Summer recipes from strawberries and strawberries. Strawberry and strawberry desserts. Recipes for nutritious strawberry dishes

Strawberries – quite rich useful substances and vitamins, a berry that sometimes ripens without special care. During the growth process, it absorbs all the minerals a person needs to maintain immunity.

In addition, it tastes quite pleasant (there are practically no people who do not like it, if you exclude allergy sufferers). It is possible to prepare many healthy and tasty dishes based on this berry.

In this article we will present to your attention very simple, delicious and quick strawberry desserts. All recipes are carefully selected for you, dear readers!

Delicate dessert with strawberries and mascarpone

Strawberries go well with many common foods, so you can always make delicious desserts. Many people like the sweet “composition” of this berry and Lombardy (Italian) cheese – mascarpone.

Its consistency is more reminiscent of creamy mass. It is quite smooth and identical to whipped cream.

Mascarpone is a very fatty product, so it is not always healthy large quantities for those people who follow strict diets. But it is still permissible to enjoy it in a certain quantity several times a week.

For production use natural cream, obtained from high-fat milk. Ideally, cows are pre-fed with fresh, environmentally friendly plants. To obtain mascarpone, the cream is combined with tartaric acid and heated to low heat.

Preparation delicate dessert from strawberries:

  • The berries are freed from sepals and specks and washed thoroughly under running water;

  • Take some of the powder and beat the mascarpone with it;

  • Add cream to the mixture;

  • Strawberries are cut into thin slices (carefully so as not to destroy the shape of the berries);
  • The remaining powder is mixed with strawberries;

  • Wait a while until the berries release juice, then drain it;
  • Prepare clean bowls and place berries on the bottom;
  • Strawberries are covered with cream;
  • The next step is to cover the mass with mascarpone;
  • Add more berries, cream, cheese until the bowl is full;
  • A whole strawberry is placed on the top layer, and then the final touch is decoration with mint leaves or crumbs.

A delicious delicacy whose taste will be remembered forever

It is possible to cook anything based on ripe, ripened strawberries. They are usually used to make sweet desserts and give them a certain “zest”, a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

With the right approach to business you can create amazing gourmet desserts, which will pleasantly surprise guests and family. Check out the recipes with photos below.


This popular British dish is based on ripe strawberries. Additional products will be required that, together with such a berry, create a pleasant range of flavors.

Ingredients for making the strawberry trifle dessert:

  • Strawberries – 400 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 120 g;
  • Liqueur – 40 g;
  • Walnuts for garnishing the dish – 80 g;
  • Sweet curd– 400 g;
  • Cream – 300 ml;
  • Ready-made biscuit - 200 g;

Cooking time: 15 minutes. Calorie content: about 1500 kilocalories (for several servings).

Stages of preparing “Trifle”:

  1. The berries are carefully sorted and washed, removing all excess;
  2. About 200 g of berries, 80 g of sugar, liqueur are combined and placed on the stove, where the sugar should completely dissolve;
  3. Whip cream with sugar (40 g), add curd mass, continue beating;
  4. The finished biscuit is cut into small cubes and placed on the bottom of the bowl;
  5. Pieces of biscuit are poured with syrup;
  6. Berries are placed in vases;
  7. The strawberry is covered with a layer of cheese mass;
  8. Add berries and curd mass again;
  9. Top the dessert with crushed nuts;
  10. The dish will be especially tasty if it is cooled in the refrigerator before serving.


This is a very tasty strawberry dessert that can decorate any festive occasion. gala table. It is quite easy to prepare and can be eaten by those who are on a diet.

Ingredients for making sambuca:

Cooking time: up to 20 minutes. Calorie content: up to 350-400 kilocalories.

Preparation of sambuca from strawberries:

  1. The berries are sorted and washed;
  2. Then they are turned into a homogeneous mass using a blender;
  3. Beat the whites until fluffy;
  4. Add granulated sugar and egg whites to the crushed strawberry mass and beat;
  5. Gelatin is poured with water (300 ml), heated gently over low heat until it is completely dissolved;
  6. Continuing the process of whipping the strawberry mass, you need to add dissolved gelatin in a thin stream (it is better if two people do this);
  7. When the mass is thoroughly beaten and acquires a beautiful light shade, it should be poured into bowls and left to cool in a cold place.

Recipe for making cottage cheese dumplings with berries

It's quite tasty and hearty dish for dessert, which can be prepared both for festive table, and on any weekday. It will perfectly complement home menu. It is prepared quickly and does not require exotic products.

Ingredients for cottage cheese dumplings with strawberry:

  • Strawberries – 400 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 150 g;
  • Eggs - three pieces;
  • Vanilla sugar - 5 g;
  • Soda – 2.5 g;
  • Salt – 2.5 g;
  • Vinegar - to extinguish soda;
  • Cottage cheese – 130 g;
  • Flour premium– 650 g;
  • Butter – 35 g;
  • Vegetable oil for lubrication;
  • Sour cream – for seasoning the finished dish.

Cooking time: up to half an hour. Calorie content: about 220 kilocalories per 100 g of dish.

