How to brew kombucha: simple recommendations to help the housewife. Kombucha - preparing the drink and growing it

How to prepare a drink from kombucha correctly? Medusomycete looks like a thick layered film of yellowish- Brown, floating on the surface of a nutritious liquid - an infusion of sweet black tea. The sugars in the liquid can be different (glucose, sucrose, fructose), the type of tea also does not matter, but the strength is important. The usual concentration of tea is from 0.5 to 1.5%, and its excess inhibits the growth of kombucha.

Researchers noticed that the medusomycete practically does not consume the components of the tea infusion (aromatic, tannin and other substances), but is extremely sensitive to its absence. For example, without tea, it does not synthesize ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the life of kombucha.

But, if the medusomycete is satisfied with the conditions created for it, then on the seventh to tenth day of growth it begins to produce a pleasant-tasting sourish carbonated drink (tea kvass). Gas bubbles and acetic acid provided by joint efforts of yeast and acetic acid bacteria. The specific aroma of the drink is produced by tea and some types of yeast.

Tea kvass is prepared at home. Since the mushroom is constantly growing, you can start with a small piece of kombucha membrane. Get it tea mushroom It’s possible if someone you know has a jar of this healthy drink. The bottom layer is separated from the mother mushroom and placed in three liter jar, where they pour the cooled, not very strong sweet tea(5-6 teaspoons of sugar per 1 liter). The jar is placed in a warm place.

For the first three days, the mushroom lies sluggishly at the bottom of the jar, and then floats up, and after a week the first portion of the infusion is ready. The emergence of the mushroom begins due to the formation of its metabolic product - carbon dioxide, and the infusion itself becomes carbonated.

At an advanced age, the mushroom reaches a thickness of several centimeters and allows you to drink the infusion daily, unless, of course, you forget to replenish the loss of liquid with a new portion of cold sweet tea. If you pour the kombucha infusion into an empty container, then after one or two weeks a thin translucent layer will form on the surface of the liquid - a colony of microorganisms, which over time will also turn into an adult mushroom.

If you completely forget about kombucha, then all the liquid may evaporate. But the mushroom will come to life as soon as it is poured sweet water or tea.

It is better to keep the mushroom away from the window, as cold and direct light inhibit its development. The jar of kombucha is not sealed hermetically; it is simply covered with a clean napkin to prevent dust from entering. It is necessary to add boiled water with sugar already dissolved in it: in raw water a lot of soluble calcium salts (water hardness salts), which form calcium gluconate with gluconic acid, which precipitates. You can’t even sprinkle sugar on the mushroom - it causes burns on its body in the form of brown spots. Too strong tea also depresses him.

You need to add an infusion to the boiled water where the mushroom develops. regular tea(until the water slightly tints) and sugar (at the rate of two tablespoons per three liters of liquid) and leave it to infuse in glass jar. Kombucha will be ready for consumption after 5-10 days of infusion at a temperature of 25 degrees.

Periodically, the mushroom should be washed in clean water.

The mushroom gives healthy drink only subject to certain conditions of its preparation.

It is better to have two jars: in one the mushroom will live, and in the other you will pour the finished drink. A jar of the finished drink can be stored in the refrigerator for quite some time. long time. Optimal temperature for mushroom - 25 °C. Temperatures below 17 ° C are harmful, as they reduce the activity of the fungus and blue-green algae can develop in it. The mushroom does not like direct sunlight, and it is better to keep it in a dark place.

The infusion should be drained every five to six days in winter and every two to four days in summer. In addition, the mushroom must be washed regularly with clean, cool water (preferably spring water, not tap water). In summer, this should be done every one to two weeks, and in winter - every three to four weeks.

