How to make a lollipop. Delicious sweets - homemade lollipop

Candies that are boiled until hard and attached to a stick are usually called lollipops. They are completely different. The method of preparing candy is almost the same, but adding to classic recipe various additives, they differ in taste, shape and size.

The most popular of them are lollipops. They have a sweet taste and can vary in color. Preparation does not take much time, and the number of ingredients is minimal and simple.

Mold for lollipops: how to choose and where to buy?

Exist special forms to make lollipops. IN Soviet time They could often be seen on sale, but even now you can find them if you want. Stores even sell kits for making lollipops. These sets include forms.

They are usually aluminum, consisting of two platforms. Inside each mold there are various figures - hares, penguins, cockerels, fish and bears. Makes enough for six lollipops.

There are molds for two figures. These are usually large cockerels. There are a lot of options. Also, to make lollipops you will need clamps for fastening the molds and sticks.

In order to prepare lollipops, molds made from food-grade silicone are also used. But it is still better to give preference to aluminum products.

How to make molds with your own hands

If you don’t have a store-bought one, you can always make a mold for making candy with your own hands. It’s enough to turn on your imagination and look around. You can use regular shot glasses or cookie cutters. Everything that has beautiful shape and high sides, quite suitable for making sweets.

You can simply place the finished syrup on parchment or silicone mat. At the same time, you can give the treat absolutely any shape.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe is considered the simplest among other cooking recipes. Even a child can make these lollipops. The number of ingredients is minimal. You just need to make sure that the syrup is prepared correctly.

To prepare delicacies, you need to mix water, sugar and vinegar and put on fire.

Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.

Next, cook the syrup over very low heat until golden color. It is necessary to periodically check its readiness. You need to drip the syrup into a cup of water. If it hardens quickly in water, then it's time to pour it into molds.

Pour the syrup into the prepared mold and insert the sticks into the holes of the mold.

We put closed form under cold water. Only when it has cooled down can you take out the sweets.

Homemade honey lollipops

Honey lollipops have very beneficial properties. After all, honey is the most best medicine for any illness. Such treats will help your body with any colds. The cooking method is also very simple. The only difference is that honey is added to the mixture.


  • honey – 25 gr.;
  • sugar – 400 gr.;
  • butter – 100 gr.;
  • water – 20 g;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the mold.

Mix honey, sugar, water and cook over low heat until the syrup begins to form a string. Then add honey, butter to the resulting mass and cook a little more.

Next, check the readiness by dripping the syrup into a cup of cold water. The finished syrup hardens very quickly. Pour it into the prepared form. Don't forget to stick the sticks into the holes of the mold. After it has cooled, you can take out the delicious candies on a stick.

Before pouring the syrup into the mold, be sure to grease it with oil so that it does not stick to it.

Milk chocolate candies on a stick

Lollipops can be very diverse. Lollipops with added milk and chocolate have unique taste. This is very tasty treat for children.


  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • honey – 1 tbsp;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp;
  • water – 5 tbsp;
  • butter – 2 tbsp.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: 100 gr. – 280 kcal.

Mix all ingredients. Heat the prepared mixture over low heat. The syrup must be stirred throughout the cooking process to avoid burning.

You need to insert sticks into the holes in the mold. Allow to cool and then you can remove the products.

How to make fruit lollipops

The method of preparing fruit candies is no different from preparing other similar candies. The only difference is in the ingredients. Depending on what fruit filling is added to the syrup, the taste of the lollipops will depend. You can use any fruit juice as a fruit filling. With a wide variety of juices, you can get completely different lollipops.


  • freshly squeezed juice – 0.5 cups;
  • sugar – 80 gr.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: 100 gr. – 280 kcal.

Mix juice and sugar in a deep saucepan and cook over low heat. When the syrup begins to change color and the droplets of syrup quickly harden, it must be poured into the mold. You need to insert sticks into the holes of the mold. After it has cooled down, you can remove the candies.

Making creamy sweets

To make the candies unusual, you can make creamy lollipops. They have a special mild taste.


  • sugar - 200 gr.;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • butter -50 gr.;
  • vanillin.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: 100 gr. – 280 kcal.

Mix sugar, milk and butter. Bring to a boil over low heat. Continue cooking the syrup, stirring constantly. When the color turns caramel, you need to check it for readiness.

You need to drop the syrup into cold water. If the drop hardens quickly, then it is ready. Pour the finished syrup into molds. We insert sticks into the holes. After the molds have cooled, you can remove the candies.

