We marinate pork meat quickly and tasty. Cooking quick shish kebab with kefir marinade. Making marinade from soy sauce

Sometimes the idea of ​​getting out into nature appears spontaneously. There is no time to prepare, but I really want to eat delicious fragrant kebab, cooked on the fire! How to quickly marinate pork kebab? Precisely for such a case - recipes simple marinade"quickly"!

Before you start marinating pork “quickly”, remember: no marinade can save the taste if you don’t know the basic rules for cooking barbecue. All the nuances are important - from the choice of meat to the subtleties of frying!

  1. For cooking shish kebab choose the neck(s) of fresh pork. You can also cook tenderloin; this kebab will not contain excess fat. Current.
  2. Cut the meat in large pieces across the fibers. A piece of meat for threading on a skewer should be about 4-5 cm2. Pieces of meat that are too small tend to be too dry.
  3. For marinating meat Do not use aluminum or other metal containers, they are harmful. Glass, enamel or special food containers are your allies. Finally, put a few plastic bags one on top for strength and marinate. Fast and convenient!
  4. When marinating meat, use crushed seasonings and dry spices. In principle, you can marinate in anything, but it is important that there is no residue left on the meat when frying. large pieces seasonings (they tend to burn, giving an unpleasant taste). The exception is onion rings. If you string them on a skewer, they should be thicker.
  5. Do not grill kebabs over an open fire. The top layer of meat may become charred (taste bitter) and the inside may remain raw. Contrary to the well-known saying that hot food is never raw, it is better not to risk eating raw pork.
  6. Do not overcook the kebab. It is enough to turn pieces of properly coarsely chopped meat once a minute. If the coals periodically flare up into flames, do not water them. big amount water. For juiciness, the kebab itself can be lightly poured with wine, beer, champagne or Coca-Cola at the end of cooking (especially if there are children in the company).

How to quickly marinate shish kebab? Top 5 delicious marinades for pork!

I suggest simple recipes marinating pork - meat preparation takes up to an hour. As soon as the wood burns out, you can start frying the shish kebab!

Recipe No. 1: classic and excellent results

Preparing the marinade:

Add 1 tablespoon of salt and a mixture of ground peppers (red, black, white), 2-3 bay leaves to the chopped meat (per 1 kg). If you wish, you can add any dry seasoning - thyme, fenugreek, curry - in a word, whoever prefers what. For those who don’t really like spicy food, focus on paprika or turmeric (they will add beautiful colour kebab).

Mix the meat with spices and salt thoroughly with your hands, and then pour in cool clean water so that it lightly covers the meat. While the coals are burning, which is 30-40 minutes, the meat will become juicy and saturated with seasonings. Nothing extra and wonderful classic kebab you are guaranteed!

Recipe No. 2: quick marinade with mayonnaise

Preparing the marinade:

Add 2 tablespoons of medium fat mayonnaise (30-50%) to the chopped meat (per 1 kg). It is not at all necessary to add store-bought mayonnaise; you can prepare mayonnaise according to homemade recipe. But since we need to quickly marinate the meat, it is advisable to have mayonnaise available in advance.

We don’t need to assume that there won’t be enough mayonnaise; we just need to lightly soak the meat with spices. For excellent taste add a mixture of peppers, Italian or Provençal dry seasonings, in short, whatever you like! Salt - a pinch!

Mix the meat with spices, mayonnaise and salt thoroughly with your hands. About half an hour is enough for it to soak before frying the kebab.

Recipe No. 3: marinade with lemon juice

Preparing the marinade:

Add freshly squeezed juice of one medium-sized lemon or large lime to the chopped meat (per 1 kg). Many are inclined to use vinegar in the marinade, but I recommend sticking with the healthier option. natural version. It could be lemon, lime, kiwi or orange. These Exotic fruits contain the necessary acidity in different proportions- choose what you like. Moreover, if there are children in the company - orange flavor and a minimum of hot pepper!

Squeeze out Fresh Juice without pulp into the meat, add 2 tablespoons of olive or other vegetable refined oil, a pinch of salt and some dry seasonings to taste. Mix the meat and seasonings thoroughly. Basil, dry mint and oregano go well with this marinade. Spicy - to taste, use a mixture of peppers.

