Aniseed vodka is a drink with a long history. Anise vodka: a simple recipe at home

Classic recipe The preparation of anise has been passed down since ancient times. It is simply impossible to confuse this drink with any other, and this despite the fact that alcohol is created using various ways and different spices are used. Also, in every country they are trying to improve the taste of anise, increase its strength and change its shade. But all this cannot cancel out the aroma of anise and its amazing aftertaste.

The history of the birth of the drink

Many people equate the concepts of anise liqueur and vodka of the same name. But it's absolutely different drinks, which should not be confused. Despite the fact that the main ingredient of both liquids is anise, the recipes for their preparation differ from each other.

The tincture became popular in Europe and Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. During this period, caravans carrying spices came to the European continent from the eastern states. At the same time, anise tincture proved to be a wonderful ingredient, which can be added to baked goods and used to make vodka. In those days, there were two types of such tincture: an elixir that was made from green anise (it grew in modern Russian territory) and a substance produced from Chinese anise (star anise).

Particularly successful was the bleached infusion with sugar, which was made using two varieties of anise simultaneously. Today, anise tincture occupies a leading place in the production of alcohol in Asia and Europe. But in the Russian Federation there is an assortment of such drinks alcoholic products No. Therefore, if you want to pamper yourself with delicious and healthy drink, then you will either have to go to overseas countries to get it, or cook it at home, which, by the way, is not at all difficult.

Composition and positive qualities of the drink

Anise tincture is widely used in the medical field. Since the product contains many essential oils, it improves digestion and can also be used as a disinfectant. The elixir also helps relieve constipation or diarrhea. To do this, you need to drink one tablespoon of the drink before meals.

Anise contains organic acids, proteins, fatty oil and sugar. An anise-based tincture helps get rid of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and cough. So, five to ten drops are added to tea made from hawthorn, St. John's wort and rose hips. The medicine helps calm the cough, remove sputum and eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

Women during menstruation are advised to drink anise to improve their well-being, as it eliminates pain and spasms in the back and lower abdomen. Nursing mothers can add one teaspoon of anise tincture to their tea. Thanks to the drink, lactation increases, and such a low alcohol content in milk will in no way harm the baby.

If you dilute 20 drops of anise tincture in a glass of water and thoroughly rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture after brushing your teeth, you can get rid of problems with gums and unpleasant odor from mouth.

Contraindications and harm of anise

We will give the recipe for anise liqueurs below, but for now you need to learn about the dangers and contraindications for using the drink in order to avoid health problems. If you abuse anise, you can provoke alcohol addiction. Persons prone to allergies should definitely refrain from consuming such an elixir. Anise is also contraindicated for individuals who have an increased level of nervous excitability and a tendency to epileptic seizures.

If you decide to use the tincture for skin rubbing, make sure that it does not have too much high concentration. Otherwise, burns may occur.

If you take anise to cure a cough, then it is important to strictly adhere to the proportions in which it is used. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse and apply more more harm health.

Recipe for homemade anise tincture with vodka

The most popular is the anise recipe. It is very simple to prepare such a drink at home. For the elixir you will need:

  • One teaspoon of anise seeds.
  • Five grams of star anise.
  • One teaspoon of cumin.
  • 500 milliliters 40%-45% vodka.
  • One teaspoon of granulated sugar.

Place anise, star anise and cumin in a deep saucepan, add vodka and tightly close the container with a lid. Next, for 14-16 days we hide the vessel in a dark place and make sure that it is at room temperature. Every five days you need to shake the container with the tincture. After 16 days, strain the drink using gauze folded in four layers. Add sugar to the resulting solution, mix, close the bottle and leave it for another day. Now the homemade anise tincture is ready for use.

Moonshine tincture is not a hindrance

Anise tincture with moonshine turns out to be very tasty. To prepare a drink according to this recipe, you will need half a liter of purified moonshine, one teaspoon each of cumin and anise and two stars of star anise.