Step-by-step preparation of dumplings with strawberries for dessert:

  1. Strawberries are washed;
  2. Soda and sugar are first quenched with vinegar and combined with cottage cheese;
  3. The cottage cheese is kneaded to combine it with other ingredients;
  4. Add vanilla sugar, eggs, granulated sugar;
  5. After characteristic bubbles appear on the surface of the cottage cheese, the dough begins to knead, while flour is added gradually;
  6. Flour is scattered on a large board or oilcloth;
  7. The dough is made into a kind of roll, then cut into small pieces;
  8. Each piece is rolled out to form a round cake;
  9. Place the filling (strawberries and cottage cheese) in the middle of the flatbread, sprinkle granulated sugar on top, pinch the edges;
  10. Dumplings can be boiled in water, regular saucepan or in a special steamer (in the first case, you need to wait for the water to boil and throw the dumplings into it, in the second case, they are placed in the steamer, cooked the same way in both cases - about 10 minutes);
  11. Once cooked, dumplings can be coated with butter, sprinkled with sugar and served with sour cream.

Quick Recipes

Desserts prepared with this berry are undoubtedly pleasant to the taste. But it’s not always possible to make what you want if you don’t have enough time. However, simple and accessible recipes for everyone allow you not to infringe on yourself when it comes to creating mouth-watering strawberry desserts.

Ice cream

This dish can be prepared very quickly. It is especially tasty in the hot summer season. But at other times of the year you can really enjoy it on a holiday or on a day off, without making any effort. special effort to create it.

Ingredients for strawberry ice cream:

  • Frozen strawberries - 400 g;
  • Granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • Vanillin – 2 g;
  • Cream – 100 ml.

Cooking time – 7 minutes. Calorie content: 400 kilocalories (for several servings).

How to make quick strawberry ice cream:

  1. Strawberries need to be beaten with sugar in a blender;
  2. Add cream, vanilla and beat thoroughly;
  3. The resulting mass can be poured into bowls and carried to the table or placed in the refrigerator.

. Read how to properly prepare for the winter.

Take note of mulberry jam. This delicious delicacy is very easy to prepare.

Have you ever tried physalis jam? , and if you also add orange you will get a completely new taste.

Dessert with yogurt

This recipe is simple and easy instant cooking. It can decorate holiday tables or simply bring pleasure to the family on a day off.

  • Strawberries – 200 g;
  • Plain yogurt without filler – 200 g;
  • High fat cream - 150 g;
  • Mint leaves - a few pieces;
  • Granulated sugar - half a glass.

Cooking time: 10 minutes. Calorie content: up to 250-300 kilocalories.

Preparation quick dessert strawberries with yogurt:

  1. Cleaned, washed strawberry berries puree using a blender;
  2. Combine yogurt with sugar, cream and begin to beat;
  3. First put strawberries on the bottom of the glasses, then a layer of yoghurt-cream mass, then strawberries again - until completely filled;
  4. The resulting dessert is decorated with mint leaves.

Berry-banana tenderness

This quick recipe dessert with strawberries is very simple and accessible to everyone. The only thing is that you will need either thawed or fresh blackberries.

Ingredients you will need:

  • Strawberries themselves – 250 g;
  • Bananas – 60 g;
  • Black chocolate - to decorate the dish;
  • Blackberries – 60 g;
  • Whipped cream – 250 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 100 g.

Cooking time: 10 minutes. Calorie content: about 300 kilocalories.

Preparation of dessert with strawberries, blackberries and banana:

  1. The banana is peeled and cut into small cubes;
  2. Strawberries are washed and cut into thin slices;
  3. The blackberries are washed and all excess is removed;
  4. The chocolate is grated;
  5. The cream is whipped with powdered sugar;
  6. Strawberries are placed at the bottom of the dessert bowl and topped with cream;
  7. Then they put in a banana, again - cream, put in blackberries and again cover with a layer of cream;
  8. Place strawberries on top, decorate with banana slices and sprinkle with chocolate.

Strawberry cocktail with oranges

To prepare such a quick dessert cocktail, not only fresh berries are suitable, but also those that have been stored in the refrigerator for a long time and are not too pleasant to taste (from long storage). It is also simple and you do not need any special cooking skills to create it.


  • Milk – 200 g;
  • Orange – half;
  • Strawberries – 100 g;
  • Milk ice cream – 100 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 80 g;
  • Chocolate – 30 g.

Cooking time: 10 minutes. Calorie content: up to 250 kilocalories.

How to make a strawberry and orange cocktail for dessert:

  1. The orange is peeled;
  2. Strawberries are washed and excess parts are removed;
  3. Berries and orange are thoroughly ground in a blender;
  4. Combine milk, juice (obtained from berries and oranges), sugar, ice cream, beat thoroughly;
  5. Pour the mixture into bowls and sprinkle chocolate on top.

Any housewife has the opportunity to show her own imagination by coming up with an original strawberry dessert, based on well-known ones. The main thing is to take into account the tastes of your family and guests and combine into a single composition only those ingredients that allow you to create the best flavor ranges. Unspoiled berries and fresh produce should be used.

Fresh strawberries are the queen of early summer, driving even the most indifferent people to food crazy with their fragrant aroma. They try to use the appetizing but short-lived berry to the maximum and add it to all kinds of dishes - cocktails, ice cream, creams, baked goods, fruit and regular salads, dairy and fruit desserts, etc.