If the mushroom remains in the solution, the upper film begins to turn brown. This is a sure sign that the mushroom is beginning to die. At the end of the cycle, the mushroom infusion is drained through a layer of gauze and used; it should taste like strong, highly carbonated kvass. A mushroom infusion with green tea is even more beneficial, since green tea contains more vitamins and caffeine than black tea, and it is a better tonic. It is good to rinse your mouth with this infusion after eating, since some compounds in green tea kill bacteria that destroy teeth. You can also infuse the mushroom in tea with bergamot or add aromatic herbs- mint, lemon balm, oregano. And honey added to the infusion enriches it with beneficial minerals- sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron - and gives it additional antibacterial and tonic properties.

Kombucha infusion actively interacts with food in your stomach, so it is not recommended to drink it immediately before, during or immediately after meals, otherwise you will feel hungry very quickly. It is recommended to drink the mushroom infusion no earlier than two hours after a vegetarian meal and three to four hours after a meat meal. But if you have a heaviness in your stomach from overeating, you can take half a glass of kombucha infusion, and the unpleasant sensations will disappear.

Kombucha has joined our family as a friend and ally, so I monitor his health very carefully. Even while bathing him, I try not to cause him discomfort with unnecessary movements.

In this article I will share my experience in caring for mushrooms, as well as in preparing a tea drink.

Our family's recipe for making a healing tincture.

Kombucha came to me relatively recently, but during this time we developed sincere sympathy and understanding for each other.

They brought me a mushroom (in the form of a thin whitish layer) in a 3-liter jar. When I tried to clarify how to care for him? They didn’t answer me anything intelligible, but said: Brew it and put the sugar in the eye.

Analyzing the behavior of the mushroom, my husband and I began experimenting with tea leaves and sugar, and this is what we came up with.

Step-by-step description with photos of a kombucha drink.

1. Preparing the base for the tincture.

Pour 1 liter 900 ml of water into the kettle and turn it on - let it boil. At this time, pour dry tea leaves into a mug, and sugar into a clean 3-liter jar.

Once the water has boiled:

Pour 200 ml into a mug with dry tea leaves, stir the tea leaves with a spoon and cover with a lid. Set aside to brew and cool.

Pour 200 ml into a 3-liter jar of sugar, take it by the neck with one hand, and the bottom with the other, and begin to create a whirlpool inside the jar in a circular motion. The idea is that the moving water will dissolve the sugar with its flow. We perform the procedure twice.

As soon as the sugar has dissolved in the water, add the rest of the boiled water to it 1 liter 500 ml. Jar with hot water set aside to cool.

The temperature of the solution, according to experts, should correspond to the temperature at which the mushroom itself is located.

For example, we have kombucha on the kitchen table, so I leave the prepared hot solution here near the mushroom, let it cool.

I usually prepare the pouring in the morning, before going to work, and when I come home from work, the solution has already cooled down to the required parameters and is ready for pouring.

2. Pour the solution into the kombucha.

Now the time has come to work with the solution. Take a 3-liter jar with already cooled sugar water, pour the cooled tea leaves into it from a mug, and lightly mix the contents.

The finished tincture, which is in a jar with mushroom, must be poured into a separate container and placed in the refrigerator. You can strain the tincture through gauze folded in 3 layers, but I strain it through a fine strainer and when pouring, I try not to shake the liquid, because... sediment may get in.

I don’t pour the whole drink, because... I have no use for the sediment that has accumulated at the bottom. Therefore, I pour the liquid with sediment into the sink, while holding the mushroom with my hand.

Well, now we can start filling our friend with the cooled, fresh sugar-tea solution.

I take a jar with a mushroom, tilt it slightly at an angle of 40 degrees and pour the contents of another jar so that it does not pour onto the mushroom itself, but onto the walls of the dish.

Here we seasoned the kombucha, covered the top with gauze folded in two layers and secured it with an elastic band for money.

Why do we need to cover it with gauze, not a lid, so that our mushroom does not suffocate? After all, you remember that he is alive and he needs oxygen.

How we care for kombucha. All the nuances that need to be observed to maintain the health of the mushroom.

As we have already found out from previous articles, kombucha is a living organism, and if you love it, it will repay us many times over with a tasty and healthy drink.

Let's look at the question: What does a mushroom need, and what is harmful to it?