You should add all the spices to the moonshine, close the container tightly and place it in a dark place for two weeks. After this, the tincture must be passed through a carbon filter and again left for several days, but in a cool place. After this period, no more than one teaspoon of fructose, honey or sugar can be added to the drink. You can also “season” the alcohol with one or two coriander or dill seeds, which will give the product a slight pungency and tartness.

"Petrovskaya" anise on moonshine

There is another recipe for anise tincture with moonshine. This tincture is called “Petrovskaya” and to prepare it you should prepare 50 grams of anise, two liters of moonshine with a strength of 50 degrees, three hundred grams of sugar and water.

Anise must be poured with alcohol and infused in a dark place for two weeks. When this period has passed, you need to boil the syrup from water and sugar, cool it and pour it into the tincture. It is important to mix the resulting drink thoroughly and filter twice.

Recipe originally from Italy

Italian anise liqueur is practically no different from traditional Russian one. It can also be prepared at home. To do this, you only need two components: half a liter of vodka and 50 grams of anise seeds. The drink is infused for ten days, but this time must be increased depending on the strength of the vodka: the higher it is, the longer it is recommended to infuse the anise.

Another drink is produced in Italy, which is a “relative” of anise liqueur - sambuca. The product is based on two varieties and an ordinary one. This drink also has rich history, unique taste and many useful properties.

Anise is an aromatic spice known to man since ancient times. Its aroma of essential oils and tart taste impossible to confuse with anything. This curiosity attracts some, repels others, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to it.

The recipe for making an anise-based alcoholic drink has been known for a long time. For several hundred years, lovers tart drinks A yellow-white anise tincture is prepared based on the spice. Favorite drink of Emperor Peter the Great. With all the alcoholic diversity of that time, he remained true to his beliefs and traditions until his death.

Anise tincture or simply “anise” was available only to wealthy people, since herbs and spices were very expensive in the old days. However, time passed, and the tincture became available for preparation at home.

Many lovers of homemade alcohol are wondering: how to make anise tincture? The answer is quite simple: nowadays all ingredients are available everywhere and their cost is not very expensive. All you have to do is choose the recipe that suits you.

It is worth distinguishing anise vodka from anise tincture. Despite the striking similarity, these are still two different recipes. It is possible to identify their differences only with a detailed and detailed examination.

Classic recipe for anise liqueur

The most common and affordable way cook anise tincture. It takes care, time and a love of seasoning.

For cooking anise drink The following ingredients will be required:

  • alcohol base – 1.5 liters;
  • anise – 1 tablespoon;
  • caraway seeds – 1 tablespoon;
  • star anise – 6 stars;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon.

As alcohol base You can use any strong alcohol-containing drink. Anise goes well with vodka, alcohol diluted to 40–50 degrees, and purified moonshine. Under no circumstances should you use wine, cognac, liqueur, liqueur or any other alcohol.

By the way, it is the anise from moonshine that turns out to be especially aromatic. This is due to the fact that moonshine itself has a rich bouquet of aroma shades.

Having chosen a suitable alcohol-containing base, you can proceed to the main steps:

  1. Anise, cumin and star anise must be placed in a container and poured over the base.
  2. The container should be placed in a dark place for two weeks.
  3. It is important to comply room temperature, and also do not forget to shake the container periodically.
  4. In due time, the container is opened, and its contents are filtered through gauze and a layer of cotton wool.
  5. In almost ready drink sugar is added (to taste).
  6. The anise is almost ready - all that remains is to keep the drink in a dark place for one day.

Tasting the tincture will make a very vivid impression on the amateur. Anise has an invigorating aroma, its taste is slightly tart, and the aftertaste is long and unobtrusive.

Spicy aniseed vodka recipe

The name of the recipe speaks for itself. Spicy anise vodka is slightly different from its counterpart in the composition of ingredients and preparation method. Only the highest quality vodka is used as a basis.

The anise was accompanied by other equally striking ingredients:

  • cinnamon stick;
  • star anise – 7 grams;
  • fennel – 15 grams;
  • root fresh ginger– 3 grams;
  • pure water - 1.5 liters.

