix salt and sugar together. Prepare a container for pickling, place red fish fillets in it, pat the pieces generously with vegetable oil, sprinkle with the mixture and coriander. To prepare fish, it is better to use freshly ground black pepper, it is much more aromatic.

    Then lay out another layer, also seasoning it with spices and mixture. Lay out several layers until you have placed all the fish.

    Cover the container with a lid or plate and refrigerate for at least five hours. This time will be enough for the fish to be well salted.

    Pink salmon with white pepper

    But as in a fast way salt pink salmon with pepper? Just! Spicy spiciness and incredible aroma are the main qualities of this recipe. For this pickling take:

    • 1 kg of pink salmon;
    • 2-3 tbsp. l. salt;
    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • a bunch of dill;
    • white pepper

    Add pepper to fish based on your preferences.

    So, wash the fish, peel it and cut it into small pieces for good salting. The optimal width is about 3 cm.

    Mix salt, sugar and pepper in one container. Ready mixture Carefully grate each piece of pink salmon. Spread cling film on the table and place the well-grated fillet on it. Then wash and chop the dill, sprinkle it on the arranged pieces, and also pour out the remaining mixture. Press the ingredients as tightly as possible to each other, wrap the pieces in film and put them in the refrigerator for a day.

    After a day, remove the spices from the fish pieces, shake off the dill and extra salt. Pink salmon is ready.

    In dill

    Next method Salting takes more time; it takes almost three days to cook pink salmon, but it must be noted that it is worth it. So, what is the recipe for pickling pink salmon at home?

    For cooking you will need 3 tbsp. l. sugar and salt, as well as 200 g of fresh dill.

    Wash the pink salmon fillet, dry thoroughly and cut into pieces. Remove the skin from the fish and remove the bones. Prepare a container for pickling, preferably using glass bowls. Combine salt and sugar in a bowl; if desired, you can add pepper and dried herbs. Carefully rub each piece of fish with the resulting mixture.

    Also rinse the dill and dry it well, remove the stems. Line the bottom of the pickling container with a third of the dill. Place pieces of pink salmon on it. Cover the fish with another third of the dill and place the fillets in the second row. Cover these pieces with dill, cover the layers with a plate and place under a weight.

    Leave the fish to salt at room temperature for about eight hours, find a clean place away from direct sun rays.

    After 8 hours, put the fish in the refrigerator for two days.

    Next, shake off the greens from the pieces of pink salmon and place them in a clean, dry container. The fish is ready to eat. The taste of this salted pink salmon is excellent - fresh and pleasant. Be sure to try this method of quickly salting pink salmon in pieces.

    Quick recipe

    Need a proven way to cook fish in less than a day? Take advantage with the following recipe how to quickly salt pink salmon. To salt a kilogram of fish you will need:

    • 1 onion;
    • 2-3 tablespoons of salt;
    • 50 ml vegetable oil;
    • 6-8 peppercorns;
    • Bay leaf.

    Rinse the pink salmon fillet thoroughly and dry with a towel. Place the pieces in a container prepared for pickling. In a separate bowl, prepare the brine. Pour salt into half a liter of water and stir thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved. Pour the solution into the fish container, cover it with a bowl and place it under pressure. Leave the pink salmon for one and a half to two hours, hidden from sunlight, but not in the refrigerator.

    After the brine, drain the brine and fill the fish with new: 1 glass of water and a spoonful of vinegar. Leave the fillet in it for 5-7 minutes. After a while, drain the solution, peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Transfer the pink salmon fillet to a container, add onion and spices - peas, bay leaf. Pour vegetable oil over this wonderful delicacy and stir. Serve after 15-20 minutes aromatic snack to the table.

    This is one of the most delicious ways to quickly salt pink salmon.

    Salting in marinade

    Here's how to quickly add salt to pink salmon in the marinade. This is common and delicious way for pickling at home.

    Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan and boil. Remove from stove and cool. Add sugar and salt a tablespoon at a time, then stir thoroughly until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Place pink salmon steaks in a glass container, top with bay leaves and black peppercorns. Pour the marinade over the fish; the resulting solution should completely cover the fillet.

    Leave the pink salmon in the marinade in the refrigerator for a day. After a day, remove the fish from the solution, shake off the spices and transfer to a container. To make the fish softer, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil over it. Pink salmon is ready, you can safely cut it delicious fish for sandwiches.

    Malosolka in 20 minutes

    If the fish is fresh and you are confident in its quality, then here is another way to salt pink salmon in 20 minutes. To cook a kilogram of fish, you will need 4-5 tbsp. l. salt.

    Boil water and cool to room temperature. Add salt to it and stir until completely dissolved. Wash the pink salmon fillet, peel the skin and remove the bones. Cut the fish into small pieces. Place in the solution and leave for 20 minutes. If you want the fish saltier, then soak for 5-7 minutes more.

    Remove the fillets from the solution and place the pieces on pre-spread paper towels. When the napkins are absorbed excess water, place the fish in a jar or container, coating the layers with an impressive amount of vegetable oil.

    In a few hours finished product You can safely put it on a sandwich.

    We hope you find these useful delicious recipes pickling pink salmon. They are easy to prepare at home. The end result is a delicious snack, appropriate both in daily menu, and on the festive table. You can cook a variety of salted pink salmon delicious snacks and dishes. Yes, and for salting fish you need extremely simple and available ingredients, and what is the result!

    Bon appetit!
