Beautiful DIY New Year's gingerbread cookies. Delicious baked goods for the New Year: original and quick recipes

In many countries, gingerbread cookies serve as treats and decorations for New Year and Christmas. festive table.

Delicious and beautifully presented New Year's gingerbread- a traditional Catholic Christmas souvenir in Europe.

In Russia, honey gingerbreads are very popular and are easy to prepare. Based on their recipe, many other varieties of gingerbread with the most intricate ingredients have been invented.

New Year's gingerbread: the basics

There are only three ingredients in the recipe - flour, honey and eggs. In two different bowls, thoroughly beat honey (400 grams) and whites from 8 eggs (chilled). Both products should turn white from beating, after which they are combined and beaten together. Then sift and add flour (400 grams) and mix until smooth. Ready dough Fill greased pans and bake in oven until done. Gingerbread cookies are often coated with sugar or protein glaze, which is obtained by beating egg whites and sugar.

Bringing variety

While stirring the dough, add nuts or raisins. You can divide the dough into sections and add different combinations of ingredients to each section, such as chocolate chips and nuts, raisins and cinnamon.

Recipe 1. New Year's gingerbread cookies with filling


oil drain 100 gr;

honey 3 tbsp. l;

water 50 ml;

soda ½ tsp;

flour 0.6 kg;

sugar 0.15 kg;

jam 200 gr.


1. Prepare the dough in a water bath: dissolve honey, butter, water and sugar. Carefully pour the resulting mass into the flour and mix.

2. Leave the resulting dough to rest for half an hour, then roll out.

3. Using a mold or just an inverted glass, cut into circles. Place jam or other filling in the middle of each, cover with a second one on top, and seal the edges together. Pierce a hole in each gingerbread above the filling and place on a baking sheet, lined with paper, and bake until done. Please note that when baking, the gingerbread cookies will greatly increase in size.

Recipe 2. New Year's gingerbread cookies with kefir

By saving the food component, you get a large yield of finished treats.


0.2 kg sugar;

350 ml kefir (or yogurt);

honey 1 tbsp. l;

vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l;

soda 1 tsp;

flour 0.8 kg.

For the glaze:

sugar 6 tsp


1. Beat 2 yolks and 1 white with honey and sugar. Then pour the resulting mixture into kefir, add oil and beat again. Mix the sifted flour with baking soda and knead the dough.

2. Roll out the dough, cut into circles with a mold or glass, place on a baking sheet so that they do not touch and bake in the oven at 180 degrees.

3. For the glaze, beat 1 egg white and 6 tsp. sugar until strong foam. When the gingerbread cookies are ready, brush them with icing using a brush and put them back for another 10 minutes.

Recipe 3. New Year's cottage cheese gingerbread


120 gr. cottage cheese;

butter 70 grams;

80 gr. Sahara;

150 gr. flour;

baking powder for the dough;

orange zest.


1. Grind cottage cheese with softened butter, add egg yolk, salt, sugar. Orange zest grate and pour into the mixture. Mixing thoroughly, add flour and baking powder.

2. The dough will turn out soft, you will need to roll it out and cut out gingerbread figures, place it on a baking sheet, line it with baking parchment and bake until a pleasant golden brown color.

3. Decorate the finished cooled gingerbreads with protein glaze (from any recipe).

Recipe 4. Oatmeal New Year's gingerbread cookies


flour 250 gr;

sugar 200 gr;

oat flakes 250 gr;

oil sl. 50 gr;

soda ½ tsp;

honey, citric acid, salt.


1. Sift the flakes through a sieve, leaving crumbly particles without oat dust.

2. Add flour, eggs, soda, honey, sugar. Stir, add oil, citric acid, nuts and knead the dough.

3. Roll it into a sausage, cut into equal “balls”, form a gingerbread from each and bake in the oven until ready.

Recipe 5. New Year's gingerbread with cherries


flour 0.3 kg;

butter 80 g;

honey 2 tbsp. l;

sugar 0.3 kg;

soda ½ tsp;

cinnamon 1 tsp;

cocoa 2 tbsp. l;

cherry 15 pcs.


1. Prepare the dough in a water bath. Put butter, 0.1 kg of sugar, egg and honey into a smaller saucepan, mix everything thoroughly.

2. Add soda and cocoa, keep the mixture in a boiling bath for 3 minutes, then remove and add flour and cinnamon. When the dough has cooled, knead it with your hands.

3. After rolling out the dough into a sausage, divide into 15 parts. Shape each gingerbread and place a pitted cherry in the middle. Form balls, place them on a baking sheet with a distance of at least 3-4 cm, since the gingerbread cookies will greatly increase in volume, and bake until ready.

4. Prepare sugar syrup: dilute sugar (0.2 kg) with water and cook for 10 minutes, stirring continuously. Ready gingerbread pour syrup over and cool.

Recipe 6. New Year's gingerbread cookies


flour 175 gr;

oil drain 100 gr;

sugar 0.1 kg;

baking powder 1 tsp;

cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cocoa powder ½ tsp each;

For the glaze:

eggs 1 piece;

powdered sugar ½ cup;


1. Sift flour in a heap, add baking powder, cocoa and ground seasonings. Grind this dry mixture with a fork with softened butter, the result should be flour lumps.