There are some important secrets to making lollipops.

The syrup should be cooked over very low heat - this is very important condition when making candy. When melting sugar, the mixture must be stirred constantly so that it does not burn.

If it is necessary to add vinegar to the syrup, then this must be done very carefully - this happens very often chemical reaction. To prevent it from sticking to the mold, it must be lubricated with oil.

To make the syrup harden faster, you need to add citric acid or lemon juice.

You need to stick the sticks in when the syrup starts to harden a little, and you need to screw each stick in, as it were. After cooking, the pan must be soaked in water, because once the syrup hardens, it is very difficult to wash off.

If the candies stick to the mold, then it must be lowered into hot water and then try to pull the products out.

In order for the syrup to harden in the form, it does not need to be placed in the refrigerator, because the candies will harden unevenly.

If you don't have any molds, you can use a baking sheet and parchment paper. It is necessary to distribute the syrup parchment paper and adjust the shape. You get such different flat cakes.

Larisa Knopkina | 05/29/2015 | 3995

Larisa Knopkina 05.29.2015 3995

I used to buy whole bags of sweet icicles for my daughter: she constantly carried them to school and on walks. But I wasn't sure if they were good for my baby. So one fine day I decided to experiment: I made the lollipops myself. Still, the health of the child comes first for me, so I will not use harmful substances that will make these treats attractive.

They turned out very tasty and my daughter liked them. Although now her love for candy has faded (which I’m glad about: a lot of sweets are bad for your health), but I sometimes spoil her with homemade candies.

The candy on a stick appeared in 1958 at the hands of a Spanish confectioner, but he did not discover America: sweet cockerels were cooked in Rus'.

Lollipop recipe No. 1

To make lollipops you will need the following ingredients:

4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
1 tbsp. l. juice of any berry (you can use fresh strawberries or, for example, frozen raspberries) or water.
1/4 tsp. lemon juice;
A little vegetable oil;
molds for lollipops (children especially like lollipops in the shape of different animals); as an option - silicone molds for ice.
wooden skewers.

Lemon juice is an important ingredient: Citric acid prevents sugar from crystallizing.

So, I suggest you step by step instructions for making lollipops.

1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour sugar into it, add berry and lemon juice.

2. Cook the syrup over medium heat for about seven minutes.

If you are not sure whether the syrup is ready, you should drop a couple of drops into a glass of cold water and see what happens. If the syrup has reached the desired condition, the drops will immediately harden.

3. Spill sweet syrup into the molds (you must first grease them with vegetable oil), insert wooden skewers and place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Lollipop recipe No. 2

To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
2 tbsp. l. water;
1 tbsp. l. vinegar (9%);
silicone ice molds;
wooden skewers.

  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and pour in water so that it slightly covers the sugar.
  2. Place over high heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  3. When you see foam covering the syrup, add vinegar to prevent sugaring.
  4. Let the syrup simmer for about five minutes (the heat should be lower).
  5. Spilling ready mass into ice trays, let cool slightly and insert skewers.
  6. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

I really hope that you will not be lazy and make homemade candies for your child. After all, it is not only tasty, but also healthy treat. By the way, I myself love to chew on cockerels, which take me back to my youth.

Most children love sweets. Others love them. But what is the right thing to do for mothers who do not want to deprive their child of the joy of sweets and cakes but at the same time are worried about the health of the baby? The solution is not so difficult: you just need to learn how to cook sweets at home. Of course, 100% healthy food lollipops, ice cream and sweets will never become, but you will at least limit the amount of synthetic food additives in the child's diet.

In this article, we will tell you how to make sugar candies at home, and offer several recipes for candy canes that can become a worthy replacement“chupa chups” and other “miracles” of the chemical industry.

Basic homemade lollipop recipe

This recipe is the simplest method on how to make candy canes. In the future, you can modify it by adding ingredients to your taste (fruit juice, dyes, coffee, citrus zest etc.), but the base of the candy is always the same. The basic recipe is the recipe for the famous cockerel lollipops, there is nothing superfluous in it. True, market “cockerels” are often painted in bright colors using food coloring.


  • granulated sugar – 10 tbsp;
  • water – 10 tbsp;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. (preferably natural - apple or wine). It can be replaced citric acid– 0.2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil (to grease the pan).