Recipe No. 4: delicious quick tomato marinade

Preparing the marinade:

Add a glass of tomato juice to the chopped meat (per 1 kg). It can be made from fresh tomatoes(scroll through a meat grinder or blender 2-3 juicy large tomatoes). Regular tomato juice from the store is also suitable for marinade; pay attention to the label - the higher its concentration, the better. For quick tomato marinade you can simply dilute 50 -70 grams of tomato paste (at least 25%) in a glass of cool, clean water.

Mix the meat and tomatoes thoroughly, add a pinch of salt and seasoning to taste and spiciness. Onion juice (that's juice!) is welcome. Chop a couple of onions and squeeze out the juice, without pulp. Add to tomato marinade. Onion pulp is good to use for a longer marinade, when you have the opportunity to leave the meat overnight, for 10 hours. But when time is short, and you need a quick way to marinate meat, the onion pulp will not have time to be absorbed, but will only add an unpleasant bitterness to the kebab .

Recipe No. 5: original soy sauce and Coca-Cola marinade

Preparing the marinade:

At first glance, this unusual combination ingredients, in Lately widely used in cooking. And since we are considering quick ways marinating meat for barbecue, then it is this marinade that manages to “penetrate” the meat in 30-40 minutes!

For 1 kg of meat we will need 1.5 -2 glasses of Coca-Cola, 3 tablespoons of classic soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil. Do not salt the meat, because soy sauce contains enough salt! Also squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic and add a teaspoon ground pepper(scented or chili, it’s up to you!). Dry thyme or oregano are good seasonings for this marinade. Mix everything well, and after half an hour the meat can be fried.

Take note of these simple recipes for quick marinating pork for barbecue and try them in nature! Of course, don't forget about quality meat And proper frying. With these marinades delicious kebab without unnecessary hassle guaranteed for you! Bon appetit!

When going outdoors, you always think about how to quickly marinate meat so that the kebab turns out juicy, aromatic and incredibly tasty. There are many answers to this question, and today we will tell you about several original methods.

How to quickly marinate pork kebab?


  • pork (neck) – 1.5 kg;
  • table vinegar– 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • cool water – 8 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • onion – 3 pcs.;


To quickly marinate pork kebab in vinegar, wash the meat, cut into pieces and rub with spices. We clean the onion and chop it into large rings. For the marinade, dilute the vinegar with water and add sugar. Pour the resulting mixture over the pork pieces and sprinkle with onions. Mix the ingredients with your hands, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

How to quickly marinate pork for barbecue?


  • – 315 ml;
  • pork pulp – 980 g;
  • large onions – 4 pcs.;
  • spices.


We process the meat and divide it into small portions. Next, put them in a deep container, sprinkle with spices, mix and leave for 15 minutes. Peel the onions and chop them into thin half rings. Pour homemade mayonnaise over the meat and sprinkle onion rings, mix with your hands and put the container in the refrigerator for several hours.

A quick way to marinate pork shish kebab in mineral water

This recipe is considered dietary and can be used to marinate pork quite quickly, resulting in an unusually soft and amazingly tasty dish.


  • pork (pulp) – 2 kg;
  • mineral water– 500 ml;
  • seasoning for meat - to taste;
  • spices;
  • onions – 4 pcs.


We process the pork, wash it and cut it into portioned pieces small sizes. Then put them in a pan and sprinkle generously with spices and seasoning. Mix everything thoroughly with your hands, throw in the onion, chopped into rings, and pour in the contents mineral water. Cover the dish with a lid and place it in the refrigerator.

A quick way to marinate shish kebab


  • pork (pulp) – 2 kg;
  • lemon – 105 g;
  • onion – 115 g;
  • seasoning for meat - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


Wash the lemon and cut into slices. Peel the onion, chop it into half rings and mix the prepared ingredients in a bowl. Place the processed and cut into pieces pork, season with spices and mix thoroughly. Cover the dish with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for several hours.

How to quickly marinate rack of pork ribs for barbecue?