The season of fresh berries is quickly ending, but the desire to experience its rich taste and aroma does not disappear. In this case, recipes for desserts made from frozen strawberries come to the rescue. Such a product retains all its original substances and organoleptic properties and, accordingly, compares favorably with imported “glass” berries, which can be found on shelves in winter at an astronomical price.

A variety of desserts are prepared from frozen strawberries - compotes and jelly, jelly and natural marmalade, lush pies and burgers, cakes, creams, cocktails, etc.

Below are five simple and available prescription strawberry based.

Yogurt dessert with strawberries

An ideal dessert for fans of fitness and healthy lifestyle. Children with a sweet tooth will also be tempted by it, although the dish is not very sweet due to the presence of natural yogurt.

List of ingredients:

  • Gelatin - according to instructions.
  • Frozen strawberries – 300 g.
  • Heavy cream – 200 ml.
  • Natural yogurt – 200 ml.
  • Powdered sugar – 100 g.
  • Almond petals - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve gelatin in hot water based on 500-700 ml. liquids (dosage for shaking jelly). Strain out any lumps.
  2. Puree the defrosted berries along with the juice and mix with gelatin and part of the powdered sugar.
  3. Whip the ice cream into a fluffy foam along with powdered sugar. Carefully mix the resulting cream with natural yoghurt.
  4. Strawberry puree Place into portioned bowls and let it harden.
  5. Make cream peaks on top with a teaspoon and sprinkle with almond flakes.

Dessert “Strawberry crumble”

Children's dessert, similar in preparation principle to the previous recipe. Cookies are included here. It is advisable to use baked goods such as “Chess”, “Baked Milk” or “For Tea” cookies.

List of ingredients:

  • Fat sour cream – 200-300 g.
  • Strawberry -150 g.
  • Crumbled cookies (Baked milk) – 250 g.
  • Powdered sugar – 150 g.
  • Peach - 1 pc.
  • Nut crumbs – 100-150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. In advance, put the sour cream in multi-layered thick gauze, tie it tightly and hang it over a bowl overnight to drain the whey.
  2. Beat the dried sour cream with powdered sugar until its volume increases by one and a half to two times.
  3. Grind the cookies into crumbs. Puree the strawberries.
  4. Mix together strawberry puree, nut and dough crumbs, and part of the powdered sugar. You should get a dense mass from which you can roll into small balls.
  5. Place strawberry balls in bowls and layer them with cream. Repeat this until the bowls are filled. Make the top layer from sour cream, sprinkled with nut crumbs.
  6. Garnish the dessert with peach slices, peeled from the fluffy skin.

Strawberry cocktail "Fitness"

Main components healthy breakfast– cereals, milk and fructose. In this recipe, these requirements are met - it contains delicate cereals, sweetest strawberry and fresh milk.

List of ingredients:

  • Oat flakes that do not require cooking - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Fresh milk 3-3.5% - 300 ml.
  • Frozen strawberries – 100 g.
  • Honey banana (speckled) – 1 pc.
  • Raisins – 30-50 g.
  • Sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour over raisins hot water. Sort and rinse again.
  2. Grind the flakes and raisins in a blender. If you have plain oatmeal, you must first pour boiling water over it and let it brew for at least 10-15 minutes.
  3. Add chopped banana and thawed strawberries. Pour granulated sugar or powder. Pour in milk and beat.
  4. Serve garnished with mint or cream to taste.

Strawberry sorbet

Oriental delicacy for lovers fragrant berries.

List of ingredients:

  • Frozen strawberries – 500 g.
  • Yolk – 2 - 3 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar – 200 g.
  • Citric acid – a pinch.
  • High fat cream – 500 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cool the cream well in advance. Beat with powdered sugar and leave in the refrigerator for the time being.
  2. Puree the defrosted berries.
  3. Grind the yolks with a little sugar.
  4. Heat the puree and pour the yolk mixture into it little by little. Boil over low heat until slightly thickened. Stir constantly, avoiding burning.
  5. Cool the strawberry base completely.
  6. Mix with a mixer thick puree and whipped cream. Cool and freeze slightly. Beat again until fluffy.
  7. After the second beating, divide into portions and leave in the refrigerator until serving.
  8. Decorate to taste.

Tartlets with strawberries and cheese

Miniature tartlets with the most delicate fillinggreat option dessert for big company. The classic combination of berries and cheese can be spiced up with an unusual juicy note by using the sugary pulp of watermelon.

List of ingredients:

  • Frozen strawberries – 200 g.
  • Ricotta or Mascarpone cheese - 300 g.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Wafer tartlets – 2 packs. 10 pcs.
  • Watermelon pulp - optional.
  • Powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost the berries. If there is too much juice, pour some of it away.
  2. Whisk together soft cheese, strawberries, honey and vanilla sugar. The mass should be dense, but juicy.
  3. Fill the tartlets. On top, above the filling, assemble a miniature hut from thin slices of watermelon.
  4. Place the tartlets in the refrigerator. Place the filling in them 15 minutes before serving. In this case, the waffles will be slightly saturated with moisture and will not be hard. If you assemble the dessert too early, the baskets will become very soggy.
  5. Before serving, sprinkle the watermelon huts with powdered sugar.
  6. Lazy strawberry pie in a slow cooker

    Frozen strawberries make excellent not only sophisticated desserts with cream and cheese, but also quite ordinary pies. Here is an incredibly simple baking recipe that the housewife herself will actually spend only 5-8 minutes making. The slow cooker will do the rest.