Many owners are tempted to interfere with the process of maturing the infusion. How does this happen?

I drank tea, and in order not to pour out the leftovers (alcohol), many try to pour them into a jar for the almost ready infusion. So what happens in this case?

The ripening process of the infusion occurs on the fifth or sixth day in winter, and on the second or fourth day in summer. During this period, the breakdown of sugar occurs, during which wine alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed. These compounds have a very negative effect on the functioning of our body, so all drink lovers are advised to wait for the final process.

When people add liquor (from tea) and sugar to an almost ready-made infusion, the formation of alcohol and gas occurs again; it turns out that if this is done constantly, the drink will never be able to be prepared.

The comfortable temperature for the existence of the mushroom is from +25 degrees to +17 degrees. More low temperature will lead to a slowdown of all processes, up to its death.

It is also undesirable to leave the mushroom in direct sunlight. The rays injure him and he begins to get sick.

Do not sprinkle dry sugar on the surface of the mushroom under any circumstances, because this will lead to burns of the mucous surface and he will die.

Follow the process of aging the mushroom and do not allow it to over-ripen. Otherwise, its surface film will begin to turn brown, and this is a sign of death.

The amount of liquid needs to be adjusted depending on the thickness of the mushroom; the thicker the mushroom, the less liquid you need to add to it.

A properly prepared drink resembles strong, highly carbonated kvass.

Rules for using the infusion.

For preventive purposes and to improve the health of the body, the infusion should be drunk as follows:

In the morning 40 minutes before breakfast - 1 glass,

At lunch before or after 2 hours - 1 glass,

40 minutes before bedtime - 1 glass.

If a whole glass is too much for you, then the norm can be reduced. Kombucha drink is a diuretic, so you need to drink it in advance, before leaving home.

After two months of using it, it is advisable to take a break in order to prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Why is it necessary to maintain a time interval between taking the infusion and eating food?

Drinking a drink (kombucha) with food leads to chemical reaction, as a result of which food is broken down not by gastric juice, but by the acidic environment of the drink. Which leads to the rapid leaving of food from the stomach, which is why saturation does not occur, in other words: the food is not digested and a feeling of hunger sets in.

If you intentionally drink the tincture to improve digestion, then you need to take it 30 minutes before meals.

The positive effect (from drinking the drink) is manifested:

If you drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, it will perfectly invigorate the digestive system,

If you drink the drink before bed, it will perfectly disinfect and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. It will also calm you down nervous system and improve sleep.

Cautions when taking Kombucha tincture.

1. For most people, the drink is suitable, but there is a category of patients for whom it is contraindicated.


Persons suffering from fungal diseases

People with high acidity of gastric juice and peptic ulcer stomach.

2. If the drink has been left for a long time, it must be diluted with water.

3. Consuming it in large quantities is also unacceptable. Remember that mushroom tincture is more of a stimulant than a soft drink.

4. It is undesirable to use Reviver drivers, because it contains some percentage of alcohol.

So we got acquainted with the standards for refilling kombucha. We also learned how to care for him. Gained some knowledge about drink consumption standards. And we found out for whom tea tincture is contraindicated.

If my article helped you in any way, then I will be very happy from the feeling of benefit brought to you.

In subsequent articles I will share my experience in dividing and growing the mushroom. There will also be articles with recipes that will help you recover from certain diseases.

Thank you! See you!

It is very useful for our health, it began to be used many hundreds of years ago, but healing properties Scientists have become interested in this organism only in recent years. They found that the liquid of such a mushroom has a beneficial effect on all organs of our body, cleansing them of pathogenic microflora. This remedy helps in treating the stomach, kidneys and liver. In countries Far East Kombucha is considered an essential medicine that is drunk on a variety of occasions.

Externally, kombucha looks like a large jellyfish. It consists of many enzymes, vitamins and acids that are extremely beneficial for our body. This drink is practically incapable of causing harm to a person, but it should not be considered a panacea either. However, kombucha has wide range useful properties, it is used in the treatment of colds, insomnia, hypertension, disorders intestinal activity In addition, it can cure painful headaches. Regular consumption of this drink makes it easier to fight many ailments.