Water, vinegar and sugar are mixed in a fireproof container (best in enamel pan) and warm up thoroughly. When the mixture becomes hot and the sugar begins to dissolve, reduce the heat and, stirring constantly, cook the syrup until golden brown. Cooking time depends on the amount of mixture in the pan - than larger portion, the more time it will take to prepare. From time to time, drop the syrup into a cup of cold water. As soon as the drop begins to harden, the lollipops are ready; you can pour them into a pre-greased mold. Don’t forget to insert the prepared sticks so that the lollipops have “legs.” You can buy ready-made sticks, or you can use matches, bamboo skewers or toothpicks (of course, the sharp edges should be trimmed). Cool the candies until room temperature, open the form and enjoy.

How to make colorful lollipops?

To make unusual colorful lollipops, you will need to change a little basic recipe caramel.


  • granulated sugar – 8 tbsp;
  • berry or fruit juice without pulp - 3 tbsp;
  • lemon juice– 1 tsp;
  • cooking sugar (optional)


Mix all ingredients and heat in a fireproof non-stick bowl, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved and golden caramel forms. If you've added brightly colored juice, relying on the color of the caramel isn't very reliable - check for doneness by dripping the caramel into cold water. As soon as the drop begins to solidify and not dissolve, the lollipops are ready (this is called the “ball test”). Add sprinkles to the finished caramel and pour into molds. Because the sugar and syrup juices have turned into caramel, the topping will not dissolve.

if you have food colorings, you can add them, then you will get the opportunity to prepare green, blue, bright red candies. But keep in mind that the powder dye must be thoroughly mixed with water before heating so that the candies are evenly colored.

Flavorings for candies can include citrus zest, coffee, rose or orange water, or synthetic food flavorings.

How to make a lollipop mold?

Authentic, antique lollipop molds are not easy to find these days. If you are the happy owner of just such a heavy metal form, congratulations. If not, don’t worry, finding an alternative to the classic form is not so difficult. Certainly, three-dimensional figures You won’t be able to get animals, but who said that lollipops have to be like that?

If you pour the caramel mass onto a flat baking sheet in neat puddles and put a stick in each of them, you will get beautiful candy circles. Pouring caramel in “puddles” into a curly silicone mold, get fancy candies original form. Very often, boxes from under chocolates(with molds). Some people make candy by filling cookie sheets lined with caramel. As you can see, there are a lot of options. The main thing is not to forget to grease the mold so that the lollipops do not stick, and to ensure that the material of the mold is able to withstand the temperature of hot caramel without melting.

Try making sugar candies at home that are delicious and clear. What is not unimportant is that they are prepared quickly and the whole process is quite understandable even for beginners in this matter.

These homemade lollipops are suitable for decorating children's cakes; they can be supplemented with various sweets or meringues on the cake itself. They look very appetizing and bright, thanks to their transparency and colored sprinkles. Homemade lollipops are an excellent treat for children and a replacement for store-bought candies, especially since you fully know what they are made from and are confident in the quality.

Is not the only recipe lollipops at home, and one of them. A little later I will show you what other options there are. For this method you will need a kitchen thermometer, because without it it is very difficult to determine what temperature the icing is. I’ll tell you all the details below, I hope you find this recipe useful. I also advise you to look at it, which is prepared from only three ingredients and turns out very tasty.


  • Sugar – 110 g
  • Water – 35 g
  • Invert or glucose syrup– 50 g
  • Confectionery sprinkles

How to make sugar candy

First of all, pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add water and invert syrup, instead of which you can take glucose syrup. I've already shown a simple one, so check it out. I stir the added ingredients and put it on fire. I make the fire a little higher than average, that is, if my scale on the electric surface is from 1 to 14 divisions, then I turn it on to 10.

And at this time I’m preparing different confectionery sprinkles that will decorate our sweets. You can take a little of everything, as I did, or choose only those that suit you in color or shape.

When the mass begins to boil, I note the time and cook for exactly 12 minutes or until the temperature reaches 150 degrees. All this time, every 10 - 15 seconds I stirred this mixture so that it did not burn. The mixture will foam, but that's okay. When I see 150 degrees on the thermometer, I remove the saucepan from the heat and then everything needs to be done very quickly.