  • pork ribs – 980 g;
  • onion – 305 g;
  • kefir – 255 ml;
  • dark soy sauce – 25 ml;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • spices.


We wash the ribs well, dry them and cut them into pieces along the bone. Peel the onion, chop it into rings, put it in a pan and lightly knead it with your hands. Then pour in kefir, soy sauce, squeeze the garlic through a press, throw in the spices and mix. Pour the prepared marinade over the pork ribs and leave the meat for 1 hour. Next, place them on the grill and fry on all sides.

How to quickly and tasty marinate shish kebab in kefir?



We process the meat, cut it into portioned pieces and put it in a bowl. We clean the onion, chop it into half rings and place it in a container with pork. Pour cold kefir over everything, add spices to taste, sugar, mix with your hands and, cover with a lid, leave on the table for 2 hours.

  1. Fresh, high-quality and young meat does not need to be marinated. Before frying, simply add salt and pepper. But if you want to give such meat a rich aroma and... unusual taste, use any of these marinades. Chicken can be marinated for only half an hour, and pork, beef and lamb - 1-2 hours.
  2. Old meat or meat whose quality you are not sure of needs to be marinated longer. This will soften the fibers and make the kebab juicier. The minimum marinating time for chicken is 2 hours, 4 hours, beef and lamb - 6 hours.
  3. Not only old, but also young meat can easily be marinated for a day or even two. Ingredients in marinades, in particular onions, have antibacterial properties. This means that the meat will be stored longer.
  4. You can marinate meat at room temperature. But if it must stay in the marinade for more than two hours, then it is better to put it in the refrigerator.

The best marinades for barbecue

All ingredients in the recipes are for 2 kg of meat. Marinades are suitable for chicken, pork, and lamb.


Onions are an integral ingredient in almost all marinades. It gives the kebab a rich aroma, so there is no need for large quantities spices


  • 500 g onions;
  • salt - to taste;


Cut the onion into several pieces and puree in a blender. Salt and pepper the meat, add the onion and mix well. To prevent the onions from burning while frying, lightly pat each piece of meat with a paper towel before cooking.


Meat marinated in this way turns out very tender. And thanks to the seasonings, the kebab will smell very tasty.


  • 1,700 g onions;
  • 1 ½ tablespoons hops-suneli;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 1,700 ml low-fat kefir.


Finely chop the onion and place it in deep container and lightly remember to release the juice. Add seasonings and stir. Then add the meat and mix well again. Pour in, cover with a lid and shake until the meat is completely covered with the marinade.


Carbonated mineral water softens meat fibers. As a result, the kebab turns out juicy, tender and - due to the garlic and spices - aromatic.


  • 500 g onions;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 liter of sparkling mineral water.


Cut the onion into rings and place on the meat. Add oil, spices and chopped garlic and mix thoroughly. Pour mineral water over the meat and leave to marinate.


Thanks to this marinade, the meat will acquire a subtle minty aroma and a pleasant piquant taste.


  • 1 ½ tablespoons barbecue seasoning;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 3 bunches of mint;
  • 500 g onions.


Sprinkle the meat with spices and mix well. Line the bottom of the container in which the kebab will be marinated with some mint. Place some of the meat on top and cover with mint. Repeat layers until you run out of ingredients. The last layer should be mint. Half an hour before the end of marinating, add the chopped rings and stir.


Tomato juice also perfectly softens meat fibers. It will make the kebab not only tastier, but also more unusual: the meat will acquire a beautiful reddish tint.


  • 500 g onions;
  • 1 tablespoon barbecue seasoning;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 3–5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 ½ liters of tomato juice.


Add chopped onion, spices and chopped garlic to the meat. Fill in tomato juice, cover the container with the meat and leave to marinate.


Mayonnaise good quality makes the meat juicy and flavorful. Perhaps that is why marinades are so popular.


  • 300 g onions;
  • 500 ml mayonnaise;
  • 1 tablespoon curry;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


Using a blender, puree the onion. Add mayonnaise to the meat onion puree and spices and mix well.