    List of ingredients:

  • Wheat flour – 300 g.
  • Baking powder - 1 kg. test.
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Salt.
  • Strawberries – 200 g.
  • Yogurt – 150 ml. or
  • Low-fat sour cream (10-18%) – 150 ml.
  • Refined oil – 30-50 ml.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Do not completely defrost the strawberries. The berries should remain slightly firm. If you get a lot of juice, drain it.
  2. Sift the bulk ingredients - flour, sugar and soda or baking powder. When using soda instead of baking powder, you need to include sour yogurt or sour cream in the list of products. A sweet flavored drink will not work, as it does not contain acid that causes a gas-forming reaction.
  3. Wash the lemon with soap. Grate the zest from it and squeeze out 2 tbsp. l. juice
  4. Add yogurt, juice and zest, beaten eggs, 1 tbsp to the bulk mixture. l. oils
  5. Knead a dough that is firm but moist and sticks to your hands. Add berries without juice.
  6. Grease the multicooker container with oil and pour in the dough. Set the baking mode for approximately one hour. Check the condition of the cake periodically, as the moisture content of the dough may vary and the cooking time may vary.
  7. It is very difficult to achieve in a slow cooker delicious crust baked goods, so don’t keep it inside for too long. If the pie is pierced well with a skewer, then you can take it out.
  8. It will turn out pale on top and well browned on the bottom.
  9. Cool and serve. If desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Strawberry - favorite treat, both children and adults. The time for its ripening is June-July, at which time the shelves of supermarkets and spontaneous markets are bursting with the abundance of this tasty and healthy berry.

In addition to the fact that strawberries are delicious in themselves, they are used to prepare great amount original desserts. Here are some of them. We hope you can choose a strawberry dish that will delight your guests and household members. Bon appetit!

Curd and strawberry dessert

To prepare it, you will need about one kilogram of ripe sweet strawberries, 250 g of curd mass and eight tablespoons of honey.

We start by thoroughly grinding the curd mass or whole cottage cheese. Divide the entire volume of berries in half. One half will be used to prepare the juice (the berries are squeezed out to obtain it), which then needs to be mixed with cottage cheese and 4 tablespoons of honey. If the honey is slightly sugared and frozen, it can be melted using a water bath.

After the curd mass becomes homogeneous, place it portionwise into dessert bowls, placing whole strawberries around the perimeter. Before serving, pour the remaining honey over the dish.

Dessert with strawberries and rice

A similar rice-strawberry mixture will be wonderful breakfast or lunch, especially on a hot sunny day, when you want to eat something tasty, light and nutritious.

We will need: one and a half glasses of strawberries, one glass of rice and the same amount of whipped cream, sugar and milk.

First of all, cook the viscous rice porridge in milk (don’t forget that the rice must be rinsed under water before cooking), be sure to add sugar to taste and let it cool a little. Cut the strawberries in half or quarters and gently mix with rice porridge. Add whipped cream with sugar there. The dessert must be cooled before serving. To do this, put it in molds and put it in the refrigerator for an hour or an hour and a half.

Strawberries cooked in dough

It’s unlikely that any of you have used strawberries for frying in dough before. We want to tell you about just such a recipe. To fry our strawberries in batter you will need:

  • one and a half glasses of lukewarm milk;
  • one glass of premium wheat flour;
  • one tablespoon of powdered milk;
  • one teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • one-half teaspoon of table soda;
  • three tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • refined vegetable oil for cooking deep fat;
  • fresh strawberries.

Combine milk, flour, cinnamon, soda and knead the dough for our batter. Carefully ensure that it is not too liquid and envelops the berry. We suggest immediately putting the prepared berries into the dough.

After this, you need to heat the frying pan by first pouring oil into it. We begin to fry the berries, one by one lowering them into deep fat. On average, this procedure will take you three to four minutes. It is better to remove the berries with a slotted spoon (a large flat spoon with holes) and place them on a previously prepared napkin or paper towel. Before serving, strawberry dough balls are sprinkled with powdered sugar and decorated with slices of fresh strawberries.

Count's Strawberry Dessert

During cooking we will need 15 g edible gelatin, 3 cups strawberries and one cup sugar.

So, let's start cooking by thoroughly rinsing the berries under running water. Then, using a blender, grind the strawberries until fruit puree. If you don’t have a blender at hand, don’t worry. You can make a puree by passing the berries through a sieve. Combine the puree with sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

After this, take the gelatin and dissolve it according to the instructions in a warm boiled water. After it swells, heat it in a water bath, strain, let it cool and mix with berry puree. That's it, let's lay out our fruit dessert into the molds and put it in the cold so that it hardens thoroughly.

Dessert with strawberries Countly style will appeal to both adults and children. For the latter, you can choose molds in the form of animals or cartoon characters and then the dish will become doubly tasty and original.

Strawberry desserts - ideas

Strawberry is universal product for preparing not only desserts. It makes the most delicious jam and jam. We suggest you stock up on strawberries for the winter by freezing the berries and putting them in refrigerator. In cold weather, you can pamper yourself and your household delicious compotes and just fresh and healthy berries.