2. Mix them with egg and sugar, knead into a stiff dough. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in cling film or bag and leave in the refrigerator for two hours.

3. Roll out the dough and cut using cutout molds or paper stencils. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour, arrange the gingerbread cookies, coat the top egg yolk and bake until done.

4. After baking, cool the gingerbread cookies, then start painting with white glaze. Prepare it as follows: beat the chilled egg whites until stiff, then pour in the powdered sugar in a stream. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon and beat again until homogeneous mass. You can add color to the icing using food coloring.

Recipe 7. New Year's gingerbread with dates


soft dates 150 - 200 g;

cottage cheese 150 - 200 gr;

oatmeal 2 tbsp. l;

semolina 2 tbsp;

ginger (root) 2-3 cm;

powdered sugar.


1. Soften the dates with a fork, after removing the seeds. Grate half an apple on a coarse grater, a piece of ginger on a fine grater.

2. Mix dates, apple, semolina, ginger, cottage cheese and oatmeal. If the dough is too liquid, add more cereal. If it is thick, then add grated apple.

3. Form small gingerbread cookies from the dough, place them on a baking sheet, line them with parchment and bake. Sprinkle the finished gingerbreads powdered sugar.

Recipe 8. Polish New Year's gingerbread


½ kg honey;

½ kg flour;

200 grams of margarine;

0.1 kg sugar;

spices and additives (cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, coriander, candied fruits, walnuts);

2 tsp soda, jam.

Cooking method:

1. Place honey and sugar in a saucepan, melt over low heat until caramel color. Boil water in a kettle at the same time.

2. When honey and sugar are completely mixed, add 1 cup of boiling water. It is important to be careful not to get scalded by the hot foam that forms at this moment. When the foam settles, you need to add margarine and spices and stir with a spoon until completely dissolved. Leave the mixture to cool aside.

3. Peel and chop the nuts. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat the whites with a mixer. As soon as the mixture has cooled, add the yolks into it and mix again, then add flour, spices and soda (no need to extinguish). Mix again and add the whites, stirring gently with a spoon.

4. Pour the dough into two rectangular molds halfway, after greasing them with margarine. Place in the oven for 50 minutes. Check readiness with a match or toothpick.

5. Remove both halves of the gingerbread from the mold, cover with a towel and cool. Then blind them, stacking one on top of the other, having previously coated them with jam. Wrap in foil or oiled paper and let sit for at least 10 hours, and better than a day. The finished gingerbread can be coated with chocolate glaze.

6. Preparation chocolate glaze: 200 grams of chocolate, 25 grams of butter, 90 ml of cream, 40 grams of honey. Chop the chocolate and melt in a saucepan. Add cream, butter and honey to it and stir until smooth. Finished glaze Cover the gingerbread and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

New Year's gingerbread: gingerbread secrets and gingerbread tips

Exist different ways make gingerbread cookies soft. The first method: do not add all the flour according to the recipe at once, but do it gradually, making sure that the dough is elastic. The second way: instead of sugar, use honey, partially or completely. Third way: do choux pastry, that is, brew the flour hot sugar syrup. When rolling the dough into a layer, make sure that it does not turn out too thin.

Before preparing gingerbread with oatmeal you should sift the flakes through a sieve, separating the particles from the flour suspension.

If the honey has thickened and is difficult to stir, you can heat it in a water bath. Warm honey dissolves other ingredients in the recipe better.

Small and thin gingerbreads are usually baked for 10-15 minutes at 200-220 degrees, thicker ones made from hard dough are baked for 20-30 minutes at 180-220 degrees.

Details of gingerbread houses can be glued together with thick sugar icing, which is usually prepared for painting, or melted caramel. Lubricate the places where the parts are attached, temporarily fix them with toothpicks and allow to dry, after which the toothpicks are removed.

If the gingerbread cookies are not covered with glaze or chocolate, then when ready, they can be greased with a mixture of yolk and white, then the gingerbread cookies will turn out with a shiny, ruddy surface.

During the process of preparing the glaze, the whites will whip more easily if they are pre-cooled. If the eggs are stale, you can add salt to the whites while beating using the tip of a knife.

To knead the dough, it is better to use water chilled in the refrigerator.

If the recipe calls for raisins to be added to baked goods, then they need to be prepared: thoroughly rinsed from grease and soaked for 10 minutes in boiled water. If you put dry raisins in the dough, they will take moisture from the dough. If the raisins are too wet and swollen, they will give off excess moisture and disrupt the consistency of the dough.

For baking, prepare walnuts as follows: peel off excess scales with your hands and break them into approximately equal parts. Then spread on a baking sheet without oil in one layer and heat in the oven for 5 minutes. Such nuts will have more rich taste than raw ones, and will better transfer their aroma to baked goods.

You can divide an egg into white and yolk like this: pierce the egg on opposite sides with a thick needle. The yolk will remain inside the shell when the white leaks out through the puncture.