In production anisette vodka you will need knowledge in the field of moonshine brewing, as well as availability moonshine still. It is very important to follow the correct procedure:

  1. The spices collected together are placed in glass jar, filled with vodka. The container is carefully closed and put away for a week and a half in a dark place for infusion.
  2. In due time, the contents of the container are filtered through gauze and a layer of cotton wool, water is added to reduce the strength to 16–20 degrees.
  3. The resulting liquid must be distilled in a moonshine still. It is very important to separate the product into fractions. In this case, you should not forget to collect the first 35 ml at the exit. The well-known “pervak” is very harmful and cannot be tasted.
  4. Next, the main body of the drink is selected, which ends when the distillate strength drops below 40 degrees.
  5. The output should be a spicy aniseed vodka in an amount of approximately 650 ml.
  6. At the last stage, it is necessary to dilute the almost finished drink with water to an acceptable strength of 40–42 degrees.

Spicy anise vodka differs from tincture in a more pronounced taste due to the addition of other spices and seasonings. Their successful combination makes the aroma a little mysterious. The aftertaste is the usual pronounced anise.

Alcoholic drink with a strength of about 45%. It is made from anise seeds. Mention of this drink in Rus' dates back to the 16th-17th centuries.

Rus' established trade relations with China. Overseas goods were brought from China, including spices. Spices did not have a high price and their first use was in culinary dishes. Infusions were prepared. Star anise was called "Chinese anise". Medicinal properties spices were widely known.

Many recipes talk about replacing anise with star anise, and people who are not familiar with this spice think that they are the same spice. Anise and star anise are completely different seasonings that have the same properties.

Distillers added aromatic seeds to homemade moonshine. Anise was included in the recipe for making sbiten. As time passed, anise became the most popular seasoning in alcoholic drinks.

We know from the works of classics that anise has become very popular among intellectuals in Russia. Peter I himself often praised anise on par with pepper.

Anisovaya is a native Russian alcoholic drink that has lost its uniqueness over time..

Other countries began to widely produce aniseed vodka or liqueur.

In each area it has its own characteristics. The most delicious are the products prepared in Turkey and Greece.

"Arak" is the name given to aniseed moonshine in the Middle East.

In Turkey they call it “Crayfish”; here, in addition to anise, fig leaves and roses are added.

In Italy the famous "Sambuca".

Spain calls its drink anisette.

France calls the drink pastis.

The strength of anise tincture is 37–45%. For consumption, it was diluted clean water. The ethanol content in oils when diluting the drink makes the liquid cloudy.

Medicinal properties of anise tincture

Traditional medicine uses anise infusion in the treatment of cough and bronchitis, 10-15 drops in tea. In a ratio of 1:10 it is used to get rid of inflammation in oral cavity for sore throat and gum disease. Essential oils balance arterial pressure. One spoon before meals eliminates digestive problems and improves stool. Useful for women during breastfeeding and painful menstruation. A small concentration is not harmful female body and fetal development.

Harmfulness of the drink

Like most alcoholic drinks If taken in excess, it can cause addiction to alcohol. Allergic reactions from components are individual for each organism. Do not use externally with compresses or rubbing, as it causes burns.

Homemade aniseed vodka recipes

Exist different variants preparing the drink at home. The main thing is to have a sense of proportionality in order to avoid harsh, unpleasant or pungent taste. How to make anisette vodka.

Homemade aniseed vodka recipe:

Take a 10-liter container. Add anise seeds, cinnamon, cloves, add lemon zest, put them in a container and pour the whole mixture with alcohol. The tincture is infused at home in a dark place for five days.

A syrup is made from sugar and water and brought to a boil. The finished syrup must be cooled and then brought to a boil again. Mix the mixture of alcohol and spices into the cooled syrup, mix well, cover with a lid and put in a cooler place. The anise tincture in this recipe is strong and more reminiscent of the Turkish “Raki”. After three weeks of infusion, strain the liquid through three-layer gauze. In the third layer of gauze, put a piece of cotton wool in which the tablet is crushed activated carbon. Pour into an airtight container, close tightly and put in a dark place.