Strawberries are very tasty and healthy berry. Of course, you can eat it that way. But strawberry desserts no less useful and very diverse. There are so many options that there will be plenty of recipes for the entire strawberry season.

And at the same time they will never get boring. Considering that strawberry season is in the summer, the best options desserts made from aromatic berries can be delicacies without baking. This is important in hot weather, especially since in this version the berries retain their beneficial substances more fully.

Strawberry ice cream

To prepare 6 servings you need:

  • 2 cups of berries,
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar, which can be replaced with honey,
  • and a glass of yogurt.
  • Can be made from either fresh or frozen strawberries.

Cooking sequence:

  1. The berries are covered with sugar and crushed to a puree.
  2. Then add yogurt and mix everything.
  3. The berry mass is laid out in silicone molds, stick sticks into the middle and put them in the freezer for 6 hours. Read more: .


  • Biscuit cookies (savoiardi) - 200 g
  • Frozen strawberries - 250 g
  • Orange juice - 100 ml
  • Cointreau - 60 ml
  • Granulated sugar - 90 g
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 5 ml
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Mascarpone - 250 g
  • Strawberries - 200 g


  1. Tiramisu requires special biscuit cookies savoiardi, which can be bought at finished form or cook it yourself.
  2. Thaw the strawberries, combine with juice and liqueur and blend well in a blender until smooth puree is obtained.
  3. Add sugar to the whites, 2 tbsp. water, a teaspoon of lemon juice, put on water bath and beat first for 4 minutes at low speed until the sugar dissolves, then increase the speed to maximum and beat for another 4 minutes. The cream will thicken greatly; remove it from the heat and continue whisking for another 3-4 minutes until it cools down.
  4. Mix the yolks with the remaining sugar and beat until white in a water bath (3-4 minutes).
  5. Mash the mascarpone well with a spoon and stir, gradually adding the beaten yolks. It is better not to use an electric mixer so that the mascarpone does not separate.
  6. Gently fold the whipped whites into the resulting cream.
  7. IN big shape or small portion molds put a little cream (1.5-2 cm). Dip the savoiardi one at a time on both sides in strawberry impregnation, and place tightly on top of the cream.
  8. Place a layer of thinly sliced ​​strawberries on top of the soaked cookies. Then repeat the layer of cream-cookie-strawberry-cream again. Cover the tiramisu with cling film and refrigerate for 3-4 hours or longer.
  9. Garnish with sliced ​​fresh strawberries. If desired, you can sprinkle with cinnamon; this enhances the taste well.

Mille-feuille cake with strawberries


  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 g
  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar - 60 g
  • Fresh strawberries - 250 g
  • Frozen yeast-free puff pastry - 1 sheet
  • Mint - 1 sprig


  1. Prepare your ingredients.
  2. Lightly roll out the dough (in one direction), cut into 6 pieces for two persons (3 pieces for one person).
  3. Place on a baking sheet, pierce with a fork all over the surface of the cakes. Bake in an oven preheated to 190ᵒC until cooked for 10-15 minutes (until light brown).
  4. Cool the cakes.
  5. Trim the edges.
  6. Beat with a whisk or mixer (until white) yolk with powdered sugar.
  7. Add Mascarpone and beat everything together a little.
  8. Wash the strawberries.
  9. Cut into slices, leaving a few berries for decoration.
  10. Assemble two cakes by layering the cakes with cream and strawberry slices.
  11. Also coat the top layer with cream, decorate with berries and a sprig of mint, and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Strawberry treat


  • Strawberries - 300 g
  • Powdered sugar - 30 g
  • Jelly - 1 packet
  • Cottage cheese - 300 g
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Plain water - 100 ml
  • Gelatin - 10 g


  1. Bag ready jelly pour boiling water over it. Pour the resulting liquid into tall glasses.
  2. In order for the jelly to harden not in an even layer, but in a beautiful diagonal, the glasses need to be placed in the refrigerator at an angle...
  3. While it freezes strawberry jelly, let's cook curd layer. It's very simple - mix cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream to taste. Grind thoroughly. In a cup, dilute 10 g of gelatin in 100 ml of water, stir thoroughly and add to the cottage cheese.
  4. Spread the curd mass on the already slightly frozen strawberry jelly. And put the glasses in the refrigerator again to harden.
  5. The strawberries need to be chopped. Mix strawberry puree with powdered sugar so that the taste of the puree is harmonious, without grains of sugar.
  6. Place strawberry sweet puree on the curd layer.
  7. It's the nut's turn. You can use any nuts you like. Chop the nuts finely.
  8. Chopped nuts should be placed on an almost finished dessert.
  9. Place strawberries on top of the nuts, you can whole them or cut them into pieces.