Kombucha does not require any special care. It is recommended to place it in a large jar (two or three liters), and apply gauze folded in several layers to the neck. Do not cover the neck with a lid, as this will only hinder the development of the fungus. To ensure fast and efficient growth, the jar is filled with sweet tea.

To prepare it, take one hundred grams of sugar for one liter of weak brew. Cool and mix the liquid thoroughly, then pour it over the mushroom. Under no circumstances should you simply fall asleep, as this will lead to burns to the mucous membrane of the body and may even cause its death.

You need to drain the infusion every four days in the summer, and once a week in the winter. If you notice that the top film of the mushroom has turned a dark brown color, quickly drain the solution - it has overstayed and can cause the death of the mushroom. Place the drink in a separate jar, which you put in the refrigerator. You can grow and consume it for years, since even very old mushrooms do not harbor worms.

About application

Kombucha is excellent cosmetic product. It effectively cleanses the skin, tightens pores, rejuvenates, adds elasticity and smoothness. To prepare the mask, you just need to warm the infusion a little, moisten a cotton napkin in it and place it on your face for ten minutes. Cover with a terry towel.

To tighten pores, freeze a month's infusion in ice cube trays and use it to wipe cleansed facial skin.

Another way to make a mask from kombucha: thoroughly mash the banana pulp, mix a couple of tablespoons of this mass with half a glass of mushroom infusion (it’s best to take a month’s worth). Add a couple of teaspoons to the mixture olive oil, a couple of yolks and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Beat all the ingredients with a mixer and apply to a previously cleansed face for thirty minutes. This product should be washed off as usual. warm water without adding detergents.

Kombucha will help you heal burns faster. Apply a thin layer of mushroom mixture to the affected area and constantly change it as it dries.

For allergic diseases, you should drink a couple of glasses of a three-day infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, adding to it herbs used to treat such ailments. During the day you need to drink a couple more glasses of the drink. This remedy will help strengthen your immune system in a short time and forget about the disease.

For gastritis, regardless of the level of acidity, you need to take a couple of glasses of infusion per day, adding natural honey to the drink. Already on the second day, pain and heaviness will disappear, and appetite will normalize.

Regular consumption of kombucha infusion significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels, therefore it is a wonderful method of treating and preventing atherosclerosis. It is recommended to drink a five- to six-day remedy.

For sinusitis, you need to use an infusion of the mushroom to rinse your nose. Warm it up and pour it into a saucer, then lean over the sink and suck the product into one nostril, holding the other nostril with your finger. If the solution gets into oral cavity– spit it out, otherwise just exhale it into the sink. Repeat the procedure several times with different nostrils.

Kombucha liquid perfectly removes even very strong thirst. It retains all its healing properties even with long-term storage in a refrigerator. Anyone can take this remedy; it has no contraindications. The only thing that is recommended is for diabetics to refrain from taking this drink, as it contains quite a lot of sugar. In addition, you need to know when to stop; you should not drink a very strong infusion, and the daily dosage should not exceed a liter. It is also recommended to take breaks from taking it - at least for a couple of weeks, and preferably for a month.

Those who have fungal diseases also need to be careful, as they are especially sensitive to sugar. To enhance the bactericidal properties, add a little to the drink natural honey, however, do not overdo it with the amount, as this can significantly slow down the development and growth of the fungus.

Kombucha can bring many benefits to our body, improve health and relieve some diseases. You can read about this in the article “”.

Kombucha: preparation and care- not so difficult, but require certain knowledge.

We grow kombucha.

If you take an adult multi-layered mushroom, you need to carefully separate one layer. We wash the resulting separated film with boiled cool water and fill it in a three-liter jar with warm water at a temperature of about 25°C. The jar must be covered with gauze (you cannot cover it with a lid) and left in this state for 1 - 1.5 days.