If you have lollipop molds, use them, but I don't have one, so I use a Teflon mat, or a silicone mat will also work. Long skewers must be prepared in advance. Now I scoop up the caramel with a tablespoon and pour it onto the mat to make round sweets. I pour three of these circles, then sprinkle them with sprinkles and insert the skewers. Then again I make three circles and everything else, and so on until there is caramel. It is important to pour it in one place, then there will be the correct shape. If you pour a lot of circles at once, and only then pour in the powder, it simply won’t stick, since the caramel hardens instantly.

This is the whole recipe for lollipops, as you can see everything is extremely simple. All you have to do is let them harden and you're done. They freeze in literally a couple of minutes, so you don’t have to wait long. They come off a Teflon mat very easily and do not stick; it will be the same with a silicone one.

These are the transparent and colorful sugar candies we made at home. This is a truly delicious treat that no child will refuse. They will perfectly decorate any festive table or children's cake. I advise you to do them too, it’s worth it, especially since it doesn’t take much time.

The first sweets appeared in ancient times; they were based on berries, nuts, and fruits. When did people learn to receive cane sugar, appeared the new kind sweets - lollipops, which for convenience were often placed on sticks.

You can easily make lollipops at home. You will need a frying pan or saucepan. Dishes with a thick bottom are an important condition for work. You will also need a stirring spoon, a silicone or metal mold, and wooden or plastic sticks. In stores you can sometimes find special springforms for homemade candy. Vegetable oil is necessary for greasing the molds. Of the required components, you will need water and sugar, and the remaining ingredients are added depending on preferences: vinegar, fruit juices, various additives for taste and color.

Recipes for making candy

For ordinary candies, which can become the basis for any others, you need to take:

  • Sugar – 2/3 cup,
  • Water - two tablespoons,
  • One teaspoon of vinegar -7% or diluted stronger vinegar.

Sugar and in advance mixed water and vinegar, place in a frying pan and cook over low heat until a yellow-golden color appears. You cannot digest the composition - it will become dark and bitter, with the taste of burnt sugar. Ready mixture You can pour it into greased molds and stick a stick or toothpick into each candy. There is no need to cool the caramel; just wait until the sugar mass hardens and you can remove it from the mold.

You can get flavor and color at home by replacing all or part of the water with fruit juice.

Creamy lollipops

To obtain lollipops at home with creamy taste, you need milk or cream - 0.1 liters, sugar - 0.25 kg, a little butter and vanillin. Sugar is poured into heated milk and butter and vanillin are added. The composition is cooked over low heat with continuous stirring; when it darkens, the saucepan can be removed from the heat. Sugar and milk must be stirred continuously to avoid burning. Everything must be done quickly, since the mass hardens in a short time.

Fruit lollipops

To prepare fruit candies at home, you need to add sugar to the juice in a ratio of 1.5: 1. The resulting syrup is boiled until it turns brownish. Now you can add a pinch of cinnamon, ginger or vanilla into it and mix thoroughly, pour into molds, stick in the sticks and let cool a little.

Juice for fruit candies any squeezed juice from different berries: currants, raspberries, cherries, blueberries. True, you won’t have to count on any benefits from these sweets - all the vitamins are high temperature boiling sugar is destroyed very quickly.

Chocolate lollipops

Do chocolate lollipops, no more complicated than usual, they will require two glasses of sugar, two large spoons of cocoa or a hundred gram chocolate bar, 50 g of water, two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Chocolate crumbles small pieces and combines with the rest of the ingredients. Prepare the mixture, heat and cook with constant stirring.

You can check whether the composition is ready by dropping it into cold water. If the mass quickly becomes hard, it means the chocolate base is ready, you can pour it into molds and insert sticks. You can add nuts or pieces of candied fruit to chocolate, as to all other candies.

Tips for homemade candy lovers:

  • It is better not to add honey to sweets, because when heated it will lose beneficial features and begins to release substances harmful to humans.
  • You can check the readiness of the candies by dropping a little caramel onto a cold saucer. If the drop has spread, then the sugar needs to be boiled further, and if it immediately sets and hardens quickly, it’s time to pour the mixture.
  • If you have a cold, you can add lemon and ginger to the lollipops, which will help soothe a cough, and adding mint will ease a runny nose.

Making sweets at home is very simple, but those who watch their figure and care about the health of their teeth need to remember that candies are 100% sugar, their calorie content will be almost 400 calories per 100 g of sweets.

Homemade lollipops are good because they do not contain dyes, chemical flavors or flavor enhancers, they are easy to make, and there are as many flavor options as your imagination dictates. You also don’t need a lot of ingredients, and the manufacturing process requires very little time.