Anise alcohol has a strength of about 50%. Don’t forget to dilute it and pour it into glasses with ice before use.

A recipe for anise tincture or liqueur at home, designed for half a liter of moonshine or 40–50% alcohol:

Place the spices in a container, pour moonshine or alcohol. Close tightly and put in a dark place for two weeks. Then strain through a charcoal filter and let the drink rest in the refrigerator for two days. And the drink is ready to drink.

Honey or sugar is added to this drink. The sweetness from the tincture makes liqueur. Experts of our time do not recommend getting carried away with adding large quantity sweets, they recommend no more than one spoon of honey, sugar or fructose.

The Russian people made two anise drinks: tincture and liqueur. The liqueur had a sweeter and more aromatic taste. Tinctures are more tart and bitter and were used for medicinal purposes.

Healthy recipe for strengthening immunity:

  • A glass of moonshine.
  • 40 grams of anise.

Leave for 10 days. Drink anise-based moonshine 20–25 drops 3 times a day.

Has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Attention, TODAY only!

Anise is one of my favorite spices, and I couldn’t pass up the aniseed vodka. Anise vodka recipe not very complicated, having a simple moonshine still and a small amount of spices, you can repeat it at home. For this aromatic vodka, you can use both alcohol and moonshine, especially aniseed vodka is delicious using grain moonshine. In this note I will talk about two ways to prepare anise vodka.

Anise vodka recipe

  • Anise - 20 g.,
  • Star anise - 4 g.
  • Fennel - 6 g.,
  • Cinnamon sticks - 1.5 g,
  • Ginger - 1.5 g.,
  • Vodka or moonshine - 1 l. 40%

Making anise vodka at home

Grind all the ingredients in a mortar and pour into a jar, add alcohol. Leave in a dark place for 10 days, stirring the contents of the jar from time to time. When the aromatic infusion is ready, it needs to be filtered through 4 layers of gauze, squeeze out the remaining infusion well from the spices, and pour the infusion into the alembic. We do the heating quickly, as soon as the first drops of distillate appear, we set the heating to a minimum and select the first drops of the head fractions, usually a highly aromatic distillate comes out and it is worth selecting the first 3-4% to stabilize the aroma. I selected the heart over medium heat up to 45-50%, then came the tail fractions. In general, the selection of distillate fractions depends on the design of the moonshine still and the distillation speed.

Second cooking method homemade anise vodka faster, does not require maceration. Fragrant herbs and spices are placed in a steamer or in a “gin basket”. The features of my midget device allow you to add spices to the aroma column. Distillation is carried out according to the usual principles of fractional distillation.

You can drink anisette vodka in a long way, like whiskey, or in one shot in one gulp. Aniseed vodka goes well with lemon, fatty foods, cheese. Its aroma complements the taste of food well.

Below are 2 video recipes for making aniseed vodka from the author of the blog alkofan1984.

Available to modern man, can satisfy any, even the most demanding taste. Less popular drinks, such as sake or ouzo (a type of aniseed vodka), are no worse than traditional ones - whiskey, tequila or cognac. It's just a matter of habit.

What it is?

Anisette vodka is a generalized concept for a whole range of alcoholic beverages, since many countries empirically, each in due time, discovered and appreciated unusual taste qualities alcohol tincture on anise.

The birthplace of the drink

The geography of anise vodka production is extensive: almost all European countries with a slight deviation in the recipe they produce similar drinks, each of which has its own name.

When did vodka infused with anise appear?

It is believed that the true founders of anise vodka are the Egyptians. It came to our country in the 16th century. It was then that the taste of anise vodka was recognized and appreciated by the Russian people. Asian traders at that time went to Europe in caravans and sold spices to peasants. They also brought a type of vodka infused with anise. It was to the taste of both the boyars and the common people. There is an opinion that Ivan IV especially loved her.