If the dough is not very stiff, it will stick to your hands and rolling pin when rolling. In this case, you can roll out the dough using an ordinary bottle, which needs to be filled beforehand. cold water. In this case, the dough will not stick to it.

When baking gingerbread cookies, do not open the oven for the first 15 minutes so as not to reduce the splendor of the products.

If the gingerbread cookies are slightly burnt, you can resort to this trick: let them cool, then remove the burnt layer with the smallest side of a grater and sprinkle with powder or paint over with glaze.

Glazed gingerbreads retain their freshness longer and are stored better.

If during the baking process some part of the gingerbread begins to burn, it is better to cover them with oiled paper.

If the gingerbreads are too hard, you can soften them as follows: place the gingerbreads along with the chopped apple in a clay dish, cover with a lid and leave for one night. Then transfer to a tightly closed container.

New Year's gingerbread - beautiful and delicious decoration at home for everyone's favorite holiday. This pastry is universal, since the products can not only be placed on the table. Homemade New Year's gingerbread cookies can be used as Christmas decorations, making sure to attach pieces of paper with wishes. This traditional baking They are often given as gifts to family and friends. Here are some tasty options.

Chocolate gingerbread dough recipe

Half a pack of soft butter combine with one hundred grams of sugar. It is recommended to add a pack of vanillin. The main thing at this stage is to mix the ingredients very thoroughly with a mixer for five minutes. If the sugar does not completely dissolve, then the New Year's gingerbread will not be smooth, and its surface will not be uniform. Next, we continue to beat, gradually adding three large spoons of cocoa, a little cinnamon, orange zest, twenty grams of finely grated ginger and one large egg. All ingredients should be completely dissolved and the mass should become completely homogeneous.

In a separate bowl, mix 260 grams of flour with half a teaspoon of soda. Now we begin to gradually add the mixture to the dough. When it becomes dense, it is recommended to knead with your hands. The even distribution of flour determines how neat the New Year's gingerbread cookies prepared at home will be.

Place the dough, which should look like plasticine, in the refrigerator for half an hour, or better yet, overnight. It is necessary to cool it well so that the oil hardens. In this case, it will become very convenient to work with the semi-finished product. Now you can move on to the next stage.

Rules for working with dough for chocolate gingerbread

Before you start baking, it is recommended to make test item. This will allow you to see, firstly, how much they will increase in volume, and secondly, whether the baked goods hold their shape. If the future New Year's gingerbread immediately melts, becomes greasy, and problems arise when transferring it to a baking sheet, then you need to add flour. Be sure to distribute it well, thoroughly re-knead and leave to cool.

If everything is in order, then it is recommended to divide the dough into four parts during the process. We leave one of them, put the rest in the refrigerator. The dough needs to be rolled out on parchment. Do not rub the rolling pin with flour or sprinkle it on the semi-finished product.

Gingerbread cookies "Merry Family" and "Snowmen"

This original baked goods you can decorate the Christmas tree. We offer next recipe New Year's gingerbread at home.

The products should be thin and crispy. Therefore, the dough should be rolled out to a thickness of no more than 3 mm, since it will increase during the cooking process. Make figures using molds and place them in the oven for 6-10 minutes. The temperature should be no more than 175 degrees. But it is recommended to make a test gingerbread so as not to spoil all the dough.

Cool the prepared products very well. Only in this case do we remove them from the tray. Otherwise they will crumble. Now we decorate with icing.

You can hang products on the Christmas tree.

Recipe for honey gingerbread dough

Put a third of a glass of liquid honey into a saucepan, a small spoonful of cinnamon, starch, vinegar, ground ginger and a little salt. Place the mass on water bath and, stirring constantly, turn into This recipe for New Year's gingerbread can be supplemented with a pinch of ground cloves. The result will be very aromatic baked goods.

Now add two-thirds of a stick of soft butter to the mixture and leave to cool completely. At this time, beat two eggs with a glass of sugar. Mix everything together and begin to gradually add flour. You only need three glasses. Of course, it all depends on the quality of the flour. Place the well-kneaded dough in the refrigerator for a day. Now you can start molding.

New Year's gingerbread "Christmas tree" made from honey dough

Such products will be an excellent decoration for the main table, or they can be crowned with birthday cake. But these are not only original, but also very tasty New Year's gingerbread cookies. You can make toys and beads from glaze for your Christmas tree with your own hands.

The finished New Year's gingerbreads with your own hands then need to be cooled very well. Meanwhile, prepare the green glaze. We form Christmas trees by greasing each layer and gluing them from largest to smallest. We leave the products for three to four hours. Now you can put them on the festive table or decorate a cake.

Recipe for honey gingerbread dough without eggs

The proposed option is an excellent semi-finished product for those who do not consume animal products. Despite the fact that there are no eggs in this recipe, the final product will not lose at all in its taste characteristics.

Grind 150 grams of low-fat sour cream very thoroughly with 300 grams of sugar. Add to mix soft butter. You will need a third of the pack. Add 190 grams of liquid honey, a little salt and cloves, a teaspoon each of soda and ground ginger. Mix everything and gradually add half a kilo of sifted flour.