Strawberry panna cotta recipe


  • 2 teaspoons gelatin
  • 2 tablespoons cold water
  • 500 gr. fresh strawberries, quartered
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 120 ml. milk
  • 250 ml. cream 33%
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • berries, for serving


  1. Pour gelatin cold water in a small bowl and let stand for 5 minutes.
  2. Combine strawberries, sugar and salt in a medium saucepan over medium heat.
  3. Cook, stirring the berries with a spoon, until they are soft and thick. homogeneous mass, about 8 minutes. Strain through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl, also straining out the solids.
  4. Return berry puree into a saucepan; add milk and bring to a boil (small bubbles appear around the edge of the pan).
  5. Add gelatin mixture and stir for 1 minute until completely dissolved. Remove the pan from the heat and let stand for 5 minutes.
  6. Add cream and lemon juice until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  7. Prepare six (each approximately 120 ml) molds. To avoid air bubbles on the surface, pour the mixture into the molds through a fine-mesh sieve.
  8. Cover the top with a lid or film and carefully place in the refrigerator. Refrigerate until set, at least 4 hours or overnight.
  9. Serve with fresh berries. Bon appetit!


  • Cottage cheese 200 g
  • Milk 100 ml
  • Granulated sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • Strawberry 100 g

How to cook strawberries with cottage cheese:

  1. Rinse the strawberries and remove the sepals. Cut into medium sized cubes.
  2. Transfer the cottage cheese to a bowl and mash. Add sugar.
  3. Pour milk over the cottage cheese and mix the ingredients until smooth.
  4. Add 2/3 of the chopped strawberries and mix gently.
  5. The dish is ready! Carefully transfer the curd to a clean plate, forming 4 small balls. Can be submitted to common dish, or you can do it in separate portions. Decorate the cottage cheese with the remaining strawberry cubes, whole berries and leaves.


  • 200 g cookies (dry)
  • 90 g butter
  • 150 g cottage cheese (homemade)
  • 150 g strawberries
  • 20 g coconut flakes
  • 2 tbsp. powdered sugar


  1. I offer a recipe for strawberry balls. They prepare quite quickly and are not at all difficult. The result is very tasty and tender balls that combine sweetness with the pleasant sourness of strawberries. Break the cookies (I have children's cookies) into pieces and place in a blender.
  2. Grind the cookies into crumbs. Transfer the crumbs to another container. Melt the butter and add to the crumb mixture. Mix well. Next add cottage cheese (I use homemade) and powdered sugar.
  3. Knead the dough well, preferably with your hands. Peel and wash fresh strawberries.
  4. Pinch off a small piece of dough and roll into a ball, approximately the size of Walnut, knead it into a cake.
  5. Place a strawberry in the middle of the flatbread. Carefully cover the berry with dough and roll into a ball.
  6. In this way, make balls until the dough runs out. The dough does not stick to your hands, it is very pleasant to work with. Roll each ball in coconut flakes, place on a dish and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to harden. Decorate the finished balls as desired and can be served.


  • Ready-made pancakes - 4 pcs.,
  • 100 g thick sour cream,
  • 0.5 cans of condensed milk,
  • 1 banana
  • strawberries - to taste.


  1. Mix sour cream with condensed milk.
  2. Cut the banana and strawberries lengthwise into 4 pieces.
  3. Grease each pancake with sour cream.
  4. Place one banana slice on the pancake.
  5. Place strawberries along the banana.
  6. Wrap the pancakes in rolls. Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  7. When serving, cut the pancakes into pieces of the same size and pour over the remaining cream.

Strawberry cashewshake

For 4 servings you need:

  • half a glass of almonds,
  • dates,
  • coconut milk,
  • twice the amount of strawberries and cashews,
  • 1-2 lemons,
  • a little salt
  • 2 spoons of honey.


  1. almonds and dates are ground in a blender and mixed with salt;
  2. Place tightly in a mold, covering its bottom with cling film - this is the first layer;
  3. cashews, lemon juice, honey and coconut milk mix until creamy and 2/3 of the resulting mass is laid out as the second layer;
  4. berries are added to the remaining part and laid on top of the previous layers;
  5. Freeze the cake for several hours, and before serving, move the delicacy from the freezer to the refrigerator.

Stuffed strawberries

For a kilogram of selected and the same size berries you will need:

  • 250 grams of children's curd cheese;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a little vanilla and grated chocolate For decoration.
  • For adults instead curd cheese You can use Philadelphia cheese.

The technology for preparing this treat is simple:

  1. cut each berry with the letter “X”;
  2. beat cottage cheese, sugar and vanilla into cream and fill cut berries with it;
  3. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top.

With cream and chocolate

In addition to strawberries, you need cream, chocolate and a little orange juice(adults can substitute liquor). Chocolate and cream are heated separately to 40 degrees and mixed with juice. The tops of the berries are cut out and filled with a cooled chocolate-cream mixture.

With cream cheese

Prepare a mixture of whipped cream with sugar and add cream cheese. Then, similarly to the previous recipe, the berries are stuffed. It is better to do this using a pastry bag or syringe. This delicacy is best served with honey and roasted walnuts.

Cake with cottage cheese and strawberries


  • dry breakfast, oatmeal or crushed cookies - 2 cups;
  • 2 cups strawberries;
  • 300 grams fat cottage cheese and the same amount of fruit yogurt;
  • 5 spoons of sugar;
  • gelatin – 1 pack.

Cooking technology:

  1. First, dilute the gelatin according to the directions on the package.
  2. Then put the dry base into the mold with a small amount of melted butter and sugar.
  3. Place the strawberries cut in half tightly on top of this.
  4. Pour the whipped mixture of cottage cheese, yogurt and melted gelatin over the berries.
  5. Let it harden in the refrigerator. Then decorate the treat with strawberries or chocolate. Read more: .