At this stage, you should not feed the newborn mushroom with either sugar or tea solution. While the mushroom is sick, it is weak and reacts to any influence; it needs time to take root.

During these days he will float at the bottom of the jar or even lie at the bottom. When a little more than a day has passed, the fungus will need to be placed in the prepared solution. The fungus stays sick for some time and floats in the middle or bottom of the container.

You need to be patient and wait for the fungus to emerge. But this is only if you did everything as expected.
Kombucha must be bred, because it does not live long, and one day you will be left without any mushroom at all.

Kombucha: preparing the solution.

1. For a three-liter jar, prepare no more than two liters of solution, because the kombucha can become cramped, because it floats at the top of the container.

2. So, for two liters of solution, take 2 tsp. black loose leaf tea and make a brew, which we filter and then pour into hot or cold boiled water to obtain a weak tea solution.

3. Pour 5 tbsp into the solution. l. sugar and stir until the sugar dissolves.

4. The hot solution should cool to room temperature. We carefully lower our mushroom into this solution. It is good for kombucha to live at a temperature of about 25°C. It is possible a little lower, but temperatures up to 17 degrees are contraindicated for him.

Everything must be done strictly according to the instructions. For example, you cannot add sugar directly to a container where there is a mushroom, because sugar can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of our fungus, which in turn will lead to its death. Floating tea leaves are also harmful to kombucha.

The container with the mushroom must be kept in a dark place, because straight Sun rays dangerous for him.

A healthy mushroom floats peacefully on the surface of the solution and gradually turns the mixture sugar solution and brewing into a drink that is good for health.


The adult mushroom must be fed systematically and the prepared infusion must also be drained regularly. In summer this should be done once every 3-4 days, and in winter once every 5-6 days. To speed up the fermentation process, you need to pour a glass of the prepared infusion into the solution prepared for replacement.

An adult healthy mushroom will process the infusion faster than a young or sick one. Do not overexpose the infusion, because the top film of the mushroom will begin to darken, which indicates the beginning of the death of the mushroom.

Attention: The mushroom must be washed with cool boiled water every time the solution is changed. This must be done carefully and carefully so as not to damage the mushroom.

Do not use sweeteners or raw sugar instead of sugar, because this can also lead to the death of the mushroom.

The finished infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 months.

Teas for infusions:

Black tea solution.

If we prepare a solution with black tea, we will get a high percentage of lactic and glucuronic acids, as well as purines, which help normalize metabolism.

A large number of essential oils and phenol have bactericidal properties. This infusion removes cholesterol well and fights fat deposits.

Green tea solution.

Helps fight urinary and urinary stones gall bladder, in the kidneys. It will contain a lot of vitamins B2, P and K, which are responsible for the elasticity and freshness of the skin, strengthening the hair, and normalizing blood circulation.

Precisely unfermented green tea due to the tannin content it contains, it prevents the development of cancerous tumors.

In addition, this infusion is effective for intestinal diseases, vascular diseases and as an antibacterial medicine.

Although most people prefer black tea, the mushroom prefers green tea brewing. In it, it grows better, remains clean, and lives longer.

Herbal teas.

When preparing the infusion, you can use herbal mixtures and infusions. To do this, take about five spoons per two liters of water. herbal mixture. You can take two spoons of tea and the rest of the spoons with herbs. The herbs are infused for about an hour before straining.

Plants you can use:

Nettle and blackberry leaves, plantain, coltsfoot, white blackthorn, birch and strawberry leaves, linden blossom, green tea;
rose hips with nettle leaves and green tea;
yarrow with chickweed, nettle, oregano, snapdragon leaves, any tea;
common yarrow with snapdragon, nettle, bear's ear, any tea;
leaves forest berries with raspberry, blackberry and blackcurrant leaves.

Do not take plants for infusion that have big amount essential oils (for example, chamomile, sage, pepper, wild currant and a number of others), because such an infusion can adversely affect health.

Will allow you to be healthier and more energetic.