Knead the dough very well and roll it into a ball. Next, wrap the semi-finished product in cling film and leave to cool overnight. If possible, then it is possible for a longer period. Because, no matter how good the recipe for New Year's gingerbread at home, only well-chilled dough will be elastic and pliable. The semi-finished product is ready for cooking. It must be rolled out to a thickness of at least 10 mm.

Recipe for New Year's gingerbread cookies with glaze "Gift"

Such products - great option for gifts. The proposed recipe for New Year's gingerbread cookies with glaze can be changed and supplemented. To prepare them you will need chocolate or honey dough(with or without eggs), a knife, different molds, a little patience, more imagination and a good oven.

You can prepare the following products: Christmas trees, shoes and staves. They will make the children very happy.

And the next gift option is more suitable for adult guests.

An original gift could be a gingerbread assortment of chocolate and honey products, elegantly decorated. Making them is not at all difficult.

Finally, let's look at how to properly prepare the glaze. This can be done very simply. However, there are some rules and basic steps that need to be followed.

Be sure to sift 200 grams of powdered sugar. To obtain high-quality glaze, it is recommended to repeat this procedure two or three times. Next, add it to the protein and begin to beat the mixture until a stiff foam is obtained. Gradually add a small spoon of starch and pour in a little lemon juice. If necessary colored glaze, then add food coloring.

We apply it using a special culinary syringe. You can also use a thick bag for this purpose. Fill it with glaze, cut off a corner and gently press, applying patterns.

How to store finished products

Whatever the recipe for New Year's gingerbread, the clear advantage of this baking is that the products can be stored for some time. The main thing is to organize this process correctly.

Gingerbread can be stored in a special container for up to fourteen days if the temperature is about 18 degrees and the relative humidity is about 75 percent. In this case, the products will become softer every day.

The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree for New Year and Christmas honey gingerbread, it seems, is coming back - more and more often on the New Year tree you can see gingerbread cookies in glaze next to the balls. And of course, making gingerbread - great occasion spend time with children for whom the author cookbooks and blogger Irina Chadeeva - now the book is called “Pie Science for Children.” So, let's arm ourselves step by step recipe gingerbread dough and on the weekends remaining until the New Year we bake and decorate gingerbread cookies.

Gingerbread is perhaps the oldest Russian delicacy. Ten centuries ago, gingerbread dough was mixed from honey and rye flour. Later, when spices began to be brought to Russia from the East, cinnamon, anise, cloves, cardamom and even pepper were added to gingerbread.

In the Middle Ages, gingerbread was baked not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. French gingerbread bread, Nuremberg almond gingerbread, and Swedish gingerbread cookies are still famous.

Today, gingerbread dough is most often made from wheat flour, kneading the dough with sugar, honey, eggs and spices. Honey gives gingerbread a wonderful aroma and also protects them from becoming stale. Often molasses is used instead of honey.

For cut out gingerbread cookies The dough is rolled out to a thickness of 3–5 mm and the figures are cut out with a knife or tin molds. If such gingerbread cookies are intended to be hung on a Christmas tree, then holes for the threads must be made before baking.

Printed gingerbread cookies were very common in Russia. For printed gingerbread cookies, special wooden boards with a pattern were made - seals. This form was greased with oil, filled with dough, and then turned over on the table - and the pattern of the form was imprinted on future gingerbread cookies.

Printed gingerbread boards were quite expensive, and bakers lured each other's best carvers in order to bake gingerbread with the most complex and beautiful patterns. the boards were different - from small, for children's gingerbread, to huge, table-sized, for gift gingerbread. For some important celebrations, special boards were cut out - with inscriptions and drawings on the occasion of the holiday.

We will learn how to cook both carved and printed gingerbread cookies. If you don’t have a wooden mold, it doesn’t matter; shallow molds or plasticine stamps will do. Tin molds (for cut-out gingerbread cookies) can also be replaced - for example, with a small cup or sandbox molds (of course, they must be new).

Gingerbread dough is made mainly from flour, sugar and honey, adding a small amount of liquid and butter. You can knead this dough as much as you like, but it is very important not to forget to add baking powder, then the gingerbread cookies will be tender and not dense.

These gingerbread cookies can be stored for a long time, and in our family we bake ones to hang on the Christmas tree. To do this, make a hole in each gingerbread using a cocktail straw and only then put it in the oven.

Rules for working with gingerbread dough:

  • do not forget to cool the milk-honey mixture;
  • let the dough lie until it is well saturated with the aroma of spices;
  • be sure to place baking paper on the baking sheet;
  • Since the gingerbreads are dark, you may not notice that they have browned, so watch the baking especially carefully.

For the test:

  • 300 g flour (set aside 2 tablespoons from this amount)
  • 50 g sugar
  • 100 g honey
  • 50 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 40 g butter
  • 2 teaspoons ground spices (1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, 3-4 crushed cloves, a quarter of grated nutmeg, 1 ground cardamom pod)
  • 1 heaped teaspoon cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder


Utensils and equipment:

  • bowl for kneading dough
  • spoon
  • rolling pin
  • molds
  • cocktail straw
  • tassel
  • baking tray lined with baking paper
  • preheat oven to 200°C

  1. Sift the flour into a large bowl, add cocoa, baking powder, spices and mix.

  1. Place butter, sugar, honey, milk in a saucepan and place over low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. No need to boil. Cool the mixture to 30–40 °C.