Serving options and storage methods

When serving strawberry desserts without baking, you should take advantage of all the advantages of combining such colors as:

  • bright red strawberries;
  • green sprigs of mint;
  • white or brown chocolate.

These are the main colors of numerous compositions. You can add other contrasting fruits: mango, kiwi, peach, blueberry and others. Together they look great. Their flavor range is varied and rich.

These delicacies can be served in transparent glasses where the multi-colored layers are visible. You can make various figures from them using silicone molds until they harden. And then put these delicacies on a tray or wide plate. different shapes and coloring.

As one of the options interesting presentation goodies you can consider the following:

  • the dish is laid out in a 3-5 centimeter layer on a large plate in the shape of a strawberry, decorated with slices of berries on top;
  • a semblance of a tail is made from mint sprigs;
  • such a delicacy can be placed on a plate in the form of a tower and decorated in the same way as in the previous case.

These delicacies do not last long. It's better to eat them fresh. To do this, it is worth calculating the required number. Many of them can be prepared quickly. Therefore, you should not do it right away large portion, because the next day the treats will lose their appearance and taste.

Strawberry desserts can also be prepared for the holiday table. And to remember the taste of summer, the berries can be frozen and then each of the strawberry desserts can be prepared at any time of the year.

I decided to cook one strawberry dessert recipe every day, you can see photos of these desserts, and cook delicious treats very simple.

Recipe for a very simple strawberry dessert with yogurt and cream

This is a very simple dessert and also very tasty! It can be prepared for any summer holiday.

To prepare a simple strawberry dessert we will need:

  1. unsweetened yogurt without additives
  2. heavy cream
  3. the strawberry itself
  4. sugar

The amount of ingredients depends on the number of servings, I used it by eye.

How to make a simple dessert:

  • Wash the berries, remove the leaves, then grind them in a blender.
  • Mix cream and yoghurt and add a small amount of sugar and beat it all.
  • Place chopped strawberries in beautiful transparent bowls or glasses, top with whipped cream and yogurt, and garnish with mint leaves.

Recipe for a sweet strawberry dessert with cookies

To prepare a sweet strawberry dessert we will need

  1. strawberry
  2. sweet cookies
  3. heavy cream
  4. sour cream
  5. condensed milk
  6. caramel or any other syrup
  7. mint leaves

Method for preparing sweet strawberry dessert

  • Crumble the cookies into medium crumbs and add a little condensed milk to it, mix.
  • Mix sour cream with cream and beat.
  • Cut the berries into medium pieces.
  • Now place in transparent portion containers in layers: a mixture of cookie crumbs and condensed milk, a mixture of sour cream and cream, pieces of berries. Repeat layers 2 times. Decorate the top with mint leaves.

This strawberry dessert is best eaten chilled. Place desserts in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then we take it out and pour a small amount of syrup on it. These sweet strawberry desserts are delicious!

Recipe for morning dessert of strawberries with currants and banana

You can please your loved ones for breakfast with this strawberry dessert. Strawberry dessert is prepared for one or two, it is tasty, healthy, invigorates and good mood! Even the photo shows that preparing this dessert is very simple.

To prepare this morning strawberry dessert we will need

  1. strawberries
  2. currants (I used frozen)
  3. banana
  4. unsweetened yogurt
  5. cornflakes
  6. mint leaves

Method for preparing morning strawberry dessert

  • We wake up, go to the kitchen, hum a song and make a strawberry dessert!
  • Cut strawberries and banana into slices.
  • Add a small amount of honey to the yogurt and mix.
  • We take beautiful bowls and put them in: strawberry slices, corn flakes, banana slices, currants and separate them with yogurt. We put our favorite decoration on top - mint leaves.

Morning strawberry dessert - as easy as shelling pears - ready! Let's enjoy the taste and go ahead to conquer the heights of life!

Recipe for children's strawberry dessert - sweet berries

Children love sweet and unusual things. Therefore, the strawberry dessert “sweet berries” can be prepared using children's party. It will take little preparation time, and children will be happy to enjoy this original children's dessert.

To prepare a children's dessert, we need sweet berries

  1. strawberries
  2. dark and White chocolate
  3. coconut crumbs
  4. sesame seeds
  5. mint leaves

Method for preparing children's strawberry dessert sweet berries

  • Wash the berries and remove the leaves, then gently blot them with a napkin so that the berries are dry.
  • Melt dark and white chocolate and place in separate containers.
  • Pour poppy seeds, coconut crumbs and sesame seeds into separate bowls.
  • Dip each berry first into melted chocolate and then into the chosen decoration and place it on a large plate.
  • When all the berries are decorated, put the dish in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • Before serving the dish with strawberry dessert, decorate with mint leaves.

Recipe for a quick strawberry and orange cocktail

It is not always convenient to use strawberries to make desserts from whole berries. On the fifth day, our berries lost a little of their attractive appearance. And then I decided it was time to make a strawberry smoothie. It’s very quick to prepare, and you get no less pleasure than from eating whole berries.