Aniseed vodka, which many consider a traditional Russian alcoholic drink, has many analogues in other countries. Moreover, each drink has its own history. In Greece there is ouzo, in Italy - sambuca, in Turkey - raki, in France - pastis, in Spain - annelis, in Arab countries - arak. All versions contain an important component - anise. It is worth noting that not all varieties of anise are the same: for example, Chinese anise differs from the more common anise growing in Russia. bright aroma.

It is believed that the ouzo recipe was invented by Greek monks in the 14th century, experimenting with herbal settings. U different manufacturers This drink has different technology, composition and recipe. However, the standards and regulations of Greece require anise content and a base percentage of -20%.

Little is known about the history of sambuca: references to the drink appear at the beginning of the 19th century. It became widespread in the post-war years. The highlight of sambuca is elderberry, which is an obligatory component, in addition to the alcohol base (wheat, 38-42%) and anise.

In Turkey, the recipe for aniseed vodka has a higher strength - from 45 to 70%. To prepare it, young wine is distilled grape wine, after which it is infused with anise root. Long time Raki production was artisanal. Until the 30s of the 20th century, the drink was considered homemade anise vodka. Balkan rakia is also close in taste and similar in name.

As for other analogues, we can say that the differences in them are insignificant and mainly relate to the strength of drinks and the addition of various ingredients.

Traditional recipe

Vodka infused with anise was highly valued in Rus': it was served to the table of monarchs and persons belonging to the noble classes. However, the democratic nature of the recipe allowed peasants to infuse anise vodka on their own at home.

There are many cooking options left from those times. We offer one of the most simple recipes aniseed vodka, promising a classic taste.

The list of ingredients is simple:

  • fresh anise;
  • alcohol - 25%;
  • sugar.

The manufacturing process is long: first, a bucket of alcohol without impurities and a strength of no more than 25% was prepared, 200 g of fresh anise was crushed into a fine powder, and it was infused on average for about a month in alcohol. Next, the alcohol was distilled over moderate heat to a strength of 45%. A bucket yielded approximately 10 liters of vodka. Then a syrup was prepared from 1.6 kg of sugar and a liter of boiled (or spring) water, which was then mixed with alcohol. The resulting mixture had a milky color, to destroy which they put egg white, mixed, shaking the liquid for several days (the protein was sometimes replaced with potassium permanganate). To top it all off, the drink was strained.

Aniseed vodka at home

Today in Russia this drink is excluded from industrial production. Perhaps for this reason true connoisseurs prepare homemade anise vodka.

The success of the preparation depends on correct proportions, the ingredients used and the ability to competently implement re-distillation after infusing the components.

The choice of aniseed vodka recipe at home depends on taste preferences and the availability of spices. So, in addition to anise, the ingredients usually include: cinnamon, fennel, citrus zest, coriander, ginger root, cumin and other seasonings.

For preparation, you can take Chinese anise (another name is star anise) or regular star anise. In the second case, without using additional seasonings, the taste is simple and flat, so cumin and orange peel are added to the star anise.

To make authentic anise vodka, you need to use grain moonshine(well cleaned). Another base can be taken for testing - sugar/fruit distillate, regular vodka, diluted food grade alcohol(strength up to 45 degrees).

The proposed recipe has the following composition:

  • 2.5 liters of moonshine (45-50 degrees);
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 2 tsp. common anise;
  • 3 pcs. crushed star anise;
  • 1 tsp. cumin and ginger;
  • 15 pcs. carnation;
  • 2 tsp fennel;
  • half a stick of crushed cinnamon.

Preparing anise vodka will take about a month. First, you need to pour alcohol into the spices. Next, for 10 days you need to infuse the liquid in a dark and cool place. It is then filtered and passed through a distiller. The drink can be diluted with water or consumed in its original form.

Aniseed vodka is a wonderful aperitif. We hope you enjoy the results obtained at home.