  1. Make a well in the flour and pour it in honey syrup, add an egg. Using a spoon, knead into a fairly soft, elastic dough.

  1. Place the dough on a table sprinkled with two tablespoons of flour and knead well. Place it in the refrigerator, in a bag, for an hour or more. This dough can be stored in the refrigerator for several days (and keeps getting better!).

Previously, gingerbread dough was specially kept for several months in the cold so that it acquired the necessary aroma and stickiness. Some gingerbreads could also be stored for a very long time - they, of course, became stale, but did not spoil.

  1. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it rest for half an hour to warm it up and make it easier to work with. Roll out ready dough on a lightly floured board until 2-3mm thick and cut out biscuits.

  1. Transfer cookies to a baking sheet, brushing off excess flour with a soft brush. Use a cocktail straw to make holes for the ribbons.
  2. The remaining pieces of dough can be collected and rolled out again.
  3. If you want to bake printed gingerbread cookies, grease a gingerbread board and stuff it with dough as tightly as possible. Run a rolling pin over the top and turn it over onto a floured table. Carefully remove the gingerbread cookies and place them on a baking sheet.

  1. Bake cut-out gingerbreads for 8 minutes at 200°C, and printed ones for 15 minutes at 180°C.
  2. For the glaze, beat the whites into a stiff foam (as for meringue), add half the powdered sugar and beat again, the mass will be fluid. Add the remaining powder and stir. Transfer the mixture to a bag, cut off the tip to create a very small hole, and decorate the gingerbread cookies. Let the glaze dry for a couple of hours.

Gingerbread cookies can also be decorated with melted chocolate. But painting gingerbread cookies with chocolate or glaze beautifully and neatly is a difficult task! Even an experienced pastry chef requires concentration and attention, so first I advise you to practice simple sheet baking paper. Make sure that the glaze is thick enough, in this case it is much more convenient to paint with it.

Comment on the article "New Year's gingerbread cookies step by step: a recipe for children from Chadeika"

Last year I took the recipe here, does anyone remember who gave it? Or maybe he’ll give you a link to the recipe itself... I remember that the dough is barely there. I’ve been sharing this recipe at Posideldki for many years in a row, but when kneading the dough, the dough turns out not tight, but soft, so maybe this is not the right recipe...


Gingerbread? This? looks like the description))
0.75 cups honey
1.75 cups sugar
250 g butter
6 cups flour
3 eggs
1 tsp. spoon of soda (namely soda and not baking powder!!!)
2 teaspoons ginger
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons cloves

Heat honey with spices to a boil and add oil.
Beat eggs with sugar and combine with COOLED syrup.
Add soda and gradually, pouring through a sieve, stir in flour.

Roll out the dough into a layer of 2-3 mm, cut out the cookies and bake at 180 C for 6-7 minutes.

Christmas gingerbread recipe. Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and receiving guests, choosing products. Christmas gingerbread recipe. Girls, please share. We need those that can be painted...


I made it according to the Molokhovets recipe - these are really gingerbread cookies, they don’t dry out, don’t get stale, perfect)
Melt 500 grams of sugar; when all the grains have melted, carefully pour in 200 ml of boiling water in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from heat and add 200 grams of butter, stir vigorously until dissolved.
wait until it cools down room temperature, beat in one egg, mix.
Gradually add flour mixed with 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. ginger, 2 tsp. cinnamon, a little cloves, cardamom, pepper.
knead in bowl while mixing. then place it on a table sprinkled with flour and mix it in until the dough becomes elastic, like plasticine, and slightly sticky.
put in a bag and put in the refrigerator for at least a day.
This dough can sit in the refrigerator for a month without any damage), it only gets better.
Roll out the layer 5-7 millimeters thick. 180 degrees for 6-7 minutes. Don’t be embarrassed if the gingerbreads seem unbaked to you - that’s how it should be, they will cook in the air.
just don’t leave the baking sheet in the public domain! I baked it for gifts, left it in the kitchen overnight, and in the morning it was all eaten. I had to bake a second batch.
it’s good that at least the household walked around with a happy face all day)

12/21/2017 23:50:05, not a cook

Chairman of the Parents Committee: Guys, let's discuss what we will give to the children in the New Year? We don’t scatter too much – the budget is 200 rubles. per child, so... Magician Mom: I can make everyone a set of painted gingerbread cookies.


What a blessing, all this passed me by. My son graduated from school this year, they didn’t even discuss graduation like that, they suggested it at the meeting, everyone agreed and that’s it.

But we made it to 5th grade and everything was great in our chats, everything was to the point. No gifts for anyone, including teachers. Contributions only for additional benefits and excursions are absolutely voluntary. If you don't want to or can't go on an excursion, no one forces you. The main thing is to offer only one pre-agreed option.

Gingerbread recipe. Where?:). Bakery. Cooking. Cooking recipes, cooking help and tips, holiday menus, and 2/3 cup corn syrup.


from a cutlet?