To prepare a strawberry and orange cocktail we will need

  1. strawberries fresh or frozen
  2. milk
  3. ice cream - ice cream
  4. oranges
  5. mint and sugar for decoration

How to make strawberry and orange cocktail

  • Grind the berries in a blender, peel the orange and also grind in a blender to the finest state.
  • Then mix ice cream, milk and orange and beat into a single mixture.
  • Wipe the edges of tall glasses with an orange slice and dip in sugar.
  • Place the first layer with a mixture of strawberries, pour a mixture of orange, milk and ice cream on top, and decorate with mint.

Mysterious strawberry dessert recipe for adults

Why mysterious? Because looking at a photo of a strawberry dessert, you won’t guess until you try what’s included in it. This dessert contains a little alcohol, so it is suitable only for adults. It can be prepared for a romantic meeting. Strawberries, cream, a little cognac, and that’s not all... - this dessert excites the imagination...

What do you need to prepare an adult dessert of strawberries and cognac?

  1. fresh strawberries
  2. whipping cream
  3. cognac
  4. chocolate or coffee liqueur
  5. powdered sugar or coconut flakes

Method for preparing dessert for adults with cognac

  • Beat some of the strawberries in a food processor. Cut some into quarters or halves and pour them with a small amount of cognac.
  • Break the meringue into small pieces.
  • Whip the cream until soft peaks form.
  • Place a mixture of berries, meringue and cream into beautiful glasses.
  • Top with whipped strawberries and chocolate liqueur and sprinkle with powder or coconut.
  • This dessert should be eaten with small spoons. You can treat them to each other)))

Recipe for Italian strawberry dessert with mascarpone cheese

Italy, how many delicious desserts it gave us: tiramisu, pears in red wine and others original recipes. Today I decided to cook italian dessert from strawberries.

To prepare an Italian strawberry dessert we will need

  1. mascarpone cheese
  2. strawberry
  3. gelatin
  4. mint leaves
  5. caramel liqueur

How to make Italian strawberry dessert

  • Dissolve a small amount of gelatin in hot water. Wait until it cools down.
  • At this time, wash and peel the strawberries. Cut some strawberries into slices for decoration. Beat part of it in a blender.
  • Add mascarpone cheese and gelatin to strawberries.
  • Mix and place in beautiful dessert containers.
  • Place the strawberry dessert in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • Before serving the strawberry dessert, garnish it with strawberry slices, mint and top with caramel syrup.

Recipe for an original strawberry dessert

This original strawberry dessert is quick and easy to prepare. It can be prepared for both breakfast and dinner. It is also suitable for the holiday table. Overall, this original strawberry dessert is versatile and so delicious that both adults and children will love it.

Ingredients for making original strawberry dessert

  1. strawberry
  2. oranges
  3. wafer rolls
  4. sugar
  5. yogurt
  6. cream

Method for preparing an original strawberry dessert

The photo of the strawberry dessert shows the entire preparation process, but I will still describe all the points in order:

  • Peel the oranges and cut them into small slices.
  • Beat the strawberries into a homogeneous mass.
  • We leave some of the wafer rolls for decoration, and crumble the other part.
  • Whip yogurt with cream, adding a small amount of sugar.
  • Now add layers: orange slices, strawberry mixture, waffle crumbs, whipped cream with yogurt.
  • Decorate the top with strawberry slices waffle rolls, and orange slices.

Refreshing strawberry cocktail

A strawberry mint cocktail is perfect for quenching your thirst in the summer heat.

All of my strawberry desserts are easy to make. This can be seen from their photographs; the refreshing cocktail is no exception. It only takes 5-10 minutes to prepare.

Ingredients for making a refreshing strawberry cocktail

  1. strawberry
  2. ice cream
  3. milk
  4. a lot of mint

How to make a refreshing mint-strawberry cocktail

  • From large quantity Squeeze the mint juice.
  • Beat the berries into a homogeneous mass.
  • Then mix whipped strawberries, mint juice with ice cream and milk and beat the resulting mixture in a blender.
  • A refreshing strawberry-mint cocktail is ready!

Recipe for a delicious dessert of cottage cheese and strawberries with cookies

Probably, out of all 10 strawberry desserts, this delicious dessert will require a little more effort. In addition, to prepare it you will need dessert molds. But it is so tasty and beautiful that I couldn’t resist making it.

What do we need to prepare a delicious dessert of cottage cheese and strawberries?

  1. strawberry
  2. cottage cheese
  3. macaroons
  4. natural yogurt
  5. sugar
  6. gelatin
  7. lemon zest
  8. mint leaves
  9. molds
  10. cling film

How to make a delicious dessert from strawberries and cottage cheese

  • Soak gelatin in cold water.
  • Wash and dry the strawberries (with a paper towel). We remove some of the berries for decoration, and chop some finely.
  • Crush the cookies to small sizes.
  • Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix it with yogurt, add to this mixture lemon zest and sugar, mix until smooth.
  • The gelatin has swollen by this time, dissolve it in a water bath and then add it to the resulting curd mixture, add strawberry slices and mix.
  • In molds on cling film Place the crumbled cookies.
  • Top with curd and berry mixture.
  • Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • Before serving, take the desserts out of the molds, remove the cling film, and decorate with whole berries and mint.

I hope the photos of strawberry desserts have inspired you to please yourself and your loved ones with these delicious and healthy delicacies.

Do you want to surprise your loved one in any way? interesting recipe? I suggest you cook