This recipe will especially appeal to beer lovers, as the meat will acquire a slight malt smell. It's better to take a living one. Just keep in mind that a low-quality drink will ruin the taste of the kebab.


  • 500 g onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 teaspoons ground coriander;
  • 2 teaspoons paprika;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 750 ml beer.


Add chopped onion, garlic and spices to the meat. Stir and pour beer.

Cooking barbecue has long been a spring-summer tradition. Without it signature dish Not a single trip to nature, to the countryside, or out of town is complete. Juicy and delicious pieces meat cooked on fresh air, – what could be better on weekends or holidays?

One of the cooking secrets perfect kebab lies in the ability to properly marinate prepared meat. The marinating process, as a rule, is long, but what to do if you don’t have much time, and you are planning a spontaneous trip to barbecue? There is a solution: this article contains the best methods, tips and tricks for preparing a quick marinade for pork shish kebab.

Revealing the secrets of quick marinating pork

Many barbecue lovers are sure that pork must be marinated for as long as possible, and the speed of this process is not in the best possible way will affect the quality of the dish. This is wrong. Soaking meat for a long time (a day or even more) leads to the release of all the juices from the pork, which negatively affects its taste and juiciness.

Here are the main secrets with which you can marinate pork in a matter of hours:

  • Pork room temperature will marinate in literally one hour, completely absorbing flavorful sauce. Meat should not be frozen or refrigerated. It is necessary that it thaws completely, in this case the pork will be saturated with seasonings and spices faster. The marinating time for chilled meat doubles, and for frozen meat quadruples.
  • It is advisable to use “young” pork. This meat itself is softer and more tender, so it marinates much faster.
  • The pork meat should be cut across the grain. This way it will marinate faster and fry better, it will be soft and tasty. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that each piece contains a layer of fat.
  • An acidic marinade has a much faster effect on pork meat. Therefore, as ingredients you should choose products containing acid: fermented milk, lemon juice, dry wine.

The secret to a perfect kebab is the right meat

The best ways to quickly marinate pork

So, top the best ways Quickly marinate the meat for a tasty and flavorful pork kebab.

Mineral water

One caveat: the mineral water must be highly carbonated. Otherwise, it can be water of absolutely any brand and composition (even medicinal and medicinal).

Additional ingredients: spices, onion, meat seasoning.

The amount of water directly depends on the amount of meat: it must be completely covered with water. The poured pork with the addition of spices and chopped onion rings needs to be crushed a little with your hands and left in the container for about an hour or two. This time is enough for it to soak minerals, and carbon dioxide effectively acted on the fibers, making them softer. The result is a soft, incredibly tasty dish.

If the marinade contains onions, it is recommended to add as much of it as possible.

Onion juice

Perhaps one of the most accessible and simple ways marinate meat for barbecue. Onion juice perfectly softens and flavors pork without drying it out or destroying the structure of the meat fibers.

Additional Ingredients: Bay leaf, a pinch of ground black pepper, a tablespoon each of salt and vegetable oil.

Grind the onion to a paste. Mix with pieces of meat, pepper, add 2-3 bay leaves, pour vegetable oil. Stir and put in a cool place for two hours. Add salt before cooking.


This is quite common and easy way preparing pork for frying. Kefir gives meat unique tenderness and excellent taste. It's better to choose milk product high degree fat content

Additional ingredients: onions, a pinch of sugar, spices.

For one and a half kilograms of meat, take about half a liter of kefir. The pork is chopped, sprinkled with chopped onions, spices, sugar, poured with cold kefir, mixed and left for two hours.

The most common method is marinating pork in kefir.

Kefir for ribs

If ribs are chosen as the basis for the barbecue, then the option of a quick kefir marinade will come in handy.

Additional ingredients: onions, garlic, soy sauce, seasonings and spices.

The ribs are washed, dried and cut into pieces along the bone. The onion, cut into rings, is placed in a pan and kneaded with your hands. Soy sauce, kefir, squeezed garlic, spices are added to it, everything is mixed. The ribs need to be soaked in the marinade and left for an hour.