Christmas gingerbread cookies
Yield approximately 180 pcs. if the cookies are about 6cm

1 + 3/4 cups sugar

6 glasses (cups) flour

2 tsp. spoons of cinnamon

2 tsp. spoons of cloves

2 tsp. tablespoons ground ginger

* (glass) = 240 ml.

Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, preferably a day.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator 1-2 hours before rolling, this makes it easier to work with.

I roll out no more than 5mm, bake for an average of 10-13 minutes at 180, but in general it all depends on the oven.
The dough is dense, the gingerbread cookies are also dense, they will not be soft like in the store, because they shouldn’t be like that, they are stored for a long time, you can safely hang them on the Christmas tree for a month and then eat them.

Sorry about your topic, I'll ask. Is it possible to freeze gingerbread dough?

From my experience: small and large muffins in rectangular tins, but do not cut thinly; package cookies in bags; the pies are not large, under New Year's Eve there are gingerbreads on a string. At my daughter’s school, it was a win-win and not cheap:) they sold pasta (like cakes)...


Think logically. Everyone there will be selling baked goods. Everyone bought everything. They want water. And you take and bring five-liter drinks with glasses and sell them at a higher price. They will buy everything, especially towards the end. When everyone is full. This is how I earned about 300 out of 100 rubles. Very profitable. we will do this every year

01/22/2019 17:13:55, Some people



Here it is!
so you can make any cookies and decorate them, these are made from gingerbread dough (I also make gingerbread houses from it)
for decorating the Christmas tree and just like that, i.e. long storage, if cookies usually harden and dry out, then these will be hard, but crumbly in moderation, but this is also not for everyone
Gingerbread cookies are not tender and crumbly, they are dense, as they were made in the old days))
but we love to chew on these)) they last for a very long time.
Christmas gingerbread cookies
Yield approximately 180 pcs. if the cookies are about 6cm
2/3 cup corn syrup. Can be replaced with liquid honey. Recipe Invert syrup(corn syrup substitute) [link-1]
but I ONLY use honey)) I just have a lot of it, although I also have corn syrup and glucose syrup I have, I’m thrifty))) but honey is the best.

1 + 3/4 cups sugar
1 + 1/2 cups butter (I take 250g-300g)

6 glasses (cups) flour

1-2 tsp. spoons of soda, I put 1 spoon and still the dough rises very well, soda reacts with honey, for the house it’s just necessary not to rise)) for gingerbread it doesn’t matter.
This time I didn’t put it in at all, I used baking powder.

2 tsp. spoons of cinnamon

2 tsp. spoons of cloves

2 tsp. tablespoons ground ginger

I also definitely add 1 tsp. nutmeg and cardamom
* (glass) = 240 ml.

Heat the syrup (i.e. honey in my case) with spices to a boil and add oil.
This mixture is already incredibly aromatic and tasty, I eat it drop by drop with a spoon))
Beat eggs with sugar and combine with COOLED syrup. Add soda and
gradually, pouring through a sieve, stir in flour.
Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, preferably a day.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator 1-2 hours before rolling, this makes it easier to work with.

gingerbread . Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection.

New Year's gingerbread with spices are considered a traditional treat that combines the sweetness of a dessert and the originality of a holiday gift. Traditionally, they bake them before the Christmas holidays, give them to friends and relatives, and decorate them. christmas tree. For such New Year's gingerbreads, an unusual recipe is used, and with big amount muffins, aromatic spices. The decoration of the products is also festive - they are watered multi-colored glaze, create figures of Santa Claus, snowflakes, Christmas trees and other holiday motifs on the surface of each gingerbread.

Gingerbread baking has a long history. Christmas gingerbread cookies with glaze were popular back in the Middle Ages in Europe. Then there were even fairs where these gingerbread cookies were sold in beautiful holiday boxes. In addition to gingerbread, products of other shapes were also baked in the form of figures of kings, castles, mills, hearts, and so on.

The more richly the gingerbread was decorated or Gingerbread house, the more expensive it was. Gingerbread self made presented as gifts for the New Year and Christmas to the dearest and closest people. In the most precious samples, gold was used in paint for painting, the surface was decorated with beads, and everything was done by hand. The recipe for New Year's gingerbread was usually kept and passed down from generation to generation.

Today you can make handmade gingerbread cookies with your own hands, and not necessarily on Christmas Eve. Such products will delight children and adults and will bring the aroma of celebration and magic into your home. Made with my own hands, such a gingerbread can become a present and decoration for the New Year tree.


For aromatic dough on soft gingerbread you will need the following products:

  • 200 milliliters of liquid fresh honey;
  • 2 large chicken eggs;
  • 200 gram pack of butter;
  • 30 grams of cocoa powder;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon each of soda and salt;
  • 5 grams each of ground ginger, cinnamon, cloves;
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of nutmeg;
  • 950 grams of white wheat flour.

By the way, you can use fresh ginger in this recipe; just grate it finely. But don’t overdo it, as ginger root is quite pungent in taste and can ruin your New Year’s gingerbread dough.