How to grow kombucha:

An article about how to properly grow kombucha, or jellyfish mushroom, about diseases of a given organism and its treatment.

Kombucha is an organism brought by the Russians from Japan during the Russo-Japanese War. The organism is not quite ordinary, living in tea, herbal infusions and decoctions. Hence the name of the mushroom - tea mushroom.

The mushroom has other names: jellyfish mushroom, sea kvass, Japanese mushroom, Japanese kvass, tea queen, medusomycete.

The photo you see above shows an “aged” medusomycete. It has several plates. Young mushrooms have one plate.

Kombucha lives in a jar for a reason. It produces a particularly healthy drink that tastes like lightly carbonated lemonade. However, sea kvass is very different from regular kvass. The latter has a pronounced taste and smell of yeast, unlike the former.

Medusomycetes promotes wound healing, the body's resistance to negative external influences, and is used for the treatment and prevention of a huge list of diseases.

Surely you have already asked the question: “Where can I get Japanese mushroom?” The answer is simple - you can grow it yourself, you can buy it, you can ask friends or relatives who already have an adult medusomycete. Next, we will talk about how to grow this organism yourself at home.

How to grow kombucha from scratch at home, how to care for it, which side to put the kombucha in the jar?

Medusomycete does not require special care, but is very sensitive to external temperature and the concentration of the solution in which it is located. The tea leaves for it need to be prepared in a special way.

The already grown mushroom is placed in a jar with the smooth side facing up.

Growing a Japanese mushroom from scratch is more than possible. This will be discussed in the video below.

Video: How to grow kombucha from scratch at home - care: propagation

How much sugar and tea leaves for kombucha are needed for a 3 liter jar, and how to infuse it?

Medusomycetes loves strong brewed tea. This is the ideal environment for him. To prepare medusomycete tea leaves you will need:

  • tea leaves
  • granulated sugar
  • boiling water

Important! For 1 liter of tea leaves you will need one tablespoon of black tea and about 2.5 times more granulated sugar.

Accordingly, for a three-liter jar of tea leaves, the number of components must be multiplied by 3.

Technology for making tea leaves for medusomycetes:

  1. Pour the required amount of black tea into the container.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Dissolve the granulated sugar.
  4. Leave for at least 15 minutes.
  5. Cool.
  6. Strain through a very fine sieve lined with cheesecloth.
  7. Pour into a container in which you will grow the medusomycete.
  8. Place the mushroom in the jar.
  9. Cover with a napkin.
  10. Leave for 7 days.

Kombucha, refill, feed, rinse?

We have already talked about how to make a dressing for Japanese mushroom in the previous part of the article. Now we’ll tell you how to “feed” the mushroom.

Like any other organism, medusomycetes need special nutrient medium. The body can live in tea, but it feeds and grows by adding sugar or honey to tea.

If there is not enough sugar, the mushroom will most likely die or simply not grow.

To prevent the mushroom from getting sick, it is important to wash it once a month with clean water. If you do not have access to clean well water, you can use warm filtered water. Place the mushroom in a plate of water and rinse with gentle movements. Then place in fresh tea leaves.

In order for the mushroom to continue making a tasty and healthy drink for you, provide it with the necessary nutrient solution. It's the same tea with sugar. Ready drink it is necessary to drain, then immediately pour in a new, freshly prepared one. The drink will be ready within a week.

To learn more about the Japanese mushroom, watch the following video.

Video: The secret healing properties of kombucha

What brew should I use for kombucha? Is it possible to use green tea?

What tea can be used to brew medusomycetes? Black tea is usually used, but if you don't currently have it on hand, you can use one of the following options:

  • herbal infusion
  • green tea
  • blooming Sally

Other types of teas such as hibiscus or White tea can be used, but very carefully. The fungus can react to them with illness.

The drink produced by medusomycetes is also called Kombucha. Kombucha happens different colors: from red to green. Thus, if you manage to grow a Japanese mushroom on a hibiscus plant, you will get pink Kombucha.