Many people prefer juicy kebab from ribs


Do you want to achieve spicy taste and refined spicy aroma? Feel free to use mayonnaise as a marinade. In addition, the effect of mayonnaise on meat occurs faster than when using kefir. It is not necessary to completely immerse the meat in the sauce, just coat the pieces with it.

Additional ingredients: spices, onions.

The prepared pork is sprinkled with spices, mixed, and left for 15 minutes. After the pieces are saturated with the aroma of spices, they are coated with mayonnaise, and onion cut into thin half rings is added to them. The resulting mass is mixed by hand and placed in the refrigerator for one hour.


Vinegar is best used as a marinade for pork skewers.

Additional ingredients: sugar, onions, cool water.

The washed and cut into pieces pork is rubbed with spices. 4 tablespoons of vinegar are diluted with 8 tablespoons of water, and sugar is added. The meat is poured ready-made mixture, sprinkle with onions, mix and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.


One of traditional recipes marinade for barbecue. Gives the dish a spicy sourness.

Additional ingredients: onions, seasonings and spices. For 2 kilograms of meat, take about 100-120 grams. lemon. Sliced ​​lemon is mixed with onion cut into half rings. Meat and seasonings are added to the lemon-onion mixture, everything is thoroughly mixed and put in the refrigerator. Marinating takes 2-3 hours.

Cherry juice

This is a rather original, but successful version of a pork marinade, which is perfect for lovers of sweet sauces. The meat turns out incredibly juicy, tasty and aromatic.

Additional ingredients: salt to taste, sweet paprika, dry red wine.

Sliced ​​pork (about 3 kg) is placed in a pan, sprinkled with paprika (about 1 tablespoon). The meat is left for 20 minutes. After this, 200 ml is poured. cherry juice and 100 ml. guilt. The shish kebab base is mixed by hand and left for another 90 minutes. At the end, add salt to taste.

For the marinade, it is better to choose concentrated cherry juice

How to quickly marinate pork kebab? Important: the more aggressive the components in the marinade, the less time it will take to marinate.

Recipes for original express marinades for pork

Preparation time pork meat frying using any of these delicious marinades takes from half an hour to one hour. This time is more than enough for the pork to be completely saturated. Here are these tried and true recipes:

  • Wine marinade. The basis of the marinade is a bottle of dry red wine (also suitable for marinating beef and lamb). Meat pieces pour wine an hour before cooking.
  • The marinade is “dry”. There is nothing simpler: the chopped meat is put into a bag, and the packaging is poured into it meat seasoning. The package is tied and shaken. Pork is marinated in own juice, maintaining juiciness and taste.
  • Fruit marinade. This method of pickling can rightfully be called extreme. Perfect for those who like experiments and unusual taste sensations. It is extremely important to strictly adhere to the cooking time: 10 minutes in the marinade will make the pork tender and soft. But after 20 minutes the meat will turn into a slimy mass unsuitable for frying. The speed of action is explained by the fact that fruit acids are very concentrated product. For the marinade you will need ripe fruits kiwi, cut into slices. They should transfer the meat and set aside for the required 10 minutes.
  • Tomato marinade. Another quick marinade for pork is prepared based on tomato. Pieces of meat are poured with tomato juice so that they are completely covered with it. Juice can be replaced with lightly salted tomato paste. The most win-win option is tomato sauce, which includes apples and spices (for example, “Krasnodar”). Fans of spicy foods can use adjika - in just half an hour the pork will marinate perfectly.
  • Beer marinade. Old but tried and true effective recipe. Pieces of pork meat and onion sliced ​​into rings are poured with beer and left for about an hour. The result is soft and tender kebab.

Remember: with any marinating method, it is advisable to salt the meat at the very end. This trick will help it maintain its juiciness and amazing taste.

Quickly marinating pork for barbecue is not only possible, but also very simple. Almost all products for quick marinade can be found in the refrigerator. Any version of the marinade can be varied by adding your favorite seasonings or spices. But, no matter what method you choose, following our tips and recommendations, you will get the most aromatic, tasty and juicy kebab. And an outdoor picnic with a skillfully prepared dish will be remembered for a long time.