This dough does not contain liquid, such as milk or water. Thanks to this, your finished gingerbread can be stored for about 1 month and not spoil. Also keep in mind that the painting must harden properly, so start preparing such holiday baking in several days.

Cooking process

For high-quality gingerbread, preparation takes very little time. The only thing is that you will have to tinker with the painting to get really beautiful holiday products. Let's start by kneading the dough:

  1. Pour the liquid honey into a large bowl, where further mixing will take place. It is also permissible to use frozen honey, only it must first be melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven and then cool to room temperature.
  2. Melt the butter and cool to room temperature, mix it with sugar while it is hot until all the crystals have dissolved. Combine honey and butter with sugar using a whisk.
  3. Break the eggs into a separate container and stir with a mixer until smooth. Fluffy whites are not required in this recipe, but you need to combine the eggs. Pour the beaten eggs into the honey mixture.
  4. Mix well, add into this mixture vanilla sugar and spices. Typically recipes use dry ground spices, but if you use fresh ginger root, you need to grate it fine grater or crush in a mortar.

  1. Enter cocoa. If the cocoa is a little matted, add one tablespoon of powdered sugar to it and stir, and only then add to the honey mixture.
  2. Add salt and soda. Instead of baking soda, you can use baking powder. IN in this case You will need one bag for 1 kilogram of flour.
  3. Be sure to sift the flour, then pour it into the honey mixture in portions and knead each time with a submersible mixer.
  4. When it becomes difficult to knead the dough with a mixer, sprinkle the table with flour, transfer the gingerbread dough into it and continue kneading it by hand. You must use the entire portion of flour. The dough should be very tight and dense, similar to shortbread, even a little harder.

Before preparing New Year's gingerbread cookies, the dough needs to rest for at least half an hour. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for this time. After that, let's start creating holiday baked goods:

  1. Roll out the dough into a layer about 4 millimeters thick, covering it with parchment. Then turn the layer over with the parchment facing down.
  2. Prepare the stencils in advance for which you will cut out the gingerbread cookies. In addition to paper stencils, these can be special cuttings or molds made of tin or silicone. If you use paper blanks, it is best to make them from parchment so that they do not stick to the dough.
  3. Now place the stencils on the dough so that they do not overlap each other. Using a very thin, sharp knife, cut out the outlines. You can use various available tools. For example, cocktail straws are quite suitable for creating small holes.
  4. Now cover the baking sheet with parchment and grease it a small amount melted butter. Carefully, using a wide spatula, transfer all the preparations to the parchment. There is no need to leave gaps between them, since the gingerbread dough does not increase much in volume.
  5. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees in advance, then place a baking sheet with gingerbread cookies there, bake for about 5 minutes depending on the thickness of the product. The finished gingerbread cookies will darken and will seem very dry at first, but when they cool, the dough will become softer and juicier.

Place all the gingerbreads on a plate in one layer and cool to room temperature. Before decorating such products, the dough must cool completely, otherwise the glaze will not stick to the surface.

To decorate New Year's gingerbread cookies, a special glaze is required. We offer the simplest and most affordable recipe glazes for painting:

  1. Separate one cooled egg white and pour it into a clean container without traces of fat. In this recipe, you do not need to beat the egg whites until fluffy with a mixer; just stir them lightly with a fork or whisk.
  2. Then carefully add 200 grams of finely ground powdered sugar to the protein through a sieve, remembering to constantly stir the mass. Mix everything until smooth. The mixture should resemble cake cream.
  3. Now squeeze one tablespoon of juice from the lemon, be sure to strain it so that no seeds or pulp get into it. Pour lemon juice into the glaze and knead for about 3 minutes with a silicone or wooden spatula.
  4. To obtain colored glaze you will need liquid dyes. It is best to use gel ones, they are thicker and combine better with icing and creams. Add dyes very carefully to ensure a natural color.

Now let's start with the design:

  1. The most difficult thing to make is a three-dimensional gingerbread tree. To do this, while the dough is still hot, make a cut from top to bottom about 2/3 of the length of one piece. After this, insert a second flat piece into the groove so that both of them are at right angles to each other.
  2. To cover the Christmas tree you will need green and Brown. Brown glaze using pastry bag Apply it to the trunk with a narrow nozzle and paint the branches of the Christmas tree with green glaze.
  3. We paint the rest of the flat decorations as desired. You can apply different glaze patterns to them. different colors, snowflakes, draw deer, stars and other indispensable attributes of the New Year.
  4. In addition, you can decorate gingerbread cookies with multi-colored confectionery sprinkles, colored coconut flakes, chocolate shards or crumbs.
  5. The glaze takes about half an hour to dry, but if you applied a thick layer of glaze it may take longer to dry.

New Year's gingerbread figures will become your whole family's favorite treat for the New Year. You can make them the center of your holiday table and also decorate your Christmas tree.

These painted “goodies” allow you to fill your home with a magical holiday atmosphere - Christmas trees, snowflakes and snowmen in lace clothes cannot be compared with the “store” offerings. Moreover, gingerbread for the New Year 2017 will also be appreciated by the owner of the coming year - who prefers everything budget and natural in an unusual design.