How to divide and propagate Kombucha?

Propagating kombucha is quite simple. But for this it is necessary that your mushroom is old enough. It should have several layers of film. This is the only way to propagate it without damaging the fungus itself.

Video: How to separate kombucha?

How to brew 3 liter kombucha?

To brew sea ​​mushroom for three liters, take the ratio of ingredients indicated for 1 liter and multiply by 3. Earlier in the article we already talked about how much sugar and tea leaves are needed to prepare an infusion for the mushroom.

How to preserve kombucha in winter and during vacation, can it be stored in the refrigerator?

Kombucha, surprisingly, keeps well in the refrigerator. It can also be dried and stored in a closet for several months.

If you are going on vacation for less than a month, there is no reason to believe that your normal conditions the mushroom may spoil. You can choose more for him in advance large jar, no more.

In winter, the mushroom can safely exist in the same jar, only the fermentation of the drink will slow down for a couple of days. However, it is worth maintaining the standard room temperature so that your mushroom does not freeze. Also avoid drafts.

How to properly store mushrooms in the refrigerator? Ideally, the medusomycete should be washed off. How to do this correctly is already indicated in the article. After the mushroom is washed, place it in an airtight freezer bag or a tightly sealed one. Plastic container. There is no need to add tea leaves to prevent the mushroom from fermenting.

In this form, the mushroom can be stored for several months.

Take note! Some people prefer to store medusomycetes in the freezer in the same bags or containers. The shelf life is significantly increased.

How can you tell if your kombucha has gone bad?

The mushroom may become sick. All diseases are easily diagnosed. So, your jellyfish mushroom is sick if:

  • it fell sharply and does not float up for a long time
  • covered in mold
  • black or blue threads appeared
  • a white film appeared on the surface of the mushroom
  • there are midges in the mushroom

It is possible to revive the mushroom. You can rinse it and place it in a clean jar with fresh tea leaves. However, if the mushroom has not surfaced within two to three weeks, most likely it will no longer be possible to save it.

Mold is a fungal disease

Why doesn't the kombucha float to the surface and sink?

In some cases, a jellyfish mushroom may get sick and fall to the bottom and not float up. There can be many reasons for this. For example:

  • ran out of fermentation sugar
  • you washed the mushroom too thoroughly, or did not wash it for a long time
  • sudden changes in temperature
  • the mushroom has become too heavy

Therefore, in order for the mushroom to float, you need to do the following:

  1. Transfer the jellyfish to a new solution.
  2. Rinse the mushroom if you have not done so before.
  3. Stabilize the air temperature where the mushroom is located.
  4. Divide and propagate the mushroom.

Even if the most favorable conditions are created for the fungus, it can sink to the bottom. in this case we recommend waiting for several weeks. Your medusomycete will appear on the surface again.

The kombucha has become moldy and has worms in it: what should I do?

If you notice new residents in the jar with your jellyfish mushroom, do not rush to consume this drink. It would be more logical to get rid of the medusomycete. To prevent this situation from happening again, always cover the neck of the jar with a napkin.

And if the mushroom suddenly becomes moldy, you will have to save it. And urgently. More detailed instructions you can find further in the article.

  • The jellyfish mushroom needs an urgent shower. Rinse it and place it in a new solution and a clean jar
  • monitor the temperature. Sometimes mold appears if the temperature is too low
  • if there is frequent smoking in the room where the mushroom is located, then the mushroom spores are probably clogged. Rinse it and move it to a place with clean air
  • Burns can be mistaken for mold; they are brown in color. Rinse the mushroom and from now on make sure that all the sugar has dissolved in the tea leaves and only after that put the jellyfish in it

How to cure kombucha if it is sick

In this article we have already talked about Japanese mushroom diseases. Let's summarize what needs to be done if the mushroom gets sick:

  • remove from smoky premises
  • change the tea leaves
  • rinse the mushroom
  • remove from open sun
  • change the jar
  • normalize the temperature outside the jar

Video: Kombucha. Benefits and care