Have you ever dreamed of cooking the most tender meat with a fragrant and crispy crust on the outside? It’s true, most of us know how to cook meat, but does it turn out exactly the way we always dreamed of?

But it's very simple! First rule delicious meat- this is to soften it before cooking, and there are two ways: coating and pickling.

Marinating meat

Did you know that since ancient times a simple marinade has been used? sea ​​water? The ancient Romans soaked both meat and fish in it before cooking. They did this to soften the meat, impart flavor to it, and also for disinfection. Residents southern countries gave preference wine vinegar, and in the east, spices and herbs were added for the same purposes.

There are, of course, more radical ways to marinate meat. So, you can, as in some tribes, try to stick the meat into an anthill and then formic acid, known to all chemists and ordinary people, will soften the meat and make it much more tender.

Of course, all of these methods are pioneers in pickling. Today we use more complex mixtures: salt along with various other spices and spices, because marinating meat before cooking is already half the success in preparing a delicious dish.

What to marinate meat in

Of course, even now main ingredient any mixture of marinades is acidic; it not only softens the meat, but also allows it to more easily absorb the rest of the spices. The marinade, in addition to its pleasant piquant taste, saves the meat from burning during cooking.

It is important to remember that the more acids you use, the less time you need to marinate directly.

But you can use many different products as acid:

  • Vinegar, apple or wine;
  • Various juices (pineapple, lemon, grapefruit, pomegranate and apple);
  • Dry wine (for fish this is, of course, white, as for chicken and pork loin, but for beef - red);
  • Fruits (fresh pineapple or kiwi);
  • Soy sauce;
  • Kefir or natural yogurt.

Marinade based fermented milk products not so sharp and gives the dish a more delicate taste.

The marinating process by any of the methods lasts from an hour to a day.

Seasonings and spices

In addition to acid, the marinade should always contain spices and herbs:

  • Various peppers (white for fish, black for meat, paprika, curry and red);
  • Onion and garlic;
  • Anise;
  • Fennel;
  • Rosemary;
  • Dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Juniper berries - they can give meat a very unusual taste;
  • Mustard;
  • Ready-made spice mixtures.

The main thing is not to overdo it with spices, mixing more than 3-4, you can lose the peculiarity of each of them, and the taste will not be so bright.

Important subtleties

Vegetable oil is added to the marinade so that the meat does not lose its juice during the marinating and cooking process. If desired, the oil can be replaced with mayonnaise, both of which dissolve all the spices well.

Also add greens to taste, but not chopped! Just imagine how you will extract finely chopped greens from meat after marinating. The same applies to onions and garlic; they are cut quite large, preferably into rings. However, you can grind them together into a paste, then there will be no need to further clean the meat from such a marinade.

A variety of marinades are suitable for pork and beef, and, on the contrary, for poultry meat, a strong variety of ingredients can lead to coarsening. For marinating poultry, it is best to use honey and citrus fruits; you can also add mustard. Lemon or white wine is perfect for marinating fish; you can also add onions and vegetable oil to taste.

Crabs, shrimp and other seafood are not marinated before cooking, only lightly sprinkled with oil or lemon juice.

It is also worth knowing that salt is not added to the marinade for meat, this can thicken it, so already fried meat is salted. And vice versa, the marinade for fish is always salted, otherwise it simply crumbles when frying!

The meat is marinated in the refrigerator or in another cool place.

Coating the meat

Like marinating, basting helps tenderize meat. The same ingredients are used, the only difference between marinating and coating is that the meat is coated with marinade immediately before cooking.

Utensils for marinating

Utensils made of ceramic, stainless steel or glass are suitable for marinating. This choice is due to the fact that the dishes should not react with the food that is being marinated and the acid of the marinade.

You can even marinate meat in plastic bag. You just need to choose a tighter bag, put in the meat with the marinade and shake it so that the meat is soaked. In this case, the air must be squeezed out from the bag and in this state, put the bag in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

How to make meat juicy and soft: marinating rules

Marinade is an ideal place for bacteria to grow, so it cannot be reused. The used marinade should not touch cooking or already prepared meat.

If you want to pour it over barbecue or cooking meat, then the marinade should be boiled and only then used.