  • Butter – 115 g
  • Sugar – 65 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Honey – 150 g
  • Cinnamon and ginger - 1 tsp each.
  • Cloves, cinnamon - 0.5 tsp each.
  • Soda – ½ tsp.
  • Flour – 375 g

Preparation: Beat butter and sugar with a mixer, add egg, honey and spices. At high speed, bring the mixture to a homogeneous mass, then add flour sifted with soda to it - flour should be added in portions until the dough becomes “obedient” and stops sticking to your hands. Wrap the finished ball of gingerbread dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour (the longer the dough is kept in the cold, the easier it will be to work with). Next, place the gingerbread dough on parchment, roll out a layer of 3-5 mm thick and cut out figures. Bake gingerbread for 7-10 minutes at a temperature of 175-180 degrees. The longer the gingerbreads are in the oven, the crispier they will be. Therefore, if you want to get tender cookies, then 5 minutes will be enough to bake them.

"Chocolate" gingerbread cookies

This recipe gingerbread for the New Year is not very different from the classic one, but the sweets prepared using it turn out to be more fluffy and do not lose these properties for several months.


  • Sugar – 120 g
  • Honey – 100 g
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Soda – 1 tsp.
  • Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp.
  • Flour – 500 g
  • Ginger, cinnamon - 1 tsp each.

Preparation: Beat all ingredients without flour using a mixer. Gradually adding flour to knead an elastic, but not tight dough. Wrap the gingerbread dough in plastic and refrigerate. After this, roll out a thin layer and cut out the figures. Bake for 7-8 minutes at 180 degrees.

“Custard” gingerbread with glaze

Gingerbread for the New Year - a recipe for the “correct” dough |

“Custard” gingerbread, the recipe of which differs from others in the process of preparing the dough, is considered by many experts to be the most “correct”. These New Year's gingerbread cookies are completely free of leavening agents, but as a result they turn out very fluffy and tender.


  • Butter – 300 g
  • Honey – 100 g
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Vodka (cognac) – 2 tbsp. (instead of baking powder)
  • Ground ginger – 2 tbsp.
  • Cloves, cinnamon - 1 tsp each.
  • Flour ~ 700 g

Preparation: Melt honey, butter and sugar in a water bath. Cool the butter-honey mixture to 80 degrees and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Flour should be added in portions so that the dough is not tight, but elastic. Place the gingerbread dough in the refrigerator for several hours (the longer the better), then roll it out into a layer, cut out the shapes and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

Gingerbread - recipe for “royal” icing

After the gingerbread cookies are ready, it’s time for the most exciting and imaginative process of decorating them. To “transform” ordinary figures into works culinary arts glaze (“icing”) is used, which is prepared as simply as the gingerbread cookies themselves.

Basic "icing"


  • 2 egg whites
  • 500 g powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

Preparation: combine the whites with powdered sugar and beat them into a fluffy mass using a mixer. When the mass thickens and acquires a glossy shine, add to the glaze. lemon juice. The readiness of the glaze is checked as follows: the white mass should not drain from the mixer whisk.

"Icing" for filling gingerbread

Basic “icing” for decorating New Year’s gingerbread cookies is usually used to apply contours or volumetric fragments. But for filling a large area of ​​gingerbread with glaze, pouring “icing” is more suitable, which has a more liquid consistency and allows you to create an even and smooth surface of the gingerbread.

To prepare the “filling” glaze, you can take part of the thick base “icing” and carefully dilute it with water. Its consistency should be quite liquid. You can check this this way: run a knife across the surface of the glaze and if the mark disappears after 10 seconds, then you have achieved the correct thickness.

Filling icings are usually made in different colors to New Year's figures sparkled with a variety of colors. To do this, most cooks use food colorings, but you can paint over the glaze using improvised means.

Natural dyes for gingerbread glaze:

  • Brown color – cocoa powder;
  • Yellow color – turmeric;
  • Orange color – paprika, carrot juice;
  • Green – spinach juice;
  • Red – juice of red berries or beets.

Gingerbread for New Year 2017: cooking secrets

For novice housewives who decided to make New Year's gingerbread for the first time, experienced confectioners We recommend that you familiarize yourself with some of the “tricks” of gingerbread making.

  • The gingerbread dough should rest and chill for several hours before shaping and baking. The longer you give the test time to “rest”, the easier it will be to work with.
  • You can cut out figures from gingerbread dough directly on a baking sheet so that they do not lose their shape or break when transferred. Gingerbread cookies should be placed at a distance from each other on a baking sheet, as they increase in size during baking.
  • Ready-made gingerbread cookies must cool before decorating with glaze. Professionals recommend giving them at least a day to do this.
  • Spices should be added to the gingerbread dough in thoroughly crushed and sifted form.
  • If the icing stubbornly does not want to thicken, then you can add 1 tsp. starch, which will help achieve the required consistency and glaze.

And most importantly, gingerbread for the New Year 2017 will definitely turn out if the housewife cooks them in good mood. Thoughts about happiness and love during culinary process They will definitely make New Year’s gingerbread truly “magical” and bring good luck and fortune to your home in the coming year.

Happy and delicious New Year to you!
